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April 28, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-28

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APRIL 28, 1936

SIX APRIL 2R, 1936

Prof. AgaOglu
Gives Address
On Islamic Art
Religion Is Termed Only
Unifying Cultural Force
For Mohammedans
Symmetrical arrangement of or-
namental designs and a repetition of
form were given as two leading char-
acteristics of Islamic art by Prof.
Mehmet Aga-Oglu of the Islamic arts
department in his lecture yesterday
afternoon on "Decorative Islamic
Professor Aga-Oglu explained that
the arts of Islam are not the creation
of a nation as are Greek and other
classical forms, but rather arose from
various sources. This, Professor Aga-
Oglu explained, occured because the
Mohammedan faith was in evidence
in the continents of Asia, Africa and
Europe. Religion, he said, provided
the one source of unity in Islamic art.
Another unique characteristic of
Islamic forms, stated Professor Aga-
Oglu, was the lack of distinction be-
tween the religious and secular works.
In architecture there occurred some
distinctions between the two types,
but not in the other art forms.
Speaking of the repetition of form,
Professor Aga-Oglu said that this
characteristic made its appearance in
Islamic music and literature as well
as in the painting and metal design-
A fourth characteristic of Islamic
art mentioned by Professor Aga-Oglu
was the utilization of every available
space for designs, which were often.
arabesque and floral in form. This
utilization of the entire space was.
demonstrated in the slides of the
metal work of the Mohammedan per-
iod. In the metal forms of art the
inlay technique was used extensively
by the Mohammedans, Professor Aga-
Oglu .said.
This inlay technique, he continued,
was not criginated by the Islamic ar-
tists, but it did develop greatly dur-
ing the Mohammedan period of the
10th, 11th and 12th centuries.
Early appreciation of art among;
the Mohammedans, said Professor;
Aga-Oglu, came in study of writing
forms, especially that of the Koran.-
The first type of script, the Kufic, was,
made up of monumental and angular
characters. The second, the Naskhi,
included characters which were
curved and more delicate in apear-
Aims Of Education
Outined By Jones
Fisk University is trying to do three
things in its educational program,
said Dr. Thomas E. Jones, president
of Fisk University, in an address at
the Congregational Church Sunday.
it is attempting to help students t
establish confidence in themselves, it
is trying to help the students think
their way through all their problems,
and it is starting to build up a system
of community interneship so that
each student may work part of his
time in some town and thereby get
practical experience in the business
world, Dr. Thomas stated.
Godsend To Housewives,
Odorless Cabbage-Here
ITHACA, N. Y., April 27.-Odor-
less cabbage, discovered at Cornell
University a few months ago, will

probably go on the market in about
two years.
That much time will be required to
produce enough seed to make it com-
mercially profitable to grow the new
type cabbage, according to Prof. C.
H. Myers, who spent six years in
finding a method to remove the odor
from the vegetable.
More than 1000 of the odorless cab-
bages have been grown in the Cornell
laboratories and are guarded to pro-
tect them from contamination with
their smelly relatives.

Discuss Plans For D emocratic Conclave

..... . ... . .......



t, i!

--Associated Press Photo.
Senator Alben Barkley (left) of Kentucky and Senator Joseph Rob-
inson, keynoter and chairman, respectively, for the National Democratic
Convention in Philadelphia, in June, are shown as they discussed plans
for the conclave.

(Finished Service)
6 Handkerchiefs
3 Shirts
3 Pairs of Sox

(Folded - Ready to Wear)
2 Suits of Underwear
2 Bath Towels
1 Pajama Suit

For Next Year
(Continued from Page 1)
addition with the main dining room
will have a height of only two stories.
Along the sides of the corridor will be
several private dining rooms.
In order to enlarge the present
cafeteria to take care of increasing
trade, the space where the bowling
alleys are now will be used for the
enlargement. The bowling alleys are
to be moved to the sub-basement of
the new addition.
It is probable that Irving K. Pond,'
designer of both the 'Union and the
League, will be consulted on the new
addition, Stanley Waltz, manager of
the Union, stated. The actual plans
and design of the annex are as yet in-
As Waltz pointed out, the new an-
nex is not exactly a dormitory, for
about one third to one fourth of the
109 new rooms will be used for alumni
and other out-of-town guests return-
ing for football games and conven-
tions. At the present time the Union
has 51 rooms, and the new rooms will
make it possible for the Union to
accomodate 150 people.
According to Waltz the demand for
Union rooms for the past few years
has been increasing at a rapid rate.
He also said that between 15 and 20
students inquired at the Union last
fall for rooms in which to live while
attending school.
Young faculty men as wellas stu-
dents will be welcome to use the new
rooms Waltz said "which will un-
doubtedly aid to alleviate present con-
ditions to some extent."
"Looking ahead a few years," Waltz
TENNIS Service
Coplete Line of New Rackets
Accessories South U opp. the Den

Museum Delegates
Back From Meeting
Calvin Goodrich, curator of mol-
lusks in the Museum of Zoology, and
Frederick M. Gaige, director of the
Museum of Zoology, returned this
week from St. Petersburg, Fla., where
they attended the sixth annual con-
vention of the American Malachologi-
cal Union held last week.
Mr. Goodrich vas president of the
Union during the past year and de-
livered several papers at the meeting.
The meeting was attended by the
largest membership which so far has
appeared, Mr. Goodrich said, includ-
ing students, teachers and collectors
from the United States, Canada and
said, "it is not improbable that this
new addition will be regarded as the
first step toward a University men's
-- :


H ERE'S A SAMPLE of the money and
the time you can save by having one
of the four laundries listed below call for
your dirty wash each week.



is consistent with the same ex-"




that is


with regular


charges -Quantity that allows you to be
free with the amount that you are accus-
toured to send home -all at a price that
makes it ridiculous to send your laundry
out of the city. Why pay express charges
or postal charges for the delivery of your
laundry box only, when you can have your
laundry completely washed and delivered
for only a few cents more.
This service gives you finished laundry
on Shirts, Handkerchiefs, and Socks. Un-
derwear and pajamas are washed and fold-
ed ready for wear.

little money

Minimum Bundle - 50c

l0 c



#6 1

and others
A large and choice
assortment of lead.
ing makers, priced
7$1.00 and Lip.

But you can have lost
articles returned thru
the Michigan Daily's
Classified Columns
for as little as 30c.
Call 2-1214

Skirts, Extra

(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)



So; Extra, per Pair .2c
Handkerchiefs, Extra . . c
and Dry Cleaning Co. Phone 4185

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