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May 28, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-28

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The Weather
Fair today and tomorrow;
rising temperature tomorrow
and along Lake Michigan today.


lit 4y.
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An Advancing
Michiganensian .
The Struggle In Austria.,



Seek Federal

Aid In Black
Legion Probe
Representative Dickstein
Asks Congress To Delve
Into Terrorist Society
Complaints Heard
From Many States
McCrea Summons Help
From G-Men; Declares
Situation Is Interstate
DETROIT, May -27.--()-A Con-
gressional investigation to "blow the
lid off" the Black Legion and kindred
organizations loomed tonight as ad-
ditional indications of the widespread
ramifications of the secret terrorist
society reached investigators.
The demand for Congressional ac-
tion was made by Rep. Dickstein
(Dem., N.Y.) almost at the moment
Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea tele-
graphed Attorney General Cummings
an appeal for assistance from the De-
partment of Justice in his investiga-
Resolution Introduced
Dickstein introduced a resolution in
the House asking appointment of a
committee of seven to investigate the
Black Legion, "The Black Shirts,"
"The Christian Party," T'rhe A.B.C.
Legion of New York," and "The Rob-
ert Edward Edmonson Organization
of New York."
In his request for Department of
Justice aid, McCrea said he has re-
ceived letters from officers or in-
dividuals in "f-rom 15 to 18" states
relating crimes attributed to the
Black Legion. Some of these involved
kidnapings in which state lines were
crossed "for murder or intimidation"
McCrea said.
McCrea did not name the states,
but said he had received letters from
Chicago and New York indicating the
existence of the outlawed brother-
hood in both cities.
Legion Has Spread .
Dickstein said he had information
that the activities of the Black Le-
gion centered in Michigan, Ohio, Col-
orado, Pennsylvania and to some
extent in New York.
Rumors of Black Legion aspirations
to a dictatorship enforced by scourge
and knife were under scrutiny in
some of the states named, and in
Michigan Attorney General David H.
Crowley asked that a grand jury be
called to conduct a state-wide in-
vestigation of the secret society.
WASHINGTON, May 27.-4/P)-'
Masked, sworn-to-secrecy night rid-
ers have roamed through many years
of American history, tangling as to-
day, with courts and Congress.
Should Representative Dickstein
Rep., N.Y.), obtain the appropriation
he requested today to investigate the
bizarre "Black Legion" accused of a
Detroit murder, he may add a new
page to a history already filled with
such awesome titles.
The possibility arose also that the
Justice Department might add a
chapter to the long story. Attorney
General Cummings said he had
"taken under consideration" a re-
quest from Detroit for a nationwide
investigation of the hooded "Black
Legion," but added he knew of no
Federal law being violated.
A review today of night riders of
the past showed the post-civil war
"Ku Klux Klan," most famous of
them all, which sometimes gayly but
often grimly galloped for "white
supremacy," was speedily followed by:

"The Knights of the White Came-
lia," actually more numerous than
the Kluxers; "The White Brother-
hood;" "The Council of Safety"; "The
'76 Association"; "The Pale Faces";
"The Invisible Circle"; "The White
Line of Mississippi"; "The White
League" of Louisiana; "The Rifle.
Clubs" of South Carolina.

Vulgar Raffles' Cracks
Court House Pay Toilet
The Ann Arbor police department
yesterday was just a little bit appre-
hensive of a new type of crime wave
in Ann Arbor, after a night-riding
"cracksman" had tapped the treas-
ury of a local public utility for be-
tween $5 and $8 in coin.
The gentleman in question had en-
tered the men's room in the basement
of the courthouse here, opened three
of the pay toilets, and drilled through
the back of the door to remove his
loot from the coindboxes, Police were
unable to learn whether or not the
burglar had deposited his nickels in
each case to get in.
Committee Asks
Contempt Writ
For Townsend
Recommend Case Be Given
To U. S. Attorney; House
Will Act Immediately
WASHINGTON, May 7. - (P) - In
the face of a new and sharply worded
challenge, a House investigating com-
mittee today recommended formally
that Dr. F. E. Townsend and two
of his aides be cited for contempt
and that the case be turned over
to the U.S. District Attorney.
The resolution urging contempt ac-
tion against the old age pension
leader and two of his aides - the
Rev. Clinton Wunder, of New York
and John B. Kiefer, of Chicago - was
voted six to two, six days after Town-
send threw the committee into pan-
demonium when he walked out on a
hearing with a flat refusal to testify
and an announcement he would not
return unless under arrest.
Chairman Bell (Dem., Mo.) said the
privileged resolution probably would
be submitted to the House tomorrow.
Its privileged status would give it
preference over all other matters and
insure immediate consideration.
Hoffman (Rep., Mich.) was under-
stood to be the only member who
voted to hail Dr. Townsend before the
bar of the House for trial instead
of transferring the matter tQ a Fed-
eral Court.
The decision to turn the case over
to the courts was in line with the ex-
pressed preference of Speaker Byrns
and other'House leaders who feared
a House trial would jeopardize the
concerted drive for early adjournment
of Congress.
Senate Asked
To Reconsider
Canal Project
Second Engineer's Study
Of Passamnaquaddy Plan
Reported Advisable
WASHINGTON, May 27.-(/P)-An
Administration effort to revive the
Florida Ship Canal and the Passama-
quoidy tide-harnessing projects, up-
on which Congress once before had
turned thumbs down, was brought
before the Senate today.
The Senate Commerce Committee,
by a divided vote, decided upon a fa-
vorable report on a resolution that
would authorize a new engineers'
study of the two huge projects, and,
if a favorable report is made to the
President, an immediate allocation of
$19,000,000 for continuing work upon

The action promptly brought forth
signs of a heated struggle on the floor
of the Senate, where the major tax
and relief measures must be fought
through within little more than a
week if Congress is to meet its June 6
adjournment date.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.),
who led the original fight against the
two projects, immediately announced
his intention of opposing the resolu-
tion, He added:
"If this administration at the mom-
ent when it is sweating over the job
of extracting $600,000,000 more from
the tax payers is prepared to waste
one third of that amount on two ut-
erly uneconomic projects I'm perfect-
ly willing to let Congress vote and
the people decide whether to approve
this sort of indefensible exploitation,
extravagance and recklessness."
Hopwood Awards
Griven Tomorrow
__4!Q-- R nn wili a 51 --

Orr, Brumm
To Head Next
Peace Council
Mrs. Miller, Prof. Jones,
Mr. Williams Address
Group'sFinal Meeting
Policy Of Indirect
Action Suggested
Jones Praises V. F. W.;
Economic Realism Is
Urged By Williams
Julian H. Orr, '37, and Phyllis L.
Brumm, '37, were elected president
and secretary respectively of the Peace
Council for next year at the last
meeting and dinner of the Council,
succeeding G. Mennen Williams, '36L,
and Alice B. Brigham, '36.
As guest speakers for the final
event of the season, the Council was
addressed by Mrs. Harold T. Miller of
the Emergency Peace Campaign, Prof.
Howard Mumford Jones and Mentor
L. Williams of the English depart-
Mrs. Miller advocated a practical
pe ace movement which was anti-rad-
ical in character, for the reason that
radicals tend to drive away the public.
She does not favor the Oxford Oath,
not for its purpose but rather for
its effect upon the people which also
creates as unfavorable impression to-
ward the peace movement.
What Mrs. Miller wished the stu-
dents to do in the future was essen-
tially to assume a policy of indirect
action by injecting into political meet-
ings questions concerning peace so
that candidates will see that there
is an active voting membership be-
hind the peace movement.
Professor Jones injected an atmo-
sphere of futility into his discussion
by saying that "the peace movement
is as ill-directed and hopeless as any
well-meaning cause." He objected to
the psychology of peace leaders in
lavishly illustrating to the public the
horrors of war. He pointed out that
the pictures shown intended to cause
the public to shudder rather appealed
to the sadistic elefnent in the human
mind which thrilled when looking at
pictures of wars.
However, Professor Jones also in-
jected a constructive element into his
talk by stating that humor will break
through the militaristic circle. He
defined humor as a sudden realization
of incongruity and on this basis he
believed the Veterans of Future Wars
have contributed the most to the
cause of peace. He advised that the
American people get behind the best
cartoonist in the country in com-
bating war, or subsidize another Vol-
taire, if such can be found. He
stated that while Will Rogers was
alive he believed peace would be pre-
(Coninued on Page 2:
'Senate Is Confused
By Tax Bill Demaand
WASHINGTON, May 27. - (IP)-
President Roosevelt's demand that the
revenue yield of the tax bill be boost-
ed threw the Senate Finance commit-
tee into such bitter dissension and
confusion today that some Senate
leaders abandoned plans for a June 6
One Democratic chieftain, asked
about chances of winding up a week
from Saturday, said:
"You can kiss that good-bye."
Majority Leader Robinson of Ar-
kansas, in contrast, said he was not

"going to concede we are not going
to get it through," but added it all
depended on the tax bill.

Peregrinating Band
Holds Concert For
Dormitory Inmates
The Varsity Band last night, after
the evening concert and the show
which they afterward attended, de-
cidedon a little impromptu serenad-
ing while on the way home.
The musicians halted in the yard
between Betsy Barbour and Helen
Newberry and, under the vicarious
direction of Ernie Jones, business
manager (of the band), rendered to
the girls "My Wild Irish Rose," "Let
Me Call You Sweetheart," and some-
thing else which we failed to recog-
The same enthusiastic cries of
"more, more," that greeted the band
in their earlier concert came from
the open windows of the dormitories.
The traveling musicians, however,
closed with the "Victors" and marched
off to their quarters.
Jones stated that more impromptu
concerts will be forthcoming.
President Tells
Plans For Trip
Through West
Says He Will Talk History,
Not Politics On Western
Tour Next Month
WASHINGTON, May 27. - (/P) -
President Roosevelt told newspaper-
men today he would talk history -
not politics - on his tour of Arkansas,
Texas, Indiana and perhaps Kentucky
next month.
The executive related his plans for
the western jaunt, beginning June 8,
shortly after returning from a three
day visit to the Hyde Park, N. Y.,
bedside of his mother, Mrs. Sara De-
lano Roosevelt, who suffered a hip
fracture in a fall two weeks ago.
Hardly had he entered the White
House when Senate Democratic lead-
ers sought and were granted a con-
ference tonight to talk over latest
troubles in framing the tax bill.
At a press conference later in the
day, Mr. Roosevelt was prompted to
talk about his coming trip by a re-
porter who asked if it were true that
he intended to steal the show away
from the Republican National Con-
vention by making speeches just as
that conclave got under way.
The President smiled at the query,
replied in the negative and then
explained the western trip was
planned months ago. He said he
wanted it to fit in with latest plans
to do some sailing Qff Campobello
Island, New Brunswick, where the
Roosevelts maintain a summer home.
He repeated he would leave here
June 8 unless something happens
necessitating his presence in Wash-
ington and would make his first
speech in Little Rock June 10.
Triangles Elect Fones
As 1936237 President
Hubert C. Fones, '38E, was elected
president of Triangles, junior hon-
orary engineering society, at a meet-
ing of the society Tuesday night, it
was announced yesterday. He suc-
ceeds Robert Buehler, '37E, in that
Other officers elected at the meeting
are Carl Clement and Goff Smith,
both '38E, who were named treasurer
and secretary respectively.
MUSKEGON, May 27.-(/P)-Fire
of undetermined origin swept the An-
derson Packing Company plant in

Muskegon township late today. Fire
Chief Caris Smith estimated damage
at $10,000.

U.S. To Float
Record Bond
Sale Monday
Secretary Will Float Offer
Of Federal Securities
Over $2,050,000,000
Issue Will Eclipse '
Peace Time Mark
Loan Will Fortify Treasury?
Balance With New Cash;
And Pay For Bonus
WASHINGTON, May 7.- (P) -
Eclipsing all peace time issues, Secre-
tary Morgenthau next Monday will
float an offering of $2,050,000,000 of
government securities, including $1,-
000,000,000 to build up his present
cash balance.
The transaction will cover matur-
ing obligations of $1,050,000,000
through a refunding operation and
fortify the treasury's balance-which
now stands at $2,357,000,000 - with
new cash to meet all needs, including
the soldiers' bonus.
The 'illion-dollar cash borrowing,
together with the weekly borrowing
of $50,000,000 through the sale 'of
treasury bills was expected to tide
the government over until the next
quarterly financing date, Sept. 15.
The cash offering, the details of1
which will be announced Monday,
will cause the gross public debt to
jump $1,000,000,000 - reaching $32,-
590,000,000 on the basis of today's
treasury statement.
The refunding offering will not af-
fect the public debt as it means
simply the exchange of maturing ob-
ligations for new securities. It will
provide for $686,000,000 of 1/ per
cent notes maturing June 15, as well
as for $364,000,000 of 3% per cent
notes falling due Aug. 1. Both the
casli and the refunding issue will be
dated June 15.
At the same time, Morgenthau re-
vealed at a special press conference,
greater vigilance would be exercised
with the forthcoming flotation for
the protection of the small investor.
Jews' Exile Is
Cultural Loss,
Slosson Claims
Speech Is Part Of Drive
To Aid Jewish Refugees
Settle In Palestine
The fact that Germany in exiling
the Jews has exiled a great part of
her culture was emphasized last night
by Prof. Preston W. Slosson in his
address at the Hillel Foundation. The
talk was in the interest of the Hillel
drive for $3,000
The drive is part of a national
campaign of the United Palestine Ap-
peal and the Joint Distribution Com-
mittee to raise $3,500,000 each to aid
Jewish refugees in Europe and estab-
lish a maximum number of them on
a self-supporting basis in Palestine,
Professor Slosson pointed out that
seven Nobel winners and a large ma-
jority of the modern German writers
have been forced to flee the country
since Hitler.
One of the main reasons for anti-
semitism in Germany and the other
central European countries, accord-
ing to Professor Slosson, is the in-
tense, almost fanatic nationalism that

has developed. "National Socialism'
may have dropped its socialism by
the wayside," he said, "but it cer-
tainly has kept its nationalism."
The anti-semitism in Germany is
different from that which has at dif-
ferent times existed in other coun-
tries, he said. While at other times
"the sheriff merely turned his back

Two Tenors, Or Critics,
Steal Glee Club Encore
Feeling that the combined efforts
of the University Band and Glee
blub were not enough to please the
crowd in front of the General Library
last evening, two members of the
animal kingdom added an enter-
tainment of their own making.
The first character in the drama
was the big tough police dog from
the Beta Theta Pi fraternity house,
the second, a small dog of unknown
breed said to have come from Mosher
Jordan Hall.
The large beast chased the smaller
one through the seated crowd evi-
dently trying to decipher it, or per-
haps to keep it in step with the band.
We don't know, but the Beta house
is with us again.
Sigma Rho Tau
Holds Tung Oil
Dinner Tonight
T. A. Boyd Is Principal
Speaker; Cooley Cane
Will Be PresentedI
T. A. Boyd, head of the fuel
division of General Motors laborator-
ies, vill give the principal address at'
the seventh annual Tung Oil Ban-
quet to be held at 6:15 p.m. today on
the terrace of the Union. Mr. Boyd
will speak on the "Development of
the Automobile Industry."
Delos M. Palmer, Dean of the Col-
lege of Engineering of Toledo Uni-
versity, will deliver a response to the
welcome extended by Sigma Rho Tau,
engineering speech society and spon-
sor of the banquet. Dean Herbert C.
Sadler of the Michigan College of
Engineering will also be called upon
for a few remarks.
Many time-honored traditions will
be observed at the banquet, including
the presentation of the "Cooley Cane"
to the member of the society whose
team work during the past year has
been most outstanding.
The "Cooley Cane" was first pre-
sented to a member of Sigma Rho
Tau by Dean-Emeritus Mortimer C.
Cooley several years ago. Previous
to this Dean-Emeritus Cooley had re-
ceived the cane from some of his
students, who made the cane of wood
taken from the, fence that used to
encircle the campus. At present there
are only two such canes in existence.
Another regular feature of the ban-
quet is the placing of the Tung Oil
Crown on the head of the faculty
member who, "with his polished
tongue, has done most to oil the
wheels of cooperation."
Much effort has been expended, ac-
cording to Prof. Robert D. Brackett,
sponsor of Sigma Rho Tau, to make
this year's Tung Oil Banquet the best
ever. In addition to the regular
customs, startling new innovations
are being worked out, Various stunts
and even an attempt at harmony
have been planned. .Prof. Hugh E.
Keeler has been secured to act as
toastmaster and will preside with a
huge gavel of genuine Tung Oil wood.
Labor Leaders
Estimate 46,000
Out On Strike
Strike Scenes Are Quiet
As One Remington-Rand
Plant Re-opens Today

NEW YORK, May 27-(P)-Labor
leaders estimated more than 46,000
industrial and agricultural workers
were participating in strikes which
affected 17 states Wednesday night.
There were few instances of trouble.
The situation was intensified at
Syracuse, N.Y., by the announcement
that Remington-Rand, Inc., manu-
factures of typewriters and office
equipment, would re-open their plant
The announcement came after 400
of the 1,700 employes voted to return
to work. Strike leaders immediately
announced they would organize
picket lines.
Mayor Rolland G. Marvin promised
police protection to those who went
back to work.
Employes of five other Remington
Rand plants in New York, Ohio and
Connecticut-estimated by union
leaders at 4,300-almost were on

Eby Gets
But Board Denies Salary
Increase For Socialist
History Instructor
Decision Carried
By Vote Of 6-3
Prof. Shepard Teris It
'Picayune' Compromise;
Walter Motion Downed
The Ann Arbor Board of Education
renewed Kermit Eby's contract last
night, but denied the Socialist history
teacher, charged with "propagandiz-
ing" in his classes, a salary increase
offered other members of the faculty.
The decision, carried by a six to
three vote, was decried as "picayune"
by Prof. John Shepard of the psy-
chology department, president of the
Teachers Federation and active in
Eby's support. "The decision shows,"
asserted Professor Shepard, "that the
Board does not honestly approve the
principle of teaching controversial
Final Motion Introduced
Before George Lutz, Jr., introduced
the final motion to renew Eby's con-
tract at his last year's salary of $2,100,
the Board defeated a motion intro-
duced by Prof. Eric Walter of the
English department, a trustee, to re-
hire him "at the salary under the
present budget without qualifica-
This would have meant that Eby
would be entitled to a salary raise.
The Board had previously decided, ac-
cording to Otto Haisley, superinten-
dent of schools, to allow all teachers
The vote to rehire Kermit Eby:
No-Ezra Shoecraft, president of
the School Board; Herman Gross; V.
E. Van Ameringen.
Yes - George Lutz, Jr., Prof. Eric
Walter, Dr. L. P. Fisher, Charles Hen-
derson, Mrs. George Walterhouse and
Miss Elizabeth Slack, secretary.
who have not been on the faculty
eight years or more, a wage increase.
Eby has been a member of the Ann
Arbor High School faculty for four
years, and, as Professor Walter told
the Board, an exception was being
made in his case. Eby, however, Su-
perintendent Haisley pointed out, is
already in the "higher wage brackets."
Ezra Shoecraft, president of the
Board and Superintendent Haisley
termed the Board's decision a "com-
"Do you mean it is a disciplinary
measure?" they were asked.
"It is a compromise," Haisley re-
turned. "The Board members felt,
in view of all the criticism of Eby,
it was all they could do."
Voting against the final motion
were Shoecraft, Herman Gross and V.
E. Van Ameringen.
In favor of it were Lutz, Henderson,
who seconded it, Professor Walter,
Miss Slack, Board secretary, Dr. L. P.
Fisher and Mrs. George Walterhouse.
Henderson Doesn't Vote
Henderson, who verbally opposed
Professor Walter's motion to rehire
Eby without qualification under the
existing budget arrangements, did not
vote on it. A tie vote of four to
four killed it, those opposing it being
Shoecraft, Gross, Van Ameringen and

Dr. Fisher.
The meeting opened i'h the Ann
Arbor High School with newspaper re-
porters and four supporters of Eby,
including George Burke, University
attorney, present in addition to the
Board. After discussion on the Wal-
ter motion, the Board, on suggestion
of Van Ameringen, went into secret
"executive session." After some 15
minutes of thrashing the matter out
among themselves, the press was
called back and the Board proceeded
to defeat the Walter proposal and
to accept Lutz' motion.
Eby Backed
Eby was backed throughout the
meeting by Professor Walter, Super-
intendent Haisley and L. L. Forsythe.
Several Board members related that
some criticism had come to them in
'regard to Eby's teaching, but, ac-
cording to Shoecraft, the objecting
citizens did not want to be named for
fear their children in school would
"be discriminated against."
Burke, speaking for Eby "merely
as a citizen," urged that the criticism
against the teacher be concrete and
fl #-fan iv~ nir if o--- ---.

Somebody'Il Get It Tomorrow -
The Sacred Order Of 'Oil Can'

Michigan Defeats
Toledo Nine,


TOLEDO, 0., May 7.- 1P) -The
University of Michigan downed the
University of Toledo baseball team
here tonight, 6 to 3. The Wolverines
took an early lead as Ferner scored
from second on Uricek's single along
left field in the first inning. Uricek
drove in two more of the Michigan
runs in the fifth with a long single
to right. Johnny Gee allowed the
Toledoans onlv three hits un to the

Once a dubious honor, perhaps, the
"Oil Can" has become, by virtue of 11
distinguished holders, a prized award.
Each year the "Oil Can," which is
now on display in the window of
Wahr's Bookstore, is presented by the
members of the local chapter of Sigma
Delta Chi, national professional jour-
nalism fraternity, to tlae "most lo-
quacious lubricator" on the faculty.
Tomorrow it will be presented at the
Key Dance, instead of at a Sigma
Delta Chi Gridiron Banquet or ball
as has been done in the past. As is
customary, the name of the recipient
will he kent seret until the presen-

making throughout the state, thus'
giving him prime eligibility for the
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, who left the
political science department this year
to become connected with the muni-
cipal consulting service in New York
City, was 'the second holder of the
"Oil Can." As an authority on city
government, Professor Reed gained
his eligibility through numerous
public utterances on political subjects.
Always a fluent and ready speaker
was Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, third
holder of the award. Professor Camp-
bell left the English department here
this year for Columbia University.

to the lynching mob, in Germany
today the sheriff leads the mob."
In speaking of the "way out" for
the European refugees, Professor
Slosson pointed out that although
Palestine has, in the last few years
absorbed over 150,000 people, it
cannot possibly absorb more .than
another million at most.
Dr. Heller followed Professor Slos-
son's talk with an explanation of the
progress the drive has made to date.
About $300 has been donated by the
various fraternities ,he said, while the
townspeople and some faculty mem-
bers have contributed over $800. The
final success of the drive however de-
pends upon the independent students
and the facultv. he said.

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