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May 01, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-01

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FRIDAY, MAY 1. 1936

FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1936


I~f a l


at Roosevelt, The Man Who Eased Us Into the
New Social Order without Revolution.'"
This undoubtedly requires one reservation.
Roosevelt has hardly proved himself another Lin-
But one of our strongest suspicions is reaffirmed.
Th~e D.A.R. and other chauvinistic organizations,
pledged to carry out the ideals of their ancestors
are really emulating the enemies of their ancestors.
They have inherited the tradition of their fore-
bearers' Tory foes.
"American magazine articles and aclvertisements
alike are slush." Mr. J. B. Priestle'y, noted British
scrivener, clears 1the air -or s olents Of A rizonta
State College.
I "Th e American University c amps is breeding
an effeminate type of cooky eater." Slip Madi-
gan, coach of St. Mary's renowned footba lers, de-=
e plores the evil : coeducation.

Publisned every morning except Monday during th
University year and Summer Session by the Board it
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us(
for republication of all -news dispatches credited to it o
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights o
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan a
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 42(
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill.

,1 1

i- -



I-. -

___. __..__.__ ___._.


Telephone 4925

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Pubuication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, 1obert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mttes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
%ports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman: George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman.
Wumen's Departmet: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts. Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
Theatre.. ..
HOWEVER vast WPA and other New
Deal expenditures may seem to
some and how unnecessary they appear to well-
fed persons, there are probably even a few Re-
publicans, who would go so far as to support one
phase of WPA activity - the Federal theatre proj-
Their development may safely be called the most
significant development in the American theatre
during the past season. For the first time a real
people's theatre i&being built in the United States
- a theatre which has not inherited the restric-
tions of commercialism and one which, we feel,
will soon be able to throw off the traditions of the
commercial theatre.
Most attention has been given to the successes
of the WPA theatre in New York City, where
several of the plays have attained a rather formid-
able stature, even among the pretentions of big-
time Broadway productions. But in Detroit "Lil-
liom" has been produced, and this new drama
has made its debut in many other cities. Although
New York may take the spotlight, the heart of
the WPA theatre must be in the provinces, if any
creditable fulfillment of its purpose is to be had.
This project is still in its infancy, and achieve-
ment of the rather towering importance it can
have in American cultural life is not near. There
are many obstacles in the way, and to overcome
them will not be easy.
Probably the most vital need is to make and
keep the WPA theatre a people's theatre. The
importance of its building an important tradi-
tion of its own has been mentioned. Its tradition
should be one of truthful and honest dramatic por-
trayal of American life. It should cast aside the
phoney artistry so often associated with previous
"Little Theatre": attempts, and it should cast
aside the stodgy and trivial aspects of the Broad- -
way theatre.
Many WPA theatre leaders see clearly the unique
opportunity which has been given them, and are
working steadily to achieve the remarkable destiny
which awaits. If there is such vigorous and intel-
ligent direction as is present in New York City,1
for example, one Federal project, at least, may
hallow the name of New beal.
Repeats Itself:. .
ROB WAGNER, editor'and publisher
of the West Coast's young but high-
ly popular weekly magazine, Script, has the de-
lightful habit of stultifying the forces of reaction-I
aryism. The New Yorker of the West, Script's
columns carry some of the liveliest refutations of
the anti-Roosevelt alarmists published today.
In last week's issue, Rob printed excerpts from
the 'out' press - typified today by the Detroit
Free Press and the Chicago Tribune - of the days
of Abraham Lincoln. In reprinting these passages
Rob assured his readers that he did nothing more
than substitute the name of Roosevelt for thatr
of Lincoln. Some of these quotations follow: k

"Roosevelt has expended more money and con-
tracted more debt in three years and a half than1
the entire expenses of the government from itsf
organization up to his advent as President.
"Roosevelt has usurped all the powers of thet
Constitution ... has succeeded in bankrupting theg
nation . . . is striking down state rights ... I
"Roosevelt is directly responsible for the high1

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of conmunicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
Letters upon the criteria of general editorial imnortance
and interest to the campus.
Vi'vise 11' ?end eps?,
To the Editor:
Although I have been following with great in-
terest the recent building programs of the Uni-
versity, I fail to see either the: sense or the purpos
to the proposed addition to the Union.
Tle cryng need for dormitories lies in the fact
that the preent housing facilities in Ann Arboi
are insufficient to provide for the large number of
students, so that many of these students are com-
pelled to live in unpleasant and cramped quar-
ters Fully cognizant of the lack of suitable hous-
ing in the city, the landlords and landladies have
raised their rentals, so that many rooms which
formerly rented for reasonable prices have now
skyrocketed beyond the reach of those with mod-
erate or small means. This situation has redounded
to the inconvenience of the poorer student, for
only those students with sufficient means can afford
to live in the better rooms in the city. For the
most part, the poorer student has been forced to
seek quarters in dilapidated buildings, with poor
ventilation, heat and light, often to the detriment
of his health and studies.
Now it appears that the proposed addition to the
Union, built to alleviate this abominable condition,
will have rooms which rent for $30.00 to $35.00 a
month, a sum far beyond the reach of any but the
most affluent in the student body. Hence, this addi-
tion does not alleviate the condition for which it
was created -it is strikingly similar to the Knick-
erbocker Village project in New York City, where
the Federal Government lent a private company
funds to erect a new building in a slum district,
only to have the new building rent at so high a
rental that the very poor who had been evicted
to make way for it were unable to afford living
in the new structure.
I see no use whatsoever in this addition, and I
feel that the price is exorbitant, when one con-
siders the fact that its facilities will be out of the
reach of most students.
This same lack of foresight and intelligent plan-
ning is apparent in the Rackham Graduate School.
There is absolutely no need for a new building; the
graduate classes are conducted quite adequately in
the present buildings, and the offices of the Grad-
uate School are certainly comfortable and acces-
sible. Moreover, the two new auditoriums which
are to be included in the new building are quite
useless, for such facilities are adequate in Ann
We are faced with the peculiar situation of
having the committee in charge of the Rackham
project advertise for suggestion as to how to use
the rooms. It would seem under the circum-
stances that much better use could be made of
the vast sum of money. If a building must be
built in order to embalm for future generations
in concrete terms the name of Rackham, I feel
that residence halls either for all male students
or just graduate students would be in order. At
least, it would alleviate some of the present con-
ditions. But far better than any building would
be the establishment of new scholarships, visiting
fellowships, visiting lectureships and the like, so
that this money could be used in the furtherance
of culture, education and research, rather than
in the erection of a physical monument to the
man who donated the funds. The university, its
function and its aims would be more permanently
and more intelligently served if this were done.
Adrian H. Jaffe, '36
The Carillon Ste
To the Editor:
Why is the beautiful new Carillon tower being
built on a lot which was left over after the building
of Hill Auditorium? Doesn't the tremendous ex-
penditure of money for this memorial warrant an
appropriate and fitting setting? I believe the
University should show its appreciation of this
generous gift by purchasing a lot which would pro-
vide adequate room for the Carillon as well as
attractively landscaped grounds around it. This
addition to our Campus could easily be one of the
most beautiful spots on any Campus in the United

I don't know who is responsible for its present
location, but I do know that many of the students
feel the proposed tower is simply being stuck on
an out-of-the-way corner because it happened to
be vacant. Someone has made the excellent sug-
gestion of eliminating the street between the
League and Hill Auditorium in order to build a
long walk from the library to the new tower which

Th e Conning Tower~
These are the things that an author needs
To keep him lusty and lissome and gay:
The notion his country craves and reads
News of his comings and goings-away;
His pictures forever upon display;
The cle:r conviotioi that he's a liinlk
Between tmsrr(owii and yesteiday;
Bt, fiit of ail, paeji-r and l iiani d ink.
The curious creature somehow succeeds
In making his laws and letting them lay,
The while his nature impartially feeds
On a partner who never dares murmur nay I
And lesser angels who casually stray
Up to (and sometimes beyond) the brinik,
Neither to honor or Obey
But, first of all paper Wid pen iitd Iik.
He imamienol he calls for finer creeds;
Ie knows when to thunder and wient to pray;
He checks his words from becoming deeds,
But is quick ill condemning feet of clay.
He swears to labor as long as he may
(Pausing neither for food nor drink),
To polish one gem of purest ray_
But, first of all, paper and pen and ink.
Prints of the nation, list while I say
We writers need never to stop acid think
Ideas are good enough in their way,
But, first of all, paper and pen and ink
Mr. Arthur Bri;bane wte yester day lorifyi ii
the "ci iea, o1' moving picture. " "It can fell,"
he said, -in two m1inues, convincingly, more than.
I-orace Greeley could write in two long columns.
And people will see the picture and understand it.
They would not read the two long columns, or,
if they did, they would not understand them." Not
even People Who Think? Probably not. Horace
Greeley, founder and editor of the New York
Tribune, died in 1872. It is possible that the great
thinking public who reads the New York American
would be hard put to it to tell who Horace Greeley
was. Why didn't Mr. Brisbane say that it could
tell more in one minute than anybody at all -no
offense - could write in one column?
Miss Mary Mowbray Clarke came in . . . to ask'
my husband and I--From. "My Day," by Eleanor
The First Lady's English; or, the Lardnerian

The Man and The Play
Out of the inflamed records of a

Publlcation in the Bmlletin is ceo ruin O' to all mn't',,.r', of the
Wrasty. Copy received at the oice of the Assistant to the President
Ee 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday

celebrated career, Elsie Schauffler FRIDAY, MAY 1 ,1936
composed a passionate drama, "Par- VOL. XLVI No. 147
nell." The past tense is lamentably N .
accurat e for Miss Schauffler died this Notices
fall, just twvo '(eekS before the bril- Honors Convocation: The Thir-
lianit op'ii of Panilell '' in New teenth Annual I ioniors Coni Vot'ation of
York lhe deI'siv hd to be pIresenlt at the U niversity of MP'h gan will be
tIhis Ip emie'e 11. The ltory is fervetfit eld Friday, May 1. at 11 a iiii in
I and tl t iv s it rtc ords are of high Ifill Auditorium. Classes, vih th i
..igic:aInce. ''Parnell'' has a ro- exception of clinics, will be d isnissed
mantic raliture quite its own, not at 10:30. Those students in clinical
dissimilar to the fervor of "The Bar- classes who are ''ceivin honors at
ret s of Winipole Street." The news the Convocation will be tx'sed in
this se on on Broadway is that the order to attend. Thte faculty, Sniors
theatre has disgorged lanother shin- and graduate studielits art 'et'd
ing pict A of work. to wear academic costume but there
Mis cha iill'lr did not. tamper will be no pro'essuti i. Members o
with history iituch. But Parnell's the faculty are askt'd t( eilterI by t'
It-'v(ed love toior Mlrs. 0': hea won all rear door of Hill Aticlitoiu anid
her sy rnpt hy aniid her play is the proceed directly to t 10:;tage, wIGhenf'
tale of a liani'; loyalty to a Wmlilan arrangements have been ma'de for
at the cost of his career and at the seating them. The public iiinvited
price of a national cause. Mrs. Alexander . Ruttven.
O'Shea is the wife of a blackguard - -
who keeps out of her way except Student Admission to Selhoolmas-
when he needs money. ter's Club Meeting: Students may se-
Parnell is the hero of Ireland. cure passes admitting them to all
pressing Gladstone hard for Home sessions of the Schoolinaster's Club
Rule. le falls in love with the beau- by applying at the Recordem's Office,
tiful Katie O'Shea the instant he 4 University Hall, or the olice of the
sees hrer and she returns his love School of Education.
They cannot, be married. But they
live together, with Captain O'Shea's Faculty, School of Education: Thie
subtle connivance, and they work regular luncheon meeting of the fac-
togetlier for the advancement of the ulty will be held on Monday, May 4,,
cauSe. Michigan Union at 12 1on.
J ust at the time when (ladsi one
'is a-liiost. .1u 11 t'ldt'l<<d to Parnel l's Gl'tra dt'tes of the Cla s of' ':.E l.Yolo "
power, Capt a inI O'Shea biirings a suit Alma Mater desires to keep in touch
for d ivorc'e, Tile scandal plays iiito with you. Please send your future
the hands of Parnell's enemies. Mrs. changes of address, as they oc-ur,
Schauffler's dramna suggests that to the Alumni Catalog Office, Memn-
Parnell could have saved himself by orial Hall, University of Michigan.
defending the divorce case, but that Lunette HIadley, Director.
would have left Katie O'Shea still
at the Captain's mercy. The University Bureau of Appoint-
It is the theme of "Parnell" that mints and Occupational Information
he deliberately and honorably put has received announcement of United
Mrs. O'Shea's feedom before his States Civil Service Examination for
political career. im the play he dies Junior Forester, Junior Range Ex-
before he can marry her. In history ariner, salary, $2,000. For further
he lived with her as her legal hus- information concerning this exam-
band for a brief time before he died ination, call at 201 Mason Hall, of-
of his political misfortunes. . fice hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
On the surface "Parnell" is a ro-
mance of love interludes and politi- May Festival Tickets: The "over-
cal discussions. But the tumult rages the counter" sale of tickets for in-
within, breaking out into scenes of dividual May Festival concerts will
great fomce when the divorce gets begin Monday morning, May 4, at
under way and out of hand. Katie the general offices of the School of
O'Shea's meeting with Gladstone isn

Maybe Mrs. Roosevelt is so strongly under the a memorable scene, pitting a pious
Lardner influence that she is going to write a seie olitician's rmaft against a woman's
"You Know Me El." desperate he'oism.
-ImTe role of Katie O'Shea is a burn-
mg crnation. And the role of Aunt

The State Senate has approved a bill appro-
priating $50,000 to buy the Schenectady home of
Charles P. Steinmetz as a state-owned museum.
How the Hearst press can let this prodigality go
unchallenged we don't know. Steinmetz was a
Socialist, and ran for office -- was it for State
Engineer? -on the Socialist ticket.
Sir: There was a tinge of wistfulness in your
mention of us dated silurians who learned what
A.U.C. stood for, instead of making a pet of some
Useful Language. I cai't share your regret. Not
thrice in a lifetime do I find an apt moment for
tossing Ab Urbe Condita into the verbal olla.'
Yet scarce a day drags by without its profiting
me to know the correct answer to the French
query about the pen, ink, and paper of my grand-
father's concierge. With the speed of a light year I
am explaining to the information-hunter, in his
own belle langue, that I have the hat and the gloves
and the gray umbrella of my sister's husband's
niece. And if that doesn't make me the life of
the Gallic party I follow up with the one about
Maitre Corbeau perche sur in arbre. And when
I hear the couplet:
"The highbrows sang 'Dich Theurer Hahles.'
But we sang 'Deutschland Ueber Alles'."
a bare handful of ninutes of concentrated thought
suffices me for the translating of the two German
phrases into English.
A.U.C., forsooth; To a scintillant talker, the
Useful Languages are worth fifty Dead Tongues.
Latina laudatur - sed alget. A.P.T.
It is P.H.O. who has given the Bankers' concert
program the deepest thought. For singing he of-
fers "Ireland Must Be Heaven For My Sweep-
stakes Come From There"; "When It's Springtime
in the Rockefellers"; and "The Purse of an Ach-
ing Heart." And any song by Carrie Jacobs Bond,
the orchestra to be directed by Frederick Stock.
And over the radio there might be Buck Rogers,
Jack Armstrong, and Just Plain Bill.
James M. Barrie summed it up years ago in his
little play, "The Ten-Pound Look." Over here it
was translated as "The $50 Look." For $50 a
woman could then buy in London a good type-
writing machine and get a job in an office -
Topic of the Times.
The depression, obviously. It was "The Twelve-
Pound Look," and it was not until Miss Ethel
Barrymore played it at the Palace that it was
advertised as "The Twelve-Pound ($60) Look." I
Mr. Fred G. Clark, of the Crusaders, says that.
most demagogues have never so much as success-
fully operated a peanut stand. Is it Mr. Clark's
notion that operating a peanut stand is the zenith
of otiosity? Has Mr. Clark ever operated a pea-
nut stand? Speaking of another Labor of Her-
cules, has Mr. Clark ever taken candy from a

Ben, played in the original produc-
tion by Eflie Shannon, finds this dis-
tinguished actress at the top of her
form in the part of a courageous and
sapient woman. Stewart Chaney 's
costumes contr ibute some of his finest
wor k.
For "Parnell" is a distinguished
product of the varied arts of the
theatre -vividly imagined, simply
and powerfully written. It is a solid
triumph of brilliant workmanship.
"Parnell" has been eopened at the
Forty-eighth Street Theatme in New
York, anrd Miss Shannoni and Whit-
ford Kane of the New York produc-
tion will play their original parts in
the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season pro-
duuction of the play. The original

costumes by Stewarit Chaney will
be used.


A Unzivemsa. piture starig Carole
loin rard and b 'ea tuin g Pries toni Foster.
* */2
Dum in; the course of her career
Carol Lombard has been elevated,
through the medium of near-farce
comedy, from a good first-rate clothes
horse to a good second rate com-
medienne with a sure-fire bag of
tricks teat manage to put a certain
amount of spark imto what would be
otherwise ordinary entertainment.
"Love Before Breakfast" is a fine
vehicle for Miss Lombard. It is an-
other of the romance-with-a-black-
eye school of comedies and is no more
than a relentless series of dirty tricks,
played first by the hero on the heroine
and then by the heroine on the hero.
The popularity of such goings-on was
brought about by "It Happened One
Night," and ever since, Hollywood has
been suffering from a productive
hangover of its success. For "Love
Before Breakfast" a lot of new tricks
have been thought up, several good
lines have been introduced, an abun-
dance of startling clothes and sets
have been made, and they have all
been edited in a story that could go
on forever and ever - as long as the
editors thought the audience could
stand them. When the bursting point
is reached, the picture ends, in just
the way everyone knows it will soon-
er or later. But there are some pret-
ty good empty-headed laughs which
make up more or less for the obvious
affectations in the acting, the age-old
plot situations, and the ever-present
Hollywood flavor of the glorification
of a star.

music on maynard S6treet. At that
time, all unsold season tickets will be
broken up and offered for sale for
single concerts at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
and $2.50 each.
Orders with remittance to cover
received prior to that date, will be
filled in sequence in advance. A lim-
ited number of season tickets are
still available at $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00
each. (If Festival coupon from Choral
Union season tickets is returned, the
price is reduced to $3.00, $4.00 and
$5.00 each.)
Questionaires, reviewinx the Parley,
which were given out at the Parley
ai'e due tod~ay, May 1 . Those~ people
who have thmii please bring them in
imunediately to IDr. Blatken ti's otice,
Room 9, Un iver'sity 1-lali.
Scniors, College of Engineering: A
member of the Finance Committee
will be stationed in the second floor
corridor of the West Engineering
Building from 9-11 a.. and 2-4 p.m.
for the pu rpose of coliilecting classr
Seniors, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and Arts: Senior caps anld
gowns may be obtained at Moe's Ath-
letic Shop, 711 N. University Ave.
You are urged to place your order as
soon as possible to is'ure delivery.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: New Mem-
bers: The keys have been recived
and may be obtained in Room 3032,
East Engineering Building*, ax y time
Friday and Saturday moriig.
Tickets for "Alice Il Wonderland"
will go on sale Saturday, May 2, at
9 a.m. in the Lydia Mendt'lsohn
Theatre off ice.
Congregational Students who are
interested in the trip to Greenfield
Village on Saturday, please sign in
Pilgrim Hall by Friday noon. Cars
will leave at 12:45, Saturday.
The Summer Seminar on Far East-
ern Studies, given in pm'evious years
at various universities, will be con-
tinued during the summer of 1937 as
an Orient Study Tour. Membership'
in the Tour will be limited to those
who intend to devote themselves to
careers in which knowledge of coun-
tries across the Pacific will have un-
questionable value. For application
blanks and further information see at
once Dr. John W. Stanton, of the
History Department, member of the
Advisory Council.
Academic Notices
Candidates for the Master's De-
gree in History: The language ex-
amination for candidates for the
Master's Degree in History will be
given at 4 p.m., Friday, May 22, in
Room B Haven. Students who wish
to take this examination should reg-
ister before May 15 in the History
nf-1'ir-" ,, 11 L r ..,1

Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will play a pro-
ram of compositions by John Sebas-
t anBach Sunday afternoon, May 3,
01t 4:'5p nr in hill Auditorium, to
which tilt' gintral public, with the
exceptio of small childrei, is invited
without admnission charge. The pro-
gram is as follows:
Toccata and Fugue in D minor
Three Chorale Pr'eludes
ia) Wachet auf, ruft' 1115die
Stumunl te
b) iDies Sind die heiligen zehn
Gebot (Fughetta
ci) h'h tif' 'Aldir
Concerto il G (Vivialdi) '
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C
Two transcriptions from Cantata or.
chestral interludes-March (Dramma
per M usica)
Sonatina (Gottes Zet ist die alle-
ibeste Zeit)
Pasacagl ia and Fugue in C minor.
Evenuts Of Today
Angel Hall Observatory will be
oplen to the public from 8 to 10 this
t' nilig, to oelrve tile moon. Chil-
dren must be accompanied by adults
Iis-iphe Students: There will be
the irst of a series of recreation
nights in the basement of the Church
of Christ, Hill and Tappan Sts.
Hour- 7:30-11:30 p.m.
Gaes - Table tennis, shuffle
board, checkers, caroms, monopoly
and others.
Drama -"It Might Happen."
Music-Male quartette and group
singi ng.
All Disciple students and their
friends are cordially invited. No
Notice to Band Members: Band will
meet at 7:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium
instead of 6:45 p.m. as originally an-
Coming Events
Junior Research Club meeting for
May 5 will be held at 7:30 p.m., Room
2082, Natural Science Building.
Papers to be presented are:
"Some Biological Applications of
the Glass Electrode" by Dr. C. R.
Brassfield and "Allergic Eczema" by
Dr. J: M. Sheldon.
Sigma Delta Chi will hold a dinner
business meeting 6:15 p.m. Monday,
May 4, at the Union, for members
and pledges. James C. Kiper, execu-
tive secretary of the national organ-
ization, will be the guest of the chap-
ter. Current events contest. Pledge
speakers will include Arnold Daniels,
Robert Weeks, Clayton Hepler and
Russell Anderson.
Pi Sigma meeting scheduled for
May 0 has been changed to May
5 due to confict with Sigma Xi
banquet. Election of new officers
at this tieeting
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall, Saturday, May 2, 3:00 p.m.
Transportation will be provided to
Wolverine Day Camp for an after-
noon of games and baseball. Cost of
supper and transportation will be
approximately 40 cents. All grad-
uate students are cordially invited
Student Senate wishes to announce
that Mrs. James H. McDonald, vice-
chairman of the Democratic State
Central Committee, has extended an
invitation to all students, faculty, and
others interested who will be quali-
fied to vote in the fall election to par-
tieipat.e in' a series of informal po-
litical discussions beginning Sunday,
May 3 at 5 p.m. All opinions will
be welcome. Refreshments will be
served. The address is Glencoe Hills,

Washtenaw Road, and is situated
mid-way between Ann Arbor and
Reservations for the Michigan
Dames Banquet, Tuesday, May 5,
must be made with one of the ticket
saleswomen, or with Mrs. Lewis
Haines, not later than Sunday eve-
ning, May 3.
Lutheran Student Club will have
an outdoor meeting at Island Park
Sunday evening, May 3.
Those wishing to attend are asked
to meet at the parish hall on Wash-
ington Street at 3:30 p.m.
Dr. Heller Opens
Series Of Lectures
Starting a weekly series of lec-
tures at the Hillel Foundation on
"Parties and Early Judaism," Rabbi
Bernard Heller will speak on the
"Sadducees and their Philosophy" at
the 8 p.m. service tonight. Sunday
at 8 p.m. a second weekly group of
talks on "Chaos Abroad" will have
its bining in , en' h nr

There is discussion about the Assembly Rules
Committee's legislation about increased penalties
for ,'kilress rivinmhninm Ad ma'ehp such law swill ht-

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