Skill Displayed'
By Equestrians
In Gala Show
Sets Wedding Date
Eleanor Frencl
h Captures
Leadershiip In Three
Difficult Contests
Eleanor French, '39, president of
Crop and Saddle, gave an outstand-
ing exhibition of horsemanship yes-
terday at the University horse show,
taking first, second and third places
in various classes.
Miss French was the winner of the
five gaited class open to all men and
women students. Betty Greve, '36,
former president of Crop and Saddle,
and Mary Catharine Johnson, '37,
took second and third places re-
spectively, in this event. In the three
gaited event open to all men and
women students, Doris O'Grady, '39,
was the victor, with Miss French
second and Mary Jane Atlee, '38,
Esther Bolotin, won the three gait-
ed event for beginners, being victor
ious over Fred Space, '39E, who
placed second and Dorothy Novy, '38,
who placed third. In the three gait-
ed class, open to privately owned
horses, Coughlin's Choice owned by
Arthur E.' Boswell and ridden by
Roberta Lyon was the winner, with
Silver Chieftan owned by Dr. Theo-
dore Lane and ridden by Mrs. Robert
Lyon second, and Rex Heart owned
by Roberta Lyon and ridden by,.Miss
French third.
A special feature of the program
.,was the jumping exhibition, in which
Marietta Arner, '39, Miss Lyon, and
Fred Arner,. Jr., participated. Rob-'
ert Baxley, '38E, and Meyer Gold-'
berg,' '38, were declared the winners'
in the balloon fight, another special
event. Miss Johnson took first place
in musical chairs.
Mr. Alexander Ruthven preented
ribbons to the winners, who were
judged by a committee qf three. Pres-
ident Ruthven, Dr. James Bruce, and
Mrs. ,Robert Lyon. This is the third
year that such an event has been
Cool - - Comfortable
and it Stays in Place
' . .-
-Associated Press Photo.
Miss Westwood Beverley Byrd,
daughter of U. S. Senator and Mrs.
Harry Flood Byrd, Jr., of Virginia
will be married June 6 at the home
of her parents to Harry R. Kearn,
Jr., attorney.
Fashion Suggests
Cool Batistes And
Linen For Campus
Last year's supply of wash dresses
may already have been sent from
home, but the new stock in Ann Arbor
shops may even make one's perennial
summer favorite look anaemic. Dotted
swisses and linens, stand-bys of many
a year, are the fabrics that are used
most in these attractive dresses, with
batistes and lawns vying with them
in beauty and comfort.
Coolness in color and cut is a not-
able feature in much of the stock.
A deft blue linen with short cap
sleeves of white cut-out work, and
a sleeveless white shantung, buttoned
down the back will keep anyone com-
fortable when the asphalt is getting
soft. Another cool number is a dark
blue and white dotted swiss, trimmed
with very narrow rick-rack.
Novelty Trimmings Shown
Quite a few of the dresses are dis-
tinguished by cute gadgets. An egg-
shell crash linen with red and browr
binding on the collar has two yellow:
golf tees outside the pockets. A ma
roon key for a belt buckle and twc
maroon padlocks on the pockets trin
a Copenhagen blue.
Embroidery, both of the peasan4
and the feminine type makes a goodl
number of the dresses interesting. An
other of those popular crash linen
is sprinkled with large vari-colore
coin dots, while a sophisticated look
ing' black linen has for its all over dec-
oration, heavy white embroidery cres-
cents. More dainty handwork. make
a green and brown flower print look
fragile. Its shoulder yoke made of
white embroidered lawn and lace, this
model is topped off with a narrow
brown velvet bow and streamers at
the, neck.
Although blue dotted swiss is al-
most as common in summer as dande-
lions in Palmer Field, a 'stiff white
embroidered bertha takes a model of
this fabric out of the realm of the
Double Duty Frocks Smart
Practicality, not to be scored i:
warm weather apparel, is shown by a
two-in-one dress. With its white
short sleeved redingote it looks appro-
priate for a tennis court, but when the
coat is removed the maroon printed
lawn underneath is just right for a
luncheon engagement. Maroon lawn
appears in another rather dressy
model with white pointed scallops at
neck, sleeves and hem. A final fillip
is added by a bunch of red cherries or
the shoulder.
Twelve members of Wyvern, junior
honorary society, left at 4:30 p.m.
yesterday for a week-end outing at.
the cottage of Mrs. Byrl Bacher, spon-
sor of the group, on Cavanough Lake.
The group is planning to return to
Ann Arbor Sunday.
Vogue Awards
Albion Woman
Prix De Paris
Mlarjorie Field Of Albion
Is Victorious Over 568
University Women
Vogue's Prix de Paris award, a na-
tionwide career contest for seniorj
college women, was won by MarjorieI
Field, Port Huron, a student at Al
bion College. The first prize is a
year's employment in the Paris and
New York offices of Vogue.
Second prize,'six months' employ-
ment in Vogue's New York office,
went to Josephine Heiskell, Little
Rock, Ark., a Bryn Mawr College
Edna W. Chase, editor-in-chief of
Vogue, announced these winners,
and Miss Chase said further that two
additional positions were created for
Ellis May Morris of Ohio State Uni-
verity and Katherine Roberts of
Smith College because of their ex-
cellent work in the contest.
Ten runners up were put in con-
tact with various stores, advertising
agencies, and publications who agreed
to interview them on Vogue's recom-
The contest was announced Oct. 1,
1935 for senior women who intended
to make the field of fashion their
career. Six quizzes and a final thesis
served as a preliminary course in
Pfashion, and the winners were chosen
on the basis of their work in the
From colleges in 46 states, 568
seniors entered the contest. Al-
though no definite announcement has
been made as yet, it is expected that
Vogue's Prix de Paris will become an
annual event for college women.
Westminster Guild Has
Installation Of Officers
The Westminster Guild of the First
Presbyterian church recently installed
its new officers for the year. Phil
Goston, '37, of Sault Ste. Marie will
direct the group as president. Other
,fficers selected are: Emily Morgan,
38, of Ann Arbor, secretary; Robert
H{ouse, '38, of Buffalo, N.Y., treasurer;
Narrington Willis, '39, of Auburn, N.
V., in charge of campus cooperation,
ind Robert Somers, '38, of Buffalo,
T.Y., social chairman.
The remainder of the committee
vill be announced soon. Retiring of-
icers are William Barndt, '37, presi-
lent; Geil Ducendack, '38, vice-pres-
dent; and Ellis Moerman;'36E, treas-
Alpha Phi announces the pledging
>f Elizabeth Patton, '38, of Ann Ar-
Hot Weather Lures
Students To Seek
New Picnic Spots
Spring brings warm weather, andj
that leads to picnics, which bring up
swimming, which in turn brings up
the old questions of where and how.!
No town offers such rare and en-
chanting possibilities for picnics as
Ann Arbor. The Huron River affords
innumerable delightful spots for eith-
er swimming or picnics or both. f
Starting with canoes, because
canoes are within reach of most.
students, one can travel any distance.
from a few blocks from the canoe
livery up to Barton dam. Within this
range, quantities of picnicers and
swimmers may be found all along the
banks, and blocking the canoe traffic.
Undaunted, the more adventurous
will make the portage at Barton where
they may either isolate themselves,.on
the lake, or proceed farther to the
choicer picnic grounds.
At Delhi, tables are set up, and the
one on the island overlooking the
rapids always. has been a favorite
spot. The road leaves the river for
a distance just east of Delhi. Along
this stretch the river is slow and,
serene, few people are around, and
the scene is completed by the cows!
that munch the grass on the other
Gf4D-§IBOUT ..
NOW THIS is something like it.
At last you can get a toilet water
in the same scent as your favorite
perfume. Calkins Fletcher has
beautiful sets of bath powder and
toilet water in the same fragrance.
For you Lent heric addicts -Tweed
for instance -there are large
beautiful containers that will see
you well through the summer. The
wonderful thing about it is that
you can take a rub which has the
same cooling effect as alcohol but
leaves you faintly perfumed. This
is an old fashioned system, and
a very nice one if you ask me,
which has suddenly and deservedly
returned to popularity.
MEN NEVER SEEM to appreci-
ate the things we gals give them
from time to time. They may think
it is very sweet of us, but do they
ever use them? Now it is a very
sad thing to give a present and
then have it tucked away and
finally handed on to a rummage
sale. This year Saffel and Bush
ale ready and willing to give
pointers on the correct gift for a
man who is graduating. Or doing
anything else for that matter if
it calls for a present. They sug-
gest matching tie, hose, and hand-
kerchief; Dozer pajamas - they
look swell. They suit any price
you may have in mind, going from
the less expensive to something
like a fine sports sweater. These
sweaters by the way vary in price
too. Like good Samaritans we hope
that this will be one time when the
men get presents they really like.
ccmparable to Christmas, what
with all the sweet girl graduates, to.
say nothing of the June brides. As
in the jolly Yuletide the gift prob-
lem may well tax your allowance
and your ingenuity. If you are
becoming slightly desperate at the
thought of showers the Kress Gift
Shop on State Street is the place
for you. They will take you with
flying colors from the first hand-
kerchief shower right through to an
impressive wedding present. Not
only are their things attractive and
usable, they won't make you think
of the war debt. Look at their
collection of trays. All kinds,
shapes, and sizes. No one has ever
had enough of them.
NEWS! - EVERYONE is going
formal and feminine. Views at the
Dillon shop are enchanting. Sum-
mer formals are runing riot. Lovely
ethereal things of organdie, chif-
:fon, lace, and, for those who
demand sophistication, printed
crepes, cottons, and crisp piques.
But it is the 'terribly feminine
numbers that are the newest. And
there is something about them that
will make a dream girl out of you
and bring out all the protective
tendencies in the male. 'Might as
well be forehanded and look them
over now to make sure you get
just what you want even tho' there
are a few weeks before the Senior
Ball and the June houseparties.
yFor those who like to walk, the
woods across the river from the hos-
pital have fireplaces and tables for
picnicers, as well as a view of the.
town. Peach Mountain, just west of
the Barton Hills Golf Club, makes a!
nice riding distance for bicycle fans.
The spots mentioned are popular,
and those who prefer secluded places,
should go farther up the river and
discover thier own.
Senior Ball Tickets,
Are Selling Rapidly'
The ticket sale for Senior Ball,
which is to take place June 19, is
progressing very rapidly, according
to Lawrence David, '36, ticket chair-
man for the affair, and all seniors who
expect to attend the dance should
purchase their tickets this week if
It had been planned that fraterni-
ties could secure their tickets up un-
til Wednesday, May 27, but due to
the fact that the demand is so great,
David has stated that committeemen
will visit the various fraternities to-
morrow afternoon and evening, and
all who desire tickets are requested to
have their money available at this
time. The price of the 'tickets is
$3.50. If any tickets remain after
the seniors have secured the number
they wish, the sale will be opened to
other classes.
Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads.
Belle Slhcrmeer Hose
Regular quality, all wanted
shades, '$1.35 Va1ucs .
2 pairs for $2.39
All Collor-ond-Cuff
in Chiffons, P qucs, Organ-
dies, Crepes .
$1 .00 values 69c
$1.95 values $1.39
in Fabrics, Silks, Mesh-
String, grey, natural, red,
green, brown, navy, black,
$1.00 values 9c
.-r /
., .
b , - -.
mis play of Elifts
at the
Especially appropriate for Showers and Weddings
... you will like our Tony Sarg Bridge and Lunch-
eon Sets. Handkerchiefs monogrammed upon
request. Guest Towels. Attractive Bath Towel sets.
D ON'T WEAR a hot and un-
comfortable foundation this
summer! Not when you can get
a Shadow LeGant! It's of airy,
breezy voile - firm and strong.
The Whole back skirt is of firm,
woven two-way stretch Lastex,
tissue thin and air - cooled.
Lastex isn't hot when it's worn
next to the body -- and it wears
marvelously. Washing actually
improves it, because it removes
perspiration. The brassiere sec-
tion uplifts and rounds the bust
it's of lace, net-lined.
_ _ ^ __ --_________ - - - - - -- - -- ' i
You'll Be Your Loveliest Self
( 'v just i paCk(ed
a lot Of new)
Daince Frocks
-Irr 7-
V ews.
You can be gay, carefree and
cool in these stunning, new
evening frocks.
Cottons, Laces, Chiffons,
Prints, Mousselines de Soies,
one is just as smart as the
Priced $Q5109
Evening Coats
Little Coats of Cotton, Taf-
feta and Fleece . .. at
$ .95 and $7.95
- Permanent
undressed without a coat, you'll welcome these
with open arms! Toss them on with any of your
frocks . . . they'll give you that well-turned-out
feeling you want, and you'll still be as cool as
nt- nil I"u WOC t-I-Jn 1.1l f5L
Other Beautiful W aves Featured
$2.50 to $7.50 including the
though you wore no coat at att .in gay coioriut
plaids . .. in pure white, in natural, and in simply
delectable pastel shades. They're all swagger, and
So c-O-O-L
CON(o and 4'HARKSKIN, 2-piece tailored Suits,
Whitc and pastel .....$12.95 and more.
and More
Shampoo, Plain Rinse
N A Z I "N k "OOC'l 1 t