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May 15, 1936 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-15

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FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1936



ConstructionOfGraduate Building W ill Begin In Summer


$6,500,000 Of
Rackham Fund
Is Given School'

Final Construction
Near Completion;

To Be

Approved Soon
0Ceupise sTwo Blocks
Destruction Of Rooming
Houses Affects More
Than 90 Students
Shortly after the start of the Sum-.
mer Session, work on the new build-
ing for the Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies will begin in earnest.
Final plans are now nearing comple-
tion and probably will be approved
in a few days.
A total of $6,500,000 was donated by
the administrators of the estate of
the late Horace Rackham, prominent
Detroit lawyer, for the Graduate
School n accordance with the re-
quest of the late philanthropist, who
wished that his estate be used for
"the benefit of humanity."
Last August a $5,000,000 gift was
announced for the Graduate School,
but when it was found that the build-
ing and school could not be placed
in a "proper setting" without addi-
tional space, -1,500,000 more was
Two Blocks Aquired
Two blocks have been acquired by
the University, acting through the
Ann Arbor Trust Company, for the
building. Work was begun last No-
vember in razing the houses to the
ground on the blocks, and excavation
has already started. All but a few
buildings; including houses and apart-
ment buildings, have been cleared on
the second block.
A survey conducted by The DailyF
early in March indicated that ap-
proximately 91 students. were affectedt
by the University's purchase of thet
second block. At the close of the first1
semester these students were forced
to find other places to live, and this
further aggravated the present hous-
ing crisis.I1
The new Rackham School for grad-
uate students, will be designed as a
center for graduate students. Not only
are rooms planned for classes andC
lectures but there are also special
rooms set aside for social purposes.
Some of the room will have lounges
in order that "students may regain
the lost art of conversation," accord-
ing to Dean Yoakum of the Graduate1
School. 1
Groups To Meet
Certain hoiorary and special so-r
cieties for graduate students will have r
rooms in the new building. It is s
planned to have these groups hold t
their meetings in the building and to
use the new structure as a headquar-
ters for all their activities.k
No drawings of the proposed struc-a
ture have been sent to the Rackham c
Fund Committee or to the Univer- c
sity by Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, s
Detroit, the designers of the build-
ing. a
Before the plans are finally accept- s
ed and work can actually start on v
the building, a committee from the c
University and the Rackham Fund
Committee, must give them their ap- 1
proval. Dr. Mark S. Knapp is the
chairman of the committee and the
administrator of the Fund here inr
Ann Arbor. When the new building c
is completed, the Rackham Fund
Committee will have offices on the
first floor. One wing of the floor
will be devoted to a suite of roomsc
for the committee.-
No announcement has yet beenV
made as to when the building will i
be completed and ready for occu-c
pancy. However, according to Deans
Yoakum "things are moving as fastr
as they can" and at the earliest op-
portunity the foundation of the new
structure will be laid.
Radio Features

Of Educational
Value Praised
"The successful educational pro-
grams of Prof. Waldo Abbot at the
University of Michigan" were men- :
tioned in an editorial in a recent issue
of the Broadcascing magazine as
broadcasting work, the information of
which should be made available to
The article pointed out that WPA
funds are now being used in an at-s
tempt to show the way to educators
toward the proper use of radio fa-1
cilities by writing model programs.
It suggested that these funds bea
used to establish a central federal
agency to gather and make avail-
able to educators in the various col-
pzp.n rrnivsitia nowbraat-

51 Acres Of Fertile
Among the valued possessns of
the University is its Botonical Garden,
a plot of fertile land consisting of 51
acres, which offers facilities for all
phases of botanical instruction and
research concerned with growing
Among the equipment which be-
longs to the Botanical Gardens are
seven greenhouses, a two-story brick
laboratory, and ample work rooms.
The entire tract has been piped for
An important feature of the green-
houses, it has been pointed out, is
the provision of several separate
rooms for individual research prob-
lems, each equipped with automatic
heat control and independent ventila-
A collection of growing plants for
teaching and exhibition purposes is
now being developed on a wide scale.
It includes more than 2,000 species
and varieties, including some of the
more important economic and orna-
mental species of the tropics and a
representative collection of hardy per-
ennials, shrubs, and trees.
The Gardens are responsible for the
decoration of all University buildings.
Biology Camp
To Be Led By
Prof. LaRue
Station To Be Situated On
Shors Of Lake Douglas
In Cheboygan County
Headed by Prof. George R. LaRue
>f the zoology department, a staff of
5 faculty men from the University
nd other schools and colleges will
e on hand to conduct the 28th an-
iual Biological Station, from June 29
o August 22, on the shores of Doug-
as Lake, in Cheboygan County.
The Biological Station for teach-
ng and research in botany and zo-
logy forms an integral part of the
Jniversity's Summer Session. Since
ts establishment in 1909 it has been
onducted for eight weeks periods
very year.
The camp is conducted on the Bo-
mardus Tract, an area of more than
,900 acres which lies along the
outhern and eastern shores of Doug-
as Lake, and extends southward to
urt Lake. The tract has a lake
rontage of more than six miles. Pell-
ton is the nearest village, situated
ine miles west of the Station. Rail-
oad connections reach as far as Pell-
ton, the remaining nine miles being
raversed by automobile.
Camp Offers Variety
According to the bulletin issued
by the University, the region "offers
n excellent variety of vegetational
onditions, some original and many
thers considerably modified as a re-
ult of lumbering operations and fire."
Thus persons attending the camp are
fforded unusual opportunities to
tudy various types of ecological de-
elopment and to diagnose ecological
To those interested in taxonomy,
his area abounds with diversified
material. Over 1,000 species, distri-
uted among nearly 100 families and
more than 400 genera, have been re-
orded in former years. Diverse flora
and variety in habitats give ample
pportunity to observe distribution.
The study of animal life can well be
arried on at the Biological Station
s well. There is a wide range of ter-
estrial and aquatic habitats, includ-

ng those created by agricultural pro-
esses, and the large unsettled or
parsely settled areas offer an ele-
ment especially conducive for biologi-
al work.
Species Are Abundant
The Summer Session bulletin states
hat there are 14 species of amphibi-
ns and 15 species of reptiles, many
f which are common enough for col-
ection purposes. Many species of
ish spawn during July, thus affording
pportunity to study breeding beha-
ior and embryology.
Ornithologists also have good ad-
vantage to pursue their studies, for
during the previous summer sessions
bout 175 species of birds have been
dentified. These include the sum-
ner bird population and early au-
umn migrants. Although the spring
nigration is over when the camp
opens, many shore birds from the
ar north can be observed on their
way southward before the session is
Although living conditions are quite
different from those encountered in
he city, all provisions have been
nade to preserve the health and con-
fort of those in attendance at the
Station. Cottages, mostly built to
house three people, are equipped with
screen doors and windows, heating

any medical service necessary. A
one-room hospital is available to any-
one who may need temporary hospi-
tal care.
Life at the Biological Station is
not, however, entirely confined to the
realm of study and work, for there are
recreational facilities aplenty at the
camp. There is a large diamond
where converts of the national pas-
time can take a crack at the horse-
hide, and there are excellent op-
portunities for swimming, diving and
boating. Each Saturday night ai
party or entertainment is held in the
clubhouse, which is equipped with
chairs, tables and a piano, and is the
common recreation center.
LaRue Heads Staff
The staff of the Station will be
under the direction of Professor La-
Rue, and will include Prof. Alfred7
H. Stockard of the zoology depart-'
ment, who is secretary of the camp;1
Dr. William M. Brace of the Health<
Service, who is staff physician; and<
Odina B. Olson of the University
High School, who is Dean of Women
at the Station.t

Special Summer Tours Include
Niagara Falls And Detroit Trips
(Continued from Page 1) and the weather station. Reserva-
who will give an illustrated lecture tions must be made in the Summer
on the same subject at 5 p.m. on Session office before 8 a.m. July 25,
July 13. The trip to Niagara Falls when the special buses will leave for
will be made by railroad in special Milford. They will return at 3 p.m.
coaches, which will leave Ann Arbor A tour of the Cranbrook Schools,
at 3:30 p.m. on July 17, returning one of the most beautiful in the
late Sunday night, June 19. country, will comprise the ninth ex-
Henry Ford's famous Greenfield cursion, to be held August 1. Special-
Village will be visited on the sixth buses will transport the students
excursion, to be held July 22. Points to Bloomfield Hills, where they will
of interest which will be seen will be inspect the five schools of the Cran-
Ford's village, the museum of early brook Foundation, Christ Church and
American life, Edison's Menlo Park the Carillon.
Laboratory, and the Dearborn Inn. The last and one of the most
The trip will be made by special interesting trips will be to beautiful
buses, which will leave the campus Put-In-Bay on Lake Erie. The ex-1
at 1 p.m. Since this tour is also of cursionists will leave Ann Arbor at
especial interest, it will be repeated 7:30 a.m. on August 5, taking a spe-.
for the eighth tour, to be held July 29. cial bus to the boat dock, where they
The seventh tour will be a visit to will board a steamer for the 125-milei
the General Motors Proving Grounds, trip. On the island they will visit,

the several caves, Perry's monument
and other points of geologic and
scenic interest. The tour will be
under the direction of Professor Scott.
Club Will Continue
Through Summer
Although the Faculty Women'sl
Club will not be as active this sum-
mer as it has been in various activi-
ties during the past school year, it
will not disband entirely during the
summer months. Mrs. Edward Adams,
president of the organization has'
announced that a reception and gar-1
den party for members of the visit-
ing faculty of the Summer Session
will be held in the gardens of the
League sometime during the Summer
Session. This affair will be similar
to that which took place last year,
Mrs. Adams announced.
Dr. James A. Naismith, 74-year-oldf
inventor of basketball, played the
game only once in his life.

Date Of Conference
On Education Set
The seventh annual Summer Edu-
cational Conference of the School of
Education is to take place on July
15 and 16.
In the past, this conference has had
an approximate attendance of 1,000
people, including many principals
and superintendents from out of town.
At the conference, significant issues
are discussed and opportunity for ex-
change of views on facts, proposals
and trends of education are pre-
The following are a few of the
topics scheduled to be covered at
the 1936 conference: Is the Issue
of Academic Freedom Real or Imag-
inary?; What New Educational Agen-
cies Should be Developed to Meet
the Needs of Unemployed Youth?;
Should the Traditional Elementary
School Curriculum Be Abandoned?;

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