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December 09, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-09

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Student Labor
Plan Receives
Dean's Assent
Bursley Gives Approval
To Council Plan For
Clearing House
Group To Hear All
Complaints Weekly
Many Grievances Already
Referred To The Daily
Being Investigated
The proposal of the Committee on
Student Labor of the Men's Council
for it to act as a clearing house for
student labor complaints in an ef-
fort to ameliorate student working
conditions was approved yesterday
by Dean Joseph A. Bursley.
At the meeting of the Committee
last night it was decided that it
would meet at 9 p.m. every Tuesday
at the Union, at which time it will
hear all student labor grienvances.
The proposal of the Committee
was made after an investigation of
The Daily into labor conditions in
which it was found that workers at
the Michigan League were being
treated unfairly and after a survey
by the Student Workers' Federation
condemning five Ann Arbor restau-
rants as especially unfair to student
Student labor complaints which
have already been referred to The
Daily are now under investigation
and will be published as soon as the
investigation has been completed.
The Committee as organized at
present has the right to aid the stu-
dents in- presenting labor problems
to the Dean of Students' Office, if it
deems the complaints justified. The
final action, however, rests with the
Dean of Students' Office.
The members of. the Committee
on Student Labor are Thomas C. Sul'
livan, '37, vice president of the Men's
Council, and chairman of the Com-
mittee; Richard Clark, '37, president
of the SCA; William Yost, '37, F.&C.,
and Tom Downs, '39, who although
not on the Men's Council was select-
ed to membership on the Committee
as president of the Student Workers'
Federation. .I
Any student having a complaint
or grievance regarding student labor
has two courses of action, Sullivan
explained: He may either present
his complaint in person to the Com-
mittee or he may go directly to the
Dean of Students' Office and present
his complaint there.
If the Committee after investiga-
tion finds the complaint well found-
ed, it will present the complaint to
the Dean of Students' Office, recom-
mending action If the complaint
'Continued on Page 21

Why Goodfellows Leave Home,
Or, Where Is Bonth Williams?

Advance Gifts
Bring Yuletide
Fund To $185'

Goofy Columnist Thinks
Poor Starving Kiddies
Are Overfed
Bonth Williams, Daily columnist,
late last night resigned the com-
mander-in-chiefship of the Goodfel-
low Storm Troopers, to which he had
been appointed early in the evening
by an announcement from Goodfel-
low headquarters.
His resignation, which came at
about midnight, and which was at-
tributed solely to Molly Klotz, his fi-
ancee,accounts for the disintegrated
Storm Troops, which will not make
its reappearance with the second an-
nual Goodfellow edition next Mon-
The Storm Troopers, all juveniles
who last year lined the diagonal and
attempted to coerce students to con-
tribute to the Goodfellow Fund, were
until last night under the direction
of John Brennan, football player,
who was driven out of town by Every
Fifth American Woman.
Forced Resignation
Williams' resignation forced the
hurried cancellation of orders of 500
baseball bats and 2,000 ice balls,
which were to have been distributed
to the Storm Troopers Monday.
It is understood that the Michigan
League, as representative of Every
Fifth American Woman, will be con-
signed the shipments if cancellations
are not effective.
The official announcement of Wil-
liams' appointment read:
"Despite the hatred Bonth Wil-
liams entertains for beautiful things,
fresh air and little children, Good-
fellow headquarters is convinced that
The Daily columnist will divert his
full energy to the Goodfellow cause
for at least cne day. His talent for
organizing small children and mor-
on~s must be utilized at this hour."
Williams, who has been graining
the Storm Troopers with Brennan
for the past three weeks, was
"damned happy to do my bit" when
found discussing communism with
Col. Henry W. Miller of the me-
chanical drawing department, in the
home of the janitor of East' Engi-
neering Hall.
He was enthusiastic over prospects
of the Storm Troops.
Resignation Confirmed
"We have," he said, "some of the
huskiest cases of arrested develop-
ment I have ever seen. One 10-year-
old will break at least 20 shins, and
probably a few baseball bats in the
process, tomorrow. He is really a
terror. My only fear is that Fred
M. Zeder or Alex Dow, both benev-
olent gentlemen, will be taken for
Later, at Goodfellow headquarters,
when Williams was explaining his
plan of attack, Miss Klotz ran
through the door without opening it.
She suffered severe lacerations. and
was immediately taken to University
Hospital, but not until she had
"I came to tell you not to take
this job, Bonth. Don't you see, dear,
that this is not the spirit of the
Goodfellow drive? Besides, if you do
I will break a few shins myself."
Then Bonth reported his resigna-
tion to the editor of The Daily, who
said that she had been planning to
demand it anyway because "it is not
in the spirit of the Goodfellow drive."
The Goodfellow director con-
Nighties Lacking
Strings Arouse Ire
Of Frosh Patient
George JA. Bergman, 40, left the
Health Service yesterday and as us-
ual had left it after having turned
it upside down by one of his surveys
among the patients.
It was two weeks ago that George
was first caught in the Health Serv-
ice machinery and while he languored
in bed with the hiccups, he devised

a ballot among the patientry to de-
cide the questions "Who is the cham-
pion cigarette bummer of the Health
Service? and "Whogis the best look-
ing nurse?"
This time he was down with a cold
and when he staggered down the
steps yesterday morning he left be-
hind a comprehensive survey on
It seem sthat George was given one
of the "invalid gowns"-huge white
cotton affairs tied to a person with
six strings-but the garment only had
a couple of strings. From a vantage
position in Room 7, he sent forth in-
quiries all up and down the lines of
beds between shocking the nurses
with photographs of nude women.
The results: Of more than 30 pa-
tients in the Health Service at the
time, only one nightgown was found

Bonth Plays Santa

\ /
"Nary A Scrooge," says Bonth,
our blithe gossip factory, as he dis-
tributed Christmas baskets among
the unemployed capitalists yester-
curred: "It is not in the spirit of
'he Goodfellow drive."
Miller G. Sherwood, '37, president
of the Men's Council, said that he
had planned to take his personal
moral support away from the Good-
fellow drive if, the Storm Troopers
had been utilized, and Herbert Weis-
singer said in a tone which some con-
strued to be sarcastically ironical:
"The Student Alliance will not
support the movement unless the
Storm Troopers are retained. Oh, no
-keep the capitalistic Troopers."
A posse was detailed to hunt for
Professor Karpinski who, not know-
ing of the abolition of the S.T., was
understood to have been circulating
a petition asking S.T. abolition
among Washtenaw Co. farmers.
Trial Concerts
.To Be Offered
By Prof. Pratt

Dormitories Vote
For Goodfellow
Next Monday


Townspeople And
Faculty Give $40
Fraternities And Sororities
Contrbute To Fund To,
Aid Needy
Five days before the issue of the
Goodfellow extra, more than $185
have been received in advance sub-
scriptions for the fund which is to
provide Christmas cheer and year-
'round aid to needy students, chil-
dren and families.
Mosher Hall voted last night to
fgive $25 to the Goodfellow Fund;
Jordan2Hall announced a gift of $10.
Other gifts announced yesterday are:
I Betsy Barbour House, $10; Phi Sigma
Delta, $15; Gamma Phi Beta, $8;
Trigon, $11; Sorosis, $5; Delta Kappa
Epsilon, $10; and Theta Xi, $10.
Private subscriptions from faculty
President Ruthven
Lands Goodfellows
I cordially commend the Mich-
igan Daily's plan of publishing a
GOODFELLOW number. At no
other time of the year is there
greater satisfaction in doing what
we can to relieve the many cases
of distress, among students and
our Ann Arbor neighbors, of which
we are all too keenly aware.
' Alexander G. Ruthven.


tinx Takes In
12 Fall Initiates,

Sphinx, junior literary college
honorary society, invited 10 students
and two faculty members to mem-
bership last night.
They are Dr. ,William M. Brace,
Arthur Van Duren, Robert Cooper,
James F. Colombo, John C. Thom,
John T. Fabello, Joseph M. Rigaldi,
Arthur B. Lundahl, Robert Weeks,
Frederick D. Allen, Douglas Farmer
and Bruce T. Telfer.
The traditional hay rack ride will
be held this afternoon. A banquet in
honor of the pledges will be given
tonight in the Union.
All Essay Entries
Due By December 16
All entries in the essay contest for
non-affiliated women announced by
President Ruthven at the annual As-
sembly Banquet in the League should
be turned in by Dec. 16 at Room 1017
Angell Hall.
The subject of the essay is "What
My Objectives Should Be in College,"
and must be limited to 50 words. The
prizes in the contest are a copy - of
Wilfred Shaw's "Dr. Angell's Let-
ters," one can of Gracie Allen's to-
mato juice and one kiss-proof lip-
The Carillon Today


Scheduled- Programs Are
Planned For The Spring
To Benefit Visitors
A series of afternoon carillon con-
certs is being inaugurated today with
trial programs planned to determine,
according to Dr. Charles A. Sink,
president of the School of Music, so
they will know just "how much traf-
fic the air will stand."
At 5 p.m. today a 15-minute pro-
gram will be offered by Wilmot Pratt,
carillonneur, which will be continued
tomorrow and Friday this week, and
Dec. 14 and 15 next week.
On Dec. 13 the bells will play for
30 minutes at 4:15 p.m. On Dec. 16
the carillon will accompany the
Christmas Sing at 7:30 p.m.
On Dec. 31 the bells wil lhe played
10 minutes at midnight and New'
Year's Day a half-hour program willl
be given at 4:15 p.m.
Dr. Sink explained that the pro-
grams are being given in order to give
the public a chance to hear the bells,
and to find out exactly how much
they can be used without overdoing
Although no definite program has
been planned for the formal series
after the first of the year, Dr. Sink
said last night that in the spring and
summer, concerts would be given at
regular intervals so that visitors in
the vicinity would have a chance to
hear them.

men and townspeople received yes-
terday totalled more than $40.
All money from advertising in The
Goodfellow Daily will be turned over
to the fund. A coupon is printed on
this page for advance subscriptions
to the special Daily, which is to be
issued on Monday, Dec. 14. The,
paper will be sold on the campus and
downtown by members of campus
honor societies, but copies of the
issue and Goodfellow tags will be de-
livered toGadvance subscribers.
Subscriptions were received yester-
day from the following Goodfellows:
. Grant Barnes, E. W. Blakeman, G.
P. Bugbee, Margaret Cowie, Avard
Fairbanks, G. C. Grismore, I. L. Katz,
H. W. King, Charles E. Koella, M.
Levi, Samuel W. McAllister, C. P.
Merlino, H. W. Nordmeyer, Wilmot F.
Pratt, H. T. Price, Frank E. Robbins,
Alexander G. Ruthven, Herbert C.
Sadler, Philip L. Schenk, Edith
Thomas, Eunice Wead, John S. Wor-
Trigon, Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Sig-I
ma Delta, Betsy Barbour.1
Swim Meet Tickets
Will Be Sold Friday
An all-campus sale of tickets for
the annual swimming exhibition to
be held at 7:30-9 p.m. Friday will
begin today, it was announced re-
cently by Kate Landrum, '37, presi-
dent of the W.A.A.
Tickets will be on sale at tables
in Angell Hall, the Main Library and
the Engineering Arch.
The ticket sale is being sponsored
by the Women's Athletic Association
in their drive for a women's swim-
ming pool. Part of the proceeds will
go towards sending the Varsity swim-
ming team to an outside meet and
the remainder towards the proposed
women's pool.

Army Rushes
Flood Relief
In Philippines
Fighting Planes Are Sent
Into Cagayan Valley Hit
By Deluges
Report Thousands
Missing Or Dead
54 Villages Are Inundated
And Whole Families Said
To Be Wiped Out I
MANILA, Dec. 8.-()-Army au-
thorities assigned fighting planes to
relief duty tonight to rush aid into
the flood-stricken Cagayan valley,
where they reported thousands dead
and other thousands missing in per-
haps the worst deluge in Philippine
Partial reports showed at least 54
villages inundated, whole families
wiped out, crops and livestock washed
away and untold damage inflicted by
fast-rising flood waters that rushed
down the treacherous Cagayan River
last Friday as the aftermath of a
Army air service relief was ordered
and it became known the waters
covered a rich farming area more
than 100 miles long. Regular com-
munications systems were wiped out.
Initial reports showed 20 bodies re-
covered in the village of Cagayan.
Planes were groomed for a take-
off at dawn tomorrow on their mercy
errand while Red Cross and govern-
ment authorities marshalled all pos.-
sible reinforcements. The fliers will
survey the flood area. .
Officials feared the full toll of
the flood might never be known be-
cause of its suddenness and severityj
A relief board authorized the aerial
surveyors to purchase needed supplies
of rice and building materials im-
mediately to solve food and shelter
So isolated was the stricken area
that a former provincial military
commander required four days to
fight his way to an outlying point
from which he informed the world
of the disaster.
The main path of the storm was
across the islands south of Manila
but it brought widespread rains also
to the provinces north of here.
Monaghan Dies
From Possible
Skull Fracture
Cause Of Death Uncertain;
May Have Been Result
Of Former Accidents
George F. Monaghan, '38L, 24
years old, of Detroit, died shortly
before noon yesterday in University
Hospital from what was believed to
have been the effects of a head in-
jury received in an automobile acci-
dent four years ago.
Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowske of the
University Hospital denied last night
the report that an autopsy was to be
performed at the hospital. "The
body has already been removed to
Detroit and the case is out of our
hands," he said.
Monaghan evidently suffered some

kind of a dizzy spell early yesterday
for he was found at 6:30 a.m. in his
room at the Phi Delta Phi house un-
conscious. He was immediately
rushed to the hospital, where he died
about 11:30 a.m.
Cause Of Death Uncertain
It is believed that Monaghan
sufferedha spell and then fell, strik-
ing his head against a steam radiator
in his room. Dr. William M. Brace
of the Health Service and Dr. Ker-
likowske said yesterday that it was
not possible to say positively whether
Monaghan died of the fall yesterday
or from the effects of the former in-
Fellow fraternity brothers said
yesterday that Monaghan had twice
been seriously injured in automobile
accidents, the last one occurring foul
years ago. His skull was badly frac-
tured in the crash, necessitating hi,
withdrawal from school for a year.
May Have Struck Head
Doctors were not ready to say
whether death resulted from a cere-
bral hemorrhage caused by the'form-

Do l Ma"e My Point
Perfectly Clear To
You Dear Student?
The Michigan Daily Question &
Answer department has closed up
shop. Battered, bruised and beaten,
the Question Editor closed his desk
with a bang last night as an innocent
student stumped him with the in-
Dear Question Editor:
Could you explain what the fol-
lowing passage in my psychology
text-book means? It is from Wood-
ward's Psychology, page 408, third'
edition, and it says-"The great
handicap of the deaf child, which
shows in his I.Q., is probably his in-
ability to hear what other people,
say." -Puzzled.
Play Production
To Present New'
Drama By Flavin
New Work Will Be Given
Here Before Broadway
Has Chance To See It
Amid a spirit of unusual excite-
ment as well as of tense expectation
as to the audience reaction, Play
Production will present, three weeks
before the Broadway opening, Mar-
tin Flavin's new play "The Good Old
Summer Time" at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
In its first direct contact with
Broadway, Play Production will offer
the new script as the first organiza-
tion in the country to accept the
challenge issued by the Dramatists'
Play Service which is submitting new
plays to community and university
theatres throughout the country in
an attempt to decentralize the
American theatre and break the age-
old monopoly of Broadway upon the
rights to worth-while plays.
"The Good Old Summertime" is a
comedy tempered with a serious and
sincere treatment of the problems,
arising from the depression, depict-
ing a mid-western family breaking up
in the face of adversity but finally
joining again as a family unit. It
will be presented tonight, Friday
night, and Saturday night at the
same time but on Thursday a matinee
performance will be necessary at 3:30
p.m. because of the Boston Symphony
Orchestra concert Thursday - night.
Mr. Windt stressed the importance
of this Ann Arbor showing as in-.
dicated by the interest which pro-
ducers on Broadway and the spon-
sors of this movement have already
shown. Mr. Windt-has been request-
ed to furnish the Broadway pro-
ducers with a complete record of the
script and audience reaction. There-
fore, Mr. Windt in turn is requesting
the audience to submit to him their
reactions to the script and thus aid
in this experiement as well as help
The cast will contain two charac-
ters who have never before appeared
in Play Production performances:
Mr. Windt explained. These are
Mary Margaret Grable, '37, and Wil-
liam Rice, '38Ed. The remaining
players include Frederick O. Cran-
dall, Grad., Hattie Bell Ross, Grad.,
Sarah Pierce, Grad., Karl Nelson, '37,
Ralph Bell, '37, James Doll, Grad.,
Truman Smith, Grad., and William
Iverson '37.
December Gargoyle
To Be Sold Dec. 10

The December issue of the Gar-
goyle, campus humor magazine,
which will feature a super-prepos-
terous person and a satire on men's
and women's styles, will be placed on
sale tomorrow, Gilbert Tilles, '37,
editor, announced yesterday.
Other things to be found in the new
issue of the magazine will be several
feature stories, one on Ann Arbor as
seen by the student, the landlady, the
business man and various other types
_ of persons and another one on the
Iy various "mail" seekers.

LONDON, Dec. 9.-(Wednesday)-
(M)-Edward's choice of love or em-
pire remained unanswered to an anx-
ious realm early today as those who
might know his decision kept tight-
lipped silence.
Cabinet ministers were to assemble
in formal session this morning, prior
to an afternoon meeting of the House
of Commons, to hear from Prime
Minister Stanley Baldwin a report of
his long audience with Edward and
two of the King's brothers at dinner
in ice-sheathed Fort Belvedere last
In Baldwin, the man who says Ed-
ward cannot as King wed the Amer-
ican-born Wallis Simpson, carried
away from the country retreat a final
answer to his urging that the mon-
arch renounce his love, he guarded
carefully that answer-until formal
announcement could be made to cab-
inet and commons.
Some authoritative observers said
they were convinced Baldwin may
end the entire uproar with a simple
announcement to commons that "the
crisis is over."
If Edward's final choice had been
made, it would be communicated first
to a full, formal cabinet session-
and such a session was called for
today, officials said.
CANNES, France, Dec. 8.-P)-
Wallis Warfield Simpson kept in
close telephonic communication with
London today while close friends said
she was determined to become the
bride of King Edward VIII despite
her public offer to sacrifice her love
to save him Britain's throne.
She talked at least four times with
London during the day, but it was
not disclosed from which end the
calls originated.
Sources close to her expressed
"strong belief," that Mrs. Simpson's
public avowal Monday of her will-
ingness to sacrifice her love had been
dictated by personsaclose to the king.
Both Edward and the American-
born divorcee, they said, in telephone
conversations which preceded Mrs.
Simpson's signed statement reaf-
firmed their mutual determination
on a morganatic marriage by which
Edward might make her his wife but
not the queen of England.
Dorm Petition Plan
Will Not Be Used
The plan to petition the state leg-
islature for men's dormitories here,
suggested by the Student Alliance
several weeks ago, was definitely laid
aside last night when that organiza-
tion heard in meeting that the Dor-
mitory Committee to which the idea
had been submitted, declined to put
it through.
The Alliance voted to work with the
central committee instead of inaug-
urating such a campaign on its own
Action on a proposal to petition the
University administration to ask the
legislature for the necessary amount
to build the dormitories was witheld
pending investigation of a University
regulation forbidding students to pe-
tition it on any subject.
.-Coast Guardsmen under Capt. Fred
Staubel put out from here today in
a power boat to rescue the crew
of theelighthouse Skillagalee (Isle
Aux Galets), ice bound in the Straits
of Mackinac.

Cabinet Head
To Tell Results
Of Conference
With Edward
Baldwin To Make Formal
Statement To Cabinet
And Commons Today
England Awaiting
Decision Of King

Mrs. Simpson Said
Determined To
British Monarch

To Be

Theatre Manaoer Says Exams
Make Students Hard To Please

Michigan undergraduates will be
comforted in knowing that while
exams may prove flops ,at least stu-
dents show signs of having studied,
for according to Jerry Hoag, man-
ager of the Michigan theatre, the ef-
fort they make to please their pro-
fessors results in a case of jitters
which makes them a nervous, irri-
able, critical, hard to please and less
sympathetic audience than usual.
As a result, says Mr. Hoag, theatre
managers do not run tales of sophis-
ticated love or melodrama during
this period but show farces and mu-
sical comedies instead.

Like the majority of audiences, he
;said, students go to the movies
to be entertained not instructed and
check the intellectual portions of
their' minds with their coats. Pic-
tures with social significance such as
"Gabriel Over the White House" and
the "President Vanishes" caused no
appreciable stir and were box-office
failures, he said. Nor were the Hecht
and MacArthur offerings to motion
picture art, "Crime Without Pas-
sion" and "The Scoundrel" more
kindly received, although they scored
successes at many of the Eastern
universities, it was stated.

The cover, which will follow
Christmas theme, will be made up
many colors, Tilles said.


To The Goodfellow Editor:
I wish to join the GOODFELLOWS. Enclosed find
contribution of $...........to help needy
students, children and families.
n1 ~ ~~~~ ~ 1 y-m -1-1-.nr

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