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November 15, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-15

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Survey Shows

Many Universities Have


Have Adequate
Men's Facilties
40 Institutions Contacted
To Learn Of Housing
(Continued from Page 1)
was the explanation: "The income
from the dormitories will pay for all
the fixed charges of maintenance
and operation but I have most serious
doubts as to their ability to liquidate
the original construction cost. But we
can make our dormitories self-liqui-
dating by reducing certain charges
against them which would seem to be
for services that go somewhat beyond
the strict running of a dormitory."
Enthusiastic Over Dorms
On the whole, however, universities
were enthusiastic about their dormi-
tories. A few of the statements were:
Duke University: "It would be im-
possible for us here to get along with-
out student dormitories. We believe
it is distinctly best to have the under-
graduate students live on our cain-
puses and should not be willing to
do without them and rely on housing
within private homes."1
University of Wisconsin: "I may
say that the dormitories offer the best
accommodations and the best food
for the money that are obtainable in
the city."k
Iowa Comments
State University of Iowa: "I con-j
sider that our dormitories havet
proved very successful both finan-
cially and socially, The Quadrangle.
has paid for itself and now makes
a profit which will be used later to
invest in another dormitory for men."
"Our unvarying experience thus farf
is that the demand for dormitory,
space is considerably greater than the
supply. As a matter of fact we could
use 10 more dormitories for men and
three for women without seriouslyi
crippling fraternities and sororities
or the legitimate and desirable type
of boarding house." At this univer-
sity there are three large dormitories
for men and seven for women with
two being built.
Dormitories Successful 4
Another: "The dormitories havec
been very successful financially and
in furnishing the necessary comfortsi
of good living conditions at college.
Furthermore, an excellent spirit of
organization has been successfully
fostered in each so that students have
had many of the advantages so fre-
quently lost when living independent-t
ly and in commercial rooming houses.t
The buildings have retired their cost
on unusually low rates and have now
become the permanent property oft
the college. There has never beenY
difficulty in keeping the schedule with
considerable reserve."
Proving contrary to some opinionsc
held on this campus, the majoritys
reported that fraternities weree
not hard hit by dormitories. In a
few cases, however, fraternities did
feel a decrease in the numbey of stu-c
dents in their organizations, but asf
one dean explained: "At any timea
that fraternities and sororities find1
difficulty in keeping houses filled it isi
more because the majority of stu-v
dents cannot afford the higher ratest
than because of any actual competi-
tion by the dormitories.>
"It is essential that the residentialc
aspect of the college be given pri-c
mary consideration. We prize ourr

fraternities highly, but the dormitor-
ies are indispensible."
A typical answer received from the
universities questioned is: "I do not
believe there has been any effect at
all upon fraternities with regard to
the erection of these dormitories.
Boys who must save money are in-
clined to room at the Quadrangle.
If, perchance, some of the men take
rooms in the dormitory and find
later that they can afford to join a
fraternity, we have no difficulty in
selecting a successor to them in
their rooms, as we always have a
waiting list."
$27 For Board, Room
This information was received from
the State University of Iowa where a
student can live in the Quadrangle
for $27 per month including board
and room, whereas it would cost him
twice that sum to live in a fraternity.
Another communication stated
"The operation of the dormitories has
been entirely satisfactory and I know
of no objection whatsoever either on
the behalf of the townspeople or the
fraternities. The congested condi-
tions rather eliminate all possible
criticism from these sources."
At comparatively few universities,
a different attitude was taken in re-
gard to the fraternities but all, how-
ever, stressed the need of the dormi-
tories. The University of Texas stat-
ed: "The effect on fraternities has
been negligible inasmuch as our new
dormitories from year to year have
been able to accommodate less than
the average increase in our student
Harvard Explains Situation
At universities such as Harvard,
however, fraternities have been dis-
banded but, it was explained, "There
were, even in the early years of the
20th century, very few national fra-
ternities established at Harvard. The
clubs are mainly independent and do
not house students, so that the dor-
mitories and houses have never com-
peted very much on this score with
At another university, Northwest-
ern, a different approach was made.
The fraternities forni an integral
part of the University's housing sys-
tem. As explained: "The House plan
is distinctly advantageous to frater-
hity members, inasmuch ,as it pre-
vents the extravagance which fre-!
quently results where fraternities
compete with each other in building
pretentious houses in order to attract
members. The fraternities are re-
stricted by the university as to the
size and cost of their buildings, their
cost of maintenance,, and their as-
sessment for entertainment, so that
membership adds only a very reason-
able sum to the student's expenses."
Extra-Dorm Housing
Several opinions were expressedl
upon the conditions of housing in the
towns or cities such as is offeredt
at the University of Michigan. Prac-
tically all regard housing in approved
houses inferior to dormitory housing.t
One of the communications read:
"The tendency on the part of thet
home owner has been to increase the
charges for rent rather materially
during the past few years. There
seems to be no correlation, whatso-
ever, between the price and the qual-c
ity of rooms. It is largely a matters
of getting as much as can be had{
from the student. At present, wet
are confronted with a very serious
housing problem on this campus andt
it is my opinion that the universityl
will make an effort to obtain addi-
tional dormitories."a
The State University of Iowa ex-
plained: "We have found that the-
cost of rooms in town keep pretty
close to the cost of rooms in our dor-
mitory. Therefore, our dormitory has

decidedly helped us to check the in-
crease in room rents in town."
Friction with the townspeople who
operated boarding houses was re-
ported by several universities while
others stated that building dormi-
tories had no lasting effect upon the
One university stated: "As we
increased our dormitory accommoda-
tions townspeople have been forced
out of the rooming house business
though, for the most part, students
lived formerly in private homes rather
than in rooming houses. The univer-
sity has always exercised a good deal
of supervision over town houses where
women students live. Rooming houses
have been for the most part re-
fmodelled into small apartments for
faculty and office people. There was
a real need for such apartments. This
change has sometimes resulted in
hardship for townspeople and caused
dissatisfaction. The process, how-
ever, has been gradual and there has
been no marked feeling between town
and university."
Another said: "The people in the
vicinity, especially those 'renting
rooms, were rather upset when dor-
mitories were built. Buththeyaseem
to have forgotten that this fall for
they have filled their rooms due to
the increase in enrollment."'
A university which has not yet es-
tablished dormitories for men com-
municated: "There has been some
objection to the establishment of dor-
mitories, but I think that if the uni-
versity should decide to go ahead
with the dormitory plan, that it would
do so."
Types Of Dorms
The construction type most utilized
by universities for their dormitory
systems was the quadrangle-units
built to form a central hollow square,
with each unit divided into houses
containing on the average from 20 to
30 men. Northwestern explained that
each house has its own individuality
but that collectively they form an
harmonious unit.
The other type used by many uni-
versities is the unit system in which
one long straight roof covers a num-
ber of smaller units, each divided'
from the other by partitions from
oasement to roof. The typical ar-
rangement included 30 to 40 students
within one of these smaller units
with approximately 10 students to a
Novel Plan Established
But one of the most interesting
and novel practices of establishing
dormitories was offered by Temple
University: "Our dormitories are ren-
avated private homes. They have
been purchased one by one asdthe
University was able to get hold of
them until we have practically a
complete block of typical city row
houses. They have been thrown to-
gether by cutting doors all the way
through the reception room and a
very attractive result has been
achieved. It is cumbersome in that
there is an undue amount of space1
given over to social purposes and it
is awkward to administrate."
The same university also presented1
a new approach to the regard in
which dormitories are held on the]
campus in relation to fraternities and
sororities. "We find little effect upon1
our dormitories when a new frater-
nity or sorority house is opened as we
permit no student to leave the dormi-
tory to enter a house during the col-
lege year."

dormitory prices were considerably
lower than those in private rooming
houses and offered more. The aver-
age price in the dormitories was ap-
proximately $3 but the price range
was great. A majority of dormitories
offered board in addition to room.
At one southern university, South
Carolina University, the construction
cost per student was $1,270 but the
charge per room per student is $20.
But at a mid-western university, the
University of South Dakota, the
charge per occupant for each semes-
ter is $27. Board is offered at $4
weekly. The total cost of board and
room is $198 for the 36 weeks of the
college year. The construction cost
per student in this university was ap-
proximately $1,100.
Costs Vary Greatly
In the cost of construction of the
dormitories, the costs, of course, var-
ied with the number of students the
dormitories would hold and their
comparative luxury. The average
construction price per student, how-
ever, ranged from $1,000 to $1,500
and in some cases, as for women's
dormitories, soared above the $1,500
The average situation was one in
which the cost per student was $1,-
450 in a dormitory housing 115 stu-
There were found, however, con-
struction costs per student as low as
$750 but in that case the price per
semester which the student had to
pay was proportionately low as were
the accommodations.
Whenever dormitories are set up an
administration is also organized to
make dormitory life more vital. Sev-
eral different systems have been de-
veloped at universities but all tend
toward increasing the social, cultural
and academic benefits for the stu-
Among the most interesting and ef-
fective systems developed is the fol-
lowing in practice at the University
or Oregon: "The student organiza-
tions within the units have developed
into that of social groups. They
framed a constitution and by-laws
and elected their own officers.
Through these officers each of the
units transacts its own business and
is represented by them in inter-or-
ganization meetings on the campus.
To maintain a sort of continuity and
help the students in the units, the
University selects a senior or a grad-
uate student to act as sponsor. His
chief function is to mingle among
the students in his unit as an ad-
viser and a general stimulator to their
esprit de corps. In order that he
may maintain the confidence of the
men in his group, we do not expect
him to bring disciplinary matters
to the dean of men. The compensa-
tion given the sponsors for their work
in the unit is that of room and board.
We limit their academic load to 12
Cooperative Government Practiced
Another system developed is that
of the State University of Iowa where
the administration of the dormitory
is carried on through a system of
cooperative government maintained
by the students residing therein. The
governing body is made up of a group
known as the Quadrangle Council
composed of the councilmen elected
by the students, and proctors ap-
Specializes In
VITA-FLUFF SHAMPOO ..........50c
Regularly $5.00
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Morrissey Tells Of
News Trends Today
(Continued from rage 1)
traceable, and of this number 65 per
cent originated in the news service
office, the remaining 35 per cent
probably written by local correspon-
dents of the Detroit papers and wire
"After medical and engineering
stories come features concerning va-
rious aspects of the University's
growth and achievement. This type of.
story includes such topics as en-
rollment, gifts or grants to the insti-
tution, novelties such as the reading
service to the CCC camps, and occa-
sional bits of University history."
Fourth in popularity is the psy-
chology story. Morrissey finds that
many papers also print his releases on
paleontology, astronomy, physics, an-
thropology, forestry, wild life, edu-
cation, law and political science.
"Stories on education seem to bE
quite variable in the liklihood of ap-
pearance in print. They appear most
often in rural weeklies and in papers
of national circulation. Not infre-
quently they are the basis of editor-
ials and therefore have considerable
penetrative and lasting influence.
"At Michigan," he continued, "the
English department is a better news
pointed by the dean of men. This
group makes regulations governing
the order and study hours and as-
sumes responsibility in maintaining
wholesome, clean living conditions.
A surprising result of the survey
showed a large number of univer-
sities and colleges equipped with co-
operative dormitories, either built by
the university or privately owned and
At one of the Big Ten universities
certain alterations were made upon
the stadium and the physical edu-
cation-building was temporarily util-
ized to provide cooperative dormitor-
ies to house 300 men students.
The prices in these cooperative dor-
mitories were considerably below
those in either the dormitories or
rooming houses. One cooperative
dormitory "was quoted as offering
board and room to a student for $4.75
per week.
Shirts, Scarfs, Robes, Linens
Three-Letter Monograms 35c-50c
All Work Done by Hand
303-5 South State Phone 5991

source than at some institutions. This Four terms of eleven weeks are given
is bcaue o th Howoo Midle each year. These may be taken con-
is because of the Hopwood Middle secutively (graduation In 3, years)
English Dictionary." or three terms may be taken each year.
(graduation in 4 years). The entrance
It was the characteristic absence of requirements are intelligence, charac-
ter and at least two years of college
buncombe in the releases from Ann work, including the subjects specifed
Arbor that impressed the Chicago for Grade A Medical Schools. Cata-
Triunewhofoud "heUniversity of logues and application form~s may be
Tribune who found "the Uobtained from the Dean.
Michigan bustling into this office
each week"-impressed them to such
an extent that they wrote Morrissey READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS
for statistics about the bulletins.
o<-->()ooso~r"> o<""""">0 o<"""" )<""{>mo} ,t
for that
Thanksgiving Spread!
in Fine Linens and
Silk. Damasks i

A new stocking
not to run
one thirty-five


oran Costs
On the whole it was
- --F


found that

* DESIGN - Where Engineers Go





A. D, Moore's Commentaries
Engineer's Notebook.
Engineering Economics
Notes of the Profession
Campus News
Stresses and Strains




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