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December 17, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-17

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THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1936

Duke Edward
Plans 1T Meet
Mrs. Simpson
Baroness Rothschild Beats
Edward At Golf; Spirits
Rise After Hard Day
ENZESPELD, Austria, Dec. 16.-
(N)-Bareheaded and happy, Edward,
Duke of Windsor, played a losing
round of golf with his statuesque
hostess today, betwixt secret arrange-
ment for reunion with Wallis War-
field Simpson.
An unimpeachable source said the
Duke was occupied with the possibil-
ity that Mrs. Simpson will come here
from Cannes at a later, indefinite,
date. The details, including the man-
ner of arrival, remain to be worked
Even the cold and misty weather
of the Enzesfeld golf course, a dubbed
tee-shot, the aftermath of a head
and earache and the deprecatory
words of the Archbishop of Canter-
bury failed to affect the former Brit-
ish monarch's rising spirits.
It was "Bravo! Excellent!" when
the Baroness Rothschild, tall, blue-
eyed and American-born, sent a
straight one sailing from the tee, 160
yards down the fairway.
It was "Oh, Pshaw!" and a hearty
laugh, when Edward's own drive
hopped and dribbled a bare 100 yards.
Later the Baroness, whom the vil-
lagers of Enzesfeld regard as some-
thing of a feudal patroness, told the
Associated Press correspondent:
"I am proud that, as an American,
I can extnd the American type of
hospitality to a distinguished ex-
emplar of democracy."
Seated in the baronial reception
hall of the chateau, among ancient
tapestries and exquisite antiques, and
wearing a simple blue frock, the
Baroness said:
"We Americans and we Austrians
think highly of the obligations of
"I hope our guest will continue to
enjoy our hospitality. We enjoy hav-
ing him, very much."
The Duke slept late, amid reliable
reports that he might talk back to
the Archbishop, who, in a radio ad-
dress, called Edward's determination
to wed Mrs. Simpson a violation of
the "Christian principle of marriage."
Edward's ire of the night before,
however, seemed dispelled by his rest.
He had a quick breakfast of tea, rolls
and jam in his room and then,
dressed in gray knickers, grey sweater
and light stockings, spent 90 joyous
minutes on the links.-
Fascist Planes'
Bomb Madrid,
Kill 18_People
MADRID, Dec. 16.-(P) -Twenty
Fascist planes dumped scores of
bombs on the fringes of Madrid to-
day, killing 18 persons and wounding
at least 50 before government air-
craft shot down two of the attacking
machines and drove off the rest.
Government sources said the air
attack appeared to be a prelude to a
major onslaught from several fronts.
Twenty-seven pursuit planes accom-
panied the bombers.
The insurgent planes, which gov-
ernment officials declared were of
Italian manufacture, dropped 60
bombs on the village of Majada-
honda, about eight miles west of Ma-
drid, and then dumped more ex-
plosives on the thickly-populated
Cuatro Caminos district on the edge
of the capital.
Three persons were reported killed

and 10 wounded at Majadahonda. In
the Cuatro Caminos region, rescue
workers extricated some bodies from
wreckage and took wounded persons
to first-aid stations, where three died
shortly after their arrival.
The resumption o f r a i d s
strengthened the belief among gov-
ernment officers that the Fascists
planned a new push to capture Ma-
drid,htheirgoal through a five
months' struggle.I

Host To Edward

Hoover, G-Men Are Convicted In Fraud,
Criticized By Police Morgan Starts Term
NEW YORK, Dec. 16.- () - j I
Breaking openly with J. Edgar Hoov- JACKSON, Dec. 16.-(RP)-RidingI
er and his G-Men, the heads of the in the limousine of a friend, with aI
New York police and fire departments Negro chauffeur at the wheel, Frank-
today voiced sharp criticism of what lyn K. Morgan arrived at the State
they called the "melodramatic" fed- I Prison of Southern Michigan here to-
eral raid on an upper west side apart- day to begin serving a three and aI
ment house yesterday. half to five year sentence in connec-
"Heroics" and "small town stuff" tion with the vote recount fraud of,
were among the descriptive phrases, 94
applied by Fire Commissioner John 94
J. McElligott of the sub-machine gun Wearing a blue overcoat, dark hat
and tear-gas barrage that resulted in and a light business suit, Morgan

uled to be given numbers and start ! the rest of them get here," he said as the convictions were affirmed by the
serving their terms. he was sent to quarantine where he supreme court and that the defen-
Morgan gave his age as 51 and was was photographed and fingerprinted. dants must immediately begin terms
assigned No. 39,311. He appeared in In Detroit, Recorder's Judge W.~
good spirits. McKay Skillman said all defendants
"I'll be an old timer by the time and bondsmen had been notified that The
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the capture of Harry Brunette, Green
Bay, Wis., desperado, and his wife.
"I don't think it takes more than
two New York cops to do a thing of,
this kind," he said.
Printed with your name
305 Maynard Street Phone 8805

came from his home in Detroit as the
first of 18 men convicted in the fraud
to arrive here. He said his commit-
ment papers would arrive Friday,
when the other 17 men are sched-


eotch Repairing
htate and Liberty


- Associated Press Photo
The Duke of Windsor, former
king of England, was a guest of
B a r o ri Eugene de Rothschild
(above) as he awaited the time
when he might marry Mrs. Wallis
Simpson. The "Dnke was reported
to be morose, disheartened and suf-
feri'ng from a variety of physical
Speech Faculty
Men To Speak
At Convention


__ -


You Are Home

C hris tmas


Play Production
Will Discuss
Conference Of


When the 21st annual convention
of the National Association of Teach-
ers of Speech convenes Dec. 29, 30,
and 31 in St. Louis, it will have as its
guest speaker Professor George E.
Carrothers, of the education school.
Four members of the speech de-
partment will also read papers at this
convention, it was revealed today by
Prof. Gail E. Densmore, executive sec-
retary of the association.
Prof. Valentine B. Windt, director
of Play Production, who traveled last
summer in Russia, will present a
paper on "Acting and the 1936 Soviet
Theatre Conference." Dr. Henry
Moser, instructor in speech, will talk
on the differences between silent and
oral reading ih stutterers and normal
speakers. DrI William P. Halstead,
manager of the Michigan High
School Debating League will discuss
the aptness of the munitions ques-
tion as a subject for high school
debate. Prof. Densmore, himself, has
chosen a critical analysis of Amer-
ican oratory, for the subject of his
Those members of the speech de-
partment who will also attend the
convention are: Prof. Louis M. Eich,
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, Prof. Harlan
Bloomer, Dean Nichols and Dr. Har-
old B. Allen.
Since 1931 the national headquar-
ters of the association has been lo-
cated t Michigan underethe direc-
tion of Professor Densmore.
OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 16.-(P)--
The State Health Department re-
corded today the birth of twins to a
man claiming to be 100 years old and
his wife in Ridgway, Pittsburgh
County. The twins, Alice Lee and
Albert Lee, were born Oct. 25 to Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Lee. The father wrote
on the certificate that he was born
in Kentucky in 1836. Mrs. Lee gave
her age as 36. William Jones, Pitts-
burg County judge, said Alice died
and Albert will be adopted by 9 Mc-
Alster family tomorrow. Lee, form-
erly a miner, is on relief.
203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973
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