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December 05, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-05

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URDAY, DEC. p, 1936


J.G.P. Meeting
Is Postponed
Until. Thursday
Play To Be Given March
24-27; Work To Start
S66n AfterHolidays
The mass meeting for junior women
will be held Thursday instead of
Tuesday as previously announced,
according to Hope Hartwig, general
chairman of the 1937 Junior Girls
The date for the play has also
been changed to March 24-27. Prac-
tice will begfi soon after the holidays
in order to avoid concentrated re-
hearsals the last few weeks.
At the meeting Thursday Miss
Hartwig will introduce Dean Alice C.
Lloyd and Dr. Margaret Bell who will
give short talks about eligibility and
health in connection with work on
the Junior Girls Play. The chair-
men of the central committee will
be introduced and Sarah Pierce,
Grad., the director of the play, will
explain the mechanics of putting on
the production.
Virginia Hunt, music chairman,
and Marie Sawyer, dance chairman,
will explain their plans for the sing-
ing and dancing choruses and will
announce the time of tryouts. Prac-
tice for these choruses will begin im-
mediately after the holidays. The
,financing of the play will be ex-
plained by Margaret Ferries, chair-
man of finance. As usual a fee of
$1 will be collected from every junior
woman before anyone will be allowed
to tryout.
Preference slips for committee
work and participation in the pro-
duction will be handed out in the
meeting. It should be understood
that a woman may work on both
committee and production parts,bac-
cbrding to Miss Hartwig.
:tuthvens Entertain.
Damtes, Husbands
President and, Mrs. Ruthven en-
tertained the Michigan Dames at a
reception in their home from 8 to 10
p.m. yesterday.
Nearly 200 guests attended the re-
ception to which the husbands as well
as the Dames were invited. Mrs.
Ruthven wore a green velvet gown
trimmed in gold with matching gold
accessories and received in the living-
room with officers of the organization
who were also in the receiving line.
Red and white snapdragons dec-
orated the tables, and hostesses in-
cluded members of the board, ac-
cording to Mrs. Lewis Haines, presi-
dent of the Dames. l

Queen At Arkansas

-Associated Press Photo
Miss Marie Fearing (ab-3ve) was
slictck l by the Etudcnt body of te
University of Arkansas, Fayette-
ville, as campus queen. She was
chesen by a huge majority vote.

Local Chapters Exhibition Tickets
Plan Activities
Tickets for the annual swimming
For W eek-End exhibition to be held Dec. 11 were an-
nounced on sale at the following
places by Kate Landrum, '37, presi-
Two Groups To Initiate; dent of the Women's Athletic Asso-
National And Province ciation, which is sponsoring the ticket
Heads Visit Campus The W.A.A. Building, Barbour
Gymnasium, the Intramural Building,
Among the activities scheduled by the Union, the League, Wahr's Book
fraternities and sororities for the Store. Slater's Book Store, Van Bov-
week-end initiations and Founder's en's, Moe's Spurt Shop and the Parrot.
have been designated.'
Day luncheons. A national president
and a province president are guests
at lccal hoasei.
Alpha Omicron Pi has as its week-
end guest, Mrs. E. H. Anderson, the
National President. Today Mrs. An-
derson and the entire group of mem-
bers will go to Detroit to attend a
Founders' Day Luncheon.
The following men will be initiated
into Alpha Rho Chi today: James
Rigg, '38A, Saginaw; Richard Pol-
lard. '38 Spec, Buffalo, N. Y.; Frank
White, '38A, London, Ont.; Ralph
Rapson, '38A', Alma; George Olding,
'39E, Detroit; Bertil Lindblad, '38A,
Jamestown, N. Y.
Delta Delta Delhi will hold a
Founder's Day luncheon today with
Dorothy Geldart, '37, in charge. The
Detroit and Ann Arbor Alliances
have been invited to attend. Alice l
Frayer, '39, and Jane Lyon, '39, will
be initiated following the program.
Gamma Phi Beta will initiate the
following women tomorrow: Virginia
Griffin, '38, Oyster Bay, N.Y.; Dor- -
othy Rupper, '38Ed., Evansville, Ind.;
Phyllis Crosby, '38, Ann Arbor; Helen
Owston, '39, Detroit; Margaret Ann
Ayers, '38, Detroit; Mary McNeil, '38,
{Buffalo, N. Y.; Patricia Hugg, '38SM,
Pleasant Ridge, Betty Lindegren, '39,
Ypsilanti; Catherine Sanders, '38,
Dnn Arbor.
Sigma Phi Epsilcn will give a "stag"
party 'tonight for members and soy- ~
eral Detro0it alumnae will come out
for the affair.
Zeta Tau Alpha is entertaining its
province president, Miss Honor Greg-
ory of Cleveland, O., beginning to-
morrow, .::

Young Voter's League j
holds Holiday Frolic
The Young Voter's League of the
Democratic Party held their Holiday
Frolic from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. yesterday
at the Masonic Temple. Al Cowan's
orchestra played for dancing.
Patrons and patronesses were Mrs.I
James McDonaid, vice-chairman of
the State Democratic central com-t
mittee, Prof. and Mrs. John Muy-
skens, Prof. and Mrs. W. D. Hender-
son, Prof. and Mrs. Wesley Maurer,
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Burke. Mr.
and1 Mrs. Harold Golds, Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. B. F.1



The first in a new series of danc-
ing lessons for beginners will be held
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 8, in the
League Ballroom. The series which
will include eight lessons will be
taught by Miss Ethel A. McCormick,
social director of the League. She
will be assisted by Barbara Nelson.
Grad. There will be a charge of $3
for the lessons.
The second lesson of the new in-
termediate series will be held at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the League

,, . :;
,; ,...
._ .

This i Miss
on campus.

Fearing's second year

Seven Hundred
'First Nighters'
See Soph Show
More than 700 people attended the
first day performance of "The Derby,"
1936 Sophomore Cabaret, last nght
at the League.
The cabaret will continue from
13:30 to 6 pni. and from 9 p.m. to 12'
midnight today. Floor shows will
{ be given at 4:30 and 10:30 p.m. Tick-
1 et.s for the cabaret are priced at 25c
The League Fair, which is being
given in conjunction with the Soph-
omore project, is sponsoring a raffle.
The lucky numbers will be called at
the evening performance of the floor
show, today.
The twenty minute floor show was
opened by a trio singing "Derby Day,"
an original .composition by Barbara
Health, general chairman. A horse
dance followed during which Char-
lotte Poock did a stable boy tap
Following an oral rendition of "Mr.
Pagannini," by the quartet, the chor-
us sang a medley of horse songs. The
show closed with the jockey dance.
They were dressed in red and white
costumes with black boots and belts.
Charlie Zwick and his orchestra are
playing for the cabaret.;

Regularly $16.95 to $29.75

1 !t

SPORTs and Daytime Frocks at $11.45,
styles for Daytime, Dressy Afternoon,
as well as Formals at $17.45 . . .
SIZES 9-11-13-15-17
Ellen Kaye FROCKS are our exclusive
Junior Fashions, so famous for perfect
fit, for individuality! Sale group in-
cludes Crepes, Wools, Velveteens and
Sparkling Lames, in all the important
colors . . . very specially priced!

W omen s Society
Will Give Musicale
The women's branch of the Mich-
igan Club will hold a musicale at 2:30
pam. today at the home of Mrs. James
Ingliss. A tea will be given at the
close of the program, of which Mrs.
James F. Breakey, social chairman, is
to have charge.
Mrs. John S. Worley, who is in
charge of the musicale, has an-
nounced that the artists are to be
Stanley Fletcher, pianist of the
School of Music, and Robert 0.
Campbell, '37SM, who will assist at
the second piano.

with Pleats
Gold Trim

, R / L


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New Merchandise Complete Stocks


Merchandise of Fine Quality and Good Value


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Fine Fraternity Jewelry
A Complete Line of CRESTED STATIONERY . . .



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