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January 13, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-13

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The Weather,
Generally fair and warmer

Adommomommumd I



The Obstacle To
Strike Negotiations .. .
Hiram Eliminates
The Time-Clock ...



Life Sentence
Is Meted Out
To Mrs. Baker
Maximum Sentence Given
For 2nd Degree Murder
By JudgeSample
Mrs. Baker Hears
Mrs. Betty Baker, convicted of the
murder of her lover, Clarence Schnei-
der, was sentenced to life imprison-
ment late yesterday afternoon by Cir-
cuit Judge George W. Sample.
A verdict of second degree murder
was returned by the jury, made up
entirely of men, after deliberating
one hour and 38 minutes. Judge
Sample passed sentence a few min-
utes later.
Judge Charges Jury
Judge Sample told the jury it
"must have no sympathy for any
so-called beautiful love dream or love
song. That does not concern the
administration of justice, which is
your duty. Truly, as the prosecu-
tion has said, the wages of sin is
Mrs. Baker, 31 years oid, heard the
sentence of the court to spend the
rest of her natural life in the De-
troit House of Correction at North-
ville, with no visible emotion. She
appeared calm when the jury earlier
announced its verdict at 5:15 p.m.
Judge Sample asked Mrs. Baker
if she had anything to say before the:
sentence was handed down. "Yes I
have, please," she answered, "I have
one wish in the world, and that is
to speak to you privately for just a
Her request was granted, and the
two were closeted alone in the judge's
chamber for more than 15 minutes.
When they returned the judge imme- I
diately passed sentence while Mrs.
Baker forced a faint smile.
Judge Sample ordered Mrs. Baker
held at the Washtenaw County jail
until today when he will confer with
her at her own request. The jurist
said she wanted to tell him some
facts that had not been brought out
in the trial, They would have no
bearing on the decision, he said.
Remains Calm
Mrs. Baker, remaining outwardly
calm throughout the day, said she
didn't know "exactly how I feel,"
after the verdict. She refused to re-
veal what she will tell Judge Sample
tomorrow. Her husband, Albert K.
Baker, Ann Arbor patrolman, would
not comment.
The sentence was the maximum
under the verdict. "I gave her the
maximum," Judge Sample said, "be-
cause I believed it a premeditated
murder." He stated that he believed
the jury's verdict was a compromise
intended to leave the actual decision
to him.
Rutliven Sick
As Flu Rages
InAnn Arbor
Forced to his bed Monday evening
with a mild case of influenza Presi-
dent Ruthven was reported by Dr.
Crus C. Sturgis, head of the Simp-
son Memorial Institute and consult-
ing physician, to have been resting
very comfortably at 8 o'clock last
night when Dr. Sturgis made his last

visit to the Ruthven home.
When contacted by The Daily last
night Mrsj Ruthven said that the
President .has been forced to cancel
all engagements for the next few
days. "It is expected, however," she
said, "that the President will be able
to resume his duties by Thursday. He
is the last member of the family to
be stricken this season," she added.
Students were also affected by the1
mild epidemic of flu in Ann Arbor,
for the 24 beds of the Health Service
are all filled and 35 students are be-
ing cared, for through the combined
efforts of St. Joseph's Hospital and
the University Hospital, Dr. William
M. Brace, acting co-director of the
Health Service said.
The Health Service has been closed
to visitors since Thursday in order
to prevent the spread of respiratory
infection according to Dr. Brace.
Twenty-four beds, the full capacity
of the Health Service, are occupied,
Dr. Brace said, and the number of
flu cases reporting to the Health
Service remains about the same, he'

Just Before The Verdict-Mrs. Baker And Counsel

Pu sh HuntGovernor Orders


For Slayer
Of Mattson National Guard To Flint

Flimsy C
Close Sea
Mile Area


In Three

As Strikers Hold Plants


A Daily photographer caught Mrs. Betty Baker in the court room
studying her defense brief with her attorneys, Frank B. DeVine (right)
and John W. Conlin, just before the jury retur'ned its verdict of second
degree murder. The gun with which Mrs. Baker killed Clarence Schnei-
dcr June 29, 1936, can be seen at the left corner of the table.
* * * *
Betty Baker's Last Minute Plea
Will Not Help Her, Judge Says

Jurist Believes Defendant
To Be Guilty Of First;
Degree Murder
Betty Baker will make a last plea
for her, freedom today, but Judge
George W. Sample, who sentenced

won her the respect of even Prose-
cutor Rapp, whose relentless cross
examinations and eloquent plea to
the jury brought about her fate. "It
was not pluck, though," she said,
commenting on her lack of visible
emotion during the trial. "It was fear.
The whole thing was terrible."
Mrs. Baker, who has a liking, she
admits, for calling persons by their

her to life imprisonment yesterday first names, talked about her case
for the murder of her illicit lover, freely with Mr. Rapp while the jury
says it will do no good. was out. "I don't hold any grudge
The comely Mrs. Baker will tell the against you, you know, Betty," the
judge, she said, "some things that I prosecutor told her. "I'll be just as
should have said on the witness stand glad as you are when this is over. I'm
but didn't." Judge Sample, however, worn to a frazzle and am leaving
whose strict sentence came after a for Florida Thursday."
20-minute private chat with the de- "I know you don't Al," she told
fendant, asserted that he will be glad the man who boasts that every "lifer
to talk with Mrs. Baker "but any- I have sent up sends me a yearly
thing she says now will have no Christmas greeting."
effect. Mrs. Jacob Andres, wife of thej
"I believe," he, maintained," that sheriff and matron at the county
she was guilty of 'murder in the first jail, said "I really like Betty. She's a
degree." First degree murder in model prisoner." During court re-
Michigan carries with it the manda- cesses, Mrs. Baker wandered freely
tory sentence of life imprisonment, and about the courthouse "It makes
and the judge, in his charge to the me feel funny to know I could run
jury, advised that a charge below away if I wanted to," she remarked.
manslaughter would not receive his
When the testimony in the case Becin Transfer
was concluded Monday, Mrs. BakerI
told a reporter thatalthough her Of Gold loa rd
gruelling direct and cross examina-
tion baring the most intimate facts'
of her life, "was hard on me, I wish To Fort K nox
I had it to go through with it again.
There are a lot of things I would have
said if I had known I should. Things $400, 000,000 In Bullion
that would have helped me. I wish To Be Shipped To Fort-
they had put me on again."
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp recalled Treasury In Kentucky
Mrs. Baker to the stand the last day
of testimony for recross examination, WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.--(PA)-
and Defense Counsel Frank B. De- The treasury announced tonight it
Vine redirect examined her again has begun to move a mammoth gold
after that. hoard to a new steel and granite de-
f dl insti ht to dilose' pository at Fort Knox, Ky.

Justice Department
Offers Big Reward
TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 12.-( )--
Manhunters, spurred by public wrath
and presidential action, pursued an
almost microscopic search of the Ev-
erett area tonight for the trail of
little Charles Mattson's kidnap-killer.
Spreading out from the spot where
the boy's savagely beaten nude and
frozen body was found yesterday in
the snow, they scanned every foot of
the country in a three-mile radius.
Sheriff Walter Faulkner said a re-
port the victim's clothing had been
found in an abandoned automobile
there had proved without foundation.
He said the clothing belonged to the
car owner's family.
Science gave the determined hunt-
ers a cast of the footprints and a rec-
ord of automobile tire marks left in
the snow by the killer.
Public indignation accompanied
President Roosevelt's call for speedy
apprehension of the criminal. The
Justice Department posted a $10,000
reward for arrest of the killer, and
Washington State legislators pre-
pared to offer a $5,000 reward.
The grief-stricken family of Dr. W.
W. Mattson arranged for the funeral
at 1 p.m. tomorrow in a Tacoma mor-
tuary. For fifteen days, since Charles
was seized for $28,000 ransom De-
cember 27, the Mattson family con-
cealed its grief and worry. But full
realization of the tragedy brought
tears to the home.
"The murder of the little Mattson
boy has shocked the nation," said
the President. "Every means at our
command must be enlisted to capture
and punish the perpetrator of the
ghastly crime."
Bliven Talks In 4th
Of Series Tomorrow
Bruce Bliven, editor of the New
Republic, will deliver the fourth Ora-
torical Association lecture of the sea-
son at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Auditorium. He will speak on "The
Press-Truth, News or Propaganda?"
Mr. Bliven has been an editor of
the New Republic since 1923, and in
1930 was made president of the mag-
azine. He is also New York corres-
pondent of the Manchester Guardian
and a lecturer and contributor to
other periodicals.
He was born in Iowa, was grad-
uated from Leland Stanford Univer-
sity in 1911
County Medical Society
To Hold Dinner Today
The Washtenaw County Medical
Society will hold its regular dinner
meeting at 6 p.m. today in the Union.
Dr. Max Peet, professor of surgery'
in the Medical School, will speak on
the "Surgical Treatment of Hyper-
tension," and Dr. George A. Zindler
of the internal medicine department
in the University Hospital will speak
on "Sulpho-Cyanate in Treatment of
GRAND HAVEN, Mich., Jan. 12.-
UP) - The National Anti-Saloon
League will receive $21,500 under
terms of a settlement in probate
court today in connection with the
will of the late Martha E. McBride of
Grand Haven.

Reporter Visits Factory;
Finds Pulp Magazines,
Radios Entertain Men
This intimate picture of life in a
strike-closed plant is presented by Jo-
seph S. Mattes. of The Daily staff, who
made a personal tour of the Standard
Cotton Products Co. buildings in Flint.
Sit-down strikers are occupying the
Sit-down strikers in the Standard
Cotton Products Co., Flint, live much
like confined boy campers on a rainy
Pulp magazines and radio pro-
grams are popular, but intelligent
discussion is carried on. Time hangs
heavy and there is much boisterous
play-and an occasional game of
The 126 strikers in this plant,
which supplies upholstery stuffing for
four General Motors cars-Oldsmo-
bile, Pontiac, Buick and Chevrolet-
elected their leaders in the early days
if the strike. This is their fourteenth
lay of sitting.,
In addition to the supreme com-
mand, there are the following com-
mittees: Negotiating, secret service,

food, drinking, clean-up, patrol and
For the settlement of dissension
there are several deputies, a judge
and a clerk. On the ninth day of
the strike a press agent, whose duty
it became to write "letters to the
editor" in justification of the sit-
downers, was elected. He conducts
visitors through the plant. Only
a few are allowed to enter.
The first day of the strike a set of
rules was adopted and posted. They
1) Meetings will be held at 10 a.m.
and 4 p.m. every day.
2) Any man who without good
reason disturbs anyone while sleep-
ing will have to wash the dishes or
mop floors for one day.
3) Any man found drinking or
"looking for arguments" will have
to wash the dishes or mop floors for
one day.
4) Every man who leaves the plant
must get a pass from the committee
and check with the clerk. Passes
must be shown to the doorman
when the striker goes in or out. On
the worker's return the pass must be
checked with the clerk. Doormen
'must obey these rules strictly.
5) A doorman answers the phone
and if the call is important he calls
(Continued on Page 2)

Life At Sit-Down-Strike Goes On
Just Like Camp On Rainy Day,

Yost Proposes I
Hockey League
In The Midwest
Four Game Series To Be
Played Between Several
Members Of Conference
Plans for the formation of a Mid-
western hockey league which would
include Big Ten universities possess-
ing facilities to carry on a hockey pro-
gram were revealed last night by
Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost.
Mr. Yost announced that he would
2ropose establishment of the league
at the meeting of Western Conference
heads in Chicago in March.
At present only Michigan, Illinois,
Minnesota and possibly Wisconsin
Are equipped to maintain a hockey
team. The hockey championship of
the Conference now is determined by
'he four-game series between Michi-
gan and Minnesota. The first two
games this year will be played here
next Friday and Saturday.
If the proposal is received favorably
by the Conference and especially by
the institutions concerned, Michigan,
according to Mr. Yost, would be will-
,ing to enlarge the Coliseum to accom-
modate more spectators by tearing
clown the north wall and erecting
bleachers. The present building can
hold approximately 1,200 persons.
Mr. Yost's plan contemplates a
four-game series between each team
included in the hockey conference,
two on the opponent's ice and two at
home. At present most of Michi-
gan's games are played against Can-
(Continued on Page 4)

Pope Sinking
As Pain In Leg
Grows Intense
Report Varicose Condition'
Developing In Pontiff's
Right Leg
VATICAN CITY, Jan. 12.-(P)-
Pope Pius suffered a relapse tonight,
Vatican sources said, after a sinking
spell earlier in the day.
Considerable increase of the pain
in his legs was reported, and atten-
dants were worried lest the condition
develop and affect his heart.
A varicose condition in his right
leg appeared to be developing in the
same manner as in the left in which
a vein burst and caused open sores, it
was said.
The 79-year-old Pontiff ignored
the warning of his physician Dr.
Aminta Milani, by devoting himself
actively to his affairs and holding au-
diences from his sick-bed. He was
exhausted late in the day, reliable

Out-State Labor Unionists
Reported 'T o Be Flocking
To City
Residents Await Militia's
Advent With Feeling Of
Relief As Riots Cease
Governor orders 1,000-1,500 Na-
tional Guardsmen to Flint to main-
tain order in General Motors strike
Police guard strikers in Flint hos-
pitals with gunshot, other wounds
received in street battle.
"Sit-down" strikers in Fisher body
plant No. 2 hold positions.
United Automobile Workers charge
riot "deliberately provoked"; Gen-
eral Motors expresses regret at dis-
Strikers hold orderly mass meet-
ing at scene of Monday night's out-
Homer Martin confers at Wash-
ington with John L. Lewis, head of
committee for industrial organiza-
New "sit-down" closes Fleetwood
division of General Motors; parts
shortages affecting other units boost
total idle above 113,000.
FLINT, Jan. 12.-MP)-Still tense
from an outbreak of violence and the
first bloodshed of the strife between
General Motors and the United Au-
tomobile Workers, Flint awaited the
advent of National Guardsmen with
an air of relief tonight.
Troop trains bringing 1,500 mem-
bers of the 126th infantry were ex-
pected to reach here during the early
morning hours today.
The announcement that National
Guard troops would be concentrated
here, for the first time in the city's
history, came after a masshmeeting
of automobile workers on the scene
of the last night's battle with police
and adjourned.
Murphy Insists On Peace
Governor Frank Murphy, aroused
by the first violence of the wide-
spread strikes against General Motors
automotive plants and reports of an
influx of out-state labor unionists
into Flint, issued the order for the
troop movement late today, saying
the state "will insist upon peace and
The governor said corporation of-
ficials assured him "water and heat
will not be turned off and that food
may enter the plants," adding that
"it would help greatly if private
groups would cooperate to prevent in-
flammatory actions."
Leaders of the strikes by United
Automobile Workers of America said
heat was turned off and the /main
gates of the Fisher Body No. 2 plant
at Flint closed to food carriers yes-
terday before the rioting that sent
more than a score of strikers and
police to hospitals for treatment of
gunshot and other wounds.
At Washington, where he conferred
with John L. Lewis, chairman of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, Homer Martin, U.A.W.A. pres-
ident, charged the Flint disorder "was
deliberately provoked for the pur-
pose of dispossessing the sit-down
strikers by violent means." He
claimed information that General
Motors had imported "professional
thugs" from Decatur, Ill.
Legal Steps Taken
Legal steps were taien tonight by
Flint officials to evacuate several
hundred barricaded "sit down" strik-
ers from the Fisher Body plant where
the first bloodshed occurred last
night in the strife between General
Motors and the United Automobile
As the first detachments of na-
tional guardsmen arrived, "John Doe'
warrants were issued by Municipal
Judges Edwin D. Mallory and Frank
W. Cain calling for the arrest of all
the men inside the plan on charges

of "kidnaping, vicious destruction of
property while rioting, felonious as-
sault and criminal syndicalism.
Sheriff Thomas W. Wolcott said
that as chief law enforcement officer
he would serve the warrants within
the next 24 to 48 hours. He said,
however, that he would not act to-
Window-Peeper Draws

he reI usect last, nig L u
the nature of the evidence she will
submit to Judge Sample today. Just{
before the jury returned. Mrs. Baker
remarked that she thought Judge
Sample has been "pretty tough onj
me." She quizzed newspapermen
about their predictions of the verdict.
The almost complete stoicism Mrs.
Baker exhibited throughout the trial
Munitions Men
Cause Of Wars,
Shepard Says
Selfish Nations Blamed
Also; Claims People
Lose Much
The inherent desire of capitalistic
countries to "sell without buying"
and the agitation of munitions mak-
ers to arouse war scares are among
the main causes of war today, Prof.
John F. Shepard of the psychology
department told the monthly peace
meeting of the Student Alliance last
night in the Union.
Declaring that the mass of peo-
ple in any country lose far more
than they gain in war, Professor
Shepard pointed out that the small
group of "munitions" manufacturers,
interested in selling to both sides,
actually includes every commodity
used in war when they say "muni-
In those countries where more is
produced than is used. the producing

Guarded by soldiers, secret service
men, post office inspectors and mint
guards, the first shipment moved
out of the Philadelphia mint this
morning. The bullion will reach Fort
Knox tomorrow.
It is the first of a series of trans-
ffrs which will eventually put $4,-
0010,000,000 of the gleaming metal
into the fortress-like Kentucky strong
Treas'ary officials declined to re-
veal the amount of the first ship-
ment, but it was believed to be about
$2,000,000. It went by special train,
which included special cars for armed
The metal was carefully wrapped
and crated to avoid scraping. It was
shipped by parcel post and was under
direct supervision of the postoflce
department during the journey.
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 12.--(/P)-The
Post-Gazette said tonight two million
dollars in gold bullion passed through
Pittsburgh today under heavy guard
aboard a train bound for the govern-
ment's "strong box" at Fort Knox,
Ky. Pennsylvania rhilroad officials
declined to discuss the shipment and
plans for its arrival at Fort Knox
were held secret.
Varsity Band Will
Give Concert Jan.24
The University of Michigan Con-
cert Band will present the first of
three programs at 4:30 p.m., Jan. 24
in Hill Auditorium, Ernest Jones, '38,
band business manager, announced.


declared, and was given a

Hitler Using Morocco To Get
Economic Pacts, Ehrmanix Says

One Is Killed
And 12 Injured
hI Plane Crash
(By The Associated Press)
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 12.-One
passenger was killed and the 12 other
persons aboard were injured, several
seriously, today as a big airliner,
feeling its way through thick weath-
er, plunged into rugged foothills
north of here.
Dr. E. S. Bennett, rescue physician
who identified the dead man as
James Braden, president of the Bra-
den-Sutphin Ink Co. of Cleveland,
said Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson,
famed big game hunters and who
are scheduled to appear in Ann Ar-
bor March 16 on the Vocational
Series, were among the more serious-
ly injured. Each had a fractured leg
and Mrs. Johnson was unconscious.
The physicians said injuries to others
ranged from fractured skulls to min-
or bruises.
The crash came without warning,
at least in the passenger compart-
ment. Stewardess Esther Jo Conner
of Glendale said there was no inkling
of trouble and "we were talking about
ham and eggs" as the ship flew to-
ward its goal "on the instruments."

German activity in Spanish Mo-
rocco, to which the French are pro-
testing, was interpreted yesterday by
Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the
history department as one incident
in German's efforts to obtain eco-
nomic concessions vital to her exist-
The German government is alleged
to have sent military and technical
advisers and at least 1,500 "volun-
teers" to Spanish Morocco to assist
in the administration of government,
to direct engineering projects, and to
replace troops now fighting in Spain
against the Loyalist government,

But, he added, the situation is now
less acute as a result of Herr Hitler's
statement to the French ambassador
Monday that Germany would respect
the integrity of Spain and Spanish
Morocco-an assurance which the
ambassador met with the reply that'
France would do likewise.
Behind the French protest against
German activity in Spanish Morocco,
Professor Ehrmann decalred, lies the
fear that the Germans mighttoccupy
the Spanish zone and threaten the
security of French Morocco. The
French protest is based, he continued,
upon article eight of the Franco-
Spanish agreement of 1904 and ar-
tin- fives f thei tr a of109A-


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