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December 05, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-05

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i rr nw si

(Continued from Page 4)
There will be refreshments. Students
taking work in education are espe-
cially invited to attend.
A.A.U.W. International Relations
Supper: Sunday, Dec. 13, 6:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union terrace. Mrs. Lila
Pargement will speak on Contempor-
ary Russian Culture. Reservations
at Michigan Union by 10 a.m. Satur-
day, Dec. 12.
The Monday Evening Drama See-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet Monday evening, Dec. 7 at
7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. R. P.
Briggs at 16 Rideway. The hostess
will be assisted by Mrs. T. S. Hill,
Mrs. S. B. Meech and Mrs. M. L.
Harris Hall: Regular studnet meet-
ing Sunday at 7 p.m. Open forum
on topics presented by recent speak-
ers. Refreshments. All Episcopal
students and their friends are cor-
dially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.
11 a.m., Holy Communion and ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
First Baptist Church, Sunday,
10:45 a.m.
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, minister,
will speak on "The Supreme Test
of Character."
12:00 noort Mr. Chapman's class
meets at Guild House.
6:30 p.m. The Roger Williams
Guild will meet in church parlors
with the members of the church as
their guests. Mrs. Frederick G.
Dickason, of Judson College, Ran-
goon, Burma, will give an address in
which she will show several reels of
film, picturing college events and the
customs of the people. A social hour
with refreshments.
Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45
a.m. led by Prof. George Carrothers.
Theme: "Qualifying for. Leadership."
Wesleyan Guild meeting, 6 p.m. Prof.
D. L. Katz will speak on "A Chemist
Looks at Religion." Fellowship hour
and supper following the meeting.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship service at 10:45 a.m. Dr. C.
W. Brashares will preach on "Heart
First Presbyterian Churchm, (tem-
porary location Masonic Temple, 327
South Fourth Ave.)
W. P. Lemon, D.D., minister.
Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, assistant.
10:45 a.m., morning worship. Dr.
William P. °Lenon will preach on
"Utopia Incorporated." The second
of an Advent series. Student choir.
6 p.m., Supper and Fellowship hour
of the Westminster Guild student
group. (Note later hour because of
"The Messiah").
6:30 p.m., Guild meeting. Prof. E.
William Doty will speak on the sub-
ject "The Place of Art in Religion."
Mr. Marvin Thompson will sing.
Church ofChrist (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible class. H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Clarence Kresin, a dele-
gate from the University to the Lake-
side Youth Conference last summer,
will bring a report on the work of
the Lakeside meeting. There will be
opportunity for discussion -following
the report.

Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
South Fourth Ave., will hear Dr.
George L. Losh of Elmhurst College
in the morning service to be held at
10:30 a.m. The 9 a.m. service will
be conducted in German as usual,
the pastor, Rev. Theodore Schmale,
preaching. The Young People's
League meets at 7 p.m. and will dis-
cuss the topic "Looking Toward
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m., service of worship with
sermon by Mr. Heaps. Subject "The
Return to Religion" based on the
book by the well known Psychiatrist,
Henry Link.
The Student Fellowship will meet
at 3:15 p.m. Sunday and go in a
group to hear the Messiah. Supper
at 6 p.m. followed by a devotional
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Lib-
erty at Third St., Sunday:
At 10:45 a.m. the Rev. Mr. Brauer
will preach on "The Second Coming
of Christ." Student-Walther league
supper and fellowship hour at 5:30
p.m. Preparatory service at 7:30
p.m. The second evening Advent
service with Holy Communion will
be held at 7:45, the pastor's sermon-
ette dealing with "The Promise Given
to Abraham."

Rev. Babcock To Bes
Roman Vice-Rector
The Rev. Fr. Allen J. Babcock, as-
sistant in charge of St. Mary's Cath-
olic Students' Chapel here since 1928,
will assume duties next month as
vice-rector of the North American
College in Rome, Italy, it was re-
vealed yesterday.
The announcement came from Ca-
jetan Cardinal Bisleti, Prefect of the
Congregation of Seminaries and Un-
iversities at Rome.
Father Babcock, an alumnus of the
college, will leave in January to as-
sume his new duties. He will deliver
his farewell sermon Dec. 13 in St.
Mary's Chapel. He hashbeen given a
leave of absence from the Detroit di-
ocese to accept .the position.
Dean Alice Lloyd will speak on
"Riches In A Depression" at the
regular Sunday forum of the Hillel
Foundation at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow.

Match Piler-Upper King Shows His Masterpiece

Fund Aids Mldad justed Families-

receive the Sacrament if they are in
good and regular standing in their
home church.
The Lutheran Student Club will
have as their guest speaker Sundayj
night, Dr. O. R. Yoder, Assistant'
Medical Superintendent of the Ypsi-
lanti State Hospital. Dr. Yoder is a
well known psychiatrist and will
speak on a subject relating to "Re-
ligion and the Balanced Personality."
Supper and social hour at 5:30 p.m.
Forum at 6:30 p.m., Zion Parish Hall.
The Hillel Independents will spon-
sor an open forum at the Founda-
tion, Sunday Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. Dean
Alice Lloyd will speak on "Riches in
a Depression." After the open dis-
cussion which will follow the ads
dress, there will be an important
business meeting, and plans for the
coming meetings, programs and so-
cial events will be made. All are
cordially invited. Come and bring
your friends with you!
UnitarianChurch, Sunday :
5 p.m. Twilight service. "The Mes-
siah of Art and the Jesus of History,"
sermon by Rev. H. P. Marley. 7:30
p.m. Liberal Students' Union. Prof.
W. H. Maurer will speak on the topic
of "Leisure and the Schools."

Wvotld laccept nothingt else. The R11m-
(Coliti1cd fromr Pagew 1) t io was in miserable str~aits, bu ily Welfare Bureau bought several
kk hI o was too proud to receive any as- items of woolen clothing and wrap-
a startling effect. on the young girl. sistance' whatsoever. ped them in Christmas packages.
She became more interested in school Size was asngle oa h a
workandin hins al ar~unl hn taen area sne wmanwhohadSpecial Fund Needed
workandin ting allarond hre ~t-,-i areof her parents until their Ths eegvnIoteodld
lShe was sent. to a suninaer camp. dath!n athnbe ef ih Teexeegie oteodld
omnething she had previously refused nohn but houseveryeav ilyh who was told that they were, gifts
o allow because of her infer iority mrggd hswmn r.Be from an anonymous donor and served
..eeling. and reports from the camp voort said, had enjoyed earlier all the toke hIidysu rmfezn
indicated that she was one of the best comforts of life and had been cor- n-de ae e grmnt osvea
cases of, rapid adjustment of the year. I dy needetadsefrs ect-sbak
SElderly Lady HelpedI ing. Ordinary welfare funds could not
Another instance in which the Even now, wvhen she had no means have been used in a case as this, Mrs.
Goodfellow money wvas a great help of support and possessed only clothesI Brevoort explained, because of the
was in the aiding of an elderly lady 29 to 30 years old, she was too proud:, technical requirements on such funds.
Fursi From Zwerdling's
t And it's just the gif t that will make her happy.
A FUR COAT is something your wife, sister or
mother needs. The cost? A great deal less than vi
-: ~you can possibly imagine.
' We make each garment individually - no dab lots
ever. Whether it is a $60 lapin or $1,500 mink,
1each is made by master f urriers and priced accord-
I ing to its individual worth.
}-ESTAWS"lED 1904 272E. USEaTY S
33 Years of Unexcelled Service. n d w
.w4 V tartling effet otR~t+7XtVhe ou 1n gir.(C sstl+1 n ce T*whaW IW N * tsoeer ped FW+L W t hem W+4 in r %~WK~ istm As[a Cages.

-Associated Prees Photo
By profession John Presaris of Cleveland is a shoe repairman, but in
odd moments he likes to balance matches on tops of bottles. Here is his
masterpiece-5,700 matches perched atop a single bottle, which is
erough, he thinks, to give him the unofficial world championship. A
Cleveland doctor introduced the "indoor sport" by stacking up 3,585
matches in this manner.

Auto Accident Victim
Is In Good Condition
Frank Gross, 31 years old, 1616
Traver Rd., was in good condition to-
day after an automobile accident on
US-12 Thursday night, University
Hospital officials reported.
It was thought at first that his
skull had been fractured when his
car turned over about a mile and a
half east of Chelsea corners, but an
x-ray indicated there was no frac-
203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973
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to receive any assistance. A supply
of food was f cCrc ,upon pier by the


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like Chesterfields. .. I like em a lot .

Chesterfields are milder ... and when
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for the good things
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looft A.


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