__________________________________________ U I
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1936 Member 1937
Issocied Cole6ite Press
Distributors of
Coade6k(e Di6est
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Board of Editors
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-Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
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behind these denunciations of "government in-
terference" does seem to lie a demand for a more
"selective," a more "rugged," a more "competi-
tive," a more "struggling"-reversely, a less "bro-
therly," "humane," "unselfish," and less "co-
operative" society.
T HAS OFTEN been said of Tschaikowsky that
his music sounds better than it really is. The
same thing might be said about the Chicago
Symphony concert last evening, but with no
thought of disparagement. It is no particular
discredit to the Orchestra or its conductor that
it is not made up of artists of the extreme ability
of those in the three great orchestras of the East.
With the impression of the last May Festival still
vivid in our mind, we could not but feel, at times
last night, the absence of the Philadelphia's un-
canny flawlessness in playing, its extreme accu-
racy in attacks and releases,, the effortless sub-
tlety of its dynamic gradations, the brilliant vir-
tuosity of its soloists, the sublime opulence of its
composite tone. The Chicago is a great or-
chestra, but it cannot be called perfect, even ac-
cording to human standards.
But the remarkable and more important thing
about the performance last night was that such
defects as were noticeable did not detract one
whit from the total effect. To Dr. Stock should
go the praise for this, as well as for his transcrip-
tions and program building. After the power-
fulness of the Scriabin Symphony left us limp
and breathless, we regarded with an apprehen-
sive eye the remaining half of the program with
its Wagnerian climax and wondered if we would
be able to move unaided from our seat after
the conclusion of the program. Then came the
brilliant, scintillating Roumanian Rhapsody of
Georges Enesco-and what more revivifying
work could be found?-followed by the rushing,
impetuous Moto Perpetuo of Paganini, encored,
in turn, with the Dohnanyi Romanza, and by the
time Wagner finally arrived we were able to
wdrink of his richness without surfeit.
Speaking of the Scriabin Divine Poem, which
was the outstanding work of the evening, why
is it not played more often? In our program notes
last Sunday we stated, judging from one prev-1
ious and evidently inadequate performance, that
an understanding and acceptance of the com'-
poser's program was necessary to an enjoyment
of the work. Well, perhaps Scriabin did speak
to us of the things his program mentions.
If so, it was directly through the music to the
soul itself, for, after remembering the literary
significance of the initial theme, we thought no
more of words and ideas. Inevitably in describ-
ing such music we must use that step-child of the
critic's vocabulary, "sublime." In listening to
parts of the symphony it was impossible, both
from the music itself and the effect it produced,
not to be reminded of Wagner, more particularly
of Tristan and the "Forest-Murmurs" portion
of Siegfried.
Although hardly of the impeccable orthodoxy
of Stokowsky's Bach, the E flat Prelude and "St.
Anne's" Fugue formed quite an impressive open-
ing to the program. Particularly interesting was
the exposition section of the Fugue, played en-
tirely by the winds. Although the use of sleigh-
bells in the Prelude did not seem particularly
out of place, as we had feared, we did feel all
through the Bach that the percussion section/was
a trifle over-worked; however, if Dr. Stock wants
lots of percussion, he may and will have it.
The lovely Brahms' Variations on a Theme by
Haydn, which was played between the opening
number and the Scriabin Symphony, was done
most beautifully. Our favorite is the scherzo-
like Fifth Variation, which calls up memories of
Beethoven with its abrupt dynamic changes and
syncopated sforzandi.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Free Press After Tuesday
To the Editor:
My major concern upon the eve of election
is not who will triumph, but what policy the
Detroit Free Press and similar publications will
adopt following President Roosevelt's reelec-
tion. What will become of the poor regimented
workers under four years of social security?
Will the Detroit Free Press strive to protect
the regimented workers after election or will it
gracefully acquiesce? Surely regimented work-
ers are as worthy of protection by the paper
which has been on guard for over a century after
election as they are before election. If the
Free Press really believes that social security
legisation as it is now contemplated is a real
menace to labor, it will continue its anti-New
Deal social security propaganda after election.
But if the Free Press has merely siezed upon
this so-called regimentation of workers as a
means of influencing a credulous public to vote
against the New Deal, the matter will imme-
diately be dropped. However, readers of the
Free Press and especially those who voted against
Roosevelt because they fear the regimentation
which their paper said was imminent in social
security, have a right tq demand that the Free
****** IT ALL
By Bonth Williams
SATURDAY NIGHT I went back to the plant.
Back to the same window where for two
summers I watched other people walk by and
look in out of the dark. It seemed funny as hell
being on the outside and watching the fat King-
fish take cast iron out of Number one.
King and Dooley came over to the window
and shook hands, then they called Leo and
Jimmy Mason and Mac, the straw boss. I intro-
duced the Pook and we stood and kicked the dog
just as we did all through those hot months
when we used to hang on the same window for
fresh air instead of conversation.
The King said, "Say, you heard they may be
movin' the shop to Muskegon in the spring? We
been workin' six and seven days every week.
They're puttin' out 500 a day. Workin' 11-12
hours upstairs."
Leo laughed and said, "Yeah, and the funny
part of it is I'm thinkin' about marryin' Gertie,
you remember her out to Wildwood that night.
Naw, I guess South America is out, I waited
a couple years too long."
Jim Mason, his hands covered with ground
coat, came over and said it was tough about
Illinois ,and we agreed, and then the line started
up again and he had to start dipping.
King came back and told me about the drunk
he turned in over Labor Day. Didn't remember
a thing till they took him off the Cleveland boat
the next Thursday. Dooley pulled another load.
of cast iron around and started laying it into
the furnace.
Mac happened past and pumped my hand and
told me about a four horse parlay he'd just put
across. The hot air and the porcelain dust
seemed scarcely .noticeable, and.I couldn't help
thinking it was different than in the summer,
but it was gloomier now.W
The Pook and I had our heads in the only open
window and far down the plant, I could hear
Eddie Kremins yell "Hold de line" as the brush-
ers worked to keep up with number three. The
King set another batch of transparent red burn-
ers on the caterpillar and laughed, "Hell, next
year, we'll probably all be out of a job."
"Who you voting for, King?" I asked.
"Roosevelt, he's the only guy we ever had
in there who'sever tried to do a damn thing
for the workin' man. A lot of his ideas and
stuff are bunk, sure, but at least he's tryin'"
"He give Slim's boys work in the CCC camp,
he kept a lot of guys to Hudson's and Briggs'
to work on the PWA when they was laid off, he
give us the 5-day week as long as he could; now
we work Sundays too. He's puttin' up govern-
ment apartments where a guy can live decently
at a low figger, and he's taken some of the
dough away from the big shots to do it.
"None of us in here will ever make more'n
$1800 a year, lucky to do that. Let 'em tax 74s
a little more as long as they keep taxin' the
big boys a lo more. The government'll never
get two-thirds of our inheritance. That's why
the whole shop's for Roosevelt. He done some-
thin' for us."
"BLACK AND WHITE." The bartender reached
down and pulled as if from nowhere a bottle
of it, a glass with three cubes of ice and an
ounce-and-a-half-shot glass.
The man half turned on one of the Motor
Bar's red upholstered stools and plunked down
40 cents. Then he poured out the drink.
I didn't pay any more attention to him until
I heard the same laconical "Black and White"
the fifth time.
He was a distinctive and still distinguished
looking man of perhaps 40. Little gables of gray
were apparent just above his ears. He was en-
tirely alone. ,
The Pook and I watched him as he downed
drinks six and seven, and the Pook remarked he
had sad eyes. He did, and ordered the waiter to
leave the bottle on the bar.
A well-dressed fellow, he was getting abso-
lutely stunk and yet there was not the slightest
display of ostentation. We got up to go, and
then I turned around to pick up my cigarettes.
The orchestra started in on "A Star Fell Out of
Heaven" and at the same time the man's hand
slipped across the counter in front of me palm
down. On his finger was the green ring of
Michigamua. We went otit wondering ...
Play Production
will be the vigorous and experi-l
mental anti-war Bury the Dead by Ir-
win Shaw. It is a first play and won
the New Theatre League's prize inE
1935 for play with social significance.
It has one long act but with many
scenes arranged in kaleidoscopic
fashion not unlike Waiting For Lefty.
Lines and separate situations are of-I
ten brutally realistic but the general I
idea is supernatural, fantastic. Sol-
diers are burying six soldiers killed in
the World War. They refuse te be
buried, resolve to cry aloud against
war. After this introduction there
are flashes showing the reaction of
the War Department, the press, the
church to the situation. In the most
human and moving part of the play
there are scenes between each of the
six and the woman most closely con-
nected with his past life. These
scenes cannot be criticized in any
way for the weaknesses often asso-
ciated with propaganda plays. They1
are human and let the audience make
their own generalization from the
(Continued from Page 2)
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
brook School in Bloomfield Hills on
Friday, Nov. 6, should make their
reservations in Room 9, University
Hall, by Thursday noon. The group
will leave Angell Hall promptly at
1 p.m.
There will be reservations available
for a limited number of American
students also.
Tour of Memorial Hall for Foreign'
Students: The students in the class
in English for Foreign Students will
be specially conducted through
Memorial Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 3, at
4 p.m. Any other foreign students
who are interested may join this
tour. The group will meet promptly
at 4 p.m. in Room 201 University
ficers for the year will be elected at
this meeting. Everybody interested
and especially old members are in-
vited to attend.
Interfraternity Council: Special
closed meeting at 7:30 p.m. this eve-
ning in the Council's offices, Room
306, of the Union. Only house presi-
dents will be admitted to the meet-
Sigma Rho Tau meeting tonight at
7:30 p.m. Professor Worley of the
Transportation Dept. will speak.
Circle meetings will start at 8:15 p.m.
Room to be posted. Please be on
The Lutheran Student Club will
have a Bible Study Class tonight at
the League at 7:15. The meeting will
be onehour.
particular facts and emotional sit-E
uation presented. However, no ap-
peals to the soldiers to give up their
unwarranted campaign against death
and return to their graves are suc-
cessful. And the play ends with
the ironic touch of officers trying to,
shoot down the dead who advance
against the ineffective machine gun
The play was first produced pri-
vately by a group of actors from the
Let Freedom Ring company. Then i
Alex Yokel produced it at a Broad-
way theatre where it ran for many
months. Its author was hailed as the
best new playwright of the year and l
the most promising American since)
Clifford Odets, whose work Bury theI
Dead somewhat resembles. Mr. Shaw
is only 23 years old so can hardly
even remember the World War though
you would never realize it from toe
play. Which proves that the insist-
ant advise to new playwrights to.
write only about things they have
experienced is not always goodhad-
vice. In regard to this Brooks At-
kinson of the New York Times says:
"There is something to be said for
a discussion of war by a mind that
has not been hardened by personal
experience under fire. For the war
generation has gone a little stale; it
is habit-bound; it argues and de-
nounces against a booming back-
ground of fiery shells.To Mr. Shaw's
way of thinking, however, the evil of
way is terrifyingly simple: It robs
young men of their lives for no good
reason. There is no logical connec-
tion between the jangled temper of
international policy and the crumbled,
body of even one young man. In the
epilogue to his recently completed
history of Europe, H. A. L. Fisher
sets down this rueful comment:t'The
tragedy of the Great War was that it
was fought between the most civilized
peoples of Europe on an issue which
a few level-headed men could easily
have composed, and with respect to
which 99 per cent of the population
was wholly indifferent.' What Mr.
Selection . .
ENRY FORD publicized his oppo-
sition to the New Deal in a press
interview Sunday. Although perhaps a trifle
more sweeping, his denunciation of government
parallels the statements of all Republican en-
thusiasts. He said:
"Now we are cured of the foolishness of expect-
ing the government to do everything for us ...
government can't make work. The best it can
do, to help the country, is to keep from hindering
work ... Why there is more work to be done in
this country right now than there ever has been
before. And work is the only solution and social
security we ever can have-work and wages."
This editorial is not going to approve or dis-
approve the idea of "industry prospering in
spite of government." It will attempt to reveal a
more fundamental issue of which this idea is a
political off-spring. The issue may be stated:
Is the modern trend toward greater "social-
mfindedness" (by this is meant a more humane
consideration of the welfare of others) opposed
to the evolutionary laws of the "survival of the
fittest" and "natural selection"; and consequent-
ly will this modern trend produce a more de-
generate society?
Here is a concrete illustration. Keep in mind
Ford's idea as we recall for you a problem an-
alyzed by the Michigan State Emergency Relief
Administration in a survey which was reported
October 25 by the Detroit News. The survey was
directed by Prof. William Haber of the economics
department, administrator of the SERA. It con-
cluded, after studying industrial conditions in
14 Lower Peninsula counties:
"Life ends at 40, as far as getting a job in
industrial employment . . . In some counties men
between the ages of 40 and 45 still have a chance
to get jobs, but very few above that age find
is largely the result of changes in production
methods, the demand for greater production
and the lesser need for skill.
"In one county, the personnel manager of a
factory notified relief officials that he could use
400 workers. In this county at the time were
1,100 persons on direct relief and 3,000 on WPA.
From the 1,100 on relief, the personnel manager
accepted only 100 workers. From the 3,000 on
WPA, he accepted only 125. In other words, only
225 persons among 4,100 fitted his employmertl
requirements. The personnel manager was the
judge of fitness--and that is the telling point."
Discount the results of this survey as you will,
there yet will remain sufficient evidence to dem-
onstrate the fact that private industry is inade-
quat eto solve the problem of superannuated
Henry Ford believes "it is foolish to expect the
government to do anything" for them. What is
the alternative? Let them die-those who are
Fisher has said,
Mr. Shaw hasI
Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer
Christian, University organist, will m
play the next program in the Twi- N
light Organ Recital series, Wednes- a
ay afternoon, Nov. 4, at 4:15 p.m., &1
In Hill Auditorium. The general
public, with the exception of small
hildren, is invited without admission d
harge. t
Academic Notices
Psychology 31, Lecture Section 11,
Examination. Students with namesw
beginning with A through G, go to G
Room 1025 A.H.; those with names a
eginning with H through U, go to w
Natural Science Auditorium. All t
)thers go to Room 1020 A.H. V
History 11, Lecture Section I, Mid-
semester examination, Thursday, Nov. n
5, 10 a.m.
Mr. Slosson's and Mr. Ewing's sec-
tions will meet in 101 Economics. t
Mr. Long's and Mr. Stanton's sec- c
tins in Natural Sdience Auditorium, a
Illustrated Lecture by Mr. James a
M. Plumer on "Buddhist Sculpture
from India to Japan" in connection b
with the Exhibit of Buddhist Art in E
the South Gallery, Alumni Memorial G
Hall. Room D, Alumni Memorial 0
Hall, Friday, Nov. 6, 3:15 p.m. Open
to the public.
Exhibitions d
Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe-7
cial emphasis on Japanese Wood t
Sculpture, under the auspices of the g
Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery,
Alumni MemorialuHall, Nov. 2-14, 9
.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 8, 3-5 0
p.m. Gallery talks to be announced. i
Exhibition of Oil and Water Color
Paintings Made in Spain During theF
Past 10 years by Wells M. Sawyer,w
shown under the auspices of the In-a
stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, West Gallery. Opens Sun-
day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter
daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov.I
8 and 15 from 3 to 5 p.m. i
Exhibition of Oil and Water Color 6
Paintings made in Spain during thea
Past 10 Years by Wells M. Sawyer,
shown under the auspices of the In- t
stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, West Gallery. Daily 9s
a.m .to 5 p.m.; Sundays 3 to 5 p.m.1
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising the
First Series of the American Art9
Portfolios,recently acquired for the
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Y
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
lery. 1t
Events Of Today
Sophomores who were members of
last year's Freshmen Luncheon Club
should meet at 12 today at the Union
with the freshmen. The time of the
regular meeting hereafter for sopho-4
mores interested in the group will be
the first Tuesday of each month
Junior Research Club: The Novem-
ber meeting will be held to-
night at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2083
N.S. Program: Dr. Werner Bach-
man, "Cancer Producing Compounds"
and Dr. Richard Freyberg, "The Na-
ture and Management of Edema in
Nephritis Patients."
The Women's Research Club w4l1
meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in;
Room 3024, Museums Bidg. Dr.
Elzada Clover will speak on "That
American Family, Cactaceae." Note
the change of date from the usual
first Monday of the month.
The Adephi House of Representa-
tives will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in the Adelphi Room on the fourth
floor of Angell Hall. Prof. E. A.
Walter of the English Department
will speak on "WhatPrice Advice?"
I dealing with the function of the
professor as counsellor to the student.
The meeting is open to all students,
and freshmen are particularly urged
Ito attend.
Christian Science
neets tonight at the
Michigan League at 8
nd faculty members
The first football picture of the
season comes across as a musical
chapel of. the
p.m. Students
are invited to
Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
lay Afternoon Play-Reading Sec-.
ion will meet this afternoon at 2:15
.m. in the Alumnae Room of the
vlichigan League.
The Michigan Dames invite all
ives of students and internes to the
)eneral Meeting tonight at 8:15 p.m.
t the League. Mr. Harold Gray
ill talk about Cooperative Produc-
ion and willsshow films of the Saline
alley Farms.
Social Committee: There will be a
neeting today at 4:15 at the' League.
Freshman Forum, today at 4:15 in
he North Lounge of the Union. Be-
ause of the subject considered, all
re asked to attend.
Graduate Luncheon for Chemical
nd Metallurgical Engineers: The
nonthly luncheon of this group will
e held today in Room 3201, East
Engineering Building. Mr. F. C.
Godfrey will speak on the problems
f casting the carillon.
Coming Events
The Contest Committee of the
[ormitory committee will meet at
:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Interfra-
ernity Council offices of the Michi-
an Union.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
)n Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 12 o'clock
n the Russian Tea Room of the
Vichigan League building. Cafeteria
ervice. Bring tray across the hall.
Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross, Richard
iudson professor of English History,
who spent the summer in England,
will speak informally on "England
The University of Michigan Public
Health Club: will hold its first meet-
ng Wednesday, Nov. 4, in the Russian
Tea Room of the Michigan League at
:15 p.m. Get your food in the grill
and bring your tray across the hall.
This is an important meeting. Elec-
tion of officers will be held, and a
program committee appointed. All
tudents pursuing courses in public
health are urged to attend.
Phi Sigma meeting at 8 p.m. Nov.
4 in 2116 Natural Science Bldg. Ar-
nold Nicholson will discuss informally
some of the problems and findings re-
sulting from the development of a new
method of studying certain phases of
the biology of small mammals. Elsie
Herbold will report on some of her
experineces in Europe duringthe past
Election of new members after re-
freshments in the Botany Seminar
room. All members who plan to be
active this year should aid in this
Student Christian Association:
There will be an Association meet-
ing Thursday evening, Nov. 5, at 8
p.m. in the Upper Room of Lane
Hall. Professor Weaver will meet
with the group to discuss "Personal-
ity -Development." The meeting is
open to all interested students.
New York Students: On Wednesday
evening, Nov. 4, -meeting of the Em-
pire State Club will be held in the
Michigan League at 7:30 p.m. All
members andtothers interested in the
Empire State Club are invitd to
attend. Plans for the forthcoming
tea-dance are to be discussed.
New Jersey Students: There will be
a meeting of all New Jersey men and
women in the League, .Wednesday,
Nov. 4, at 8 p.m. A New Jersey Club
is in the processes of organization and
all cooperation will be appreciated.
All New Jersey-ites come out and
make YOUR club a success.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 4 p.m. in Room
303 Chemistry Bldg. Doctor T. G.
Cooke will smak on "ThQ rCnnden1+
mendable action, if for no other reason than to
prove that its pre-election 'policy was not one
of mere political expediency and interest. It
can repudiate its former "teachings" by means ofj
silence. Or it can shed its antipathy to the New
Deal and suddenly give birth to a pro-Roosevelt
philosophy. That is the beauty of the newspaper.
It can change from black to white within the
space of twenty-four hours and there is no power
to challenge or hold it accountable.
A word about regimentation. Modern develop-
ments have given it a new connotation. It now
refers to a mass of people who are subject to the
will of one. The Free Press presupposes that
there is as yet no regimentation in this country.
What greater regimentation can there be than
for men to spend 10 and 12 months daily working
in a factory?
For several months I have been considerably
irritated by the type of editorial and political
news appearing in the Free Press. The govern-
ment has openly been accused of bribing voters
through WPA and other agenciest This is a ser-
ious offense if true. But if it is also true that the
Free Press has been guilty of bribing voters with
misrepresented and distorted news, it is an
equally serious offense.
That is why I urge readers to demand an ex-
planation of the Detroit Free Press if it runs
true to form after election.
comedy, with a typically improbable
musical comedy story. But if you
aren't too technical about your foot-
ball, and you can stand listening to
several drawn-out mediocre musical
numbers before you hear a young
lady who promises to bea Hollywood
sensation, you may enjoy Pigskin Pa-
Because the University of Michigan
is too formidable an opponent for a
charity game, Yale invites Texas$
University to play the game. But
wires are closed, and the Texas Uni-
versity that is invited is a school of
a few hundred students in Prairie,
Texas. But the wife of the Texas
coach is a smart girl, and encourages
her husband to use a system of pass-
ing based onthe basketball players
on the football team. A barefooted
mellon grower becomes the sensa-
tion of the team because of his prac-
tice in throwing mellons. The big
game comes off in a blizzard with
Texas taking Yale 13 to 7-the big
moment being a barefooted run by
the erstwhile mellon expert.
The picture, for the most part, is
good high school entertainment. But
it has parts, contributed by Miss Judy
Garland, that are worth anyone's
theatre fare. The girl has a voice
with more volume and endurance
than I have seen in her type of sing-
ing, and she has a personality that
registers with the voice. You will
hear more from her in pictures. Patsy
Kelly as the wife of the coach and the
brains of the team, is her usual self.
The co-eds do not look a great dealt