-I _______
The Trimiose Tat
Advance Sale DanceAtUnion
Of Dorm Dance Is Planned By
Tickets Is Large Women's Club
This week's gold star goes to the committee of the Union Formal .
It was one of the best dances we have had at Michigan . . . The floor show
was excellent and the supper dance made a big hit with the crowd because Steinle And Zwick To Play Chairman
the food was extraordinarily good . . . Didn't you like the ice cream At Dance; Funds To Aid Alumni
molds with the Union insignia? ... ;
Of First Faculty
Affair Is To Be
Societies To Honor Pi Beta Phi Sponsors CERCLE FACA T meeT
Settlement Exhibition The Cerele Francais will meet at
GraduateStudents17:45 p.m. today in the Alumnae Room
IThe annual exhibition of hand- of the League. All old and new
Four societies are joining in the woven textiles from the Pi Beta Phi members are requested to be present,
preparation of the reception for grad- Settlement School in the Tennessee as the meeting is an important one,
uate students and faculty members of mountains will be held from 1 to 5 according to Ona Thornton, '37, pres-
the department of pure and applied p.m. today and tomorrow at the ident. Prof. Charles E. Koella and
cemistry to be held from 8 to 10 p.m. chapter house. Prof. Rene Talamon will greet the
tomorrow in the League. The school is sponsored by the na- members.
The societies are Alpha Chi Sigma,
professional chemical fraternity; IotaI
At the S.A.E. table we noticed Betty Barth and Chuck Van Winkle *5IPU1I1i1 I IUJUL4 irs . LI, L Sigma Pi, honorary chemical sorority;t
talking with Hudson Tourtellot and Patty Williams . . . Hudson was on the Tickets are selling fast for the The first monthly dance of the Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chem-
committee and sported a gay red ribbon ... Paul Yergens and Bill McDowell all-campus informal dance to be held Faculty-Alumni series, sponsored by charmaceutical society.
who was with Gertrude Hyde were at the same table. Among the dancers Friday night in the Intramuralh
we caught a glimpse of John Park and Kay Shields . .. Betty Whitney and building for the purpose of raising thed Fnuty Womn club, will b TPresident and Mrs. Ruthven and Dean
Bruce Telfer hart a table right on the floor where they could see everything funds for the Men's Dormitories proj- held in the Union from 9:30 p.m. to rset r e an
... the fotunae oes ith abls i th balroo' wre Smue Chrid Mrs. Peter Okkeberg. Prof. and
other fortunate ones with tables in the ballroom were Samuel Chari ect, Hubert Bristol, '37, chairman of 12:30 a.m. tomorrow. Mrs. C. S. Schoepfle, Prof. and Mrs.
and Harriet Ku'nzman ... Jane Evans and George Andros and Hugh Rader the dance committee, said yesterday. Members of the committee for the H. B. Lewis and Prof. and Mrs. Clair
and Mary Louise Hulburt . . . b he Leaguto cosetheioavro e dance are Mrs. Laurence C. Stuart, .tUpthegrove, as representatives of the
Friday night in order that the Dorm chairman, Mrs. Willard Olson, Mrs. department of chemistry and its divi-t
Dance will have an open night, and W. F. Ramsdell, Mrs. Herman H. sions and the department of chemical
During the floor show everyone gathered in the ballroom . . . Laura the orchestras of Charlie Zwick and Riecker, Mrs. Fredrick C. Rogers and engineering will also receive.
Spencer and Jack Kerr stood with Florence Midworth and Bud Wyman ... Bob Steinle, regularly featured at the Mrs. Arch Wilson. Bob Steinle's or- ASSEMBLY TODAY
Lee Barton Evans gave a wonderful rendition of "Old Man River," didn't he? League and the Unicn,will be on sry r d . MIXEDASSEMBLYiTDA Y
handto urnih te muic.chestra will play for the dance.
Others in the crowd were Barbara Bolten, Betty King, lovely in brown hn ofrihtemsc There will be a mixed assembly of
velve trs and Mary Mrgadre Basra BwithJak Tmy. iegoyin, Unon Dancing will be from 9 p.m. to 1 Season cards have been issued and both the Men's and Women's Physical
velvet, and Mary Margaret Thomas with Jack Thom . .. Nice gong, Uniona.m. Tickets are priced at $1 per will entitle the holders to attend Education clubs at 9 a.m. today in
men, it was a grand dance . . . couple and can be obtained at the four dances during tne winter and Barbour Gymnasium. Doris Staeb-
In spite of the Union Formal, Friday night, a great many couples were Union desk, the League, Van Bo- spring. The final dance of the year ler, '37, is in charge of the women's I
still loyal to the League. Unfortunate couples forgot to reserve tables and en's, Wahr's, Ulrich's and from mem- is a dinner dance. The dates of the group
adjourned to the Grand Rapids Room. In the ballroom, we noticed bers of Michigamua, Sphinx, Stu- dances are Wednesday, Jan. 6, Tues-
Virginia Letts and Carl Fischer . . . Betty Riddell and Wallie Wendell . . . dent Christian Association, The Daily, day, Feb. 9, Thursday, March 11, and
Jane Garnet and Dick Joslin . . . and Jean Bourg and Ken McKarren. Just Varsity Band, executive council of Wednesday, April 7, the date of the
as the music stopped, Betty Thompson and Russell Van Cleve were seen the Union, Vulcans, Triangles, Tau dinner dance.
talking to Roberta Leete and Bob Clarke. About eleven-thirty, Marnie Hol- Beta Pi, Scabbard and Blade, the Dinners and buffet suppers, given
talingto obeta eet an Bo Clrk. Aouteleen-hiry, arne Hl-League Council and the Interfra- i rvt oe rteUin s
den andWillie Tomlinson came in ... and stopped to talk, before continuing ternt Council nain private homes or the Union, us-
denit Council. ually precede the dances. They in-
on into the ballroom . . . The League !s always popular . . . The funds raised from the sale of elude members or the faculty and
Quite a crowd gathered at the Mortarboard Tea Dance Saturday to listen tickets will go to the Committee on various alumni groups.
to the game and get in a few dances in between . . . Saw Grace Snyder, Men's Dormitories, Bristol said. The
president of Mortarboard with Don Pomeroy taking tickets at the door . . . committee already has received a gift
Marlene Fingerle and Graf Sharpe were dancing in the Grand Rapids Room, of $1,000 from the Union and$500 Curtis To Give Last
Mary Johnson and Bob Everbach . . . Charlotte Rueger, president of the from last years J-Hop committee.
League was there with Dick Hershey and Edith Zerbe and Budd Dorr danced incThe list of patrons and Mrs. Ruth- ______dy es
by . . . Charlotte Hamilton and Dick Mavis were talking to Margaret Guest yen; Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bur-
and Dan Coo.near the orchestra . - -;sley; Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea; The concluding lecture in the "How
tional chapter and will display
spreads, scarfs, bags and other ar-
ticles for women. Tea will be served
both afternoons. Mrs. Henry E.
Riggs, Mrs. Albert E. White, Mrs.
Carl Huber, and Mrs. George P. Codd
will pour, it was announced by Mrs.
Herbert Shaw, chairman of the tea.!
Theta Chi and Theta Xi fraterni-
ties are to hold the first of two ex-
change dinners tonight. The sec-
and dimer is planned for Dec. 8.
Permanents from $3.00
Telephone 5861
Liberty and State Streets,
State and Liberty
Watch Repairing!
Prof. and Mrs. Henry C. Anderson; to Study" series is to be given by
With The Mortarboards . # . .IProf. and Mrs. Paul Leidy; Dean- Prof, Francis D. Curtis, of the ed-
Listening to the game in the hall were Dottie Corson and Herb Park, Jean emeritus and Mrs. Allen S. Whitney; ucation department, at 8 p.m. to-
Finlayson and Ray Brett, Doris Bolton and Fletch Platt, and Lois King and I Prof. and Mrs. Elmer D. Mitchell; morrow in Natural Science Auditor-
I Secretary and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith; ium, it was announced by Jean Hat-
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawley Tapping; field, '37, chairman of the League or-
got up to dance with Frank Dannemiller .- . . Also noticed Barbara Heath Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost; Mr. ientation committee.
joinirg the crowd on the floor with R. C. Reider . . . It was a good place and Mrs. Stanley Waltz; Mr. Carl G. Attendance will not be cornpulsory
to spend a Saturday afternoon . . . Brandt and Mr. Ralph T. Byers. for this lecture, Miss Hatfield said.
The Betsy Barbour Buds gave a stag dance Saturday night that was The series is designed primarily for
really fun... Each girl invited three men for the stag line and a mighty Sororitl*lHold freshmen but anyone, including up-
long one it was . . . among the "buds" we noticed Miggs Richter in black ooperclassmen, who feels he needs this
velvet, Helen Brady and Jean Hanson.. . all three were getting many "cuts" Pledging Ceremony help is urged to attend. Professor
from the stag line . . . Ellen Thompson in a good looking blue velvet was Curtis' talk will incorporate various
besieged by Pat Patterson, Harry Mulholland and Bill Collins . . . Evading practical and helpful suggestions. The
the candid camera were Marian Price and Charlotte Houck, however it Theta Sigma Phi, natibnal honor- lecture is the final one of a series of
wasn't successful for he rnoticed the cameraman get several shots of them . ..ary professional journalism sorority, four.
will hold pledging ceremony at 5 _
Addie Mason unwittingly giggled into the microphone while the men were p.m. today at the League for those
taking the group picture and was quite startled by the results . . . Dorothy women who ,have recently been in- MAIL YOUR ROLLS TO
Love and. Hank Conlin were deep in conversation when John Moran vited into membership. FILM CENTER OF THE WORLD
cut in on it . . . Some of the other stags were Tony Yokum, Jimmy Moy, The women to be pledged are Betty Your roll developed and printed. Velox
John McLean. Ed DeVine, Bob Hammon, and Leland Swenson . . . We are Bingham, '37; Josephine Cavanagh, deckle-edge prints, 25c coin. Also 5 x 7
'37;HelenDgla,'3;de luxe enlargement coupon free. One-
all for more of these stag dances, they are really good . . . en ouglas, ; Margaret day service. Photo Finishing Shop, Inc.,
Hamilton, '37; Harriet Hathaway, Est. 22 years. 437 Genesee Valley Trust
Lost: One D e .. '37Esther Johnson, '37; Lois King, Bldg. Rochester, N.Y. 'The Camera City'
'37; Barbara Lovell, '38; Betty-
Jordan Hall had their informal dance Saturday night . . . June Hora Strickroot, '38, and Betty Wills, '37.
who was in charge was with Jack Bigelow . . . It seems they had a little A meeting of the active members CH E LSEA
trouble there before the dance . . . Beatrice Schink got a telephone call will be held at 4:30 p.m. today FLO VER SHOP
just before the dance saying that her date'Don Schneider had been in an
accident and was at the University Hospital . . . Much perturbed she and WYVERN MEETING ANNOUNCED 203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973
her roommate Helen Stevenson rushed down the street to the hospital . . . There is to be a Wyvern meeting Flowers for All Occasions
Meanwhile the elusive Don appeared at the dorm in perfect health . . . at 4 p.m. today in the Council Room,
Someone thought it was funny . . . Noticed Margaret Carr at the dance ._ --
with Jim Hynes and Bettie Howard was with David Hoyt ... Bettie looked
quite Queen Elizabethan in a red and blue velvet dress with a high lace . :::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.; .....................
. .. . . . . . : : .: . . . . ....: .. : :..: :. ::: < :... :::> .. .. '
Around the punch bowl was gathered quite a crowd o.f Jordanites . .
Bethanie Thomas was with Dick Evans . . . Mabel Allison in a gold cloth "
blouse over a black skirt was with Job Jaedeche . . . Alice Stevenson and '
John Shane came down the steps to join the crowd . . . Alice was wearing
a stunning gold chiffon velvet with a cowl neckline . .. Others at the dance
were Marian Reynolds and Jack McFate, Marybelle Strother and Jack Pet-
tigoe, Doris Scott and Ted Spangler, and Margaret Okerwall and Douglas
Morgan ...
Mosher also had a dance Saturday night , . . noticed Jo Van Wormer
and Jack Mills talking to the orchestra leader . . . Ann Vicary, in corded
white net, was with Dick Knowe. .. Around the punch bowl were gathered
Trina Sprick and Al Healy, Barbara Brunnel in a very unusual black and
gold brocade, Grete Host talking to Ross Beaumont . . . Eleanor Lobban
wore cedar moire with gold vine leaves in her hair as she danced with
George Goldman . . . Others at the dance were Maxine Nelson with Paul
Krans, and Elaine Cobo and Bob Davidson ..>
All in all it wasn't a bad week eiui, was it? If we don't have fraternity Custom
parties then we d dormitories for entertainment . . . Someone Original
always comes through with a good party . . . tomorrow it is the Lawyers and
their tea dance-.. see you there!
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