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November 03, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-03

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Y, NOV. 3, 1936


IRVIN (PETE) LISAGOR, sophomore who is due to go places as a second
baseman as well as a sports reporter, steps in today to give you his angle
on the "Joe Unsung" of football-as well as add some sidelights on the order
of those he is continually snooping out in an uncanny manner.
From The Catacombs-Joe Unsung
IT LOOKS like they're going to dig Joe Unsung out of the gridiron cata-
combs. We heartily subscribe to the excavation because Joe's been hidden
among forgotten men too long.
Anyone listening to the Northwestern-Minnesota game last Saturday
probably heard'some exciting Husing fumble a superlative or two describ-
ing the ball carrying feats of Don Heap, Geyer, Jefferson or Andy Uram.
Those boys lugged the oval, and whether they gained five yards or lost
their names were shouted down the air-lanes with gusto. Yet, Grantland
Rice, whose business it is to detect All-American qualities in football players,
sang loudly the praises of one Fred Vanzo, Wildcat quarterback, in his report
of the Evanston browl, calling him "the big man of the day." That was sur-
prising because Vanzo seldom, if ever, totes the pigskin. For that reason he
lacks "headline hue" and qualifies as one of the game's Joe Unsungs.
The guy who isn't carrying the ball is Joe Unsung. He's generally the
right or wing back, sometimes a full or quarterback. He may have been
christened John, Joe, Oscar or what have you, .but as long as he does nothing
more outstanding than pave those wide highways through which his swivel-
hipped mate can travel, his name-as far as broadcasters and most news-
men are concerned-is mud. Joe is football's martyr as regards public
Steve Toth trampled Minnesota's titanic hopes into the mire as he
plunged across the Gopher goal line. But he probably wouldn't have if Fred
Vanzo hadn't created a gap in that powerful Minnesota line. Grantland
Rice spotted Vanzo's vital feat and reported it. Otherwise, the only way you
could tell the big boy played was to look at the lineup.
Football history is studded with Joe Unsungs. Red Grange, without his
J. U. in the person of Earl Britton, made a good iceman. Without the devas-
tating blocks of Marty Brill Notre Dame's Marchy Schwartz and Joe Savoldi
would not have eaten up so many chalk lines in their careers. Andy Uram
and Tuffy Thompson, among other runners in this year's Minnesota back-
field, miss the deadly blocking of George Roscoe and Babe LeVoir, not to
mention Sheldon Beise-last season's stalwarts. Name any outstanding back
and alongside him you find a Joe Unsung, contributing unstintingly to the
success of Siwash without fuss or fanfare. Here's hoping Rice started a
universal recognition of the "other guy" in the Saturday grid report.
Zuppke Nominates Vanzo, Too
INCIDENTALLY, Bob Zuppke told reporters here last week that when he
spotted Vanzo in a pre-game warm-up before the Illini tussle, he knew his
charges would have trouble with him. "One look at a big fellow like that
starting so fast, and I knew my plans for him were all wet," lamented Zupp.
Rice said of him, "When h tackles a runner you can hear the crack 20 miles
at sea." All of which might give Wolverine coaches cause to worry.
Shorts: Wally Hook, Wolverines' fleet back, soothes his savage bosom
after an afternoon of scrimmaging by tickling the ivories of the Alpha Delt
baby grand. Good, too i. . Bernie Jefferson, Northwestern's Negro flash, who
hails from Grand Rapids, started Ann Arbor way but was detoured by zealous
N. U. alumni .. . Two Michigan ends aspire to careers as Big League ball
players, namely Dan Smick and Elmer Gedeon. Smick pitches and Gedeon
plays first base and pitches on occasions ... Don Heap, Northwestern's run-
ning ace, stayed out of school two years to build himself physically for
the rigors of Conference football . . . Every athlete ought to procure a copy
of October's' Reader's Digest and digest Paul Gallico's piece, "Beware of
Athlete's Head." It's good for that inflated feeling. I.P.L.
Fred DeLano's Problem
IT SEEMS that I was wrong in no uncertain terms when I said last week-
end's games were as a whole no great problem to the prognosticators.
After.two weeks in the heavens of close to a .900 percentage, the average of
Fred DeLano, our "expert" supreme, slipped to .753 for the three weeks-
"which, after all; isn't so * * * bad-especially considering that there were
about 10 upsets this week," Fred adds. He had 14 winners and 12 losers

Doctors Reveal Cappon Seeks
Bob Cooper May Speed To End
Return To Play Giants' Reign
Halfback Might See Action Coach Ignores Outstanding
Against The Wildcats; Height Of Quintet; Wants
Team Works Indoors A Much Faster Team
Bob Cooper, triple-threat halfback The reign of Michigan's basketball
who was previously declared to be out "giants" is threatened-they're just
for the season, may be ready for the too tall for the team's good and Coach
Franklin C .Cannon is out looking

Quakers Aim To End Michigan Wins



Northwestern game here Nov. 14, an
announcement from the University
hospital revealed last night.
Although he will be unable to play
against Pennsylvania, physicians said
that he will probably leave the hos-
pital early this week, and soon be
able to return to practice. The frac-
tured collarbone he received in prac-
tice last Wednesday is healing much
more rapidly than expected.
Short, Snappy Workout
A steady downpour of rain forced
Coach Harry Kipke to hold yester-
day's practice session for Saturday's
tussle with Pennsylvania in the Yost
Field House. It was a short but
snappy workout in which the Var-
sity viewed the Quakers' formations
and plays and later polished off the
rough spots in their running attack
with a speedy signal drill.
Due to the bad weather the fresh-
men did not workout,. but instead,
Coach Wallie Weber gave them
mimeographed sheets of the Pennsyl-
vania plays which they will learn and
use to test the Varsity's defense.
Team In Good Shape
The team came through the game
in fairly good shape. Don Siegel,
regular right tackle, suffered a minor
knee injury but will be ready for
the Philadelphia invasion. George
Marzonie, right guard, is still suffer-
ing from a bad hip but is expected
to be able to start. Both Marzoniel
and Joe Rinaldi received such hard
blows that they didn't know what
they were doing, according to Trainer
Ray Roberts and as a result had to
be taken out of Saturday's game at
various times.
The Varsity lined up yesterday
with Capt. Matt Patanelli and Danny
Smick at the ends, Ed Greenwald
and Jim Lincoln, tackles, Jesse Gar-
ber and Fred Ziem at the guard posts
and Rinaldi at center. The back-
field was the same as that started
against Illinoisfi Stark Ritchie and
Johnny Smithers at the halves, Ced
Sweet at fullback and Bill Barclay,

1'1G411A1111 .. .aNNvll i Vt1U 1V VL1111 j

for speed to replace them.
With two weeks of fundamentals
under their belt Cappon is really
rounding his cagers into shape and1
it's speed that is all that is needed1
to make the Wolverine 1537 five into'
Indiana and Purdue'seoutstanding
contender for the Big Ten title. 1
Last year the front line, that is,
John and Earl Townsend, and John-
ny Gee, average six 'foot six inches.,
Plans for the coming season pointed
to the same "giant" front line with,
Danny Smick, Manny Slavin, or Matt
Patanelli in Earl Townsend's corner1
at forward.
Offensive, drills last week, how-
ever, revealed that what Michigan
needs is more speed, not more height.
Herm Fishman, who is replacing
George Rudness at guard, is a quick
starter but doesn't have Rudness'
Eddie Payne, five foot 10 inch
sophomore, got the call last week with
doubtful results. After only a few
days of scrimmage it is impossible to
be sure how well Payne works in. He
is fast, but his ability as a forward
to work around John Townsend's
passing is still unknown.
Another weakness that is sure to
hamper the Varsity when the cam-
paign begins is the lack of any speed
in the reserve roster. The freshman
squad of last year offers only Payne,
Smick and Dick Long, who holding
down the guard position that Chelso
Tamagno left vacant, do not include
scarcity of speed was felt last sea-
son as was so well known by Mich-'
igan's inability to stop Purdue in the
final game when Piggy Lambert so
efficiently wore down the first five
with his frequent substitutions and
breath-taking speed.I
At All Dealersf
J. J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 3500

Undefeated in intersectional war-
fare for 10 years, Harry Kipke's Wol-
verines will go East this week to face
powerful Pennsylvania, the only team
to hold an edge over Michigan in a
long series, intent upon duplicating
last year's triumph over the Quakers
and thus cut down Penn's margin of
victories to one.
It will be the 15th meeting between
the two elevens. Seven times the
Quakers have emerged on the long
end of the score while Michigan has
triumphed in but five of the contests.
Two were scoreless ties.
The battle will be staged in historic
Franklin Field, the scene of Penn's
last win over Michigan which oc-
curred back in 1917 by a score of,
16-0. Last year the skirmish was in
the local Stadium with Michigan re-
pelling the Penn invasion, 16-6, for
the Wolverines' last victory of the
The Quakers opened the 1936 sea-
son in a great manner, turning back
Lafayette without trouble, 35-0. In
their second start, however, they fell

before Yale, 7-0. Then the Quakers
faced mighty Princeton, a team that
had tasted defeat only once in three
years, and proceeded to dull the Tig-
ers' claws, 7-0. A 48-6 romp over
Brown followed and last Saturday
Penn sank the Navy, 16-6 ,to take a
place among the greatest teams on
the Eastern seaboard.
For the past two seasons Coach
Harvey Harmon has apparently had
the makings of a great eleven but not
until the present year did it start to
click. Two years ago the backfleld
was an all-sophomore combination of
Warwick at quarter, Murray and El-
verson at the halves and Kurlish at
full. This quartet remained intact
as the starting backfield last year
and now, for the third straight sea-
son, are the leading Quaker ground
Kurlish is a great line plunger. El-
verson, one of the fastest men on
the squad, has built up a reputation
as a great man in an open field. Mur-
ray can block with the best and also
handles the punting and placekicking
while Warwick, the field general, is a

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CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-UP)-Eddie
Carroll, Ottawa, Ont., welterweight,
knocked out Chuck Woods of De-
troit in the second round of their
scheduled 10-round encounter at
Marigold Gardens Arena tonight.


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Watch them sparkle in the
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