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May 28, 1936 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-28

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THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1936

Thomas, Nelson Head Socialists' Ticket

(Continued rrom Page 1)
have any harm on high school stu-
dents." If Eby propagandized in his
classes, Burke declared, "his students
I have talked with are the most con-
sumate liars I have ever known."
Shoecraft, who, although he pre-
sided, was, with Gross and Van Am-
eringen, chief critic of Eby, explained
his vote of "no" on the Lutz mot
like this:
"It is my belief that this matter
has stirred up such a controversy
that it has divided the town into
camps for and against Mr. Eby. As
long as he stays here he will be an
issue, and the Board will be pestered
with criticism."
Van Ameringin said he "agreed"
with this.
Introduced as "evidence" at the
session was a letter written to
Haisley by Eby a year ago, when
criticism of his teaching first was
voiced. In the letter, Eby declared
that his only objective in the class-
room was to present all sides of all
issues and let the students think for
He denied criticism that he urged
his students to "attend radical meet-
ings at the University." He explained
that he urged his students "to at-
tend all meetings of all kinds." To
insure objectivity, he said, he timed
the discussion for each side and
brought outside political and religious
leaders to speak to his classes.

-Associated Press Photo.
Norman Thomas (left), who spoke here last February, the party's
presidential candidate in 1928 and 1932, and George Nelson (right),
Polk county, Wis., dirt farmer, were chosen to head the 1936 Socialist
party's slate, Thomas as the candidate for president and Nelson for
vice-president. They were named at the party's national convention in
Republicans Are f TO Bad
Campaign Sta, Says Slosson
4--- __ __ ___ __ ___ __

Picks Landon As Nominee
Over Sena Vandenberg;
Hoover Out Of Fray
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department thinks that the
Democratic Party Convention will be
merely a "pep meeting," and that
the Republicans have gone about
their campaign in the wrong way.
In an interview yesterday Professor
Slosson mentioned that he thought
Landon was the most likely Republi-
can nominee with Vandenburg as

Every Alumnus
Able To Follow
Class' Doings
May Subscribe To Alumni
Magazine; join Many
Clubs; See Class Notes
There are three means by which
graduates may keep in touch with the
activities of their classmates and the
University, Robert O. Morgan, assist-
ant secretary of the Alumni Associa-
tion stated, by subscription to the
Michigan Alumnus magazine, through
their particular class organization,
and through membership to one of
the University of Michigan Clubs..
A year's subscription to the Michi-
gan Alumnus is available to seniors
for $2, and costs $4 every year there-
after. Each issue contains a para-
graph of class notes collected by the
various class secretaries and pertain-
ing to the activities of the members,
reunions, and university activities.
The Michigan Alumnus is the finest
way for alumni to keep in contact
with the University and the alumni,
Morgan said.
The majority of classes issue direc-
tories which contain the history, ac-
tivity, and whereabouts of each mem-
ber. Each class also sends out a let-
ter at least once a year containing
information regarding different mem-
bers, dates of reunions, and other ac-
tivities. There are class reunions held
every five years, Morgan -said. Notice
of these gatherings may be obtained
through the Alumnus or by means of
the class letters.
The University of Michigan Clubs
have 150 active organizations
throughout the United States and in
foreign countries. The clubs have
speakers f r o m t h e University
throughout the year who attempt to
cover every field of interest to the
alumni. It is advisable, Morgan said,
for every graduate to join the club
in his particular district.
"If any alumnus desires any spe-
cial information," Morgan stated,
"he is invited to write to Mr. T.
Hawling Tapping, general secretary
of the Alumni Association, or to me,
and we will be pleased to handle the
"Weswould also like to meet as
many members of the present outgo-
ing class as possible before they leave
the University."

second choice, "since the former is
probably the only man in the country
who has the friendship of both Hoov-
er and Borah." Hoover hasn't a
chance of being nominated, said Pro-
fessor Slosson, for politicians know
that the people associate the depres-
sion with the depression president and
vote accordingly.
Professor Slosson feels that if the
Republicans really wanted to win
they should have tried to obtain the
votes of the south, the stronghold of
the Democratic party. This could
have been done by changing the name
of the party to one like the "Constitu-
tional" or "Jeffersonian" Party, nam-
ing a man to run as their candidate
who is a prominent anti-New Deal
Democrat such as former Governor
Byrd of Virginia or some independent
national figure as Owen D. Young.
With regard to the Farmer-Labor
Party, which is organizing clubs
throughout the country in anticipa-
tion of the coming campaign Profes-
sor Slosson thinks that its chances
are very slim as it does not represent
enough of the farmers and laborers
to be. powerful; "nor are those two
economic groups naturally harmon-
ious, as one could see by the opposi-
tion of thea American Federation of
Labor to the Frazier-Lemke bill."
As for the Constitution, Professor
Slosson said, "Were I to be left alone
with that document for half an hour,
those clauses providing for the elec-
toral college and the election of a
vice-president. The one is meaning-
less and the other is a threat, for
too often the vice-president repre-
sents another faction of the party and
in case of succession would not fol-
low through with the program insti-
tuted by the President."
If the office of vice-president is not
abolished, Professor Slosson thinks
that the presidential nominee should
be allowed to chose his own running-
mate. "Perhaps, too, the powers of
Congress should be widened to con-
quer economic problems too wide and
general for the states to cope with."
With regard to the national party
conventions, "which are run by pro-
fessional politicians," Professor Slos-
son stated that rarely is a professional
politician nominated, probably be-
cause respectability is a requisite and
professional politicians know each
other too well.'
About the New Deal, Professor Slos-
son makes the following comment:
"The more or less socialistic trend of
the New Deal is not as alarming as
the Old Deal element of spoilsman-
ship in it; if we are to have socialism,
let it be run by civil service experts
with professional training, not by
Tammarny spoilsnen."
Professor Slosson says he is neither
Democrat nor Republican but, in his
own words, "My own vote will go to
whichever candidate's party or plat-
form comes nearest the Wilsonian
ideal of international cooperation.

Pi Tau Alpha
To Hold Annual
President Of Society Will
Determine If Omens Are
Favorable In Ceremony
Lester Houck, grad., president of
Phi Tau Alpha, classical honorary
society, will take the auspices, an an-
cient Roman ceremony to determine
whether the omens are favorable or
not, at the organization's annual
banquet to be held at 6:30 p.m. today
at the League, according to Mrs.
Mary Raft, '37, vice-president and
general chairman of the program
Rolfe Haatvedt, Grad., will act as
the harus-pex, a priest who deter-
mines the omens before hand. It is
not known in just what manner he
will learn of the future. Last year, a
cake was cut open and a scroll within
revealed the forecast. Some other
methods used by the Romans includ-
ed the observation of the formation
of birds in flight and the dissection
of animals to see whether the vital
organs were in perfect condition.
An honorary presentation is made
annually to the senior who has re-
ceived the best grades in classical
subjects. This year, Elnor Coles, '36,
will receive a book containing the
complete works of three elegaic poets,
Tibullus, Catullus and Propertius.
Informal speeches will be given by
Professor Campbell Bonner, head of
the department of Greek; Clark
Hopkins, associate professor of
Greek; and Fred S. Dunham, assist-
ant professor of Latin. Many "fac-
ulty members of the classical lan-
guage department will be present.
Onr, TBri tumi Nam ed
As Peace O0ieers
(Continued from Pare 1)
-served, but now anything can happen.
In his observations upon the cam-
pus Mr. Williams has found three dis-
tinct student peace attitudes which he
has classed into the following divi-
;ions: the ethical and; emotional
idealism shown by conscientious ob-
jectors who believe they can change
man; the politically liberal spirit ad-
vocated by the believers that war can
be abolished by legislation against
profits and the machinery of war;
and the economic realism embodied
in those who recognize the economic
bases of war and work for the dissem-
ination of this knowledge. This last
group, in Mr. Williams' oninion, is
the most effective and is interested
in a political alignment of the various
peace groups into a new party of its
own, the Farmer-Labor party.
Winner Of Oil Can'
Held Close Secret
(Continued from Page 1)
While at Michigan, he was a professor
of history.
Dr. Hugh Cabot, now at the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, was
dean of the medical school at the
time he received the "Oil Can." Dr.
Cabot's speeches were characterized
by unbridled satire and fearless de-
In 1929 and 1930 the recipients
were Fielding H. Yost and Prof. Waldo
M. Abbott respectively. Mr. Yost,
through his many speeches at athletic
gatherings and alumni clubs, has
probably spoken more frequently for
the University than any other man on
the list. Professor Abbott is widely
known as the announcer of the radio

programs sponsored by the Univer-
Dean Joseph A. Bursley is cele-
brated for his orations delivered be-
foreraudiences ofeone - usually an
undergraduate. Dean Bursley re-
ceived the award in 1931 and he was
followed by Prof. John L. Brumm of
the journalism department. Profes-
sor Brumm was presented with the
"Oil Can" because of his after dinner
speeches and play writing.
And then, last year, Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science de-
partment became the proud holder of
the tall, bronze oil can. Professor
Pollock won his fame by nurmerou
accounts of his expedition to the Saar
last year.

LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price. Ix
WORK WANTED! Middle aged couple
-white-want position as cook and
porter in fraternity or sorority house
for the summer and next year. Ex-
perienced. Phone 8873. 517
"Hoover Insurance & Trust Service"
has a few openings in Detroit and
Michigan which offer an excellent
opportunity to earn while receiving
a thorough practical business train-
ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to
a business career should write, Da-
vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build-
ing, Detroit. 17x
SUMMER SCHOOL students: Spa-
cious cool rooms, showers, near
campus. Meals optional. 640 Oxford.
2-2605. 523
FOR RENT: Single and double rooms
for girls for the summer term. $16
up. 1511 Washtenaw. Telephone
3851. 520
rooms. Special rates. Porter serv-
ice. Recreation facilities. The Oaks.
915 Oakland. 7458. 504
ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work.
E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street.
Phone 9625. 14x
Call 6898 and have those galoshes
MAC'S TAXI--4289 Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlman. 15x
EYES examined, best glasses made at
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
graduate, 44 years practice. 549
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and type-
writers. Don't sell before you see
Sam. Phone for appointments.
2-3640. lox
Con temporary Staff'
Appointments Made
Frances Carney, '38, of Ann Arbor
and Robert S. Warshow, '37, of New
York City, were appointed co-editors
of Contemporary for the coming year
at the meeting of the editorial board
Other appointments announced at I
the meeting were: Janet Lambert, '37,
business manager, Sue Willard, '37,
circulation manager, Barbara John-
son, '38, advertising manager and Al-
fred H. Lovell, '38, composing editor.
New members of the editorial board
announced yesterday are Harris B.
Peck, '38, Martin Greenberg, '38, and
Marshall Darrow Shulman, '37.
CHICAGO, May 27. - (P) - Acci-
dents on country roads slowed down
the nation's highway life-saving cam-
paign during the first four months of
1936, the National Safety Council re-
ported today. Cities reduced deaths
on busy streets 13 per cent during
the first third of the year, fatality
figures for April disclosed


FOUND: White gold rimmed glasses
in Campus Cab. Case bears name
B. M. Levoy. Call 4545. 522

WARNING: Only a reliable furrier
can clean your furs and fur eoat
without harming the skins. 32
years of expert fur service recom-
for safe fur cleaning and storage.
Phone 8507. 16x


Classified Directory

ELE E ENTA RYI When your
want pleasant, convenient travel
at lowest possible cost, there's only
one answer. It's Greyhound!
116 West Huron Street Phone 4209
Michigan Union Phone 4151

WANTED: One or two gentlemen to
share refined apartment. Will rent
for Summer Session only. Box 128.
FOR SALE: Underwood standard
typewriter in good working order.
Will sell for cash. Call 816 E. King-
sley Street. Phone 9818. 524

invites you to a gay
with the
New York Musical Comedy Stars
Eddie Garr and Francis Maddux
"Miss Winwood is one of the two
best artists ever to grace the Ann
Arbor season. Eddie Garr and
Frances Maddux as entertaining
as anything to be seen in the larg.
er revues!" --The Michigan Daily
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
NIGHTS-75c, $1 and $1.50; MATS. 50c & 75c
Phone 6300



Let YOu"r Baggage
Go Homle
by th
L AUN D R Y 1 . ^
Arrange to ship it off this June by your old friend
Railway Express and when Commencement Day
dawns, be fancy free to board the train for home.
Anything - trunks, bags, books, golf clubs, cups,
even your diploma-Railway Express will pick them
all up on your phone call, forward them at passen-
ger train speed, deliver them safe and sound at
your home. And it's economical. Railway Express
rates are low, and you pay nothing at all for pick-
up and delivery service. There are no draymen's
demands, no tips, no standing ir. line, and sure-
ness is made doubly sure by Railway Express's
double receipts, with $50.00 liability included on
every piece you ship. Besides, you have the choice
of forwarding your things either prepaid or collect,
and they'll be home as soon as you are. No other
way of shipping gives you this kind of service,
as you probablv know. and to jet it you have

\A/Gr rI r chin rri Al

For clothes. Tires and au to repairs. New things for the home.
So many things, in fact, you almost hate to have Spring roll
around. But don't worry-there's a way out. We'll lend you
the cash it takes and arrange the payments to suit you.
H ndreds of single and married people are getting cash this

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