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October 21, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-21

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The Weather
Unsettled, cooler today; some
probability of showers,




Foreign Policy In The
National Campaign...



Terre Haute
Crowd Stops
Radio Speech
Of Browder
Citizens Hurl Rotten Eggs
At Communist Candidate
At Radio Station
Plns To Enter
Courts Tomorrow
Announcer Tells Audience
Red Leader Failed To
Make HisAppearance
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Oct. 20.-()
-Citizens blocked both front and
rear entrances to radio station
WBOW here tonight, hurled rotten
eggs at Earl Browder, Communist
candidate for President, and prevent-
ed him from entering the station to
make a scheduled radio campaign
From the hotel room Browder sent
word he would not make any further
attempt to give the speech tonight
but would take the matter up in
the courts tomorrow.
Several hundred persons jammed
around both front and rear stairways
to the radio station an hour before
the Communist candidate was sched-
uled to make his appearance. As
Browder appeared, the shower of rot-
ten eggs began.
Several fights broke out in the
crowd, and one photographer had
his camera knocked out of his hands.
As he climbed on the top of an auto-
mobile to take a picture of the crowd,
there were shouts of "break up that
camera," and the crowd surged
around him.
Browder announced his intention
to give up plans for the speech just
five minutes before he was scheduled
to go on the air. One of his attor-
neys remained in the crowd at the
radio station stairway attempting to
gain an entrance to the building.
Miss Sylvia Penner of Indianapolis,
less than five feet tall, who identi-
fled herself as "a Communist party
worker," squeezed into the hall lead-
ing to the radio station a few min-
utes after Browder left and offered to
give his speech for him.
Browder told Miss Penner that at
least a part of the citizens of Terre
Haute had indicated they did not
wish the speech to be made and said
he did not think she should be al-
lowed to "endanger her life."
When the time came for the speech
to be made the station announcers
went on the air with the statement
that Browder had not appeared and
that there would be a musical pro-
gram until such time as he arrived.
Drasin Inquest
Discloses New
Angle In Death
Failure To Clean Drum
Brought About Accident,
Professors Believe
A new explanation of the explosion
that caused the death of George Dra-
sin, Grad., last Friday was offered
yesterday at a coroner's inquest where
the death of Drasin was found to be

The explanation, which was offered
by Prof. Alfred H. White, chairman
of the department of chemical and
metallurical engineering, and Prof.
John C. Brier of the chemical en-
gineering department, was accepted
by the coroner's jury. It states that1
the explosion was caused when the
oxy-acetylene torch Prasin was us-
ing ignited a mixture of alcohol and
oxygen that was contained within
the drum, blowing off the head of the
drum which struck Drasin in the
head, partially decapitating him.
It was brought out in the inquest
that Drasin had evidently neglected
or forgotten to wash out the drum,
which had formerly been used for
alcohol, although he had been in-
structed to clean it out. It is believed
that when the torch was applied to a
spot on the top of the drum it grad-
ually heated the mixture of alcohol
vapors and air contained within it
until they exploded.
The coroner's jury, composed of
Dr. William Brace of the University
Health Service; Prof. C. W. Wood, as-

Five Freshmen Blow On Bottles,
Win Band's Amateur Show Prize

Audience Of 6,000 Jams
Hill Auditorium To Hear,
Cheer 32-Act Program
Blowing their way on an assort-
ment of bottles past the approvaltof
a crowd of almost 6,000 people, the
Five Foolish Freshmen-Human Ca-
Hope won the prize of $75 last night
at the University Band Amateur Show
held in Hill Auditorium.
The Freshmen, composed of Mark
Cheever, Detroit; Russ Van Cleve,
Pittsburgh; Bob Clark, Pittsburgh;
and Bob Pope, Chicago, all live at the
same address, 727 East University
Ave. They decided that instead of
each going a fifth of the day to New
York they would all split thetalter-
native monetary prize and do their
Christmas shopping early.
Closely following this Freshman
Caliope in the audience's approval
were Bill Anderson, '38, and Jack
Bulkely, '39, both of Oak Park, Ill.,
who presented an accordian and tap-
dance number; Eldor Pflughoeft, '40,
of Hobart, Ind., who played "The
Wind" on his flute; and a girls' trio
composed of Jean Seeley, Grad., Ann
Arbor, Harriet Shackleton, '38, Joliet,
Ill., and Jane Garnett, Grad., St.
Louis who gave an original song.
"Major" John L. Brumm, who
started the program off in the con-
ventional Major Bowes style, had to
give but one gong and that to the se-
lected Bill Jones Quartet which made
a special appearance for the bell.
Pennies, however, were thrown by the.
audience on one other occasion.
The judging was furnished by the
Sen. Couzens'
Condition Still
Called Critical
DETROIT, Oct. 20.--() -Sen.
James Couzens, ill in Harper Hospit-
al with uremic poisoning, remained
in a critical condition tonight, his
physician said in reporting no change
in his condition.
Dr. Hugo Freund, physician to the
64-year-old veteran of the Senate,
I said earlier Couzens' condition was
such that there would be no in-
mediate, Y1arked change, but indicat-
ed that one might come tomorrow.
"Several days ago his kidney de-
veloped signs of a diminished func-
tion and he developed a moderate de-
gree of uremia," Dr. Freund said.
"This is all the result of a recurrence
of the condition for which he was
operated on a year ago at the Mayo
Michigan's senior Senator's family
gathered at his bedside today. Mrs.
Couzens remained nearby all the
time. With the arrival of a daugh-
ter, Betty Couzens, from Washing-
ton, the family was complete. The
others there were Frank Couzens,
Mayor of Detroit; Mrs. William R.
Yaw and Mrs. W. Jeffries Chewning.
WASHINGTON,. Oct.. 20.-(P) -
Civil service officials said today that
fingerprints of persons applying for
government jobs last year disclosed
1,635 had criminal records. The po-
lice histories were discovered when
the Bureau of Investigation compared
fingerprints taken by experts of the
civil service commission with prints
on file at the Department of Justice.

audience through the impression of
their applause on atsound-recording
machine, according to the Major. All
contestants were lined up in the or-
der of their appearance and then
greeted by the audience's approval or
All the acts, 32 in number, held the
audience's attention the whole way,
proving that Ann Arbor does contain
a great deal of talent. An awe-in-
spiring act, even though they didn't
win a prize, were Walter Schaefer,
'37, who twirled a huge bull-whip
about a partner found at the mo-
ment-Mrs. Irene King, wife of a
junior engineering student who
showed that she did not lack courage
by holding a cigarette in her mouth
for Schaefer to cut in two.
W ash tenaw Part y
Fighting Mad As
Slate Is Drawn Up '
So the State Street Party is going1
to send around postcards represent-
ing themselves to prospective Soph-
omore voters in the class election as
a jeep (Popeye comic strip character)j
crushing by brute force a wriggling
snake labeled as the Washtenaw
Last night, up in arms, the Wash-1
tenaw Coalition Party gathered in
the Sigma Nu house to lay plans to
"again push through to a smashing
victory in the sophomore elections."
"No mud-slinging, no back-biting,
a nice clean campaign" was the dec-
laration of the Washtenaw group.,
The 50 members of the 21 fraternities
and 10 sororities, and independents
represented in the party were re-
minded that election day was but a
week away, but the plan of attack to
be: used against State Street was
carefully not disclosed, as it was true,
as Chairman Robert Vander Pyle,
'39, of Theta Chi pointed out, that'
several among those present were not
exactly members of the Washtenaw
Football players and independents.
came in for a good amount of discus-
sion. Some thought that a football
player certainly should be named as
secretary of the party slate, while
others were of the opinion that an
independent could swing more votes.
As one sorority sister coyly put it "I
don't thing football players will carry
much weight this year, anyway."
Frank Huesman of Phi Kappa
Sigma was nominated for president
and Harriet Pomeroy of Kappa Alpha
Theta was the choice for the vice
presidency. The slate will be com-
pleted in a meeting to be held Thurs-
day night.
Comstock Heads
Detroit Caucus
DETROIT, Oct. 20.-(P)-The Na-
tional Jeffersonian Democrats, an
a n t i - Roosevelt organization an-
nounced today that former Governor
William A. Comstock will introduce
James A. Reed, Democratic former
senator from Missouri, at a meeting
here Monday night.
The announcement intensified in-
terest over what possible stand Com-
stock might take in the political
campaign, a subject for speculation
since he announced last spring that
he would be "looking out of the win-

Local Group
To Challenge
Edison Rates
Prof. Karpinski Reveals
'Plan To Bring Body
Before Supreme Court
Says Dow Controls
Whole Huron River
Power Rates In Southern
Michigan Twice Those
In Kalamazoo
The question of whether or not the
rates of the Detroit Edison Company,
which were lowered two days ago,
can legally be maintained will be
placed before the Supreme Court of
the State of Michigan by a group of
Ann Arbor citizens, it was revealed
last night by Prof. Louis C. Karpinski.
In discussing the new rates, which
were ordered by the Michigan Public
Utilities Commission, Professor Kar-
pinski said: "Having appeared be-
fore the Commission and having ex-
amined rates all over the United
States, so outrageous a rate as that
established as a quasi-reduction by
the so-called Michigan Public Utilities
Commission was not conceived by me
to be possible by any commission hav-
ing the obligations to the community
which the Commission has.
Explains Rates
"The reduction effects only the first
60 kilowatt hours-rates on the
remaining amounts being precisely
the same as before the Commission
took this most contemptible action.
"This rate appears to have been
established by Mr. Alexander Dow
(president of therDetroit Edison Com-
pany), as it corresponds quite pre-
cisely with the remarkably frank
statement he made in Ann Arbor
showing he believed he has control
over the Michigan Public Utilities
Both new and old rates, Professor
Karpinski said are out of pro-
portion with the capitalization of the
Detroit Edison Company, which has
grown "from less than $7,000,000 in
1903 to almost $300,000,000 at the
present time." This capital, he add-
ed, "has been largely built from
earnings, and so is the contribution
of the State of Michigan to the De-
troit Edison Company. The capital
of the company was $80,000,000 in
1920. Between 1920 and 1931 this
amount was more than tripled. For
anyone now to say that that was an
inflation period is to say something
almost trite, yet it is upon this in-
flationary capital that they wish to
base their rates."
Tells Salaries
Professor Karpinski pointed out
that Dow had protested his taxes in
his Ann Arbor talk although "he
alone receives a salary of $85,000, de-
spite the fact that he is 85 years of
age ,and has probably outlived his
active usefulness to the company.
His son-in-law receives approxi-
mately $50,000; despite the fact that
such salaries are supposed to be filed
with the so-called Michigan Public
Utilities Commission, I have repeated-
ly requested the Commission to in-
form me as to these salaries, but with-
out success."
Another point in Professor Kar-
pinski's contention that the rates of
the Detroit Edisno Company go be-
yond proper bounds is the fact that
Dow holds, in his opinion, extreme
and unauthorized rights of the Huron
River. "The rights of the Huron

River," he said, "would seem to be-
long to the people of Michigan and
Ann Arbor, but all the rights to that
river remain in the hands of Alex-
ander Dow, who is able to derive such
profits as indicated above."
In carrying the case to the Supreme
Court, one of the points which will
be most stressed by the citizens
group, Professor Karpinski said, will
be the difference between rates i
(Continued on Page 2)
F.D.R. Begins Trip
To NewEngland
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-(/')-
President Roosevelt hustled througi
a series of conferences today and, withb
a major speech in his brief case
turned toward New England tonight
in quest of the 29 electoral votes of
Rhode Island, Massachusetts an
He cancelled an afternoon press
conference to provide time for pol-
ishing the address which aides saic
would climax his third campaign trig

Landon Hits
Of New Deal,
Republican Nominee Says
Administration Policies
Have Abused Power
Los Angeles Talk
Tops Coast Dash
Kansan Charges Relief
Fund Was Used To Push
Party Measures Through
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 21.-(P)~-
Gov. Alf M. Landon accused the New
Deal of "undermining" individual
liberty and "tampering" with basic
democratic principles tonight in de-
manding that President Roosevelt be
ousted in behalf of a "return to our
Before an open-air audience in the
huge Los Angeles Coliseum, the Pres-
idential nominee climaxed his west
coast dash with an assertion that Mr.
Roosevelt's re-election would be in-
terpreted as an endorsement of pol-
icies Landon said had "abused" the
power of government and threatened
"our independence."
"If we are to preserve our Amer-
ican form of government," the Re-
publican candidate said, "this admin-
istration must be defeated."
The Kansan said Congressional in-
vestigations "have budded and blos-
somed in unusual and rank profu-
sion" during the Roosevelt adminis-
tration. Some, listeners interpreted
his remarks as referring to the House
investigation of Dr. F. E. Townsend's
old age pension movement, when the
Governor said:
"Recently, a Congressional inves-
tigation has been carried on for what
seems to be purely political ends. In
this case the thinly veiled purpose
apparently was to discredit a political
movement which the controlling
party wishes to crush."
Dr. Townsend has urged followers
unable to vote for William Lemke,
Union Party presidential candidate,
to support Landon.
Turning to New Deal relief spend-
ing, the nominee said:
"There is unmistakable evidence
that these vast funds have been used
to force congressmen and senators
to support administration measures.
"There is also unmistakable evi-
dence that they have been used to
prevent criticism by officials and rep-
resentatives of local communities.
There is unmistakable evidence that
these funds have been used in an at-
tempt to prevent freedom of choice
at the polls.
"Nothing can be more shameful
than the way some of these Federal
funds have been distributed. Special
groups and special localities have
been singled out solely for political
reasons. Relief funds have been ued
in an attempt to force our less for-
tunate fellow citizens to vote for the
return of this administration to
Workers Federation
Holds First Meeting
The first meeting of the Student
Workers Federation of the year was
held last night in the Unitarian
Church. The newly formed consti-
tution was discussed, and mimeo-
graphed copies distributed.
A publicity committee named in-
cluded Marcus Laniado, '38, Ezra
Rosenbaum, '38,Land TomDowns,

First Of Freshman
Forums Introduces
New 'Men Of '40'
The first of this year's Union
Freshman Forum series introduced
nearly 100 freshman to their new
song, "The Men of '40," a contribution
that may make yesterday afternoon
as memorable as the one when J.
Fred Lawton and Prof. Earl V. Moore
composed "Varsity."
As introduced by H. Murray Camp-
bell, '38, student director of the for-
ums, "The Men of '40" reads as fol-
"If you take the men of Michigan
"And you place them side by side,
"You will find that the Class of
'40's men
"Will be the U. of M.'s pride.
"Since life begins with '40
"We will lead the school by far,
"Takesyour hats off to the Fresh-
man class,
"Michigan, here we are."
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department, who will direct all
forum discussions this year, answered
iuestions anonymously submitted by
members of the freshman class. Pre-
dominant among the questions sub-
mitted were those pertaining to extra-
curricular activities and religion in
Studies should always come before
activities in importance, Professor
Weaver advised ,but cautioned that
activities have a part in evreyone's
life. "The great problem here," he
said, "is to keep from wasting time."
Announce Staff
For R.O.T.C.
Hyatt, Haughey, Wolf ner,
Boehnke Are Promoted
To Regimental Heads
Major R. E. Hardy, adjutant, yes-
terday announced 77 appointments
and assignments in the Michigan Re-
serve Officers' Training Corps for the
year 1936-37.
The following men have been ap-
pointed as a staff for Col. iJ. R. Gus-
tafson, '38, and Lt. Col. W. A. Neu-
man, Jr., '37:
Regimental Staff-Capt. and Adj.
M. G. Hyatt, '37E; Capt. Intel. P. C.
Haughey, '37A; Capt. P. & T., W. F.
Wolfner, '38E; Capt. Sup. R. 0.
Boehnke, '37E.
1st Battalion Staff-Major Cour-
sey, '37 Spec.; First Lieut. and Adj.
H. E. Moerman, Grad.; First Lieut.
Intel. J. W. Barrett, '37; First Lieut.
P & T., J. W. Hays, '39E; First Lieut.
Supply N. W. Travis, '38.
Company A-Capt. R. J. Beuhler,
'37E; First Lieut. S. Birkhold; Sec.
Lieut. W. B. Wilson, '37.
Company B-Capt. F. W. Person,
'37; First Lieut. H. C. Braun, '37E;
Sec. Lieut. H. W. Gilfillan, '37E.
Company C-Capt. P. W. Pinker-
ton, '37; First Lieut. D. A. Phillipi,
'37E; Sec. Lieut. E. L. Bjork, '37;
Sec. Lieut. H. J. Spieker, Spec. E.
Company D-Capt. R. M. Fischer,
'38; First Lieut. P. J. Mognetti, 37;
Sec. Lieut. R. L. Kimball, '38.
Second Battalion Staff-Major Ab-
bott, '37E; First Lieut. and Adj. E. L.
'Adams, Jr., '37; First Lieut. Intel.
R. M. Hammond, '38; First Lieut. P &
T., J. V. T. Kempton, '37E; First
Lieut. Sup. W. S. Wittan, '37.
Company E-Capt. G. H. Cannon,
'38E; First Lieut. D. J. Parry, '37E;
Sec. Lieut. W. F. Sheehan, '37E; Sec.
Lieut. I. Achtenberg, '38L.
Company F-Capt. J. H. Sinn, '37E;
First Lieut. C. C. Sweet, '37; Sec.
(Continued on Page 2)

Madrid Rallies
With Counter
Attack Against
Fascists' Guns
Frenzied Civilian Workers
March To War Urged
By Womenfolk
Loyalists Bombard
Rebels At Illescas
Unconfirmed Report States
Prieto Shot ,By Premier
For Wishing Surrender
ILLESCAS, Spain, Oct. 20.-(P)--
Madrid government militia turned in
fierce counter attack today on this
keypoint of the Fascist army seeking
to push its way to the Spanish cap-
ital. 23 miles away.
Five thousand of the Madrid troops
pumped rifle bullets into the Fascist
lines, occupied by African legion-
naires and Moorish troops.
Two batteries of government 75's
shelled the town and six Madrid tri-
motors dropped a barrage of bombs.
LISBON, Oct. 20.---)-The news-
paper Dario Lisboa said today Span-
ish government deserters told officials
at the insurgent headquarters that
Premier Francisco Largo Casallero
shot and killed Indalecio Prieto, min-
ister of air and navy.
The report, without any confirma-
tion whatsoever, said the shooting
occurred because Prieto insisted on
the surrender of Madrid to the Span-
ish insurgents.

MADRID, 'Oct. 20.-(P)-Lashed -to
martial fury by the shrill exhorta-
tions of their womenfolk, Madrid's
civilian workers marched to war to-
Laborers, factory workers in grimy
overalls, sallow desk workers with
ink-stained fingers-all poured from
their buildings in answer to the pleas
of frenzied women.
Clumsily but effectively they fell
in with units of the regular militia
marching off to give battle to the
enemy whose cannonading could be
plainly heard in the streets of Ma-
Hands that never had held any-
thing more lethal than a saw or a pen
clutched cold rifles shoved at them by
women, shouting themselves hoarse in
the war hysteria which rolled over
the once-drowsy Spanish city.
The mutter of a city at work rose
to a roar today as a sudden shift of
wind rolled the reverberations of ar-
tillery into the heart of the govern-
ment capital.
A city accustomed to read daily re-
ports of the vali nt fight of its forces
against the Insurgents suddenly
awoke to the realization that the
enemy was almost at the gates.
The booming of cannon on the
battlefronts in the Madrid area rum-
bled over the rooftops-and was
muted in the crescendo of thousands
of terrified shouts.
The women were the first to hear
and recognize the ominous sounds.
Through the market places they
swarmed, churning the crowds with
their market baskets.
"Come out!" they shouted, "come
out! Come out and fight for Spain."
O'Hara Claims
Me Crea Tool
Legion Oaths
DETROIT, Oct. 20.-()-An as-
sistant state attorney-general, assert-
ing that Wayne County Prosecutor
Duncan C. McCrea had taken the
oath of the Black Legion, intervened
today in a Common Pleas Court ex-
amination of 20 alleged night-riders
charged with criminal syndicalism.
Chester P. O'Hara, representing
the state, presented six affidavits in
support of his statement. O'Hara is
the Republican candidate for the of-
fice of prosecutor, to which McCrea
seeks reelection.
One affidavit signed by Elvis Clark
stated that in July, 1934, he "'attend-
ed a meeting of the Black Legion and
saw the said Duncan C. McCrea in-
itiated into the Black Legion and
this deponent (Clark) took an active
part in this initiation."
McCreat was not present in the
courtroom today and could not pg
reached for comment.
McCrea, who first pressed the in-
quiry into the several crimes attrib-

Palestine Too Arid To Support
Larger Population, Says Dodge
By SAUL ROBERT KLEIMAN in northern Europe and the United
Maintaining that the only solution States, is not interested in investing
of the so-called "Jewish problem" in money in the development of power
the various countries of Europe lies in plants and irrigation facilities in
tPalestine, since it can expect no divi-
an improvement of their economic dends, he said. The world wants
system, Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the nothing that Palestine could export in
geography department yesterday payment, he added. The country
characterized the hope of a solution must, therefore, depend on capital
through building a Jewish National contributed by charitable organiza-
Home in Palestine as a "pipe dream." tions.
He pointed out that Palestine is an The lack of natural resources and
arid land, incapable of caring for a water power was pointed out by
much increased population without a Professor Dodge to be an insurmount-
tremendous investment of capital, able obstacle to industrialization of
and perhaps not even then. the country. "The lack of coal, for
The Zionist movement is "just a example, makes an industrial Pales-

Our Rival, The League Lantern,
Arrives Via Purloined Talent

Let there be light, quoth the
League girls, and there was light.
At least there was the League Lan-
tern, which, shedding its rays on the
campus monthly, has made its ap-
pearance, proving that newspaper-
women can make good newspaper-
Ten of our rival's 14 staff members
either now work on The Daily wom-
en's staff or received their experi-
ence thereon, so such competition
isn't really fair, we think. But, what-
ever anybody thinks, the Lantern is
out, spreading enlightenment on four
pages of glazed paper and a cut of
Charlotte Rueger, '37, League Boss,
squarely in the middle of page one.
Miss Rueger, in an editorial, puts
us at our ease somewhat by point-
ing out that her paper is really for
graduate women, with whom the
League wants to keep in contact. But

ham, Katherine Moore, Harriet pom-
eroy, Betty Strickroot and Marian
Smith, all Daily staff members; and
Betty Whitney, Janet Carver, Jean
Hoffman, Margaret Jack and Bar-
bara Schacht.
Of course one cannot expect Miss
Mackintosh and her girls, or Miss
Rueger, for that matter (although
the latter was a whiz on The Daily
women's staff until she gave up jour-
nalism to become Miss McCormick's
aide de camp) to be good printers
and good newspaperwomen at the
same time. And they aren't either,
as is evidenced by column two, page
four, a part of which reads something
like this:
"Professor Bennett Weaver of the
English department, on 'In all W.A.A.
activities go into the swim tellectual
and Cultural Opportunities," etc.,
which probably happened when they
served the linotype operator some of

sentimental proposition," he said. "On
the whole Palestine is not a place
where many people could ever live."
According to Professor Dodge the
difficulty lies for the most part in
the fact that Palestine's 21 to 26
inches of rainfall per year come
mainly in the winter. During the
summer the climate is too dry for

tine a practical impossibility," he
With mass emigration to Palestine
impractical, Professor Dodge said,
"the only hope for the Jews in
Poland, Roumania, and Germany is
within their own countries."
Oppression of the Jews grows out
of the failure of the economic sys-

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