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November 04, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-04

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LY, NOV. 4, 19,6O



Kipke Gives

Varsity New Plays

To Dazzle Quakers Saturday

1 I


Cooper Dons
Uniform, Jogs
Around Track
Kipke Stresses Laterals;
Hook, S ithers Share,
Passing Duties


innesota Penalty Northwestern,
Was Foreshadowed Iniu-_


by Varsity Flanker


Faced with the task of protecting
an unbeaten intersectional record
dating back to 1926, Coach Harry
Kipke gave his squad some new plays
to work on during yesterday's drill
for Saturday's Pennsylvania game in
an effort to develop a varied running
attack featuring laterals which will*
be combined with a vastly improved
passing offense. In order to safe-
guard from further injuries, Coach
Kipke said that he will continue his
plan of light workouts. ,
Cooper Dons Uniform.
Although unable to take part in the
practice session, Bob Cooper donned
a uniform for the first time since
his injury last Wednesday and jogged
around the field. Although not in
uniform another injured Wolverine,
Fred Janke watched the drill from
the sidelines. Janke suffered a bad
shoulder injury in the Minnesota
game which forced him out of com-
petition for the rest of the season.(
With Johnny Smithers and Wally
Hook sharing the passing duties and
Stark Ritchie doing most of the ball
carrying, the Varsity showed plenty
of spirit and snap in running through
the new plays. Danny Smick put on
a fine exhibition of pass receiving
when he snagged several of Smith-
ers' long heaves for fine catches.t
Stress Speedi
Stressing speed and ball handling,
the backs managed to toss the ball
around with plenty of zip on the va-
rious deceptive lateral formations.
The Varsity lineup was the same as
yesterday's with Capt. Matt Patanelli
and Smick, ends, Ed Greenwald and
Jim Lincoln at the tackle positions,
Fred Ziem and Jesse Garber, guards
and Joe Rinaldi, center. In the back-
field Bill Barclay was at quarter with
Ritchie and Smithers, halves and Ced
Sweet, fullback. Hook alternated with
Ritchie at the running halfback post.
Don Siegel, regular right tackle,
was again kept out of the drill to
give his injured right knee more
chance to heal. Elmer Gedeon, re-
serve end, did not take part in the
practice session due to an old stom-
ach ailment. However, George Mar-
zonie, guard, again returned to ac-
tive work after being hampered by
a bruised hip.
Large Alumni
Group To See
Quaker Game
When Michigan plays at Pennsyl-
vania this Saturday for the first time
since 1917 they will have as support-
ers not only the Band and those stu-
dents who follow the team on trips
but also alumni from nearly all the
eastern Atlantic states.
Friday evening, according to T.
Hawley Tapping, alumni secretary,
the Alumni Association of Philadel-
phia is staging a reunion banquet at
the Hotel Benjamin Franklin at
which from 200 to 300 prominent
alumni are expected to attend. This
group will include former Michigan
athletes and students from New York,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Vir-
ginia, Michigan, and other states.
Speakers at the banquet will be
Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost,
Coach Harry G. Kipke, President
Emory J. Hyde of the Association, Ar-
thur W. Kohler and Tapping. Be- v
tween speeches the Varsity band will
This banquet makes the first one
held in Philadelphia of national pro-
minence since 1926 when one of the
most elaborate and formal alumni
dinners was held.
Some of the former Varsity stars
expected are Johnny Muehlenbach,
former All-America, Jimmy Baird, '95
varsity football captain, Walter Ben-
nett, '98 Varsity captain, Paul Ma-
goffer, '07, captain, Elmer Hardell,
'17 tackle, William Cole, '02 football
star, Fred Norcross, '05 captain, Her-
man Nyland '26, Ed Russell, '32 track
captain and a host of others.

......._ .. -

In Michigan Game topners natec
The penalty that knocked the high- Bation
riding Minnesota football team out
of the national title came as no Wildcats Given 142 Points
surprise to the Michigan gridders.
When the Wolverines took on the To Minnesota's 371 By
Gophers at Minneapolis several weeks Vote Of Experts
ago they encountered plenty of dif-
ficulty with the Minnesota linemen NEW YORK, Nov. 2.-V)-In a
who seemed to be using their hands battle of ballots almost as fiercely
too freely. The feeling was that if fought as their struggle in the mud
the officials had been watching for at Evanston, Northwestern displaced
it, they would have had opportunity Minnesota today as the No. 1 college
enough ito call penalties for illegal team in the national football ranking
use of the hands. poll conducted by the Associated
The Purdue scout who watched the Press.
game got wind of this fact and when Majority support was swayed by
the Boilermakers went to Minnea- the Wildcats 6-0 triumph ' that
polis the next week they warned the snapped the Gopher's winning streak
officials who worked the Purdue-Min- tmv cn w n


nesota game. As a result the Goph-
ers were penalized nine times and
lost 135 yards for breaking this rule
Last Saturday at Dyche Stadium in
Chicago big Ed Widseth, Minnesota;
tackle, was caught in the act of slug-
ging a Northwestern lineman and the
Gophers were penalized 13 yards to
the one-yard line and incidentally'
were penalized right out of their third
straight national championship. '
Matey Cops Futurity;
Wins Pimlico Prize
BALTIMORE, Nov. 3.-(P)-Walter
M. Jeffords' Matey took the mile and
a sixteenth Pimlico Futurity, worth,
$25,300 net to the winner, today. Cal-
umet Farm's Privileged, which fin-
ished a neck ahead of the Jefford's
colt, was disqualified.
Second place went to Col. E. R.r
Bradley's Brooklyn; third to Billion-I
aire, another Bradley colt, and fourth
to Bomar Stable's Yellow Tulip. t

rUL manUy e p~eFU s ppa UIt~~y W e
satisfied as to Northwestern's super-
iority, all things considered, and
voted their opinions accordingly. As
one expressed it: "Without taking
anything away from Northwestern, I
still think Minnesota is the better
Notwithstanding the mixture of
sentiment, 31 of the 43 contributors
to this week's poll rated Northwest-
ern at the top of their "first ten" to
give the Wildcats a total of 412
Ten experts rated Minnesota No. 1,
with the Gophers taking second place
The rankings, with points (scored
on 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis):
1. Northwestern 412.
2. Minnesota 371.
3. Fordham. 227.
4. Marquette 212.
5. Pittsburgh 191.
6. Washington 181.
7. Louisiana State 168.
8. Nebraska 165.
9. Santa Clara 145.
10. Tulane 93.

Townsend, Houdini Of Cagers,
Goes Berserk On I-41 Courtsi
By RAY GOODMAN ing and slapping the ball around like
All last season while we were cov- a handball player. I
ering Michigan. basketball games we The receivers, however, were defi- a
were criticized for overplaying John nitely "off" with the exception of t
Townsend at the expense of the rest Johnny Gee who looks like a different
of the team. Everyone admitted that person from the Johnny Gee of the h
past. Herm Fishman and Dick Long, f
John was the best player, that they the two guards, were having a bad o
had ever seen on a Michigan team, night with the top on the basket I
but still they felt that he was being every time they took a shot.
overplayed. Eddie Payne, the little forward that
Well, the least we could do was 1 Cappy has inserted in the empty for-
try to correct this fault and so we ward spot to work in speed, still hasn't
I made the attempt. The attempt was absorbed the fundamentals of the
a flop, it was just no go. So this year Michigan system. He was breaking
we're not going to try it again. This from the back line too often and tied
fact has been made more and more up the play under the basket. How-
apparent in the last week since Cappy ever, Payne has been working with
Cpappon has started to scrimmage J the Varsity only a scant week and
his Varsity cagers down at the In- can hardly be expected to have
tramural Gym. learned everything in such a short
Today John Townsend is better time.
than he ever was before. He is the Anyway, the whole story was
Houdini of basketball and there isn't Townsend. When there wasn't any
any question about it. The rest of opening he made one and when his
the papers may not know it but to- playmates were missing he was all
day he's the best collegiate basketball over the backboard waiting to push
player in the country. them in.
Perhaps there is just something If you're smart you'll go down to
about the I-M floors that makes the I-M gym one of these nights and
him look so good. Somehow there watch him. Usually he tightens up
isn't any strain there and John just and plays more conservative ball
when he gets into the Field House.
lets himself go and the results are hh
amazing. Monday night he went
through a short 25-minute offensive
scrimmage, five minutes short of a
regulation half, hit 16 out of 24 shots Shake the cit
for 32 points and put on one of the
most amazing passing exhibitions' fromiYour fee
that we've ever seen. ii
He was really a magician during
those 25 minutes and a basketball is
a lot more difficult to handle than
a deck of cards. It was a case of
'now you see it, and now you don't.
It's very difficult to describe the
manner in which he was throwing the
passes. Instead of finding his re-
ceivers with his eyes he seemed to be
using his ears and even his sense of
touch. He seldom looked in the same
direction as the ball and he was hook-
. Settle down inapairofourW
Midnight Blue or Black of Reversed Calf. Sporty, s
Custom Tailored completely comfortable. Deta
nn n original British tradition. BE

Nelson Is Nominated
As Best Punt Blocker
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 3.-(R)-
Illinois nominates Ken Nelson, Illini
nd, as the champion punt blocker
When Nelson blocked a punt to give
Illinois its winning touchdown
against Michigan Saturday, it was
.he seventh time in three years.
During the three years, Nelson has
blocked two against Southern Cali-
ornia; two against Northwestern and
one against Ohio State, Army and
Michigan each


Elmer Gedeon, tall flanker of
the Varsity grid squad and one of
the best pass receivers on the team,
will undoubtedly see service Satur-
day against the powerful Pennsyl-
vania eleven. Gedeon snared one
of Johnny Smithers' long heaves for
a 15-yard gain on the first play
after his substitution in the Illinois


Wildcats' Victory Paces Underdogs

In this season of startling grid up-
sets where so many top-notch teams
have been beaten that there is hardly
a contender left for the honor of
carrying the colors of the East against
the West in the Rose Bowl game, one
team - Minnesota - had remained
invincible and last Saturday Coach
Benny Bierman's Gopher powerhouse
went the way of all the great teams
and lost to Northwestern. 6-0.
For 21 straight games, the Norse-
men from Minnesota dominated the
gridiron world and were odds on fa-
vorites to repeat as national cham-
pions this year despite all the pessi-
mistic predictions made by Coach
Bierman. Just a week ago, the
Gophers had silenced their critics by
romping over Purdue, touted 'as one
of the strongest teams in the Big Ten.
by an overwhelming 33-0 score.
Toth Comes Through
But Coach Lynn Waldorf and his
Wildcats refused to be overawed by
Gopher power and Steve Toth
plunged over the goal line for the
touchdown that ended Minnesota's
domination of the nation's football
and which virtually assured North-
western of the Big Ten championship
and a strong claim for the national
In the East, a game Harvard team
that had not scored on Princeton in
16 years, took the ball on its own
14-yard line after intercepting a pass
in the closing minutes of the fray and
marched 86 yards to score a touch-
down, kick the extra point and tie
the Tigers, who were rated as 10-to-1
favorites, by a 14-14 score.
Yale's hopes for an unbeaten season
were also shattered Saturday when
Dartmouth 'doggedly protected an;

early lead to emerge on the long end
of an 11-7 count before a crowd of
60,000 partisan rooters.
It wasn't until half way through
the fourth period with Dartmouthl
leading 11-0 that the Eli's got their
offensive clicking but then with half-
back Humphrey throwing the passes
Yale scored one touchdown and took
the ball to Dartmouth's two-yard
stripe for a first down with 30 sec-
onds left to play.Humphrey then
tried to fool the fast charging Dart-
mouth line with a wide end run but
was stopped short of the goal and the
game ended.
Boston Ties State
Coach Charlie Bachman's Michigan
State team, heavy favorites to avenge
last year's upset defeat at the hands
of Boston College were forced to con-
tent themselves with a 13-13 tie.
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State's second team, led by Johhny
Pingel, scored both touchdowns, one
on a pass from Pingel to Lenhardt
and the other on another pass from
Pingel to Nelson.
Colgate, after absorbing shellack-
ings from Duke and Tulane, did an
about-face Saturday and knocked a
greatly favored Army team from the
ranks of the nation's unbeaten and
untied elevens. Army started out well
and led 7-0 at the half but the in-
spired Red Raiders were not to be
denied and pushed over two scores in
the second half to win 14-7.


iled in the


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