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May 14, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-14

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The Weather
Fair today and tomorrow;
continued cool; slightly warmer


5k ian,


Come And See For Yourself .
The Frazier-Lemke
Inflation Threat . . .



Bill Is Crushed
SHeavy Vote
Record Vote Defeats First
Real Threat Of Inflation
Under New Deal
Leaders In House
Win After Hot Fight'
Sponsors Of Measure Fail
After Offering Changes;
House Chamber Packed I
WASHINGTON, May 13. - ( P) -
The $3,000,000,000 Frazier-Lemke.
farm debt refinancing bill, on which
was based the biggest "new money"
drive of the session, was crushed to-
day under a landslide vote in the:
The 235 to 142 record ballot that
killed the bill and sent lusty yells
ringing through the packed House
chamber climaxed one of the most
hotly contested battles of the 74th
Congress, and represented a victory
for the House leadership.
Sponsors of the legislation, sent
down to defeat after five years of
hard work to bring the measure to a
vote, tried vainly to swing the tide
in its favor by offering amendment
after amendment designed to lure
more votes. Some were accepted but
did not change the final result.
Loans Up to 80 Per Cent
One of these would have permitted
loans up to no more than 80 per
cent of the fair value of farms, where-
as the bill originally had called for
100 per cent. Some backers of the
legislation, which would allow the is-
suance of $3,000,000,000 of new money,
had predicted that this would bring
in 40 more votes.
In the final balloting 173 Demo-
crats and 62 Republicans joined to
vote against the bill. Those who
voted in favor of it numbered 105
Democrats, 27 Repubeans; 7 ProgTes-
sives and 3 Farmer-Laborites.
Fresh charges of inflation, "print-
ing press money," and "greenback leg-
islation" were hurled at the measure
throughout the day's uproarious ses-
sion. Supporters of the bill snapped
back assertions that it would save
the homes of millions of farmers and
spoke of "poison" pervading the
A. F. of L. Against Bill
Speaker Byrns, who rarely becomes
directly involved in a controversial
floor scrap, left the speaker's rostrum
at one point to read a letter from
President William Green of the Amer-
ican Federation of Labor, announcing
that the organization's executive
council had gone on record against
the bill "largely because of its in-
flationary nature."
Green told reporters later that
Byrns had solicited thehstatement
from the Federation. The speaker,
Green said, was among 25congress-
men who called yesterday to ascer-
tain the Federation's position.
Night Club Blaze
Is Fatal To Four
SAN FRANCISCO, May 13. - )(A)
-A torch in the hands of a swaying
dancer ignited the draperies of a
crowded little night club and started
a fire and a stampede today in which
four persons died and twelve were

A screeching crowd of 60 persons
trampled Josephine Dickerson, 22,
hat check girl, to death.
In the hall through which the
crowd rushed from the second floor
club to the street the bodies of three
other victims were found. Their
clothing was charred. They had
-been trampled.
Three investigations began immed-
iately. Captain of Police Inspectors
Charles Dullea said he would inspect
every night club ir town to see
whether similar fire hazards existed.
Union Will Install
New Men Tonight
Herbert B. Wolfe, '37, newly elect-
ed president of the Union, and Wil-
liam S. Struve, '37, new recording
secretary, will officially take over
their duties tonight after the in-
stallation banquet to be held in the
-nnio n

Weirs Doesn't Think Ford Plan
For Decentralization Will Work

Says Scheme Has Not Beena
Financially Sound; Failsw
To Run On Cost Basise
Decentralization in industry: is itp
the solution of our economic ills? Isp
it the answer to our labor problems?
Is it just another panacea, impos-e
sible to achieve? Is it undesirable
if achieved?
With these issues in mind, the so-r
ciology department instituted thiss
semester a survey of the "home in-.
dustries" plan operated by the Ford7
Motor Company. The survey hast
been conducted by Paul Wiers of ther
economics department, and has been i
financed by an Earhart Fellowship.
In an interview yesterday, Mr.s
Wiers described the twofold purposen
of the survey as determining the ef-
fects of the Ford plan on the work-
ers and determining whether the
plan is financially profitable.
Ford has established or is now
planning approximately 24 "home
industry" plants. In nearly every
case the plants have been located by
the side of a mill pond in some small
village, an essential part of Ford's
plan being the utilization of water
power -converted into electricity -
in the operation of the plants.
Approximately 2,000 workers are
employed in these plants, all of
whom have been hired from the local
population of the towns. The sizet
of the plants vary from one at Nan-L
kin Mills employing only nine work-
ers to one at Ypsilanti employing 750h
Will Announce
Russel Award
Winner Today
Prof. J. G. Winter To Givec
Lecture On Papyrologyd
I Lydia Mendelssohn
The recipantsof ,the:enry Iussel
Award for 1935-36 will be announced
at the Henry Russel lecture to bed
delivered by Prof. John G. Winter,f
chairman of the Latin department
and director of the division Fineu
Arts, at 4:15 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Professor Winter is the eleventhi
man to receive the honor of deliv-
ering the lecture. He will speak on
"Papyrology: Its Contributions and
The award of $250, given to an
assistant professor or instructor
whose work in researchrand scholar-
ly activities seem to merit this hon-
or, is made possible by an endow-
ment, which was established in 1920
by a bequest of Henry Russel, '73,
of Detroit. His will specified that
the income from that bequest wasC
to be used to provide additional com-
pensation to members of the in-~
structing staff.
From the income of the fund, it
was decided in May, 1925, by the
Board of Regents ,that $500 should
be set aside annually to provide for
a lecture to be known as the HenryE
Russell Lecture, and the Henry Rus-
sel Award. This year the appoint-
ment to the lectureship and the con-t
ferrment of the award were made by,
the Research Club of the University
of which Dr. Heber D. Curtis is
Previous winners of the Henry
Russel lectureship are: Prof. Mosest
Gomberg, 1925-26; Dean F. G. Novy,
1926-27; Prof. Henry A. Sanders,
1927-28; Prof. Alfred S. Warthin,
1928-29; Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne,
1929-30; Prof. William H. Hobbs,
1930-31; Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, 1931-

32; Prof. W. D. Pillsbury, 1932-33;
Prof. Ermine D. Case, 1933-34; and
Dean G. Carl Huber, 1934-35.
New Tan Beta Pi
Officers Are Elected
Gus T. Collatz, '37E, was elected
president of Tau Beta Pi, national
engineering honorary society, Frank
Dennison, '36, retiring head, an-
nounced yesterday.
Other officers, all junior engineering
students, elected at the society's an-
nual outing at Barton Hills, are Rob-'
ert Baldwin, vice-president; Willis
M. Hawkins, corresponding secretary;
David Eisendrath, recording secre-
tary; Frederick C. Hall, cataloguer;
and Kenneth Emery, member of the
Engineering Council.
Pr Afv lrarin of the mecanic1

and which is really not considered
wholly as a "home industries" plant. c
Although the survey has not been n
completed, it is the general .impres- c
sion of Mr. Weirs that the plan as i
t has worked out, is not financially p
practical. "It might be possible tot
place it on a cost basis," he stated, o
"but the plan certainly has not op-
erated as such."a
It is customary for the Company h
to buy up an old mill, preserve and A
remodel it, reconstruct the old dam S
site and equip the plant on that R
basis. At Saline, for instance, Mr.c
Weirs pointed out, the local con- f
tractor said the old mill house was
remodelled at the cost of construct-f
ing two new plants.n
Such situations have inclined ob-
servers to think that the plan is
more a hobby of Mr. Ford than aw
(Continued on Page 2)
Farmer Killed1
InTrain BCrash L
At Grass Lake
Collision Near Edge -1
Village; No Witnesses"
To Accident Reported
GRASS LAKE, May 13.- (Specialt
to The Daily) - A 60-year old Grasst
Lake farmer was killed instantly andt
his car demolished here tonight whenb
it was smashed by the Michigan Cen-
tral's Twilight Limited, speeding to
Detroit from Chicago.
The man was Herman Trapp who
was returning to his farm on the out-+
skirts of the village after buying gas-
oline for his Pontiac sedan. He drove
across the Union Street crossing at
7:55 p.m. here, just as the train roared
over it.
According to Carl Cooper, Jackson
County deputy sheriff, "Trapp simply
did not see it." The crossing is an
open one with no obstructions. Police
reported that there were no witnesses
to the accident.
- Altheugh a ,coroner's :ury doesnot.
meet until tomorrow, Cooper said hev
did not believe charges would be pre-t
ferred against the railroad company.
The train was delayed here 30 min-
Trapp is survived by his wife and as
married son. Funeral arrangements,
Mrs. Trapp said, will be announcedt
Murder Victim t
Is Identified By5
Federal PoliceY
DETROIT, May 13.--(P) - ChiefI
of Detectives Henry W. Piel an-
nounced tonight that fingerprints of<
a gunman's victim, transmitted tot
Washington by Associated PressI
Wirephoto, had led to identification
of the dead man as Charles A. Poole,
32, of Warrensburg, Ky.;
Chief Piel said that J. Edgar Hoov-
er, head of the Federal Bureau of
Identification, telephoned him from1
Washington that the prints were
those of Poole, whose only known'
arrest was for vagrancy at Dodge
City, Kans., on Dec. 17, 1926.
The) body was found today in a
roadside ditch, near suburban Dear-
born, Mich. Until the telephone call
came from Hoover, police had been
able to learn only that the man was
known to acquaintances here as
"Chet" or "Chap," and that he was
seen frequently in the company of
a man known as "Tennessee."
Sentence Robinson

For StollKidnapinl
LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 13. --(P) --
Thomas H. Robinson, Jr., last of the
nation's major criminals to be cap-
tured, pleaded guilty to the Stoll kid-
naping and was sentenced to life im-
prisonment here tonight.
The 29-year-old former inmate of a
Tennessee insane asylum stolidly
heard Federal Judge Elwood Hamilton
pronounce sentence immediately after
he had replied in an almost inaudible
voice, "guilty, your honor."
Robinson slugged Mrs. Alice Speed
Stoll, young Louisville society matron
with a lead pipe and snatched her
from her home here October 10, 1934.
For more than 19 months he eluded
the Federal agents while Mahan, Kar-

CIo-eds Want 'Manly
Men' Survey Shows;
Print More IBallots
The popularity of the vote being
conducted by students of the Engi-
neering school to determine whether
oeds prefer engineers to literary col-~
ege students has necessitated the
printing of extra ballots and the ex-
tension of the balloting period an-
ther day.
The voting is being conducted as
a preliminary to the debate to be
held on the Library steps beween
Alpha Nu, speech society, and the
Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma
Rho Tau, honorary engineering so-
ciety on the subject "Do Co-eds Pre-
er Engineers?"
A digest of the ballots cast thus
far indicates that an overwhelming
majority of the women prefer "man-
y men," that is, engineers, while
three per cent choose the opposite,t
with almost two per cent undecided.X
The ballots have also revealed a
number of facts not originally soughtt
by that inquiring engineers. It hass
been discovered, for example, thatt
many women seek a combination of
the "athletic, self-made or B.M.O.C."
type of man indicated on the ballot.t
The opinion was also written in on
a number of ballots that "engineersE
are too dumb for anyone who can
date anything else," and a numbert
of women, in regard to the questions
"Do you like the calculating typec
of man?" asked specifically "cal-
culating what?"%
The debate will be held at 4 p.m.t
today, and it has been announcedt
that seats will be supplied for in-r
terested women. The balloting willg
be continued tomorrow on campus.
Ilomecomnin,, Is
To Draw Many
Alumn1i, Visitors
Registration Will Be HeldG
At Union And League;
Plan Special Display
Many former students, alumni and
visitors to the University will return
to Ann Arbor tomorrow to be pres-
ent for the sixth annual Spring Home-
coming to be held tomorrow, Saturday
and Sunday.
Sponsored jointly by the Union and
the League, the purpose of the Home-
coming, according to John C. Mc-
Carthy, '36, chairman of the Home-
coming Committee, is primarily to
give visitors and alumni an oppor-
tunity to see the University in actual
operation. At no other time of the
year, he pointed out, is there any
special time set aside for alumni to
return solely for this purpose.
Registration for the week-end
guests will take place at both the
League and Union, and guides to
show visitors the various buildings
and museums on the campus can be
taken from these two focal points,
McCarthy said last night.
In order to enable guests to get
accommodations for the Homecoming,
a list of eligible rooms that will be
available has been compiled by the
Union executive council. All those
having difficulty in finding accom-
modations are urged to call at the
Union and ask concerning places to
stay for the week-end.
Many special displays and exhibits
have been arranged in the museums
and departments of the University
for the homecoming visitors. Guests
are also invited to attend any classes
and laboratories they may desire to
do so. All the facilities of the Uni-

versity have been thrown open to
them, McCarthy stated.

Borah Scores
Party Leaders
For Attitudes
Senator Says Republicans
Care Little For States
Rights Or Constitution
Lead Of President
.Mounts In Primary
Sponsoring Of Some Bills
Shows G.O.P. Deserting
Party Principles
(By the Associated Press)
Beaten in a presidential primary
tussle with the Ohio Republican
party organization, Senator Porah
(Rep., Ida.) charged last night that
the party leadership had demon-
stated that "they care nothing" for
the Constitution or state rights.
For "the purpose of securing the
votes of colored people," he said,
they had advocated passage of the
Costigan-Wagner Anti-Lynching bill,
a measure, which, he added, "strikes
at the very heart of state sovereign-
ty, and if adopted would utterly de-
stroy the fundamental principle of
our dual sovereignty of government."
Borah emerged from Tuesday's
voting in Ohio with five delegates of
the 52 which the state will send
to the Republican convention next
month. The 47 others went to Rob-
ert A. Taft, running as a "favorite
son" with the backing of the regular
party organization. Borah sup-
porters did not contest for 17 of the
delegates. Taft adherents entered
a full slate.
Democratic voters in Ohio mean-
while gave President Roosevelt an
overwhelming endorsement. He re-
ceived 325,012 votes to 22,735 cast
for Henry Breckinridge, anti-New
Deal Democrat, on the basis of re-
turns from 5,981 of the state's 8,-
579 precincts.
In West Virginia, the President,
with only nominal opposition rolled
up a big total of votes and Borah',
likewise but nominally opposed, was
far ahead in the number of votes.
The preference vote in thatstate is
not binding, however, ard ten can-
didates for seats in the convention,
supporting Governor Landon of
Kansas, were in the lead. The state
will send 16 delegates to the conven-
Illustrated Lectures
Are Now Realisic;
Vita phone Installed
Geology 12 students not only listen
to the lectures delivered by Prof.
Russel Hussey on Monday and Wed-
nesdays at 9 a.m. and see slides de-
picting the miraculous vicissitudes
in both animate and inanimate ob-
jects that have occurred during
many billions of years, but now they
can also hear the actual noises made
by the animals of bygone days.
It is believed that this has beer
made possible by a new vitaphone
contraption. However, the sounds
which were heard for the first time
in the lecture yesterday, came more
from the audience than from the
"animals" themselves.
Many improvements will have tc
be made in the system becaus
"talkies" were not provided for al
the creatures shown in the slides. Ir
the last lecture, students had to b
content with several "oinks" anc
"ounks" made by two predatory bird
supposed to have been over ten fee'
high. It is hoped that in the nea:

future dinosaurs and other simila
animals will also be heard.

We Gather That '13'
Isn't So Lucky For
Oklahoma Officials
McALESTER, Oka., May 13. -(P)
- Three major breaks from the Mc-
Alester Penitentiary have occurred on
the 13th of the month, records kept
in the penitentiay disclosed today.
On May 13, 1924, six convicts tun-
neled under the main wall to free-
dom and escaped only to be captured
Just exactly one month following,
June 13, 12 convicts escaped through
a sewer in the penitentiary, and
gained their freedom temporarily.
Today, two dozen convicts, armed
with prison-made knives, plotted and
successfully escaped to the outside
after killing a brick-yard foreman
and another convict. Several of the
men who made the break had been
sent in for robbery, and two were
serving life sentences for murder.
Heimwehr Head
Loses Power In
New Cabinet
Authority Of Schuschnigg
Increased After Former
Co-Dictator Is Dropped
VIENNA, May 14. - (Thursday) -
(/P) -Prince Ernst Rudiger von Star-
hemberg, vice-chancellor of Austria,
was dropped today from the cabinet
while the powers of his previous co-
dictator, Chancellor Kurt Schusch-
nigg, were increased.
Schuschnigg became minister of de-
fense and also assumed control of
foreign affairs.
Schuschnigg tendered the cabinet's
resignation to President Miklas who
asked the chancellor to form a new
ministry. Eduard Baar-Baarenfels
was named to replace Starhemberg as
Popular resentment followed the
collapse of the Phoenix Insurance Co.
out of which, it was said in some
quarters, Starhemberg's heimwehr got
40,000,000 Austrian schillings (about
(Starhemberg and Schuschnigg
have disagreed on Austria's direction
at various times. Recently the Prince
refused to carry out the government's
plan for dissolution of his private
army, the Heimwehr, along with other
such organizations).
24 Convicts Kill
One, Capture 2;
Break Prison

Leads First
In Festi~val
Great Ovation Is Accorded
Leader Of Symphony On
Initial Appearance
'Caractacus' Will
Be PlayedTonight
Children's Chorus To Sing
At Third Concert To Be
Held Tomorrow

A thunderous ovation for Leopold
tokowski, master conductor of the
hiladelphia Symphony, and for the
00 skilled musicians of the orchestra,
narked the opening concert of the
orty-second annual May Festival,
feld last night in Hill Auditorium.
Seats for the concert were sold out
arly yesterday, and a capacity audi-
nce of music-lovers from many Mid-
Vestern cities thronged the huge au-
itorium long before the scheduled
>eginning of the concert.
The program, brilliantly executed
)y Dr. Stokowski and the orchestra,
:onsisted of selections from the works
f the great German composers, Bach
nd Wagner. The Bach numbers
>layed were "Toccata and Fugue in
) Minor," "Aria," "Fugue in G
'Minor," "Come Sweet Death," and
'Passacaglia." After the intermission
Xr. Stokowski conducted the orchestra
n Wagner's "Prelude to 'Die Meister-
singers,'" "Prelude to 'Lohengrin,'"
nd "Love Music from 'Tristan and
To Play 'Caractacus' Tonight
In keeping with the Festival policy
>f presenting widely variant types of
programs, tonight's concert, the sec-
>nd of the series, will be devoted to a
>resentation of Elgar's famous choral
,ork "Caractacus." The distinguished
trtists who will be heard as soloists
tre Jeannette Vreeland, soprano, who
vill sing the role of 'igen; Keith
Balkner, baritone, as Caractacus; Paul
Althouse, tenor, as Orbin; and Julius
-Iuehn, bass, as Claudius. In addi-
tion the University Choral Union and
the Philadelphia orchestra under the
lirection of Prof. earl V. Moore of
he School of Music, will participate.
"Caractacus" deals with an episode
in the Roman invasion of Britain, tell-
ing of the noble Caractacus and his
futile attempt to save Britain from
the invaders, and the central charac-
ter of Caractacus is one of the most
dramatic and varied of oratorio fig-
Children's Chorus To Sing
In the third concert, to be given
tomorrow afternoon, the Children's
Festival Chorus of 500 voices will be
heard in Pierne's "Children at Beth-
lehem," and in a group of Christmas
carols, "O Little Town of Bethlehem,"
"Away in a Manger," and "Silent
Night." They will be directed by Juva
Higbee, and will be accompanied by
the Philadelphia orchestra. The sec-
ond half of this concert will consist
of Beethoven's famous "Emperor Con-
certo," played by Harold Bauer, pian-
Wayne Bank Heads
Convicted By Court
DETROIT, May 13. - MP)-Three
officers of the former Peoples Wayne
County Bank were convicted in Fed-
eral court today on criminal charges
growing out of the Michigan bank-
ing collapse of February, 1933.
Still another trio from among the
34 bankers indicted after the State's
banking difficulties had been the
subject of a Congressional investi-
gation conducted by Ferdinand Pe-
cora will go on trial Friday.
The three men convicted today by a
jury of eleven women and one man
are John R. Bodde, Donald N.
Sweeny and Edwn J. Eckert. Each
was found guilty on three counts
charging him with false entries in
reports to the Federal Reserve Board
in 1931, false entry in the bank's
books, and conspiracy to violate
banking laws.
NYA Cheeks Issued
o 0 1,482 Students
National Youth Administration
checks for April totaling $19,446.27
will be issued, starting today, to 1,-

Local Interfraternity Sing May
Become Famous, Grahlam Says

Six Of Escaping Men Aret
Recaptured; Traces OfI
Others Are Discovered
McALESTER, Okla., May 13. -(P)
- Striking with sudden savagery, two
dozen dangerous convicts broke out1
of the state penitentiary today, killed
a prison foreman they used to shield
their flight, kidnaped two guards andt
wounded another while ten of theirr
bloody band were being shot down by
Six of the escaping convicts were
recaptured, unhurt.
Shorty Wallace, a passer-by, said
he saw the convicts shove C. D. Wal-
lace, prison brickyard foreman, out
of their commandeered automobile
as they fled toward downtown Mc-'
Alester, and shoot him down as he
staggered to his feet. The body was
found inthe street, a bullet hole
through the head, a mile from the
prison. Officers believed at least five
convicts and two guards, held as host-
ages, were in the car.
One convict escaped in a prison ice
truck. Possemen were uncertain whe-
ther the other two fugitives were flee-
ing with the leaders in the comman-
deered automobile.
Litzenberg Leaves
To Attend Meeting
Dr. Karl Litzenberg of the English
department will leave this afternoon
to attend the annual meeting of the
Society for the Advancement of Scan-
dinavian Literature, which will be
held tomorrow and Saturday at the
University of Chicago.
Dr. Litzenberg will deliver a paper
on "Relationships of Scandinavian
and English Literature of the 19th
Century." The meeting this week
will ommemora't the 92th anniver-

Michigan's Interfraternity Sing
has every opportunity to become as
nationally famous as that of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, which is annual-
ly broadcast over the NBC system
and draws thousands of Chicagoans,
Charles W. Graham of Slaters Book
Store said yesterday.
"At Chicago the full membership
of each fraternity, always enlarged
by many alumni, some of whom are
as much as 50 years older than the
active members, takes its place in
the procession down the diagonal,"
Mr. Graham said. "It is one of Chi-
cago's richest traditions."
With thousands lining the diagon-
al and elderly men recapturing the
enit of t+eir 1indt-rLradnfp ays.ve

ternities extend their whole-hearted
"You have the perfect opportunity
here," Mr. Graham said. "You can
develop a Sing with as much splen-
dor annually as the University of
Chicago, and in a few years, too."
He pointed to the heavily-populat-
ed Detroit area, from which many
would come every year to attend a
Sing in which all fraternities par-
The Interfraternity Sing at Wa-
bash University, which now shares
with Chicago national fame, was de-
scribed by Jack Pedigo, '36, who at-
tended Wabash for two years.
The Sing there attracts beside the
student hndv many from neigh-

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