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May 16, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-16

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The Weather
Partly cloudy today and to-
morrow; variable moderate and
diminishing winds.


AL 41w Aor


Tell Us how, Mr. Hoover .. .
Help Send The Kids To Camp



Big Budget
Is Planned
For '36-'37
Regents Okay $155,0001
Budget Increase Due Toj
Larger Enrollment
Regents Also (ive
Faculty Promotions
$1,000 Gift For Barnes
Fund, Scholarship Is
Accepted By Board i
A University budget of $8,111,326.-
33 for the 1936-37 school year, an in-1
crease of $155,841.51 over the currentt
budget, was voted by the Board of
Regents yesterday afternoon at a'
special meeting.I
The promotion of 56 faculty mem-
bers, effective with the school year
1936-37, was also announced by the
The budgetary increase was large-
ly accounted for by the larger enroll-
ment, which resulted in greater ex-
penses, and the increased income
available from the proceeds of theI
State mill tax law.
The increased appropriations went
largely for raising faculty salaries, in
keeping with the Board's policy of
restoring faculty salaries to former
levels, but without making a blank-
et raise of all salaries.
In the budget was included an1
appropriation for the University Hos-
pital of $2,303,496, which will be de-
frayed from the income of the Hos-
$6,000,000 Income
The University income from all
sources, excluding that derived from
the University Hospital, is estimated
at $5,905,495.15.
From the estate of LaVerne Noyes,
Chicago, the Regents accepted a gift
of $1,000 to be offered next year in
scholarships to World War veter-
ans or their children.
The Regents accepted $750 to be
applied to the salary of Dr. Heinz
Werner of the psychology depart-
ment from the Aaron Mendelssohn
Jewish Charities Fund. Detroit.
A fund of $2,250 from the A. C.
Barnes Co. was accepted by the Re-
gents for an investigation of ar-
gyria, a silver poisoning derived from
the use of argyrol. Dr. Carl V. Wel-
ler of the pathology department will
conduct the investigation.
Following are the faculty promo-
Literary College
Harry Clyde Carver, from As-
sociate Professor to Professor of
Mathematics and Insurance; Charles
Hurlbut Griffitts, from Associate
Professor to Professor of Psychology;
Albert Hyma, from Associate Profes-
sor to Professor of History; George
Allan Lindsay, from Associate Pro-
fessor to Professor of Physics; John
Revell Reinhard, from Associate Pro-
fessor to Professor of English; War-
ner Grenelle Rice, from Associate
Professor to Professor of English;
Fred B. Wahr, from Associate Pro-
fessor to Professor of German; Mar-
tha Guernsey Colby, from Assistant
Professor to Associate Professor of
Psychology; Cecil Calvert Craig, from
Assistant Professor to Associate Pro-
fessor of Mathematics; Alfred Lyon
Ferguson, from Assistant Professor
to Associate Professor of General
and Physical Chemistry.
Camillo Pascal Merlino, from As- I
sistant Professor to Associate Pro-

fessor of Italian; Paul Mueschke,j
from Assistant Professor to Asso-
ciate Professor of English; Warner
Forrest Patterson, from Assistant
Professor to Associate Professor of
French; Walter Albert Reichart,
from Assistant Professor to Associate
Professor of German; Eugene Et-
ienne Rovillain, from Assistant Pro-
fessor to Associate Professor of
French; Andrew Paul Ushenko, from
Assistant Professor to Associate Pro-
fessor of Philosophy; Lewis G. Van-
derVelde, from Assistant Professor to
Associate Professor of History; Ar-
thur E. Woodhead, from Assistant
Professor to Associate Professor of
Carl Gunard Brandt, from In-
structor to Assistant Professor of
Speech; Howard Black Calderwood,
from Instructor to Assistant Profes-
sor of Political Science; Harland
Abbott Carpenter, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of Library Sci-
ence; Ben Dushnik, from Instructor
to Assistant Professor of Mathe-
matics; Donal Hamilton Haines,

Conductor Stokowski Pleased
By Pretzel Bell Student Li

S lokow ski
Gives Solo


Noted Musician Enjoys
Rendition Of Michigan
Songs By Patrons
To begin the story of Leopold Sto-
kowski's strange peregrinations of
last night is a difficult thing. It
might be said, by way of preface, that
the mountain decidedly came to Ma-
homet, 'nd hundreds cheered the
It seems that the tall, angular,
white-haired Mr. Stokowski became
not a little fed up with student and
other interviewers yesterday. His ap-
pearance as conductor of the Phila-
delphia Sytnphony Orchestra at the
May Festival had been a somewhat
tiring one, and Mr. Stokowski was de-
sirous of recreation. He also wanted
to execute what Thorne Smith would
term a "turnabout."
So Mr. Stokowski marched down to
the Pretzel Bell, pleasure-bent, to in-
terview his student friends-to-be.
He entered the Bell, that tavern
which, self-styled, is "practically a
Michigan tradition," about 11 p.m.,
to the accolade of hoarse student yells.
The visit of Mr. Stokowski to the
Bell had been managed, it seems, by
a pair of students who had been mark-
edly unsuccessful in talking to him
earlier in the day. But the news
had spread from lip to lip, and by
the time of the conductor's arrival
there was not a soul in the tavern
who wasn't wise to the momentous
events that were to come.
Dressed in a summery light gray
suit, solid gray shirt, yellow and black
necktie and black and white breast-
pocket handkerchief, Mr. Stokowski
strode through the vocal din to the
back of the packed room and edged
himself into a waiting chair.
The baying student hounds pressed

graphers, but the questioners pressed
;;heir many points. A t Co Cert
It finally developed that Mr. Stok-
owski says
Genius is never made; it is always (olueior's Organ Recital
born. Don't read books. All that .tndctrs go lReia
matters is inside you. Special F'eatlre Of Third
I never play a game to win or Festival Program
lose. I like to box for the fun of it. E'_________Prora
That's all that counts.hI n f .
You know what the Mardi Gras is 2 i ce1'5s IO(Ia y
like? Laughing, singing, fun andi
people . . . that's what this is. F E I Festival Series
Do you think Beethoven still will
be played100 years from now? Not
necessarily. No one can say. Orchestra, Chuoral Union
I like jazz and listen every night. [) Accompany Soloists
I don't like people to bring scores ro cona y Slit
to a concert. Music all comes from li Verdi's 'Requiem'
the heart. ,{_
The farther west you go the better
it gets.fThe Pacific coast is my fa - A surprise feature of last night's
vorite place. May Festival concert, the third of
The evening was wound up in a the series, was the playing of a spe-
grandiose fashion that made student cial organ solo by Leopold Stokowski,
hearts beat as they have never beat brilliant conductor of the Philadelphia
before. Symphony Orchestra, who scored such
Mr. Stokowski, who by half past a phenomenal success in the first cos-
twelve was the idol of the beer drink- Iert Wednesday sight.
ers, mounted his chair and led the! Loud and prolonged applause also
congregation in Michigan songs. His greeted Lily Pons, diminutive brunette
interest in a student interrogator coloratura soprano, who sang sev-
who asked him about the composi- eral operatic selections in the concert,
tions of Sibelius was drowned in his and the Philadelphia orchestra for



In less than five seconds Mr. Sto-
kowski's table, which was encircled by
seated co-ecls and their escorts, was
hemmed in by other avid undergrad-
uates of both sexes who eagerly
beseeched the orchestra leader for his
views on this and that, and, above
all, for his autographs.
"I never sign anything," the genial
Stokowski said regretfully.
That effectually discouraged auto-

Fraternity Sing
Cup Presented
To Theta Delts'
Theta Delta Chi Fraternity was
awarded the cup for the best melody
and Sigma- Chi Fraternity the cup
for the largest attendance at the
,completion of the second annual In-
terfraternity Sing last night.
Theta Delta Chi sang "Toast to
Michigan" and "Joyful We Greet
You." Sigma Chi had 78 members
Two thousand persons, far more
than were expected, amassed in
front of the General Library, ap-
plauding each fraternity loudly. Mass
singing was interpolated between the
fraternity songs.
Members of the Interfraternity
Council Sing committee, Robert E.
Merrill, '36E, chairman, Van A.
Dunakin, '36 and Jack Otte, '37,
agreed that the Sing was a success
and augured well for the future of
the Sing as a Michigan tradition.
Phi Gamma Delta and Hermitage
fraternities were given honorable
mention in the melody competition,
and Phi Sigma Kappa and Psi Upsi-
lon in the attendance competition.
Green Bros. donated the cups for
the best melody and Burr, Patter-

enthusiasm to learn the words of their part in tne program.
"I Want to Go Back to Michigan." The series will be climaxed by the
The students sang song after song, two concerts today, one in the after-
discordantly enough, and had the noon when Dr. Stokowski will di-
time of their lives. Mr. Stokowski rect the symphony in an orchestral
was obviously reluctant to leave the program, and in the evening when
Bell. Verdi's famous "Manzoni Requiem,"
As he walked home his friends will be presented. Efrem Zimbalist,
learned that not yet had he absorbed violinist, will be the soloist in the
enough of the Ann Arbor under- afternoon concert, and Giovanni Mar-
graduate atmosphere. tinelli, tenor; Jeanette Vreeland, so-
"I'm going out to the Arboretum," prano; Rose Bampton, soprano; Keith
said Mr. Stokowski. Falkner, bass; and Prof. Palmer
--- --------Christian, organist, will be featured
Tag Da Yields in the last concert.
The fifth concert will open with
Brahms' famous "Symphony No. 1
$6 0FnE C in C Minor," after which Mr. Zim-
balist and the orchestra will play
I belius' "Concerto in D Minor for
Violin and Orchestra." The closing
number on the program will be a
Sales Will C:ontittiie ioday work by another modern composer,
Stravinsky's "Bird of Fire," includ-
For S.C..A. Boys' Fresh ing the "Introduction," "The Fire
Air (am C1G l $1 j 0 s13 ird and Her Dance," "Dance of the
---' Princesses," "Kastchei's I n f e r n a 1
More than $620 was taken in by Dance," "Berceuse" and "Finale."
the Student Christian Association's In the presentation of Verdi's "Re-
tag day drive yesterday, and the 4uiem" in tonight's concert, the solo-
campus will have another chance to ists will be assisted by the Philadel-
boost the University'Fresh Air Camp [phia Orchestra, and the University
for Boys today when the tag sales- Choral Union, under the direction of
men will again be at their posts Prof. Earl V. Moore.
throughout the campus.- --- -
Howard Holland, '37, chiirman of i-S*
the tag day's drive, said he was "en- QMOI ) 1 In}
tirely satisfied," and that he hoped;
"today will be even better." Hie em- j1
phasized that "every University stu- wa
dent should contribute, regardless of 9-1ear
how small his contribution. Every F nished State
penny helps." He said he tihought
the goal, set at $1,000, would be.
ieached. i i '-M ge
The SCA's funds will make it.pos one
sible for 800 under-privileged boys to hi Month; Cork Directs
enjoy the camp this summer, Hol-
land said. The boys are taken from _
Ann Arbor and the Detroit area. f
Law students at the Law Club ! Ninety-five tons of both massive
protested yesterday to the SCA be- and minute delicate apparatus com-
cause the Law Quadrangle was not pose the cyclotron, now nearing com-
canvassed by the tag salesmen. Hol- pletion in the first basement of the
land promised that "°without fail" the E. Physics Bldg. According to Prof.
lawyers will have a chance to "do ,J. M. Cork, who is in charge of its
their bit" today. , installation, the apparatus should be
--_ ------ in operation in less than a month.
DENY PERMISSION Tile cyclotron, science's biggest gun
The Board of Education stated to bombard the atom in an attempt
yesterday that, under the ruling for- to determine its construction and to
bidding the use of school property conduct many experiments in nu-
"for political purposes," a local group clear physics, was invented by Dr.
of the Rev. Charles E. Coughlin's E. O. Lawrence, of the University of
National Union for Social Justice , California. The large magnet now

I. U. Defeats
Track Squad
By Four Points
Don Lash, Indiana Star,
Wins Mile In 4:13.5;
Two-Mile In 9:10.7
Sa[I Stoller Takes
Two First Places
Caldemeyer, Hoosier Ace,
Ties World's 120-Yard
High Hurdle Mark
BLOOMINGTON, Ind.,May 15. -
(Special) - With Don Lash leading
the Hoosiers to sensational slams in
the mile and two-mile runs, and Dan
Caldemeyer tieing the accepted
world's mark in the 120-yard high
hurdles, the University of Indiana
track team outpointed Michigan here
today, 67% to 64%/2.
Lash presaged defeat for Michigan
in the opening event of the meet
when he turned the mile in 4:13.5, al-
most a second better than his Confer-
ence record established last year, with
Tommy Deckard and Jim Smith fol-
lowing behind him and ahead of the
Michigan entries, Brelsford and Fink.
The smashing victory in the mile,
however, was but a preface to an
equally smashing win in the two-mile
when Lash came back in an effort to
better his collegiate record of 9:10.6,
established at the Drake Relays this
year. His try failed by a tenth of a
second, but was more than eleven
seconds better than the Big Ten rec-
ord. Deckard and Smith again trailed
him in that order to shut out the
Wolverine entries of Stone and
Dan Caldemeyer shared record-
busting honors with Lash, however,
by an impressive victory over Mich-
igan's Bob Osgood. Skimming over
the barriers in perfect form, the
Hoosier captain was timed in :14.2,
equalling the listed world's record held
by Percy Beard.
Michigan, defending champions in
the Conference track meet next week
against competition which will be led
by the Hoosiers on the basis of their
win today, garnered nine first places,
including a tie for first in the pole
vault, with Sam Stoller pacing the
way. Stoller earned two firsts, in the
hundred which he won in :09.8, and in
the broad jump, with a leap of 23
feet 2 inches. He also placed third
to Collier and Gunning of Indiana
in the 220-yard dash.
Other Michigan 'winners were the
mile relay team, which .set a new
stadium mark of 3:25.4, John Town-
send in the shot put, Stan Birleson
with a mark of :48.6 in the quarter,
Skip Etchells in the discus, Bob Os-
good in the low hurdles and Len
Dworsky in the javelin. Nelson Drou-
lard and Morris Morgan shared in a
four-way tie for first in the pole vault.
Indiana maintained its dominance
in the track events above the quarter,
is which Michigan scored a slam, by
placing Marmaduk Hobbs and Bernie
Gill first and second in the half-mile.
The time was 1:54.3.
BATTLE CREEK, May 15. - (P) -
E. C.Nettels, traffic manager for the
General Foods Corporation, who has
been in ill health for several years,
will retire from active service June 1,
it was announced Friday.


Gambling Racket
Faces Exposure
By. Faculty Man

The Udder Futility Of
These Farm Colleges

EAST LANSING, May 14. - (P) -
Co-ed candidates for the title of
queen of the campus milk-maids at
Michigan State College practiced to-
day for the contest next Wednesday
The candidates will be given al-
lotted times in which to milk. The
one who extracts the largest amount,
and leaves the least in the cow's
udder, will receive the crown.
Varsity Wins
From Purdue
By1-3 Score
Michigan Coasts To Easy
Victory Behind Stellar
Hurling Of Fishman
LAFAYETTE, Ind., May 15. - to') -
Michigan's Varsity baseball team
blasted out six runs in the second in-
ning off Martin, diminutive Purdue
southpaw, and then coasted to an 11-
3 victory over the Boilermakers here
today. The victory kept the Wolver-
ines at the top of the Big Ten stand-
ings, with a perfect record.
Lefty Fishman. Wolverine pitcher
had men on base in every inning
except the fourth, but he held the
Purdue runners away from the plate
until the ninth, when the Boiler-
makers got all of their runs with the
aid of three errors. Two great plays
by Uricek saved Fishman from fur-
ther damage.
Uricek, Jablonski, Lerner, and Hey-
liger led the Michigan attack with
two hits each. Malaska robbed Uri-
cek of a home run with a somersault
catch of his drive on the running
track, nearly 400 feet from the plate.
Michigan's runs in the second in-
ning came as the result of singles
by Uricek, Jablonski, Lerner, Heyliger,
and Rudness and passes issued to
Ferner and Brewer.
. Fishman's control was excellent
throughout the game. He struck out
Mangas, his seventh victim of the
game, to dampen Purdue's rally in the
ninth and allowed only four passes.
Japanese Troops
Enter North China
TIENTSIN, China, May 15. - (A')
- Japan marched 7,600 fresh troops
into North China garrisons and
Chinese sources expressed fear to-
night it was a step in a campaign
for the ultimate conquest of China.
The soldiers, totalling four trans-
port loads of reinforcements, were
moved into the Tietsin and Peiping
Chinese sources asserted that Jap-
an was encouraged to make the move
by Italy's annexation of Ethiopia in
defiance of the League of Nations
and leading European powers.


Protected Number SclPime
Bared By Gust Carlson
Of SociologyDept.
Police Cooperation
hICrime Alleged
Italian Lottery, Numbers,
Policy Are Employed To
Swindle Thousands
A numbers gambling racket in De-
troit and other large cities of the
nation that is protected by police de-
partments, high-up municipal officials
and great newspapers and gleans
thousands of dollars a day from a
vast and gullible public was exposed
yesterday by Gust Carlson of the so-
ciology department.
Mr. Carlson recently concluded a
survey of this "policy racket" in De-
troit, New York, Cleveland, Cincinnati
and Toledo, declared that "such a
situation could not be possible if it
were not for the cooperation of the
police department. The higher-ups
know about it too. The racket, he
asserted, "thrives on protection." Such
number gambling is forbidden by
state law and city ordinance.
No Names Given

He refused to disclose actual names
or instances of official protection, but
declared that he had documentary
The policy racket, according to Mr.
Carlson, who emphasized the gam-
bling situation in Detroit, is played
and run principally by Negroes, al-
though he pointed out, Jews are tak-
ing it over in some cities, and Sicilians
have almost exclusive control over the
Italian lottery, one game of the racket.
The actual gambling, Mr. Carlson
explained, takes"the form of betting,
small sums at odds as great as 1,500
to 1, on a variety of sorts of numbers
-totals of money bet on the races,
New York Stock Exchange figures or
simply numbers out of a hat. The
racket, Mr. Carlson's investigation
showed, is run by big gamblers, who,
despite the large amounts they pay
for official protection, are usually mil-
lionaires. Sometimes the proprietor
racketeers swindle their patrons by
absconding with the money or de-
liberately drawing off-numbers, but
Mr. Carlson believes that "for the
most part the gambling is honest.
A Transient Racket
"Nevertheless," he pointed out,
"many oftthe operators have their of-
fices in the back of cars and have
to keep on the move in order to evade
the police, in cases where they can-
not afford protection." The number
gambling houses are located almost
entirely in the Negro districts, ac-
cording to Mr. Carlson, and their
patrons "are either Negroes or poorer
class whites."
Even the church has been drawn
into the vast maze of the gambling
set-up, Mr. Carlson charged. The of-
ficial church is an innocent party to
the racket, he said, their hymn num-
bers being used by gamblers, but many
fly-by-night religious organizations,
especially formed for the purpose and
ofttimes meeting in the back of a
store, give out numbers for the rack-
There are three chief games played,
(Continued on Page 2)
Stuart Courtis
To Talk.Before
Health Institute
Dr. Stuart A. Courtis of the School
of Education will speak on "A Phil-
osophy of Health Education" at'the
second day's program of the School
Health Education Institute, opening
at 9 a.m. this morning in the west
amphitheatre of the West Medical
At 11 a.m. Dr. George T. Palmer
of New York City will address the
school physicians, dentists and nurses
participating in the Institute. His
subject will be "Organizing for Bet-
ter School Health."
Following the noon luncheon, sev-
eral talks will be given. Dr. Don
Gudakunst of Detroit will conduct

Meyer Tells Of Polaroid As
Headlight Glare Preventative


son & Auld the cup awarded for would be denied permission to hold used by Professor Lawrence weighs
the largest attendance. meetings in a school building. about 85 tons and was originally made
for the Chinese government. It was
Intended to be a part of a Poulson
O Tera Sinoer s Life ntrit11 1arc used in radio transmission. The
LifeUniversity cyclotron will be the largest
Saystheworld, larger even than the
m " nle s saya-- tp o n 17 others now being planned both
abroad and in the United States.
By EARL R. GILMAN but, two weeks of learning her part j At present the 95 ton magnet of'
"Intriguing, gay and interesting, and one week for rehearsal with the the University's gigantic apparatus
though sometimes a bit sad," is Rose orchestra were required. The av- E has been set up and tried out, accord-
Bampton's impression of an opera erage rehearsal for a new opera is ing to Professor Cork. The magnetic
singer's life, she said in an interview two weeks. Incidentally after her re- field obtained came up to the expected
yesterday. hearsal last night she flew to New value calculated from tests on a small
"I always wanted to be a singer, it York. Then she took a train to get size model of the magnet.
seems. My family still reminds me back for her performance here this The cyclotron magnet is composed
humorously of the times I gave my evening. of two metal cylinders which are
imitations of famous opera stars. At present Miss Bampton is on a wired to form north and south
"I gained my early experience at tour, singing at festivals in various poles. A small space is left between
the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia. colleges. She is to sing at the festiv- the two poles in which the projec-
Today I think there is a much great- al in Montreal and is going to Cali- tiles are speeded up. The two poles
er opportunity for the young singer fornia to make a broadcast with Bing are connected by a double steel yoke
to be discovered. The two factors Crosby in the future. in order to increase the magnet's
which help mostly are the Metropoli- Hill Auditorium Grand strength, making the complete mag-
tan Opera Company auditions, which "I found Hill Auditorium to be net the shape of a rectangle with
are given over the radio, and the simply grand, Miss Bampton con- two poles extending from the middle
Spring Season of the Metropolitan, tinued. I also enjoyed hearing Car- of two opposite sides.
which enables these people to gain actacus last night -I knew nothing The length of the magnet is 11 feet,
evneriene sinaina with a great or- about the sonas and so could just 2 inches, its width 4 feet 2 inches,

Promising an answer to the serious
problem of eliminating the glare
from automobile headlights which
endangers night driving, polaroid, a
material recently put on the market
which will polarize light, was de-
scribed yesterday by Prof. C. F. 1
Meyer of the physics department.
Light, he explained first, is com-
posed of transverse waves, similar to
those of the ripples of water in a
pond. Unlike these ripples, however,
ordinary light waves do not vibrate
only in one plane, but consist of
transverse waves in which the plane.
of vibration changes many times per
Polarized light, he added, is ob-
tained by sending light waves
through some material which would
filter out all but the waves vibrat-'
ing in one plane. This phenomena
is similar to throwing straws in the
face of a strong wind which blows
them, lying in various planes, to-
ward a slot in a wall. Only those
straws lying in the same plane as

waves which vibrate in only one
"Use of polaroid in preventing the
glare from headlights consists of
placing polaroid sheets in the head-
lights which will polarize light, let us
say, in a horizontal plane, and plac-
ing a small polaroid sheet in the
windshield which would polarize light
in a vertical plane," according to
Professor Meyer. Most of the light
from the headlights of any given
car would be unable to pass through
the windshields of approaching cars
! and thus the driver would not be in-
convenienced by a glare.
A person would be able to see the
objects in front of his own car, Pro-
fessor Meyer continued, because the
light from his own headlights, "when
striking the road ahead, would be
diffusely reflected and in this pro-
cess the light would lose its polariza-
tion to a large extent." This un-'
polarized light could penetrate the
Cost of enough nolaroid for the

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