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November 15, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-15

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The Weather

Lower Michigan: Snow and
much colder today; tomorrow
fair and continued cold.


Sir igIan

:43 til9

The Power Of The Press ..
Third Year Begins...

I e


Daily Survey
Shows Most
Have Dorms
Three-Fourths Of Schools
Offer Housing Facilities
For Men Students
Letters Received
From 40 Colleges
Nation-Wide Investigation
Conducted To Help In
Formulating Plans Here
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of
a series of seven articles by Mr. Silver-
man of The Daily editorial staff, re-
porting the findings of The Daily's
survey of American universities and
colleges on the question of mens dor-
mitories. The next article, which will
appear Tuesday, will describe the sit-
uation at Northwestern University.
Evanston, Ill.
Three-fourths of the universities
and colleges in all parts of the United
States contacted in a Michigan Daily
dormitory survey have dormitory f a-
cilities for men students.
In an effort to probe dormitory
conditions upon campuses through-
out the country in order to compare
them with conditions at the Univer-
sity of Michigan and to form a basis
for plans for men's dormitories on
this campus, The Daily interrogated
75 deans of men students at univer-
sities and colleges, 40 of which have
already answered. The skeleton re-
sults of the survey are here given.
10 Have No Dorms
Of the 10 universities and colleges
which have no men's dormitories, all
have definite reasons for not want-
ing them or else they expect to build
dormitories in a few years or are al-
ready constructing university hous-
ing facilities. Dormitories were found
lacking principally at the smaller col-
leges where the demand is not evi-
dent or at large universities which
are situated in large cities, the ma-
jority of students thus commuting
between their homes and school:
In none of the universities and col-
leges contacted were dormitories ac-
quired through student initiative: the
majority received funds for dormi-
tories from state legislatures; some
obtained theirs through private gifts;'
others received government loans and
grants; while still other universities
issued bonds, the income from the
dormitories to amortize the debt.
Deans Of Men Aswer
The letters distributed by The
Daily were addressed to the dean of
men students at the various univer-
sities and colleges and for the most
part represent their opinions. Be-
cause several have requested that
the names of their institutions be
not associated with the information
here given, many of the statements
quoted will not be directly credited,
the names being withheld to comply
with the requests.
The universities and colleges from
which letters were received are: Uni-
versity of Illinois, Northwestern Uni-
versity, University of Minnesota, Ohio
State University, University of Chi-
cago, University of Wisconsin, State
University of Iowa, University of Ore-
gon, State College of Washington,
University of Texas.
Universities Listed
Cornell University, Harvard Col-
lege, University of California, Syra-
cuse University, University of Pitts-
burgh, University of Wyoming, Uni-'
versity of Maryland, University of
Notre Dame, University of South

Carolina, University of Kansas, Uni-
versity of Alabama, University of
Washington, Boston University, Tem-
ple University, Southern Methodist
University, Drake University.
University of South Dakota, Uni-
versity of Colorado, Duke University,
University° of Oklahoma, University
of Kentucky, University of Maine,
Tulane University of Louisiana, Ober-
lin College, Phillips University, Sus-
quehanna University, Loyola Univer-
sity, Rhode Island State College,
Baylor University, George Washing-
ton University.
To aid the reader the vast amount
of information gathered from the
letters has been grouped according to
the most important subjects.
Appraisal Of Dorms
At only two of the 40 universities
and colleges contacted have dormi-
tories been unsuccessful and then un-
successful only to a very limited ex-
One of the colleges explained that
most of the dormitories were old
wooden structures in which students
did not care to live so that "th&
reason.why they have failed to pay

Ritchie Buoys Michigan Hopes With Long Run

Berry's Plan
To End Labor
War Spurned,

T hreatet

ns Power

Green Declares
For Arbitratio
A. F. L. To1

en Is Not

-Photo by Walter A. Crow.
Stark Ritchie, No. 33, breaks away for a 25-yard run and first down,
in the last quarter. Sweet, No. 60, and Valpey, No. 11, provide inter-
ference as Kovatch, No. 30 of Northwestern comes from behind. Smith-
ers, No. 43, is running interference in right foreground.
Mowrer Expresses Skenticism
Of Russia's Classless Ideal

Germany, Italy And Soviet
Converging Is Opinion
Of ChicagoJournalist,
Disbelief in Soviet Russia's avowed
intention of creating a classless so-
ciety was expressed yesterday by Paul
Scott Mowrer, managing editor and
former European correspondent of
the Chicago Daily News, in support
of his contention that Communist
Russia and Fascist Italy and Russia
"are moving toward each other very
"They say they are working toward
a classless society, but where is it?"
Mr. Mowrer asked in elucidating on
his prediction made before the Uni-
versity Press Club of Michigan Fri-
day night.
"The Communist group is a small
one and is in control of the govern-
ment. Theyhave special privileges
and rights," he said, "and I don't see
anything classless about that."
Mr. Mowrer said that he did not
consider the Five-Year Plan as tem-
porary policies pending a Communist-
ic state and a classless society. "Af-I
ter many years in newspaper work I
have come to take people for what
they do and not what they say they
are going to do," he explained.
He repeated his theory that both
fascism and communism, with a
common origin in socialism, are ap-
proaching each other in their phil-
osophies and that Russia under Stal-
in acts in accordance with the Second
Internationale, or nationalistic so-
cialism, rather than in accordance
with the Third Internationale and
international revolutionary socialism.
Property under fascism is "osten-
sibly owned privately but no one can
do with his property what he wishes,"
Mr. Mowrer said in explaining the
Suomi Club Will Hold
Meeting At 2:30 P.M.
Members of the Suomi Club, an
organization of Finnish students of
the University, will hold a meeting at
2:30 p.m. today in the upper room of
Lane Hall. '
Officers of the club elected at the
last meeting are: Reino Lahti, '38,
president, Edward Haapa, '37, vice-
president, andEdna Kandelin,'39.
According to Lahti, all students of
Finnish descent are cordially invited
to attend the meeting.

common end of Nazisim and Russian
Communism's state ownership.
Mr. Mowrer said he did not believe
"that there are enough Communists
in any one of the fascist countries to
have any effect at all" during the
stress of a prolonged war. Of the
nearly 10 million Communists in Ger-
many at the time of Hitler's advent to
power, he said "I think a lot of them
have become fascists."
In regard to American newspapers
in the recent campaign, he believed
that the Landon-suporting press had
nothing to fear of public confidence"
as long as they presented the news
fairly. The Chicago Daily News,
(published by Col. Frank Knox, Re-
publican vice-presidential nominee),
supporting Landon, gained 15,000 cir-
culation during the four months pre-
ceding the election."
A brother of Edgar Ansel Mowrer,
Chicago Daily News foreign corres-
pondent who spoke here three weeks
ago, Mr. Mowrer was a special stu-
dent in the University from 1906 to
1908. He became managing editor
of The Daily in his third year.
Michigan Band
Closes Season
With Real Bang
Playing their 1936 football season
finale, the Unive'rsity of Michigan
Band put on one of their best per-
formances of the year yesterday af-
In their pre-game performance, the
band members almost forecast the
winners of the contest. Standing be-
fore a pair of sham goal posts, the
band, at the command of traffic of-
ficer-Drum Major Fred Wiest,
'38SM, formed the word S-T-O-P as
a Northwestern clad football player
ran toward a touchdown. When a
Michigan man came toward them,
the band spelled G-O and struck up
the Victors as the figure ran on to
score. Freshman gridders took the
two parts.
Between halves, the band entered
from the sidelines forming the letters
N.W.U. diagonally across the field as
they played Go Northwestern Go.
Then the band formed a large deflat-
ed football which the drum major
pumped up till the ball burst. From
this a large star was formed which
was dedicated to Captain Matt Pat-

Dissenting Unions'
Move Expected To Start
Greatest Labor Struggle
In FiftyYears
TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 14.-(P)-Amer-
ican Federation of Labor leaders'
spurned today a proposal by George
L. Berry, President Roosevelt's coor-
dinator for industrial recovery, to end
their war with John L. Lewis by arbi-
Berry, also president of the Print-
ing Pressmen's Union, and other la-
bor leaders long have insisted upon
arbitration to settle disputes with
employers and suggested it should be
used to stop this internal row.
William Green, Federation presi-
dent, replied that Berrys proposal
''probably would not be acceptable
to either side," and that his execu-
tive council already had suggested
the only satisfactory peace plan.
(Lewis' United Mine Workers and
nine allied unions were suspended by
the council two months ago for form-
ing the Committee for Industrial O'r-
ganization. They are trying to bring
all the workers in each big industry
into one big union without regard for
traditional A.F. of L. craft union
lines. The federation's annual con-
vention here next week will be askedI
to expel the rebel unions. Labor
men agree that this move would
start the greatest labor war since
the A.F. of L. displaced the Knights
of Labor as the keystone of the
American labor movement 50 yearsS
John P. Frey, president of the Fed-
eration's metal trades department,
said Berry's plan came too late.
"Arbitration might have settled
the Civil War before Fort Sumter.
was fired upon," he added tersely.
Arthur P. Wharton, president of
the powerful machinists union, and
John Coefield, president of the
plumbers and a leader among the
building trades unions, rejected the
proposal without reservation.
Although Berry emphasized he sug-

Of King Football
King Football, mightiest of all
mighty fall attractions, may be los-
ing some of his personal magnetism
according to a Daily sleuth who has,
in the service of this mighty ruler
of the autumn, found in quite sur-
prising numbers about the campus,
students who give their allegiance to
bookish pursuits of knowledge rather
than to himself on the afternoons
when he occupies the *limelight.
In the Periodical Room of the Gen-
eral Library students were found de-
serting the gridiron and burying
themselves in intellectual pursuits.
As many as 75 or 100 such rebel
cases, were found carrying on their
activities. They were reported as
In the main floor study hall, sta-
tistics were kept by insurgent sym-
pathizers, the desk clerks, to see if
they had enough of a group of con-
verts to make worthwhile their keep-
ing open. They soon showed that
-attendance was large enough. About
80 books, or almost half of the norm-
al Saturday afternoons 184 books,
were sent stealthily across the shelves
to the rebels.
The basement study hall records 40
books used from the sacred hours of
2 to 5 p.m. which are especially des-
ignated as sacred to King Football.
Several of the study hall's assist-
ants and those at the main delivery
desk of the General Library cast a
nebulous shield of secrecy over thel
numbers of those engaging in such
uncollegiate activities as intellectual
achievement on the day of their Alma
Mater's mighty combat. The secrecy
was defended on the grounds that no
figures were given out without con-
sent of higher authorities.
Perhaps some of these unknown in-
dividuals are those worried over mid-
semester examinations, or from out of
town as suggested by an assistant in
Angell Hall Study Hall, where use of
about 75 books, or one-half of their
normal Saturday circulation, was dis-
Averill Named
New President
ress Clb
Prof. John Brumm Elected
To Secretary - Treasurer
Post For 17th Time

Stubborn Michigan
Grid ders Outlasted
By Wildcats, 9 To 0

Straw Vote Names
Durfee Champion
Cigarette Bummer
Champion cigarette bummer of the
University Health Service is: 1. Doc
Max Durfee, 2. Doc Maurice Mc-
Garvey, 3, Adam (orderly) Name one.
That is part of a ballot which
George Bergman, '40E, is circulating
among the patients at the Infirmary.
George .is down with a bad case of
hiccups caused by- some ailment in
his lungs, and between hics he is
carrying on a little election.
From his headquarters at Room 5,
Bed 1, George has sent to all his fel-
low ailing students the following bal-
Best looking nurse: 1. Mrs. Kress,
2. Betty Goetz, 3. Dietician. 1
Most cheerful nurse: I. Betty Go-
etz, 2. Eleanor, 3. Maude Bowen.
Most dangerous "doc": 1. "Me-
chanic" Jerome Hauser. 2. "Smiley"
Brace, 3. Dr. Margaret "Boss" Bell.
Moscow Choir
Here In Third
Series Concert
Chorus Of 24 Russians
Offers Choral Union
Program Tomorrow
Led by Nicholas Afonsky the Mos-
cow Cathedral Choir will offer the
third concert in the Choral Union
Series at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
The chorus was assembled 12 years
ago by its present conductor, Afon-
sky, who has been associated with
choirs long before the Russian rev-
olution. The Moscow Cathedral
Choir is at present composed of 24
Russian men and women who have
toured both Europe and the United
States to achieve international recog-
nition for their artistic perform-
The program to be presented by
the choir:
Bortniansky: Te Deum Laudamus,
Hymn of the Cherubims, and Blessed
Be the Man Fearful of God (Psalm
112) (Concerto); Archengelsky: Hear
My Prayer, O Lord (Psalm 102);
Gretchaninoff: Credo (solo by Mme.
G. Pavlenko).
Bach-Gbunod: Ave Maria (Ar-
ranged for mixed choir by J. Strim-
mer); Rimsky-Korsakoff: Yer Hmel
(Spring Hope) from the opera "The
Bride of the Tzar" and Indian Guest's
Song from the opera "Sadko" (Ar-
ranged by Wal-Berg); Rubinstein:
The Persian Song (solo by M. J. Ja-
roff); Moussorgsky: Gopak from the
opera "Sorotchinska Jamorka" (ar-
ranged by J. Strimmer).
Chopin: Sadness (solo by Mme. A.
Zakharova); Lacombes: Estudian-
tina (in Spanish); Liadoff: It Rains
in the Streets (Choral); Gretchan-
inoff: There Are Horses Standing
(Weeding Song) (Solo by 'Mme. G.
Pavelenko); Egroff: Komarinska
(Russian Dance Song); Davidovsky:
Tchikoo (Ukrainian Folk Song); The
Violin in the Street (Ukrainian Song)
(arranged by A. Koshitz)


gested arbitration as a labor man and George R. Averill, editor of the
not as a federal official, Coefield, a Birmingham Eccentric, was elected
Republican, told reporters it smacked
of gvermentintrferncein lborpresident of the University Press Club
af airs. mof Michigan yesterday morning in the
last session of its three-day confer-
ence. George A. Osborn, editor of
Grand Diapason the Sault Ste. Marie Evening News, is
the retiring president.
n H Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of
Still W ants H is the journalism department, was re-
elected secretary-treasurer of the
Frosh Credits1Club for the 17th time.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department told the
Michigan Editors Officially conference that it would be from 12
to 18 months before the Michigan
Request That University Civil Service Bill, devised by a com-
Grant Chet's Plea mittee of which Professor Pollock is
Gran Cht's leachairman, would be working.
BHe said that the organization of
By FRED WARNER NEAL th ciieviewud demad at
You thought, when you read the tesciviservice woul emand
tid-bit about Chet Shafer and his least a year.
Guild of Former Pipe Organ Pump- The following were elected vice-
ers, and how Chet wanted his fresh- presidents of the Club for the com-
man credits in the University, 28 ing year: JS Gray, editor of the
years overdue that it was all in fun, Monroe Evening News; Vernon J.
didn't you? Brown, editor of the Ingham Coun-

Purple Scores Field Goal
Early; Gets Touchdown
In Last Minutes
Marzonie's Attempt
Ruined By Wind

40,000 Watch Wolverines
Fail To Take Advantage
Of ScoringPosition
(Daily Sports Editor)
Forty thousand people went into
the Stadium yesterday afternoon to
watch Northwestern, the country's
leading football eleven. They left two
hours later singing the praises of a
fight-worn Michigan team that held
its superior opponent to nine points
and came almost unbelievably close
to creating the season's outstanding
Blocking and tackling with a vi-
ciousness that made skeptics gape,
Coach Harry Kipke's battered and in-
experienced varsity squad was beaten
only when all but five minutes of the,
playing time had elapsed and the
Wildcats marched to their single
touchdown. This after George Mar-
zonie's attempt for a tying field goal
was held back by the wind and fell
just short of the cross-bar.
Try Almost Successful
So close was Marzonie's try to be-
ing successful that Referee Fred Gar-
dner standing back of the play called
it good before being corrected by Um-
pire E. C. Krieger who was stationed
behind the defending Northwestern
Wolverine rooters were jubilant.
during the first ten minutes of play
as the Varsity forced Coach Lynn
Waldorf's already-crowned Big Ten
champions backward on defense and
twice moved the ball to within 30
yards of a touchdown.
Threat Ended
Then Northwestern found its of-
fense. From their own 16 the Wild-
cats marched straight down the field
to Michigan's 20, where an incom-
plete pass over the goal on fourth
down ended the first threat. Not to
be denied a secovid time, the Purple
came back with another drive that
netted a field goal and three points,
Heap and Geyer-the "dashing Dons"
-starting it off by moving the ball
from midfield to the Michigan 26 as
the first period ended.
Loping Bernie Jefferson, colored
Grand Rapids sophomore, and con-
fident Olie Adelman took the ball
for a first down on the ten in two
plays. Joe Rinaldi stopped Jeffer-
son twice after small gains through
the line, and Don Siegel was on the
spot to smear a reverse play for a
five-yard loss on the 12.
On fourth down fullback Steve
Toth moved back to the 18 and from
a very bad angle successfully booted
a field goal from placement, Adelman
holding the ball.
Michigan's best opportunity to tie
(Continued on Page 6)
Waslitenaw Party
To Support Dorms
The main plank of the Washtenaw
Coalition Party of the junior literary
college class will be whole-hearted
support of the men's dormitories
project, it was announced yesterday.
The decision was made in a caucus
Thursday night.
The party will run the following
nominees for class offices:
Carl Post, Theta Chi for president;
Ruth Bertsch, Martha Cook, vice-
president; Betty Gatward, Pi Beta
Phi, secretary; Ted Fraser, Alpha
Tau Omega, treasurer.
Louis Hoffman, Phi Delta Theta,
has been nominated for J-Hop chair-
manship. Those who are party nom-
inees for sub-committee chairman-
ships are: Margaret C'urry, Alpha Chi
Omega; Jane Lewis, Jordan Hall;
Sam Charin, Phi Sigma Delta; and
Dick May, Delta Upsilon.
$100 Prize Is Won
By Daily Linotypist

While the students were cheering
the ill-fated Wolverines in the sta-
dium yesterday, Tom Patterson, Lino-
typist for The Daily, was busy at a
local shooting range, firing at tar-
As a result, Tom came marching

Morrissey, Press Agent, Sees.
An Improvement In Newspapers

Better reading matter in news-
papers is indicated by present trends
in news emphasis. That is the opin-
ion of Roger W. Morrissey, in his
seventh year of being the University
of Michigan's one-man public rela-
tions department.
"Newspapers are much more will-
ing to print instructional stories than
was the case a decade ago," says this
young man who each week sends
out a five-page lithoprinted press re-
lease to 430 newspapers and maga-
zines in Michigan and nearby states.
"Editors do not insist that a scien-
tific or scholarly story be necessarily
'hot,' flashy, spectacular, or of world
shaking significance. They are now
printing in increasing numbers those
stories which tell of the more ordi-

never maintained an organization for
dissemination of information con-
cerning its great human laboratory.
The news service was inaugurated be-
cause it was felt that such was a
proper method of acquainting the
public with its real and important ac-
complishments, and in the long run
it is the best way to develop a pop-
ular consciousness of the special
problems and objectives of an insti-
tution of higher learning. They in-
vited Roger Morrissey, just grad-
uated from the journalism depart-
ment here, to direct the service. He
has never had any other job.
"The program of the news service
does not aim to boost the institution
beyond the facts, nor does it look up-
on itself as an enrollment building,"
Morrissey, press agent, assures you.
"The service considers itself at the

But its deadly earnestness is testi-
fied to by the two-page, typewritten,
single-spaced resolution, adopted
yesterday by the University Press
Club of Michigan, before which Chet
spoke, demanding that the University
big shotswgive Chet his credits.
Chet, who is the sage of Three
Rivers, Mich., and Grand Diapason
of the Guild of Former Pipe Organ
Pumpers- (of the World), enlisted 10.-
cal members of his organization, in-
cluding Fielding H. Yost, Prof. Earl
V. Moore and Lee A White,'in a drive
for his credits. He started to school
here in 1908, and after taking three
or four subjects, and, being bothered
with so many other things that he
could not study them, left after an
eight-month stay. In the time that
has passed, he and his boosters think
he has aided journalism, music, art
and other cultural subjects to such
an extent that the University should
jump at the chance to give him his
freshman credits, that he did not
get when he was here in 1908-9.
The other night, after preaching
the gospel of the G.F.P.O.P., a la lan-
tern slides, Chet wanted to know
what the University was going to do
about it. And now Professor Brumm

ty News at Mason, and Scarth Ing-
lis, editor of the Galesburg Argus.l

Mueschke Says 'Bury The Dead'
Is Indicative Of War's Scope

To see "Bury the Dead" should re-
mind the living of the enormity of
another war, according to Prof. Paul
Mueschke of the English department,
who discussed the significance of this
modern play which is to open the
Play Production season, in an inter-
view yesterday.
"Anyone who sees "Bury the Dead"
will understand perhaps, as never be-
fore the true meaning of Armistice
Day," Professor Mueschke said. "I
think Play Production is to be con-
gratulated for selecting this play and
it is merely another one of the many
instances in which Play Production
has shown fine judgement in select-
ing plays that really do have a mean-

one of the most difficult achievements
in creative art .
"I think "Bury the Dead" is the
best short play ever written as a
'protest against the business of war.
Though Shaw speaks of it as a fan-
tasy, the play nevetherless contains
some very realistic criticism of war
and especially of the methods em-
ployed in whipping up war hysteria,"
he explained.
"The value of the play, I think, lies
in the fact that Shaw looks at war
through the eyes of those who lie
buried in the field of France," Profes-
sor Mueschke continued. "He cap-
tures in a highly imaginative way, the
thoughts of those who were slaugh-
tered in the World War. The whole
play is an attempt to reconstruct
what those men would say and do
were thev living toav in a wnrld

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