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May 01, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-01

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Merickel, Philips
Scabbard And Couple To Lead
Blade Initiates
To Be Honored
Paul Spech's Orchestra
To Provide Music For
Annual Affair
Stunt To Be Featured
Following Drill Ceremony
Honor Guard To Form
Sabre Arch
Edith Merickel, '36, and Paul W.
Philips, '36E, followed by the com-
mitteemen and their guests, will lead
the grand march of the 1936 an-
nual Military Ball, sponsored by the'
members of R.O.T.C., at 12 midnight
in the ballroom of the Union. The
music of Paul Specht will begin at
10 p.m. and last until 2 a.m.
Before the grand march a short
program will be given, beginning by
the presentation of the nine Scab-
bard and Blade initiates to the guests
of the ball. They are Robert Beuhler,
'37E; J. G. Briner, '37E; F. W. Don-
ovan, '37E; R. L,. Es'helmen, '37; C.
W. Getkin, '37E; W. H. Mason, '37E;
D. S. Parry, '37; R. E. Speer, '36Ed.;
and Cedric Sweet, '37.
Following this, the drill team, made
up of members of R.O.T.C., and led
by Jack R. Gustafson, '38, will dis- Edith Merickel, 36, an
play some of the military formations at the Military Ball. Phi
which are learned during the year.
After the demonstration, they will march will immediatelyf
form a sabre arch at one end of and Blade. The guard wi
the ballroom through which the will march followed by t
grand march will proceed. The special drill review a
Banquet To Precede Ball Military Ball.
One of the outstanding features
of the ball will be the traditional i
"surprise" stunt. Last year this sur- h em e O fJ
prise came ii the form of a simulated}
air raid, but Philip sgaveno state- Fe
metas to the nature of the one toa u e
be given this year.
Preceding the ball, a banquet will
be given in honor of the initiates of Decorations To Be7
Scabbard and Blade. William A. Ea- Of Numerous Co
son, '36E, will act as toastmaster. Ea-
son is a committee member for the Orchestra On Shi
ball. Chase Teaboldt, '36E, captain
and president of Scabbard and Blade, By MARGARET HAM]
will open a series of speeches by wel-
coming the new members of the or- Spain, Egypt, China, Jap
ganization. Following this, Lieut- -See them all at the anni
Col. H. H. Hamell, president of the tets' Ball to be held May
Michigan Reserve Officers Associa- bour Gymnasium. Everybo
tion, will give a short talk on behalf or at 'least ought to know
of this Reserve Officers Association. dance given by the gentlem
William Mason, '36E, will give a T-square is one of the mo
response to the welcoming offered on this campus, and one
by Teaboldt, for the initiates. Don- especially noted for its n
ald Lyons, who graduated from Mich- unusual deorations. In a
igan last year, will round up the pro- far as spirit and enthusi
gram by telling an interestingg story. there has yet to be foun
Paul Specht To Play WY. that will surpass it.
Paul SechtndohisPady w This year the theme fort
Paul Specht and his band are nowI to be that of "A World Cr
playing at the Medina Club in Chi-ifone cat o"atWald Cr
cago, but will make a special trip it won'te can go th
to Ann Arbor to play for the Military people who are expected
Ball. One outstanding feature about to feel themselves transport
the orchestra is the fact that it has place ranging from Ethiopi
toured Europe. Paul Sprecht, the ka.
leader, is aso outstanding in his field False walls are to be bu
due to the fact that he has been an the East and West walls o
important factor in bringing impor- and on these walls, porth
tant bands, such as Ted Weems' be-
fore the public eye.
The committeemen working under
Philips, general chairman, are Ea-
son, treasurer; L. Maurice Mason,
'36Ed.; Robert Beuhler, '37E; Jack
R. Gustafson, '36; Richard Shappell,
'37; Orlando W. Stephenson, Jr., '37E;
Lewis Bulkeley, '38; Robert Young,
'38E; and Bruno R. Koeppel, '36A.
It is expected that 325 couples, be-
sides the committeemen and their

guests, the patrons and patronesses
and guests, will be present at the
ball tonight. Most of the 325 tickets
sold went to members of the R.O.T.C.


Lead Grand March At Military

* * *k


Military Ball Tonight At Union

Many Dances
Will Be Given
This Week-End
Law Club, Fraternities And
Sororities To Entertain
At Gay Affairs
The Military Ball will command
he center of social activity tonight
n the campus, and a number of fra-
ernities, sororities and the Law Club
gave scheduled parties to be held at
he various chapter houses tomor-
ow night.
The annual Spring Dance of the
Law Club will be held tomorrow night.
arl Harger's orchestra will play. The
.hairman, William Bagby, '36L, an-
~ounced that it would be a Derby
Dance, and the chaperons will be Mr.
and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Dr. William
Brace and Mrs. Inez Bozorth.
Sigma Phi to Entertain
Sigma Phi is giving an informal
dance tonight which will be chap-
ercned by Mr. and Mrs. Roger Warn-
shuis and Mr. and Mrs. George Ham-
:mond. Monk Culps' orchestra will
Furnish the music.
Alpha Chi Omega will hold a radio
dance tomorrow night at their house.
Eva Spencer, '37, is chairman for
the dance. Miss Clara Wilson and
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Finch are to be
Alpha Omicron Pi will give their
spring formal tomorrow night. The
party, at which Cal Edward's orches-
tra will play, will be chaperoned
by Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wuerfel, Mr.
and Mrs. Merle Underwood, Mrs.
Adah Zimmerman, and Mrs. Ruth
James. Marjorie Bolger, '38, is in
charge of arrangements.j
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity will
hold an informal dance tomorrow
night at the chapter house. Mr.

Doris Dalton Featured Iin ID)ram atic Seas

Ball Tonight
Date Advanced
To fMTy Sixth
er ii[,.,.,q iliyi for the
wome's sringgolf I our i!ament has
been extended to May 6. Mairy Jane
Mueller, '38, golf manager, announced
yesterday. Previously, yesterday had
been set ars the last day for turning
in qualifying scores.
Miss Mueller stat(e(l that the change
was due to the recent bad weather
ioild ions whicli hae made playing
impo ible. Plnyers w'. ho have al-
ready turned in arimlifyin. scores, or
who were winners in ithe fall tourna-
mont and do not n>ed to qualify may
play the 18-hole medal round during
the extended period. For others, this
must be played by May 9. The 18
heles must be played in one round at
the University golf course. Scores,
which should be marked "qualifying"
cmr "medal," may be left at the course
club house or may be turned in to
Mts. Stuart Ianley ad the Women's
Athletic Building.
Pl yer-s making the six best scores
will be a warded free l aying priv-
(' u:t ilie ;niv ity ecurse which
e ood tor the et of the year and
in tie fall nmisi :liw fall tournament
is played., Mrs. Hanley will also
award a cu to the woman showing
the most improvement during the
spring season.
matic Season Other tournaments which have
the younger been announced include a blind bogey
yd as leading contest, to be played May 16, and a
dLifs Toain putting tournament, May 29. In, the
"Life's Too first, each contestantchooses the
Aloes" with handicap which she thinks will bring
h Twentieth her within a given range of scores.
kollo in her-- -

id iaul Philips, '36E, will lead the Grand March
hilips is general chairman of the dance. The
follow the drill performance of the Scabbard
ill form a sabre arch through which the couple
he other committee members and their dates.
and the grand march are annual features of the

lDcjs Dalton. who will be featmed in three of the Drar
prductiorzs, is regarded as among the most beautiful of
Nt w Youk Star s. In the past two seasons she has appeare
lady in the Ne w York productions of "Pettieoat Fever,"
Sho rt," '' "T'niorow's a Holiday," and this spring in "Sweet
Evelyn iLaye. She has just signed a picture contract wit
Century-Fox films and leaves for Ihollywood inmmediat'ly f
Ann Arbor engagement.

av avwaaa ax ;i

Forld Cruise To Be
Of Architect's B(
Typical l be placed about 15 feet apart. Thr
ntries; them, the dancers will be able t
scenes from practically every c
p Deck try that one could mention. Th
ILTON chestra will be at the south en
the gym, and will play on the1
an, Arabia deck, with the dancers on thes
Dual Archi-
8, in Bar- deck before them. Opposite th
dy knows, chestra will be a large panoran
, that the a country, as yet unannounced, u
nen of the is to occupy the entire length o
st famous north end of the ballroom. This
which is orama will be made to look lik
novel and country which the ship is just
ddition, as ing, and evidently is going to be
iasm goes clever.
.d a party Above the scenes which can be
through the portholes, will be
the ball is preservers and life-coats, suspe
uise," and from the balcony railing of the
forecasts, - - - -
crowds of ---
to attend 1iflA Engraved $1
ted to any I Cards & Plates .
a to Alas- THE ATHENS PRE!
ilt around 'Printers
of the gym City's Lowest Prices on Printing
oles are to 308 North Main Street - Dial 2-10


EcI W o n ii () rld

L and Mrs. D. B. Andrews and Mr.e freedom of
and Mrs. L. A. Wikel will be chap- American women to be in jeopardy,
ough bert an ey, p3art haccorditchar the National Federation of Business
o see of the affair. and Professional Women's Clubs, with
con- r T a mcmbershipo f 60,000, will meet i
on-Soro~iis To Hold Formal convention in each state during, tl


Pe~'titions 11For (omnmittee
P ositioi 10151)Ie For J .G. .
Petitioning for chairmanship p:,
sitions on next; year's Junior' Girls
Play is being held today through May
4, in the Undergraduate Office, ac-
cording to Marymnna Chockley, '37,
hipad of Judiciary Council.
ierviewing for these posit ions is
!'1(w I e(I;. (ior: 3 to 5:30 p.m. May 5, 6
ten l. Applicaimois will be accepted
for Hie following positions: general
(Imin yan, astant chairman, and
l ca i 5 i4 II[nance, dance, music,
c.nine, pro >., rty, make-up, ticket,
i her,'publicity and p'ogr-an com-
mutt ~t's

ICIAL!! Shampoo, Finger
Wave and Color Iine ...... 50c
'elephone 58 1
Dor. State & Liberty, above Kroger's

e or-
nd of
e or-


Ocilegiate Sorosis is holding its
Spring Formal tomorrow night for
which Charlie Zwich's Orchestra will
play. Prof. and Mrs. Rene Talamon
and Mrs. H. M. Roberson will chap-

'a of A formal dance will be given by
which Kappa Delta sorority tomorrow night.
f the The party will be chaperoned by Dr.
pan- and Mrs. W. A. Muehlig and Mr.
e the and Mrs. W. L. Hindman. Jane Fitz-
leav- gerald, '37, is in charge of the plans.
very Theta Kappa Psi will entertain at
a formal dinner dance tomorrow eve-
seen ning according to William Frostic,
life- ',37M. The chaperons will be Dr. and
nded Mrs. D. W. Myers and Dr. and Mrs.
gym. Luis Yglesias. Bill Sawyer's orches-
®wa tra will play.

next. three montls to diseuss te pro
gram adopted by the federation for
the year, "WVnnmen, Unite for Ef-
feetix's iDemnocry.
A dist i'ict miit't H oj(f Biciness am
Professional Wonw 's Clubs will b
held at 5:30 p.m. tonorrow at Dean'
born In, where discussion of tie
plans for the suate meeting May 30
and 31 at Saul ate. Marie will take
Di-cussi Iiof methods of coopera-
tion for the purpose of combatting
I e g i s 1 a t u r e with dissriminations
against women iii businesses and pro-
tesions will be featured at the state
convention along with membership
reports from the Educ neton Commit-








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Confection in Copper
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Pure dye crepe, 2-piece, with
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