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May 24, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-24

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get the support which it receives, but even its
staunchest believers must soon weaken, There
are facts on one side, and on the other - silence
- which is self-revealing.

Appeal .

. .

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
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George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
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Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;- Don
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Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
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Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as-
sociates, I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: 'George J. Andros, ,Chaii'man; Fred
Delano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman,
Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler.
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beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
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Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
BUSINESS MANAGER ...................JOHN R. PARK
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T OMORROW and Tuesday the Hillel
Foundation will run its student
campaign as part of its Ann Arbor drive for $3,000.
The drive is part of a national campaign to aid
Jewish refugees in Europe and establish a maxi-
mum number of them on a self-subsistent basis in
More than $1,000 has already been donated to"
the fund by faculty members and townspeople, but
the success of the drive depends upon the student
body. It deserves your help.
The movement to solve the Jewish problem in
Germany and Poland by financing an exodus to
Palestine has shown itself to be one of the greati
humanitarian events of modern history. Of the
45,000 Jews who have left Germany since Hitler,
30,000 have found homes in Palestine.
Most of the other European countries have
opened their doors to make a haven for refugees,
but only temporarily. Palestine is the only place
where they can find a permanent home. The eco-
nomic strangulation which the Jews are under-
going in Germany and Poland makes it impossible
for more than a few of them to finance their own
transportation. But the fund must provide more
than transportation, for immigrants must be cared
for until able to provide themselves with a liveli-
This is our responsibility. The claims of simple
humanity demand that we do our bit to rescue
these unfortunate people from a dire fate.

ANEW WAY for the church to
bring humanity into warfare is
suggested by the Rev. Fr. Julius Arthur Nieuwland.
Father Nieuwland, professor of chemistry at Notre
Dame, has just been awarded the Mendel Medal
as the Catholic Scientist-of-the-year for his re-
searches on acetylene which led to the development
of synthetic rubber.
An interesting by-product of his research work
on acetylene is lewisite, only war gas deadlier than
mustard gas.
Asked about this new gas, Father Nieuwland
was quoted in Time Magazine for this week as
"Poison gas is a humane instrument of warfare.
By the introduction of gas and other modern
instruments of warfare, a progressively smaller
percentage of combatants have been killed.
"In Biblical times, thousands of men met in
the middle of a plain and slashed one another
until only a' few were few standing. Today, the
primary aim is not to kill bt to incapacitate.
And poison gas is an ideal method of achieving
that aim."
The superiority of lewisite to mustard gas, ac-
cording to Time, is that while it inflames its
victim's respiratory system and burns his skin,
it also poisons the burns.
Congratulations, sir. As long as we are going
to have war, doesn't it seem sensible to devote our
efforts to making war less "incapacitating"? Let's
turn our churches into factories for making hand
grenades that only go "phhht," and our schools
into factories for cap pistols.
AVERY EASY WAY to avoid losing
an argument is simply to refuse to
talk when things begin to look black. It is also
an easy way to hide facts which might turn up in
the course of an argument.
Two days ago, in Washington, Dr. Francis E.
Townsend, great white father of the old age pen-
sion plan, and would-be messiah, sulked, stamped
his foot, and made a dramatic exit from the House
hearing where his plan is being investigated. Stat-
ing that he was "tired of this inquisition," the
California medicine-man announced that he would
not return except under arrest. Admiring this
splendid showing of spirit, the good doctor's fol-
lowers applauded vociferously.
The little scene was unfortunately obvious.
Townsend was on the spot, and he knew it. He
was braving the danger of contempt proceedings
and he knew that too. There was plenty of
reason for this desperate move. "The Inquisitors"
are getting closer every day to the truths of the
Townsend organization. In fact, the plan seems
slowly but surely to be approaching a miserable
At the last hearing, former-Congressman Charles
Randall of California testified that hi name was
forged to an appeal for funds to support the
Townsend lobby in Washington. Through this
appeal, more than $11,000 was collected. The
other named signed to the appeal was that of
Robert Earl Clements, former chief organizer of
the movement, who recently sold his interest
to Dr. Townsend for $25,000 cash, and merrily went
his way.
The investigating committee has also discovered,
that the financial organization within the move-
ment is very loose. It learned from Townsend, for

As Others See It
(From The Daily Illini)
(An editorial tribute to O. C. Leiter, associ-
ate professor of journalism, written on the
occasion of the Journalism Senior banquet.
The tribute is written in the first person as any
one of dozens of journalism students would
write it.)
HAVE OFTEN THOUGHT that when my years
humbered on the other side of middle age that I
would like to look back at a useful careeer spent
for public betterment. I would like to feel that I
had been out in the world, seen life, and made
my contribution to making that life better.
I would like to know that I had sought for
the facts and had told the truth as I saw it. I
would like to know that I did not back down in
the face of difficulty. I would like to know that
I had been kindly and generous.
I would like to feel that adversities had not made
me sour and cold but rather had mellowed my
sympathy and understanding. I would like to
feel that I was keeping pace with the times, that
I was assuming a liberal viewpoint, and that in
short I was not 50 or so years old but was that
many years young.
I would like to know that I vas useful, more
useful than ever before. I would like to know
that I was now able to inspire others and that
they valued my judgment.
And with all of this, I would like to know that
my colleagues and friends did not feel the slightest
suggestion of jealousy toward me because of the
esteem in which I was held.
* * *
I did not form this pattern from imagination.
I developed it in the past few years during my
association with O. C. Leiter, a man who stands in
the position I have described, the place of esteem
which I some day would so like to hold.
When Minos Shaved
(From the New York Times)
A MEMBER of the Princeton faculty shaved him-
self the other day with a razor 4,000 years old.
It is of glass-like obsidian stone and was found
outside the palace of King Minos at Cnossos in
Crete. That the inhabitants of ancient Crete were
familiar with the use of the razor, says the Prince-
ton professor, is attested'by the clean-shaven men
depicted on the monuments of the time. He might
have cited also the old Greek adage about things
Sbeingon the razor's edge when they were in a
critical state.
Why this stone razor should have been found
outside the royal palace at Cnossos the present
owner does not attempt to explain. But perhaps
it was even harder to dispose of old razor blades
4,000 years ago than it is now.
Young College Heads
(From The New York Times)
WILSON COLLEGE at Chambersburg, Pa., has
a new president 33 years old. Wilson is a
small college, but even then 33 is young for a
man at the head of it. No record is involved, of
course. That is still safe with Robert M. Hutch-
ins, who became president of the University of
Chicago At 30. Glenn Frank was 38 when he was
chosen head of Wisconsin. Professor Conant at
40 was very young to be president of Harvard.
The thing is not without precedent. President
Conant's famous predecessor, Charles W. Eliot, was
35 when he took charge at Harvard, and Dr. Butler
was 40 when he became head of Columbia Uni-
versity just after the turn of the century. Their
showing is all the more impressive because youth
was younger once upon a time than it is now.
Today it is a general trend toward young college
If youth on the campus continues to rebel, it
will be the revolt of youth against youth, and

Tortured Sou
Declaring that he was "tired of this inquisition,"
Dr. Francis E. Townsend, California Messiah, bold-
ly walked out of a House hearing while his old age
pension plan was under investigation, and called
the committee's bluff when it threatened contempt
Making his headquarters at Baltimore, Townsend
announced that he would not return to the hearing
except under arrest. Gleeful were old people the
country over when it 'Was announced on Friday
that the House committee, meeting in executive
session, had been unable to come to a decision
regarding what action to take, and had adjourned.
The father of the movement, resting from his "in-
quisition," announced that the adjournment of
the committee is a clear indication that they are
afraid to bring the true facts of the investigation
before the House.
Differing with Dr. Townsend is Representative
Bell of Missouri, chairman of the committee, who
holds that the executive session was adjourned
only because the members are unable to agree on
how to punish Townsend. Chairman Bell's opin-
ion was that Townsend should be brought before
the House bar. Other action which may possibly
be taken is to cite the doctor to the federal Attor-
ney for the District of Columbia. The only other
possibility is for the committee to drop thecase
It may be that Townsend's move is no more
than a bluff to draw attention from the rather
unpleasant discoveries made by the investigating
committee. Because of the fact that money ob-
tained for lobbying in Washington by sending out
appeals was not all used for that purpose, a charge
of using the mails to defraud has been brought
against him, and the financial records of the or-
ganization has been found to be in turmoil.
In any case, the martyred doctor has announced
from his Baltimore retreat that he will "rot in
jail" rather than appear again before the House
committee, and he is probably pretty close to the
truth in that regard at least, according to Chair-
man Bell.
On Monday, before the Townsend investigation
had attracted any great amount of attention, the
Supreme Court threw out the Guffey Coal Law
as a violation of state rights. The decision of the
Court was most unusual in view of the manner in
which the nine justices were split. Chief Justice
Hughes joined Justices McReynolds, Sutherland,
Roberts, VanDevanter and Roberts against Justices
Cardoza, Brandeis and Stone who supported the
regulation of laws and wage provisions of the
Concerning the price-fixing features of the
la}v, Justice Hughes backed the minority in a 5-4
unfavorable decision. In throwing out the entire
act, Chief Justice Hughes joined with the majority
of five. Perhaps the most important issue in the
decision was that of whether or not Congress has
the power to provide a scale of prices and compe-
titive conditions for the inte-state flow of coal
The majority of five did not give any definite opin-
ion on this matter, while the Chief Justi'ce and the
three dissenters gave it full validation.
The Guffey act was originally decided on by the
administration for the relief of the depressed soft-
coal industry, after labor had fully endorsed it
and operators had divided on its provisions. The
adjournment of Congress is now so near that i
will be difficult for friends of the bill to re-enact
all of the sections not specifically rejected by the
The forces of labor were not at all slow in
taking up the challenge of the decision. William
Green, president of the American Federation of
Labor, sees the decision as an indication of the
need for stronger organization of labor and greater
use of labor's "economic strength." Even more
grim is the view of John L. Lewis, president o
the United Mine Workers. "It is a sad commentary
on our form of government," he said, "When every
decision of the Supreme Court seems designed to
fatten capital and starve and destroy labor."
1Turn"LA bout

As an interesting aftermath of the Italian in-
vasion of Ethiopia, and the righteous objection
raised by France and Great Britain, this week cam
the news that France has refused to move he
own troops from Ethiopia.
France has 150 troops on guard on the Italian-?
occupied French-Ethiopian railroad, and Italy ha
announced that she feels that her army of occu
pation is capable of maintaining order through-
out the land. The squabble between the twc
countries has been brought to a head by Italy'.
expulsion of a French priest from Ethiopia, an
act termed by Joseph Paul=Boncour, acting foreign
minister, as "unacceptable."
Leon Blum, France's prospective premier, admit;
that there is dynamite in the situation, and ha;
suggested that he would like an alliance with
Great Britain. It appears that Anthony Eden wil
soon be off on another of his continental jaunts
in an attempt to keep the peace.
Meanwhile from London were reported rumor;
that the British and French governments had botl
received "hints" from Italy that their legatior
guards should be removed from Addis Ababa
Britain has hastened to make it clear that even is
she should withdraw troops from Ethiopia, shy
must not be understood as to have recognized th
sovereignty of Italy.
England's Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden again
stepped into the limelight last week when he tool
the unprecedented step of publicly arraigning
foreign embassy in London from the floor of thi
House of Commons. His charge was that the Ital
ian embassy had fabricated proof that their gov
ernment was being supplied with ammunition b,
British interests. The "false" charges were ever
more painful to British honor since it was reporter

A mixture of musical comedy, melo-
drama, and play of manner's, it has R
its very good, very bad, and mediocreC
moments. b
It's excellences, itseems to this re-%
viewer, are two. First of these is the t
Estelle Winwood. When Mr. Hen- c
derson wrote in this column, a few
weeks ago, that Miss Winwood was
one of the two best artists ever to n
grace the Ann Arbor season, some of b
us lifted our eyebrows and attributed =
his remarks to the over-enthusiasm s
which is the impresario's prerogative. c
Last night, however, we saw that Mr. n
Henderson was right.-
Miss Winwood possesses the rare d
faculty of making every word she ut-
ters pregnant with meaning and life.
Her manner of, moving is graceful andr
exquisite. Her facial expression is 1
always/ exactly right, and so clear
that one feels she could handle almost
any part without ever speaking ag
word. Her role in Party, although thec
most important in the play, unfor-r
tunately happens to be not overly ex-
citing; but she certainly gets every
possible bit out of it ,and I imagine
that almost everyone who sees her
this week will have his appetite very
definitely whetted for what should be i
her superb Gertrude in Hamlet.
Excellence number two of Party isc
its musical comedy, which, unfor-
tunately, occupies an interlude that
is much too brief. It consists of
something less than a half hour of
songs by Frances Maddux and im-
itations by Eddie Garr, given at the
insistence of the Party guests. True
to the principal holding that good
things come in small packages ,it is as
entertaining - while it lasts - as1
anything to be seen in the large re-
To be fair, however, it must be said
that, at least is this reviewer's esti-
mation, .most of Party is not very
good. A gallery having a living model
behind nearly every one of its por-
traits, its chief attraction is inevitab-
ly lost on an audience which knows
only the names of one or 'two of the
originals. What is left is little more
than an unreal play about a decadent
society, trying unconvincingly to
patch together a shabby sort of hap-
1 R A D 10O
ROSA PONSELLE will be the guest
star on the symphony concert
tonight with Erno Rapee's orchestra
at 9 p.m. over NBC, following Kather-
ine Meisle, contralto, who will appear
t, as soloist on the Sunday Evening
Hour, at 8 p.m. over CBS.
* * *
Now that Eddie Cantor has vacated
his Sunday night spot, (Hallelujah!)
1 Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra hold
sway over CBS at 6 p.m. Sunday
night. Tommey, a fine trombonist, is
a former member of the estranged
Dorsey Bros. firm. Now both Jimmy
f and Tommy have excellent mu-
sical aggregations, Tommy's not in-
frequent jamming being especially
pleasing to the ear. It's too bad that
Jack Benny is on at the same time
for someone is sure to be neglected.
* * *
Many special broadcasts are sched-
uled for Saturday in observance of
Memorial Day. The annual A.A.U.'
Marathon fromn Mt. Vernon to Wash-
ington, D.C., will be broadcast by an
s NBC man riding on a bicycle along
e with the runners. The broadcast
r will start at 4:30 p.m. At various
times throughout the day reports of'
the 500 mile automobile race at In-
s dianapolis will be carried by both
- NBC and CBS. Graham McNamee
will be on hand to describe the finish
for the former chain.
z AFTER hearing what was probably
the worst broadcast of a sports
event in history, that of the Metro-

politan Handicap on May 16, we'll
have a chance to hear how the British
s do it on Wednesday. On that day
a the classic Epsom Derby will be
l broadcast from Epsom Downs, Eng-
land, at 8:45 a.m. We probably won't
be up then, either.
s * *
The departure of the Queen Mary,
1 Britain's newest sea castle, on her
. maiden voyage will be described, also
f on Wednesday, at different times of
e the day, from Southhampton. At
e 6:15 p.m.ua specialhbroadcast will
be sent out from the giant ship's
Tomorrow the nominating speeches
"1for presidential and vice-presidential
k candidates from the National So-
a cialist Party convention at Cleveland
e will be broadcast at 3:30 p.m. Later
- on, at 5:35 p.m., Mr. E. R. Bowen,
- general secretary of the Cooperative
y League will speak on "The Future
n of Retailing by Cooperatives" over
d CBS.

Notice! To All Who Expect to
receive Diplomas or Certificates at g
ommencement: Tomorrow is the
ast day for the payment of diploma
.nd certificate fees. There can and
will be absolutely no extension of F
ime, and no payments will be ac-
epted after 4 p.m. Monday, May 25. c
Shirley W. Smith
Key Dance ticket reservations will
ot be honored after Tuesday. Mem- n
ers of Michigamua, Sphinx, Sigma
Delta Chi, Vulcans and Triangles
hould communicate with their offi-
:ers and turn in unsold tickets im- t
mediately. A few tickets have been
placed on general sale at the Union a
desk. W. B. Rean
The University Bureau of Appoint- f
ments and OccupationaL Information
has received announcement of Unitedv
States Civil Service Examination for f
Junior Civil Service Examiner, salary,
$1,620. For further information con-
cerning this examination call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and
2 to 4 p.m.
Prof. K. Kuratowski of the Uni-
versity of Warsaw will speak on "Ap-
plications of the method of category
(of Baire) for proving existence the-1
orems" on Tuesday afternoon, May
26, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011 Angell1
Choral Union Concerts: The follow-
ing artists and organizations will ap-
pear in the 1936-37 Choral Union
Concert Series:
Oct. 19, Kir ten Flagstad, soprano.
Nov. 2, Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra, Frederick Stock, Conductor.
Nov. 16, Moscow Cathedral Choir,
Nicholas Afonsky, Conductor.
Nov. 30, Jascha Heifetz, Violinist.
Dec. 10, Boston Symphony Orches-
tra, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor.
Dec. 14, Josef Hofman, Pianist.-
Jan. 15, Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra, Gernardino Molinari, Guest
Jan. 25,rGregor Piatigorsky',(Violon-
Feb. 23, Artur Schnabel, Pianist,
March 24, Nelson Eddy, Baritone.
Charles A. Sink, President.
Islamic Art sponsored by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art.
Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sun-
days from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumni
Memorial Hall, North and South Gal-
leries, Gallery talk by Isabel Hub-
bard, today at 4 p.m. No admission
EventsOf Today
First Methodist Church:
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on
"What Shall We Do About High Liv-
ing?" at 10:45 a.m.
Stalker Hall, Sunday:
12 noon, Dr. E. W. Blakeman will
conduct the series on Peace with the
discussion on "The Educated Chris-
tian's Obligation."
6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Dr.
W. E. Forsythe will speak on "What
Is Life?"
7 p.m., Fellowship hour and supper.
Episcopal Student Meeting:
The regular student meeting will
be held in the evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Peirsol, 625 Ox-
ford Road. Prof. Howard McClusky
will be the speaker for the evening.
Those students who do not know
the .way to the Peirsol's home will be
picked up at Harris Hall at 6:30 p.m.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship are: 8 a.m.
Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church
School; 11 a.m., Kindergarten; 11
a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon by

the Reverend Henry Lewis.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church:
9:30 a.m., Church School.
9:30 a.m., divine service in German.
10:45 a.m., A pre-confirmation ser-
7 p.m., The annual Student-Wal-
ther League banquet in the parlors of
the church.
Trinity Lutheran Church: '
Church School at 9:15 a.m. Chief
worship service at 10:30 a.m. with
sermon by the pastor on "Why Cate-
chize?" This will be a pre-confirma-
tion service with examination of con-
First Congregational Church:
10:30 a.m., service of worship and
religious education. Mr. Heaps' ser-
mon subject is "The Unfinished
Task." Mr. Kermit Eby will talk on
"The Meaning of Kagawa." The pa-
triotic organizations of the city are
to be the guests for the service.
Unitarian Church:
1 1 a m.. Religion. Oniate. or tinmij-.

PARTY i verity. Copy received at the off
intU 3:30. 11:00asm. on Saturday
A Revijew II -
SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1936
Ivor Novello's Party which opened Notices
at the Lydia Mendelssohn as the sec- President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
ond play of the current Henderson at home to the students on Wednes-
. day, May 27, from 4 to 6 p.m.
season, is rather difficult to describe.

The Lutheran Student Club will
cold its annual Senior banquet in
ionor of the graduates and those who
'ill not be here next year, today at
p.m. in the parish hall of Zion
,utheran Church on East Washington
Miss Marguerite Groomes is pro-
ram chairman.
First Baptist Church:
10:45 a.m., Morning worship. The
lev. Norman C. Kunkle, associate
ninister of the First Presbyterian
hurch, will preach, presenting the
ubject, "The Cross in Utopia."
9:30 a.m., The Church School.
9:45 a.m., Dr. Waterman's class will
neet at the Guild House.
Roger Williams Guild:
No further noon classes will be held
his year.
6 p.m., a special program has been
arranged in which five upperclass-
men will speak of convictions about
ife and religion which have taken a
positive turn during university days.
Following the program a social hour
will be observed during which re-
freshments will be served.
Church of Christ (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible class, H.
L.-Pickerill, leader.
3 p.m., The Guild will leave the
church for a trip to Saline Valley
Farms. Transportation will be pro-
vided. If anyone cannot leave by 3
p.m. call 5838. Twenty-five cents will
be charged for supper and transporta-
tion. The program will be as follows:
4 p.m., Visit to major places of
interest at the farm.
5:30 p.m., Games and supper by the
7 p.m., Vesper service by the lake.
Dr. Louis -A. Hopkins, professor of
Celestial Mechanics will take us on a
journey across the sky.
Presbyterian Church:
At the Masonic Temple, 327 South
Fourth St.
8 a.m.,,Annual spring breakfast of
the Guild at the Island, postponed
from last Sunday.
9:30 a.m., Church School with,
classes for all age groups.
10:45 a.m. Worship with sermon by
the minister, Dr. W. T. Lemon: "The
Religion of a Liberal.'"
6 p.m.. Westminster Guild meeting
on the lawn of the new church site
at 1432 Washtenaw avenue.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: There will be
an important final meeting to elect
officers, at six p.m. today, at the
Michigan League.
The Outdoor Club is having a can-
oeing party this evening, from 6 until
9 o'clock. The group will leave Lane
Hall at 5:30. An outdoor supper is
to be prepared up the river. The
cost will be about 75 cents. Every
student is welcome.
Graduate Outing Club: The second
annual picnic will be held today at
Camp Takoma. All graduate students
wishing to attend should meet at
Lane Hall at 10:30 this morning.
Transportation and lunch will be pro-
vided. The cost will be approximately
50 cents to 75 cents.
Beta Kappa Rho: There will be a
picnic at Cavanaugh Lake this
afternoon. Cars will leave the Michi-
gan League Bldg. at 4:30 p.m.
Varsity Glee Club: Report at the
broadcasting studio today at 10 a.m.,
to make records.
Coming Events
Cercle Francais: Meeting Tuesday,
7:45 p.m. in the League. Election of
officers, important that all members

The Acolytes will hold its final
meeting of the year Monday, May 25
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 202 South Wing.
Mr. Morris Lazerowitz of the Philos-
ophy Department will present a paper
on "Tautologies and the Matrix Meth-
The Bibliophiles (of the Faculty
Women's Club, are meeting Tuesday
at one o'clock for luncheon at the
home of Mrs. D. E. Mattern, on
Dover Place.
Mimes: Retake on photo Monday,
5 p.m. at Dey's Studio. All members
please attend.
Byron Nelson Wins
Metropolitan Open
MAMRONECK, N. Y., May 23. -
) - Byron Nelson, a 24-year-old
former railroad clerk who has been a
professional for only two years, came
from behind to win the Metropolitan
Open Golf Championship today with
a total of 283, two shots ahead of
Craig Wood, New York, and three
ahead of Paul Runyan, White Plains.
Gene Sarazen, who had two 69's in
his first two rounds and was tied with

istr1,etve'notI'e to all mem~bom of the
Ti of the Assistant to the President

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