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May 15, 1936 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-15

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rRIDAY, 31AY 15, 11936

PAGE i:rw~ rUIDAY, MAY 15, 193w

Summer Session Faculty Members

To Give Varied Lecture Program


72nd Session
Of Camp Davis
Opens June 29

Camp Davis, established in 18.'4
as the first university surveying camp
in the United States, will open June.
29 for its 72nd Summer Session near
Jackson, Wyo., within 35 miles of the
Teton Mountains and 75 miles from
the southern boundary of Yellowstone
National Park.
The location of Camp Davis, in a
broad expanse of open country, can
qualify as the "almost perfect" camp.
There is an adequate supply of water
under gravity pressure, an ideal cli-
mate, with but little cloudy weather
or oppressive heat and regularly cool
It is surrounded by beautiful moun-
tains which offer unlimited oppor-
tunities for exploration and is near
an improved U.S. highway.

All buildings at the camp have con-
crete floors and sheet steel super-
structure. Besides residence buildings,
which are fourteen feet square, there
are a kitchen, dining room, keeper's
residence instrument room, shop and
Anyone who has completed the pre-
scribed work in the engineering col-
lege is eligible for attendance. A list
of the prerequisites may be obtained
at the office of the Summer Session.
Instruction will be given for five
and .one-half days a week for eight
Two courses, surveying 3 and 6,
will be offered at the camp. Survey-
ing 3, according to the Summer Ses-
sion caitalcg, "embraces azimuth
wotrk; triangulation; plane table;
road; boundary; and stadia surveys.
Each student is required to adjust
completely a transit and level. Office
work includes the computation of
field data, the making of maps and
diagram's, and the preparation of
permanernt records where such are


Center Of State Medical Research

Schools, Colleges And
Proper Abbreviations
To indicate the various schools and
colleges in which a student is enrolled,
the following are in general use on
the University Campus:
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts ......... Numerals Alone
College of Engineering ........... E
Law School .....................L
Medical School ................. M
College of Architecture ........... A
College of Pharmacy ............ . . P
School of Dentistry .............. D
Graduate School.............. Grad
Special Students ............. Spec
School of Music ......... . .. . ..SM
School of Education ............ Ed
School of Business Administration
School of Nursing .......... . ... SN
Geologry Camp,
Law School To
Iler--ister Early

First Of Topics
To Be'Modern
All Speeches To Be Given
At 5 P. M. In Natural
Science Auditorium
Visitors To Speak
SubjectsT o Be Pertinent;
11ol( Great Initerest For
Summer Students
(Continued from Page l)

Above is shown a sketch of the University of Michigan Hospital, noted throughout the country for its dis-
tinguished staff of research scientists. It not only serves as a state hospital, but it is the central head-
quarters of the University Medical School. A recent addition, the building of a special therapeutic pool
which was compieted last winter, has made its faciliities even more complete. The building stands on the
bluffs overlooking the Huron Valley.

r r







m Ad j

Director Hopkins' Guess'
Of A 4,400 Peak Proves
To Be Conservative
(Continued from Page 1)
growing proportionately more rapid-
ly than the winter session, although
the regular session this year has the
greatest enrollment in the history of
the University. In 1920 the summer
enrollment was 24.7 percent of the
regular session whereas in 1925 the
Summer Session was 39.2 percent
that of the larger enrollment.
Another interesting fact also re-
vealed was that the enrollment of
men students in the Summer Session
has been 1000 greater than the wom-
en student. Since 1924 the fluctua-
tion have been imilar for both men
and women. In 1935 the men' en-
rolment wa 2590 and the women's,
The reasons for this general un-
precedented rise are numerous as
explained by Professor Hopkins. A
few of the outstanding reasons are to
be found in the character and num-
ber of the Summer School faculty
as well as in the special features and
conferences sponsored by the various
departments of the University and
the general recreational program.
Guest Faculty Of 34
The faculty for the Summer Session
will number 410 of the regular staff
of the University, supplemented by
34 from other institutions.
Another factor which will tend to
swell the numbers of the student body
is the reduction of train fare granted
by the railroads to all summe stu-
dents and professors, as has been
conceded to all the larger educational
Furthermore, the severe competi-
tion among teachers for advancement
has made acquisition of the master's
degree a requisite for high school fac-
ulties while higher educational insti-
tutions demand the doctor's degree
for members of their staff. These stu-
dents and scholars are accepting the
Summer School as the logical place
to acquire these requisite degrees and
during the Summer Session is the
only time they can devote to this
study coming at vacation time.
The activities of Ann Arbor during
the summer every year include con-
certs, lectures, plays, excursions,
dances and, at times, study. Even out
of Ann Arbor, the pulse of the cam-
pus is felt in Colorado, New England,
Wyoming, and, closer to home, Nor-
thern Michigan and other spots
throughout the country in the field
camps sponsored by the various de-
partments of the University during
the summer.
Plan Mano Activities
Almost daily, for the greater part
of the session, there will be University
lectures by recognized faculty author-
ities on the widest variety of subjects.
Several times opportunities will be
offered to hear visiting professors
speak and the popularity of these,
as well as the other lectures, has
been proven in past years by the uni-
formly large attendance.
This year, as every year, there will
be a series of excursions under the
direction of members of the faculty.
These excursions will be climaxed by
a trip to Niagara Falls. Typical of
these excursions will be visits to the
more interesting attractions of De-
troit and inspection of various
phases of the motor industries.
For years the competent Michigan
Repertory Players have presented one
play each week, and this year these
plays will form an integral part in
the program of the Summer Session.
Plans are being made to conduct an-
other opera such as was held last
year through the combined efforts of
the Repertory Players and the School
of Music. These productions have al-
ways been anticipated and received
with pleasure and are one of the high

spots in the summer program.

Wilson G. Smillie, of the public
health administration school of Har-
vard University. He will lecture on
July 8 on "The Common Cold." Pro-
fessor Smillie has done distinguished
work in his field, having been for
ten years a member of the staff of the
International Health Division, of the
Rockefeller Foundation, and director
of the Institute de Hygiene, San
Paulo, Brazil for two years.
Prof.+ Edward B. Green of the
psychology department will deliver
the eighth lecture of the summer ser-
ies. He will speak on "Niagara Falls
and Their Vicinity," July 13. He will
be followed by Prof. Robert E. Spiller,
visiting professor of English from
Swarthmore College, whose topic will
be "Henry Adams, Artist and Critic
of the Modern Age."
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of the
Simpson Memorial Institute for Med-
ical Research, and director of the
department of internal medicine, will
give an illustrated lecture on July 15.
His subject will be, "Anemia."
"The Integrity of Humanism" will
be the subject of the next lecture to
be given by another distinguished
member of the visiting faculty, Prof.
Harry S. V. Jones of the English de-
partment of the University of Illinois.
Prof. Winter Will Lecture
Prof. John G. Winter, chairman of
the Latin department, director of
the Museum of Classical Archaeology,
and director of the Division of Fine
Arts, will give the twelfth lecture of
the series, speaking on "Recent Ex-
cavations in Rome," on July 20. Pro-
fessor Winter was the recipient of
this year's Henry Russel Award for
outstanding research work by a Uni-
versity faculty member.
On July 21, Prof. E. H. Sturte-
vant of the linguistic department of
Yale University, will lecture on "The
Hittite Discoveries and Their Bear-
ing on Linguistic Science." Professor
Sturtevant has been associated with
the Yale faculty since 1923, and has
achieved nation-wide prominence in
his field. He has also served as
president of the Linguistic Society of
A lecture on "War and Economics"
will be given by Prof. Max. S. Hand-
man of the economics department on
July 22
The next lecture, which will be
heard the following day, July 23, will
be given by Prof. Henry Miller, pro-
fessor of mechanism, and head'of the
department of mechanism and engi-
neering drawing. He will give an
illustrated talk on "Neutrality and
Ethiopia." Professor Miller was the
organizer and president of the School
of Military Aeronautics in 1917, and
also served in France during the war
as major, ordnance chief of railway
artillery, and lieutenant-colonel, ord-
nance chief of the heavy artillery
division. He is the author of "Amer-
ican Seacoast Artillery," "Mobile Ar-
tillery," and " The Paris Gun."
On July 27, Prof. Harold M. Dorr
of the political science department
will lecture on "Constitutional Re-
form and the Supreme Court," while
the next lecture will be given by
another political science professor,
Arthur W. Bromage, who will speak
the following day on. "The Forty-
Eight Indestructible States." The
next talk will be an illustrated lec-
ture on astronomy, but the subject
and speaker have not yethbeen an-
Keniston To Speak
"Modern Poets of Spain and Span-
ish America" is the subject of a lec-
ture to be given July 30 by another
member of the guest faculty, Prof.
Hayward Keniston of the University
of Chicago.
Dr. Howard B. Lewis, head of the
department of physiological chemis-
try, and director of the College of
Pharmacy, will deliver the twenty-
first lecture of the series, speaking
on "The Chemist and the World's

Food Supply" on August 3. The next
lecture, to be given August 4, will be
on "The Gyroscope, Its Application
to Ocean Lisers and Aircraft" by
Prof. J. P. den Hartog of Harvard
University, who will display models
along with his lecture.
The last two lectures will be on
highly diversified subjects, with Prof.

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