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March 06, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-06

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Shaw Laughs
At Possibility
Of World War
'America's Most Popular
Man' Inquires If Grand
Canyon Is ABuilding

Michigan Congressman Backs New Dirigible-Airplane

SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. - (I
- Having designated himself Amer-
ica's "most popular man" and laughed
off the immediate possibility of a
World war in one crisp interview, be-
whiskered George Bernard Shaw went
to have a look at the Grand Canyor
"What is it," he asked, "a build-
The 79 year old Irish playwright
and Mrs. Shaw left a British line]
here last night. They will return tc
Los Angeles Sunday to continue a
leisurely world cruise.
There won't be a serious war, he
said, because the big powers are afraic
of each other.
"Disarmament conferences arc
utter rubbish. They are held merel3
to keep the public amused," he smiled.
"No nation is going to disarm. They
sit around a table and say:
"'If I shoot you with a 14-inch gun
will you throw away your 16-inch
"It's impossible to guess where the
next great war will break out because
it probably won't break out at all.
War has changed so that old gentle-
men who send out young men to fight
for them are no longer safe. Air-
planesscan bomb them as well as the
''urning abruptly from a discussion
of wars he took up another matter:
"I have no grudge against Amer-
ica," he said. "I've got a lot of money
out of America in my time."
Merit System
Project Set Up
To Aid Cities


-Associated Press Photo.
A bill to authorize $1,500,000 for construction of a combination airplane and dirigible was introduced in
Congress by Rep. John Dingell, (Dem., Mich.). In event of trouble during a flight, either unit could be de-
tached to avoid a crash with the crew. This artist's sketch shows the craft and how the units may be detached.

Strong Stomach And Tolerance
Necessary For Trip To Brazil

Michigan Only State Where
Assistance Is Given By
(Continued from Page1)

aid from five cities in Michigan where
merit systems have been installed.
Mr. Smith explained that plans
for this cooperative project were
begun last summer after increased in-
terest in civil service was shown by
Michigan cities such as Flint, Sag-
inaw, and Jackson, which provided for
civil service or personnel advisory
boards through charter amendments.
It has been shown by civil service
experts that in cities having less than
200,000 population, civil service has
not been universally successful. Mr.
Smith explained that this was mainly
because these smaller cities do not
realize the necessity for securing
trained technical experts to handle
the personnel administration and for
providing an adequate budget to carry
on the work.
Therefore, since the biggest prob-
lem of government today, according
to Mr. Smith, is the personnel prob-
lem, the only solution was to create
a central agency staffed with proper
technical assistants to assist in ad-
ministering the civil service in the
municipalities. This, he said, led to
the establishment of this cooperative
"Under this arrangement we hope
to accomplish within a few years as
much as would otherwise be accom-
plished in a decade," Mr. Smith said.
"Undoubtedly, public service in the
future will offer increasing opportuni-
ties to University graduates, by giving
them a greater chance for entry into
public service, which will be placed
upon a sound professional basis, not
subject to patronage influences, and
making possible a career in that serv-
ice through promotion to more re-
sponsible posts."
Pile Of Lost Goods
Continues To Grow
As Losers Forget
Come and get it!
Attendants in the main business
office of the University are extending
a collective invitation to owners who
have become separated from their
possessions, to step in and reduce the
massive pile of the lost and found
pile a bit. For the big collection of
umbrellas, gloves, scarfs, over-shoes,
by the hundreds, stand mute witness
to the honesty of campus citizens -
and witness, too, to the absent-mind-
edness of incipient college professors!
The vast pile is a good barometer
of weather conditions. The moment
the weather begins to clear, people
forget about those lost over-shoes-
but when the clouds grow thick, they
remember and troop into the office
After 60 drays, the law is "finders
keepers"but even finders forget to
call for the stuff, and so the pile

Curran Describes Country
After Spending A Yeah
Among Ants, Vermin
A strong stomach and an appre-
ciation of the coarser things in life
are necessary for anyone who wishes
to enjoy a visit in the interior of
Brazil, according to H. Wesley Cur-
ran, graduate student in the fish
division of the Museum of Zoology,
who returned recently from that
country after spending a year on a
fish commission of the Brazilian gov-
"The food is rather dirty," Curran
said, "and one must get accustomed
to picking ants out of rice and cock-
roaches out of rolls. Much foreign
substance is found in food obtained
outside of the large cities of the south,
which have luxurious hotels, and all
drinking water must be boiled and
filtered before it is used for drinking
purposes. Most foreigners drink
bottled water or beer."
Brazilians Not Affected
Such extraneous matter, however
does not affect the appetite of the
average Brazilian, Curran said. Much
heavier and hotter food is eaten there,
most dinners having three or four
meat courses and much beans and
Curran was one of only three
Americans working on the commis-
sion created for the purpose of study-
ing the possibility of stocking reser-
voirs with fish. Numerous reservoirs
have been built to prevent droughts
and famines, resulting from lack of
rain, which have frequently occurred
in the past. The members of the
commission studied a large number
of reservoirs and collected specimens
of fish.
Travel in Brazil can be pleasant
enough, Curran said, but outside of
the city of Rio de Janeiro, which he
calls probably the most beautiful city
in the world, it is seldom as attrac-
tive as travelers paint it. Travel in
the interior, he said, is extremely dif-
ficult except along the. Amazon river
where river boats are used. The boats,
however, are seldom comfortable and
always dirty.
Travel Only In Dry Season
Except along the coast there are
very few roads or railroads, Curran
stated. Foreigners do very little trav-
eling in the interior because of the
hardships involved. Little water is
available and the food is "very, very
poor." Travel is only possible during
the dry season unless one goes by
air whichis by far the best way.
"A boat trip up the Amazon river
becomes very monotonous," he said.
"Its beauty is fascinating at first but
the scenery is always the same and
it soon begins to pall on one."
The population of Brazil is divided
into two distinct classes, Curran stat-

V ed, with widely different economic
and social status. The upper class is
very well educated while the lower
class, by far the larger, is very poorly
educated. Sixty per cent of the pop-
ulation is illiterate due to the poorly
organized public school system, he
"The majority of the people live in
mud huts with thatched roofs and
1have few possessions. Those who do
have a little money go to the Amer-
ican movies which have a tremendous
influence in the country-although
they often get a wrong impression of
the United States. They think of us
as either extremely wealthy and liv-
ing in penthouses, or as a nation of
Servants, he said, can be obtained
for from $1.50 to $2.00 a month de-
pending upon the servant. The chil-
dren are generally under-nourished,
due to a lack of milk, and the infant
mortality rate is very high, reaching
about 80 per cent. Venereal dis-
ease, he said, is so prevalent in the
interior of the country that it is esti-
mated that 95 per cent of the popula-
tion is afflicted.
6:00-WJR Buck Rogers.
WWJ Ty Tyson.1
wXYZ Contrast in Music.
CKLW Omar.
6:15-WJR Junior Nurse Corps.
WWJ Dinner Music.
WXYZ Sophisticated Rhythm.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
6:30-WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Melody Lane.
6:45--WJR Hot Dates in History.
WWJ Musical Moments.
WXYZ Lowell Thomas.
CKLW Old ' Bill.
7:00-WJR Myrt and Marge.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Harry Richman.
CKLW Shadows on the Clock.
:15-WJR Jimmie Allen.
WWJ Speakers: Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Capt.Tim's Adventure Club.
CKLW Laugh Parade.
7:30-WJR Jack Randolph.
WWJ Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Lone Ranger.
CKLW Variety Revue.
7:45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ America Speaks.
8:00-WJR Freddie Rich's Music.
WWJ Jessica Dragonette.
WXYZ Irene Rich.
CKLW Sweet and Hot.
8:15-WXYZ Wendell Hall.
8:30-WJR Broadway Varieties.
WXYZ Red Nichols' Music.
CKLW Pop Concert.
9:00--WJR Hollywood Hotel.
WWJ Waltz Time.
WXYZ Al Pearce's Gang.
CKLW Revellers: Orchestra.
9:30-WWJ Court of Human Relations.
WXYZ Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians.
CKLW Music Box Review.
10:00--WJR Richard Himber's Champions.
WWJ First Nighter.
WXYZ Girl Friends.
CKLW Golden Gloves.
10:15-WXYZ Musical Moments.
10:30--WJR March of Time.
WWJ Music Guild.
WXYZ Adventures of the Hornet.
10 :45-WJR Musical Moments.
11 :00-WJR Bulletins.
WWJ Troupers.
WXYZ Detroit Symphony
Orchestra: Lanny Ross.
11 :15--WJR Latin-American Music.
WWJ Sport Celebrities.
WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music.
11:30-WWJ Kavanagh's Music.
WXYZ Golden Gloves.
11 :45-V/JR Meditation.
12-00-WJR Barney Rapp's Music.
WWJ Russ Lyon's Music.
CKLW Dick Messner's Music.
CKLW Bill Levant's Music.
12:30--WJR Guy Lombardo's Music.
WXYZ Phil Ohman's Music.
CKLW DeMarco's Music.
1:00-CKLW Ted Weems' Music.
t -30CKLW Will Osborne's Music

17 Firms Send
Deleotates For
Policy Meeting
Representatives of 17 corporations
will meet tomorrow morning and
afternoon in the Union to confer on
the matter of obtaining the coopera-
tion of employes in meeting quality
and economy standards of employers.
The conference is sponsored by the
Bureau of Industrial Relations of the
business administration school.
The discussion will be carried on by
men from the Standard Oil Co. of
Ohio, the Reo Motor Car Company,
Chrysler Motors, Inc., Gar. Wood In-
dustries, Inc., and others. General
problems confronting employers of
large numbers of workers will be tak-
en up, a statement from the business
administration school said, and it is
planned to continue the one-day con-
ferences each quarter of the year.
In the outline for discussion are
the topics: "How to correct careless
and wasteful habits of work; how to
make inspection a positive influence
for better work; how to minimize
controversy regarding decisions on
quality; under what circumstances
quality bonuses have been satisfac-
tory; and what publicity has been
used effectively to promote careful
workmanship and economical prac-
The conference will be held in three
sessions. There will be a morning
session from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, a
group luncheon from 12:30 to 1:30
p.m., and an afternoon session from
2 to 4:30 p.m. Prof. John W. Riegel
of the School of Business Adminis-
tration will direct the conference.
Breakfast Specials
Luncheon Specials
Complete Dinners
A Large Variety of
233 S. State At Head of Liberty

Symptoms And
Cancer Cures
TopicOf Show
Object Of Display Is To
Acquaint Public With
Disease Information
Cancer, second in rank of diseases
causing human death, is the subject
of an exhibit which will be on dis-
play in Room 210 of the West Medical
Building all of this week, and in the
Hospital next week.,
The exhibition, Prof. Carl V. Wel-
ler, head of the pathology depart-
ment, declared, is intended primarily
for the lay public. The exhibits are
expected to foster a wider popular
acquaintance with the early symp-
toms of cancer, and to demonstrate
that the dread disease is curable if
detected while still in these earlier
However, medical students will also
find much of information and inter-
est in the display, Dr. Weller added.
Manifestations of the results of can-
cer are portrayed, and statements of
diagnoses and treatments are affixed.
Loaned to the department of path-
ology by the American Society for
the Control of Cancer, the exhibit is
one of a number which the Society
has prepared to disseminate informa-
tion on the disease. Through such
exhibits it is hoped that a large
measure of the popular misapprehen-
sions and unnecessary fear of cancer
will be removed, and the way paved
for its general recognition and suc-
cessful treatment.
Included in the exhibits are a sum-
mary of the cancer deaths in the
United States by organ and sex and
an enumeration of cancer deaths in
the various age groups. Between 65
and 69 the largest total of deaths
from cancer occured, about 18,000
being fatally stricken in that period
of their life. Before the age of 25
comparatively few are afflicted by
the disease, but thereafter the death
list rises rapidly to bring the total
for 1932 to 102 per 100,000 persons
in this country.
Also brought out by the displays is
the fact that women are far more
often killed by cancer while in early
middle age than men, although the
reverse tends to be true among very
old people. Between the ages of 30
and 50 almost twice as many women
are reported to have died from cancer
as men, and the malignant growths
continue to take a larger toll of
women up through the 65-year age
Predicts 350,000
hi Anti-War Strike
STILLWATER, Okla., Mar. 5.-Jo-
seph P. Lash, executive secretary of
the American Student Union, predicts
that when the third annual student
strike against war is held April 22,
350,000 students will participate in it
to protest the recent passage of the
largest peacetime military budget in
American history.

Classified Directory
FOR RENT: Newly furnished front STATIONEPY: Printed with your
room for girl graduate or campus name and address. 100 sheets, 100
business woman preferred. Oppor- envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
tunity to earn partial room rent. Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
1417 S. University. Phone 6449.
363 MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our eM-
- - -_-- --- . cient service. All new cabs. 3x
FOR RENT: Wish to sublet room,----
now paying $4.50. Three blocks NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
from campus, private lavatory, for and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
$3.00. Box 113. 355 A. A. Stuhlmann. 354
FOR RENT: Double or half of double EYES examined, best glasses made at
room near campus - well heated. lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
showers. Call 9888. 360 graduate, 44 years practice. 549
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
FOR RENT: Suite with private bath
and shower for three instructors, SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll
students, or business men. Also buy old and new suits and over-
single room. Shower bath. Steam coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
heat. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wash- prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ington. 353 ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
iUPhone for appointments. 2-3640.
LOST: THREE gold fraternity keys WANTED
and ten dollar bill. Reward. PhoneWANTED
2-2083. 362 TUTOR WANTED for Integral Cal-
LOST or borrowed: Black cloth- culus. Write Box 114. 365
bound volume of Radio Talks, 1928- SOPH PROM ticket wanted. Call
32. Name, Waldo Abbot on cover. Klein, 3936. 357
Only copy available. Please re- -in,_.
turn to Morris Hall. 364 FOR SALE
LOST: A large zipper notebook, con- black velvet evening wrap,
taining a math and harmony text- drop-shoulder fur colla. $19. Call
book Reward. Call 2-1617. 361 monings at723 Church. 358
STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices 0 Engraved $16
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone Crs&Pae
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darner Printers
Careful work at low price. lx City's Lowest Prices on Printing.
__________________ 308 North Main. Street - Dial 2-1013
LAUNDRY, carefully washed in soft - -------:
water and hand ironed. Reason-
able. Telephone 7287. 11x
PORT HURON, March 5. --30c and 35c
Eugene Manos, 15, and Robert Hill,
16; charged by Mrs. Grace Cornwell,
matron, with slugging her as theydin s
escaped from the detention home clu ines
yesterday, were back today and faced 40c and up
stiffer discipline. A physician treat-
ed Mrs. Cornwell for a head gash. The
boys, who escaped by smashing the
glass in a door, suffered cuts on their f s sea foods
hands.Aa specialty
Here's opportunity. Business oil(,
of town necessitates giving up local the
advertising contract netting $1000 finger
or more yearly. Requires part-time hut operated hut
work. Knowledge of advertising
not necessary. Will sell for $350.
Inquire Michigan Daily, Box 360.





N. Y. Times


Continuous 1:30- 11 p.m.
15c to 6 - 25c after 6
Ca rtoon News


1 IY I







Complete Shows
Mat. 2 & 3:15 P.M.
Eve. 7 & 8:20 P.M.
Mat. 25c Ev. 25,35c


Texans Balk At Crow
Meat For Daily Food
AUSTIN, Tex., March 5. -"Clean,
tasty goat meat" and "tangy reindeer
flesh" have been served over the
counters of the University of Texas
cafeteria, but attempts by Texas
sportsmen to establish the crow as a
game dish for the table recently met
with little success among the wary
Texas students.
The cafeteria chef explained: "Crow
is too tough. It takes too long to
cook - three or four hours. And it's
still tough. The meat is all dark.
When you skin a crow, the'meat is
very blue. Folks just don't go for
that kind of meat."

"CRIME and
ith 500 English Titles.
"The French version of 'Crime
et Chatiment' recaptures the
spirit _ and letter of the orgi-
nal with senxp -, trnlmma

I 250,000

Roaring New Yorkers Can't Be Wrong

111 11 140V A4" c1-ov)c


irZYfr~t A r Th hYrcy







II 1



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