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April 10, 1936 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-10

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Petitioning For
Frosh Project
To Start Soon
Dates Are Announced For
literviews Of Committee
Freshmen Eligible
Selection Of J.G.P. Heads
Is To Be Held In May For
Coming Year
Petitions for positions on the
Freshman Project have been tenta-
tively arranged for April 23, 24, and
25, Charlotte Rueger, '37, League pres-
ident announced yesterday. Reg-
ular application blanks may be ob-
tained in the Undergraduate Office.
There will e a meeting of all those
interested in the project at 5 p.m.
on Wednesday, April 22. All second-
semester freshmen who are scholas-
tically eligible, may apply for work
on the affair.
,.Interviewing of all applicants by the
juiciary Council is to take place
April 24, 25, 27 and 28. The Council
recommends one person to the League
Council, which body renders the final
Petitioning for positions on the va-
rious League committees is to start
the Monday after vacation and will
continue throughout that week.
Committee Positions
. The six committees for which ap-
plications may be submitted are the-
atre-arts, orientation, publicity,
house-rception, social, and merit
system groups. These are the com-
nittees which are the nucleus around
which actual League work revolves
end the medium through which con-
itact with all campus women is main-
The theatre-arts committee in-
cludes in its work the management
of the Children's Theatre, the spon-
soring of Little Symphony concerts,
and art exhibits. The merit system
conmitte submits a monthly activity
chart to every 'sorority, dormitory
and . League -house. These reports
are recorded on the hall chart in
the League. An individual card file
for livery woman on campus is main-
taivyd in the Undergraduate Officn
The duties of the house-reception
committee are concerned with the
actual management of the League
building. The group is in charge of
the annual Open House, the spring
bridge tournament, library teas and
campus tours.
Heads League Publicity
The publicity committee maintains
scrapbook and file in which all
League matters are entered to give
a Qomplete summary of activities.
It also issues all stories to newspapersc
and creates posters for publication.,
The. social committee plans thes
monthly undergraduate teas, assistst
with the Ruthven teas and arrangesI
exchange dinners.t
The orientation group constructs a
program adequate to give freshmen
all phases of college life in orderc
that they may receive more benefit
from their first year at the Uni-
,Women may petition for more than
,onecommittee but should indicateI
their preference by the order in which
they place the different groups on thea
aplication blanks, available in the
Undergraduate office.
Petitioning for chairmanships of
the various Junior Girls Play .com-I
mittees are tentatively scheduled for
May 1 through May 6, and may be
filed in the Undergraduate OfficeN
also. Interviews for these positions
may be held May 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and

13. I_
More Petitions
Increase Drive
For New Pool

INew SpringmIformalt dF (at1II'(e8 Bow Trimmiing

Staff Members iilored Suits And Ensembles
To Give Talks Take Lead For Easter Outfits

At Convention
Members Of Department
Of Physical Education
To Join Conference

GUsI 4)lo (ontead typhis tye of coat is toward shorter
- . ngh and even fuller cut.
Vt I . ko trimts For Ensembi : I New
Fashion Prominence The new season brings an entirely
new outfit to popularity. The en-
y AA ELble, neither dress nor suit, but
, a cross between both, is proving a
Although so fir the weather hasn't gicat success. One style is composed

Crop And Saddle
WillHold Tryouts
All those wishing to try out for the
Crop and Saddle Club are to meet at
2 p.m. Friday, April 24, in Barbour
Gymnasium, Eleanor French, man-
ager, announced.
There are several vacancies in the
club left by Seniors who will be grad-
uated this June. These will be filled
by new members until the quota of
21 is reached. Any girl chosen a

Several members of the men's and given much ncouragement to bright
women's physical education depart- prints and perky new hats, there is
ments will attend the 41st annual always the possibility that it may
convention of the American Physical change for the better. In any caseI
Education Association from April 15 Easter Sunday is sure to bring out
to 18 in St. Louis, Mo. that spring outfit you have been care-
Those representing the men's staff i {iy hoarding or perhaps intended
are Dr. Jackson R. Sharman, Mr. toby
Randolph W. Webster, Mr. Elmer D. Tailored suits seem to be leading
Mitchell, Mr. Abram A. James and in popularity in attire for the all-
Mr. Harold W. Copp. Dr. Margaret i. portant day. The versatile three-
Bell, Miss Virginia Peaseley, Miss piece suit is shown at its best in one
Dorothy Beise, Dr. Mabel Rugen, Miss model of thin gray wool. A straight
Ruth Bloomer an Miss Jeanette iSkit is combined with a hip-length,
Saurborn will represent the women's double-breasted .jacket, belted snugly
staff. at the waist. Over this goe. one of
Dr. Sharman will give a paper in the new finger-tip swagger coats, in
the College Men's Physical Education a dashing gray, black and red plaid.j
section on "Physical Education Topped with a gray felt hat pierced
Should be Voluntary Not Required" by a red fcaher, similar towone
Mr. Mitchell is secreuary of the shown in a local shop, this would
A.P.E.A. and editor of the Journal make a perfect outfit for Easter wear.
of Health and Education, the official Checks Are Popular
publication of the A.P.E.A. Gay checks are very much in the
Dr. Bell will preside over the fwshion spotlight. Made up in a
Teacher Training sesion ofte con two-piece suit is a violent check of!
venticn and will acton the legis-| bicL red, green and white which
lative council for the Women's Ath- (,eWiicey calls for black accessor-
letic section.S he is chairman of the ie, such as a Fascitti blouse, black
leti setio. Se ischarma oftheleather belt, gloves and hat.
policy committee for this section and lether b ancy g uvs and t
also a member of the finance com- n If your fancy runs more to coats
mittee. than to suits you are at liberty to
choose from a selection larger than
A joint paper will be given in the has been the case for several sea-
Research section by Miss Beise and ' bentecsfr sevral sea-
snt. The ver feminine. dressy fit-

of a tample wool dress buttoned high

at the throat which is tied with a sash member of the club remains a mem-
of ray print. The reversible jacket ber as long as she is in the University.
o' thy print is lined with the wool.
Accessories play almost as import- BO
ant a part in the new spring attire BRoNZE COLOR
as the actual frocks. Perhaps the Bronze is a very much sought-after
mos: startling innovation along this color this season, with jackets, ties,
line is the rustling taffeta petticoat shorts, suspenders, socks, handker-
which usually matches some part of chiefs, garters one beach shirs being
the ensemble. shown in this;f , warm color.
We handle the complete line of Watch ;racclcts
for both men and women by HADLEY. Come
in and inspect our stock.
cArcadc LewelryShop





Miss Peaseley on "The Effect of
Training in Certain Sport Skills on
Reaction Time, Speed and Agility of
Large Muscle Groups." The report
is a continuation of a paper givenj
at last year's convention on the dif-
ference in reaction to the speed-
agility-reaction time testhbetween
skilled and unskilled people in differ-
ent sports.
Dr. Rugen will give a paper in the
Symposium on Nature of Research in
Physical and Health Education on
'Health Education Studies" and
Miss Bloomer will make a progress
report on dance movies.

-Associated Press Photo.
The all-importance ofb ow trimming is exemplified in this charming
frock of black crepe. Voluminous sleeves in cellophane lace add a fes-
tive touch and the neckline is finished by a band of white beigaline.

Many Students PlandInteresting
T'ripsDuring Spring Holidays

Several To Pass Vacation,
In New York; One Flies
To New Mexico
As tcda.y marks the beginning of
spring vacation, we find some of the
students planning a strenuous week
of uninterrupted study. A few of them
are looking forward to a week of rest
and slumber; but many will spend the
time in more exciting ways, by travel-
ling to different sections of the coun=
try for a real. change of air.
Jean Seeley, '36, and Charlotte Rue-
ger, '37, will attend from next Tues-
day until Sunday, the annual con-
vention of the Intercollegiate Asso-
ciation of Women Students at Den-
nison University, Granville, O. Wen-
eel Neumann, '36, will reside at Grand
Lake, near Alpena in northern Mich-
igan, where he intends to chop wood
and loaf, officially, for a week.-
Flies To New Mexico
A flying trip to.rNew Mexico was
begun yesterday by Mary Neal, '37,
with her mother, Mrs. C. Stowe Neal,
and her sister Florence. They will
visit her brother, who is attending
school in New Mexico. Harriet May,
'38, and Dorice Suffrin, '38, are leav-
ing this afternoon for a pleasure jaunt
to Bermuda, where they will spend
about four days.
Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the
speech department, and Mrs. Dens-
more will drive to Florida with Mrs.j

there with her mother and Barbara
Hanna, '37SM, plans to visit Rachel
Ellis, who is doing commercial art
work. Lucrecia Ruisanchez, '38, will
spend a week in New York as a guest
of her cousin, returning to Ann Arbor
a week from Sunday.
To Travel East
Josephine Wilcox. '37, and Eleanor
Wasey, '37Spec., will stay at the Bar-
bizon. Christine Kennedy, '36, is
leaving this morning to drive to New
York with her family, where they will
spend 'a few days before driving on
to Washington, D. C. for a short visit.
Julia Trosper, '37, left at 6 p.m.
yesterday to begin a trip to Florida,
where she will visit friends for a few
days. Grant Barnes, '37, will fly to
I South Carolina to meet his mother
who is now residing there. Among
those who will "rough it" are Wil-
liam Taylor, '37, and Frank C. Hil-
ton, '38, who are planning to drive:
up to Bad Axe for a short visit with
friends in that city.
onen's Finals In
PtanImin Lon Played

Miss Saurborn, University High
School teacher, will give a progress
report on thenational survey of
high school dance problems.
The theme of this year's conven-
tion is "Physical Education and the
Enrichment of Living." There will
also be sections on men's athletics,
camping, public schocls, Y.M.C.A.
and recreation.
French Student
Is Given Medal
For, Excellence
The upperclassman medal for ex-
cellence in French was awarded yes-
terday to Sara Elizabeth Scherling,
'36, by the Department of Romance
Languages. The award was offered
to this department by the French
Ministry of Foreign Affairs through
the French Consul in Chicago, M.
Rene Weiller.
This medallion of bronze bears in
bold relief the symbolic female head,
sometimes familiarly referred to as
"Marianne," of the French Republic.
It is possible, although not yet cer-
tain, that a similar medal may be
available for award next year.
'- The medal was presented this year
to Miss Scherling after a preliminary
consideration of scholastic records
and activities in French studies. Spe-
cial semi-final written and final oral
examinations were given to a care-
fully selected list of eligible candi-
dates recommended by the staff of
the Department of Romane Lan-
~~~~ __ ----- -

Jui. A ,V ly 1t1lllG U :0 , i
ted coat is exemplified in one model
of fay nineties' extraction. Navy
woo>. lined with taffeta, is fashioned
along molded lines, its broad shoulder
effect created by puffy, leg-o'-mutton
sleeves. A row of covered buttons
mirches p theafront to the crisp
white ga.-d enia at the neck.
An ent i ly different style is theR
canual swagger coat which swings
loose and free. One is made up in
agaod-leok ng tweed with the new
Shianarelli folded shoulders, a round
N oung coll:, and buttons placed high
at the neck. The general trend in
5 f"aNG WMEN
Ht1"1 tt w i <'Is:r U t al lraititg
O a a5~ COLsScoLGE
prteparin for i ittlacrlat poxtions.
C a~l rm l'w eadiaag orgaa:iza-
lio rns, Gvtibbk vs, l tr olan
inga 1' - n ii sI pply o
Sveta]b> l le tl";. o ok ofs.it
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Spec ialI 4 ,nrbv .. e Iu-.i v,. Iv for C(l r;
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® NEV-W YORK' 'qIML .ONL.Y - Be.
g pil ti ,ie se31 j 13; be
readyIfor early vplacemanent when at)-
po ra uvei ij are; seci. ~ -allIy fa vorablec.
Write Colege Ceurse Secretary for catalog.
OSTON....,...90 Marlboraovgh Street
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Also eurss tf oEpreparatory
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We carry a complete line of Hadley Watch Bracelets



The badminton season was brought
to a close Wednesday evening when
the last match of the women's doubles
tournament was played in Barbour
Gymnasium. In the contest, Louise
Paine, '36Ed., and Jean Groh, Ed.,
easily defeated Mary Jane Mueller,
I '38Ed., and Carolyn Woodford, '36Ed,
by a score of 15-2 and 15-7.

Think a MinuteI
e F~~y RatnglY

nold, '36,
Prof. and

Densmore, '36. Jane Ar-
will go to Tennessee with
Mrs. John E. Tracy.

Many of the students will visit
New York during the vacation. Mar-
niQ i-

jor ie Cowie, 36, is planning to drive BjbuPolCneie
B4rbour P'ool Comdemimcd; * ~a uw o pasugt rv
Hours At The Union Pool Katherine Gibbs School
Are Unsatisfactory Aw
So Award Scholarshi ps
With the entrance of several new MIs. Katherine B. Dunbar, of the
petitions, the number of women sig- Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School
nifying their enthusiastic approval of in Boston will be in Ann Arbor Wed-
a new swimming pool has been raised nesday, April 22. Women students
to 757, Kate Landrum, '37, chairman interested in this school and its
of the project announced late yester- scholarships are invited to meet Miss
day. She added that she expected Dunbar at the Michigan League
many more names before the end of building at 4:15 p.m. on that day.
the drive. Inquiries about the scholarships may
Among the remarks put in the col- be made at the office of the Dean of
umn for comments one occuring Women.


The results of the mixed doubles
tournament show that Eustace Fox,
Grad., and Dorothy Lyndon, '36, are
the victors by virtue of a win over
Harry Kasabach, '37M, and Gwen
Bryce. '39A, in the finals.
Bryn Mawr Scholarship
Is Awarded To Studenut
Janet E. McPhee, '36, of Ann Arbor,
has been awarded a Bryn Mawr
Graduate Scholarship in Italian for
1936-37, according to a -recent an-
Miss McPhee has taken an active
part in extra-curricular activities, be-
ing vice-president of Cercle Francais
at the present time. She was also in
Soph Cabaret and had a part in
The four $100 dollar Alice- Martin
Scholarships for Women are avail-
able for women students who have
maintained a B average or better
for the past two semesters, and are
contemplating residence in Adelia
Cheever dormitory. Applications may

r~. * .- c ~ de s y cn{O

- - 1. ,, %-A --g or hoe

he u,, Ie \5 our
RS S i you'v 1031e
sr Ls f I nyOW is the time to use o
t og to selln
flt- ( d umn

thoct AVertif9 l
cortCion has bought9

very frequently is "Most of the col-
leges I know have a separate pool
for, women and I think we should
have one," or words to that effect.
This interest in swimming has been
further born out by a survey made
of the most popular sports chosen
by., freshmen women to fill their
physical education requirements, in
which swimming was found to be one
of the first three.
An objection often made to taking
classes is the fact that there are only

interest by placing the money won
above expenses in Penn Carnival and
Lantern Night in a fund for the pool.
They are also thinking of sponsoring
other projects throughout the year
to gain extra financial aid, Miss
Landrum explained.
Approximately 50 active Alumnae
Associations have been contacted
concerning this project and it is
bouped that they will actively help
the drive.


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l, arge z12qorn
(rim ehlwilbhl no'vq
a veil

For As Lttle WAs-
tdille. l a

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A Daily


LINDA . . natural leghorn eight
inch cartwheel with brown
velvet banding and bows, and

it . 1

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