JUNE 5, 193G
Plans Cancelled Ultra-Wide Breton Brims Fashionable With Summer Outfits
For Senior B all t .. -----------------
Overflow Dance ..
Committee Abandons Idea
Of Additional Party, To
Have Been Given
The Overflow Dance fornSenior
Ball which was to e held on June
19 will not be given, according to Tor
Nordenson, general chairman.
The central committee considered
giving a dance in the League ballroom
with the sale of tickets to be open to
all classes, in addition to the one be-
ing held in the Rainbow Room of the
Union, because of the large number of
students who wished to attend. How-
ever, the number was not large
enough to warrant taking such a
Plans for the Senior Ball have been
completed, according to Nordenson
who will attend with Jean Lynch of
Auburn, New York. Benjamin Char-
in, music chairman, will escort Ruth
Craft ,'37. Others of the central com-
mittee who are attending are Larry
David, '36, ticket chairman, who is
taking Mary Katherine Andrus, '37,
and Philip Ordway, '36, programs
chairman, who is attending with
Martha Steen, '36. Helen Rankin,
'36, chairman of decorations will go
with Thomas Griffin of Pontiac.
The dance, which will be a spring
formal according to the custom fol-
lowed at this annual affair, will be
the last big event before graduation.
It is to be held the night before com-
mencement and is the last celebra-
tion of the senior class.
Ted Weems and his band are fur-
nishing the music for the affair. Elmo
Tanner will supply added entertain-
ment in the line of whistling. He is
known for his ability in presentation
of novelty numbers. Weems has
done most of his playing in the mid-
dlewest on the radio and, as a dance
band, mainly in Chicago. He played
at the Michigan Theatre in Ann Ar-
bor last winter.
Decorations for the ball will be
carried out in the college colors, ac-
cording to Miss Rankin. Blue and
gold drapes with a large '36 at the
top-will be draped over the orchestra
In 1931 an overflow dance was held
in the League Ballroom. The or-
iginally hired orchestra, Tal Henry
and his North Carolinians, played in
the Unior Ballroom, and the Union
Orchestra played for the overflow in
the League Ballroom. In 1934 an
effort was made to limit the dance
to senior members only. Last year
the tickets sold so rapidly that the
sale was not thrown open to any but
the senior class. Kay Kaiser and
his orchestra furnished the music.
Ten Are Initiated
By Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Delta Chi, national profes-
sional journalism fraternity, at its
annual spring initiation last night in
the Union inducted 10 new members
into the organization.
The new members were Russell
Anderson, '36, Kenneth Chattres,
Clinton B. Conger, '37, Arnold S.
.Daniels, '38, Clayton ' Hepler, '38,
Maynard Hicks, Grad., Charles Mor?
gan, '36, Jerome Patterson, '36, Don-
ald T. Smith, '38, and Tuure Tenand-
er, '38.
Irving S. Silverman and William
C. Spaller, both '38, were elected as
pledges to the organization.
At the meeting, Marshall D. Shul-
man, '37, president of the local chap-
ter, was elected a delegate to attend
Sigma Delta Chi's national conven-
tion, which will be held Nov. 13, 14
and 15 in Dallas, Texas.
All subscription blanks for the
League sale of the Michigan Alum-
nus Magazine should be turned in
as soon as possible, according to
Grace Snyder, '37.
- - - -----.---- ------
Betsy Barbour
Defeats Mosher
in Toiirnament
Iors, Zaiser Win Doubles
(Jhampionsihip lI Field
Day (:ontest
Scoring 18 runs in one inning andI
15 in another, Betsy Barbour defeated
Mosher dormitory, 48 to 29, in the
finals of* the women's baseball tour-
nament played yesterday on Palmer
In the doubles tennis tournament
Elizabeth Ross, '36, and Virginia
Zai er, '39Ed, had no difficulty de-
beating Hope Hartwig, '38, and Jean
Bonisteel, '38, in straight sets. The
latter team barely managed to get a
game in each set, the score being 6-1,
6-1. Miss Ross, who is playing in all
three finals of the women's tennis
tournament, recompensed herself for
her singles defeat Wednesday at the
hands of Merida Hobart, '37. The
two will meet again this afternoon,
when Miss Ross and Parker Davis,
'37, play Miss Hobart and William
Smith; '37, for the mixed doubles
In the baseball event Jean Gour-
lay, '37Ed, pitched for the winning
team, with Lenore Johnson, '39,
catching. For Mosher, Frances Rai-
ford, Lit., and Thelma Peterson, '37E,
did the throwing, with Barbara Ep-
pstein, '39, behind the plate. Char-
lotte Hubbard, '37SpecEd, Elizabeth
White, '39, Sybil Swartout, '39, Sara
Clancey, '37, Charlotte Houk, '39,
Kathryn Fecheimer, '38, and Carolyn
Priehs, Lit., made up the rest of the
Betsy team. For Mosher, Louise
Lockeman, '37Ed, Louise Larrebee,
'38, Ann Shinman, '38, Mary Jane
Mueller, '38Ed, and Florence Wieder,
'38, played.
By winning, Betsy Barbour de-
stroyed a long-established precedent,
since this is the first time that the
winner of the B league tournament
has defeated the A league champion.
The dormitory was runner-up in
baseball last year, losing to the In-
dependent team in the final round.
HOLLYWOOD, June 4. -(W) -
Norma Shearer, movie actress, whose
weekly paycheck runs into four sub-
stantial figures, earned $10 today as
a model for artist James Montgomery
She posed as Juliet. When the
sitting was complete, she said, "you
always gave me ten dollars for posing.
Do I get it this time?"
"You do," Flagg replied. As in
the days long ago, when she was a
commercial model, he handed her
the bill.
Nancy Cook Plans Dames, Faculty Women
Late June Wedding Plan Summer Program
The Michigan Dames are planning
The wedding date of Nancy Cook, a full program for the summer. They
'37, and Shirley C. Snow. Jr., '33. was are opening the season with a re-
announced recently. It will take ception and tea to get acquainted
place at 11 a.m. June 27, at the Epis- with the wives of summer students
copal Church in Allegan. which will be given early in July.
Miss Cook is the daughter of Mr. Every Wednesday during the sum-
and Mrs. Grover C. Cook of Allegan, mer they will have a bridge and tea.
and is affiliated with Collegiate On Fridays a social gathering for
Sorosis. She has been a member of mothers and children will be held at
Choral Union, and participated in the City Park on the Island.
the Sophomore Cabaret last year. Mr. The Faculty Women's Club is plan-
Snow is the son oi NMr. and Mrs.
Shirley C. Snow, Sr., of Grosse Pointe. Wing a reception e.nd tea to be'given
Josephine McLean, '36, also a in honor of the wives of faculty men
member of Collegiate Sorosis, will be who are coming from out of town.
a bridesmaid at t he wedding of Alice Mrs. Paul Leidy is in charge of ar-
Gray Griggs and Theodore Butterick, rangements. No definite date has
both of Detroit. The wedding will be been set for the tea, but it will, be
held at 4 p.m. tomorrow at St. Paul's held early in the summer, Mrs. Ed-
Cathedral ,Detroit. ward Adams, president, announced.
All orientation leaders for next Repaired.
fall are requested to leave their sum- Le Gr .
mer addresses in the League Under- ILensesGroun.
graduate Office as soon as possible, HALLER'S Jewelry
according to Jean Hatfield, '37, chair- State Street at Liberty
man of orientation. 1 -_
Flat crowns and brims of Merry Widow proportions will be seen at all the smartest places this summer.
The model above, designed by Howard Hodge of white slit, cellulose film, has a wide Breton brim banded
with brown grosgrain ribbon.
Suminer Hats Feature Width
In.Brms And Simple Trimmning
White Pretlomiinales For
Sport, Eveig Wear-
T'] l s Popular
Brims on the new summer hats will
go high and wide this year.
Shading the smart miss from the
summer heat, dipped, broad or rolled
brims will be seen on the new hats,
and crowns will take a back seat to
E emphasize the breath-taking propor-
tions of the wide brims.
A white model is trimmed with a
simple ribbon band, but more elabor-
ate decorations, such as red and green
lacquer pepper, appear in front on a
brown straw hat. For garden party
wear, Milan has tightly curled pastel
tinted ostrich tips, cupped back over
the edge of the rear brim.
White Hats For All Occasions
White hats may be worn on any
occasion from sports to dinner. Boy-
ish caps and mushroom hats are
made of pique and straw and may be
worn with sports suits. The evening
fashion in white seems to favor flow-
er toques.
June and July weather favors small
dark straws shaped like inverted
flower baskets. These are trimmed
smartly with bright clusters of flow-
ers, and are worn tipped at a rakish
angle over one eye.
An airy fabric, tulle, has been in-
troduced into the fashion of hats. Ita
is stitched very closely in various for-
mations, and added to hats without
brims, with narrow brims, or in tri-
corn shape. A bright nosegay placed
conspicuously on the brim or crown
completes the hat.
Fashion Favors Simplicity
Predominating in summer fashions
is simplicity. Decorations on hats
are limited to a minimum. The
smartest chapeaux are trimmed with
ribbon accents, a rakish quill, or a
flower touch.
Predictions are that Merry Widow{
hats will be seen at the smartest res-
taurants this summer. A white slit
cellulose film hat has a wide up-roll-
ing Breton brim, banded with brown
grosgrain ribbon, and is worn with a
brown crepe frock of green and white
In contrast to the simplicity of the
summer, the late summer and early
fall hats will feature a different
trend. Trimmings in great abun-
dance will be placed on all hats, and
recollections of the days of the ele-
gant eighties will be seen on the
women who desire smartness.
SWhere TG
Drama: "The Distaff Side" with
Blanche Yurka, Estelle Winwood, Ef-
fie Shannon, Robert Ross and Mar-
galo, Gillmore at 3:15 p.m. and 8:15
p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Theatre: Majestic, "Woman Trap"
with Gertrude Michael, and "Too
Many Parents" with Frances Farm-
er. Michigan, "Snowed Under" with
George Brent, and "Big Brown Eyes"
with Joan Bennett. Orpheum, "Ro-
mance in Manhattan" with, Francis
Lederer, and "Hell in the Heavens"
with Warner Baxter. Wuerth, "Sstory
of Louis Pasteur" with Paul Muni
and "Treachery Rides the Range"
with Dick Foran.
- -
Sehool Offers
Opportunity To
(olII-eo'e omen
Experienoe with pre-kindergarten
children is being ofTered by the Mer-
rill-Palmer School, Detroit, to col-
lege graduates and to a few under-
graduates during the summer
An opportunity of this kind is val-
uable in helping the college woman
to find her interests and aptitudes
and in giving her a chance to at-
tain a greater knowledge of com-
munity social service, of actual prac-
tice in work and assuming responsi-
bility, and of experience which will
give theoretical college courses more
From previous cases it has been
found that college undergraduates
often have been mistaken in their
choice of a major course and that
this method has helped them find
their real life work. College grad-
uates are many times given employ-
ment in social agencies and insti-
tutions, such as the Department of
Public Welfare, after completing this
summer work.
All of those students interested in
this opportunity afforded by the Mer-
rill-Palmer School should get in
touch with Dean Alice C. Lloyd in
her office in Barbour Gymnasium.
Irhty rTa(ke (Jiuiiees?
Danger threatens furs if they
spend the summer at home.
Sunlight fades them . . . heat
dries them . . . dust menaces
them . . . moths DESTROY
them! Send them to us for full
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Better dresses
Dresses for daytime ... after-
noon... travel wear.
sheers, dark print and pastels.
$ 95
( Formerly to $19.75 )
Greys - Tans - Blues
Now that you are through
with your fur coat for the sea-
son PHONE 8507 . . . we'll call
for your furs and put them in
our vaults - safe from moths,
fire and theft. Insured 100%.
If you choose, we'll have our
expert furriers re-style your
old fur coat for next winter.
Summer prices for this work
L ONG BEFORE the large, square envelopes
start darting here and there, telling "her" world
and "his" the day-the place-and the hour,
the bride is busy planning her wedding gown,
her attendant's frocks and trousseau lingerie.
So much of the individuality of the bride goes
into these romantic clothes, that Jacobson's are
not satisfied to merely have stock on hand, but
will order each gown separately to satisfy the
tastes of the "cherished" brides
that shout their
Smartness .-.
&~4 SWAGGER "Smart
sport" Coat of hand-
somely plaid-laced "Lyn-
twine." The tuxedo col-
lar and raglan sleeves
enhance the smart dis-
tinction of this topper.
to $1.85
111 1