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April 28, 1936 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-28

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French Drama








GYerry EQo-

Vsit.s ii t Ilflngtfpl


One our our pet psychology profs used this column to illustrate a point
in one of his lectures yesterday. He was talking about different types of
people . . . and said that there were those who always made it a point
to wave at Stephanie and speak to her so that she would be sure and see
them and put their names in the paper as being among those present .. .
and then there were those who did not consider this sort of thing the proper
thing to do. It seems as though Stephanie will have to start looking around
in the dark corners from now on and try and find these modest souls .. .
because we have a sneaking suspicion that they really wouldn't object . . .
or are we wrong?
The Union was as gay as usual Friday night. Stephanie noticed a few
Psi U's and dates at a table in the corner . . Larry Briggs . . Adelaide
Ely and Margaret Hiscock with Bob Rogers were amusing the rest of
the crowd playing a very complicated game. Elsie Reeder . . . Sandy Me-
pherson . . . Marty Steen and Phil Oidway were the much-amused on-
lookers. At a table next to them were a group of illustrious Theta Delts . . .
They were also being playful . . . trying to raise the table with their little
fingers. Jane O'Ferrall and Wemmer Gooding were among the participants
. . . along with Jane Lord . . . Bob Garrels . . . Bill McHenry and Nelson
Persons. Nelson was the center of much discussion trying to determine
whether her dress was green or blue.
Chatting In The Foyer*. .
Doris Bolton, Vince Butterly, Barbara Teall and Johnny Schaumberger
were chatting in the foyer. Ted Fraser . . . Nancy Siebert were noticed
strolling around at intermission . . . Betty Gatward and Frank Danne-
miller was seen dancing gaily about . . . and Virginia Ostermann with John
Marley were also attracting a bit of attention with their complicated steps.
Somehow Stephanie couldn't resist the lure of the Union and so she
dropped in there again Saturday night. Barbara Strand was vocalizing
and Darwin McCredie was sitting in the foyer patiently waiting for her to
finish. Among the couples present were Charlotte Hamilton and Dick
Mavis. . . Pat Potter and Mike Sharpe . . . Nancy Stonington and Bill Lyon.
Dancing to the music of Bob Steinle Stephanie noticed Marjorie Link and
Bill Slattery . . . Alys Pierce with Chuck Hopkins . . . Alys had on a green
print dress ... Eleanor French and Ross Faulkner came in . . . after spend-
ing the first part of the evening selling peanuts at the Penny Carnival.
At The S.A.E. House.--
The S.A.E.'s also did a bit of partying Friday night. One thing we like
about their 'dances is the climb to their thirdfloor which they use for
dancing . . . It is at least a bit different. On the way up we passed Mar-
guerite Ganzhorn and Scotty Watt . . . Marguerite was dressed in green
crepe with which she wore green and gold costume jewelry. Kay Shields
dashed by with San Ladd . . . and Marcia Connell was with Bill Deramus
. . . Marcia looking very lovely in a bright print. On the dance floor we saw
the younger of those two popular Heaths dancing with Phil Newman .. .
and Bob Campbell . . . stag for the evening . . . or at least we think he was
. . seemed to be enjoying it.
Over in one corner of the room Grace Snyder and Don Pomeroy . . .
who came up from Cleveland for the week-end . . . were standing talking
to Betty Van Winkle and Frank Persons . . . and as we migrated around
the room we passed Gretchen Kanter and Ross MacPherson . . . another
couple on the dance floor was Lillian Shulsky and Dr. George Meyer . .
Lillian wore a green and brown print. But now for Saturday night.
Stephanie dropped into the League Saturday night and met a host of
old friends as usual . . . spring was in the air and was very noticeable
in the bright prints and lovely pastels of many of the dancers . . . we
noticed Virginia Mulholland in gray and red print dancing with John
Brennan. . . they had a table with Nancy Kover and Bob Blackburn -. -
Nancy was wearing a lovely outfit in brown and beige . . . also at the same
table were Helen Jesperson and Bob Andrew . . . apparently Bob picks up
a few trick dance steps every week.
We noticed the new sign language that has swept over the campus
was much in vogue at several tables . . . as far as Stephanie is concerned
the only thing that can be said in its favor is that it does while away the
hours. At one table we noticed Lucille Johnston illustrating "The Broken
Record" for the benefit of Lloyd Parr . . . he didn't seem to appreciate
it .. . Betty Sparks at the same table was showing the crowd the version
of "Farewell to Arms" . . . her date. . . Don Adams . . .. suggested at that
point that they dance.
The Dekes had a table at the far end of the room and seemed to be
enjoying themselves no end . . . Chris Everhardus and Angel Maliszewski
were among those present . . . Angel looked very springlike in a gray satin
dress with a tiny black print . . . . Dorothy Utley and the basketball star
Earl Townsend were at the same table . . . another twosome was Ella
Wade and Lee Moore.
At Penny Carnival . .
The dance floor was pretty well crowded when they started the song that
refuires everyone to count . . . you know. . . 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, . . . uh, uh 8, 9 . .
woof, woof, etc., way on up . . . Virginia Whitney and Jack Cooper tried it
but we noticed they missed around 27 . . . Bob Warner and Audrey Scribner
were going strong when we passed them at 33 . . . and Fred Woolcott and
Phyllis Scroogie went right on up with the singer until he passed 50 .. .
it really is a great game . . , almost as good as the sign language craze ...
Now on to Penny Carnival . . . Dorothy Ray and John Halstead wondered
around the multi-colored and elaborate booths . . . Kate Howell and Wager
Glas tried their luck at the Olfactorium, but evidently their "schnozzolas"
weren't up to pas as neither of them carried off one of those tempting
Hershey bars that went to champion sniffers . . . Charlene Vallet and Ted
Williams . . . however . . . had better luck, and were seen proudly bearing
lollipops which avowed their skill at "Spud Jabbing."

Early in the evening Harriet Dean . . . Jane Lord . . . and Carol Schoger
. . . in dainty summer dresses graced the flower booth and sold tiny cor-
sages to the eager crowds. Bob Carney and Dorothy Briscoe tried their
best but couldn't seem to pop those elusive balloons . . . Betty Greve pan-
icked those attending the melodrama by pausing in her reading of the thrill-
ing story to pick up the stray coins that were hurled at the performers by a
most appreciative audience. Dorothy Shappell . . . in charge of finances
. . . was running around with a boxful of money . . . and Charlotte Rueger
. . as President of the League . . . inspected all the booths which must
have been quite a job. Oh yes . . . and then there were the hostesses. As

--Associated Press Photo.
Prince Louis Ferdinand, grandson
of the fcr cmr (Ceiman Kaiser, was
invited to tea at the White House
by the President and Mrs. Roose-
Military Ball's
l _'
By Paul S eelit
-Extensive l1anis Made For
Ceremony 14)Ilo e eld
Be'o re (Crmand March
Paul Specht and his internationally
known band will furnish the music
for the annual Military Ball to be
held from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday,
May 1, at the Union, according to
Paul W. Philips, '36E, general chair-
Specht's orchestraowas the first
American band ever to tour Europe.
He is playing now at the Medina Club
at Chicago, and is on permanent lo-
cation there.
Plans For Ceremony
Extensive plans have been made
for the ceremony to be carried out
before the grand march which will
take place at 12 midnight. Howard
W. Underwood, '36E, first Sergeant
and secretary of Scabbard and Blade,
will present the initiates of the or-
ganization to Chase Teaboldt, '36E,
captain and president. Teaboldt, in
turn, will present them to the guests
of the Ball.
Drill Team to Perform

Seven Players
T TakePart
In Prod uetion
Nelson, Vandenberg And
Macl0herson I v Leads
In uiienl Cast
Ial o I s .I1irctor
IRogc er IlcrIi nan , Atilor,
Is Notedl For Portrayals
( I.otrrgeois Erncret
The French Club will present its
annual production, "Chotard et Cie,"
Stonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn
'T'heatre. The production is the cul-
mination of a year's active work.
The cast of the play includes the
following students: Francis Chotard,
Carl Nelson, '37E; Julian Collinet,
Vaudie Vandenberg, '36; Parpaillon,
Ross MacPherson, '36; Le Capitaine,
Robert Rogers, '36; LeSous-Prefect,
H~arold Barnes, Grad.; Marie Cho-
tard, Martha Dynes, '39; and Augus-
tine, Margaret Cutler, '36.
Professor Talamon Directs
The play has been in rehearsal for
the past month under the direction of
Prof. Rene Talamon. Assisting Pro-
fessor Talamon were M. Charles Koel-
la and Mr. James O'Neill.
The story revolves about the life
of Julien Collinet, an artist, who mar-
ries into a family of wholesale gro&-
ers. The family constantly chides him
for his day dreams and deride his de-
sire to write. It is not until he -re-
ceives 10,000 francs for a novel that
they realize the commercial aspects
of his talent.
Plot Continues
This innovation changes their re-
lations entirely. They continually en-
tertain him at teas and dinners until
he revolts. Wholeheartedly he enters
into the grocery business and is such
a success that they are forced to laud
his business ability. Thus he is as-
sured of comparative peace in which
to return to his day dreams.
Roger Ferdinand Is Author
Roger Ferdinand, author of "Cho-
tard Et Cie" is noted for his vivid
I portrayals of the bourgeois France.
He is classed with Moliere in depic-
tion of the middle class French life.
His first play was produced when he
was 25. At present he is a professor
of English at a lycee in Paris.
Tickets for the production are
priced at 50 cents. Members of the
Cercle Francais may obtain a 25-cent
reduction by presenting their mem-
bership cards at the box office.

Katayun Cama Includes Fisk
In StudyOf Southern Schools
By THERESA SWAB larly in this institution because of its
In describing her trip through the unique project of rural education.
s Students from mountain districts who
southern states during spring vaca- can not afford to get an education
tion, Katayun Cama, Grad., said that elsewhere are given an opportunity to
though she acquired an impression of earn their way through school. This
poverty from the general conditions, student body supplies dairy and bak-
the spirit of humanity and gentility ery products to surrounding counties.
of the people reminded her of her own Other Interesting Places
country, India. i
country, Cnia. sOther places of interest which she
Miss Cama whose trip was made visited were rural mountain schools"
primarily in the study of rural educa- and one-room schools in Georgia. She
tion spent the first part of the vaca- spoke before the Young Women's
tion as the guest of Fisk University in League and the Y.W.C.A. at Fisk and
Nashville, Tenn. Here she attended before the Rural Education Class and
the fine arts and music festival, which the Y.W.C.A. at Berea.
she said was similar to the May Miss Cama who is a Barbour Schol-
Festival.MisC awhisaBrorSol
Whstimrsdhsiar expects to return to India as soon
What impressed this Michigan stu- as she receives her doctor's degree in
dent most in this Negro institution education and English. There she
was the development of a distinct expects to work out a system of rural
Negro culture which is arising. "Their expctto wor t assem "Tha
education for the masses. "The
music is distinctive and their art is education here is on a lavish, extrava-'
unusual characterized by extraordi- gant scale which can not be done in
nary vitality and expressiveness. They my native country," she said. There
are developing their own individuality the system must be of a self-support-
and culture," she said. She was par- ing nature. She wishes to have a con-
ticulary enthusiastic over the Jubilee solidated center where she can draw
Singers. -the children from five to seven sur-
Negro Spirituals Sung rounding villages.
Their program consists, neither of
American jazz, nor of western classi-
cal music, but of Negro spirituals. FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB
These same Jubilee Singers appeared A three-act play was presented at
here Sunday. the annual dinner meeting of the
In observing other phases of stu- Monday evening drama section of the
dent life, Miss Cama said she noticed Faculty Women's Club held last night
the breakdown of prejudice. The ei- at the Haunted Tavern. Mrs. William
tire student body which is colored P. Taylor was in charge of the af-
mingles freely with the white faculty. fair.
The university students themselves,-
Miss Cama said, are quite sophisticat- CROP AND SADDLE
ed and smart. They wear spring Tiyouts for Crop and Saddle will
clothes similar to those seen on north- meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow at Barbour
ern campuses. Gymu;enisium, according to Eleanor
One of the most interesting things French, '>9, president. Transporta-
described by Miss Cama was a typical ,ion will be provided.
emotional Negro church service which
she attended. The minister acts the
whole sermon. He sings in a peculiar
tune, and he is answered by a mono- \
tone chant from the choir. Gradually ,,.L i RCS
he stirs up the feeling of the congre- '~PAT E ITREET
gation into intense emotional states. E W ELE R
From Fisk Miss Cama went to Be- -
rea, Ky., to visit the Berea College.
This institution, which is divided in-
to a junior school, an academy, and a R A D10S
college, is almost self-supporting.
Here the students do all the work, in-
cluding fireside industries, cooking,
building, and agricultural work. Every
student works two hours a day and
earns enough money in this way to $ INCE
pay for his room and board.
Miss Cama was interested particu- 207 E WA INGTC

junios Ifihiat(I
Twelve women were initiated into
Mortarboard, mat ional sorority for
senior women, At 8:30 a. m. Sunday
in the League chapel. After the serv-
ice, a breakfast was given, Grace
Bartling, '36, resident, in charge.
New members are Maryanna
Chockley, Margaret Guest, Charlotte
Hamilton, Harriet Ileath, Mary E.
Heitsch, Lois King, Gretchen Leh-
mann, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger,
Grace Snyder, Marjorie Turner, and
Edith Zerbe.
Miss Snyder w:a.-> chos n as new
president for next ye:ir: Miss Leh-
mann, vice-presidemi: Miss Turner,
Lecretary; Miss Ii 1(h, treasurer;
and Miss Heath historiai.
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--- ----

- . ++

You'll Want to Look Your
Loveliest at the Militar~y all

When your "uniform" takes you to the Military Ball,
you'll want to look quite devastating. Present yourself in
a fleoting, diaphanous chiffon, a swirling net or lace, crisp
cotton, organdy, or mousseline de soi.
Wear black for sophistication; white, to look angelic;
pastels for sweet simplicity; vivid shades for gaiety.
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advertised . . . there were a hundred of them . . . and even a hundred
hardly enough to go around. But it was a huge success . . . and a good
was had by all ...



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