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April 10, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-10

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FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1936


News Strike. . .

The Conning Tower

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
#or, 1epublication of all -news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
repulication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
,-Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
M>diiion Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Dorlothy S. Glos Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Repor ori Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie .Piefrce, Joseph S. "Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
sports .Department: William R. rcced Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Wumen's Departmen,,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Je ephine M. Cavanag, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
PIolden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
BUS.NESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214
b =alAdvertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
ng,L John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tlpns, L.yman Bittman.
Bil r own
On Tuesday MorniAg...
A LITTLE over a year ago, The Daily
published aneditorial which told of
young Bill Brown, who, after seeing All Quiet On
the Western Front, "walked out of the dark au-
ditorium hating war --hating war and vowing
bitterly that he'd never march off to all that ghast-
ly and beastly bloodiness, march off to kill and be
killed, for no reason."
Despite his passionate desire to do something,
young Bill Brown, after a survey of what he
regarded to be the causes of war, was bewildered.
Political, economic, social aild psychological causes
of war seemed to be beyondanythng he as an in-
dividual could do to remedy them. Thus, blocked
and apparently helpless, Bill Brown, his rage
gradually dissipated, did nothing.
Today, Bill Brown, still feeling war 'to be a
personal tragedy and a social calamity, may still
be bewildered about the international scene, but
he is not helpless, and he is not going to do
He cannot stop the bloody masscre of natives
in Ethiopia. He cannot ease the tension along
the Rhine, nor stop the dread machipery of eco-
nomic forces. He cannot, alone, make.the League
more effective. Not only is the helpless to avert
a conflict abroad, but he annot be sure that his
own nation may not be involved, for neutrality
legislation was not passed without effective clauses
being removed.
There is something he ien do. He can, together
with the thousands of us 'Bill Browns, hake it
known. that there is.aIpowerful niajority of United
States citizens who, not one whit less loyal than
the American Legion, hate war and are willing to
support statesmen who will foster programs cal-
culated to eliminate war as an instrument of in-
ternational settlement. It will inform the world
that we are aware of the instruments of propa-
gandizing war hysteria, and that we are no longer
responsive to them; that we are aware of selfish
interests which precipitated us into the last war,
and that we shall be suspicious of their influence
in international or national events in the future.
Perhaps this in itself won't stop war, but when
representatives at disarmament conferences and
arbitration meetings know that they have an active
constituency behind them who regard humanity
as of more importance than national boundaries or
markets, we will not repeat the vindictiveness in
foreign diplomacy of the Versailles settlements.
When this is an international reality (for there are
Bill Browns in every nation) world-wide disarma-
ment will be removed from the realm of the

dream world.
In the meantime, Bill does not believe in com-
plete disarmament of the United States, nor does
he, on the other hand, believe in exorbitant army
and navy appropriations. He does not believe that
Americans should refuse to fight in self-defense.
He does not believe that peace demonstrations'
alone can stop war. But he does believe that when
he, together with a half million other young men
and women, announces his interest in peace, his
willingness to support effective legislation, and his
repudiation of war in the modern world, he is not
only not being a hopeless idealist, but he is doing
something practical and necessary for the elimina-
tion of this barbarous instrument some time in the
For these reasons, The Daily is supporting the
University Peace Meeting Tuesday morning, April
21st on the mall between the Architecture School
and the University High School. The Daily prom-
ises that it will, together- with President Ruthven,
Professor Slosson and the group of respected stu-
dents sponsoring the meeting, help to see that the
meeting will suggest snecific roads to action. Tf

that famous home of good beer and
a socialist mayor, about 30 men, ignored by the
world of publicity, are making history. Those 30
men are reporters, members of the youthful Amer-
ican Newspaper Guild and they are striking against
Hearst's Wisconsin News for a better wage and
a closed shop.
All through the nation, - newspapermen are
sympathetically watching the progress of the
strike. For this is the first time in years a group of
reporters have challenged a major publisher. And
they have chosen a tarter, yea HEARST him-
Naturally, this strike is "not news" as far as the
wire services are concerned. The story of 2,000
sympathizers parading in an endless chain around
a building in sub-zero weather does not hold any
interest for the nation. The Associated Press and
United Press carried short stories the day the strike
began, February 17, but there has been only one
story since. Other papers have ignored the event
or else relegated it to a one-inch story on the
last page. And so, in the main the public is ignor-
ant of what is going on.
But why is it that newspapers all over the coun-
try have been so uninterested and so completely
oblivious to what has been going on? Is it be-
cause the Wisconsin News, like all William Ran-
dolph Hearst's papers, is so small, quiet and unas-
suming that the episode is passing by "unnoticed"?
Or is it because there really is not a labor strike
in Milwaukee at al' Anyway, "journalists" are
professional men (the NRA thought differently but
the NRA is unconstitutional). And who ever heard
of professional men striking?
It must be a false "rumor."
However this is not the significant fact. What is
important - pathetic monument to American in-
difference and apathy -is that so far neither the
circulation nor advertising of the Wisconsin News
have diminished appreciably. Moreover, this is the
only path along which any modicum of success
can be gained. For, until Mr. Hearst is hit, and
hit hard, where for him, it hurts most - in the
pocket - he will never let drop even a crumb.
And so in Milwaukee the American Newspaper
Guild fights on. But how long can it last? Unless
national support is soon forthcoming, unless an
aroused public opinion militantly demands settle-
ment, the strikers will through lack of funds and
final disgust succumb. Yet, it will be a long time
before the American public is sufficiently interested
in such vital matters as to influence a Mr. Hearst.
Moreover, the mogul of San Simeon could probably
"starve out" (in a lockout if necessary) the report-
ers on half the newspapers he publishes without
too much difficulty.
But to those who realize how much winning
this strike would strengthen the American News-
paper Guild, and how much a strong Guild could
do for the elimination of "yellow" journalism,
falsifying and editorializing the news, growing il-
liberalism and fascist tendencies of the Hearstian
kind, losing in this walkout though disheartening
would not be too much so.
For, even if this try should fail (and we sin-
cerely hope it does not), then the next, perhaps
somewhere else, or the one after that will succeed.
And that day, when it comes, will be one well worth
waiting for.
f OR OUR READERS' convenience we print the
exact schedule of performances for the 1936
Dramatic Season, to be presented for five weeks
from May 18 through June 20 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.1
The repertory is as follows:
Sunday, May 17, at 4:15 - Reginald Pole lec-
ture, Hamlet -The Prophecy of Modern Man.
Monday, May 18 through Friday, May 22 (Mat-
inee: Wednesday and Friday) - Libel, with Ken-
neth MacKenna, Doris Dalton, Nancy Sheridan,
and Whitford Kane.
Saturday (Matinee and Night), May 23 -Party,
with Estelle Winwood, Eddie Garr, Frances Mad,

dux and Doris Dalton.
Sunday, 24 at 4:15 - Reginald Pole lecture,
Hamlet -The Prophecy of Modern Man.
Monday, May 25 through Friday, May 29 (Mat-
inee: Tuesday and Wednesday) -Party (cast as
Saturday, May 30 through Wednesday, June 31
(Matinee: Saturday and Wednesday) - Hamlet
with Ian Keith, Estelle Winwood, Whitford Kane,
George Somnes, Doris Dalton.
Thursday, June 4 through Tuesday, June 9 (ex-
cept Sunday) -The Distaff Side with Blanche
Yurka, Estelle Winwood, Margallo Gilmore and,
Effie Shannon (Matinee: Friday and Saturday).
Sunday, June 7, at 4:15 - Reginald Pole lecture,{
Beethoven and Shakespeare - Analogies in thej
Creative Genius.
Wednesday, June 10 through Monday, June 15
(except Sunday) - Parnell, with Margalo Gilmore,
Effie Shannon and Nancy Sheridan (Matinee:;
Wednesday and Saturday).
Sunday, June 14, at 4:15 - Reginald Pole lec-
ture, Ibsen, Chekov and the Modern Theatre. c
Tuesday, June 16 through Saturday, June 20j
(Matinee: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) -
Night of Jan. 16 with Margalo Gilmore, RobertI
Ross, Whitford Kane and Ainsworth Arnold.
The Saturday matinee performance, June 20,
of Night of Jan. 16 is scheduled for 2 p.m. sharp1
because of the Commencement Exercises at 5 p.m.j
"A middle-aged individual has less chance to
reach the age of eighty than his grandparents

Weary and spent, the earth at autmun's end
Tasted the acrid bitterness of frost
And breathed a final cry upon the wind:
Despaired; gave up its green and fruitful ghost.
Then in a tomb of silence and of cold
The stricken world lay doomed; till none dare say:
Now winter's three long days of death are told,,
O who will roll this heavy stone away?
But yesterday I heard a blackbird sing
Against the rising sun. Toward dusk a fox
Came warily from the wood. The mountain
Unbridled in the night, thundered down rocks.
This morning fields are green; and from the skies
Warm radiance shouts: Awake! Awake! Arise!
We are in agreement with Mr. Walter Lipp-
mann in his yesterday's article on the Haupt-
mann case. "It will be necessary," he says, "for
the reputable press to treat judges and lawyers
and others who make the show or permit it as
incompetent.'' There is one trouble about all
this. Newspaper reputability is a local issue; a
matter of definition. Does the editor or owner
of what we think, or what Mr. Lippmann thinks, a
disreputable newspaper consider the newspaper
disreputable? Maybe when he communes with
himself he does, but we never have seen or heard
of a newspaper owner or editor who considers
his paper one of ill repute. If he is what we
think a disreputable newspaper editor, his esti-
mate of what we think a reputable paper is a
dull, old-fashioned, conservative sheet. Some day
somebody with a great deal of candor and curi-
osity, as well as a gift for the figures obtainable
only after research and verification, will write a
piece on Journalism and the Circulation Mania.
To mention names, there are those who con-
sider Mr. Hearst a disreputable journalist; Mr.
Hearst, we feel certain, thinks of himself as not
only reputable, but as the only fearless and re-
proachless knight in the journalistic lists.
In the honesty of Mr. Leopold Stokowski we
have complete trust. Upon his courage we have
less reliance. He said that the stiff shirt is an
unwanted heritage from the eighteenth century,
and that the soft collar is a boon to music and
comfort. This observation, however, was based
upon the notion that the orchestra plays better
at rehearsals than at concerts, largely because
they are dressed informally at rehearsals. At
last night's concert of the Philadelphia Orchestra
Mr. Stokowski conducted in tails and a high stiff
collar; the members of the orchestra were formally
How about audiences, Mr. S.? At last night's
concert a majority of the men were dressed in
the garb associated with grateful evening. Why?
It is easier to listen to music comfortably dressed;
the ideal way to listen is lying on a sofa, smok-
ing; possibly also reading a book or a newspaper.
When the music grows boresome, or even if you
are suddenly weary, you walk out in the middle
of the piece, and in two minutes you are in bed.
Alice in Might-as-Weli-Have- Said Land
"You might as well say," a one-time president
of this then free and unregimented country was
might-as-well-saying out of the loudspeaker on
Saturday. "that there aren't enough coffins for
all if we died at once."
"I get it," said one listener back into the
now silent set. "You might as well say that
there aren't enough seats in the subway trains
for all; nor enough trains to ride in; nor stairs
wide enough to climb, nor enough subways even
if it comes down to that."
"You might as well say," said Alice, who must
have been listening too, "that there aren't enough
Presidential seats in the White House to go
around, either."
As though to end the discussion, the loud-
speaker suddenly began again, which was well
enough. For the things that Alice and I might
as well have said threatened to reach all the
way to Fort Wayne, Ind. F.A.S.. Jr.
It is Dr. William Lyon Phelps himself, 110
Whitney Avenue, New Haven, who says that the
street his house is in or on was named in honor
of Eli Whitney. "I asked the daughters of the
great Professor Whitney whether this ave. was

named after him or after Eli. They, said Eli,
'Which shows,' I rejoined, 'he writes the superi-
ority of gin over Sanscrit.' , . . I haven't used
the word 'rejoined' since 1883 -high time to
bring it back." Our rejoinder is "Leave it lay."
The Reeders
Sir: The observant fellow contrib's discovery
that the title of Rebecca West's new novel is de-
scriptive of its readers has left me a little super-
sensitive. When I asked my bookseller for a copy
of "The Hollow Reed," by Mary J. J. Wrinn, I
felt like adding, "And do you want to make
something out of it?" N. D. PLUME
The Department of Parks has issued its 1936
schedule for golf and tennis. To play golf all
season the price of a permit is $10; for tennis it
is $1 for players under seventeen, and $3 for
older persons. When will the Police Department
issue a rate card saying how much it costs to
park a car on a side street for twelve hours;
how much for twenty-four hours or longer?
The only one we know who pronounces it
tornahdo is our old friend Katisha, who rhymes
it with "bravado" and "gambado," and, if not
interrupted, with "Mikado."
Superintendent Harold G. Campbell thinks that

"This Is The Resurrection" .

AT least five top-notch plays have
opened in Manhattan since this
department made its last recom-
mendations. Students and faculty
members who intend to spend next
week's vacation in New York may be
directed to see any or all of them.
More than five good plays have been
offered, of course, since thehbetween-
semester holiday, and it is character-
istic of the best season Broadway has
had for several years that it is no
easy task to name the best. But the
function of this column is not to list
all productions; we must pick and
choose. And here are the five plays
of our choice:
Idiot's Delight. Last year Robert
Sherwood examined, in symbolistic
terms, civilization's current problem
of psychological degeneration. This
year, in direct terms, he looks at
civilization's problem of War. The
principals are Alfred Lunt and Lynn
Fontanne; the producer, The Theatre
Guild. The show is enjoying typical
Sherwood popularity, and should by
all means be on the must list of
everyone spending any of next week
in New York.
Saint Joan. When Actress Kath-
erine Cornell, Author George Ber-
nard Shaw, and Director Guthrie
McClintic get together you can ex-
pect a good show, the truth of which
proposition would seem to be elo-
quently illustrated in this play. It
has always been something of a mys-
tery to this department, although a
mystery pleasant to contemplate, that
both Mark Twain and Shaw, men
devoted chiefly to eliciting laughter,
should have chosen this same sub-
ject of the Maid of Orleans for one
of their few serious efforts-and with
it succeeded so very well. However
difficult it may be to understand,
they nevertheless did it. And in
"Saint Joan" you can see one of the
finest plays yet written by G.B.S.,
Bitter Stream. This play, produced
by the Theatre Union, is important
as the first attempt in this country
to present in dramatic terms the in-
dignity and horror of life under
dictatorship, the dictatorship in this
case being Fascist Italy. The price
of freedom is eternal vigilance they
seek to awaken.
Love On The Dole comes from
England, where it was adapted by
Walter Greenwood and Ronald Gow
from a novel by Greenwood, a young
man who knows all about the dole
because he has had to live on it, and
who has combined the fresh emotions
of first-hand experience with first-
rate theatre technique to produce a
play that has the critics raving and
audiences stirred both to feeling and
thought. The play presents no doc-
trinaire solution or analysis. Its
protagonists are vehemently if inar-
ticulately opposed to Communism.
But spectators leave the theatre feel-
ing that something is wrong with
the system-something that is wreak-
ing sad and real damage in pulsing,
human terms.
End of Summer is similar to the
preceding play in that its approach
is subtle rather than doctrinaire, but
is different from it in that it presents
a picture of unhappiness caused by
too much rather than too little mon-
ey. Thus, it and "Love on the Dole"
should together give a very good pic-
ture of the unhealthiness of a sys-
tem which operates to place great,
stagnating accumulations of wealth
in a few hands, and plunges consid-
erable numbers of persons at the op-
posite end of the scale into dire pov-
erty. "End of Summer" is written by
very literate S. N. Behrman, consist-
ently the author of brilliant theatre.
Among its dramatis personnae are
Ina Claire and Osgood Perkins. Ina

Claire has never yet acted in any-
thing less than a hit-and the indi-
cations are that her record will not
be broken in her current show.
The following of our February rec-
ommendations are still running: Sid-
ney Kingsley's "Dead End"; Law-
rence Hausman's "Victoria Regina,"'
with Helen Hayes; "Ethan Frome";
G. S. Kaufman's "First Lady" with
Jane Cowl; Lynn Riggs' "Russet
Mantle"; and "Jubilee." These all
seemed to be excellent shows when
we first picked them; and they now
have proven themselves in two ad-
ditional months' time testing.
Double Feature

FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1936 1
VOL. XLVI No. 137
To the Members of the University
Council: The next meeting of thef
University Council will be held on
Monday, April 20, 4:15 p.m., in Room
1009 Angell Hall.
The Lost and Found Department int
the Business Office, Room 3, Uni-
versity Hall, has lots of gloves, scarfs,
hats, pens. pencils and books that<
have been turned in in the past fewp
months. Many of these things will1
have to be disposed of during vaca-
tion period and we would appreciatel
it if anyone who has lost anything
would kindly report the loss to the
office before leaving for vacation.
Library Hours, April 11-20: Duringl
the spring recess the General Library
will be open as usual from 7:45 a.m.
to 10:00 p.m. daily, with the excep-
tion of the Study Halls in the Library
building and the Graduate Readingt
Rooms, which will be open only from
10:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-4:00 p.m.
The hours of opening of the De-
partmental Libraries will also bet
10:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-4:00 p.m.l
Sunday service will be discontinuedt
during this period.
Win. W. Bishop, Librarian. I
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Midsemester
reports are due today.
E. A. Walter, Acting Assistant
Graduate School Students: Stu-
dents enrolled in the Graduate Schoolt
will not be permitted to drop courses1
after Friday, April 10. A course is
not officially dropped until it is re-
ported in the office of the Graduate
School, 1006 Angell Hall.
Students who have made any
changes in courses since submitting
their election cards should report the
corrections in the Graduate SchoolM
office. Changes of address should al-
so be reported.
C. S. Yoakum.
Students, School of Education:t
Courses dropped after Friday, April
10, will be recorded with the grade of
"E" except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances. No course is considered
officially dropped unless it has been
reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4, University Hall.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses1
dropped after Friday, April 10, willE
be recorded with a grade of E.
Alice Martin Scholarships for
Women: Four $100 scholarships aret
available for women students who1
have maintained a B average or bet-
ter for the past two semesters, and
are contemplating residence in Adelia
Cheever dormitory. Applications may
be filed in the office of the Dean of
Women before May 1.
Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant Dean
of Women.
Applications for Alumnae Council
Awards, a Graduate Fellowship of
of $500, two Senior Scholarships of
$100 each, should be on file in the;
office of the Dean of Women by,
April 15. Awards will be made by
April 30.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of De-,
troit Civil Service examinations for
Posting Machine Operator (Female),
Seasonal employment only, minimum
salary, $5.52 per day; assistant Me-a
chanical Engineer (Mechanical
Equipment Design), minimum salary,
$3600 per year; Assistant Electrical
Engineer (Pumping Plant Design),
minimum salary, $3600; Associate

Sanitary Engineer, (Plumbing In-
spection), minimum salary, $4200
(residence rule waived;) City Plan-
ner, minimum salary, $5100. Appli-
cations must be filed in Detroit by
April 17, 20, 22, 24, and 27 respective-
ly. For further information con-
cerning these examinations call at
201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to
12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service examinations for
Farm Loan Registrar for Third Land
Bank District (North Carolina, South
Carolina, Georgia, and Florida) dis-
tributed only by those four states.
Certification to fill these positions
will be made of the highest eligibles,
while bottling wine, and Mr. Hardy
of the abundant physique iz not
funny at all.
"Paddy 0' Day," which stars Mist-
ress Jane Withers as a little Irish im-
migrant who sneaks into the country
with her dog in a milk can and be-
comes a bother to two wealthy old
maiden ladies, their bird-fancying
nephew, and a group of Russian
night club owners, is a slow-moving
insignificant, and most of the time

Publication in the Bulletin is con;r cti 1 Pnotice to all members of the
Viversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
vatg 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

residing in the Land Bank District,
who do not express unwillingness to
accept appointment where the vacan-
cy exists. For further information
concerning these examinations, call
at 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9:00
to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00.
Varsity Glee Club: The following
is the up-to-date list of those men
who will take the Easter vacation
J. Cole, P. Robinson, L. Swenson,
I. Burnstein, H. Goldsworthy, B.
Samuels, E. Kewalka, P. Wolff, R.
Moore, R. Williams, F. Epstein, R.
Matthews, E. Haapa, J. Czajkowski,
H. Roberts, W. Sawyer, A. Swann, T.
L. Hall, P. Kent, D. Nichols, K.
Tustison, A. Koljenen, D. Swann, R.
Gillis, R. Clark, R. Claflin, S. Hirsh-
berg, J. Strayer, E. H. Williams, P.
Taylor, R. Montgomery, H. Dunks,
T. Jensen, P. Yergens, E. Sinclair, R.
Harris. H. Carrothers. R. Lodge,
Shirrel Kasle, L. Luskin.
Rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. today; Sat-
urday at 4:30 p.m.
Trip to the Ford Plant: Students
who have signed up for the trip to
the Ford Plant and the Ford Museum,
Monday, April 13, will assemble in
the lobby of Angell Hall not later
than 8 o'clock. The special bus will
leave from the front of Angell Hall
promptly at 8 a.m. Further reserva-
tions can not be accepted as the
quota has been filled.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor
to Foreign Students.
Foreign Students: If any foreign
student desires to share expenses for
an automobile trip to Chicago during
the spring vacation with a party
planning such a trip, he should get
in touch with my office at once, Room
9, University Hall. Phone 303.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor
to Foreign Students.
Commencement Invitations: Com-
mencement Invitations will be sold
by the Senior Committees in the va-
rious schools and colleges during the
week following the spring vacation.
Definite dates will be announced by
eachcommittee,ratbwhich time
samples and order blanks will be
available. Seniors are urged to an-
ticipate this sale and promptly place
their orders with their respective
W. B. Rea, Auditor of Student
University Lecture: Dr. Raymond
E. Priestley, Geologist on Shackleton
and Scott Expeditions, will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "Antarctic Ex-
ploration with Shackleton and Scott,"
on Monday, April 20 at 8:00 p.m., in
the Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Saint Andrew's Church: Today in
the church from 12 noon to 3 p.m.
there will be a service of worship in
St. Andrew's Church.
Coming Events
Romance Journal Club will meet
Tuesday, April 21, at 4:15 p.m., Room
108, Romance Language Building.
Two papers will be read: "Notes on
Translation in France in the 16th
Century" by Prof. William A. Mc-
Laughlin and "French Canadian Lit-
erature of the Soil" by Prof. An-
thony J. Jobin.
Graduate students are cordially in-
vited. a . t
Tau Beta Pi: The annual formal
dance for all members will be held
on Friday, April 24. Invitations will
be mailed next week.
The Transportation Club will hold
its annual banquet on April 22, in
the Union. Mr. Otis will be the

speaker and will show moving pic-
tures of the research work conducted
by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railroad. These pictures were
taken by a newly developed high-
speed camera. Tickets will be 75
cents and will be available' April 20
at the Transportation Library.
Saint Andrew's Church: Services
of worship for Easter Sunday are:
7:00 a.m. Holy Communion, choral;
9:00 a.m. Holy Communion, choral;
11:00 a.m. Festival Morning Prayer
and sermon by The Reverend Henry
Lewis and Holy Communion. St.
Andrew's Choirs will sing special
Easter music at each of the morning
services. At 4:00 p.m. there will be
a Festival Church School Service and
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30 Easter Service of worship. The
choir will sing "Unfold Ye Portals"
by Gounod, and "As it Began to
Dawn" by Harker. Guest soloists
will be Burnette Bradley Staebler
who will sing "Come Ye Blessed" by
Scott, and Prof. Arthur Hackett who
will sing "Open the Gates of the
Temple" by Knapp.
Mr. Heaps' sermon subject is "In
the Place was a Garden."


current Michigan program
to mind the old saying theit

two wrongs don't make a right. In
other words, two very mediocre pic-
tures on one program do not make
the equivalent of one good one.
Laurel and Hardy, in their comic
version of "The Bohemian Girl,"
spend most of their time listening to
gypsy songs and getting into trouble
in their customary manner, toying
now and then with a very flimsy plot

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