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December 12, 1936 - Image 4

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SATURDAY, DES 12, 4936



The Time Has Come To Speak Ofa
The Carillon, Spain, And Hockey

t96 Member 1937
Pssocided Cole6|ite Press
Distributors of
Cdle6iate Wiest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
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NationalAdvertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
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Proposals To End
Revolution In Spain...
T HE PLAN of a plebiscite to end the
fascist rebellion in Spain, pro-
pqsed by France and Great Britain and believed
to have the support of the Soviet Union, is the
first important measure taken by European de-
mocracy during the war which deserves ap-
Three stages of settlement are proposed in the
plan. First, establishment of strict control to
prevent the sending of arms, mep or other aid
to either side in Spain; second, ai armistice "to
be achieved through the good offices of foreign
powers"; and, third, the holding of a plebiscite
among the Spanish people, "with. the aim of
restoring their unity."
Naturally, there is no guarantee that this plan
will be agreed to with sufficient unanimity to
assure its being attempted. Many troublesome
questions would remain even after the decision
to attempt a plebiscite. And it is rather ironic
to depend upon all sections of Spanish society to
abide by the election results after the events of
this year.
Nevertheless, the proposal will serve several
good purposes and no harmful ones.
If it is accepted and carried through, Spain will
be restored to the people through an anti-fascist
government and fascism everywhere will have
been struck a heavy blow.
If it is refused, the refusal will come from
the fascist states of Europe. Such a refusal to
let the Spanish people determine their own des-
tiny should reveal indisputably the role of in-
vaders which Germany and Italy are playing.
Refusal would demonstrate that it is not com-
munism which the fascists are fighting, but

democracy. If these two facts are demonstrated
to the people of Britain, as it appears they may
well be, it will be increasingly difficult for the
Baldwin government 'to continue its policy of
granting concessions to the fascists.
This independent proposal by France and
Britain is conclusive procf, if any is needed, tha
the League of Nations is the deadest corpse alive.
But the independent origin may be a point of
strength, because the United States, which has
been invited to support the plebiscite, will be
unable to make use of the League of Nations
bogey to refuse. President Roosevelt's decision
will be an important one. It will not be en-
couraging if he refuses to allow the United
States to participate in such an important step
for world peace and democracy.

The Church's Growing Liberalism
To the Editor:
Whoever wrote the editorial in Tuesday's Daily
on institutional religion was doing a little wish-
ful thinking when he blithely observed, after
making several rash blanket statements, "That
all this is true no one will deny." I am afraid
that many people would most violently deny
that there is in "many of the great Protestant
churches of America" . . the most violent oppo-
sition to extension of suffrage and education,
and to trade unionism." Let me say, with no
more substantiation but (I think) more informa-
tion, that many of the great Protestant churches
are extremely active in their efforts, for example,
to make effective the Negro's right to vote; to
enlighten the people impartially upon questions
of social importance; and to make a higher and
more liberal education possible to individuals
(such as the Negro and the poor white of the
South) who otherwise would be miserably left
in the state of illiteracy which your editorial
has designated as the nutritive protoplasm
of organized religion. As for trade unionism,
etc., I refer the editor to the Union Theological
Seminary, in New Xork City-an institution
which is interdenominational, and which every
year trains hundreds of young men to lead con-
gregations and communities all over the coun-
try. It is, I am glad to report, a place frequently
referred to by reactionaries as "a hot-bed of
I do not know that the church has any bus-
iness involving itself in politics, social welfare,
or even education. I am inclined to think it
has not. But I do know that the Protestant
churches of America have been and are involving
themselves in such matters, and with a tendency
towards the liberal, democratic ideal much more
vigorously than Tuesday's editorial admits.
Wait Until It's Finished
To the Editor:
The letters of Messrs. Campbell and Jones re-
garding the Carillon were about as uncalled for
as clapping between movements at a concert. In
other words they merely show a lack of education
on the subject.
The following objections have been raised by
the previously named gentlemen. First, that one
is not able to hear the Carillon at any dis-
tance and second, that within 300 feet the music
seems to be a jumble of discordant sounds.
Should Mr. Campbell take a look at the bell
tower from the ground, he could easily see that
there is framework, canvas, and other working
materials which obstruct the sound of the bells.
Also the way sound travels has much to do with
it. If a person stands infront of Hill Auditorium,
it. sounds as if the music were coming from
the Natural Science building: This is because
the sound bounces back from this building. At-
mospheric conditions also affect the distances
from which one may hear the music. This fact
-Nazi Pig Replaces Mendelssohn-
(By Ernest L. Meyer, from his column "As
The Crow Flies," in the New York Post)
(LEPIZIG, Germany-(-aP)-The statue of Men-
delssohn in this world-famed music center has
been destroyed by order of the Nazi Government.
Nazi authorities felt Mendelssohn's fame as a
composer could not overcome the fact that he
was a Jew.)
(BERLIN-()-There is an important racial
distinction in Germany between pigs. The blue-
bloods among. Germany's hogs are 3,600,000 be-
longing to a race which is aristocratically labeled
as "German noble white hog.")
MENRELSSCHN made music in a manner quite
But his grandpa had cursed him with a Pales-
tinian taint;
His "Spring Song," you may argue, is really un-
But such a silly notion is very queer and quaint.
Oh, such views are antiquarian,
For you've got to be an Aryan
To qualify as genius under modern Nazi

You've got to, be a German
By the name of Hans or German
With a Nordic nose like Goebbels and a
Nordic Goering jaw.
A Leipsig pig made music in a manner quite
For he grunted in an octave passed officially as
His ancestry was Aryan for reason dietetical,
He'd no Semitic ham in him, of that you may
be sure.
Oh, this hog was Nordic surely,
And he grunted proudly, purely,
And his squeals were in soprano with a
German accent true.
Nobler pig was never roasted,
For this Aryan porker boasted
A pedigree so Nordic that he grunted
umlauts, too.
Now the citizens of Leipzig to conserve Kultur
Took Mendelssohn and dumped him from his
pedestal of stone;
And while the muse of music gave a groan of woe

may be ascertained by a little experimentation.
Answering the second objection, I refer again
to the obstruction in the bell towers. Then a
more important point is that the tower is not
completed. There is no studio as yet, and
the playing is done under adverse conditions.
Many people do not know that the carillon
is a musical instrument. They think that it is
just 53 glorified church bells or perhaps that it is
a glorified vibraphone such as they hear at the
League dances. Carillon music is of a distinct
type and one must learn to like it.
One last point. If a person wants to hear a
carillon concert, he should go behind the League
and listen there. With the coming of warm
weather, the bells will sound better and condi-
tions will be more conducive to enjoyment.
If the people who have objections will please
wait until this experimentation period is over and
the tower is finished, I feel sure that they will
have no further complaint. -R.E.L., '39.
A 'White' Replies
To the Editor:
May I suggest to that Spaniard from "ever
since he can remember," Mr. Flores that the
chief reason for the stubborn resistance of Ma-
drid has been the action of the Red forces in
drafting all able-bodied Spaniards in Madrid to
help defend the city, regardless of whether that
was the side they wanted to fight on or not, and
shooting those that wouldn't? Also I would like
him to tell me where and how far the Red
government would get without the aid of Rus-
sian, French, and Mexican soldiers? Also, the
idea in sending a troupe of lecturers around
the U.S.A. to propagate untruths concerning the
Spanish situation?
Perhaps he could also explain why it is neces-
sary to burn and pillage beautiful old churches,
renowned for their architecture alone and why
the Reds have been so deft in thinking up hor-
rible atrocities in their perverted and sadistic
minds by which to torture, abuse and desecrate
nuns and priests?
If Mr. Flores or some other member of the
Red gang with which he is associated here on
campus can explain how ostensibly civilized
people can stoop to the depths the Spanish Reds
have demonstrated they can stoop to, I and
other "whites" will appreciate it. -I.E.L.
of Ann Arbor and Milan, Italy.
Michigan Rough, Too
To the Editor:
I think Bonth Williams was hardly fair when
he said in his story on the Western Ontari6-
Michigan hockey game Tuesday that "the Cana-
dians played some of the dirtiest hockey ever
seen in Ann Arbor."
It was a rough game, I'll admit, with players
numbered 2, 3, and 8 of Western Ontario par-
ticularly adept at elbowing and tripping, but it
seemed quite apparent that Michigan responded
with equally illegal play, carrying high sticks
frequently and repeatedly board-checking. In
addition, Ontario suffered by having a defense-
man sent to the box after a vigorous but per-
fectly legal body-check. -Hockey Fan.
* * ** * IT ALL
'.;-- By Bonth Williams -
TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT the Phi Gam freshi-
men figure the payoff on their gigantic goon
insurance scheme designed to compensate the
luckless fellow who gets stuck with the worst
blind date for their pledge formal.
The whole scheme was originated as a result
of several unfortunate occurrences of an earlier
date when the promoters in the house failed to
make good on their promises of charm and
Every male who is going into tonight's affair
with his eyes shut, put a nickel into the pot.
Tonight their fate will be decided. When they
have all assembled a specially designated com-
mittee will decide which man has been most se-
verely dealt with by the fortunes of war. To that
gentleman will be awarded the sum total of the

funds on hand, withheld however until the fol-
lowing day to avoid undue embarrassment to the
parties concerned.
FEELING the undeniable need for scientific
investigation and at the same time brooked
on by a certain natural curiosity, your columnist
betook himself along with thirty other investiga-
tors to the Federal Detention Farm at Milan
yesterday. It was very interesting.
They subjected each of us visitors to an electric
eye examination before we were admitted to the
sacred precincts within. The only one stopped
was a joker who was carrying a can of tobacco
which the mechanical robot mistook for a rod.
The prisoners seemed to get a big kick out of
! us, especially out of the girls, and remarks were
distinctly audiblt as to the general and specific
character of the co-eds present. There are only
19 women prisoners in the whole 600 inmates
and they are closely shepherded on the third
floor of one of the buildings. They are never
allowed to descend.
The warden explained how the gals, mostly
gangsters' molls, are denied cosmetics and that
instead of lipstick, they use mercurochrome to
redden their lips.
We took a general trip of inspection around
the whole place and looked at the dinner which
the boys were about to eat. It's probably a good

Christmas Dances
The Modern Dance Club presents a
Christmas program of music, song and
dance of the seventeenth century. Ruth
Bloomer, adviser; Henry Austin. bass
soloist; Ward Allen, accompanist; Bea-
trice Lovejoy, Bernice Wolfson, Bud
Wolfson, Sara Graf, Sally Kenny, Hel-
ene Kipf,sMary Jane Mueller, Marion
Cranmore, Elaine Hamilton, Winifred
Law, Wtinifred Moore. Lenore Corn,
Barbara Horton, Marie McHenry, Char-
lotte Morehouse; members of the Dance
THE PROGRAM yesterday after-
noon in the lounge of the Wom-
en's Athletic Building was a charm-
ing and well integrated one, includ-
ing, even, the delicious cider punch
served at the reception after the morq
important part of the program. This
included three groups of dances, and,
two Christmas songs very excellently

(Continued from Page 2)
the examination at 8 o'clock Wednes-
day, Dec. 16. Occupants of odd-
numbered seats, Wednesday lecture,
go to 348 W. Eng., of even-numbered
seats, Wednesday lecture, go to 25
A.H. All Tuesday lecture attendants
go to 1025 A.H. No lecture next
I Lectures
French Lecture. M. Leon Lemon-
nier, charge de conferences at the
Sorbonne, essayist and novelist, will
give the second lecture of the series
sponsored by Le Cercle Francais,
Monday, Dec. 14, at 4:15 p.m., in

sung by Henry Austin. Room 103 R.L. The subject of his
The dances--repeated for the most lecture is: "Le Theatre de H. R. Len-
part from the program last spring- ormand."
were well worth seeing again, espe- Tickets for the whole series of lec-
cially in the rather novel setting and tures can be procured at the office of
arranged with the Christmas back- the secretary of the Romance Lan-
ground. However, the court dances, guage Department, 112 R.L., or at the
especially the gavotte, lacked the pre- door at the time of the lecture.
cision they should have had and did
have before. And without this exact- A .l
ness of exec'ution these formal dances~ A Public Lecture by Dr. Ali-Kuli
.eso xcto hs omldne Khan will be given Sunday at 4:15
lose their effect. So the chorales of h w e ive L t
the third group were the most effec- p.m. at the Michigan League on the
tive part of the dance program. But subject, The Baha'i Faith and Re-
these, too, seemed more effective last ligious Unity. Dr. Khan will also
spring when danced by Miss Lovejoy speak informally and answer ques-
and the Wolfson twins without the tions at the regular meeting of the
whole group. The group added to Baha'i Study Group Monday evening
the effect of the last choral but not at the League at 8 p.m. All interest-
enough to make up for the extent ed in finding a secure basis for world
to which they detracted from the peace are invited to these meetings,
other chorales. But in spite of these which are sponsored by the Baha'i
rather slight defects the program was Study Group.
successful because of the taste of the
whole conception. Exhibitions

Publication in theBulletin is constructive noticeto all members of th
University. Copy received at the office ot the Assistant to th PregiaW
until 3:30;:11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


New York Federal Theatre
rHE CHRISTMAS holiday program
of the WPA Federal Theatre has
just been prepared. Plays listed here
will be running during the vacation.
Doctor Faustus at Maxine Elliott's
Theatre, 39th Street, East of Broad-
way. A production by "Project 891"
of Christopher Marlowe's tragedy. 25
and 55 cents.
It Can't Happen Here. If you
missed the Detroit Project's version
of the Sinclair Lewis dramatization
or any of the twenty-odd other pro-
ductions there will be three to choose
from in New York. The main one at
the Adelphi Theatre, 54th Street, East
of Seventh Avenue; one at the Ma-
jestic Theatre, Fulton Street and
Rockwell Place, Brooklyn, and the
Yiddish version at the Biltmore.
Tickets 25 and 55 cents.
Bassa. Moona at the Lafayette The,
atre, 131st Street and Seventh Ave-
nue. It is a story of African tribal
customs and voodoo murder written
in Nigerian dialect and cast with 70
Negro actors, dancers, and singers.
Promises to be as interesting as the
'Harlem' Macbeth. Tickets are 25
and 40 cents.
Jiggers of, Jiggerstown, a dramati-
zation, of a novel by Lady Langford
at the Princess Theatre, 39th Street,
West of- Sixth Avenue. 25 and 55
Power will open December 29th at
the Ritz Theatre, 48th Street, West ofl
Broadway. This will be the fourth
production of the WPA Federal The-
atre's Living Newspaper. It traces
the story of electricity from its origin
to the present TVA. This may sound
dull but if it is anything like the
Living Newspaper's third production,
Injunction Granted, it will be original
and exciting, not to be missed. 25 and
55 cents.
Holy Night by G. Martinez-Sierra,
author of Cradle Song and The King-
dem of God is scheduled to give mat-
inee performances Christmas week at
Maxine Elliott's Theatre. This is the
first professional production of the
play in this country.
The Children's Theatre of the WPA
Theatre will give daily matinees of
The Emperor's New Clothes and eve-
ning performances of Flight, at the
Hecksher Theatre, 104th Street and
Fifth Avenue. Tickets are 35 cents.
Flavin Lauds Speed
Of Play Production
Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production, which is presenting
its last performance of Martin Fla-
in's "The Good Old Summertime,"
yesterday received a phone call from
New York from Mr. Flavin who com-
mended Play Production upon its
swift acceptance of the script and
thus was able to produce the play
three weeks before Broadway, and he
also expressed his interest in the
success of the play before Ann Ar-
bor audiences.
SMr. Flavin is a well-known drama-
tist who is affiliated with the Drama-
tists' Play service which issued "The
Good Old Summertime" to many
community and university theatres
in a nation-wide movement to de-
centralize the American theatre.
British Again Defer
Warr Debt Payment
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.-()-
The British government defaulted

Paintings by Edgar Yaeger and
"All-American" prints under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation, open to the public after-
noons, 2-5 p.m. through Dec. 15 in
the small galleries of Alumni Mem-
orial Hall.
Photographs of Persian-Islamic
Architecture exhibited by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art, In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Open to the
public daily from 9 to 5 p.m.; Sun-
days 2 to 5 until Dec. 15.'Alumn
Memorial Hall West Gallery.
Events Of Today
University Broadcasting: 10 a.m.,
Radio class in the teaching of mathe-
10:15 a.m., Speech Students' pro-
5:30 p.m., University Men's Glee
Mr. David E. Mattern.
Alpha Gamma Sigma: The Christ-
mas party for the poor children will
be held from 3 until 5 on the third
floor of the Y.W.C.A. this afternoon.
Beta Kappa Rho: The members of
Beta Kappa Rho will attend the
basketball game before their Christ-
mas party, which is being held at the
League at 8:45 p.m. If you are
going to the game meet at the League
at 7 p.m. or at the south entrance of
the Field House at 7:45 p.m.
Beta Kappa Rho Christmas Party,
Russian Tea Room, Michigan League
Bldg., this evening. Those ' at-
tending should call 4121-extension
The Outdoor Club is having a
skating party this afternoon at the
Michigan rink. The group will meet
in the lobby of Angell Hall at 2 p.m.
All students welcome.
University of Michigan Public
Health Club: All students in Hygiene
and Public Health are invited to the
Public Health party to be held in
conjunction with the graduate party
tonight at 8 p.m. at the
Women's Athletic Bldg. Progressive
ping pong, bridge tournament, a real
Fortune-teller, bowling, dancing to
an orchestra, special floor show.
Prizes. Members bring your mem-
bership cards for free admittance;
this is essential.
St. Mary's Student Chapel will
sponsor a dance from 3 to 5 p.m.
today in the Union ballroom. All
Catholic students and their friends
are invited to attend. It will be the
last dance to be held before Rev. Fr.
Allen J. Babcock leaves for his new
post in Rome.
Graduate Students: There will be
a Christmas party for graduate stu-
dents this evening from 9 until 12
o'clock in the Women's Athletic Bldg.
The whole building will be used.
There will be bowling, progressive
ping pong, and bridge with prizes.
Also, dancing with a floor show in the
intermission, and fortune-telling by
a palmist.
Stalker Hall: Annual Christmas
party and box social tonight at 8:30
p.m. Women bring a box lunch for
two people. Men will bid for the
boxes. Also, Santa Claus will be here
O~ri aao n knnrmcn isr.ranmed-An 4-, .,,.

dence favoring the acceptance of
Ozarkian and Canadian/ as period
terms, by R. E. Radabaugh; Evi-
dence against the accptance of
Ozarkian and Canadian as period
terms, by W. C. Bell.
Suomi Club: A meeting will be held
Sunday, Dec. 13, at 2:30 p.m. in the
Upper Room, Lane Hall. Mr. Robert
Carson of the University High School
faculty will speak and also present a
few musical numbers.
Delta Epsilon Pi: There will be a
meeting Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. All members are
urged to be present and on time.
Hillel Foundation: The fourth in
a series of Pop-concerts will be given
on Sunday, Dec. 13, at 2:30 p.m. Men-
delssohn's Violin Concerto and Schu-
mann's Quintette will be presented
at this time.
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m., service of worship with
sermon by Mr. Heaps. Subject, *A
Christmas Meditation." Special mu-
sical program by the choir under the
direction of Henry Bruinsma.
The Student Fellowship will give,
at 4:30 p.m., their Christmas Vesper
Service, presenting the story of Dick-
ens' "Christmas Carol" with stere-
opticon slides and a musical pageant
of the Nativity. Following the serv-
ice at 6 p.m. there will be a fellow-
ship hour and supper.
8:15 p.m. Candle Light Christmas
service by Sigma Alpha Iota Musical
First Presbyterian Church, Sunday:
(Temporary location Masonic
Temple, 327 South 4th. Ave.)
W. P. Lemon, D.D., minister.
Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, assistant.
10:45 a.m., morning worship. Dr.
William P. Lemon will preach on
"A Hero with a Wounded Heel." The
third of an Advent series. Student
6:30 p.m., Supper and Fellowship
Hour of the Westminster Guild stu-
dent group.
8 p.m., Westminster Guild Players
present "The Tinker" a play by Fred
Eastman. Public invited.
Church of Christ (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class. Dr.
Louis A. Hopkins, Director of the
University Summer Session will ad-
dress the class.
5:30 p m., social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., A Christmas service. A
Sbeautiful program of Christmas mu-
sic will be given, including"a piano
arrangement of the "Pastoral
Symphony" from the "Messiah,"
Janet McLoud; "Ave Maria," Cello
solo, Max Mitchell; "Silent Night,"
Jane Rogers, who was one of the solo-
ists in the "Messiah" last Sunday af-
Stalker Hall: Student class, 9:45
a.m. Prof. George Carrothers will
lead the discussion on "Qualifying
for Leadership."
Wesleyan Guild meeting, 6 p m. A
Christmas program of music, read-
ing and pictures. Fellowship hour
and supper following the program.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship service at 10:45 a.m. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on "Ap-
proaching Christmas."
Harris- Hall, Sunday:
There will be an interesting and
unique program for students Sunday
night at Harris Hall. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmot Pratt will be in charge of the
program. Mrs. Pratt has been con-
nected for several years with the
Stuyvesant House Settlement in New
York City and will give a demon-
stration of one of the recreational

programs given in the settlement. Mr.
Pratt will play the piano and lead
in the music of the program. All stu-
dents and their friends are invited.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church :
Services for Sunday:
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.
11 a.m., Morning prayer and serm-
on by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Special
music service by the choir.
Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
So. Fourth Ave., near William.
Theodore Schmale, pastor.
Two services will be held at Beth-
lehem Evangelical Church, an early
service at 9 a.m. (conducted in Ger-
man) and the usual morning wor-
ship at 10:30 a.m. The sermon tdpic
is "The Triumph of Zion." In the
Student and Youth Fellowship at 7
p.M. Mr. Eugan Schumann will lead
in a program of Christmas music.
The Ann Arbor Friends will meet
Sunday, Dec. 13, at 5 p.m. in the
Meeting for worship will be fol-
lowed by a panel discussion on "Co-
operatives-Democracy in Business."
Miss Miriam -x.9.,,11 l 1a ,,a A;-

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