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March 06, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-06

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The Weather
Fair, rising temperature in
west and north today; tomor-
row unsettled, rain or snow.


Sir 41


Fairness To Labor...
Clouds In The East .. .
Scalping Scalpers..



Urges Relief
Politicians Reported To
Be Soliciting Funds. Of
Relief Workers
Hopkins Disclaims
Any Responsibility
Black List Threat Reported
In Use By Democratic
County Committee
WASHINGTON, March 5. - ()-
Asserting a "small scandal" now was
better than a big stench later," Sen-
ator Vandenberg, of Michigan, today
suggested a nation-wide investiga-
tion of reports that politicians are
collecting campaign funds from re-
lief workers.
He made his proposal after Harry
L. Hopkins, WPA administrator, had
disclaimed responsibility "for the acts
of some politicians" who solicited
campaign contributions from WPA
Hopkins' statement was contained
m a reply to a request from Vanden-
berg for an investigation of reports
that the Democratic county commit-
tee in Indiana County, Pa., was us-
ing a black-list threat to collect the
Hopkins told the Michigan senator
that WPA did not "sanction collec-
tion of political funds" from its em-
ployees, and made public a letter to
the chairman of the Indiana County
committee censuring him for sending
out letters asking for contributions.
"By the time Senator Rush Holt
gets through with his disclosure of
conditions in West Virginia and fur-
ther Indiana County siutations show
up," Vandenberg told reporters, "it
will be perfectly obvious that a com-
p 1 e t e nation-wide investigation
should be made of this sort of ex-
ploitation of human misery.
"I am sure it will be welcomed by
Mr. Hopkins," he added.
"It wil ltake more than a bulletin
from WPA headquarters and. more
than a slap on the wrist to make some
of these gentlemen behave. From
the administration's point of view, a
small scandal now would be better
than a big stench later."
His reference to Senator Holt was
based on the latter's recent speeches
in the Senate charging that the WPA
director in West Virginia was using
his job to campaign for the governor-
"Mr. Hopkins' response to my letter
about the Indiana County situation,"
Vandenberg said, "was prompt in the
first instance and sympathetic. I
readily concede that the matter of
discipline is out of his hands. The
political branch of the government
ic responsible. The relief branch is
the victim, not the perpetrator.'
Gram Explains
Wage Payment t
For NYA La or
Office staff Works Day,
Night To Complete Many
Details, Says Director

Prompted by student inquiries,
Prof. Lewis M, Gram of the College
of Engineering, head of the NYA on
the campus, yesterday described the
procedure by which checks are dis-
tributed to student NYA workers, and
why a delay, which some have be-
lieved to be unnecessarily long, is un-
"The working month closes on the
26th," Professor Gram said, "and
slips collected on the 27th. Because
of the great detail involved it takes
at least three days for the staff, which
works day and night, to complete the
The payroll then goes to Lansing,
he explained, where it is checked - a
process which is usually not com-
pleted in less than 10 days. Nothing
can be done by the University NYA
organization to speed up this work
in Lansing, Professor Gram empha-
"When the checks are returned to
Ann 'Arbor, another day is necessary
to check them with the payroll," he
declared, "and consequently it is not
until about the middle of the month

Peet Describes 1
Of Goebel Emer
Delicate Surgery On Brain
Ends Sudden Crisis Of
Toboggan Crash Victim
Under the glare of a high-powered
lamp which showered its rays
throughout the white, sterile operat-
ing room at University Hospital Feb.
25, Dr. Max Peet, world-famed brain
surgeon, worked frantically for near-
ly threehours to save the life of
Dorothy Goebel.
The dramatic story of that opera-
tion, the results of which will enable
Miss Goebel, Helen Newberry fresh-
man who was injured in a toboggan
crash Feb. 19 in the Arboretum, to
return to her home in Detroit next
week, was disclosed yesterday by Dr.
But Dr. Peet doesn't think the
story dramatic at all. "Shucks," he
said. "anybody could have done it."
He recalled how, on Feb. 25, Miss
Goebel, with a fractured skull, was
nearing her 150th hour of uncon-
sciousness. A blood clot had been
forming near her temple, and her
bruised brain had started to swell.
Then, late that night, without warn-
ing, a crisis developed. To remove
the blood clot and save Miss Goebel,
Dr. Peet found he had to operate and
operate fast.
It was shortly after 11 p.m. when
he and two assistants donned their
white surgical robes and masks and
began to apply the knife. He found
that a sub-temple decompression-
removal of a piece of the skull below
the temple was necessary.
Time passed, and the life of the pa-
tient hung in the balance. Shortly
after 1:30 a.m., Dr. Peet finished the
operation. At 1:55 he announced
briefly and tersely: "Miss Goebel is
a little better," explaining that ht
thought she would survive.
And survive she did. Dr. Peet had
won another battle with death, and
the life of the Detroit student was
She was resting easily yesterday,
Merit System
Proj eet Set Up
To Aid Cities
Michigan Only State Where
Assistance Is Given By
To assist in the installation of the
merit system intMichiganacities, a co-
operative project involving three
agencies has been set up in the state
to begin work next week, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Harold D.
Smith, head of the Bureau of Gov-
ernments of the University of Mich-
igan and director of the Michigan
Municipal League located here.
The project will be an experimental
one, Mr. Smith explained, and Mich-
igan will be the only state in which
this work will be carried on. The
cooperating agencies include: The
Civil Service Assembly of U.S. and
Canada, which will offer a general
service to municipalities in the prep-
aration of civil service ordinances,
the Public Administration Service,
which will act as the installation
agency, setting up the merit system
in the various cities, and the Mich-
igan Municipal League, which will
supply the technical personnel for
the operating services and supplement
the local personnel groups where such
service is sought. The funds for this

project have been provided from
Foundation funds, it was stated.
The setting up of the local services
will begin next week under the direc-
tion of Maxwell DeVoe, field repre-
sentative of the Civil Service As-
sembly and formerly personnel direc-
tor of the Farm Credits Administra-
tion of NewFOrleans and staff member
of the Civil Service Commissions of
New York and New Jersey. It was
shown there are now requests for this
(Continued on Page 2)
Recovery Reported
In Dr. Long, Son

)ramatic Story Hockey Guard
gency Operation Is Disciplined
For Fighting

i --

Forum Group
To Be Set Up
In University
Aim To Foster Discussion
Of Political Questions
Through 'Senate'
Faculty Members
Help Organization

He Laughed Too Soon;
It Was Stage Money



fully conscious and normal. She will
suffer no after-effects from her in-
jury, Dr. Peet declared, and she is
expected to return home in approxi-
mately a week although she may not
return to the University this semes-
May Be Near,
T iichBelieves
German Theologian Says
Present Conditions Are
Conducive To Setback
A return to a semi-pagan concept
of religion throughout the world if
economic conditions remain such that
the common people live in a state of
meaninglessness and hopelessness
was prophesied 1by. Prof. Paul Tillich,
German philosopher and theologian,
in his address yesterday afternoon in
the Natural Science auditorium.

Wayne University Athletic
Board Suspends Widlak
From All Sports
lolnies Deplores
Fight After Game
Lowrey Thinks Penalty Is
Too Severe, Incident
' vereiphasized'
Adam Widlak, Wayne University
defenseman, who precipitated a mild
riot when he struck Vic Heyliger,
Michigan center, at the conclusion of
the Wayne-Michigan hockey game in
Olympia Tuesday night, was suspend-
ed from athletic participation for the
remainder of his college career by the
Board in Control of Athletics of
Wayne University at a special ses-
sion yesterday.
Widlak was found guilty by the
board of striking Heyliger from be-
hind after the final siren had blown,
and when Widlak admitted the ac-
cusation, and offered as his only ex-
cuse that Heyliger had brushed him
with his stick as he skated past, the
motion for life suspension was made
and passed.
David L. Holmes, Wayne athletic
director, told The Daily last night
that this was not the first incident
in which Widlak had been guilty of
Three-Sport Man
Widlak is a junior at Wayne and
in addition to hockey, plays football
and is a boxer. He would have had
another year of competition in all
three sports and will be most sorely
missed by Joe Gambis, Tartar foot-
ball mentor, who had counted on
Widlak for next year's grid team.
"Several times in the past we have
had trouble with Widlak," Holmes
said last night, "and his personality
and temperament make him difficult
to handle. Members of several op-
posing hockey teams we have met this
year have told me after playing{


Science Students'
To Fori Medium

Professor Tillich stated that the against him that they considered him'
economic situation in Germany af- a dangerous menace on the ice."
ter the war was such that the pres- Holmes and the Wayne board ex-
ent religious situation in Germany onerated Heyliger completely for his
was a natural course. He defined part in the fight after witnesses at-
the National Socialist philosophy of tested that if Heyliger'$ stick had
religion as a return to a "post-Chris- touched Widlak, it was absolutely un-
tian tribal" type. He said that since intentional.
the Reformation Christianity had be- 'Owe Gracious Reception'
come humanized, then secularized, "If we are hosts to large univer-
and finally lapsed into a state of dis- sities in Detroit," Holmes said, "we
integration. owe them a gracious reception. We
Many people, Professor Tillich certainly did not fulfill that opliga-
said, in Germany prefer the Hitler tion to Michigan Tuesday night but
regime, and prefer the Nazi dictator- we are going to do our best to see
ship to any form of democracy. Ac- that such an occurrence will never
cording to Professor Tillich, the rea- take place again."
son for this is that the German Coach Eddie Lowrey, when in-
people have never experienced a true formed of the action of the Wayne
form of democracy. He added that Athletic Board, said he thought that
no churches in Germany were fight- the penalty was too severe, and added
ing for the rights of man, for social that he believed the significance of
justice, or for the removal of racial the whole episode was being overem-
persecution. phasized.
The struggle between church and "There is no fighting on the foot-
state that Americans hear about is ball field," Holmes commented, "and
not really such a struggle, Professor there is no reason why fighting can-
Tillich said. Rather it is a struggle not be eliminated from hockey if
between two different wings of the drastic enough penalties are imposed.
church, with the government offering My stand is either no fights or no
only half-hearted support to one fac- hockey.'
tion. Wayne wuil not suffer from the loss
The National Socialist theology of Widlak until next fall and winter.
teacs that anyone believing in the In addition to his football ability he
leader believes in Germany, and that has played, a few good games of
anyone believing in Germany be- hockey for Wayne and was instru-
lieves in God. Therefore, anyone be- mental in the Tartar six's recent win
lieving in the leader believes in God. over Syracuse.

ROCKFORD, Ill., March 5. - P) -
Brewer Larson bought some beer. To
Bartender Morris Coretz he said,
"Here is a $5 bill - it's WPA stage
money." Coretz laughed, took the
bill, gave Larson the change.
Then Coretz went to the bank. The
teller told him the bill really was
stage money.
Police questioned Larson but in-
formed Coretz they didn't know what
they could do about it.
Burlars Take
1,000 From
'- -

For Expression npor tiig mOre
Plans for the formation of a "Sen-
ate" composed of the entire student $500 In WPA Payments
body, which will debate in open for- Also Stolen In Second
um present day political questions,
were announced last night. Robbery Reported
The first meeting of the Senate will
be held at 8 p.m. March 17 in the Merchandise, equipment, papers,
Union Ballroom, when the question and cash totaling more than $1,000
"Should Students Support the Old in value were obtained by burglars
Parties in 1936?" will be thrown on who entered the radio and outing
the floor for discussion. Four prom- goods store of L. F. Courtright and
inent professors will open the meet- Ernst M. Wurster at 215 N. Fourth
ing with seven-minute speeches, Ave., early yesterday morning, leav-
summing up the principles of the Re- ing almost no clues for police to work
publican, Democratic, Socialist and from-
Farm-Labor parties. From then on Doors shutting off the store from
it will be entirely up to the students the alley in back had been drilled
present. through to enable the burglars to re-
The idea of the Senate, designed move panels from the two doors and
to promote open and free discussion enter the store.
of present day problems by students Outing Goods Taken
here, came out of a group of 20 stu- From the stock of the outing goods
dents, two from each social science store, owned by Wurster, was removed
department and school in the Uni- merchandise valued by him at $800,
versity, appointed by faculty mem- including a large number of jackets,
bers. These 20, metting this week mackinaws, leather coats, and trous-
with two professors from each unit, ers. Valuable papers, stamps worth
devised the plan of operation for the $30, cash from an unlocked safe, a
Senate. typewriter, adding machine and other
The plan, in brief, is this: equipment were taken from Court-
1. All students are urged to attend right's side of the store.
and express their opinions freely. Gloves taken from the stock of the
2. The Senate will meet at regular store were worn while the store was
periods, tentatively once every two ransacked, so that no fingerprints
weeks, and each time a new resolution were left. The man or men who
will be debated. engineered the burglary left with one
Student To Preside show case partially emptied, and
3. An impartial student chairman dropped some merchandise in the
will call meeting to order, introduce alley in their flight, leading police
the professors for preliminary re- to beeve that they had been fright-
mharks and proceed to recognize in- ened away in the midst of their work.
dividual students from the floor who Robber Gets WPA Checks
desire to speak. Another robbery reported to police
4. The resolutions are decided up- yesterday was the theft last week of
on by a committee of six, called the $500 in WPA checks, constituting pay-
council, formed from members of the ment for 17 workers on the rolls. No
original committee of 20. The coun- attempt to cash the checks has been
cil will rotate, two of its members learned of, and payment on them has
changing for each meeting of the been stopped.
Senate, the new members being Duplicate checks, however, will not
drawn from the committee of 20. reach Lansing for three months and
5. Participation within the Sen- a State loan of $300 has been made to
ate, with the exception of faculty permit a 60 per cent payment to the
members who may state facts on workers whose checks were taken.
either side at the beginning of each They will be given government com-
meeting, is to be entirely up to stu- modities to help tide them over until
dents. the next pay day.
6. The students may divide them- The checks, according to officials,
selves into right and left groups, by disappeared some time between 5:30
sitting on the right or left sides of p.m. last Friday and 9 a.m. Satur-
the Ballroom. day when the pay-off began. There
7. The committee of 20, which will is no safe in the WPA office at 415
be advised when it wishes by the pro- W. Washington St., where the checks
fessors, will continue to act until the were kept.
end of this semester, at that time
making plans for continuance of the M ovie
Senate next year. oreign
Faculty Supports Plan
Among those faculty men who are Based On Novel
lending their efforts to the formation
of the Senate are: Prof. Robert C.
Angell of the sociology department,
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage and Dr. -
Harlow J. Heneman of the political '
science department; Prof. Preston W. Crine And Punishment'
Slosson of the history department; In French To Be Offered
Professors John L. Brumm and Wes-
ley H. Maurer of the journalism de- In League Theatre
partment; Prof. Max Handman of
the economics department; Prof. Dostoevsky's novel comes to lif
John P. Dawson of the Law School; tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the philoso- Theatre when the French version o
phy department; and Prof. Harold J. "Crime and Punishment" begins it
McFarlane of the engineering col- two-night run.
lege. Having arrived in the United State
Among those students appointed by when the Hollywood version of th
the faculty men to map out the Sen- novel was making its debut in Ne
ate's program are Edward Stone, '36, York, critics have had a rare oppor
executive chairman; Mennen Wil- tunity to compare the efficacy o
liams, '36L; Dean Baker, '36; Abe foreign and native treatments of on
Zwerdling, Grad.; Thomas H. Kleene, theme. According to them, the hom
'36; Evelyn Brigham, '36; Evelyn interpretation tended toward the de
Erlichman, '36; Dwight Swain, '37; tective story approach, something th
Cyril Hetschko, '36L; Fred Brandeis, original was never intended to be.
Grad.; Maurice Barsky, '36; and Fred On the other hand, the Frenc
Warner Neal, '37. version is said to follow closely th
Those comprising the council for original in both incident and char
the first meeting March 17 are Stone, acterization. The character of th
Williams, Zwerdling, Hetschko, Bran- police chief especially, it is held, i
deis and Neal. Miss Erlichman will admirably interpreted by Harry Bau
act as permanent secretary. er, while the student who has mur
dered a pawn broker is an accurat
i t Pportrayal by Pierre Blanchar, Ros
Iniiation Petitions kolnikov in the play.

Above all, the motivation for th
Must Be In Today crimehas been debated. The Ameri

Is Shaped
By Hirota
Half Of Cabinet Posts Are
Filled In Several Hours
After Effort Begins
Premier Assured
Of Strong Backing
Veteran Foreign Minister
Approved By Leaders
Of Militarist Group
TOKIO, March 5. - (P) - Koki
Hirota, veteran foreign minister,
made marked progress tonight toward
forming a new cabinet to succeed the
one shattered last week by bullets of
army .revolters.
Several hours after he had been
summoned to the imperial palace by
Emperor Hirohito and entrusted with
the formidable task, Hirota an-
nounced he had filled more than half
the posts, assured of support from
many quarters.
His selections were: Premier Koki
Foreign affairs: Shigeru Yoshida.
Navy: Osami Nagano.
War: Count Juibhi Terauchi.
Finance: Eeichi Baba, president of
the Hypothec Bank.
Home: Takukichi Kawasaki.
Justice: Naoshi Obara.
Kurahei Yuasa was appointed to
succeed Viscount Admiral Makoto
Saito, assassinated last Wednesday,
as lord keeper of the privy seal and
Psuneo Matsudaira was named min-
ister of the imperial household to
succeed Yuasa.
Hirota, a surprise selection, has
been popular with a majority of the
army and navy blocs, and has also
occasionally opposed 'expansionist
Army leaders were quoted as say-
ing Hirota would be acceptable to
them as the head of a new national
Council Votes
Protest Against
City Requested To Assume
Responsibility Of Relief
For Employables
The Common Council last night
voted a protest resolution to the
Emergency State Relief Commission,
stating that it would not appropriate
additional funds to take care of those
now on relief. It was further em-
bodied in the resolution that Alder-
man Redmond Burr, of the first ward,
should go to Lansing to place the res-
olution before Governor Frank D.
The action of the Council followed
receipt of a letter by Charles F. Wagg,
county relief administrator, from the
State, in which the city of Ann Arbor
was asked to assume responsibility
for paying 45 per cent of the relief
for employables in addition to paying
the same amount for unemployables.
The state, which formerly had full
responsibility for all employables, is
running short of funds, it was said.
Must Drop 380 Cases
e Mr. Wagg, appearing before the
SCouncil, stated that unless some sort
f of action were taken immediately,
some 380 cases would have to be re-
Smoved from the welfare rolls by Fri-

day, March 13. He estimated the ad-
ditional cost in assuming responsi-
w bility for the employables at $2,200
for the month of March. Uinder the
- present agreement the cost to the city
e was estimated at $3,500.
e The action of the state is not con-
- fined to Ann Arbor alone, similar let-
e ters having already been sent to all
county, city and township officials.
-h In passing the resolution last night,
e the Council acted in accord with the
- Washtenaw County Welfare Relief
e Committee and the Common Council
s of Ypsilanti, who have already lodged
- protests with the governor,
- Shorten Cheever Court
e A motion to give the east 42 feet
- of Cheever Court to the University
was introduced by the street commit-
e tee and was unanimously passed by
- the Council. The Regents have been

Teachers Removed For Social,I
olitical Reasons, Tillich Says
By TUIRE L. TENANDER I fessor Tillich said. The feeling that,
"Over 1,000 professors and assist- the German people are the dominantj
ants have been removed from Ger- people is entering very strongly into
man universities and colleges for the German philosophical movement.
political and social reasons," declared Asked if he thought that there was
Prof. Paul Tillich, formerly of the any likelihood of the Protestants and
University of Frankfort-am-Main, in Catholics in Germany uniting in op-
an interview shortly after his address position to the Nazi government, Pro-
yesterday afternoon in Natural Sci- fessor Tillich said that they were
ence auditorium, even now planning to join forces to
Te tateen asiaseresist the government's religious pol-
The statement was in answer to a ie.Haddth elgusedr
query as to whether education in Ger- icies. He added that religious leaders
man institutions had suffered under in Germany have to move carefully,
the National Socialist rule. Professor but that both faiths were united in
Tillich was of the opinion that the an attempt to save Christianity. He
Universities defnitely had suffered be- said that this union was effected soon
Umvrsiie denielyha sufeed e-after an address by the Bishop of
cause of the loss of so many ableafean drssbth Biopf
teachers. Trier, some time ago, in which the
e sbishop had urged a combination of
S~eakinv with a heavy German

(Special to The Daily)
GRAND RAPIDS, March 5. -
The condition of Dr. Dwight C. Long
of the University history department
and his 17-year old son Robert, hurt'
in an automobile crash Monday, was
termed "satisfactory" tonight by
Blodgett hospital doctors here.
Dr. Long escaped without fractur-
ing either his skull or veterbrae, as
was at first feared, an X-ray proved;
nnl nn carnc rnnlinn tinnc ivprp h--

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