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June 05, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-06-05

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Prof. Baxter Going To Alaska
To Seek Data On Forest Fungi


Heroine Returns

tc.ontinued from Page 4)
tion period, upon notifying the in-
structors of Friday classes.

Prof. Dow V. Baxter of the Schoolt
of Forestry and Conservation will
conduct his fourth expedition to
Alaska this summer, for the purpose
of gathering data on Alaskan forest
fungi, to be incorporated into a mon-
ograph he is preparing for publica-
This year Professor Baxter, ac-
companied by two University stu-
dent assistants, will work in the wes-
tern portion of the country as well as
on the Kenai peninsula. He plans to
go down Kenai Lake to Cooper's'
Landing, then by trail to the Russian
River country,band later in the field
season to the Mount McKinley re-
gion and to Koyukuk on the Yukon
River. The territory about the Rus-
sian River is largely unmapped, ac-'
cording to Professor Baxter, and the
collecting work there will supplement
that done at the time of his second
expedition two years ago.
Less Populous Than In 1898
Speaking of conditions in Alaska
in general, Professor Baxter said that
the country is less populous accord-
ing to census statistics than it was
'in 1898, and that in spite of the re-
sources there and the excellent fer-
tility of the soil in certain sections,
will probably remain largely unde-
veloped for some time to come. The
reason for this, Professor Baxter ex-
plained, is that Alaska occupies an
isolated position, distant from the
world's markets, and transportation
within much of the country itself is
poor. In this connection, he added,
the Matanuska colony project of the
Federal Government is probably
doomed to failure, the colonists being
unable to market their produce be-
cause of the long overseas distances.
Seattle, the nearest large port, is
seven days' voyage from Seward.
Alaska itself is unable to furnish the
colonists a market, because of its
sparse and widely scattered popula-
Forestry And Fishing Promising
Alaska's chief hope for the future,
according to Professor Baxter, lies in
her three leading industries, salmon
fishing, forestry, and mining. The
! fishing industry is already developed
to its fullest possible extent, however,
and probably cannot be further en-
larged. In forestry, there is a good
chance of developing the pulp wood
forests into paper manufacturing
districts, but a powerful objection is
found in the long distance from the
eastern seaboard, where most of the
paper is consumed, giving an ad-
vantage to the chief competitive dis-
tricts, Canada and the southern
states. As for mining, high costs
pi'event it from becoming a lucrative
industry, although many rich mines
are known. Placer gold mining is
crippled by the fact that the best!
streams are frozen over the greater
part of the year. Dredging and

quartz mining require large capital
to cover costs of operation.
The tourist business in southern
Alaska has developed in recent years
into a possible fourth major industry,
while big-game hunting has also be-
come very popular. These, however,
Professor Baxter pointed out, are not 1
real industries in that they cannot
play a great part in opening Alaskan1
resources and developing the country.
260 Michigan
Boys To Attend
Summer Camp
Two hundred and sixty boys, 60
of them from Ann Arbor, will at-
tend the University Camp this sum-
mer, it was announced yesterday by a
group of Ann Arbor people who
took part in the selection. The group
consisted of principals and teachers,
the Family Welfare Bureau, and the
Ann Arbor Boys Guidance Project
These boys will attend the camp
for a period of four weeks each, in-
stead of the two weeks which was
the custom formerly. In this period,
it is expected that more can be done
in developing the campers.
One hundred and ninety-five boys
were recommended from Ann Arbor
alone as worthy, but due to lack of
adequate funds only the minimum
number could be taken. The quota
would allow for 20 more boys to be
taken from Ann Arbor if $1,000 could
be raised.
The other 200 boys will come from
Detroit, Hamtramck, and Wyandotte,
where they have been selected by
social agencies. They will also at-
tend the camp for a period of 4
weeks. 40 more could be handled
from these districts if the money
were available.
George Alder, camp director, said
that for the carp to run at full ca-
pacity this year, $2,500 additional
would be necessary.
Glee Club Alumnni
Will Hold Reunion
The University Glee Club Alumni
Association will hold its annual re-
union June 19 and 20. Over two
thousand members of Michigan's
Varsity Glee Club have been con-
tacted, it was announced yesterday by
Prof. David E. Mattern, conductor of
the Glee Club.
June 19 the group will hold a re-
union banquet at the Union, and will
participate in the celebrations of the
various classes that day. The even-
ing will feature an alumni sing on
the steps of the General Library.

Psychology 34 final
Monday a.m., June 8.
last names begin with.
Room 215 Angell Hall;
231 Angell Hall.

Those whose
A-G, meet in
H-Z in Room

-Associated Press Photo.
Nellie Granger (right) airline
hostess and heroine of a plane
crash in which 12 persons lost their
lives in April, is shown being em-
braced by Ruth Rhodes, chief host-
ess of the line, as she returned to
Kansas City ready to resume her
Pi Phi's Are Troubled
With Bats In Belfrey
The Pi Beta Phis have bats in their

English 102. For the final examina-
tion, Monday a.m., June 15, stu-
dents should report as follows:
A through Col to Room 225 A.H.
Cor through Mo to Room 231 A.H.
Mon through Z to Room 25 A.H.
J. L. Davis.
Economics 52: Rooms for final
examination, Friday, p.m., June 12:
25 A.H., Messrs Hebbard and Church.
1025 A.H., Messrs Anderson and Dan-
hof. 35 A.H., Mrs. Miller. 231 A.H.,
Mrs. Wiers.
Botany 1: examination, Saturday,
June 13, at 2 p.m. A-L in Room 25
Angell Hall; M-Z in Room 1025 An-
gell Hall.
Zoology I: Conflicts wil Itake a spe-
cial Zoology I examination to be ar-
ranged by the Department of Zoology.
Political Science 2: Final examin-
ation, Saturday, June 6, 2 p.m.
Professor Pollock's and Mr. Hind-
mans ssections, Room B.H.H.
Professor Cuncannon's sections,

Events Of Today
Zeta Phi Eta meeting at 4:45 today
in lobby outside of Lydia Mendel-
sohn theatre. M4iss Yurka will see
us after the matinee.
Michigan Dames Child Study
Group will hold a family picnic this
afternoon at 4:30 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. H. S. Mallory, 3315 Wash-
tenaw Rd. Cars will meet at the
Michigan League at 4:15 p.m., but
those who cannot start at that time
are urged to drive out as soon as they
can. Provide picnic supper and
drinks for your own family. Call
Mrs. Karsian, 6649, if you need trans-
Women's Sports, Movie Films: The
colored movie films of women's sports
actviities will be shown at the Wom-
en's Athletic Building today at 4:15
Graduation Recital: Dorothy El-
eanor Park of Wellsburg, Va., a stu-
dent of Arthur Hackett, will appear
in graduation recital, this evening
at 8:15 p.m. in the School of
Music Auditorium, to which the gen-
eral public is invited. She will play
the following program:
Gia La Notte .............. Haydn
Se Tu M'Ami..........Pergolesi
O Del Mio Dolce Ardor.......Gluck
Gia Il Sole Dal Gange .... Scarlatti
Nuit D'Etoiles ............ Debussy
Si Mes Vers ..:............. Hahn
Crepuscule ............... Massenet
Ouvre Tes Yeux Bleus .....Massenet
Er Ist's ......................W olf
O Wusst Ich Doch..........Brahms
Es Hing Der Reif.........Brahms
Standchen .................Strauss
The Blackbird's Song........Scott
I Wish I Were A Golden Bee. Peterkin
L Silent Noon ......Vaughn-Williams
Love's Philosophy :...........Quilter
To Those Interested in Current
Peace Topics: Mr. Jesse M. Mac-
Knight, field director of the Peace-
Action Service division of the Na-
tional Council for Prevention of War,
will meet with the Lawyers Liberal
Club tonight after dinner in the
Lounge of the Law Club. Anyone in-
terested is invited to attend.
The Acolytes annual picnic will be
held Saturday afternoon, June 6.
Members who have not already made
reservations should telephone Mr.
Bussel (6054) today.
Golf teams of the ninth district of
U. of M. alumni culbs will compete
for the James O'Dea Trophy Satur-
day at the Indianwood Country club
a at Pontiac. The Ann Arbor clut
- team is composed of John Duncan-
y son, captain, former Michigan var-
o sity baseball player, Jack Irvin, L. O
Cushing ,and J. W. Edwards. The
- Ann Arbor team has been the trophy
winner three times.

Of Crime Lab
Here Is Seen
lRuthven Considers Phnis
Of Officers For Helping
Law Enforcement
A proposal to establish a crime dc-
tection laboratory in the University
will be taken up with various indi-
viduals who might be concerned,
President Alexander G. Ruthven said
The suggestion that a laboratory
be set up here came from the Mich-
igan Sheriff and Prosecutors Asso-
ciation, a group of whose members
met Monday with President Ruth-
ven. No definite plans were ad-
vanced, and officers of the associa-
tion were reported to have left the
development of a plan in the Presi-
dent's hands.
How soon action would be taken
on the request could not yet be de-
termined, President Ruthven added.
General aspects of the proposal are
at present being considered.
The field of the laboratory would,
it was believed, include largely the
activities in which University fac-
ulty members have assisted law en-
forcement officers. Facilities for
pathological and toxicological inves-
tigations, ballistic measurements and
other scientific aids to crime detec-
tion would be the main features of
such a laboratory.
Establishment of a crime detection
llaboratory here would be the first
instance of such action by a univer-
sity, George Colyer, president of the
association, stated, although North-
western University already has a pri-
vately controlled laboratory.

*e*fr ~* Room 205 M.H.
belfry.'Professor Dorr's sections, Room
W-e-e--1-1, that isn't exactly it, 1035 A.H.
but the members of the Pi Beta Phi
sorority have been in terror for the Mr. McCaffree's sections, Room
past twohdays of a bat whichrthey C.H.H.
believe to have entered their house Mr. Kallenbach's sections, Room
through a bedroom window. Two 1025 A.H.
nights ago the monster was sighted-
riding the breezes in an upstairs , Political Science 52 (Sec. 1, Mr.
room, and it disappeared before the Preuss): The final examination will
terrified girls could do so much as be held Saturday afternoon, June 6,
cover their hair with pillow-slips. ,in' Room 2013 A.H.
Since that time, an intensive.
search has been conducted for the E.E. 7a, Building Illumination, will
little Dracula, but it refused to do have its final examination on Sat-
any more haunting until last night, urday, June 6 at 2 p.m. in Room 247
when it hazarded another tilt with West Engineering Building.
the occupants of its new home, and
lost. - English Honors Course: Juniors
who have been admitted to English
Officers Selected 197 will meet in 2235 Angell Hall to.
day at 5 p.m. (not at 3:30 p.m.)
For Forestry Club" W. G. Rice.
k At the last meeting of the For- Exhibition
1 estry Club held last week, the fol- Chinese Art: Ink rubbings from
lowing officers were elected for the ancient monuments of the Han, "Six-
coming year: President, Henry Mos- Dynasties" and T'ang periods. Dail3
by, '37F&C; secretary, Cecil Young, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. t
('38F&C; treasurer, Joseph Schavilje, 5 p.m., through June 20. West Gal.
'37F&C; social chairman, William lery, Alumni Memorial Hall. No ad
Yost, '37 F&C. mission charge.

Just Take Out the Furnace
Grates and put in
150 Installations in Ann Arbor
115 E. Liberty Ph. 2-3332
- 7 -m

.I s m nml. h 1 11 " " " ' '' ' '










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