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May 23, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-23

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Sherwood Wins
Way To Tennis
Singles Final
Wolverine Reaches Last
Round In 2nd Division
Of Big Ten Meet
CHICAGO, May 22.---(P) -Nor-
man Bickel, captain of the Univer-
sity of Chicago tennis team, will
match strokes tomorrow with the
sharpshooting Bob Niehousen of Ohio
State for the Western Conference
singles tennis title.
The Bickel-Niehousen match for
individual honors is expected to high-
light the final day's play of the meet.
Bickel put out Charles Fleming of
Iowa today, 6-3, 6-3, while Niehousen,
who upset Russ Ball of Northwestern
in surprising fashion Thursday, elim-
inated Willard Stafford of Wisconsin,
6-1, 6-1.
Chicago is favored to retain its team
title, but Northwestern is but one
point behind in the standings. The
Maroons have 11 points; Northwestern
10; Michigan 5; Wisconsin 4; Iowa 2;
Illinois 2; and Ohio State 2. Minne-
sota, the other entry, has not scored.
Don Leavens, of Northwestern, and
Miller Sherwood, of Michigan, will
oppose each other in the second di-
vision, and Chicago and Northwest-
ern players will be matched in the
third and fourth brackets.
Sherwood went to the second brack-
et singles final by defeating Stephen
Richardson, of Wisconsin, 6-2, 7-5.
Jesse Flick, Michigan's entry in fourth
bracket singles, was beaten in the
semi-finals by Dick Rugg, of North-
western, 6-0, 6-1. Mertz and Shos-
trom, Chicago team, defeated Flick
and John Rodriguez, of Michigan,
in the second bracket doubles semi-
finals, 6-2, 6-4.
Fraternity olfers
To Compete Today
The number of entrants registered
in the interfraternity golf tournament
scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. today
at the University Golf Course has in-
creased to 92. The large registration
is made up of four-man teams rep-
resenting 23 fraternities.
The first foursome will tee off
promptly at 11 a.m. and the Intra-
mural authorities expect to have the
last group started by 2 p.m. If the
plans that have been made are car-l
ried out, the matches will be finished
by 5 p.m.
As this meet is merely an experi-
ment this year; the winning team
will not receive any points to
add to their team total in the race
for the Intramural championship, but
they will be awarded a permanent cup
as a trophy of their supremacy in
golf. However, the encouraging in-
terest that has been shown by the
fraternities is quite a good assurance
that interfraternity golf will become
a permanent feature of the sport pro-
gram in the future.


Seven Games Left
WHEN Michigan's powerful base-
ball team returns to Ann Arbor
Sunday from its last long road trip of
the year, it will be faced with the
task of playing the season's final
seven games in the short space of
nine days, opening with Western
State Tuesday on Ferry Field.
Local fans who are counting on
the Fisher-coached club to win its
first Big Ten championship since
1928 will have the opportunity to
see five games of these last "lucky
seven," for only two will be played
out of town. Among the teams
that will oppose the Wolverines
here will be the strongest team in
the Orient, that of Waseda Uni-
versity which is touring the
United States at the present time.
That this game will be no one sid-
ed affair is shown in the fact that
Waseda was the only Japanese team
to defeat Michigan both times the lat-
ter toured Japan. Big John Gee will
probably face the fast moving Japan-
ese who should pack the Ferry Field
stands to overflowing.
Have One Night Game
A FTER Tuesday's tilt with the
Hilltoppers from Kalamazoo,
will on Wednesday play its only night
game of the year. Toledo University
will furnish the opposition and the
game will be played in the American
Association park in Toledo.
Friday and Saturday of next
week the Fisher charges will take
their turn against the greatest
team Michigan State has had in
years, here on Friday and at East
Lansing Decoration Day. To date
State has won 13 out of 15 starts,
as compared to Michigan's taking
15 out of 20. With Fishman and
Larson handling the Wolverine
pitching duties both games
should resemble the old fashioned
hurling duels so often told of by
baseball's oldtimers.

Monday, June 1, will see the Wa-
seda-Michigan battle holding the
spotlight at Ferry Field but will just
be the start of a great week for Mich-
igan fans as Iowa will be in town
Tuesday and Wednesday to definitely
settle the Western Conference title
question. The Hawkeyes have strong
ideas about taking the championship
home with them while Michigan's
fence busters - probably the strong-
est hitting club in the Big Ten - are
just as anxious to grab the pennant.
Illinois is through for the season and
has a record of 10 wins and only two
losses which, if Michigan, Iowa and
Minnesota all lose another game, will
be good for at least a share in the

Delta Upsilon
In Intramural
Softball Finals
George Bolas Pitches Way
To 7-5 Victory Over Phi
Delta Epsilon
Continuing their string of victories,
behind the pitching of George Bolas,
Delta Upsilon defeated Phi Delta Ep-
silon 7-5 yesterday at South Ferry
field to become a finalist in the inter-
fraternity softball playoffs for first
place teams. The winner of the
A.T.O.-Sigma Phi game, which is to be
played Monday, will meet Delta Up-
silon next Wednesday for the cham-
The Law Club will meet the D.D.'s
today at 1:30 p.m. on the same

Track Meet

Despite the fact that he was chosen

Star Gridder Rates Educ.atiil
Moe Important Than Footigall

*a diamond in a semi-final
tbb~1'dAn Al=AnC'ii~a2 idecide who will play in tli
i d AlAmer n' dent league title affair.
THE Western State team that plays Starting off in the firsti
here Tuesday boasts a season's four hits to tally three runs
record marred by only three defeats, gained an advantage which
these to Michigan State, Wisconsin relinquished, and in the t
and Notre Dame. At the same time, two more runs to their sc
the Hilltoppers have handed Wiscon- making one run in thes
sin three trimmings since the cam- Phi D.E.'s staged a rally in
paign opened. of the third, three men c
In an earlier start this year plate on two singles and a
Michigan and Western got Bob Kositchek, Phi D.E. hu
through one inning at Kalamazoo circuit blow, the first of hi
before a torrential downpour ers. The other came in the
ended all hopes of a ball game. It no one on.
is expected that Berger Larson Kositchek and Bolas ew
will do the throwing against the nine hits, Bolas striking
Hilltoppers. while Kositchek fanned f
Of interest to Michigan fans is the old Clayton, D.U. catcher
fact that Western has won 53 games fine throws to the bases, B
in the last four years and has lost PhiD.E. third baseman,
but eight. Not a bad record at all. White, D.U. shortstop, sta
Against the Wolverines, Western has field.
lost but one game in five seasons.
Among the players on the Hilltoppers C oac h Iike' Ann
nine is a member of last year' All- O0C I
American college team, Ron Hibbard, , 1938 Football Sc
left fielder. He also has been selected
to play on the American Olympic COLUMBUS, O., M
team in Berlin this summer. Frank Michigan's 1938 football
Secory, center fielder, was an alter- featuring intersectiona
nate on the All-American club -in with Yale and Pennsylv
1935 and hit .420 for the season. announced here today1
F.H.D. Harry Kipke.

match to
he indepen-
inning with
s the D.U.'s
they never
hird added
ore. After
second the
n their half
rossing the
home run.
irler hit the
s two hom-
sixth with
ach allowed'
out nine
four. Har-
r, with his
ernie Palet,
and Joe
rred in the
ay 22. -
i clashes
vania, was
by Coach

(By the Associated Press) the outstanding freshman gridder of
Big Ten Track Summaries: the year as winner of the Chicago
120-yard high hurdles: Trials first Alumni Trophy, John Jordan's prime
two in each heat qualify for finals). ambition is outside of the field of
First heat: Won by Caldemeyer, Ind.'football.
second, Lamnb, fa.; third, flutley, Ill.; "I came to college," declared the
fourth, lunt, Mich. Time 14.7 sec-'husky 205-pound center, "to get an
onds. education, not to play football. When
Second Heat: Won by Osgood, I have succeeded in doing that," he
Mich.; second, Cretzmeyer, Ia.. Time: continued, "I shall feel satisfied that
14.6 seconds. my college career has been worth-
Third heat: Won by Neely, Ind.; while."
second, Brunton, Ill. Jordan's football, however, is not
100-yard dash trials (First three in merely a hobby. His ideal physique
each heat qualify for finals). First is supported by a keen interest in the
heat: Won by Owens, Ohio; second, game and a will-to-win that deems
Grieve, Ill. third, Delaney, North- well for his future possibilities in
western. Time: 9.6 seconds. Michigan football.
Second heat: Won dby Stoller, John was transferred from tackle
Mich.; second, Collier, Ind.; third, to center in his senior year in high
Janicki, Wis.. Time: 9.5 seconds. school. Two days before the first
440-yard run trials (First four in game of the year the regular center
each heat qualify for finals): 'was badly injured, and when three
First heat: Won by Ellinwood, Chi- other men failed to fill his shoes, Jor-
cago; second, Patton, Mich.; third, dan was shifted from his regular
Crowell, Wis.; fourth, Rich, Ind. position to the pivot post. Here he
Time: 48.6 seconds. has remained ever since.
Second hcai: Won by Birleson, Michigan to Jordan is a family
Mich.; second, Heg, Northwestern) tradition. The influence of .his uncle,
third, Halcrow, Chicago; fourth, Stanfield Wells, All-American end
Miller, Mich. Time: 48.9 seconds for Michigan in 1910, and of his im-
220-yard dash trials (First two in i mediate family left no doubt as to
each heat qualify for finals): 1what school he would eventually at-
First heat: Won by Owens, Ohio I tend.j
State; second, Grieve, Ill. Time 21.4 His taste of college football thus
seconds, far has shown him that success is
Second heat: Won by Collier, Ind.; only won through hard work and a lot
second, Mason, Mich. Time: 22 sec- of it. However, his excellent prepar-
onds. atory school experience, in a league
Third heat: Won by Janicki, Wis.; whose players were both big and fast,
Thir hea: Wo byJamci, Ws.;should serve him well in the future.
second, Dooley, Ia. Time: 22.1 sec- His outstanding ithuue
i trait is undoubted-
onds.________ _____

Michigan (5) A
Rudness .........
Brewer ..........
Heyliger .........
Fishman .........

3 1
4 1
4 0
4 0
4 0
3 0
4 1
3 1
4 1




ly his modesty. Although he was fa-
vored to win the trophy, the actual
award seemed to be quite a surprise
to him. He believes that the team
will be a much improved one, but
was noncommittal as to his chances.
A student in the literary college, he
is yet undecided as to his career.
Box Score


Totals.....33 5 7 27 12 1
Northwestern (3) AB R II 0 A E
Hayskar..........4 1 1 9 1 0
Billing ...........3 0 0 0 1 0
Panzeralla....... 4 0 0 0 1 0
Mack .............4 1 3 4 0 1
Woy ............. 4 0 0 2 0 0
Larson ...........3 1 1 3 0 0
Lymper ..........4 0 1 0 2 0
Walsh ........... 4 0 1 6 1 0
Stromme .........1 0 0 1 2 0
Kaufman ........ 1 0 0 0 0 0
Kimbell..........1 0 0 0 0 0
Katz ............ 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals ......34 3 7 25 8 1
Score by innings:
Michigan 100040000-5
Northwestern 1 000 0 0 0 0 2-3
Two base hits: Heyliger. Three
base hits: Mack. Sacrifice hits: Bil-
lings. Stolen bases: Rudness; Krem-
er, Fishman and Lerner 2. Struck
out: Stromme 3, Kaufman 1, Kimbell
1, and Fishman 6. Base on balls:
Stromme 2, Kaufman 1, Kimbell 1,
Fishman 1. Umpires: Grimes, Clark.
* f

Major Leagues

American League
Detroit 13, Cleveland10.
Chicago 5, St. Louis 3.
National League
St. Louis 11, Pittsburgh 4.
Philadelphia 15, New York
Brooklyn 4, Boston 3.


Conference Officials Hit
'General College' Plan
COLUMBUS, O., May 22. -() -
Western Conference faculty athletic
representatives, in session here today,
adopted a firm stand against the new
"General College" recently established
at the University of Minnesota.
The General College, a two-year
course which requires comparatively
little preparatory preparation, had
already been "viewed with alarm,, by
rival Big Ten football coaches.
MAMARONEK, N.Y., May 22. - (f)
-Paul Runyan broke the Quaker
Ridge Golf Course record with a 67,
three under par,- today and caught
Gene Sarazen, Brookfield Center,
Conn., at the half-way mark in the
Metropolitan Open Golf champion-

The Yale game, the first of a
home and home series which will
be staged in the Yale Bowl in
1938 and the Michigan Stadium
in 1939, will be the first meeting
of the teams since 1883 when the
Bulldogs won by a score of 46-0.
The only previous game was in
1881, Yale also winning that, 11-0.
The complete 1938 schedule:
Oct. 1, Michigan State at home;
Oct. 8, Chicago at home; Oct. 15,
Minnesota at Minneapolis; Oct. 22,
Yale at New Haven; Oct. 29,
Illinois at home; Nov. 5, Pennsyl-
vania at home; Nov. 12, North-
western at home; Nov. 19, Ohio
State at Columbus.

Fourth heat: Won by Ellinwood'
Chicago; second, Keitel, Northwest-
ern. Time: 22 seconds.
Shot-put: (Qualifiers) Krezowski,
Minn., 48 ft., 7/8 in.; Rubow, Wis., 47
ft, 2% in.; Christianson, Wis., 46 ft.,
21 in.; Townsend, Mich., 46 ft. 4 in.;
Freimuth, Minn., 45 ft., 9 in.;
Schneiderman, Ind., 43 ft., 9 ,% in.
220-yard low hurdles trials (First
two in each heat qualify for finals).
First heat: Won by Baldwin, Ind.;
second, Wright, Ill. Time: 23.1 sec-
Second heat: Won by Osgood,
Mich.; second, Cretzmeyer, Ia. Time:
23.7 seconds.
Third heat: Won by Owens, Ohio
State; second, Robinson, Ill. Time'
23.2 seconds.
880-yard run trials (First four in
each heat qualify for finals):
First heat: Won by Davidson,
Mich.; second, Beetham, Ohio State;
third, Starr, Mich.; fourth, Blickee.
Ohio State. Time: 1 minute, 54.8
Second heat: Won by O'Brien, Ohio
State: second, Hobbs, Ind.; third,
Glendenning, Purdue; fourth Flem-

ing, Northwestern, fifth, Aikens,
Mi'h. Time 1 minute, 54 seconds.
Broad jump, (Qualifiers): Owens,
OhioState, 25 ft. 31/2 in.; Stoller,
Mich., 23 ft. 10/4 in.; Brunton, Ill.,
23 ft. 112 in.; Hubbard, Minn.,
2!3 ft., 7/8 in.; Wehling, Ill., 22 ft.
11 3/8 in.; Lamb, Ia., 22 ft. 7% in.
Javelin throw, (Qualifiers): Lamb,
Iowa, 191 ft. 11/ in.; Tommerson,
Wis., 189 ft. 7 in.; Cretzmeyer, Ia.,
188 ft. 1%/8 in.; Stevenson, Ind., 183
ft 7% in.; Pettigrew, Ohio State, 182
Dft. 8!in.; Dworski, Mich, 181 ft. 12
Discus throw (Qualifiers): Etchells,
Mich., 145 ft 3 in.; Freimuth, Minn.,
142 ft. 6 in.; Deheer, Ia., 139 ft. 10 in.;
Burnett, Northwestern, 137 ft, 11
in.; Townsend, Mich., 136 ft, 1 in.;
Rabb, Ohio State, 134 ft. 101/2 in.
Ma.. fi= 'II

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CHICAGO, May 22. - (IP) - The.
Chicago Cub's chances of retaining
their National League championship
were jolted roughly today.I
Dr. Edwin H. Ryerson, Chicago
bone specialist, said that Bill Jurges,
smooth-fielding shortstop star who+
injured his throwing arm in a slide
April 30, will be lost as a regular to
the club for the remainder of the


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