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May 27, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-27

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Intramural Softball Titles At Stake


At Palmer

Play In Finals
Phys. Ed's Meet D.D.'s In
Lead-Off Game At 4:15;
Pitcher's Battle Assured
D.U.'s Play Sigma Phi
BothWin Two Elimination
Tilts After First Round
Byes In Field Of 48
The interfraternity and indepen-
dent intramural softball titles will be
at stake this afternoon when Delta
Upsilon meets Sigma Phi and the
Phys Eds. face the D. D.'s at Palmer
Field. The independents' game wil
lead off at 4:15 p.m. while the inter-
fraternity contest s scheduled for
5:15 p.m.
Two Outstanding Nines
Delta Upsilon and Sigma Phi have
emerged from a field of 48 teams as
the two outstanding nines in the in-
terfraternity league, and the battle
between them promise to be a good
one. Delta U., after winning its
league title, drew a bye in the first
round of the playoffs. They were
matched with Phi Beta Delta in the
second rouand and shut them out to
win by a score of 6-0. This game fea-
tured excellent pitching by George
Bolas, Delta U. hurler. In thesemi-
final round, D. U. defeated Phi Delta
Epsilon by the close score of 7 to 5
to go into the finals.
Sigma Phi, after surprising Phi
Kappa Psi, last year's champions, to
win their division title, also drew a
1ye in the first round of the play-
offs. They proceeded on their way
with a victory from Sigma Chi in the
second round by a score of 9 to 8.
This game was a close contest
throughout and was not decided de-
finitely until the last inning. Alpha
Tau Omega was the next victim of
the ambitious Sigs. The Sigs de-
feated them 7 to 5 behind the three-
hit pitching by Pat Lusk.
Butler D.D.'s Pitcher
In the independent at league the
game between the Phys. Eds. and the'
D. D.'s should be a pitchers' battle.
The Phys. Ed team will have Dwight
Butler in the pitcher's box. In com-
petition this year, Butler has three
shutouts and a no-hit game to his
credit. He is easily the most out-
standing pitcher that has competed
in Intram.ural softball this year. On
the other hand, the D. D. team will
have Joe Siracusi in the box. In the
D. D's game against the Lawyers'
Club, Siracuisi hurled a shut-out while
allowing only two hits.
The lineups:
Sigma Phi Pos. Delta U.
Babcock c. Clayton
Lusk . p. Bolas
Meisel lb Rleuther
Kendrick 2b Wilson
Blackburn 3b Otto or Hurd
Hayes ss White
Davidson if Steere
Ried cf May
Farrell rf Haven
See sf Hayward

Misplaced Emphasis
RECENT reports from Columbus
and Minneapois would have us
believe that the action taken last;
week-end by the Board of Western
Conference Faculty Representatives,
which limits students in the General
College of the University of Minne-
sota to one year of athletic competi-
tion, was caused by the agitation of
Big Ten football coaches who have
seen enough of the Gopher power-
house in the last two years and want
the skids put under Bernie Bierman's
national champions. such reports
are entirely false, for the General Col-
lege was under observation long be-
fore Minnesota had taken a national
grid title.
Prof. Ralph W. Agler, Michi-
gan's representative on the board
and head of the Minnsota in-
ve.tiation, accurately predicted
a mcnth ago that the Confere'ee
caches would be blamed for the
action. The truth of the matter
is that the committee has con-
ducted a scholastic survey of the
entire Big Ten and simply con-
sidered the Minnesota situation
in stride.
Minnesota officials are not deny-
ing that the action taken was proper
and grant that admittance to the
General College is given to those who
could not possibly enter the accredit-
i ed colleges. In the past, although an
Associates of Arts degree is awarded
at the end of two years in the College,
students have been allowed to com-
pete in intercollegiate athletics for
three years. A Conference rule states
that no student is eligible after re-
ceiving a degree; nor is one eligible
who cannot meet the entrance re-
quirements of the literary college or
their equivilant.
The action taken last week makes
all general college students ineligible
unless they can present credentials
which would allow them to enter ap-
proved colleges. While the faculty
committee said that it does not con-
sider the general college a "dumping
ground" for athletes, we cannot agree
whole heartedly with the statement.
If it sn't, we wonder why only
one of six Gopher grid stars hit
by the ruling, Jules Alfonse who
is 1936 captain, appears able to
present the required credentials
and transfer to the literary col-
lege. Such men as Andy Uram
and Rudy Gmitro, speedy back-
field men, have not as yet solved
the problem of how they can play
ball next fall.
Berger Shows 'Em
W E noted with interest that Coach
John Kobs and his entire Mich-
igan State baseball team which faces
the Wolverines Friday and Saturday
were in the Ferry Field stands yes-
terday. Kobs did not seem to think
that Ray Fisher had much of a ball
club until he saw Capt. Berger Lar-
son start throwing curve balls past
the Western State batters. He blinked
at every one and Friday he'll get a
chance for some more of the same,

Four Named To Face A ustralians In Davis Cup Play

Bali Club TopsBoSor
Western State
Western State '2; AB R I 0 A E
InStull, b .......4.: 0 0 3 0 0
I Vietoryl,?030
-----_ ,. Rowss, of ...... .. 2 0 0 0 0 0
L. irson b A ccredited TitI Wernet, cf, 21.5 1 1 2 1 0
L s(Ae dWirNeuman, 3 b2......
Win, Allowing Two Hits Abel, c........,.4 0 0 7 1 0
Vanderber , ss .....4 0 1 1 4 0
In Fve tinings . Mershon, lb ......4 0 0 12 0 0
.. - --_ Brooks,rf .........4 0 0 2 0 0
_ (otinued from Page f) ___ Arlold, pJ........4 0 1 0 1 0
olid sma.'hes to the outfield that Totals.........43 2 6 30 8 1
' udcness gathered in for easy nuts. i h g ,. } E
T 1tgaheed f eas tMichigan (3) AB R H 0 A E
The next man, Vanderberg, went Rudness, cf ......5 0 0 4 0 0
icown swinging. -Brewer, ss. .......2 2 1 2 0 0
The Hilltoppers scored again in r Ferner, 3b........5 1 0 2 0 3
the sixth when Neuman slapped a Uricek, 2b ........4 0 2 1 4 0
zuJ~bIe to left. The ball eluded Kre- Jablonski, c ......4 0 0 11 2 0
vner on a long hop and he was able Lerner, 1b........3 0 0 11. 0 0
:o continue around the sacks for Kremer, If .. . .... .4 0 1 0 0 1
Western's last run. Heyliger, rf ,........ 4 0 0 2 0 0
In the last of the inning Ferner Fishman, p......1 0 0 0 0 0
was safe while Brewer was being Lar;.on, p .... . . ..2 0 0 0 2 0
I hrcwn out at second. He stole sec-.-
nd and went to third on a single Totals .......34 3 4 33 8 4
n!.o short left by Uricek, scoring Western State ....000 101 000 00-2
immediately after while Jablonski was Michigiar.........100 001 000 01-3
being put out at first. Two base hits: Kremer, Neuman.
In the seventh Western pushed a j l1cme run: Wernet. Flits off: Fish-
m a n around to man, 4 in 6 innings; Larson, 2 in 5
.third with only one innings. Struck out by: Arnold, 7;
7: cut but could shove Larson, 5; Fishman, 5. Bases on balls
him no farther. off: Arnold, 5. Left on bases: Mich-
Ross was an easy igan 6; Western State, 6. Sacrifice
iut rat first far the Ihit' T-Tihhia Ah~1 c V..--.

-ssociated Press Photo.
With Jchnny Van Ryn, veteran of the last seven Dais CUP tcnmais cam pagns, dropped frcm the squad,
four remain on the American team: Willmer Allison (ri;ht), natinal champion; Donald Budge (left), "Bitsy"
Grant (center, upper) and Gene Mako (below). Two sig::les jlayers and a doubles combination will be named
from this quartet May 29 to meet the Australian tean in the Nct th Amierican zone finals at Philadelphia.
Tennis Team Didn't Hlae A Chance,'
But Placed Third In conferenceMeet

second man down,
Arnold being
forced to hold
third, and then
Larson struck out
Wernet with as
great an assort-
ment of curve balls
as the hitter has
seen this year.


They didn't have a chance.
This was the general consensus of
opinion of the Big Ten coaches and
players in regard to the chances of
Michigan's tennis team in the Con-
ference meet held last week at Chi-,

the Wolverines came in a poor fourth icnce, Bill Mills, far and away a
in the Conference meet; this year mdalolut on the freshman squad, Bob
with a record of two matches won, } Edmonds, harold Bullock and Ed
two lost, and one tied in the Big Ten Payne.
and three won and seven lost outside Mills Best Prospect
of the Conference, the Varsity net- Mills, rated by Coach Johnstone as

Western had a man on second with
one away in the ninth but again Lar-
son came through by striking a man
out and forcing another to pop up.
At the same time, however, Ray Fish-
er's renowned "gas house boys" were
doing little toward solving Arnold's
fast hurling. Only one Michigan man
no~~~~ ~~ ., hxohtxar lttixth df

cago. ters placed third in the deciding meet ae of the best net prospects ever to wasevnth innsgs, e ainhe gothni
eleventh innings, and he got there on
They didn't have a chance--they and so, as has been the case in form- j enter Michigan, defeated Levenson, one of the five walks Arnold handed
knew it themselves--but with Miller eri years, Michigan's tennis teams are G-0, 6-2, this year while playing for; out.
Sherwood, still weak from an attack still an unknown quantity. the Grosse Pointe tennis club in a Tonight Michigan will continue its
of flu, leading the way, Coach John Three Regulars Lost miatch against the Varsity. campaign against Toledo University
Jahntanes prtege weit alt rad at Toledo."
Johnstone's proteges went out and Coach John Johnstone will be faced Miller Sherwood, Jesse Flick, and 1 Tled_.
played their best tennis to place third next year with the loss of Captain J ic Dean are the returning vet-
in the flig Ten standings. I Kahn, Johnny Rodriguez and Ted ea:s: Captain-elect Sherwood is ex-
Sherwood Reaches Finals Thoiward. All three of these vet- pe C;ed to perform a capable job of = ;;D t!!}JUJ
Sherwood, conceded only a fair clans saw a great deal of service this fillini hlowie Kahn's shoes in the
chance in tie number two singles, year nd their loss will be felt keenly. numbĀ°er one place and Dean and
managed to eke out a three set win To replace this trio, Coach John- Flick, seasoned by Big Ten compe-
over Huntley of Minnesota, 6-2, :3-6, stone has Neil Levenson. who has al- :tiion, should round out a strong four
6-3, in the first round; and then ready had a year of Varsity exper - man ean.
with added conlfidlence sm a shed out _____. ___ ___ .-_ __ __ __--_ _ _.___.__. ___-.____ -- ____ _-
a 6-2, 7-5, victory oversRichardson,
Wisconsin star, in the second rotnd-
to reach the finals.
In the finals of the number two
singles division, Miller had the mis-
fortune to face Don Leavens, North-
western's sophomore ace who has
been alternating between the num-
ber one and two positions all season,
and lost 6-3, 6-3.
Captain-elect Sherwood, by win-
ning two matches, duplicated his feat
of last year in scoring two points for
the Wolverine netters. This year,

Phys. Ed.

n cf '
sf H


for Berger will hurl
played here.

that game, to be

Bair's Boat Takes
Two At Gull Lake
The Quarterdeck Society of the en-
gineering college officially opened the
current sailing season at Gull Lake,
Michigan, by conducting a series of
races over the week-end of May 23 and
24 on the Gull Lake course. Four
races were held with nineteen of the
members of the Society competing.
Captain Louis A. Baier, assistant
professor in the department of naval
architecture and marine engineering
who accompanied the boys on the
cruise, was the high point winner of
the event, winning two races and
placing in another. His two victories
came while sailing on the Gilmore
brothers' boat, "Wera."
Among the members of the crews
competing in the races were Tom
Cowdrey, of Pittsburgh, who will sail
on one of the ships in the Bermuda
races this summer, and W. C. McNeill
of Santa Monica, California, who will
be one of the entries in the races to
II Major Lea uies Ii

Phi Psi's Wiii
Tit~le In Third C
Completing the playoff series for
third place teams in the interfratern-
ity softball league, Phi Kappa Psi de-
feated Sigma Alpha Mu, 7-5, yester-
day at the South Ferry Field dia-
monds to take the title in that divi-
sion. Given excellent support in the
field and at bat, Dave Barnett, Phi
Psi pitcher allowed only two hits and
struck out eight men. Jerry Dick,
hurling for the S. A. M.'s, handed out
only five safeties while fanning nine.
The margin of defeat was caused by
two overthrows to third base by the
S. A. M. catcher, Ray Goodman
which permitted two runs to score.
Putting across six markers in the
first inning, Kappa Nu easily kept
that lead and went on to beat Zeta
:'eta Tau, 9-2, in a second game. Lou
Levine and Ben Aaron were on the I
mound for the winners and losers re-
spectively. Don Cohen, Kappa Nu
outfielder, made several sparkling
catches to shine in the field while
Arnold Friedman, a teammate, hit
a double and triple at bat.

however, Jesse Flick scored one point
in singles and Michigan's two doubles
teams each scored a point to give
Coach Johnstone's netters the neces-
sary five markers for third place.
Flick Promising
Most Promising among the "un-
known quantities" on the team is the
game of Jesse Flick, the Texan stylist.
Flick, whose play has been decidedly
erratic all season, showed up very well
in his initial taste of Big Ten com-
petition to win his first round match
against Kovac of Wisconsin, 1-6, 6-1,
Jesse was defeated by Rugg, North-
western veteran, in the second round,
6-0, 6-1, but even in defeat looked
good enough to fill an important niche,
in the Wolverine net team of next
Last year with one of the best dual
meet records in years behind them,
- _ _ _ _ _

will speak in thc intcrest of the joint Distribution Com-
mittee and the United Palestine appeal today. The time
is 7:15 p.m. and the place is the Hillel Foundation,
corner of Oakland and East University Avenues.
"Th Plgh Of Te
Jew In Central Europe"

. " -
<: :
$ r.4le}::.9

Get Info art
Air-Cooled Suit of
Palm Beach


Cloth, (
Shetland / \
Wea.ves, it
Basket -
Weaves. /J
Drop in-
to show
you. t

The Committee in clharge takes pleasure in extending
a cordial invitation to all independent men ,and women

on the Campus co attenCd.

The cause is urgent and your



co-opcratoin vill be appreCiated.

RI Bluknnaks


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