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January 08, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-08

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The Weather
Snow and colder; fresh windi
and cloudy Friday night.

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The Presidential Message .. .
Gentleman's Agreement ...



G.M., Unions
Fail To Yield;
New Strikes,
Fights Appear
Union And Non-Union Men
Clash At Flint; Seek To
Oust Judge
Prospect Of 19,000
More Idle Foreseen
General Motors, union refusal to
yield on "sit-down" stand bloc1 s
strike settlement negotiations.
Fist fights between workers mark
change of shifts at Flint Chevrolet
Tie-up of General Motors plants
widens with 75,000 to be idle by Fri-
day night.
New "sit-down" strikes called at
Briggs Body Plant, Detroit, and at
Walker Ajax Company, Racine, Wis.,
accessory manufacturers.
Four Federation of Labor craft
unions request reopening of strike-
closed Fisher body planttat Cleve-
land so they may return to work.
Governor Frank Murphy active in
conferences to bring union and Gen-
eral Motors leaders together; reports
"satisfactory progress."
G. M. anti-strike injunction case
transferred from Flint judge who
owns General Motors stock.
Former Flint mayor organizes "al-
liance" to combat strike sentiment.
DETROIT, Jan. 7.-1P)-General
Motors Corporation and the United
Automobile Workers of America re-
fused to retreat from their stands on
"sit-down" strikes tonight in the face
of impending further plant shut-
downs and the appearance of coun-
ter-strike activity.
Fist fights broke out at the person-
nel gate of the Chevrolet Motor Com-
pany plant at Flint late today, in-
volving union and non-union em-
ployes, but the disorder was of brief
The fights started when someone
pulled down a sound amplifier which
was carrying a speech by a U.A.W.A.
organizer to employes leaving the
plant. Police sent to the scene said
they were told non-union workers
were angry because the factory will
he shut down Friday night.
Governor Frank Murphy of Mich-
igan joined federal department of
labor conciliators without success to-
day in efforts to bring leaders of the
corporation and the union together.
Their efforts broke down on this
"Should sit-down strikers occupy-
ing Fisher Body Company plants
withdraw without assurance the com-
pany will not resume operations or
remove equipment?"
The union demanded such assur-
ance; General Motors refused to give
it and insisted strikers must vacate
plants before any settlement negotia-
tions start.
General Motors said 51,803 of its
employes now are idle because of
strikes and parts shortages, and its
Chevrolet Motor Company division
announced further shutdowns in
Flint, Saginaw and. Bay City, Mich.,
will increase this total by 19,801 by
Friday night.
FLINT, Jan. 7 -(A)- Police de-
tained two men tonight as an after-
math of fighting this afternoon be-
tween union members and non-union
employes of the Chevrolet Motor
Company, who had just been in-

formed that their plant would close
tomorrow because of strikes in other
General Motors Corporation plants.
Inecustody were Roy Slee, identified
by Detective Lieutenant Ray H. Mar-
tin as organizer for the United Auto-
mobile Workers, from Toledo, 0., and
Harold Hubbard, a union member
employed by the Fisher Body Com-
pany at Flint.
The lieutenant said the two men
were fighting with each other and
that one of them, he was not certain
which, was using a screwdriver as a
weapon. They were held incommuni-
cado tonight.
DETROIT, Jan. 7. -(/P)-Although
injunction proceedings in the Flint
motors strike were transferred today
from the court of Circuit Judge Ed-
ward D. Black, counsel for the United
Automobile Workers said the union
would press its petition for the im-
peachment of the 83-year-old jurist.
The petition, charging Judge Black
with "corrupt conduct in office and
misdemeanor" for granting a Gen-
eral Motors Corporation petition for
an injunction when he was a stock-

Betty Baker Describes Her Love
For Schneider, Tells Of Killing

Iem. Forces Murphy Will
SWill Support Support New
New NRA Bill, Deal Policies

KillingWas Unintentional,
Defense Seeks To Show
Husband To Take Stand
N ----
Seeking to prove that comely Betty
Baker loved Clarence Schneider so
intimately that she would not have
killed him intentionally, Attorney
Frank B. DeVine drew from her yes-
terday the story of her friendship
with the man whom she is accused of
Mrs. Baker'spoke in a low, hesitat-
ing voice as she told the 14-man
jury how she quarreled with "Cub"
(Schneider) and sought to scare
him by waving the revolver of her
policeman-husband, Albert Baker, at
him while in a car near the Huron
River, June 29, 1936. .I
Patrolman Baker will testify in his
Board Retains
Present ]Policy
On Athletic Tax
Georgia Ruling Will Not
Mean Ticket Levy Here,
Prof. AiglerSays
A ruling by Federal Judge E. Mar-
vin Underwood of Georgia enjoin-
ing the federal government from
collecting taxes on admissions to
football games from state-supported
universities will not immediately af-
fect the course of action of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, Prof. Ralph W.
Aigler, Chairman of the Board in
Control of Athletics, disclosed last
"We will continue as we have for
the past two years," Prof. Aigler
stated, "and refuse to collect the tax
under the assumption that it is un-
constitutional. Until this case reaches
the Supreme Court of the United
States," Prof. Aigler continued, "the
matter is unsettled as far as we are
"We cannot say that because a
federal district judge in Georgia de-
clares an act unconstitutional it is
so. Until this act reaches the Su-
preme Court of the United States no
one can say whether or not we are
right or wrong in our assumption."
Prof. Aigler declared that the gov-
ernment would undoubtedly carry the
case to the Circuit Court of Appeals.
The losing side here would appeal the
case to the Supreme Court. Prof.
Aigler emphasized that the Univer-
ity has no litigation pending, but
will wait until a final decision is
readhed in the Georgia case.
Regents of the university system
filed suit to prevent the Collector of
Internal Revenue from collecting
$4,180 in back admission taxes for the
1934 season. Another suit asking
return of $20,148 collected in 1933 is
still pending.
Judge Underwood ruled in his de-
cision that operation of athletic pro-
grams and contests for which ad-
mission was charged to be "under the
decision of the Court of Appeals
(from whence the case was returned
to the point of original jurisdiction)
an essential governmental function
of the state of Georgia."
The future of this entire case is
expected to hinge on whether the
courts are to consider football as a
business or a part of the educational
system of the state. Counsel for the
University system contended athletic
associations were a function of the
state institutions and therefore en-
titled to exemption.

Wisconsin Regents
Remove Dr. Frank
In Stormy 8-7 Vote

wife's behalf today, after her cross-
examination is concluded.
"I wanted to scare him," she said
tremulously, "so he would stop lying
to me and get out of his ugly mood
that was making me so nervous. I
though I would die. He smiled when
I pointed the gun at him. To make
him think I was in earnest, I pulled
the hammer back--I had heard Al
and Cub talking about how impor-
tant the hammer was.
Surprised At Explosion
"Suddenly there was an explosion.
I thought it had come from behind
me. I turned and was surprised to
find nothing. I turned back. There
was a lot of smoke and powder
between me and Cub.
"He was lying down on the back
seat (Mrs. Baker was in front and
had driven) but was lying so grace-
fully I thought he was only trying to
scare me-scare me so I would never
try such a thing again.
"And then I saw blood. I was so
shocked and stunned. I don't know
how I got the car back ... "
"Mrs. Baker," Mr. DeVine asked,
slowly and impressively, "did you in-
tend to shoot Schneider that, eve-
"No," her answer came, firm and
audible. "I never dreamed of such a
Testified To Previous Threat
Mrs. Baker previously testified to
Mr. DeVine that on two other occa-
sions when Schneider was "mean and
tried to make out he didn't love me,"
that she had threatened him with
her husband's empty revolver. At
those. times, she said, his affections
were like the "winds of the seven
seas, at one place at one time, at
another at a different time." The day
of the killing, she said, she had tried
to get another policeman to remove
the bullets from the gun, but failed
to do so.
She told the packed court room
first that she did not know, at that
time, what a trigger was. Then she
(Continued on Page 2)
Seek To Halt
U.S. Vointeers
In Spain's War
Justice Department Will
Investigate Recruiting
For Foreign Service
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-(P)-Jus--
tice department agents plunged to-
day into an investigation to deter-
mine if armed forces were being re-
cruited unlawfully in this country
for service in Spain.
Attorney General Cummings or-
dered J. Edgar Hoover's men to "in-
vestigate thoroughly" complaints
filed with the United States district
attorneys at San Francisco and New
He declined to disclose details but
said the complaints charged viola-
tion of a federal law forbidding en-
listments for foreign service.
Efforts to recruit men for the
Spanish loyalist army have been re-]
ported in both coastal cities in the
past ten days.
Prior to that, an official of the So-
cialist party of New York announced
formation of a contingent of Amer-
ican Socialists to fight against Span-
ish Fascists. He said it would join
the international brigade defending
There have been proposals in Con-
gress, one by Senator Borah (Rep.,
Ida.), that Americans who go abroad
to fight in a war in which this coun-
try is not engaged be deprived of
their citizenship.

Unwieldy Code Authorities
Will Be Scrapped For
'Streamline' Act
President Outlines
His Ideas Broadly
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. -(P)- In-
formed sources predicted tonight the
administration would support in
Congress a streamlined version of
NRA which would omit the cumber-
some device of code authorities.
Determined to pursue the objec-
tives of that outlawed agency, Presi-
dent Roosevelt had experts at work
sifting scores of legislative proposals
and hunting a way to meet the views
of Supreme Court in the NRA and
Guffey Coal decisions. But if no
sure formula is found, advisors ex-
pected him to go ahead anyway.
Special consideration was being
given a plan to invest the Federal
Trade Commission or a new agency
with powers to regulate inter-state
commerce comparable to those in
the National Recovery Act.
The President has outlined his
ideas broadly to some members of'
Congress, making plain, however,
that he is yet unready to commit
himself on details.
As outlined by sources working on'
the problem and in touch with the
White House, the most-discussed plan
would have Congress directly set cer-
tain standards for businesses in in-
terstate commerce and perhaps re-
define such commerce. Practices such
as false advertising and bribery of
competitors would be designated "un-
fair" and banned, along with monop-
oly in general.
Would Have Minimum Wage
The statute would assert federal
power to establish minimum wages
and maximum hours for labor, but
only to prevent "starvation" wages1
and overlong hours.' No attempt to
regulate wages and hours on all levels
would be made. While the trade
commission would have direct juris-
diction over "unfair trade practices,"
the determination of the minimum
wage and maximum hour standards
would be left to a separate agency.
This was said to be what the Presi-
dent had in mind in his message to
Congress when he said of NRA: "It
was unwise to expect the same agency
to regulate the length of working
hours, minimum wage, child labor
and collective bargaining on the one,
hand and the complicated questions
of fair trade practices on the other."
Union Demands
Dickinson Says
G.M. Heads' Chief Fear,
Employe Shop Control,
Called Exaggerated
There are few instances in the his-
tory of organized labor that a union
has supplanted company manage-
ment of any shop, the chief avowed
fear of General Motors in refusing
to grant sole bargaining powers to
the United Automobile Workers, ac-
cording to Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson
of the economics department.
"I think in this case that some of
the General Motors executives have
exaggerated the demands of the
union," Professor Dickinson said.
"However, it is rather a nuisance to
have a union enter one's shop when
one hashhad absolute control over it.
"In the automobile industry over-
head costs are comparatively high,"
Professor Dickinson answered when
asked if he thought General Motors

would ever be forced to settlement by
financial loss. "I think, however,
that their financial position is with-
out doubt a good deal stronger than
that of most employers."
He does not believe that financial
position will play as large a part from
General Motors' point of view in set-
tlement of the strike as will favor-
able publicity.
"I have an impression that General
Motors is not likely to attempt mere-
ly to outwit the union," he said. "I
think they will be anxious to get a
settlement satisfactory to the pub-
lic because of their public relations."
Professor Dickinson commented
that unions are unusually optimistic
in strikes on industry that offers sea-

Concurs On Several Points
With Recomnimendations
Of Fitzgerald
Affirms Collective
Bargaining Right
LANSING, Jan. 7.-(IP)--A far-
reaching administration program,
calling for liberal enactments in
many directions, was submitted to
the new State Legislature by Gov-
ernor Murphy today..
Standing before silk-robed justices
of the Supreme Court, high state of-
ficials and an audience that jammed
the House of Representatives cham-
bers from door to door, the Governor
offered his recommendations.
First, he pledged the efforts of his
office, and bespoke the aid of the Leg-
islature, to support New Deal policies.
On many points he agreed entirely
with recommendations made by for-
mer Governor Frank D. Fitzgerald in
an exaugural message. Fitzgerald did
not attend the ceremony. His mes-
sage was read.
Consolidate Agencies
The two agreed on the need for-
consolidations of various state func-
tions, notably auditing, tax collec-
tions and welfare.
They were in accord on increased
appropriations for improving the
state hospitals, and together they ad-
vocated primary election reform to
preserve secrecy for the voter. Both
urged enactment of the so-called
model civil service bill. Fitzgerald
recommended that the state "get out
of the liquor business," a subject not
mentioned by Murphy.
Outstanding recommendations
from Governor Murphy were:
Increased appropriations for old
age pensions.
Affirmation of the right of workers
to collective bargaining.
Laws fixing maximum working
hours and minimum wages and pro-
hibiting the employment of women
and children under injuious condi-
Will Reform Civil Service
Enactment of the model civil serv-
ice bill drafted by a special commis-
sion appointed by former Governor
Repeal of the law requiring teach-
ers to take an oath of allegiance to
the Constitution.
A centralized accounting system to.
replace the three now employed by
the state.
New commissions to consolidate
welfare activities, operate the prisons.
administer pardon and parole activ-
ities and supervise correctional and
mental institutions.
Authorize either the multiple or
composite ballot to insure voters se-
crecy in primary elections.
Protect school teachers against ar-
bitrary dismissal.
Reapportion the legislative dis-
tricts of the state "to insure just
representation according to the pop-
Prof. Preuss Is Next
Speaker At Forum
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the polit-
ical science department will speak on
"American Neutrality" at this week's
Sunday forum at the Union, H. Mur-
ray Campbell, '38, director of the
forum series, said yesterday.
The forum will be held at 4:30 p.m.
in the small ballroom.
Professor Preuss will cover recent
events touching on the neutrality sit-
uation including the Cuse affair and
the Inter-American Peace Confer-
ence, Campbell said.

Honest Citizens Return
$100 Bills To Owner
JOLIET, Ill., Jan. 7-(P)-Matthew
Plese learned more in 15 minutes to-
day about the honesty of the human
race than he had learned before in
all of his 61 years.
He sold a bond for $911, and happy
over the sale, had set out to buy
something to eat. He knew he wanted
a hot dog, but what he didn't know
was that there was a hole in his
Behind him hurried honest citi-
zens, picking up a $100 bill here and
chasing fifties and twenties wherever
the wind blew them.
When they caught up with him, he
was sipping coffee in a restaurant.
They asked him to guess what he had
in his pocket, and it turned out to
be the hole. Then they began to give
him back his money and asked him
to wait for other who were still chas-
ing bills.
Before he left the restaurant Plese
had all his money back but $140, and
he said he guessed he'd have that
too - just as soon as the finders
learned that it was his money they
had found.
Germany, Italy
Ask Outsiders
TO Leave Spain
Join France And Britain
In Plea To Ban Flow Of
(By The Associated Press)
Germany and Italy, in a sweeping
proposal to ban intervention in the
Spanish civil war yesterday suggested
ejection from Spain of all non-Span-
ish fighters.
Both Germany and Italy in notes
to France and Great Britain agreed
in principle to French and British
pleas for a ban on the flow of foreign
volunteers into Spain.
Reservations were made by both
nations, however. Germany's chief
proviso was that all interested pow-
ers agree on effective supervision
to halt intervention.
France, meanwhile, disclosed she
will concentrate 34 warships and a
number of submarines near Spain
within two weeks.
Although officials said the move-
ments were part of annual maneu-
vers, they4 pointed out the vessels
would be in "a strategic position" in
relation to Spain.
French frontier authorities report-
ed volunteers from many countries
were proceeding across the southern
border of France to aid the Spanish
Socialist government.
Halting of the Norwegian steamer
Ibis in the Straits of Gibraltar was
reported. Reports from Gibraltar said
the vessel was stopped by a Spanish
Fascist gunboat and forced to pro-
ceedto Algeciras for examination of
papers and cargo.
Socialist militiamen defending be-
sieged Madrid were put on the alert
when the insurgents drove forward
on the western edge of the capital.

Final Session Of Board
Causes Wild Disorder
Among Students
Progressive Bloc
Solid For Ejection
Educator, In Parting Shot,.
Declares He Foresaw His
MADISON, Wis., Jan. 7.-(/P)-The
University of Wisconsin Board of Re-
gents voted tonight, 8 to 7, to dis-
charge Dr. Glenn Frank, 49-year-old
president of the school since Septem-
ber, 1925.
The vote came after a final stormy
session of the board, amid scenes of
wild disorder by students who
jammed the regents' small meeting
room. The students hooted.
Two days of bitter argument in the
public hearing over Frank's qualifi-
cations as an administrator failed to
shake the determination of Gov-
ernor La Follette's appointees on.the
board to seek a new president. The
Progressive bloc, headed by Harold
M. Wilkie, chairman, voted solidly
against retention of the educator.
The dismissal will not become ef-
fective until the end of the current
school year in June, but the board
will start looking about at once for
a successor, who will take care of the
University as soon as he is named.
Hold 12-Hour Session
The regents, tired and weary after
a 12-hour session, with only a brief
intermission, cast their votes in the
small smoke-filled room from which
President Frank, a few hours before,
had displayed a big set of charts
by which he attempted to disprove
the charge that his administration
has been incompetent.
Frank had a parting shot for the
regents who opposed him.
"This resolution is in perfect keep-
ing with the procedure today," he
declared, "and brings to a climax an
event of which I knew the day I was
chosen president.
"While going into lunch in a hotel
in New York before I took this ap-
pointment, George Middleton, a
member of the La Follette family,
came to me and agitatedly said:
'Don't take that; don't get your neck
in that. The family is against it.'"
The motion for Frank's dismissal
was made by Regent Clough Gates,
who with Chairman Wilkie led the
fight against the president.
The resolution provided that until
a successor is named Dean George C.
Sellery of the College of Letters and
Science shall act as president.
Dr. Frank Is Bitter
"It is significant," Frank said bit-
terly, after he heard the resolution
read, "that I had been ordered to dis-
charge George Sellery as one of my
first duties when I came here 11 years
Students jammed in the meeting
room and overflowed through the
corridors of Bascom hall, hooting,
whistling and howling as the vote
was being taken.
Dr. Salmony Opens
'37 Lecture Series
Dr. Alfred Salmony of Mills Col-
lege, Calif., opened the University
Lecture Series for 1937 yesterday
afternoon in the Natural Science Au-
ditorium when he spoke on "Eastern
Animal S&yle," dealing with the an-
cient art of Siberia and its influence
on Far Eastern and European Art.
His talk was illustrated with slides
and Dr. Salmony showed examples
of art dating from about 3,000 years
B.C. to those of the 7th century A.D.,
dealing particularly with the works
of the Scythians.
Through the similarity in their art
Dr. Salmony points out the relation-

ships of various civilizations living
in China up through Siberia and the
plains district of Russia to the Black
Girl, Asleep 30 Days
Is Brought Here
Nineteen year old Alma Koppel of
Applegate entered her 30th consecu-
tive day of deep sleep yesterday when
she was brought here for examina-
tion by physicians at the University

Work Of Three Faculty Members
Praised In Murphy's Address

Colds Best Cured By A Day
tIn Bed, Says Dr. Furstenberg

The work of three members of
the University of Michigan faculty
as heads of State commissions re-
ceived special recognition in Gov.
Frank Murphy's address to the Leg-
islature yesterday.
These members were: Prof. Wil-
liam Haber of the economics depart-
ment and chairman of the Gover-
ncr's Special Security Study Com-
mission which drafted the Unem-
ployment Insurance Bill passed by
the special session of the Legisla-
ture last month; Prof. James K.
Poilock of the political science de-
partment, who was chairman of the
commission which drafted the civil
service bill, and Harold D. Smith. di-
rector of the University Bureau of
Government and chairman of the
commission which recently submitted
a report calling for the reorganiza-

telligently in a short time with a
subject of such far-reaching conse-
quences . . . Final consideration
should be given by the new Legis-
ture." The bill was passed in the
special session of the last Legisla-
ture before January, 1937, as an
emergency un-finished bill to save
the state approximately $18,000,000.
Professor Haber last night ex-
plained that Governor Murphy's rec-
ommendations concerning the bill
were suggested by his commission
and that he hoped the Legislature
would change the bill in accordance
with these suggestions. He also re-
marked that there are other minor
changes which could be made, but
that the most important were pre-
sented by the Governor in his speech.
The Governor recommended the

Declaring that the best remedy
that any doctor can give to his pa-
tient who has a head cold is a
day in bed, Dr. A. C. Furstenberg,
dean of the Medical School, said the
medical profession agrees that a
period of rest not only tends to pre-
vent serious complications, but also
definitely shortens the duration of
the head cold.
"The cause, prevention and cure of
the scommon head cold are some of
the difficult problems of medical
practice. Scientific medicine has nev-
er discovered the true cause of a 'cold
in the head' nor has the doctor ever
acquired a specific means of prevent-
ing or curing this exceedingly com-
mon disease," he said.

upon other parts of the body, he con-
"We cannot accept the theory that
a specific germ is the cause of colds,
but must admit that infection prob-
ably plays an important part in their
production," Dr. Furstenburg stated.
It requires something besides a
virus to cause a head cold, and this
is a susceptibility brought about
by lowered resistance, he declared.
"'Sudden atmospheric changes, ex-
posure to drafts, excessive fatigue
and indiscretions in diet tend to pro-
duce certain changes in the lining
membranes of the nose and throat
which make the individual suscepti-
ble to infections in the upper air pas-
Every year there are hundreds of

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