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May 26, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-26

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TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1936

Prof. Bromage
Leads Section
In JulyFarley
Will Conduct Discussions
At Virginia Convention
On Local Governmentj
Prof. Arthur W. Bromagc of the
political science department has been
chosen to lead the discussion section
on "Local Government," a division of
the University of Virginia's annual
Institute of Public Affairs, which will
be held in Charlottesville, July 5 to
July 18.
Professor Bromage will have charge
of the entire division dealing with
local government, and he has or-
ganized a program which will include
treatment of the many problems aris-
ing in i the fields of county govern-
ment, city government and manag-
erial plans for such governments.
According to Professor Bromage,
the discussion is designed primarily
for the benefit of teachers of local
government in a representative group
of southern colleges and universities.
These teachers have been invited to
attend the Institute. Several local
officials will also take part in the
The discussions, which will be held
in the manner of round table con-
ferences, will also include study of
the relationship between local gov-
ernments and the state and federal
Other divisions of the Institute will
include: international good will, the
church and the problem of democ-
racy, the New York stock- exchange,
current problems in our Latin-Amer-
ican relations, changing Asia, thea
American political scene in 1936 and
public opinion in a democracy.
Dr. R. M. Shick, an interne at the
University Hospital, and Dr. Chris-
topher Parnall, an instructor at the
hospital, were uninjured early yester-
day morning when the cars which
they were driving collided at S. Main
and 'Madison Streets. Dr. Shick was
examined for a possible arm injury
after the crash. Both cars were dam-
aged, Dr. Parnall's being overturned,
and Dr. Shick's going into a telephone

Not For Roosevelt

Warsaw Math
Specialist Will
Lecture Today
Prof. Kazimierz Kuratowski of the
University of Warsaw, Poland, will
lecture at 4:10 p.m. today in Room
3001 Angell Hall on "Application of
the Method of Category of Baire for
Proving Existence Theorems." The
lecture will be in English and will
give the results of one of Professor
Kuratowski's recent mathematical re-
Professor Kuratowski was invited to
this country to serve as exchange pro-
fessor at Princeton University. Since
the close of his lectures at Princeton
he has appeared as a visiting lecturer
in many eastern and mid-western
Professor Kuratowski received his
degree at the University of Warsaw
in 1920, where he also gained world-
wide fame through his researches on
irreducible continua. After a few
years as Docent at the University of
Warsaw he was appointed professor
at the Polytechnique in Lwow. He re-
turned two years ago to the Uni-
versity of Warsaw as professor of
He is also the author of a treatise
on Topology which is recognized as

New Freshman Gym Pro gram |nFarmer - Labor
Scheduled For Next Semesteri State Activities
To.u Fis erMnI _ - Are Organized
Ta P"ut First Year Men In spare the time may join one of the
Two Classes;- Systen supervised athletic groups.
The sports offered will be as follows: Reorganization of the leadership
Emphasizes Technique football, swimming, track, and, i! of the Farmer-Labor party of Mich-
igan was effected Sunday at Owosso
Next year's freshmen will discover season, basketball, hockey, baseball, in a meeting of the Party's State Cen-
a variation in the form of the usual tennis and golf. Anyone showing a tral Committee held in conjunction
a lack of interest or failure to attend with a state-wide delegate conven-
compulsory course in physical educa- will be transferred into the class tion.
ticn for men, according to Dr. G. A. The conventionedomposed of s17
May, Iead of the physical education groups.d The convention, composed of 37
department. Students will be placed The program of class activities does "delegatesandp300 unofficial partici-
under a plan which resembles the not vary greatly from this year's. in Michigan, was called to coordinate
n ahaEdreml thEach class will be subdivided into Farmer-Labor activities in this state.
Swarthmore Educational system on a five groups for the puropose of con- The convention empowered the Cen-
minute scale. I venience. Each group will spend a tral Committee to call a state con-
All frohmen will be classified period of three weeks participating in I vention late this summer, which will
under one of two groups: athletic or one activity. At the end of every organize for the 1936 state campaign.
class. Dr. May stated that any boy three weeks the student will take a The convention voted to send a tele-
who takes sufficient interest and can comprehensive examination in theg
* technique of the activity just com- gram to the Socialist Party Conven-
pletd. urig te fist emeterthetion at Cleveland urging joint action
" pleted. During the first semester the of the two groups. The delegates also
Hospitals Not Free activities will consist of gymnastics
ctwhich includes apparatus work an voted to instruct the Michigan dele-
Of State Sales Tax{tumbling, track and field, basketball, gation to support the formation of a
wrestling ,and boxing; during the sec- national Farmer-Labor party at the
LANSNG M 25 P) R -and semester handball, volleyball golf, (conference to be held in Chicago under i
LANSING. May 25. - (A') - Repre- I eetrhnblvlcbl of the sponsorship of Gov. O"lson of Min-1
sentative of hospitals, who appeared tennis, and gymnastics. After the end nesotan
before the State Board of Tax Ad- I of the spring recess the student is The following oficers were elected
ministration today to ask that their reclassified, and can elect either an to the State Central Committee: Mil-
institutions be exempted from the indoor or an outdoor sport. ton E. Scherer of Muskegon, chair-
three per cent sales tax on purchases, I "This method," said Dr. May, man; Simeon P. Martin of Stanton,
lost their plea today. "places a premium on the value of vice-chairman; W. A. Nelson of Farm-
The Board recalled that the bill in- knowledge of the technique, rather I inton ,scretary: and 1 nv rin-

69th Birthday Of
Queen Mary Finds
Her Quite Active
LONDON, May 25. - () - Queen
Mary, still grieving over the death of
King George but taking a more active
interest in life about her, will cele-
brate her 69th birthday tomrolw.
It will, even more than in former
years, be a quiet celebration, with
members of the royal family gather-
ing at Buckingham Palace to tender
their congratulations.
The usual preparations will be
made, however, to handle the thou-
sands of letters and telegrams re-
ceived from all parts of the world on
the occasion of the queen's birthday.
Actually, the queen will not pass
another year until midnight. She was
born on the stroke of midnight at
Kensington Palace, in London, now
the home of Princess Beatrice, mother
of the former Queen of Spain.
Queen Mary daily evidences a ten-
dency to resume, to some extent at
least, the busy life to which she has
been accustomed.
Today she journeyed to South-
hampton to visit the new ocean liner
which bears her name, and which
she has been seen since she christened
the ship at the Clyde. It was her first
public visit of any kind since the
death of King George.

-associated Press Photo.
Leo Krzycki (above), chairman
of the national executive committee
of the Socialist party and a cloth-
ing workers union executive, told a
(sesirn of the Socialist party's na-
tional convention at Cleveland he
would not support President Roose-
velt this year.


33 File A' ication one of the clearest expositions of this
F e 'difficultsubjct and is widely accept-
For Forestr Test ed as a standard reference book.
Y Since 1928 he has been editor of
Fundamenta Mathematica, the Polish
Applications have been filed by 33 mathematical journal devoted to the
senior and graduate students in the theory of sets and its applications.
School of Forestry and Conservation
to take the June government Civil i Burglars Ransack
Service examination in junior forestry, He Of Gd
according to Prof. W. F. Ramsdell of jItfliC .aOlltti1ng
the forestry school. Burglars who entered and thor-
The. government positions open to oughly ransacked the home of Prof.
students successful in the civil serv- Herbert J. Goulding Sunday failed to
ice examinations form one of the secure more than an old-fashioned
chief outlets for graduates of the wrist watch, a police investigation re-
forestry school, according to Profes- vealed today.
sor Ramsdell. The examinations lead Entrance to the house was gained
to positions with the U.S. Biological by prying open the lock of the garage,'
Survey, the Soil Conservation Service, which is a part of the house. Every
the Forestry Branch of the Indian room had been searched, but nothing
Service, forestry positions in the Na- was missing except the watch, which
tional Park Service and the National was described as being of compara-
Forest Service including branches in tively small value except for senti-
forest research and experimentation. mental reasons.

troduced by Senator Felix H. Flynn,
Republican, Cadillac to amend the
original act in the 1935 Legislature,
would have exempted hospitals. The
Flynn bill exempted goods used in ag-
ricultural production and industrial
processing as it finally was enacted.
The exemption for hospitals was
dropped by legislators.
"The board agreed it could not go
beyond an apparent legislative de-
cision," Joseph S. Feneley, director of
the Board, explained.

than the mere amount of skill pos-
cessed. In the past we have found
that students dislike the compulsory
physical education mainly because
they do not possess the necessary skillI
to undertake all the sports they come,
into contact with. Under this system
where skill is not an essential factor
the student is not afraid to learn
the rules, theory, and technique of
sports, which will prove to be of im-
mense value to him both in college
and later life."

ney of Union City, treasurer.
BATTLE CREEK, May 5. -(A')-
James Creighton, a Battle Creek
county Justice of the Peace, an-
nounced his candidacy today for the
Republican nomination as state sen-
ator from the ninth district.
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No+te: Beginning
September, 1936, the
afternoon course con.
tinues as a 3-year
course, but the eve.
ning course changes
from a 3.to a 4-year
* Students desiring
to take the present
3-year evening
course must enter
on or before July
:7f 936.

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Lead to Ll. B. and
J. D degrees.
Two years college
work required for
For free catalog and
booklet, "Study of
law and. Proper P'rep-
qration" addressz
Edward T. Lee, Dean,
l$X. 32, 315 Plymouth











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