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October 27, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-27

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TII6 NWH 7N A iL y


Of The DA Y
(By The Associated Press)

Law Students

University Facilities Offered
Through Radio And Lectures,

Michigan Amateur

Team, Kipke


Sheiff Is

Arrested With

CLEVELAND, Oct. 25.--AP)-A dep-
uty sheriff attempting to serve a sum-
mons on the Rev. Charles E. Cough-
lin was arrested today by police
guarding the priest upon his arrival
here for an address tonight.
The summons had to do with the
suit of John H. O'Donnell of Pitts-
burgh, seeking to oust Coughlin as
head of the National Union for So-
cial Justice, appoint receivers and
obtain an accounting of the organi-
zation's funds.
Ship, rifting 24 Hours
In Irish Sea, Is Safe

To ry Cases
In Competition
More than 300 members of the
freshman and junior classes of theE
Law School will participate in the'
case club competition for 1936-37
which opens at 4 p.m. this afteroont
at Hutchins Hall.1
M In the next eight weeks, approxi-
mately 80 cases will be argued beforeI
faculty and student judges of the
courts of Holmes, Marshall, Kent and
Story clubs. Four men will partici-
pate in each trial, two counsel fort
the plaintiff and two for the de-f
The. eight outstanding junior stu-k
dent lawyers will be chosen after all
_ the preliminary cases are argued.
These men will go into semi-final

Extension Movement tes the subject of meteorsDraminations in order to play. The
7 E-son explained.h i colleges in this group that actually
Fr ; 1867uh raus!Am Chicago Univesity wasxthefist piiay their men have a fixed rate-
Works Through Bureaus Amic wae organized uxennde- teusually between $60 and $80 a monthI
Sion. It was organized under the -and don't deviate from it. Which is
"Operating through 15 bureaus we presidency of that university by Wil- certainly not an excessive sum con-
are able to bring University facili- Liam Rainey Harper. Today Chicago sidering the risk a player runs of re-
ties and services to about 500,000 has the largest enrollment in corres- ceiving serious injuries. As a rule,
people per year in Michigan," Dr. pondence courses (work is carried on
William D. Henderson. director of the there entirely in this way) of any tes top ajhlety are bona fide
Extension Division, said yesterday. university the country, Dr. Hend-sde ts thes rityngrwhatepwses
erson dded.degrees, thus receiving what passes
Radio courses and lectures are pre- erson adfor an education in these United
sented by a Bureau of Radio Pro- The Extension Division of the Uni- States.
grams over Station WJR. A Bureau versity of Michigan was organized in 'How To Get A Team'
of Extension Lectures assigns lec- 1911 under the direction of the late 'How then, do such colleges get
tures by University faculty men to President Hutchins. Organization of their teams? tWhere are several ways i
centers throughout the state. Such extension credit courses came in re- of getting a football team-or a mink
a diverse list of subjects are covered: sponse to a petition of 1,700 people coat: you can go out and buy one
political science, English, journalism, from Detroit. The first courses were -or you can use less direct methods.
forestry, education, law, foreign lan- given in the fall of 1913. Dr. Hender- Your team may be assembled through
guage lectures and many others. Bson pointed out. the means of Dollar-A-Month Clubs,
The State High School Forensic As- Before the extension movement through prominent alumni aided by
sociation is managed by the Extension spread to America it traveled from
sociationte Saninaia n. 1the coach, or by the athletic authori-
Division. Under its sponsorship de- England to the Scandinavian na- ties without the knowledge of the
bates, oratorical contests, and forum tions. In Denmark, where the edu- coach. Sometimes, it is difficult to
discussions are conducted. cational system is highly developed, classify such an institution accurate-
For people who cannot attend athe extension movement has been ex- ly. For example, Amherst for several
ceedingly successful. In England the
University in the daytime the Bureau t oidinu niversities stlln- years has gone into the market quiet-
of University Extension Credit and tw orignatig uversities still con- ly and discreetly, and to good effect,
N ditC duI duct one of the best extension sys- as shown by the results chronicled in
Noncredit Courses conducts evening tems in the world, Dr. Henderson con- the s orts page resuls the college
classes in almost a dozenrcities in the eluded , srtpn oethe cllege
state. Other bureaus are the Joint 1 administration know this? Well, most

.- (

1-1- - ,,,, 1,;- -4- -i= 11,+ L7n,-~ra n~_..

4Continued from Page 1)

Daily Analysis Daily Holds Survey
Shows Digest On Sorority Rushing
Poll Is Wron(Continued from Page 1)
ed in the survey to provide more per-
ontinued fompge _ i sonal opinions on the subject under
many Democratic voters have become !discussion. Any suggestions offered
disgusted with straw votes and have by either sororities or rushees and
torn up their ballots. This is prob- pledges will be welcomed by The
ably true, because some newspapers Daily.
of the country have alienated many The topics covered / by the ques-
Democrats by constantly hitting the tionnaires concern the freshman
New Deal, and many amateurs have1 ,
conducted polls under the supervi- w

DUBLIN, Irish Free State, Oct. 26.'
--P)-The liner American Shipper
reached a safe anchorage in Dublin
Bay late tonight after drifting help-,
lessly for nearly 24 hours in the gale-
lashed Irish Sea. The American
Merchant Line Vessel, carrying 22'
passengers and a cargo which includ-
ed 5,000 cases of Scotch whiskey, came
in under its own power. It was be-
lieved the crew had been able to re-
pair, the damaged rudder which had
caused the 7,430-ton ship to be
threatened with destruction in im-
mense waves and a 90-mile-an-hour
W. f
Poetry Wrtin
To BeSub ject
f Paul Engle
After three years as a Rhodes Scho-
lar at Oxford, Paul Engle, noted
young poet 'and lecturer who will
speak on "The Writing of Poetry"
Wednesday evening in the Lydia.
Mendelssohn Theatre, has just re-
turned- from a long summer trip
across France, Italy, Germany, Po-
land, Finland and Russia.
During the course of the trip he
wrote his most recent publication,
"Break the Heart's Anger," and
gained background and material for
a new book which will appear next
Engle spent a large portion of his
travel in Russia, where he visited Len-
ingrad and Moscow, journeyed down
the Volga to Rostov-on-Don, toured
the Ukraine and Black Sea sector and
stopped at Odessa and Kiev.
The new book which Engle is plan-
ning will deal not only with his ex-
periences in Europe, but also with
his feelings and reactions while at
Oxford. He has traveled over Eu-
rope before, been in Germany fre-
quently, in Austria at intervals, and
in Italy. His main purpose in travel-
ing, according to his own statement,
has been "to observe the human and
political mood, and especially fascism
and communism."
Tickets for the Engle lecture, which
will be given under the auspices of
the Hopwood Committee, are on sale
at Wahr's Book Store, the Hopwood
Room in Angell Hall and at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office. The lecture
is scheduled for 8:15 p.m.

competition in the second semester,'
and from the eight, four will be chos-
en to compete for the Henry M.
Campbell case club award on Found-
ers Day next April.
Out of the large freshman field of
180 contestants will be selected 161
men to argue the freshman finals, in
which the winning counsel will be
awarded subscriptions to the Mich-
igan Law Review.
Freshman trials will be held on
Tuesdays and Thursdays and junior
cases on Wednesdays and Fridays inI
rooms 118, 138, 218 and 220, Hutchins-
Hall, Law School. All arguments begin
at 4 p.m.
Mrs. Simpsoa waits
Three Minute Suit
IPSWICH, England, Oct. 26.-(P)-
Mrs. Ernest (Wally) Simpson, King
Edward's admired social companion,
tonight could look forward to a pos-
sible three-minute divorce Tuesdayi
That is the customary speed of the
judge who will hear her case.
Mr. Justice Sir John Anthonyf



Committee on Public Health Educ
tion, the Library Extension Servic
"Some people have an errone
notion of the origin of the extens
movement. It began in the conser
tive universities of Cambridgea
Oxford, and not in America,"7
Henderson pointed out.


Jules Hopwood
Contest Openi
For Freshmen

college aUU l uz Ua lUlglU
enough to realize that great football
teams, like babies, are not brought by
the stork. Yet Group B includes
some nice respectable institutions, al-
though if your alma mater's name
appears therein, you don't necessarily
have to cheer ....."


Hawke tonight set 2:15 p.m. (9:15
a.m. E.S.T.) as the time for hearing
of the Ipswich Assizes divorce suit
which contains the undefended peti-
tion of Mrs. Simpson against jher
broker husband, a former member of
the exclusive Coldstream Guards.
While Mrs. Simpson waited with
nervously twisting fingers, Mr. Jus-
tice Hawke quickly disposed of a short
docket of civil and criminal cases to-
Segalman Resigns
Visitation Servicej
Ralph Segalman, '37, who for two
years has developed and headed the
SCA visitation service to students in
the Health Service and University
Hospital, has resigned his position,
SCA officials announced yesterday.
At the present time there are 141
men and two women in -the visitation
group, and daily trips to the Health
Service are made. The members do
various errands and fulfill the re-
quests of the patients. These includel
getting books and assignments, bring-'
ing clothes, cigarettes, stationery and
other services of an infinte variety.
Warrington Willis, '39, will take
over the leadership of the project,
which includes the making out of the
schedule for visitations and the gen-
eral management of the group's ac-


ThfrsxtnsonLctrewa_ Tunis' article ends with a plea to
The first Extension jecture was Announcement of the opening of "put an end to the disguises and sub-
given in 1867 by Prof. James Stuart of the freshman division of the Avery terfuges of the present situation.
Cambridge in Manchester, Liverpool, and Jule Hopwood awards for crea- "No ohe objects to paying boys to
Sheffield and Leeds. The subject was tive writing was made Friiday by play football. They should be paid
the history of astronomy. In the same Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of more, rather then less ....
year in response to an invitation from the awards committee. "Of course, such a step would make
the Crew Railway workers a course Three types of writing are eligible football in reality what we pretend
of lectures was offered for men on for consideration in the freshman di- a nte
ion, essa, poetry and fi n, i it isn't, but what every one knows it
each of which three prizes of $50, $30, to be-a tremendous busness with
Yost Elected Head and 20 will be given. Any fresh- tentacles over the whole educational
'Fbir* man regularly enrolled in a composi- vorld. But such a step would never-
Of n ro aeas l ing AO tion course in the English depart- theless be undeniably sensible. It
ment of the College of Literature, would be intellectually honest and
Fielding H. Yost, University direct- Science and the Arts or in that of consistent with educational ideals. In
or of athletics, was elected presidentithe College of Engineering is eligible brief, what I'm trying to say is: for
to compete. God's sake, a little logic! Or is that
of the Ann Arbor Broadcasting Co.,I Professor Cowden. Dr. Frank E. asking too much?"
Inc., at a meeting of the board of di- _________
rectors last week. Robbins. managing editor of the Uni-
Other officers elected were vice- versity Press and Prof. J. Raleigh om aoe' Bo k
president, Prof. Waldo Abbott of the of the Engineerg will
spech epatmet; xectiv vie-of the College of Engineering will
speech department; executive vice-
president, Floyd Weissinger; secre- act as judges. To facilitate the work Governm ent
try, loyd Weissindr ecre, of the judges, the members of the
tar, Philip C. Pack; and treasurer.,Freshman Hopwood Committee, Al- u - s e
Lewis G. Christman. lan Seager, John F. Weimer and Prof.j Is P u 1l hed
Philip L. Schenk, all of the English
EVENING RADIO department of the literary college,
- will read all manuscripts before they A new volume, "State Government
are sent to the final judges, and elim- and Administration in the United
mate unacceptable material. States," written by Prof. Arthur W.
"__Entries are limited to 3,000 words Bromage of the political science de-
in the essay field, to 10,000 words in partment has been issued by Harper
6:00-WJR Stevenson News, the field of prose fiction, and only and Brothers.
WJ yZ Mron ferHody r (6:10). two manuscripts may be submitted by The book contains 665 pages and is
CKLW Dinner Music. a single student in either field. No devoted to the analysis of the func-
6:15-WJR Hot Dates in Music. student may submit more than ten tions and problems of state govern-
WXYZ Pact Finder.
CKLW News and Sports. poems. ment. Professor Bromage has brought
6 :30-WJR Jimmy Allen. Further rules may be obtained by his treatise up to date, showing in
WXYZ Day ns: d Facts. inquiring in the English office on the the relationship of states to the fed-
CKLW Val Ernie's Music. third floor of Angell Hall. The win- eral government both before and after
6:45-WJR Renfrew of the Mounted. ners in the contest will be announced the New Deal.
WWJ Ye Merrie Men of Olde. th eIel
WXYZ Lowell Thomas. in The Daily early in the second se- Professor Bromage says in the pre-
CKLWL Rhythm Orch. mester. face to thvolmetha'Receners
7 :00-WJR William Hard. fc oti oueta Rcn er

sion of partisans.
It may be asked by some if it is I
fair to use the 1932 figures as a base,
when the 1932 election was so heav-
ily Democratic. Yes, it is.
The Daily's analysis does not use
the normal sentiment of the country
in any way as a factor. For example,
take 10 persons who voted in 1932.
Out of this group six voted then for
Roosevelt and four for Hoover. In
1936, even if nine of them have now
decided to vote for Landon and only
one for Roosevelt, their indication of
how they voted in 1932 would remain
the same-six for Roosevelt and four
for Hoover.
In the Literary Digest poll taken
in 1932, the past preference indi-
cated by voters correctly reflected
the Hoover landslide of 1928.
Thus the admission on the part of
the Digest that it has polled more
1932 Hoover voters than 1932 Roose-
velt voters is fatal to the surface re-
sults of the poll.
It is interesting to note that all the
big doubtful states with the excep-
tion of New York and Indiana are
now in the Landon column. Roose-
velt could lose these two and several
smaller ones and still win the elec-
Because the Digest figures are copy-
right, The Daily is not permitted to
reprint them in full. The analysis
table presented herewith may be
checked in last week's copy of the
Digest or some metropolitan news-
Today 2:00 - 3:40 - 7:00 - 9:00
-- Last Times Today -
One of the Year's
Really Fine Pictures!
- ---Tomorrow-
"Kelly The Second"

lVatinees 25c

benefits of tne longer period of rusn-
ing, such as the opportunity of be-
coming better acquainted with the
houses and members and the free
evenings between dinners. The ques-
tions also asked if any women pledged
because their friends did, if they are
disappointed because they did not
pledge, and if they would prefer the
shorter period of rushing. Concern-
ing the deferred plan, the question-
naires ask if the women feel that
they would know a sorority better if
rushing were deferred a semester.

Put them all together
...they spell the year s
greatest screen showl
and his Orchestra ' <
Adolph Zukor presents
and his SymphonyOrch.,
Louis DaPron, Eleanore
Whitney, L rry Adler,
Virginia (Pigtails) Weidler
David' Hlt, Billy Lee.
The nuttiest burlesque ver filmed

Nights 5e

Classified Directory
FOR RENT: Lovely room for woman.
C LA SIFIED One-half block from campus.
Phone 6323 evenings. 123
ADVERTISING EXCELLENT room for graduate in
new house. $4. 417 S. Division. Call
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. 21772. 122
The classified columns close at five S
o'clock previous to day of insertion. SINGLE: Desirable front single room
Box numbers may be secured at no for young man. Clean, warm, quiet.
extra charge. $3.50. Call .4576. 1112 Catherine
Cash in advance lic per reading line St11
(on basis of five average words to line) _121
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions. LOST AND FOUND
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line LOST: Wrist watch, Swiss movement
for two or more insertions. Minimum duo-dial; a small silver, black cord;
three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days strap. Saturday night. Reward.
from the date of last insertion. Phone 8661. 125
LOST: Friday at Beta house, black
NOTICES evening coat, white lining, one to
A GUARANTEE SERVICE. Demoth- exchange. Call Adele McDonald.
ing, Mothproofing, Disinfecting, 2-3203. 119
Deodorizing, annihilating all house- EMPLOYMENT WANTED
hold vermin, Fumigating. Offered -
by the Kurtis Exterminating Co. PRACTICAL NURSE wishes employ-
309 Maynard St. Phone 3113 for ment. Will consider going out of
free inspection. lx town. A-1 city references. Call
2-1865. 102
OLD and new suits, overcoats at $3 LAUNDRY
and $25. TYPEWRITERS, OLD LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
GOLD, and musical instruments. Careful work at a low price. 6x
Phone for appointment, 6304.
ROOMS FOR RENT Typewriters
Rentals, Sales and Service
FOR RENT: Double room with ad- Special Rates to Students
joining lavatory and single room or REMINGTON, RAND, Inc.
suite for three. Shower bath, steam, 406 Wolverine Bldg.
heat. Phone 8544. 422 East Wash- Ann Arbor Phone 5888
ington. 117 87x

WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Little Jack Little.
7:15-WJR Diamond City News.
WWJ Drama; Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Tony Russell.
7 :30-WJR Jack Randolph.
WWJ Michigan Osteopathic Ass'n.
WXYZ Oscar C. Hull.
CKLW Variety Revue.
7:45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Frank Murphy.
WXYZ Rubinoff-Rea.
CKLW Money and Music.
8:00-WJR Hammerstein's Music Hall.
WWJ Leo Reisman's Music.
WXYZ Dude Ranch.
CKLW Andrew F. Kelly.
8:15-CKLW Louis Prima's Music.
8 :30-WJR Laugh With Ken Murray.
WWJ Wayne King's Music..
WXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcome Valley.
CKLW Music for Today.
9:G0-WJR Fred Waring's Pennsylvaniar;.
WWJ Gov. Alf M. Landon.
WXYZ Ben Bernie and All the Lads.
CKLW Gabriel Heatter.
9:15-CKLW Vagabonds.
9:30-WJR Caravan.
WWJ Fred Astaire: Johnny
Green's Music.
WXYZ Husbands and Wives.
CKLW Larry Bradford's Music.
10 :0-WXYZ Homer S. Cummings.
CKLW Bernarr McFadden.
10:15-CKLW Music for Today.
10:30-WJR Democratic National Com-
WWJ James A. Reed.
WXYZ Portraits of Harmony.
10:45-WJR Happy Days.
CKLW Democratic National Com-
11:00-WJR News.
11:00-WJR News.
WWJ Prentiss Brown; Navy Day
WXYZ George Kavanagh's Music.
CKLW Melody Interlude.
11:15-WJR Smoke Rings.
WWJ Dance Music.
CKLW Mystery Lady.
11:30-WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Johnny Hamp's Music.
CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music.
11:45-WJR Al Donahue's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Shandor: Morrie Brennan's
CKLW Claude Hopkins' Music.
12:30-WJR Maurice Spitainy's Music.
WXYZ Jimmy Dorsey's Music.
CKLW Velez and Yoanda.
1 :00-CKLW Ted Fio-Rito's Music.

Concert Series I
Brings Chicago
Orchestra Here
Frederick Stock and the entire Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra of 100I
players will appear in the Choral
Union series Nov. 2 in Hill Audito-
This occasion will mark the 175th
concert given by the Chicago orches-
tra in the Choral Union and May
Festival series. Directed by the late
Theodore Thomas, founder of the or-
chestra, it was first heard in Ann Ar-
bor in University Hall in 1892. Be-
ginning with the May Festival of
1905, and continuing for 31 years,
including the May Festival of 1935,
the orchestra appeared at 166 con-
certs here. These were conducted
by Frederick Stock, Albert A. Stanley.
Earle V. Moore, Eric DeLamarter and
a number of guest ccnductors.

have engendered new federal-state re-
lationships and new trends in state
administration. It has been my pur-
pose in this book to present the old
land the new aspects of federal-state
relations; the governmental structure
of the states; and the position andl
functions of local governments in the
state. An attempt has been made
throughout to present briefly past de-
velopments, to describe objectively
present systems and functions, and to
analyze, in so far as possible, the
forces responsible for change . .
A detailed study of the Irish system
of local government is being conduct-
ed by Professor Bromage, now in Ire-
land on his sabbatical leave. Profes-
sor Bromage finished his book in Aug-
ust, just prior to saling for Ireland.
- -.

Another Fountan Special
. . . and this time you may have your choice of TWO
REAL SPECIALS! Come in any time Tuesday and
Wednesday ..

Regularly 15c

, +h

Social Dancing taught
daily. Ter,.ace Garden
Dancing Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
2nd Floor




.Any standard make or
model.' Liberal Allowances
made on outright purchase
or trade-in.
We want used typewriters



_ ,_

Regularly Oc
2 for 15c
Obtain your bottled Ginger Ale, Soda, and White Rock
here, where it's most convenient. Your favorite brand
is at our fountain.

Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
October 30, 31
Fri. Oct. 30

r. ,

to meet the unprecedented
demand for Rider's Depend-
able Used Equipment.

,.- ...








A $5.00 Value for $3.98


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