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May 23, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-23

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AlTrr-,PAY, MAY e,!30. -o'?d

Of The

(From The Associated Press)
In Washingon-
House Pases Floodc Bill
The House of Representatives in
Washington 'yesterday passed 162 to
156 the $272,000,000 flood control bill
and returned it to the Senate for ap-
proval of amendments. The additions
included a decree that localities must
pay part of the cost and a refusal to
add~ $126,000,000 for 26 projects al-
ready authorized.
The Commerce Department an-
nounced that a foreign trade had in-
creased by approximately $200,000,000
in 1926, but that imports had in-
creased more 'heavily than exports.
At the same time Miss Frances Per-
kins, secretary of labor, disclosed that
both' payrolls and jobs were increas-
ing, the former by 25,000 workers in
April' and the latter by $4,200,000.
* >6 M
President Roosevelt is not worried
about the Republican Convention.
The: day before it opens on June 9 he
said yesterday he plans to leave for
a week's tour of the southwest. He
stated he planned to be back in,
Washington by June 15 and will post-
pone or cancel his contemplated good-
*will trip to Canada.
Ilinois Convention
Urges Knox Support
The Illinois Republican Convention
yesterday instructed its nine dele-
gates-at-large to vote for Col. Frank
Knlox -at 'the Cleveland Convention
and ur~ged its 49 district delegates to
do 'the same.
No efort 'was made by supporters
of' Senator Borah to obtain an en-
dorsement for him, despite the fact
that, though defeated in the primary
contest, "he won a majority of dele-
gates. Delegates-at-large instructed
to support the 'Chicago Daily News
inubhisher include Charles G. Dawes,
former United' States Senator, Otis
G.len, "and 'Oscar DePriest, Negro

WAhitrnore IAhe 'f ' f' ,°,ln"QA 0~if I Iq
s I I r 3 ii
J.. .._i.li_'i.-' . 1"rki d'ec 1 1 ) nli~ i n. 1 od'?P i y l i ii
a lly #11iTPI i tt IXI14 /1147 j,() ):i Idii I ' t I :, ,~
.Ap proximately 34 studientsnmajor-
in nJunls n h aut fthe journalismn department will take
part in their closing social event of t e(e t h S otsF nlai it
door rally an(1 banquctlet at Whitm'lorcc ~.\i,: ,n;, '71, u! A LIIII
Lake Itoday. The evet i1s jointl~v 51)01- )WY 7 u' yknd'i is
Fored by Kappa T; iialpha Indl'"Iheta (~t8115d'' ;Vi' XiII 'Vof
Sigma Phi. w 1ovIn'' ';(1 b lr o
T.fhose at t'll(li jugre to r ,y l OJI
Haven Hal], at 2:130 p *,,,today. ra ns 'iH;S' '5$(iil dP,
portation is being tnriwshed in pr1)Ic"t I 'v ;r't1).i t IXx c1]11 Ioh
cars. B al,'cbal , swimining andi ofthil'
activities are on the outdoor )io - , W';Xc11''XIIOH1'i:
ere at M trJX' i (' ' 'it ( ' ihey a> ~r,ic st 1 u 't-
'ri'.. A cr IicciAu 11 (dinner will rj
, v e t M l o - T r ." CTh e p ' l " a m: 1 F1 iIo v 'll in g I 1h ) ; 1 1 1 - I , 1 ' ; 1 ( ' ' ) ~ 3 " i . c ( 1 P h
quet will le Conductedi by irving ,F. j(lillion.
Levitt, '36, pres':idenit of Kappa Tau
Alpha. A feature will be the instal-. (C 1 ,Lw MI ( M:.ii'ill
lation of the? 1936-37 Kappa Tanu ' Awj-.WJ Sports :I i I'is'
Alpha 'officer.s who were elected at a 9:0(- WJR "YoII,.iiP 'ic
r rr KLW 'ii3 C.> ~i~( '
Special buiness meeting Thursda_ y. p:3 l WWJ Thietity N i
'They are : president, Leon H. Tliar'ner, c K;iLloy 11inticy M::
'37; secretary, Ruth F. Dorsey, '36; g:45s WXYZ~ Antiioiiy'! rii'
and treasurer, Dwight V. Swain, '37. 1C CKLW Sophie TuckerI.
1:00---WJR Racket; Expos:e.
Miss Dorsey plans to be here pursuing WWJ Sport Ceie'bri'ii's.
graduate studies in- journalism next WXY'Z Lowry cla 'k's Muss'.c
CKLW Baseball Sc ores'. Nv(w.'.
year. 110:15 -WXYZ Bob Chester',,; isic.
Mr. Swain is chairman of the comn-I WWJ Daince NoIc2.j
I CKLW Kay Kyser's Mu ir'.
mittee in charge of the Sports final,.110:30o -WJR Nick Lucas' Musi'.
WWJ Dance Music.
_____________ _________ ~ WXYZ Luthei'an P'ograuui.
It' CKLW (uit Willi ais' 1X'l,:2.i;'

1i . * Cl..


~~t I 4 ~ ~~~) a I.. % I r I 4 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned
811 '5 'i1w' 1'u: tc ~iu'by I1lie Carefurl work at, low price. lx
11(1 Ii(i'~iUI -EMP LOYME:NT
i' ~~i~ '~(' ilI'Hii(Yi~C~ adEARN' WHILE YOU LEARN: The
I~~~~~~ 7' I II'cn1 19'L"Ho( eIover Insurance & 'Trust Service''
,_ .fi,._n has a few openings ins Detroit and
I I'V'IS 0'.81ioI i'l (i-U'1 soia iMichigan which offer anl excellent
'(5~~~~~~~~~~ Y1'4'VI'ni 11'tte h opportunity to earn while receiving
I ~u' )i'w')l ci. H~ysooni be! a t horough practical business train-
'1 d ;,' u'~i i only j ng.Junliors and seniors aspiring to
f r n #ie s~an 'a business career should write, Da-
01 XII' ' Ioitesad vid R. Hoover, 848 'Michigan Build-.
hel tsI'Il l~ .os . ~ ui, Detroit. 17X

R:l .1T 1I

I"OT"ENT Suite with private bath
a~~ ,idho wer. Continuous hot water.
.Alsogaae Dial 8544. 422 E.
Wash lington. 505
rooms. Special rates. Porter serv-
ice. Recreation facilities. The Oaks.
915 Oakland. 7458. '504

(C'~IIItl11(-d'lrrom Pave' 1)
1' t\5'i, ,icU Hiis; the' Child I borhoi'nend-
DICit11(, XWhlose [fae is still ulncertain.
hi O~'"5 r Thi'cxwrX'ites5 that it still
('all s'co ' c,: el ve. since there is
in hu lti npoathe ratification
'"( , ,s t a11'('Sant fthue 24 states
ii: Xs' ie~i heChild Li hor amnend-
"I l>X' Sld in~dica:te". Professor
13( i' ' I' icX'sthat Conigre ss is the
i'ld'Uti t ( " t overeomle in the pro-
ocw; o ohugiigthe Coznstitution.
i'oi csso,;' Brown also points out
ilis~ t i ;he eople of the various states
we re ;'dmirtt ed to vote directly upon
the ciue-tioi of ratification, instead
o" e ~Ydelegaties to a convention
m' u piupose, much time and
;, (1(f would Ibe saved.

L OUR or five room apartment~ for
scan mie1' or school year. 209 N. In-
galls. Phone 3403. 514
SENIOR will sh:1rc with two seniors,
prefessional or grad, students, two-
room11 suite. Summer Session.
Piano. $2.75. Box 127. Mich. Daily.
AVAILABLE at, end of semester.
BeautifuLlly furnished suite with pri-
vate lavat ory, for instructor or
graduate student. Phone 9524.
GRAND RAPIDS, May 22. - UPV) -
The Kent County Relief Commission
warned welfare dependents today of
a ten per cent reduction in direct re-
lief, effective June 1. It said the Mtate
Emergency Relief 'Commission was re-
ducing funds advanced to the county.

WARNING: Only a reliable furrier
can clean your furs and fur coatwihuhamn te ksl32
years of expert fur service recom-
for safe fur cleaning and storage.
Phone 8507. 16x
buy old and -new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and 'type-
wvriters. Don't sell 'before you see
Ram. Phone for appointments.
2-3640. l0x
EYES examined, best glasses made at
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
graduate, 44 years practice. 549
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlman. 15x
IMAC'S- TAXI-4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x

WANTED: Rootmmate~stospndthe
summer inl pleasant furnlislhcd cot-
tage on beautiful lake in nnrthecrn
Michnin. VelcmaHowve, Evart,
Mich. 512
LOST: Between Cutting; apartm'nt
and League: Two st ring~s of cr~ys-
tal beads; one g _reen amd white gold;
one clear with black. Finder kindly
leave at front desk of League, 513
I an Arbor
Antique Dealers
MAY 21, 22, 23
Open 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Corner State and Huron
Admission 25c,
-- Starting Today-

6 :0-WJR Stevenson Sports.
WWJ 'Ty Tyson.
WXYZ King's Jesters.
CKLW Vincent York's Music.
6:15-WJR Rhythm Review.
WWJ Human Side of News.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
6 :30--WJR Musical.
WW~J Dinner Hour.
WXYZ Key Ring.
CKLW (Shorlock Holmes.
6 :45-WJR Musical Masters.
WXYZ Romantic Duo.
7 :00-WJR Ziegfeld Follies
of the Air.
WWJ Arts and Industries Exposition~.
WXYZ Town Talk.
CKLW Al Kavelin's Music.
7 :15-XVXYZ Sandlotters.
7 :30-CKLW Oklahoma Bob Albright.
WWJ Springtime.
WXYZ Boston Symphony Orchestra.
8 :00-WJR Rubinofr-Rea.
WWJ Frank Fay Callan'.
CKLW Charles Barnett's Music.
8 :15-WJR Salon Moderne.
8:30-WJR Strange as it Seems.
WWJ Smith Ballew: Guests.
WXYZ National Barn Dance.

i . A I,:,"' vY Jv ,II1ALt JK u o g I of ;!i k ,jo "i) il'tis
WWJ Russ Ly'on's Music.
WXYZ 4(00 Club.
CXKLW Shep Field's.
11 :30-WJR Frankie M9st P'sis]Mu. ic.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Henry King's Music.
CKI:,W Joe Sander's; Music'.
12:00-WJR At Close of Day.
WWJ Bob Chester's Music.
WXYZ Bert Stock's Music.
CKLW Al Katz' Music.
12:'30--CKLW Ted Weemns' Musk'.-
1:00-CKLW Horace Heidit's Music.
Daily 1:30 to 11 pon.1
"Ining Cowboy

at 3:15 and 8:15
invites you to a gay'

wit~htlice New York musical comedy stars



Thle "Surprise" Coincdy Hit of the Season!.
TOM OfROW at' 4:]15 - Reginald Pole
OF MVODERN MAN." Seats, 75c.
Lydia Mendelss'An Theatre
Night:. 75c, $1. $1.50; Matinees: 50c, 75c
Phone 6300




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