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November 04, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-04

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-" -
1936 Mmbr 1937
fssociodod Colebice Press
Distributors of
COll6ko Di6ost
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumimer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to itor
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Fntercd at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second classi mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Managr; Norman Steinberg, Service'
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Preliminary Remarks
On The Maritime Strike .. .
dinary one. The 1934 Longshore-
amen's strike which led to a general strike has not
been forgotten, and, by reading between the lines,
readers may appreciate that this one is impor-
tant in some way. But accurate information
about the maritime labor situation is difficult to
get, and most persons are at the mercy of big
news associations who, as experience has shown,
present an inadequate picture of the struggle.
For example, most dispatches from the West
Coast have omitted telling why the strike was
called. The strike was called because of the un-
willingness of the shipowners to agree to what,
substantially, was an extension of the 1934 con-
tracts. Instead, they demanded wage reduc-
tions and partial control of hiring halls. The
unions oppose the first for obvious reasons; the
second because control of hiring will enable
employers to displace union with non-union men
and smash the sailors' and longshoremen's or-
Secondly, most persons are baffled when they
read such reports as "the International Sea-
men's Union prepared to put strike-breaking
crews on all port-locked vessels." It must be

understood that the will of the union members
and their officers have not always coincided. The
West Coast longshoremen under Harry Bridges
have displaced leaders which they considered
reactionary. The Western sailors were expelled
from the International Seamen's Union because
they overrode union big-shots. Together they
have formed the Maritime Federation. The East-
ern maritime workers have formed the Seamen's
Defense Committee under Joseph Curran, like-
wise repudiating "reactionary" leadership. The
strike, then, is a rank-and-file movement, and
opposition to it from "unions" is of the most
noiinal sort. The degree of complacency and
integrity these "labor leaders" possess is well
indicated by their promise to put strike-breaking
crews on all port-locked vessels.
A third factor in the strike situation is the
government. Of great potential importance is
the Maritime Commission, composed mostly of
naval officials, which was appointed by Pres-
ident Roosevelt only a few months ago, possibly
with the waterfront situation in mind. What its
final role will be has not been determined yet.
The government, further, is paying subsidies
to three of the most important shipping lines
struck and is thus reinforcing the opposition to
the strikers, whether or not it be intentional.
Most important, President Roosevelt himself
must decide upon the possible request of the
shippers for "safety" crews recruited from the
United States Navy. To what extent the govern-
ment will participate, if at all, in strike-breaking
no one can say. But it is well to remember the
1934 speech of Gen. Hugh S. Johnson at Ber-
keley, Calif., which precipitated much of the vig-

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Affonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Problem Of War
To the Editor:
First, accept my lowly congratulations on the
news and editorial policies of The Michigan
Daily. Compared with every eight of ten city
newspapers The Daily is a veritable goddess of
liberty. Those bits of yellow journalism fallen
from its rank as a profession are conspicuous
only by their absence from the columns pf our
paper. Moreover, at present The Daily is per-
vaded by a fine liberal-conservative spirit.
Next, I will present a review of one topic that
was considered both editorially and in the Forum.
The comment and criticism ought to be con-
sidered still further, for the procedure we are
to execute is by no means here opinionatedly
1. The problem is war. Characters: Indus-
trial Conference (Mr. Zeder and Mr. Dow); Mr.
Mowrer; The Daily; myself, and a bit of research
. .. . The following propositions or proposals
have been set forth:
A. Mr. Zeder: The three basic virtues in one:
Keep government out of business.
B. Mr. Dow: World War has proved the ne-
cessity of thorough organizations for supplying
C. Show of mighty arms (not the communist
salute) to destroy fascism and war.
D. And The Daily has argued as follows: Fas-
cist countries force us to kill diplomacy (a virtue
in itself), therefore we cannot answer the ques-
tion whether or not we ought to arm with the
thought of joining other nations against a fas-
cist imperialism, even if there are people who
would destroy us as well as peace. In a word,
we don't know what to do about the future-
when some sort of unequal struggle might oc-
cur. (Nonsense a la mode, but wait).
E. (This is my proposition) The Daily must
state its stand, and it must not be in haze
or in mid-air, nor here nor there. This does
not at all imply dogmatism; it does presume
intelligence and a high quality of common sense.
F. (This is the result of a little research
on my part, not on The Daily's) "Mauritz Hall-
gren, of the editorial staff of the Baltimore Sun,
offered statistics (at a round-table conference of
the National Council for the Prevention of War)
from Government sources to support his thesis
that an army of between 50,000 and 70,000 men
and a navy half the size of the present one
would provide an adequate defense against in-
vasion. He pointed out that as far as attack
from abroad is concerned, Great Britain is the
only power which has sufficient shipping to
carry men and supplies to these shores to launch
an invasion." (The United States News, October
12, 1936). For the following, I cannot quote the
head of the War Department but someone equal-
.y or even more reliable: "There is no possibility
of a war between the United States and any
other European country, unless we are the ag-
G. Now you have the clay. Re-mold your
editorial-this I urge you. It should be a sign of
greatness in a world in which the great men are
so little. With child-like simplicity and frank-
ness we can solve the mightiest of the mighty,
we can achieve the impossible.
-Louis Deutsch.
On Spain And Prof. Aiton
To the Editor:
The social myopia from which Professor Aiton
showed himself to be suffering in his maiden
attempt at analyzing the Spanish situation, is
apparently incurable, for the same symptoms
recur in his latest remarks. I refer to the
published version of his radio address, which
appeared in The Daily for November 1. While
realizing fully that the disease is too far ad-

vanced to permit of cure, I nevertheless wish
to point out some of the more obvious symp-
toms, as a guide to social physicians of the
Professor Aiton, in claiming that a victory
for Fascism in Spain would be the lesser evil,
not only demonstrates thereby that he has no
constructive solution, but also convicts him-
self of holding that a Fascist state is better
than a government democratically elected by
a majority of the Spanish people. He feels
that a "nationalist victory .-. . will lead more
quickly to peace and with a better chance
towards a subsequent move back toward democ-
racy and liberalism." To what democracy is he
The present revolt is a revolt against a consti-
tutional, democratic, parliamentary, elected gov-
ernment. As such, it is the enemy, rather than
the friend, of democracy. Professor Aiton is
apparently of the delusion that the present
Spanish regime is Communistic. This is patently
untrue. There are Communists in the Govern-
ment, as well as representatives of the other
parties. but the Government is certainly not
Communistic. As far as his contention that the
leftist groups tried to use Spain as a pawn in
international class war, this is a completely
untenable statement.
Professor Aiton claimR that the majority of
the Spanish people are on the rebel side. This
seems a rather thoughtless statement in ,view
of the facts that 1: the present regime was
elected by an overwhelming majority of the
people; 2. that the rebel leaders have signified
their willingness to slaughter the population in

****** IT ALL
~-RyBongth W7llia--,
BENEATH IT ALL: Met Marge Western, ex-
sports-writin' gal in the Paddock Saturday
night. Now breaking into the big time stuff on
the Cleveland Plain Dealer, after a fvorkout on
the society desk . . . Also ran into Frankie Ryan,
ex-New York middleweight in the .john and al-
most got my head knocked off before we finally
got together. Ended by him setting 'em up .. .
Freddy Alendorf, ex-Delt rounder supreme, back
for the week-end along with a million other
alumni e . . Matt Patanelli nervously gasping
into the mike in Hill Auditorium Friday evening
and thinking it was the crowd booing him as thej
P.A. system carried his gasp through the house.C
A guy in the basement of Chubb's trying to
prove how tough he was by smacking the beaver
board with his left-and the finale when he
crossed his right through the flimsy stuff and
broke his hand on the concrete beyond . . . Bud
Smith murmuring sweetly to every girl who re-
fused to dance with him at a Hallowe'en party he
had crashed, "You pig" . .. Ty Carlisle fainting
dead away in a drug store Sunday when the
man next him ordered ham and eggs .'.
THE THETA HOUSE was plunged in gloom
last night as ever-increasing majorities piled
up against their almost unanimous choice, Aver-
age Alf. Kay Shields and Mary Sterling, lone
new dealers in the boarding club, smiled their
sweetest smiles at the sistern who had been rid-
ing unmercifully through the week.
The G.O.P. faction in the sisterhood was able
to bear up under the crushing defeat only be-
cause their "rose man" had started in on another
week. The "rose man" has singled out one of
the Theta's as his ideal woman and every day
sends a fresh cut rose to cheer her on through
the day. Now going into his second week, the
whole house is pulling for him to break a long-
standing record set last year when one of the
comely beauties from the Delta Gamma house
ran her string to ten straight and ended up with
a box of candy and a date.
ADD BENEATH IT ALL: The interfraternity
council did an abrupt about face on the
question of supporting dorms for men last night
and it is about the wisest move which that august
body has ever made . . . somebody asked Kipke
whom he was going to vote for Tuesday afternoonl
and Kip replied, "Any man who can get us some
touchdowns" . . . . Wally Hook has upset the
apple cart and seized the political power of the
Sophomore class unto his own hands. Elected
President, he has broken all precedent and plans
to appoint his own Soph Prom leader-which is
a kick in the face for the party which put him
into office, say the party.
Italian colleagues, but he has abolished parlia-
ment and democracy in favor of a dictator-
ship. Mr. Lewinsohn, in an article in Current
History for January, 1935, devoted to painting
a beautiful picture of Salazar, says that except
in politics, the Portugese people are not re-
pressed. But this exception includes freedom
of speech, right of assembly, freedom of press,
in short, all those rights which Americans asso-
ciate with a- free people, and which we incorpo-
rate in the basic law of our land. Professor
Aiton is probably an ardent defender of Ameri-
can democracy: Why does he not defend democ-
racy in other nations?
Professor Aiton goes on to say tha no inter-*
national complications need be feared from a
rebel victory, as the internal problems would
be too absorbing to permit of international
ventures. This is to a certain extent valid, for
these internal problems would consist of slaugh-
tering Catalonia, repressing all freedom of
speech. punishing Asturias, torturing and flog-
ging the liberals, clampiig down a censorship,
and all> those other delightful promises which
Generals Mola and Franco have given, in inter-
views to a New York Times correspondent.

When issues in America are so sharp, when
democracy is being attacked openly from the
right, it is of the utmost importance to maintain
a clear head and a sharp insight into political
matters over the world. The Spanish situation
is a lesson which every one of us should learn
by heart, in order that we might combat the
forces of reaction in the United States when
they attack our freedom. It is particularly
tragic when a university professor, whose main
subject is history, demonstrates a lack of these
essential qualities. If Professor Aiton cannot
change his views, he would do the thinking pub-
lic a great favor by not expressing them in
public. After all, there are many people who
will be so awed by his professorial toga thAt the
inconsistency of his remarks will be passed over.
- Alumnus
"Mexico is undergoing a ,renaissance compar-
able with, but not like the European renaissance
of the sixteenth century. The Indians are build-
ing up a country in the Western hemisphere in
which the red man will be supreme. They are
protecting themselves by laws so set up that the
whites can no longer exploit them: Although
the present population of Mexico is a mixture of
white and Indian, aboslute democracy prevails."
Professor William S. Hendrix, department of Ro-
mance Languages at Ohio State University,
watches changing Mexico with more than casual
"The way to comb your hair has a lot to do
with your future success. Good grades will get
you places, but they don't mean everything. It
is just as important to make yourselves men who
will be respected. Study how to improve your
nrn~oit arrl nr n f-- -4- --..

chestra will begin a new series
of fall broadcasts, to be heard every
Saturday night at 9:30 beginning this;
week. Howard Barlow will be on the!
podium for the series which will,
incidentally, be heard over WABC
only because the program of the Sat-
urday Night Serenaders, with Gus
Haenschen's orchestra, is on the mid-
west hookup.
Artie Shaw and his fine "build it
up and tear it down" crew are doing
their stuff before goodly crowds at
the French Casino in New York City.
whence they broadcast Sundays,
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 p.m.{

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of toe Assistant to the Presidet
until 3 :30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)

U. of M. Outdoor Club
U. of M. Union
Varsity Glee Club
Wesleyan Guild
Westminster Guild
Women's Athletic Associatin
Zeta Phi Eta
Women Studcnts attending the
Pennsylvania-Michigan football game
-Women students wishing to attend
the Pennsylvania-Michigan football
1 -adoQ o n m r tlI r ci_,.t in fli

r ides on
to listen

a bit inclined to overdo the g,,, areUreLu ozeisz in
Shaw plays plenty of nicejoffice of the dean of women.
the bog-stick. He has a A letter of permission from parents
style, quite simple, and easy must be received in this office not
to. Somecritics have even later than Thursday, Nov. 5. If a stu-

chairman. The meeting will be held
at the Phi Kappa Sigma House, 1443
Washtenaw, at 7:30 p.m. today.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
today at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea
Room of the League. Cafeteria
service. Bring tray across the hall.
Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross, Richard
Hudson professor of English History,
who spent the summer in England,
will speak informally on "England
Sphinx: There will be a luncheon
meeting at 12:15 p.m. tocay in the
Michigan Union.
The University of Michigan Public
Health Club: will hold its first meet-
ing today in the Russian Tea
Room of the Michigan League at
6:15 p.m. Get your food in the grill
and bring your tray across the hall.
This is an important meeting. Elec-
tion of officers will be held, and a
program committee appointed. All
students pursuing courses in public
health are urged to attend.
Phi Sigma meehing at 8 p.m. today
in 2116 Natural Science Bldg. Ar-
nold Nicholson will discuss informally
some of the problems and findings re-
sulting from the development of a new
method of studying certain phases of
the biology of small mammals. Elsie
Herbold will report on some of her
avnria rn inVlrnn rnricrthN nsz

Ik . J llo %lIUl, A V _ I

gone so far as to say that they like
Shaw's playing better than Good-
man's, but then there are always
such critics. The unknown, to us,
that is, hero who rolls out on the
tenor is excellent and should bear
Jose Iturbi. brilliant concert pian-
ist and conductor who has performed
in Ann Arbor during the Choral
Union series, will direct the Rochester
Philharmonic Symphony on its re-
turn to the air for a new series at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow. The local out-
let will be station WXYZ.


dent wishes to go otherwise than by
train, special permission for such
mode of travel must be included in
the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to reg-
ister in the office.
Bowling for Graduate Women: Any
student wishing to join a graduate
bowling club is asked to sign at the
desk of the Women's Athletic Bldg.,
or call Miss Burr at the Michigan
League. Address and telephone
number should be left also.
Regional Conference, The Ameri-
can Association of University Profes-
!cnrc dn~irq Nn 7 a~.t hp Miehi-

sons, Sa uraay, iov. i, ac Fe iicn exprecsiEuoeuin epaT
TOMORROW will also mark the
eshouldgan Union: summer.
be odebuite esa new show tshA o Luncheon meeting, 12:15 p.m. Election of new members after re-
taoes NBC will carry at 4 p.m. Afternoon Conference, 2 p.m. freshments in the Botany Seminar
Thursday each week a fashion broad- The Executive Committee of the room. All members who plan to be
cast designed to bring women the local chapter of the A.A.U.P. invites active this year should aid in ,this
latest in what to wear in the country all members of the University of election.
and in town. Charles Lemaire, well Michigan faculty and of other college'T
known fashion expert, will be the faculties of the region to attend both Men's Council: There will be a
guiding hand on the program. Eddy conferences and the luncheon meet- meeting tonight in Room 306 of the
Duchin and his orchestra can also be ing. Tickets for the luncheon may be Michigan Union. It is urged that all
heard on this show. At last Duchin secured at the A.A.U.P. registration members attend,
has found the right spot for his type table in the lobby of the Michigan
of music, for when better style-show Union, Saturday morning. Stanley Chorus: Meeting tonight
music will be played, Eddy will play at 7:15 p.m. in the Glee Club room
it. Local outlet is WWJ. Noticesat the League. Both old and new
Psychology 31, Lecture Section 1, members be sure to come, (on time).
Received a letter from Miff George, Examination. Students with names Copies of words to songs will be given
the ill-fated trombone player whom out. These must be memorized, so
we mentioned in this column some beginning with A through G, go tomout. T e musr
Rnnm1 (--5-Acome and get yours.

time back. He writes that his lip is Room 1025A.H.; those withinames
coming along well and that his high beginning with H through U, go to
register is better than ever. Perhaps Natural Science Auditorium. AllE
the accident was all for the better. others go to Room 1020 A.H.
We hope so.
History 11, Lecture Section II, Mid-
We heard snatches of the Commu- semester examination, Thursday, Nov.
nity Sing broadcast Sunday night be- 5, 10 a.m.
tween odd moments during the Gen- Mr. Slosson's and Mr. Ewing's sec-
eral Motors Concert and were pleas- tions will meet in 101 Economics.
antly surprised at the high grade Mr. Long's and Mr. Stanton's see-
entertainment being put on. Milton tions in Natural Science Auditorium.
Berle was at his best, which means
that he was pretty good, and Billy Botanical Seminar meets today at
Jones and Ernie Hare are still high 4:30 p.m., Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Pa-
up on the ladder of comedy and vocal per by F. K. Sparrow, "The Chytri-
duos. The only thing that marred diaceous inhabitants of submerged
the program was Andy Sanella's insect exuviae."
whining electric guitar which served,

7. j

to introduce te numbers. Otnerwise
the program had a sort of homespun
atmosphere that was refreshing. CBS-
WJR at 10 p.m.
RESIDENT Franklin D. Roosevelt
will be heard over both NBC and
CBS networks at 10 p.m. Friday when
he inaugurates the Mobilization for
Human Needs campaign-for this year.
The Philadelphia Orchestra, con-
ducted by Leopold Stokowski, will
also be on this broadcast. Wonder
how the President will feel now that
the nation has given him a vote of
confidence for another four years.
(Note to Night Editor: Better jerk
this if Landon was elected).
Eddie Elkins, who has been playing
at Jack Dempsey's restaurant in New
York City, is scheduled to broadcast
over WLW at 12:30 a.m. tonight, or
rather, tomorrow morning. Elkins
has been in the orchestra game a
long time. We have an old record of
"Truly," waxed by Eddie Elkins and
the Knickerbocker orchestra back in
the middle twenties. The shot-gun
sax chorus in this disc furnishes an
interesting contrast tosthe present or-
chestra of Elkins and shows how
greatly styles have changed. Elkins1
seems to keep up with the parade,
WE READ A STORY last week of a
Vyoung man in Brooklyn who has
not missed a single broadcast by Guy
Lombardo and the Royal Canadians
in four years. It seems that the
young man in question eats, sleeps
and drinks the "sweetest music this
side of heaven." He even lost his
best girl because he broke an im-
portant date just to stay home and
listen to Guy Lombardo. Such forti-
tude must be commended. Anyone
who can listen to Lombirdo for four
years, and what is more, admit the
fact to the general public, deserves;
a Congressional Medal. Zooks!
An excellent program has been ar-1
ranged for the "Home Symphony"
broadcast to be heard over WENR at
6:30 p.m. Saturday. The orchestra
will be under the direction of Ernest
LaPrade and will play Military March
in D. Schubert; Traumerei, Schu-
mann; Military Symphony, Third
Movement, Haydn; Moment Musical,
Schuhert- and In the Hall of the

Illustrated Lecture by Mr. Jamesi
M. Plumer on "Buddhist Sculpturea
from India to Japan" in connectionI
with the Exhibit of Buddhist Art inr
the South Gallery, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Room D, Alumni Memorial
Hall, Friday, Npv. 6, 3:15 p.m. Opena
to the public.-
Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe-
cial emphasis on Japanese Woodt
Sculpture, under the auspices of the
Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9
a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 8, 3-5
p.m. Gallery talks to be announced.
Exhibition of Oil and Water Colort
Paintings Made in Spain During the
Past 10 years by Wells M. Sawyer,
shown under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, West Gallery. Opens Sun-
day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter
daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov.!
8 and 15 from 3 to 5 p.m. f
Exhibition of Oil and Water Color
Paintings made in Spain during the
Past 10 Years by Wells M. Sawyer,
shown under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, West, Gallery. Daily 9
a.m .to 5 p.m.; Sundays 3 to 5 p.m.:
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising the
First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for the
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room,
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in AlumniMemorial Hall, North Gal-
Events Of Today
Sphinx will have a luncheon meet-
ing at 12:15 p.m. today in the Union.
Edward D'Aprix will speak on "Why
I Knew Landon Was Going to Win
the Election."
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
today at 4 p.m. in Room 303, Chem-
istry Bldg. Doctor T. G. Cooke will
speak on "The Conductance in Crys-

Prof. Prc ton W. Slosson will make
'An Interpretation of the Elections"
at a meeting of the Student Alliance
this eveing at 8 p.m. in the Union.
All students are urged to attend.
The Ann Arbor Library Club will
meet tonight, 7:45 p.m., in the Clem-
ents Library. Dr. Randolph G. Ad-
ams will be the speaker.
Michigan Dames: The Study Group
will meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan Lcague.
New Jersey Students: There will be
a meeting of all New Jersey men and
women in the League, tonight
at 8 p.m. A New Jersey Club
is in the processes of organization and
all cooperation will be appreciated.
All New Jersey-ites come out and
make YOUR club a success.
Men's Council will have an import-
ant meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in
Room 306, the Union.
Coming Events
Zoology Club: The first meeting of
the Zoology Club will be held on
Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 4046 N. S. with the zoologists
of the School of Forestry and Con-
servation acting as hosts. Professors
Graham and O'Roke will discuss and
demonstrate the zoological work in
that School.
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences:
There will be a meeting Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 of
the West Engineering Bldg. Mr. C.
L. Johnson, a member of the 1932
graduating class and at the present
engaged in development engineering
for the Lockheed Aircraft Corpora-
tion, will speak on "Flight Testing."
All aeronautical engineers are urged
to attend.
Phi Tau Alpha, Latin and Greek
Honorary Society, will hold its an-
nual reception at the Michigan
League on Thursday, Nov. 5, at 8
p.m. The society extends a cordial
invitation to the faculty and to those
interested in the classics to attend.
Engineering Council: There will be
an Engineering Council meeting
Thursday, Nov. 5, at 7:15 p.m. in the
computing room.
The Art Group of the Michigan
Dames will hold its first meeting
Thursday, Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Prof. R. W. Ham-
mett of the University School of
Architecture will give an illustrated
talk on Planning the Home. All
Michigan Dames are cordially invited.
Graduate Women: The office of
E the Dean of Women invites all wom-
en registered in the graduate school
to a tea at the Michigan League

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