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December 17, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-17

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THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 19,36





T han 5,000 ExpectedTonight At Annual League Open How


League Doors
To Be Opened1
For All Todaj
Entertainment To Include
Stanley Chorus, Bridge,
Raffles AndPing Pong
To Start At 7:30 P.M.'
House Committee Will Acti
As Guides; Others To Be
Dance Hostesses ,
More than 5,000 members of the
student body are expected to attend
the annual League Open House,
scheduled to be held from 7:30 to 10
p.m. today, it was announced by Har-
riet Hathaway, '37, head of the
League house reception committee
and chairman of the affair.
Featured entertainments for thei
evening are to include a program of
song by Stanley Chorus, under the
direction of Wilmot F. Pratt, Uni-
versity carillonneur. They will sing
the following selections: "Bring a
Torch, Jeannette, Isabelle," an old
French carol, "The Sleigh," "Good
Christian Men, Rejoice," and a Celtic
lullaby, according to Eileen Lay, '37,
president of the group. They are to
sing at 9:30 p.m. in the ballroom.
Offer Bridge Prizes
A duplicate bridge tournament is
to be held in the Alumnae Room,
which will behdirected by Conway
Magee. Four hands will be playedl
and prizes, consisting of University
seal playing cards, will be given out
later in the evening. It will not be
necessary to bring a partner for
bridge, Miss Hathaway said.
The drawing of the Kappa Kappa
Gamma raffle, for the provision of a
memorial scholarship fund, is also to
be held at this time. Prizes are to be
two Kadette radios and a certificate hi
to Burr, Patterson & Auld's, jewelers.:
Tickets may be obtained from Betty o
Basse, '37. thi
The entire League bulding is to be gi
open for inspection. Although men hi

Sehiapiaelli House Coat Features.

Linda Wool

Cast Of 21 Seeced Dol Must Design 70 Costumes
For Ch irents Play For The Yeomen Of The Guard'

A cast of 21 players for "The Little
Princess," second presentation of the
Children's Theatre which will be.
given Jan. 7 and 8, has been select-
ed by Sarah Pierce, Grad.. director.
This play is a dramatization of the
story of Sara Crewe by Frances
Hodgson Burnett, author of a num-,
ber of children's classics, of which
perhaps the best known is "The:.
Secret Garden."
Thirty-nine more children will beI
given the chance to see either this,
production or the last of the Chil-!
dren's Theatre series through recent.
donations to the fund for under-
privileged children which were made
by Prof. Arthur L. Dunham of the,
history department and Sigma Al-'
pha Epsilon fraternity. This brings,
the total up to 444 out of the 500
children whom the theatre can ac-
Faculty To Join
General Exodus
For Vacations'
Meetings And Conventions
Attract Many Professors
To Various Cities
When the students make their gen-
eral exodus tomorrow, many mem-
bers of the faculty will join them
in travelling to all parts of the coun-
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley
are going to Asheville, N. C., for the,
whole vacation to be the guests of
friends. Prof. and Mrs. Philip Bur-
sley will be in New York visiting their'
son and daughter.
Prof. Arthur Cross, Richard Hud-.
son professor of history, is leaving
after Christmas for Boston, where he
will visit friends and the Harvard{
Club. He then expects to go to1
Providence, R. I., to attend the meet-
ings of the American Historical So-1


"A stitch, a tear, a press, a trim"-
that is tile job of James Doll, Grad.,
who has the responsibility of design-
ing and supervising the making of
the costumes which will appear in
Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta, "The

to design the costumes and secure the
correct material was "Alice in Won-
derland," Doll continued, for there
was much construction work in addi-
tion to the difficulty in designing
and collecting the material.

Yeomen of the Guard. ' Costumes Are Gay
He has for several years been cos- Doll believes that the audience
tume director for Play Production in should subconsciously feel the show
addition to appearing in several of through the suggestion of the cos-
the productions. "The Yeomen of the tones. He will endeavor, therefore,
Guard" upon which he is now work- to try to get the spirit of both the
ing, will be presented in January music and the lines into the cos-
through the joint efforts of Play Pro- tumes. The two strolling minstrels
duction and the School of Music in "The Yeomen of the Guard" will
under the direction of Valentine B. be the central figures about which
Windt, director of Play Production. all the costumes will be designed, Doll
Mother Aids In Work pointed out, and thus they will all be
Most of the costume work, under gayly colored.
the supervision of Doll, is done by "Much depends, however," Doll.
students either in NYA or in Play said, "upon the wearers of the cos-
Production. He is also aided by his tumes, for some players will use the
mother, who Doll says, is his most costumes to the best advantage and
efficient and capable worker. the costumes will become part of
The Yeomen of the Guard," which the actors, but others seem to just
is a musical fantasy in a 16th cen- have clothes to fit in with the scheme
tury setting, offers a great deal of but they do not use their costumes
leeway in costume designing, Doll effectively."
said, for the only stipulation which)
Gilbert and Sullivan made for the Formal Initiation Held
costumes was that they should be Fr a _ _ - H _

Prof. Elmer Mitchell
Talks About Europe
Czechoslavakia was described as
the most worried, Hungary as the
most resentful anm Austria as the
most dispirited country of those they
visited by Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell
of the physical education department
in his talk before the graduate stu-
dents' luncheon held yesterday in the
Professor Mitchell went on to say
that these countries have reason for
feeling as they do, since Czechoslava-
kia is a country made of slices of
territory taken from other nations,
and Hungary and Austria both lost
most of their land, so that now Aus-
tria is having much difficulty in sup-
porting a city of two million people
with a total population of only six
The speaker also described the
route of the Olympic Torch Relay,
Race from Greece to Berlin.
Under New Management
615 East William, just below State



.. ..'.t

* *
Bathrobes, Boudoir Sippers,
Negligees Make Yuletide Gifts
lich Materials Are Shown style has the customary full skirt.
In Robes; Swing Skirts A variation of this has cording
down the front, a cord belt and a
Are Display ed knot of cord instead of a button at
the closing. These flannel robes come
By HELEN HENDERSON in shades of red, blue and green.
Now is the time to drop a gentle One navy blue flannel robe is
int in the direction of aunts, uncles trimmed with tiny white piping
around the flat collar, the cuffs and
rcousis who are likely to come pockets as well as the edge of the
drough with a substantial Christmas fiat blue buttons.
ft. And nothing is more worth; Another in navy is trimmed with a
inting at than the attractive ne li-1 "checkerboard" belt which consists I

16th century. Doll believes that early
16th century was probably meant.
Victorian Influence Felt
"I will however," Doll remarked,
"try to forget the period and attempt
to infect the Victorian influence in-
to the costumes, for the operetta was!
first presented in that period, in
The purpose of the costumes, he
said, is to convey to the audience the
idea of the librettist as seen through
the eyes of the director. Doll says
that first he tries to understand the
director's conception of the show
and then design according to those
There will be over 70 costumes to
prepare for "The Yeomen of the
Guard," Doll said, and, therefore,
there will be a terrific amount of!
work, for the costumes must be ready
the Sunday before the opening night
The most difficult play for which

By Medical Fraternity
Alpha Onega Alpha, national hon-
of ary medical fraternity, held a for-
mal initiation banquet for its six new
members Tuesday evening at the
Union, at which Arthur Aiton of
the history department spoke on
"The Crisis in Spain."
Those initiated are Matthew Ben-
nett, Ralph Cooper, Joseph Feingold,
Gertrude Finkelstein, Mervin Green
and Jeanne Hibbard, all '37M.
An informal gathering was held
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Max
Minor Peet after the initiation. The
officers of the organization are Peter
Crabtree, president; David Brezin,
vice-president;. Henry Abbott, secre-
tary-treasurer; Darvan Moosman,
chairman of the program committee.
All are '37M.

f rom the
1203 So. University Ave. Ph. 4818
615 East Liberty Ph. 3~773



are not1usually allo w ed- on the thirdg
are not usually allowed on the third gees, bathrobes and boudoir slippers I of four gray and red stripes woven
floor, on this occasion they will be! hIthrough slits in the material at the!
permitted to visit the League Li- of this season. waist. A new kind of robe is the
brary. the Alumnae Room and other In keeping with the current fash- military style. It also comes in navy,
rooms on this floor. ion, all the skirts are "swing." Oniy with a military collar, red stripes and'
Guides to Show Building a stray survivor of the former mode gold buttons: The uncut velvet robe
Members of the house reception here and there, reminds one of the is attractive and different-looking.
committee are to serve as guides to drastic change that has come over One style has a belt of the same ma-
show anyone who so desires through negligee and robe skirts in 'the past terial and the collar is made with
the building. They may be obtained two years. If you have had your deep points in the back.
in the Undergraduate Office. robe for a couple of years or more, New Material Used
Charlie Zwick and his orchestra no doubt it has by this time shrunk A new material is called camel
will play for dancing in the ball- up to your knees and now feels quite suede, and looks like very fine flan-
room. Zwick has arranged several inadequate. So the wise thing to do nel. There is a buttoned style, andt
special novelty numbers for the af- istoacquire by hook or crook, or another which zips all the way downi
fair. Members of the social commit- from Santa, one of the delightful new the front. These come in pastel
tee, under the direction of Harriet affairs especially created for loung- shades with contrasting zipper. One
Heath, '37, chairman, will be host- ing. There is no longer an excuse corduroy robe is trimmed with huge
esses for dancing. for slipping on "any old thing" for appliqued frogs.
No late permission has been issued breakfast. If you're wearing a negligee, you'll1
to women attending the affair, it was Silk Is Popular want a pair of the new "Romancers,"1
announcea. Negligees are made of satin, taf- boudoir slippers made of red, blackc
feta, georgette and crepe, to mention or white satin and trimmed with1
Afour popular materials, while robes white, pink or blue fur. The whiteE
W .A.A. Reports are made of French flannel, uncut ones can be tinted to match any color.f
velvet and corduroy among other . _
Profit Of 1 5O fabrics. Indeed, with the silks grow-I
ing heavier and richer, and the wool- Alumni Of St. Louis
ens growing lighter and fluffier, the
From Display line between the negligee and the Luncheon Guests
robe is more and more difficult to
A net profit of approximately $150 The sketch is of a model an Ann A Michigan luncheon will be held
from the swimming meet held last1 Arbor shop is showing. It is dis- Dec. 29, at the Statler Hotel in St.
Friday, was announced by Mary tinguished by the softness of its fab- Louis, for all students and alumni
Johnson, '38. W.A.A. treasurer, at a ric, the Linda wool, its graceful, flow-! who wish to attend, it was announced
meeting of the board of the organi- ing skirt and its peasant type em- ( by Dr. Harvey J. Howard, president
zation yesterday afternoon. broidery. In reality it is too good- of the University of Michigan Club
The ticket sale was sponsored by looking to study in, for it is an adap- j of St. Louis.
the Women's Athletic Association in tation of Schiaparelli's house coat. The luncheon is part of the pro-
their drive for a new swimming pool Short Sleeves Are New ; gram of the annual convention of the
and will be put in that fund. "Stardust" is the attractive name National Association of Teachers of I
A sum of $100, included in the given to a blue-green satin painted Speech A
expenses, will be used to send the with tiny gold stars. This one has At the luncheon will be Dr. G. E.
varsity swimming team to Florida short sleeves with little cuffs of the C Atrthes punceo wl be Dr.G.n
1Carrothers, professor of education,i
during the Christmas vacation. An- same material. . Prof. G. E. Densmore, Prof. V. B.
other expenditure was needed to Something different is attained in Windt, Dr. Henry Moser, Dr. W. P.
bring the three Dolphinettes down the sash of a pale blue crepe. ThisHasedryLMor,
here for the meet, Miss Johnson ex- sash has on each end streamers of R.T.D.d Pollister, Dr. Harlan Bloomer
plained. three bright colors which are at least Dr. H. B. Allen and Mr. Dean Nichols,
Following the resignation of Janet a yard long. When tied into a bow I
Allington, '38, as women's basketba). they give a smart effect, since these
manager, Norma Curtis, '39, was in- three colors are the sole trim.
troduced at the new manager for that Now for the bathrobes. A style
sport. which has been popular this fall is
Plans for winter activities of the still shown a great deal-the fian-
association and in the different wom- nel robe which closes high at the
en's sports were also discussed. throat with an initialed button. This
r-L. -L. rL n

Sail For Caribbean --_ __ -----.
Sailing from New York on the S.S. at the Modern Language Association
Staatendam for a Caribbean cruise meeting.
will be Prof. and Mrs. John A. Van Both Prof. H. J. McFarlan and Mr.
den Broek. Prof. Van den Broek ex- C. H. Reichenbach are going home
pects to return to Ann Arbor by air- to Bridgeport, Conn., and will also at-
plane- tend the American Historical Society
Prof. and Mrs. Waldo M. Abbot are meeting in Providence.
driving to Florida for the vacation. Many faculty members will remain
Heading for the same vicinity will in Ann Arbor to rest and entertain.
be Prof. Bruce Donaldson, who is Prof. and Mrs. Charles Koella are
going, as he says, "for the ride." giving a Christmas Eve party for for-
Prof. and Mrs. Max Handman are eign students at their home.
going to Austin. Texas, for the en- --_______
tire vacation. Prof. Handman is go- ADELIA CHEEVER
and not fn ist to maeone speech, An annual Christmas breakfast was
d A to held at the Adelia Cheever House this
Many Attend Meetings morning. Small gifts were exchanged
National conventions will claim the which will be sent to the children's
time of many members of the faculty, ward at the University Hospital.
Prof. Robert Angell and Prof. R.. C.
F u lle r w ill b o t h b e a t t h e s o c io lo g y c o v n t o i h i a o . D . . J
convention in Chicago. Dr. H. J.
Heneman will attend the political sci- P
ence convention, also in Chicago, be- Paisley
fore visiting friends in Minneapolis
with Mrs. Heneman. Professor Paul
Mueschke will be in Richmond, Va.,ou.nging
Dubon net and Blue
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