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November 12, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-12

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NOV. 12~, 1935



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1936 Membr 1937
ssockided Colle icie Press
Distributors of
C)e6icAe Di6est
Published every, mornng except Monday during the
S University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurdi Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Bover, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Ture
Tenandler, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-.
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
The Labor
Split Widens ...
WITH THE FAILURE of the latest
attempt at mending the breach
within the American Federation of Labor, it is
pertain that C.I.O. delegates will be absent when
the Federation's annual convention opens Mon-
day in Tampa, and probable that the dual labor
organization will continue for an unpredictable
John L. Lewis' two-point peace plan asking
that delegates from the suspended unions be
seated at Tampa and that the Federation pledge
itself to future active industrial organization in-
volves no principles with which William Green
publicly disagrees. Nevertheless he proposed a
,conference instead, although every previous
attempt to "talk things over" had proved futile.
The split is not surprising to one who has fol-
owed the recent history of the Federation. In
the past the Federation has never interested
itself in American labor as a whole. The mem-
bership, under Green, has never included as
many as one-tenth of the 40 million American
*orkers. It has been a federation of craft
unions, distinctly separated from the top-heavy
majority of American workers in the mass-pro-
duction industries. Lewis' United Mine Workers
were the only considerable exception.
Green, in attempting to establish the premise
that the C.I.O. is wrecking the labor movement,
'has protested that the Federation has always
fostered industrial organization, but the pitiful
weakness of the old industrial unions, excepting
Lewis' mine workers, testifies eloquently to the
apathy with which the Old Guard did so, in dis-
regard of the steadily increasing sentiment for
such organization from rank-and-file members.
It is not only because the Old Guard has been
content to have the Federation a minority labor
organization that there has been a revolt against
its leadership.
The Old Guard has time after time been
willing to settle with employers upon terms less

satisfactory to the workers than those which it
was possible to secure. When strikers have
pressed on to a more complete victory it has
seldom been with the support of the Federation
and often with its disapproval. For example, the
radio workers in Camden, the maritime workers
on both the East and West Coasts, and the
newspaper workers in Milwaukee and in Seattle
have faced this A.F. of L. opposition, and as a re-
sult have lent their support to the C.I.O.
The Old Guard in the Federation has refused
to employ the strength of organized labor in
politics. The force the Federation possesses as
a pressure group has not been used. And indi-
vidual leaders have as often supported the
least liberal parties as not! For example, William
Hutcheson worked with the DuPonts, Ernest T.
Weir, and the Rockefellers in the Republican
Party during the recent campaign!
With the growth of a movement for industrial
m.nn,,ae fin n nri nf1ar nrnar ecia nir i nie i

progressive leadership of many strong unions
than a weak, although united, leadership of a
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reJect letters uponthe criteria of general editorial
importance and Interest to the campus.
Ragged Individualism
To the Editor:
This is to congratulate you on your Ford edi-
torial. There are those who are opposed to gov-
ernment interference with business, i.e., regimen-
tation, because they want to do all the regiment-
ing themselves. In other words, they want to
practice rugged individualism (as you write) i.e.,
rugged selfishness. -A Citizen.
Bandsmen Not Lonely
To the Editor:
In re: Mr. Thompson's letter in the November
7th Iaily.
Mr. Thompson believes that a dance should
have been held the night of the Illinois Game
to which men and women could come singly
or in couples - this for the benefit of Lonely
Illini Bandsmen. Might we inform Mr. Thomp-
son that such a dance was held at Lane Hall and
that quite a nuriber of Bandsmen did attend.
The dance was one of a series being sponsored
by the Student Christian Association for the
benefit of students who are not well acquainted
on the campus. To put Mr. Thompson at rest,
another such dances will be sponsored on the
21st of November.
- Student Christian Association
Executive Committee
Ralph Segalman, '37.
Sociology Department
To the Editor:
The long suffering sociology student speaks
again. The Department of Sociology can, and
has done, many fine things. But there are two
complaints that this writer would expose to the
unhappy eyes of student and professor alike. The
first is a general complaint, and I doubt that
much can be done in the way of remedy with-
out a thorough-going revision of sociological
theory. The second demands immediate action.
As for the first. As anyone who has ever come
within the creaky confines of Haven Hall will
know, the basic assumption of Michigan's so-
ciological theory is the concept of the Organic
Whole. According to the Organic Theory all
social facts are interrelated and have their
place as members of a kind of social Gestalt-
whether they be factors contributing to juvenile
delinquency, factors having to bear on the dis-
tribution of electric lights in middle class homes
in the states below the Mason and Dixon line,
or whatever factors they may be. For the
present, I have no quarrel with the organic
theory. It has within it implication, wher-
ever it recognizes the dynamic aspects of social
affairs, of a dialectical approach which I find
very satisfactory. But, the fact that a social
scientist recognizes interrelationship should not
rob him of all discriminatory powers. It is my
impression, after taking more courses in the Soci-
ology Department than I care to recall, that
their careless application of their own theory
has robbed them of discriminatory powers. For
example, Athe struggle of labor vs. capital is
obviously a social fact in the category of con-
flict-often open, armed, irreconcilable conflict.
In Haven Hall the emphasis on the Organic
Whole is so strict that the student is forced,
by the logic of what has been taught him, to
take as a whole something whose essense is a
split. The result, it seems to me, is that the
average sociologist, student and professor, in his
never-ending hunt for all the factors and their
interrelations, loses all his potentialities for dis-
crimination, and is incapable of seeing the wood
for the trees.
But, as I say, a thorough-going revision of

theory is probably involved here, and I am too
busy to attempt it. One of the reasons why I am
so busy also can be charged up to the De-
partment of Sociology. I am more or less con-
tinuously involved in doing work for the depart-
ment's courses that is on the level of the manual
activity of an assistant filing clerk, and the in-
tellectual level of a parrot. A little background
is needed by way of explanation. Up until last
year it was the customary procedure in nearly
every sociology course to saddle the student with
the duty of preparing, a semester's thesis. It was
a lot of work for people carrying three or more
sociology courses, and, naturally enough, they
revolted. At least one person did, and wrote a
letter of complaint to The Daily. It had results
-one or more professors did a complete about-
face, quit assigning theses. Instead, a new sys-
tem-in several courses the present situation is
this: every day, each and every sociology stue"
dent, with bright and cheery face, goes to the
Lower Study Hall. Once there, he gets a book.
He takes the book to a chair, sits down and reads
pages 47 to 122 (for example). Up until then
he is employed admirably-as likely as not, the
book is neither as badly written nor as vapid
as the textbook for the course, and if it is, he
can choose and read another book, this time
pages 33-89. But the next step in the process!
He must now take pencil to paper and carefully
summarize the above-mentioned pages-he is not
allowed to comment, but can only summarize.
Finally he goes home and transfers his notes to
a neatly written sheet. At the end, ' if he is
lucky, he can try to show the relationship be-
tween what it says in the book from the study
hall and what it says in the textbook. An abso-
lute minimum of the student's ahility is disnlaved

***#*** IT ALL
s- By Bonth Williams -
THE COUNT dropped into the office yesterday
for a little chat about columns and col-
umnists in general and to protest in gentlemanly
fashion about the way I spelled his name in yes-
erday's offering.
The Count, famed for his "What's Doing"
which he inherited from Carl Forsyth, claims the
I name of Gazulis, and is by profession a social
worker for a gent named Pitkin at Columbia.
Herr Gazulis travels about from plant to plant
in Flint, Detroit and Toledo and collects sta-
Count Gazulis explained all about himself and
his ventures into the scandal fi'eld. He also re-
vealed just who it was that was producing "Cen-
sored." The latter I will keep to myself as a
matter of confidence unless the three students
concerned pull any more dirty brodies. The ad-
vertisers, by the way, were highly dissatisfied
with the first issue.
checkered career. He picked up "What's
Doing" after the Forsyth era, and ran it purely
for the dough involved-which was plenty.
The Count, however, confesses that he is not
a writer. His main difficulty was in getting his
numerous stooges to write their items themselves,
and inasmuch as he spent only a couple of days
a week in Ann Arbor, had only time to take care
of the advertising and left most of the writing
to others
For a time he had an ace stooge who wrote
for him, but when the University turned on the
heat, the stooge got chilly toes and backed out.
From then on the Count had his contributors
send their dither directly in to the printer who
was supposed to exercise some degree of judg-
ment in his selection of material.
THUS IT WENT, with the contributors getting
rasher and rasher, until some half-cracked
nut lost his head and started to do a job on
President Ruthven. The printer was asleep at
the switch, according to the Count, and when Mr.
Gazulis returned to town he found himself in a
very dangerous spot. The University was on his
head, and the Tribe threatened to give him a
real going over. It took a powerful bit of ex-
plaining by Mr. Gazulis to convince everyone
that he was not deliberately maligning the Pres-
ident's character. The Count claimed that the
issue which marked his doom as a gossip pro-
moter never passed his eyes until two days after
it had been distributed.
The Count's constant and unrelenting attack
upon the Theta's he explained away as "just hav-
ing some fun with a lot of girls he knew," but
one might almost draw the conclusion that one
of the Kite girls breezed the smoke ball past Mr.
Gazulis for strike three.
The Count ventured the opinion that "Cen-
sored" would never last, remarking that it's first
issue was worse than anything he ever put out,
save only his final effort. I am inclined to agree,
and would! advise. the{fraternity which is spon-
soring the project to tame it down or start look-
ing for rooms. s
Warren Williams is Perry Mason again. This
time Mason' is a fast-talking quick-witted crim-
inal lawyer trying to take some time off for a
honeymoon. But he gets roped into handling a
murder case and squelching a blackmailing news
sheet while his bride waits. In the meantime he
is suspected of the murder himself, and contracts
a cold in the head. The story moves along at a
good pace and develops a few turns that sur-
prised even the sleuths in the audience.
"The Case of the Velvet Claws" turns out to'

1 be fairly successful, not so much because of its
story, but because of Mr. Williams' excellence in
handling fast and humorous diafogue. The pic-
ture is reminiscent of "The Thin Man" in its
adaptation. It is not more than the average
program feature, but it is good spirited enter-
"Love Begins at 20" concerns the Gilingwater
family, of which Hugh Herbert is the father. He
is the type of man who washes dishes for his
wife, and forgets to put on his trousers before
he leaves home in the morning. Mrs. Giling-
water shouts and bosses, and Patricia Ellis, the
daughter, is loving and kind to her dull witted,
sweet old father. Of course the worm turns,
and Gilingwater becomes master in his own
home. It takes a bank robbery and a quart of
liquor to accomplish the transformation.
The story might make a good high school
senior class play, but it could riever survive as a
single feature. It needs the support of an as-
sisting program picture. It is pictures like
"Love Begins At 20" that makes double-feature
programs necessary. The audience, however,
laughedheartily all the way through the picture;
I cannot see exactly why. -C.M.T.
the variants of the system as outUned above.
And if the student doesn't have a typewriter,
as likely as not the harried and underpaid reader
will give the scrawling handwritten paper a lower
grade than it deserves.
As you may have observed, I am complaining.
I was started off on this letter by having to
summarize 150 pages of reading which I did yes-
terday in an intelligently written volume. I have
to cram my summary into a specific amount of
r-i ,, a . - rnr + 4 n .4 P ,-v,-,,. -

Comedy In Politics
Sam H. Harris presents Jane Cowl
in FIRST LADY, a comedy by Kath-
erine Dayton and George S. Kaufman.
Staged by Mr. Kaufman. Settings by
Donald Oenslager. Costumes super-
vised by John Hambleton. At the ass
Theatre, Detroit, all this week. matinee
CLEVER, falling between farce and
high comedy-without the sub-
tlety of Maugham's drawing room
plays and yet only verging occasional-
ly into the hard-hitting farce attack
of some of Kaufman's earlier works
-that is what Katherine Dayton and
George Kaufman's play is like.
However, it is an able piece of
workmanship, almost continuously
interesting, but moresso in witty lines
than in situation or plot. It is writ-
ten as though it should have sus-
pense but almost never does. The
authors don't keep ahead of the au-
dience, and in this kind of writing
the unexpected is needed.
Concerned with Washington so-
ciety, with the extra-curricular ac-
tivities of the wives of politicians, it
does not follow any specific incidents
from history or legend but is a mind
of blending of various bits of Wash-
ington gossip. This blending and the
general comprehensive effect is per-
haps the best part of the playwrights'
The leading character, Lucy Chase
Wayne (Jane Cowl), is a little like
Alice Roosevelt Longworth. Her arch
enemy Irene Hibbard (Ann Mason)
less definitely resembles Dolly Gann.
Mrs. Wayne, the granddaughter of a
president, feels and makes us believe
that her husband is a logical can-
didate for the next election. Mrs.
Hibbard would like to see the new
young Senator Keene have the job. If
he were to get it she would divorce
her aged Supreme Court Justice hus-
band and marry Keene. Mrs. Wayne
thinks she will start a boom-just
a little one-for Irene's husband to
throw her off the scent. Then Wayne
can be slipped in while no one's
looking. But the situation gets out
of hand and it's two acts more be-
fore Lucy Wayne can get hold of it
again. Of course, no one in the
audience doubts for a minute that
she will.
Jane Cowl adds a great deal to the
play. She not only makes it credible
but lends presence to the central
character and makes scenes that are
not very funny in the writing con-
tinuously comic in the playing. In
spite of holding the New York record
for number of continuous perform-
ances of Romeo and Juliet and in
spite of (or perhaps rather because
of) her performance of Camille in
Ann Arbor, I do not think Miss Cowl
is convincing in serious drama. (Ca-
mille is, I believe, supposed to be se-
rious). But she helps this play. Ann
Mason has the part of the rival,
played in New York by Lily Cahill.
Miss Mason was the Queen in Robert
Henderson's production of Hamlet at
Minneapolis last year. Thomas Find-
lay as the genial old senator, Tom
Hardwick, gave the most genuine per-
formance of anyone in the cast. He
was dignified without being pompous.
Ethel Wilson gave a broadly hilarious
performance of Mrs. Creevy, head of
the League for Peace, Purity and Pa-
triotism. But the cast was almost
uniformly excellent with the possible
exception of Helen Brooks as the
dumb "South'n gal." She was neither
South'n enough orcharming enough.
The straight drawing room comedy
with its farcical variants is rapidly
becoming obsolete, but it is still hold-
ing forth as strong as ever here.
* * *
SLafayette, now playing every
night, no matinees: It Can't Happen
Here. The WPA's interesting and
ambitious production of Sinclair
Lewis' dramatization of his novel.

'ing: The Youth of Maxim. The Soviet
picture. Continuous from noon, fea-
ture begins on the even- hours.
University High School, Friday and
Saturday, November 13 and 14: The
Importance of Being Earnest. The
Oscar Wilde farce will again be a
Senior Play.
Cass, opening Sunday, November
15: Blossom Time.
Hill Auditorium, November 16,
Moscow Cathedral Choir.
Not Previously Announced Here
Fisher Theatre, Detroit, Wednes-
day morning, November 18 at 11:
Rose Quong, the Chinese actress who
played in London in The Chalk Circle,
will present another "one-woman
theatre." She will portray aspects
of present day life in China and
sketches from its history.
Cass, week beginning Monday, No-
vember 23, matinees Thanksgiving
Day and Saturday: Pride and Preju-
dice. Jane Austen's novel as drama-
.tized by Helen Jerome.
Many Workmen1
Receive Higher
CHICAGO, Nov. 11.-(P)-Thou-
sands of workmen today joined the
ranks of industrial employes receiv-
ing higher pay and bonuses.
The Eastman Kodak Company at
Rochester, N. Y., declared a wage div-
idend of $2,200,000-$1,000,000 larger

THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1936
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
All students in the School of Educa-
tion, College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, and Graduate School
who expect to receive a teacher's cer-
tificate in February or June, 1937,
and who have not filled out an ap-
plication blank for this purpose must
do so immediately. The application
blanks are available in the office of
the Recorder of the School of Edu-
cation, 1437 University Elementary
School. The attention of students in
the Literary College is called to the
fact that this application is in ad-
dition to the application made to the
Committee on the teacher's certifi-
cate of that college.
Pre-medical Students: The Medical
Aptitude Test sponsored by the As-
sociation of American Medical Col-
leges for all students who expect to
enter a medical school by the fall
of 1937 will be given Friday, Dec. 4,
from three to five in Natural Science
Auditorium. Information may be ob-
tained in Room 4,rUniversity Hall. A
fee of one dollar is charged. Fees
can be paid at the Cashier's Office
from Nov. 11 to Nov. 28. It is es-
sential that all students wishing to
take the test pay their fees during
this period in order that the Uni-
versity may know how many tests to
order from the Association.
Presidents of Fraternities and So-
rorities are reminded that member-
ship lists for the month of October
will be due Nov. 16.
Bowling, Graduate Women Stu-
dents: All students interested in the
proposed bowling league are asked to
hand in at the Women's Athletic
Building at least twoscores before
Thanksgiving. Instruction will be
given to those who wish it.
A 1936-37 medical examination is
A.S.M.E. Members: Mechanical En-
gineering magazines for October and
November are available in the Me-
chanical Dept. office, Room 221, W.
Eng. Bldg., to all fully paid members.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Father Hubbard, "The Gla-
cier Priest," will speak tonight in the
Hill Auditorium. The lecture, il-
lustrated with motion pictures, is en-
titled, "Climbing to the Spirit's
Home." The program will begin at
8:15 p.m. and patrons are urged to
be in their seats before that time.
Tickets are available at Wahr's un-
til 5 p.m. The Hill Auditorium box
office will be open from 5 p.m. until
the time of the lecture.
University Lecture: Dr. Sylvanus
G. Morley, Associate of Carnegie In-
stitution of Washington, will lecture
on the subject "Archeological Re-
search in Yucatan" at 4:15 p.m. in
Natural Science Auditorium today.
The lecture will be illustrated
with lantern slides. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Salo Fink-
elstein, of Cleveland, well-known cal-
culating genius, will give a lecture-
demonstration under the auspices of
the Department of Psychology at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium on Nov. 19. The public is
cordially invited.
Lecture: Dr. Robert F. Mehl, of the
Carnegie Institute of Technology, will
lecture on the subject "Diffusion in
Solid Metals" in Room 1042 East En-
gineering Bldg. at 4:15 p.m. to-
day. The lecture, which is under the

auspices of the University and the
American Chemical Society, is open
to the public.
Dr. Andrew Keogh, Librarian of
Yale University, will speak to the
students of the Department of Li-
brary Science and others interested
at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13,
and at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 14.
These lectures will be in Room 110 of
the General Library and are open
to the public.
The subject of his first lecture
will be "The Yale University Li-
brary." This lecture will be illus-
trated with lantern slides. The sec-
ond and third lectures will be on
Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe-
cial emphasis on Japanese Wood
Sculpture, under the auspices of the
Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising the
waukee plant and New York branch
on Dec. 10.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al members or Uw
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presld
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for the
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
Exhibition of Oil and Water Color
Paintings Made in Spain During the
Past 10 years by Wells M. Sawyer,
shown under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall,. West Gallery. Opens Sun-
day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter
daily 9 g.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov.
8 and 1 from 3 to 5 p.m.
Exhibition, Architecture Building:
An exhibition of the Ryerson Compe-
tition drawings including those of
teams working here under the direc-
tion of Professors Hebrard and
Bailey is being shown in the third
floor exhibition room, Architecture
Building, Nov. 11 through 14. Open
from 9 to 5 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Events Of Today
Student Christian Association:
There will be an informal fireside dis-
cussion tonight at 8 p.m. in the Up-
per Room of Lane Hall. What Michi-
gan Can Contribute to a Realistic
Philosophy of Life will be the discus-
sion topic. All members and others
interested are invited to attend.
Weekly Reading Hour: Today's
program of the Weekly Reading
Hour, to be held in Room 205, Ma-
son Hall, at 4 p.m., will consist of
the reading by Mrs. Mabel L. Young
of Clarence B. Kelland's, "The Par-
son Takes A Wife." The public is
cordially invited.
Junior Mathematical Society: The
first regular monthly meeting will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today, in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Prof. Norman H.
Anning of the mathematics depart-
ment will speak on "Obvious Geom-
Engineering Council: There will
be an Engineering Council meeting
tonight at 7:15 p.m. in the Comput-
ing Room.
Phi Epsilon Kappa, the Honorary
Physical Education Fraternity, will
hold its second meeting of the year
tonight in Room 116 at the Michigan
Union. All members are requested
to attend.
Varsity Glee Club and Reserves:
Rehearsal at 7:15 p.m. sharp. Those
attending Father Hubbard lecture
may leave at 8 p.m.
Yeoman of the Guard: All stu-
dents on the campus interested in
taking part in this Gilbert and Sul-
livan operetta to be given in Jan-
uary, report at the Laboratory
Theatre at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
Those who cannot report at this
time, may come from 3 to 6 p.m: or
call Extension 789.
The Research Committee of the
Student Alliance, which has been in-
vestigating housing conditions of
students since the beginning of the
semester, will'present its findings at
the regular meeting of the Alliance
at 8 p.m. in the Union tonight. In
addition, the proposed constitution
of the Alliance will be discussed. All
students are cordially invited to at-
Hillel Foundation: Classes will
meet this evening at 8 p.m. Classes
will be conducted by Dr. E. Blake-
man and Dr. H. Hootkins. At 9 p.m.
Dr. Goudsmit will lead the Fireside
Discussion, his topic being Einstein.
Coming Events

English Journal Club meets Fri-,
day afternoon, Nov. 13, in the League,
with business preliminaries beginning
at 4 p.m. The program, open to the
public at 4:20, will be a colloquium
on the subject, ."Recent Mediaeval
Scholarship." Mr. Weimer will dis-
cuss recent articles concerning biblio-
graphy and method in miediaeval
study. Mr. Houck, graduate student
in the Greek Department, willpre
sent a short paper on "Byzantine Lit-
erature in the Middle Ages." Mr.
Giovannini will review Etienne Gil-
son's "The Spirit of Mediaeval Phil-
osophy." General discussion will
follow. New members elected at the
last meeting are John Zebrowski,
Warren W. Wood, Frederic Weigle,
'Catherine Reigart, Max Brussel, J. D.
O'Neill, Oscar Bouise, Milton Halli-
day and Robert Campbell.
The Eastern Religions Group will
meet for a cafeteria breakfast Sun-
day, Nov. 15; at 9 a.m. in the Russian
Tea Room of the Michigan League.
There will be a panel discussion on
Mohammedanism by Mr. Rufai, Mr.
Khatib and Mr. Hasani of the Near
East. (If you wish, come after the
breakfast at 9:30 a.m.) Both Orient-
als and American students are in-

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