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November 12, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-12

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Teaehers Get
Jobs With Aid
Of WPA Funds
Correspondence Courses
Being Conducted In 29
Cities In The State
With the aid of WPA funds unem-
ployed teachers have regained em-
ployment in their field of training
and people who would ordinarily be
denied in educational services are
now benefitting from such a service,
it was announced yesterdayby the
WPA Correspondence Study depart-
ment under the sponsorship of the
University Extension Division.
In 29 cities which cover the state
from Detroit to the furthest points
on the upper peninsula supervised
correspondence courses are conduct-
ed by WPA-paid supervisors. Forty
CCC camps in the state operate
under the same government-paid
plan, it was announced. It was esti-
mated that more than 900 people
have already enrolled in these cen-
Of the 97 people employed by the
department 81 hold college degrees.
There are four Ph.D.'s, 26 have mas-
ter's degrees, five are Bachelors of
Science, two hold L.L.B.'s, 37 have
A.B.'s. Only seven hold no degree
and the remaining 16 have not their
educational records available ,the de-
partment announced.
"Some of them were without work
of any kind; others were working at
manual labor; a few were back in
school, attempting to get higher de-
grees, living in some cases, on bor-
educational records available, the de-
"Of these people 92.8 per cent are
on a relief status. They are now do-
ing work for which they are trained,
even though their wages are in no
way commensurate with the qualityI
or quantity of work they are doing,"
the department continued.
Few Poisoned;
By Mushrooms,
In BigSeason'
With the closing of the most pro-
lific season for mushrooms that Dr.
Alexander H. Smith, assistant curat-
or of the University Herbarium, has
seen in the eight years that he has
been in Ann Arbor, and with an un-
usual number of persons having col-
lected the fungi, members of the
Museum find it surprising that a larg-
er number of mushroom poisonings
have not been reported.-
"Few people realize," Dr. Smith
said, "that out of every thousand
species of mushrooms, about 350 are
classifi,ed as poisonous. In other
words, the inexperienced person has
about two chances out of three of
getting edible varieties."
There is no test which can defi-
nitely prove whether or not a mush-
room is safe. Contrary to common
conceptions, the fact that a species
has a pleasant odor, the fact that it
"peels" readily or that it stains silver
when cooked are no indications it is
edible. To be safe, one must learn
to know the species he desires to col-
"One of the most serious errors is
to consider all toadstools posonous
and all mushrooms edible. Actually,
toadstools and mushrooms are but
two names for the identical plant,"
Dr. Smith said.
"There is still another factor which

is seldom considered," Dr. Smith con-
tinued. "The problem of natural
sensitization enters into the ques-
tion of edibility even more in mush-
rooms than in most other foods. Eggs,
which are perfectly harmless forI
most people, sometimes arouses
eczema in certain individuals; while
a mushroom which is harmless for
many people may cause serious di-_
gestive ailments for others.
While in the main, Europeans are
noted to be fairly capable in disting-
uishing mushrooms, immigrants often
confuse the European and American
varieties during their first years on
this side of the Atlantic.
DETROIT, Nov. 11.-()-Two men
dressed as nuns were reported Wed-
nesday by police to have solicited
funds on Detroit Streets. Mrs. Kath-
erine Benbas told police one man
threatened her with a pistol after
she gave him five cents and then
pointed to his trousers showing be-
neath the black dress.

Student Directory Pahlevi Has Stabilzed Iran,
Really Out Todiy -


The Student directory is on sale
today and copies can be bought for.
50 cents at the League, the Union, in
front of the Library and Angell Hall
and at all the bookstores.
Because of a delay at the printer's
and becaus~e the necessary informa-


n on students and faculty members
uld not be procured earlier from
e University, the Directory could
t be put on sale sooner, according
Bud Lundahl, '38, editor.j
Each page of the 1936-37 editionj
the Directory is one third larger]
an last year's and the print isj
ore readable, according to Lun-
hl. The "spot index," a new type
guide to alphabetized names, has
en used in this edition. The fac-
ty list follows the student list,
iich is the reverse of last year's
ue. Another new feature is the
pplementary list of those students
io registered late. The paper is
avier and stiffer and the editors
pe it will prove more durable.
" .I
rmistice Day
By Varied New

a s re es n
Dr. Kahn, Lecturing Here, and culture; retired from thO diplo-
Exhibihs Arts And.Crafts matic service in 1935 to devote his
1 ibts Ats A d Crftstime to promoting Persian culture,!
Of His Native Country exhibitingrhis collection of Persian
art and craftsmanship, after a varied
Possibilities for continued peace in tour which carried him from Wash-
the Near East have been greatly im- ington to Constantinople in his coun-
the ear asthavebee gretly try's service.
proved during the last decade by thetr Khanefirst came to America in
stabiDr.athan firItacamndto therrc- in
stabilization of Iran under the re- 1901, following his education at home
gime of Reza Shah Pahlevi, ruler and gave his first course of lectures
since the revolution of 1925, according at Harvard University on invitation
to Dr. Ali-Kuli Khan, for 25 years from his friend, Prof. William James,
a member of the Persian diplomatic the celebrated philosopher, on Per-
corps, at present in Ann Arbor with sian philosophy and culture.
an exhibit of early and modern art During the war Dr. Khan ad-
from his native country, on display at ministered Persian affairs in the
Mack ahd Company department United States, and succeeded in two
store. important enterprises, through the
Pahlevi, formerly an officer in the help of Woodrow Wilson. In 1917 he
Persian army and an old friend of succeeded in the preservation of Per-
Dr. Khan, has instituted vigorous sian neutrality and urging the evac-,
and far-reaching reforms in the army uation of his country by the allied
and administration of Persia. now forces, who had occupied it and later
called Iran, according to the latter, gained the right of Persian represen-
and has accomplished the object of tation at Versailles, where he was
making Persia strong and guarantee- present in person during the peace
ing her independence without prej- negotiations as a member of the Per-
udice to democratic institutions . sian delegation.a
Dr. Khan, who has lectured in the After the close of the Versailles'
United States for many years at uni- Conference Dr. Khan was appointed
versities and musems on Persian art Minister Plenipotentiary to Poland,
--------and in 1921 headed the Persian em-
ning to demand permission to re-arm bassy at Constantinople. After this
herself on a large scale, thus joining he was appointed Grand Master of
Germany in casting off the restric- the Imperial Court of the Crown
tions of the post-war Treaty of Ver- Prince, Regent, at Teheran, in which
sailles. capacity he served for two years,
during which time the present shah
LONDON, Nov. 11.-(P)-Dressed was minister of war, returning to
in every-day business clothes, king the diplomatic service as representa-
Edward VIII tonight mingled with tive of Persia to the Republics of the
his war-time buddies at their annual Caucasus in Southern Russia.
gathering in Albert Hall. During November Dr. Khan is giv-
Visibly touched by a five-minute ing a series of Sunday lectures at the
ovation when he appeared alone in a League, on the teachings of Baha'-
box draped with the royal arms, the u'llah at 4:15 p.m. Study classes in
monarch in a clear voice recited the Baha's teachings will be conducted
fourth verse of Lawrence Binyon's by him Monday at 8 p.m. Dr. Khan
"For the Fallen:" was a disciple at Baha at Acca and
"They shall not grow old as we has translated many Bahai books
that are left grow old; into English.
"Age shall not weary them, nor
years condemn.
"At the going-down of the sun and walk of a nearby street for an Armis-
in the morning, we will remember tice Day parade, three masked men
them." bound and gagged the proprietor and
A few minutes later, the solemnity two clerks in a jewelry shop on the
of the occasion was broken abruptly fourth floor of an office building to-
when the war-time buddies began day and stole jewelry police estimated
singing old tunes, including the fa- to be worth about $60,000.
vorite "Who's Your Lady Friend?" Charles Diesinger, proprietor, made
In k4lr iktimt 4± LP after the hn liU

King Of England Recites
Poetry, While Germany
Is Discreetly Taciturn
(By The Associated Press) m
Rumblings of re-armament min-
gled with pleas for continued peace
yesterday (Wednesday) as the na-
tions of the world paid homage to
their World War dead on the 18th
anniversary of the Armistice.
Heavy guns, tanks and armored,
cars rolle dalong the Champs Ely-
sees in Paris while France's foreign
minister Yvon Delbos proclaimed a
policy of armed strength "becauseI
the weak are no longer respected."
Asserting that France intends to;
be strong, Delbos said this policy was
her "only choice" in the world where
a state of "permanent mobilization"
Except for fist fights between Fas-
cist advocates and Socialists and'
Communists in Paris, the Armistice
ceremonies were quiet and peaceful.
In Washington, President Roose-
velt, General John J. Pershing and
other dignitaries stood with bowed
heads at the tomb of the unknown
soldier in Arlington Cemetery to hear
talks of peace.
Germany, seeking to erase thet
Armistice from the public memory,
passed the day in studied silence.
Only one newspaper mentioned the
Armistice, remarking that "eighteen
years ago Germany's disgrace was
sealed" and that "the time is defi-
nitely past when Germany can be
forced into concessions."
In Vienna, the foreign ministers
of Italy, Austria and Hungary opened
the first of a two-day series of con-'
ferences at which one of the ques-
tions to be discussed was restoration
of Hungary's war-carved domain.
Hungary was represented as plan-

Yale Librarian
To Talk Here
This Week-End
Keogh Is Second Speaker
In Library Series; All
Students Invited
Dr. Andrew Keogh, Sterling Pro-
fessor of Bibliography and Librarian
of Yale University, will be the second
of a series of speakers to address the
students of the department of library
science and others interested, in
furtherance of the work in librarian-
ship of the Carnegie Corporation
Grant to the University of Michi-
gan. Doctor Keogh will give three
lectures, at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to-
morrow and at 10 a.m. on Saturday,
in Room 110 of the General Library,
all of which are open to the public.
The subject of the first lecture will 1
be "The Yale University Library"
which will be illustrated with lantern
slides. The second and third lectures
will be on certain features of his
work as Sterling Professor of Biblo-
graphy at Yale.
Doctor Keogh has been in library
work for a major portion of his life.
Born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, he
came to the United States and re-
ceived his M.A. degree at Yale in
1904. Following that he has been in
turn reference librarian in the New-
castle Public Libraries, librarian of
Linonian and Brothers Library at l
Yale, reference library and finally
librarian in the Yale University Li-
Doctor Keogh was given an honor-
ary degree of Doctor of Letters by
the University of Michigan at the
commencement proceedings, June 18I
1928. In the citation given him on
this occasion, Prof. J. B. Winter, Di-
rector of the Division of Fine Arts,
said of him, "Administering a re-
sponsible office with marked effi-
ciency he has given devoted service
not only to his own community but
to the fellowship of scholars here and
beyond the seas."
It was further pointed out in this
citation that in founding the Eliza-
bethan Club at Yale he gave impulse
and direction to the youth of his col-
Among the various entertainments
planned for Doctor Keogh by the Li-
brary committee is a dinner which
will be given by Prof. Eunice Wead
of the department of library science
at her home on 1215 Hill Street.
Watch Repairing!
State and Liberty

"Pigeons on the grass, alas!" wrote
Gertrude Stein, while to the Play Pro-
duction technicians in the Lab The-
atre it's 'Pigeons in the Loft! "-for
they're there; one Mr. and Mrs. Pig-
eon and their batch of young ones
and they chatter and chirp all day!
It seems that Mrs. Pigeon took a
fancy to the place first, having been
attracted by the bright stage scenery
and the rhythm of sawing, and ham-
mering as the boys worked on the
sets for Professor Brumm's "Button,
Button." So in she moved, not ask-
ing any questions, and before such
+hard-working fellows as Oren Parker,
the scenery designer, and Frank
Wurtsmith, the electrician, could say
"shoo," her husband had moved in
and they were proclaiming to an
empty house that they were the proud
parents of several soft and downy
prototypes of themselves.
That was a month ago, today they
are completely at home, up there
midst the rafters, and scenery may
come and scenery may go, but buxom
"mama," pigeon, as the lab-workers
call her, keeps busy teaching her
happy brood how to fly-that is when
she isn't joining stoutish "papa" pig-
eon on the railing to peer down on
the stage below and complain about
too much hammering while the "chil-
dren" are trying to rest!

"Mortimer, just look at Stuyvesant-the lone wolf of the Union Club.
He hasn't joined the swing to TWENTY GRAND!"
Gopr. 1936 nThe A. i ',, 1er rbacc, (Co., Inc.
GRAMND WE CERTIFY that we have im pe t-
edthe Turkish and Doimestif I oIaccos
blended in TWENTY GRAND cigarettes
and find them as fine in smoking qual-
ity as those used in cigaretes costing
as much as 50% more.
Pius local (Signed) Seil, Putt&Rusbylnc.AnalyticalLaboratories
(In collaboration with tobacco expert)

COLDWATER, Mich., Nov. 11.-(A)
-Two Coldwater men, Frederick
Dixon and Roy Fellers, celebrated Ar-
mistice Day with another look-and
chuckle-at official war department
notices of their deaths in action.
Dixon's identification tag was re-
moved after he was wounded, attend-
ants thinkinig he was dead, and the
false report was issued before he re-
gained consciousness. Fellers' tag be-
came lost and relatives here attended
a mass for him before news came
that he was alive.
Robert Clinefelter, former Cold-
water resident now living at Omaha,
Neb., also was reported killed
- U

a qulc esumme arter e nodaup
that the value of the jewelry and un-
mounted stones was $250,000. Police
said this figure was reduced by dis-
covery that a considerable amount of
jewelry in the safe had been over-
looked by the robbers.
An elevator operator who took two
of the men to the fifth floor where
they were joined by the other, gave
police their descriptions. They were
not seen leaving the building.
203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973
Flowers for All Occasions

While thousands crowded

the side-

__ ..



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