The Weather
Fair, warmer today; tomorrow
increasing cloudiness, showers
by late afternoon or night.
The Case Of Kermit Eby .. .
European Tour ...
The Chair In Polish Studies...
Sherwood Is
Elected New
Council Head
Sullivan Is Vice-President;
Executive And Judiciary
Committees Named
Council Caantioned
By William Dixon
Former President Warns
That Success of Body
Depends On Activity
Miller G. Sherwood, '37. was elect-i
ed president of the Men's Council and
Thomas C. Sullivan, '37, vice-presi-
dent, last night in the first meeting
of that body after the election of new
members in Wednesday's all-campus
Members were also voted on for
the twocommittees of the Council.
Thomas K. Fisher, '37, and Sanford
M. Ladd, '37, were elected to the ex-
ecutive committee and Frank Fehsen-
feld, '36, Richard G. Hershey, '37, Her-
bert C. Wolfe, '37, and Marshall D.
Shulman, '37, were elected to the ju-
diciary committee. The president is
ex-officio chairman of both commit-
tees and the corresponding secre-
try of the Union is ex-officio secre-
try of the Council.
Sherwood is the president of the
junior class of the engineering school,
a member of Sigma Phi fraternity
and captain of the tennis team. Sher-
wood is from Grand Rapids and is a
member of Triangles and Vulcans. He
did not attend last night's meeting
for he is playing in the Big Ten tennis
The outgoing president, William
Dixon, '36, did not give a report of
his activities in office but he did warn
the Council that its existence on cam-
pus would depend upon its activities
in the forthcoming year.
"The Council is definitely in a pe-
riod of development," Dixon declared,
and warned the members that its
power might be withdrawn if it failed
to fulfill its purpose on campus.
It was moved and passed that the
Council meet every two weeks in the
future instead of convening at the
discretion of the president.
Hear Bartlett
At Convention
Tells About Pharmacopeia
Of Primitive Tribes In
With a history of "Herbals and the
Herbalists" given by Prof. H. H. Bart-
lett, chairman of the botany depart-
ment, as a climactic contrast to mod-
ern scientific pharmacy the fifth an-
nual Pharmaceutical Conference last
night ended its one-day session here.
Meeting in the amphitheatre of the
Chemistry Building pharmacists from
various portions of the state and the
Detroit branch of the American
Pharmaceutical Association heard the
evolution of plant study traced from
the time when it was a corollary of
priestly or regal offices. Illustrating
his talk with numerous slides, Profes-
sor Bartlett had frequent opportunity
to ridicule the conventionalized ap-
pearance of early plant reproductions
from Greek works.
Mentioning briefly his experiences
in the Philippines, from which he re-
cently returned, Professor Bartlett
told of finding primitive natives in
possession of a lengthy pharmaco-
poeia. This sort of compendium, he.
stated, is very often found in other-
wise slightly civilized peoples such as
the inhabitants of inland Sumatra
and the American Aztecs.
At the afternoon meeting, begun
at 2:30 p.m. in the Union, the prob-
lems which must be solved in the re-
vision of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia
were treated in an address by Dr.
George D. Beal, president-elect of
the American Pharmaceutical Asso-
Stressing the need for standard
pharmaceutical preparations com-
parable to the standard reagents of
the analytical chemist, Dr. Beal
pointed out that one of the most dif-
ficult of these problems is the evalua-
(Pontinued on Page 2)'
Chinese Instructor
Is lT Join Faculty
First Visible Comet Since 1927
WillApproach Earth .July 30
Prof. Maxwell Declares
Body Will Be Of 4th Or
5th Magnitude
The first comet visible to the naked
eye in nine years will pass within 11
million miles of the earth in the early
morning of July 30, according to com-
putations Prof. Allan D. Maxwell of
the astronomy department has been
making since the comet's discovery on
May 25.
The last comet clearly visible was
Pons-Winnecke in 1927.
The path of the comet will run from
north to south slightly outside of and
perpendicular to the earth's orbit,
Professor Maxwell said.
When it passes the earth the comet
will probably be of the fourth or fifth
magnitude, he said, which will make
it comparatively bright inasmuch as
a heavenly body of the sixth magni-
tude is regularly visible. (In astro-
nomical calculations, the higher the
magnitude numerically of the body,
the less visible it is.)
At present the comet is 130 million
miles distant in the northern sky,
near Gamma of the constellation
Cepheus and of about the ninth mag-
nitude. On July 7 it will be within
97 million miles of the sun, the closest
it will come to that body.j
After passing the earth it will make
travelling through constellations An-
dromeda, Pegasus, Aquarius and
Piscis Australis. It will then pass
near the bright star Fomalhaut when
it will be visible to the southern hem-
Thercomet's path is a parabola,
Professor Maxwell said, and will never
The comet was discovered by L. C.
Peltier, Delphos, O., an amateur
astronomer. Peltier immediately
notified the Yerkes Observatory, Wil-
liams Bay, Wis., of his discovery.
According to the procedure of all
discoveriesof heavenlyebodies, the
Harvard Observatory was notified and
through it the other observatories in
the United States.
H. R. J. Grosch, '38, has assisted
Professor Maxwell in computing the
probable path of the comet.
Senate Group
Finally Agrees
n rTaX Levies!
Compromise Is Reached;
Revenue Will Fall Short
Of Roosevelt's Goal
a large southward sweep of the skies, WASHINGTON, May 21.-- (IP
Flatly rejecting a proposal to boost
the basic income tax rate from four
France Defies to five per cent, the Senate Finance
FCommittee today battled finally to a
compromise on new corporation taxes
tf ses that concededly would fall short of
I President Roosevelt's revenue goal.
Troop Exod US The approved outlines of a drastic
revision of the House tax bill en-
compassed a flat increase in existing
Mussolini Starts Quarrel corporation levies from 12% and 15
per cent to 18 per cent, with a levy
By Expelling French of seven per cent on undistributed
P e F Eto corporation income.
Priest From ' thiopla Endorsed by an 18 to 1 committee
vote,, the agreement was reached only
PARIS, May 21. - P) -The French after a series of hotly contested
government termed the expulsion of showdown votes on several other pro-
a French priest from Ethiopia by posed compromises.
Italian forces "inacceptable" tonight Behind the closed doors of the
and a protest to Rome seemed likely. committee room, members revealed,
The government likewise refused opponents managed to beat down
to withdraw troops from Diredawa, what some described as a "desperate"
Ethiopia, despite an Italian request, or effort by one bloc to obtain high,
to permit railroad shipments of Ital- graduated taxes on undistributed cor-
ian supplies. proation income. Such a feature was
Joseph Paul-Boncour, acting for- the backbone of the House measure.
eign minister, called "unacceptable" Chairman Earrison said the com-
the expulsion from Ethiopia of Mon- promise adopted would bring in
signor Andre Jarosseau, 78-year-old "somewhere over $500,000,000." Sen-
head of the Roman Catholic Missions ators George (Dem., Ga.) and Byrd,
there and "Apostle of Lepers." (Dem., Va.), said they believed it
Protest Awaits Confirmation would be around $600,000,000.
An authoritative source said a pro- To make up the difference between
test is being withheld until the order whatever the plan will yield and the
is officially confirmed. $623,000,000 requested by the presi-
Officials also awaited the Pope's re- ! dent, some committeemen were talk-
action, saying international law re- ing of increasing the surtaxes on in-
quires the Vatican's consent for' the comes ranging from $18,000 or $20,-
replacement of missionaries. 000 to $45,000 or $50,000.
Monsignor Jarosseau, who has been With the corporate tax hump
in Ethiopia for 50 years doing much 1 passed, committeemen talked private-
work among lepers, was ordered from ly of the possibility of reporting the
the country yesterday on grounds of measure to the Senate floor early next
having made "hostile demonstrations week. It is generally regarded as the
against Italy." key to Congressional adjournment.
"The sole question to discuss," said The final vote, with only Senator
Paul-Boncour, "is whether the ex-I Couzens (Rep., Mich.), failing to
pulsion was justified. We think it was agree, assured virtually unanimous
not." sk committee support for the compro-
He went into conference with mise when the measure moves onto
Charles Roux, French ambassador to the Senate floor.
the Vatican, and later said Count
Charles De Chambrun, ambassador AIEE Has Annual
to Rome, might make representations I I
to Premier Mussolini. Banquet In Union
French Refuse Request
Official sources disclosed that At the annual banquet of the Amer-
Frence had refused an Italian request ican Institute of Electrical Engineers
for the withdrawal of 150 colonial held last night in the Union the pro-
troops guarding the shops of the gram of the festivities was "Town
French-owned Djibouti-Addis Ababa Hall Tonight," the full Fred Allen
Railroad at Diredawa, Ethiopia a key program, including the Amateur
point on the line. I Hour and the Town Hall News was
Italy, in asking the withdrawal, in- presented.
sisted her soldiers were capable of The amateur hour consisted of stu-
maintaining order. ! dent opinions of their professors' ac-
Officials said they believed a with- I tion in classrooms, Professors W. G.
drawal would be equivalent to recog- I Dow, H. H. Higbie, and M. V. Can--
nition of the Italianuegime in Ethi- non coming under fire. Dean A. H.
opian h said France also declined t Lovell lead a song and Prof. A. D.
allow shipment of 840tons ofnpro- Moore crooned a specially written
visions from Djibouti to Italian troops l banquet song. The speech of the eve-
in Addis Ababa on the ground that ning centered around the evolution
the railroad's wartime neutrality is of the "yrneh."
still applicable. Officers elected at the meeting are:
chairman, Jerome B. Wiesner; vice-
chairman, F. A. Nelson; secretary, D.
td th -t surr P T Nims.
Says Session
Is Not Fair
Investigatiom Thrown Into
DisOrder When Doctor
Leaves Hearing
Aetion May ResiltI
It Leader's Arrest
Officials Reconinend That I
Fowe CitepTownsend
WASHINGTON, May 21. -- () -
Drawing down upon himself the t
threat of a Congressional contempt C
citation, Dr. F. E Townsend today
threw into pandemonium the special w
House committee investigating his t
ol age pension movement by stalking t
fronm the room and refusing further
testimony. V
Appearing more than an hour after 0
he was supposed to resume the wit-
ness stand at the afternoon session, s
Townsend promptly complained of ana
'unfair and unfriendly attitude" on t
the part of the committee.
Bluntly he asserted that he would f
testify no more "unless under ar- s
rest." i
Cries of "stop him" and "close the n'
door" followed the retired physician C
as he strode out. e
Hearing Room Cleared I
The hearing room was cleared
quickly of the startled audience and
the committee went into an execu-b
tive session at which it was decided T
to draft a resolution for submission w
to the House, recommending that L
Townsend be cited for contempt. h
Dr. Townsend was not called to the i
witness stand until about four o'clock. 0
His voice was shaking, he asked and t
was denied permission to read a pre-
pared statement to the committee. w
Still standing, the elderly, lean, P
grey-haired man, started talking and h
the committee listened. 0
"In view of the apparent unfriend- i
ly attitude of this committee and the i
unfair attitude it has shown to me o
and the members of my organization, e
I deem it my duty to say that I shall
no longer attend these committee p
hearings." the witness said.b
'Tired Of Inquisition'
"I am retiring from this sort of
inquisition and I do not propose to
come back again except under arrest0
and I absolutely refuse to make anyo
further statements concerning thisf
movement to the committee."
Then turning on his heel and clap- 1
ping his sailor straw hat on his head,e
Townsend took one look at the com-d
mittee and blurted a blunt:n
"Thank you gentlemen, and good-A
Flood Control
Bill Is Passedt
By Senatorse
WASHINGTON, May 21.- (P) - Aa
$284,000,000 omnibus flood control bill I
was hammered through the Senate
today and returned to the House,
where it originated a year ago. 1
"This is the first porkless flood
control bill in the history of thes
country," declared Senator Copeland
(Dem., N.Y.), who handled the mea-
sure after passage had been effected
by a voice vote.<
Carrying authorization for 216 flood
control projects, the big measure
'would require the affected states
and localities to share the cost with
the Federal government, paying for
land and construction damage costs.
Included also was authorization for
President Roosevelt to select the proj-
ects he felt should be initiated first
under the $50,000,000 to be made
available the first year.
Beaten down by a 55 to 15 vote
in the drive for passage was an
amendment by Senator Bilbo (Dem.,
Miss.) to require the Federal Gov-1
ernment to carry the entire cost of
the measure. Sidetracked also was a
"rider" to create a national resources
board of five members to make sur-
veys lokingtoward a broad conserva-
tion plan. The rider was returned
to committee.
Senator Copeland forecast the
House would insist on its provisions
and that a conference would be held
next week between representatives of
the two chambers. Friends of the
measure said there was little likeli-
hood of a White House veto.
. . -1 v
Track Team
Defends Title
At Columbus
Varsity Faces Stiff Fight
From Indiana, Ohio State
And Wisconsin
Records Menaced
By Owens, Lash
Team Depends On Stoller,
Etchells, Osgood And
Mile Relay To Win
COLUMBUS, O., May 22.-The
rack "who's who" of the Western-
Conference gathered here today for
what is expected to be the most bit-
erly fought Big Ten title battle in
he history of the event.
The trials heat will stait at 3:00
.m. today. The finals will be run
iff starting at 1:45 p.m. Saturday.
The opening gun will find three
trong teams, Indiana, Ohio State,
ind Wisconsin, ready to go the limit
o sweep Michigan, the defending
hampion, from power. Besides these
our dominant teams are the other
ix teams of the Conference all boast-
ng stars who are sure to take much-
needed points from one or the other
f the stronger teams and perhaps
hange the outcome of the champion-
hip battle.
Indiana, Ohio Potent !
Indiana and Ohio State appear to
be the teams for Michigan to beat.
The Hoosiers will be at full strength1
with their three great distance stars,
Lash, Deckard, and Smith. Also theyi
have the services of Dan Caldemeyer;
n both the hurdle races, and in thei
ther events men who are better
han average competitors.
Michigan will depend entirely on a
well-balanced team which is good for
points in almost every event. Their
hopes for first places are with Bob
)sgood in the hurdles, Sam Stoller
n the century, Skip Etchells, defend-
ng discus champion, and their crack
one-mile relay team. It is about an
even bet that Michigan with these
tars, plus a crew of good men in every
oint will carry enough guns to blast
he title hopes of the teams which
boast more stars in a few events.
Owens Depended Upon
Ohio State, will as usual depend
on the great Jesse Owens for the bulk
of their points. Jesse is suffering
from a back injury but if past per-
formances mean anything the sore
back is a good omen. He was both-
ered by sore legs caused by a fall
downstairs just before he set three
new world records and tied one at
Ann Arbor last year. Besides Owens
the Bucks also have Dave Albritton
in the high jump and Chuck Beetham
in the half-mile. Both of these should
contribute substantially to the Ohio
State total.
Wisconsin boasts a well balanced
team with their chief hopes lying in
the pole vault, mile and the weight
events. The Badger vaulters, Haller,
Scharff, and Murdaugh scored a slam
at the indoor Conference meet at Chi-
cago in March.j
Many Are Contenders
The stars which appear most like-
ly to relieve the title contenders of
a few points are many. Head and
shoulders above all but the great
Owens is Chicago's Ray Ellinwood who
shattered the world's indoor record
in the 440 twice during his indoor
campaign. Also in the 440 are Win-
slow Heg of Northwestern, and An-
drew Dooly of Iowa who both have
excellent outdoor times to their credit.
Iowa will send besides Dooley, Mark
Panther who won the javelin last year
and Francis Cretzmeyer, crack hur-
Illinois has Osman Huntley in the
hurdle races and Bob Grieve in the
sprints. Grieve placed second2in the
century and third in the 220 last
Technic Staffs
For Next Year
Are Announced
The Michigan Technic, monthly
publication of the College of Engi-
neering, yesterday announced its jun-
ior staff for the coming school year.
On the editorial staff Robert N.
Beals and William S. Taylor were ap-
pointed articles editors' assistants;
David D. Beach was chosen as pub-
lication editor's assistant; and Alfred
N Wnlirhn r snnhmtnnrln- n -n
IDem Delegates
To Cast Votes
For Roosevelt
State ConVention
Meeting After
United Front
It's All A Riddle As Film
Stars Meet - And Clinch!
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., May 21.- (UP)
- Eleanor Powell, film dance and
Nelson Eddy, film singer, met today.
They smiled. They clinched. They
"Hey," yelled the studio publicity
man, "is it serious?"
Beta Theta Pi Ban
Lifted By Council;
SigLma g Nu Opened
GRAND RAPIDS, May 21. -(P) -i
Weary delegates to the Democratic
State convention adjourned tonight
after a brisk battle over election of
eight delegates at large to the na-
tional convention. The conventiont
previously had instructed its delegates 1
to cast Michigan's 38 votes, as a unit,t
for President Roosevelt "from start1
to finish."
Casting aside all other issues tot
preserve a united front, the conven-j
tion built its platform of one plank-
endorsement of the Roosevelt ad-f
As the convention dragged into the!
evening hours, many delegates left
for their homes. Worn by the long
grind, that for many of the delegates
had lasted for two days, the national
delegates postponed indefinitely a
scheduled meeting to name Edmund.
C. Shields, of Lansing, National Com-;
mitteeman to succeed the late Horatio
J. Abbott.
By acclamation, the convention
elected State Highway Commissioner
Murray D. Van Wagoner and State;
Treasurer Theodore I. Fry delegates
at large to the Philadelphia conven-
Balloting was started on the others
after a motion had been defeated for
the election by acclamation of Giles
Kavanagh, collector of internal
revenue and Rush D. Culver, of Mar-
The six finally elected were Mrs.
Dorothy McAllister of Grand Rapids;
Frank Murphy, former Detroit mayor
and now United States commissioner
to the Philippines; Culver; Mrs.
Christine McDonald of Ypsilanti,
vice-chairman of the Democratic
State Central Committee; Miss Evelyn
Mershon of Saginaw, Democratic na-
tional committeewoman; and Mrs.
Clara Van Auken of Detroit.
Tickets For Key
Dance May Still
Be Purchased
him," smiled Eleanor.
her," smiled Nelson.
was all they would say.
Two Fraternities Premitted
To Re-Open On Filing
'Are Not Vindicated'
University Asserts
Comnittee Finds Internal
tIonditions 'Satisfactory'
For Reinstatement
The Beta Theta Pi house, ordered
closed until October for violation of
Hell Week rules, will reopen tomor-
row, three days after the padlock was
removed from the similarily dis-
ciplined Sigma Nu fraternity.
The executive committee of the
Interfraternity Council closed the
Beta house in April for five months,
and the Sigma Nu fraternity was told
to shut its doors until June 1. Both
houses were reopened after petitions
which they submitted to the executive
committee and their national organ-
izations had been approved.
Action Follows Petition
The action of the committee, ac-
cording to George Williams, '36, pres-
ident of the Council at the time of
the closing, resulted from the Betas'
petition submitted May 18, in which
the fraternity asked that their house
be opened the week after the May
Festival. In making this request, the
fraternity submitted a list of house
rules, backed by fines, which had
been drawn up through the combined
efforts of a committee of fraternity
alumni and a committee from the
Slocal chapter, headed by Norman Wil-
liamson, '36, president of the, house.
The code of enforcement and house
rules offered in the petition had both
been approved by the national or-
ganization of Beta Theta ?i. The
new rules are intended to fulfill the
following requirement stated March
24 by the committee:
"The said organization shall be re-
opened only upon submission to the
Executive Committee of the Interfra-
ternity Council of evidence of internal
conditions satisfactory to said com-
mittee and to the national organiza-
tion of Beta Theta Pi.
New House Rules Adopted
Sigma Nu fraternity, which was or-
dered closed April 11 to June 1 by
the Executive Committee of the Inter-
fraternity Council was reopened Wed-
nesday, having assured the Executive
Committee by petition of "internal
conditions satisfactory to said Execu-
time Committee and the national or-
ganization of Sigma Nu."
In addition to abolishing Hell1Week,
Sigma Nu has adopted a code of en-
forcement of house rules similar to
the Betas, according to William Bates,
'37, president of the Sigma Nu house.
The house will be operating by Sun-
day, as it did previous to the closing,
Bates said. The Beta house may not
open its board department for the
rest of the semester, according to
Though both houses have been given
permission to open previous to the
time prescribed at the time of their
suspension, this is not to be inter-
preted as a vindication of their vio-
lations, according to University offi-
cials. The promised change in atti-
tude and method voiced in each of
the two petitions has resulted in the
granting of permission to reopen pre-
) maturely, officials said.
Tickets are still available for the
Key Dance to be held May 29 in the
Union ballroom, Jack Kasley, '36,
member of the central committee, an-
nounced last night.
All of the tickets have been turned
in from the six honor societies which
are cooperating in presenting the
dance. The groups are Michigamua
Sphinx, Triangles, Vulcans, Druids
( and Sigma Delta Chi. The remaining
tickets, now obtainable by the gen-
eral public, are being held at the
Union desk. Reservations will be
honored until tomorrow, Kasley said
Ina Ray Hutton and her Melodearc
have been engaged to play for the
dancehwhich will mark the first tim
that the honor societies on campuE
have ever jointly sponsored a socia
project. Miss Hutton's orchestra i
coming direct from New York Cit3
where it has been playing at th
Casino de Paree.
By action of the committee, it wa
decided that corsages will not b
worn on the floor.
The Sigma Delta Chi "Oil Can
will be presented by Prof. James K
vnll. rof ha n i,in.-PAnr. da
Hille Capag
Funds Increase
In $3,0001 Goal
More than $470, bringing the total
up to $835, was contributed yesterday
toward the $3,000 goal of the Hillel
Foundation drive, Osias Zwerdling,
treasurer, announced last night.
The drive, which is part of a na-
tional campaign to raise money to
help German and other European
refugees, was started Wednesday
night by Fred Butzel of Detroit and
will last until May 27.
Among the noteworthy contribu-
tions received yesterday, Mr. Zwerd-
ling announced, were the $25 dona-
tions of Barney Dalitz, Nathan Dalitz,
Max Goldman, Ben Kessel and I.
'Nn -i,,
l r
siet s Oeeeru
Chooses 0Officers
At its business meeting held last
night in the Union the Varsity Glee
Club elected the following officers:
Paul K. Taylor, president; Shirrel
Kasle, '37, vice-president; Robert Wil-i
liams, '37, secretary and Hudson
C. Eisenaraun ; reau , . 1. 1 ,11+
and council representative, W. R.
Young, all '37E. Prof. S. S. Attwood
was reelected faculty Counselor. The
A.I.E.E. award was presented to W.
H. Budd, '35E, for his paper on "De-
sign of Cornices for Built-in Light-
I Former Students Of Eby