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May 27, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-27

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(From The Associated Press)
Other Developments
In Black Legion Case
LIMA, 0., May 26. - (/P)-William
Smith, 55-year-old farmer of near
Waynesfield, 15 miles south of Lima,
told authorities tonight that he had
been beaten, imprisoned and had his
life threatened by the Black Legion
when he rebelled during the initiation
Smith said he suffered the beating
and a night of terror last September
when he was led unsuspectingly by
friends to seek membership in the
"I was asked to join," Smith said,
"without being very clear on what
sort of outfit it was. Some friends
took me one dark rainy night to a big
barn some distance from my home.
"There were armed guards posted
all around, all masked, and inside,
there were 12 other candidates and
about 200 men, all masked, with a
robed, hooded leader. They had
The farmer said he became appre-
hensive and sought in vain to find
his friends in the throng.
The leader began calling the roll,
and all the new men answered except
"They then asked if I was there,"
Smith told Sheriff W. E. Kelley of
Auglaize county and a group of news-
"Z said I was but wanted to know
what sort of groupĀ° this was before I
"'Outlaws," the leader replied.
"I said I did not want to join, and
would like to go home. They all
cursed and threatened me and the
leader drew his gun and threatened1
to hit me.t
"I broke and ran outside into the
rain, but the guards caught me and
beat me up."
Then, he said, he was imprisoned1
in a nearby corncrib until nearly day-.
light, and was taken home with a
warning that if he mentioned the oc-t
currence he would "be killed within 24
He said he told Sheriff Kelley 1
something of the incident afterwardx
but that an investigation apparently<
brought no results. Smith told thet
sheriff today, however, that he was5
certain the group was the Black Le-.
gion, as the robes and masks weret
similar to those pictured as belongingt
to a group in Detroit questioned

Demolish Cemetery Gates For Denwcratic ConmVe~nti

--Assuciated Press P'hoto.
Century-old portals of Wo-odlands cemetery in Philadelphia came tumbling t& the gond to make wasysfor
a new road that will lead to the Philadelphia municipal auditorium where the Democratic convention will
be held. A steel cable wound arouud the 40-foot granite colunns and pulled by a winch on a truck did the job.
e.vtal Incre--e

Mntal DifferencesInrease
Vocational Guidance Difficulty

< .


High School Sophomores
Ha ve Setal A verageOf
1 6-Year-Olds
The difference in mentality among
college students was shown to be only
a continuation of the difference to a
lesser degree among high school stu-
dents, =in a survey of 12,878 high
school sophomores in 176 Michigan
The mental test scores in the re-
turns of the survey administered to
the high school students ranged from
10 to 230 points. This difference in
mentality, according to reports of
the study which was sponsored by
the Michigan High School Principals'
Association, throws into sharp relief
the most difficult task educators face,
that of guiding students into courses
where they may make the best use
of their capacities.
The survey, begun in 1935 and di-
rected by Prof. Clifford Woody, head
of the University Bureau of Educa-
tional Reference and Research, in-
volved giving to each sophomore a
mental test and a questionnaire. In
the latter the student answered ques-
tions concerning his activities in and
out of school and his plans for a fu-
ture career. The object of the study
was to help the principals in advising
students as to their vocations by
discovering some general truths
about student abilities and hopes,
Professor Woody said.
As a side issue the survey dis- I
covered that there are more high
school girl sophomores than boys but
that the boys seem to be slightly su-
perior in mentality, although their
scores also covered a wider range in
mental ability than do those made by
the girls. Even though the survey
showed white persons were more able
than those of colored races, Professor
Woody emphasized that the coim-
paratively small number of represen-

Officials Plan
To Overthrow
.; l Y I e e)
Govern~or StaAks St Heeal
To TDismi:ss Einployes
inke.d With Viglantes
tcontinued from Page 1)
blaze which destroyed Father Charles
E. Goughlin's original Shrinie of the
Little Flower on March 17, was on
the list of unexplainedi fires his in-
vestigators are checking for a possible
connection with Black Legion terror-
'There werezrumoars ini Royal Oak
that investigation of the explosion
of a black powder bomb in the base-
mnent of Father Coughlin's home sev-
eral years ago also would be reopened.
Another batch of warrants were
sworn out at Jackson against reputed
members of the secret terrorist or-
ganizatian. 'They numbered 25 and
charged kidnzaping and assault. They
were followed immediately by the
arrest of five men accused of being
ringleaders of a mob of night riders
who stripped and flogged Harley
Smith, Norvell, who county off'icers
said was a member of the order seek-
ing to withdraw.
The men arrested at Jackson were
Ray Ernecst, a guard at the State pen-
itentiary, and described by county
officers as a "brigadier general" in the
Blaick_ Legionz; Allen Basom, Norvell,
Clar nce and Glenn Ernest, brothers
of' i~ay, and Dice H-awley, another
pr i<son gutardi. Ray Ernest has been
accused by State Police as the leader
of a mob that flogged Paul Every,
another prison guard, so severely that
hie died two weeks later.
Crowley and Oscar G. Olander,
state Commissioner of Public Safety
went to the State Prison today to
investigate reports, they said, that
the staff of the penitentiary was
"1ioaneyconbed" with Black Legion
members, and that every one of the
nearly 400 prison attaches Lias been
approached to join the society.


tatives of colored races in addition to
certain other pertinent factors make
it questionable whether the difference
is actually as great as was indicated.
The study further illustrated that
the smallest schools have a slight
superiority in student quality, which
he said may be caused by a greater
elimination of the less intelligent in
these institutions.
Sophomores in high schools were
found to be as old as 24 years and as
young as 12, but the average age was
16. There were more students above
the average age, however ,than under
and both of these groups scored lower
than the average age mentally, with
those over age being the most back-
ward in this respect.
"While it would be claiming too
much for the test and questionaire
program to say that it has answered
all the problems of pupil guidance,
the program, which will be continued,
has already been statistically exten-
sive enough to block in the main lines
of the picture of just ow an average
sophomore class is made up. This is
the groundwork required, and the
findings, expected and otherwise, are
of interest to teachers, parents and
the public at large," stated Prof.
6 To Evacuate
Frame House
Dense smoke resulting from a fire
in the basement of a three-apartment
frame house at 1444 Washington
Heights drove a half-dozen tenants
from the building yesterday.
It was believed the blaze started in
some papers and rubbish kindled by
sparks from a coal heater in the base-
ment. The building, owned by the
Ann Arbor Construction Company, is
fully insured, and Manley Osgood,
president of the company, said he did
not think the damage would be ex-
Flames burned through the first
fioor in one place but damage was
caused principally by heavy smoke
and intense heat, which ruined the
decorations in the apartments.
Mrs. Estella. Bronson, one of the
occupants was carried from a second
story window by firemen. She re-
fused hopsital treatment.
Renewal Of Eby's
Contract At Issue
(Continued from Page 1)
he has taken on any question is his
stand against war."
A former student of Mr. Eby de-
clared that "he is not trying to make
up the students' minds. It is not
propagandizing to present both sides
of the question."
Mr. Eby has also been defended by
L. L. Forsythe, principal of the Ann
Arbor High School, who declared that
"Eby is a .fine teacher. He has a very
circumspect procedure in his classes
and is very fair in his discussions."
Mr. Forsythe has two children taking
courges from Mr. Eby.
Mr. Eby is widely known as a lib-

6:O0--WJR Steensonz Sports.
W WJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Omnar the Mysti.j
G:15-WJR Jirmy Allen.t.
WWJ Dinner Music
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Sports and News
6:30--WJR Kate Smith.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ The one Ranger.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Rhythm Review.
CKLW Song Recital.
7:00--WR Cavalcade of America.
WWdJ One Man's Family.
WXYZ Folies de Paris.
CKLW Phil Marley's Music.
7 :30-WJR Burns and Allen:
J7acques Renard's Mutsic.
WWJ Wayne King's Msic.
WXYZ Lavendr and Old Lac.
CKLW Music Box Review.
'7;i--W MC Bord of Education,
8 :00-WJR Lily Pons: Andre Kostelaxtz'
ww Fred Alen: Peter Van
Steeden's Music.
WXYZ Concert Hour.
CKLW Charioteers.
8 :34--WJR Strange as it Seems.
WXYZ Sports Interview.
CKLW Pop Concert.
8:1 5-wJR Sports on Parade.
WXYZ Katzman Concert.
9:0O--WJR Gang Busters.
WWJ Your Hit Parade.
WXYZ This is Paris.
CKLWL Sinfonietta.
9:30--WJR March of Time.
WXYZ Bob Chester's Muic.
CKLW Mart henney's Music.
9:45-WJR Rubinoff-Rea.
CKLW Charles Barnett's Music.
10:00--WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Lowry Clark's Mttsi,
CKLW Scores and News.
10:15--WJR Rhythm.
WWJ Studio Hour.
WXYZ Don Bestor's Music.
CKLW Lloyd Hunziley's Musi.
10:30---WJR Waltz Time.
WXYz Anthony Trini
CKLW Kay Kyser's Musi.
10:45-WWJ.Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Baker Twins.
11:00-WJR Little Jack Little's Music.
WXYZ Frank Waitman.
CKLW Dick Stable's Music.
11 :15--WW.J Dance Music.
WXZ Joe Rines' Music.
11 :30-WJR Xavier Cugat's Music.
WWJBob Chester's Music.
WXYZ Lutigi Romanelli's Music.
CKL4 W 'red Weems' Music.
:4--WJR Mediations.
WWdJ Ru.s 1yo's Music,
12:00--W.JR At Close of Day.
WXYZ lert St%k's Music.
CKLW Jonny Lewis' Muic.
S1:-30 CIl Horace ieidt's Music.
:00-CKLW red Weems' Music.
DETROIT, May 26.--(Al)--Funeral
services for Mrs. Thomas G. Shilson,
70, pioneer resident of northern Mich-
igan who died here today, will be held
Friday at Traverse City, her former
home. She is survived by five chil-
dren, including Gilbert T. Shilson,
Lansing correspondent of the As-
sociated Press.
eral and socialist, and he was in-
strumental in bringing Norman
Thomas, Monday nominated presi-
dential candidate on the Socialist
I party ticket, to speak here earliei in
the spring.
Mr. Eby stated that this present
question is "not one of personalities,
but of principles. The thing resolves
itself into two questions: Can you
teach controversial issues? And does
a school teacher have the right to
affiliate himself with groups with
which he is in sympathy?"

Gov. Fitzcrald
Hits 'Whtters'
On Relief Rolls
V itv Officials Told That
Mn Whlo RE'hIS' Jobs
Will No e oleaill '
LANSING, May 26..UP) -Gov,
Frank D. Fitzgerald launched a verbal.
attack today on relief recinients whot
refuse .icbs, and declaredh e would
find some means of removing them
from welfare rolls.
"The state is going to cut out those
who arc able to work and won't." the
governor told a delegation of officials
from Wayne county municipalities
who came here today to request help
in meeting relief costs.
The governor asked the olicials
if any of them could assure him ihere
were no unworthy cases receiving aid
in their territory. None of them
volunteered the assurance.
"We are going to spend our last
dollar if necessary taking care of
worthy people," the governor ex-
plained, "but we are going to get rid
of the others. The thought of a man
refusing to work and accepting relief
is enough 'to make your blood boil. I
have gotten hard-boiled and I mean
to stay that way so far as these whit-
ters are concerned."
The governor agreed to an advance
of $143,000 to the municipalities to
meet cur'ent relief cost and wipe out
a deficit.
The delegation included officials
from River Rouge, Lincoln Park, Ply-
mouth, Nankin township, Monguagon
township, Melvindale, Livonia town-
ship, Northville and Wyandotte.
Oil Operators
Asked To Stop
s ta
1VIst Iniimove lBrite Waste;
Program s 1 O in led y
state Streaum O'fiiabls
LANSING, May 26.-U(P )- The
State Stream Control Commission is-
sued three orders today outlining a
stream ppllution prevention program
for oil well oaerators in the Crystal
and Vernon oil fields and the Dow
Chemical Co. of Midland.
It directed the oil operators to
make immediate arrangements for
returning waste brine to underground
formations. The Crystal operators
must submit to the commission by
July 1 details of their plans for brine
Vernon operators must submit sim-
ilar statements by July 15
The commission ruled that a rea-
sonable use of the Pine River and
Fish Creek foi'.brine disposal will
be exceeded when casual observa-
tion discloses oil deposits or when
more than 1,500 barrels of brine a
day are dumped into the two streams.
Operators will exceed a reasonable
use of Kinney Creek if the water has
a chloride content of more than 4,000
parts in each million, or when oil de-
posits are readily discernible.
.Vernon field operators must put
their rplans for brine control into ef-
feet within 30 days after they are
submitted to. the Stream Control
Comnission and receive its approval.
Operators in the Crystal field will
have 60fdays to put the plans into
effect after approval.
The commission directed the Dow
Chemical Co. to continue its investi-
gation of the waste problem, submit
plans for its elimination, and prepare
to arovide suitable means for waste

disposal by October 1, 1938. The coin-
pany is to make periodical reports of{
progress to the commission.
DETROIT, May 26.--(P)---.-Ground
was broken today for the 11-story,
$1,000,000 addition to General Motors
Research laboratories here. Charles
F. Kettering, vice-president, who
turned over the fiist sod, said the
building will be completed this fall,

LAUNDRY 2-044. Sox
Careful work at low price.-

SIITUATION Wan ted: Experienced
couple, cook and porter for fra-;
terxizty house. First semester refer-
ences. Cal19371. 516
COOK for children's camp. Call Dc-
treit. Tyler 5-6278 between 6 and
7:30 or write to Avrunin, 3310 Ro-
chester. 518
WORK WANTED! Middle aged couple
--white--want position as cook and
porter in fraternity or sorority house
for the summer and next year. Ex-
perienced. Phonc 8873. 517
"hoover Insurance & Trust Service"
las a few openings in Detroit and
Michigan which offer an excellent
opportunity to earn while receiving
a thorough practical business train-
ing. Jurviors and seniors aspiring to
a business career should write, Da-
vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build-
ing, Detroit. 17x
FOR RENT: Single and double rooms
for girls for the summer term. $16
up. 1511 Washtenaw. Telephone
3851. 520
rooms. Special rates. Porter serv-
ice. Recreation facilities. The Oaks.
915 Oakland. 7458. 504
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlman. 15x
Alumni Advisers Hold
First Session J une 18
The Alumni Advisory Council will
hold its opening session at 10 a.m.,
Monday, June 18, in the Pendleton
Library at the Union. Dexter M. Fer-
ry, president of the council, will open
the meeting, and President Alexander
G. Ruthven will preside. Various
members of the faculty will discuss
University matters of interest to the
Theie will be a luncheon at noon
after which the council will meet. The
council is composed of representa-
tives of local alumni and alumnae
clubs, and contains 200 members.



WANT ED: One or two eti tlmen to
shaie ref ilsed aohhl: 1m11('tii. Will rent
for Silnuner' S 'ssiln only. Box 128.
TU'TORING in mai. Call at 405 Ma-
son hall between three and five-
thirty daily. 515
FOR SALE: M11 st e bicylc imme-
diat ely. Good eonidi ions. For $5,00.
Call D. C. Cozadd. G?0 Forest. Ph,
6539. 519
-~ ---- -- - --


Classified lDire4 W

__ _


f orUSED Typeivrifers.
0. D Morilrl.
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All makes bought, sold, rente d,
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SINCE 1908 PHONE 6615


want pleasant, convenient travel
at lowest possible cost, there's only
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Michiga n U~nin 'Phone 4151
The Picture Everyone
Merle Oberon
at owe J osselosMcthreol
oearly Bird aNd the Worm"
Cleve Coor Cartoon
Paralmount News
HUl: '1ns


WAPNIN( : Only a reliable furrier
c mm clean ynui' urs and fi'u coat
without ha rlmling t i :e skins. 32
years of expert fur service recoin-
miwids ZW ER 14NG'S FUR ShOP
for safe fur cleaning and storage.
Phone 8507. 1 6x
EYES exanmmiad, best glasses made at
lowest l'r'is 0'u list U. of M.
giaduale, 44 yea v practice. 549
Packar'd, Phlone 2-1366. 13x
buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and type-
writers. IDomi' sell bcfor'c you see
.Sam. Phone for appoilinent.
2-364l0, l0x

Strikes Necessitate
AetibnBy Police
tContinued from Page 1)
ton planters insisted that cultivation
of fields was under way as usual.
Six thousand loggers were out oii
strike in Oregon. One mill, employ-
ing 300 men, was shut down for lack
of logs.
About 1,500 persons in different in-
dustries were on strike in the Phila-
delphia area.
In the Los Angeles area, 1,000 were
involved in the celery field strike. Two
hundred ships carpenters, caulkers
and joiners walked out at .San Pedro.
. Labor spokesmen at Milwaukee
estimated 2,500 were involved in
strikes in Wisconsin.
Other strikes and the number in-
Martins Ferry, 0.---Six hundred
striking loaders 'at the Powhatan
Mine Co., received orders to return
to work pending arbitration.
Rochester. N. Y.--Ninety at Inter-
national Latex Co.
Hastings, Neb.-One hundred high-
way workers.
Defiance, O-Forty men, the entire
working force at the Lectrolite Corp.
Sioux Falls, S. D.--300 butchers at
Morrell packing plant.
Minneapolis-About 500 mill-
wrights, fur and cereal workers.

Do n't MissIt!
Matinee Today
Last Times lomorrow
and Friday at 8:15
invites you to a gay
with the
New York Musical Comedy Stars
Eddie Garr and Francis Maddux
FMiss Win wood is one of the two
best artists ever to grace the Ann
Arbor season. Eddie Garr and
Frances Maddux as entertaining
as anything to be seen in the larg-
er revues!"-The Michigan Daily
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
NIGHTS-75c, $1 and $1.50; MATS. 50c & '75c
Phone 6300

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