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November 10, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-10

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TUESDAY, NOV. 10, 1936


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1936 Membr 1937
APsscicded Cobleiale Press
Distributors of
o1e6ite Di6est
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50,
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfe Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. 'Silver-
man, William Spailer, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. i
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
Delano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts -Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ifiled Advertising Manager.
An Important
English Decision. .
counter German and Italian in-
tervention on the side of Spanish fascists by
sending aid to hard-pressed loyalists is, funda-
mentally, the most encouraging step for peace
in Europe in many a day, although it is burdened
with the qualification that England's cooperation
must be secured, first.
In the larger setting\ as has been often pointed
out, democratic cowardice in Manchuria, the
Rhineland, and Ethiopia has allowed fascism to
become very strong in Europe. The same sort of
cowardice in Spain has allowed the invading
army of militarists and Moors, armed by Ger-
many and Italy, to achieve such success that the
civil strife has cost the lives of between 100,000
and 200,000 men.
With England, as usual, rests the decision.
If she sides with France and -Russia, the fascists
hardly dare persist with their illegal activitie in
Spain, and if they do dare, they have little
chance of success. Calling the bluff of Hitler
and Mussolini will do more to relieve war pres-
sure in Europe than anything else; if England
cringes, the tension increases.
France and the Soviet Union have learned
that in Europe today peace demands as much
courage as war. By recognizing that truth in its
answer to M. Blum, the Baldwin government
can take a really significant step toward world
Regretful I
Rein des, And 4. .
some students passing the Health
Service have created noise and disturbed the pa-
tients in the infirmary. This has been observed
particularly of those moving between the campus

and Mosher-Jordan dormitory. Ordinary
thoughtfulness suggests that the immediate area
be regarded as a hospital zone.
TWO notice boards, property of the Presbyter-
ian Church, have been mysteriously removed,
one from the corner of State and Jefferson
streets, the other from the church property on
Washtenaw. The cost to the church as a result
of this destruction was about seventy-five dol-
We trust that no student is responsible, but
if it should be that the signs are now decorating
a student wall, they are permanent reminders of
theft rather than collegiatism.
A thorough course in horsemanship is offered
for beginners, intermediates and advanced riders
at Mount Holyoke College. Riders can enjoy
the sport and receive gym credit for participat-

Roosevelt's Victory
-The Political Forces At Work-
THE TYPHOON that swept the nation Nov. 3
was such a history making thing that specu-
lation inevitably arises concerning its causes, its
future and such related topics as what is going to
become of the Republican party and its can-
didate, the late Mr. Landon.
Although Tuesday's election is more similar
from the point of, votes and unanimity of elec-
toral opinion to that won by James Monroe in
1820 than to any other, in general it is really
more comparable to the "revolution of 1800"
which brought in Jeffersonian democracy and
heralded the death of the Federalist party. For
while Monroe received all but one electoral vote,
Jefferson became president on such a tidal wave
not only of opinion but changing governmental
philosophy that his election ushered in a new
So with the election of President Roosevelt.
The people rose up en masse, like the Johnstown
flood, as William Allen White puts it, to endorse
President Roosevelt and the New Deal and to
reject Governor Landon and the Republican
Certainly the victory for the Presidentb is,
first of all, a great personal one. Even Theodore
Roosevelt did not have the magnetic personality
of his fifth cousin, the appeal to the man in the
street, the winning smile and the sincere tone
of voice. No man before in our history, with
the possible exception of William Jennings
Bryan, has so eclipsed the leaders of his party,
and no president has so transformed his admin-
istration into a personal government. In one
sense, the voter asked himself as he reached for
the pencil in the polling booth, "Roosevelt? Am
I for -him or against him?"
They're For It.. .
Almost as much, however, did the electorate
express its approval of the New Deal plan of
action, of social security, government activity
in labor relations and the divorce of govern-
ment from private finance. Certainly no WPA
millions, no Farley political maneuvering, can
account for the deluge of Democratic votes.
People in all walks of life, in all sections of the
country were voting for something they wanted
and believed in. Call it liberalism, call it planned
economy, call it security, call it what you like.
the American people are for it.
Likewise did the voters reject the Republican
party and its platform. In so doing they rejected
a party which stood for what it termed the
preservation of free private enterprise, a return
to the gold standard, a high protective tariff, a
strict interpretation of the Constitution and a
system of aid-to-needy rather than social se-
curity through insurance. They rejected a party
which, in this campaign, was essentially a con-
servative party and which told them their
homes and liberties were in danger of a spend-
thrifty and dictatorship-headed New Deal.
But one cannot, with a glance at the election
returns say that all the 26,000,000 persons who
voted for President Roosevelt are opposed to free
private enterprise. Probably only a very small
percentage of them would do away with private
business. Neither can one say they favor the
-tremendous public debt. But it is evident that
they do value some things more than free
private enterprise and more than a balanced
The Republican campaign was, it is now gen-
erally admitted, even in Maine. Vermont, and
Washtenaw County, very weak in both issues
and candidate. It offered little constructive
to a mass of depression-ridden people who had
come to expect a program of detailed action in-
itiated in their favor. It opposed such things as
jobs with the charge that the jobs were extrava-
gant boondoggling. In place of the plea that,
conditions were better than they were in 1932,
all the Republicans could say was yes, but in
spite of Roosevelt and at a tremendous cost. In
place of a government benevolent toward labor,
all the opposition could offer was the guarantee
of free private enterprise and of constitutional
Thrown A Lifeline ..
Whether the Republicans were right or wrong,

their stand did not have appeal, for starving
men given food or drowning men thrown a life-
line are too grateful to worry about the expense,
the theory or the aftermath. And, figuratively
speaking, a great mass of the American people
were just that: starving men, given food.
Nor did Governor Landon compare with Pres-
ident Roosevelt. Although the former had a
certain appeal as a common ordinary man, he
had no glamour, no sparkling personality, noI
speaking voice. Furthermore, great numbers of
the persons who voted for Roosevelt thought
Landon an incompetent political nonentity, and
many who voted straight Republican tickets
simply because they could not bear to break the
traditions of a lifetime had sore misgivings
regarding the man whom they were forced to
endorse. And the Republicans could offer noth-
ing to disprove this.,
Not one person in 10 had heard of the Kansan
governor two years ago. His administration in
Kansas, outside the fact that he obeyed the
Constitution and balanced his budget, lacked
brilliance. And certainly no definite program
of action was forthcoming from him during the
campaign. He was just what the Republicans so
proudly proclaimed him to be-a common cit-
izen-at a time when the electorate was con-
vinced that no common citizen could cope with
the situation at hand.
So when these four factors are combined-
the Roosevelt personal appeal, the favor of the
New Deal, the lack of a Republican program, and
the distrust of Governor Landon-it is easy to
see the reason for the typhoon.
m11anb a Al. m11 n

****** IT ALL
EAST IS EAST and thank God. Philadelphia.
phooey! City of brotherly love, ugh! City of
surly cops and one way streets, awful stadium
and gloomy school, pesky people and bum fra-
QUAKER POT SHOTS: Despite omnia Phila-
delphia is a charming old town which reeks
of an atmosphere of bygone days. Down on the
portal of Independence Hall we stood as the mas-
sive clock chimed four. We looked up at the
tablet which commemorates the founding of the
nation ., . . we were impressed . . . There were
almost as many Michigan rooters in the stands
of dismal old Franklin Field as there were sing-
ers of Penn-syl-van-i-a . . . the yellow mums
salesman did an admirable job of selling flowers
to the wives of eastern alumni . . . ploughing
across the field after the game were Norm Wil-
liamson, working in Philly now, with Johnny
Becker, also Phil Hart, Phi Delta Phi president
. . . Bob Henoch sat on the Michigan bench
throughout the whole game.. . Bill Steytler, Fred
Kintzer, ancd Chuck Hedges ran out of dough
Sunday morning and had to bum back, arriving
late Monday afternoon . . . Johnny Seeley and
Stutz Johnson turned knights of the road for
the trip, but never got any farther than Cleve-
land . . Fred DeLano covering the game for
the Chicago Tribune, called up the Penn pub-
licity director to ask for an open wire and ex-
plained, "This is DeLano of the Chicago Trib-
une." Whereupon the publicity director said,
"Oh, yes, yes, certainly, glad to hear your voice
again, glad to have you with us again, Mr.
DeLano" . . . and by the way, after seeing how
capably Fred handled the job, I like to prognos-
ticate that he'll be working for Arch Ward
come the summer and graduation '.-
OLD STOCK YARD STEVE wrote another
chapter into his record of never having
missed an out of town game when he slept in
a chair car all the way to Penn . . . Saw Art
Berger in the bar at the Ritz Carlton. Art was
one of the best back in 1932 . . . Over at the Penn
Zete house ran into Al Dewey and Howie Rogers
in whose honor the Quaker Zete's were throw-
ing a beer party . . . Pat Conger and Walt Lillie
represented Sigma Phi at the game . . . Gil Tilles
made the trip also but got sidetracked in New
York and at this writing hasn't been heard from
yet . . . . Joe Hadley, ex-Theta, came down from
Gotham for the game and to see Jim Morgan
who also made the pilgrimage from Ann Arbor
.. the band looked mighty weary when I saw
them eating in the hotel Friday night . . . they
had to sit up in chair cars both ways and march
up Market street Friday morning on empty stom-
achs . . . some of them seemed to be finding
their way around pretty well by Friday night,
in both houses, a great majority of the senators
and representatives realizing, as they must, that
they owe their election mainly to the Roosevelt
landslide, the passage of any and all bills that
he wants is practically assured. With only eight
Republican governors in the country, he can
expect wholehearted cooperation from the states.
The press might offer a check if its attempts
to mould popular opinion against Roosevelt had
not been proven so utterly ineffectual by the
election. More than 85 per cent of the nation's
newspapers supported Governor Landon and bit-
terly opposed the President. There was hardy
a paper that backed the New Deal wholehearted-
ly even in the South. Yet these papers were re-
pudiated en masse Nov. 3, and it can hardly be
expected that now any criticisms of the Admin-
istration, however constructive, will carry much
I weight. Call this unfortunate if you will-it
probably is-it is the situation nevertheless.
But despite these factors, the conviction in
many quarters is that nothing more radical (i.e.,
new and unusua will emanate from the White
House than what has already been seen in the

form of the NRA and other alphabetical bu-
reaus. For one thing, the wholesale spending
can almost surely be counted on to be cut down
gradually. The President, despite what the De-
troit Free Press and the Chicago Tribune and
Colonel Knox say abdut him, is an intelligent
man, and he must realize that, while the na-
tional credit is in no danger yet, the end defi-
nitely is in sight. Also, if business picks up at
all, the work program will be curtailed some-
what, although conjecture concerning a perma-
nent public works program is reported rampant
in capital political circles. Furthermore, there
is little doubt that a part of the relief money was
spent with a political effect in mind. Now that
the worry of being reelected has been removed
from the Presidential scheme of thinking, such
political spending will be unnecessary.
Constitutional Amendment? ...
Certainly, however, one can expect the gov-
ernment to play an increasingly important part
in labor disputes. The attitude of the President
toward the present maritime . strike may indi-
cate what direction government interference will
take, but with the Wagner Labor Relations bill
in effect, provided it is not thrown out by the
Supreme Court, some federal action is reasonably
The court itself is another problem. It is
doubtful that the present members of the court
will be influenced by the election in any de-
cisions on New Deal laws, and indeed it is gen-
erally agreed that they should not be, but
Roosevelt is certain to have some appointments
to the Supreme Court bench, and he will prob-
ahly fill them with men favorable to the New

that Broke the Plains. Directed y
Pare Lorentz. Music by Virgil Thomp- Notice to a Members of the Uni-
son. At the Cinema Theatre, Detroit. versity: The following is an extract
of a by-law of the Regents (Chap-
By JAMES DOLL ter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which
"THE YOUTH OF MAXIM" is has been in effect since September.
simple narration in structure. It 1926
begins with the young Maxim stum- "It will hereafter be regarded as
bling by accident into the revolution- contrary to University policy for any'
ary movement after the failure of the one to have in his or her possession
1905 revolution in Russia and carries any key to University buildings or
hi andadventues epresentative o parts of buildings if such key is not
the underground activities of the So- stamped as provided (i.e. by the
vial Democrats. This picture-the Buildings and Grounds Department).
first of a trilogy-leaves him when he If such unauthorized keys are found
has begun to learn the technique of the case shall be referred to the Dean
revolution. The story, though, is less or other proper head of the Uni-
important than the uniformly excel- versity division involved for his. ac-
lent characterizations and the atmo- tion in accordance with this prin-
sphere of reality thatsurrounds them. ciple. Any watchman or other prop-
There is suspense but no trumped up er representative of the Buildings
theatricalism; a number of strong, and Grounds Department, or any
well built up climaxes; tenseness Dean, departmeit head or other
throughout but also a great deal of proper University official shall have
subtle humor and good naturedness. the right to inspect keys believed to
This is especially effective in the open University buildings, at any
midst of the tragedy and death reasonable time or place.'
struggles and adds to the sense of " . . For any individual to order,
reality rather than detracting from have made, or permit to be ordered
it as it might so easily have done. or made, any duplicate of his or her
Music is often introduced to help University key, through unauthorized
the action or as interludes as in channels, must be regarded as a
the scene where Maxim sings a ballad special and willful disregard of the
while he is watching for raiders. The safety of University property."
song is entertaining in itself but adds These regulations are called to the
to the suspense as well. attention of all concerned, for their'
Two excellent and purely cinematic information and guidance. Any per-
touches were a quick shot of legs of son having any key or keys to Uni-
fast moving horses when the soldiers versity buildings, doors, or other locks,
were chasing the workers and the contrary to the provisions recited
shots of running workmen in which above, should promptly surrender the
we can only see the tops of their same to the Key Clerk at the office
heads at the bottm of the frame with of the Superintendent of Buildings
factories beyond. and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith.
The only fault with the picture-
if it is a fault-is a certain naivenessFaculty-Alumni Dance Series. The
in the attack, a feeling of being edu- first dance will be held on Wednes-
cated to emulate the struggles and day, November 11 at the Michigan.
heroism of the founders of "our So- Union from 9:30 to 12:30 p.m.
viet Union." But the whole is a wel-
come relief from Hollywood to whose A Limited Number of Students may
pictures it is superior in sincerity, still receive a vaccine for prevention
truthfulness, uniformity of the act- of colds by calling at the Health Ser-
ing of both the principal actors and vice on Tuesday or Saturday morn-
bit players, general uniformity of ef- ing of this week, between 8 and 10
feet. In technique it is equal to o'clock.
Hollywood. The effect might be
called epic if the word -weren't in Presidents of student organizations
suchi bad odor as applied to moving I Presins tudni trfffiztorns i

A Russian Picture
Amkino presents THE YOUTH OF
MAXIM. Produced by Lenfilm, Lenin-
grad, U.S.S.R. Scenario and direction
by Gregory Kozintev and Leonid Trau-
berg. Music by Dmitri Shoshtakovitch.
On the same bill the Resettlement
Administration presents The Plough
ihn- T -L- i-a Anin nioni.nr b

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the PresideA
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

TUESDAY, NOV. 10, 1936

Physics Colloquium: Prof. W. W.
Sleator wil lspeak on "A Problem in
Geometrical Optics, a Problem in
Infrared Spectroscopy, and a Prob-
lem in Sound" today at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 1041 E. Physics Building. All
those interested are invited to attend.
Adelphi meets tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in the Adelphi Room, 4032 Angell
Hall. There will be a debate and
open forum discussion of the Varsity
debate subject. All members please
be present.
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais which
will begin promptly at 7:45 p.m.
this evening in the Alumnae Room of
the League. All old and new mem-
members must be present since the
meeting is an important one. Profes-
sor Talamon will welcome the new
Varsity Glee Club: New members
and reserves, 4:30 p.m.; Michigan

The Poetry Study Group
Junior A.A.UW. will meet
home of Miss Josephine A.
meyer, 511 E. Kingsley Ave.,
at 8 p.m.

of the
at the

Michigan Dames: The Bridge
Group will hold its first meeting this
evening promptly at 8 p.m., at the
Michigan League. Both auction and
contract bridge will be played. All
are cordially invited to attend. Reser-
vations are necessary. Phone Mrs.
A Meeting of the Bibliophiles of the
Faculty Women's Club will be 'held
today at 2:30 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. J. F. Rettger, 513 Oswego. Pro-
fessor Wahr will speak on "The Back-
ground of Modern German Litera-
The Lutheran Student Club: "Bible
Study Class" will meet at. the Michi-
gan League this evening at 7J15
p.m. All students interested are
urged to attend the class. The class
is held for one hour every week.


Although the dialog is in Russian,
the English titles make the picture
easy to follow. It continues through
this week at the Cinema Theatre with
performances beginning at noon and
every two hours through the eve-
On the same bill are a Mickey
Mouse and the fine documentary
short'"The Plough that Broke the
Plains." This should not be missed
by anone interested in experiments
outside of the usual run of fictional
pictures and compares with similar
work by Joris Ivens. The musical ac-
companiment by Virgil Thompson
who composed the music for "Four
Saints in Three Acts" is especially
Cain And Mabel
"Cain and Mabel" is one of these
imple little stories with some de luxe
equipment and some stellar names.
which is expected to make delightful
entertainment. But the picture'misses
fire, and loses the thread of the little
story in some colossally spectacular
scenes of glorifying the American girl.
Mabel waits table in a none too
fancy restaurant. She gets fired be-
cause of a big mouthed reporter, who
gets Mabel the lead in a big Broad-
way show. Cain is a prize fighter
whose first love is a gas station. Fi-
nally he becomes the heavyweight
champion. But Mabel's show is flop-
ping because the girl has no glamor.
and Cain suffers from indifference
from the public, too. The reporter,
now publicity agent, decides to in-
corporate Cain and Mabel in a pub-
licity drive-the two have a news-
paper romance. But then Cain finds
out that Mabel can cook pork chops,
so he falls in love with her. Of
course there is a mix up, but the
piece ends happily with Mabel kissing'
Cain in the ring of the fight in
which Cain has lost his championship
Marion Davies is Mabel. She has
some fast and funny dialogue to de-
[iver, and she is glorified in a show
which looks like the kind of musical

are remnleu clat as lljo 11M- z
due today at the office of the Dean
of Students.
Tour of Museum for Foreign Stu-
dents: The students in the class in
English for Foreign Students will be
specially conducted through the Mu-
seum this afternoon at 4 p.m. Pro-
fessor Blumer has consented to show
the group some of the recent ac-
quisitions in the Chinese collection of
art treasurer. Any other foreign stu-
dents who are interested may join
this tour. The group will meet
promptly at 4 p.m. in Room 201,
University Hall.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
will hold a meeting in Natural Science
Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Nov. 11, for all seniors and grad-
uate students who will be seeking po-
sitions in February or in June. This
applies to students who intend to
register in either the Teaching or
General (Non-Teaching) Division.
The meeting at this time is for new
registrants only, and does not apply
to people who have previously en-
rolled with the bureau.
University Lecture: Dr. Sylvanus
G. Morley, Associate of Carnegie In-
stitution of Washington, will lecture
on the subject "Archeological Re-
search in Yucatan" at 4:15 p.m. in
Natural Science Auditorium on Nov.
12. The lecture will be illustrated
with lantern slides. The public is
cordially invited.
Father Hubbard Lecture; The
"Glacier Priest" will appear in Hill
auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 12, at
8:15 p.m. presenting a new motion,
picture lecture under the auspices of
the Oratorical Association. Tickets
are now available at Wahr's State
Street Book Store.
Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe-
cial emphasis on Japanese- Wood
Sculpture, under the auspices of the
Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9
p.m. Gallery talk Monday, Nov. 9, at
4 p.m.
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of,

Chinistian Science
meets tonight at the
Michigan League at 8
and faculty members

chapel of the
p.m. Students-
are invited to

Class of '40 LS&A: There will be a
meeting for all those interested in
organizing a Freshman Independent
Party in Room 50, Michigan Union,
8 p.m.
Hillel Student Council meeting,
tod1ay at 4:15 p.m. Election of vice-
president and secretary will take
place at this .time.
'The 'Graduate Club of the Hillel
Foundation announces a dinner meet-
ing for today at 6:15 p.m. in the
Russian Tea'Room at the Michigan
League. Get your tray in the grill
and :bring it across the hall.
Coming Events
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 12 noon
in the Russian Tea Room of the
Michigan League. Cafeteria service.
Bring tray across the hall. Dr. Mar-
garet Elliott, Professor of Personnel
Management, and Professor of Ec-
onomics, will speak informally on
"Social Security."
Graduate Education Club: The
Graduate -Education Club will hold
its second meeting of the academic
year, Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 4 p.m. in
the library of the University Elemen-
tary School. Dr. Guthe of the An-
thropology department of the Uni-
versity will speak on the subject,
''Anthropologyand Education." An
opportunity will be provided for ques-
tions and discussion after Dr. Guthe's
talk. All graduate students interested
or taking work in Education, as well
as their friends are cordially invited
to attend.
Economics Club: E. L. Hargreaves,
tutor and lecturer in Oriel College,
Oxford, will speak on "The Theory
of Public Finance" to the Economics
Club Wednesday evening, Nov. 11, at
7:30 p.m. in the Union. Graduate
students and members of the staffs
in Economics and Business Adminis-
tration are invited to attend.
New York State Students: The Em-
pire State Club will meet Wednesday
night, 7:30 p.m., in the Upper Room
at Lane Hall. Allan Seager, form-
erly an editor with "Vanity Fair,"
will speak and an open discussion
will follow the talk. Any New York
State student interested in the club is
cordially invited to attend the meet-
New -Jersey Students: There will be
a meeting of the New Jersey Club
Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 8 p.m. at the
League. All New Jersey students are
cordially invited.

c mUlat. camne out. of Hollywoocd American Paintings comprising the
about five years ago. It is spec- First Series of the American Art
tacular, but too unbelievable to be portfoisrentyaqrdfrth
very entertaining to 1936 motion Potolios, recently acquired for the
picture audiences. Clark Gable as Institute of Fine Arts Study. Room,
Cictue haudiencgs.dlarGhabe as , uOn view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cain has some good fight scenes, but in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
this is not one of his better _'ole ;. leryu H
This is simply a picture that was ery-_-_
2oncocted to be entertaining, and Exhibition of Oil and Water Color
misses its mark. -C.M.T. Paintings Made in Spain During the
Past 10 years by Wells M. Sawyer,
Theatre Calendar shown under the auspices of the In-

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