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March 29, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-29

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VOL. XLVI No. 128




Mong olia
Asks Quiet
BOn Border
Demands Manchoukuoan
Government Take Action
To End Incidents
Japan Plots Crisis,
Soviet Press Says
Mongolian-Russian Mutual
Assistance Pact Signed;
Border, Fights Continue
MOSCOW, March 28. - (P) - A
demand for immediate action to put
an end to frontier raids was contained
in a note from the government of
Outer Mongolia to the Manchoukuoan
administration made public here to-
The official Russian press intimat-
ed a belief that the Japanese were in-
stigating the -critical situation along
the border of Manchoukuo, set up as
an independent state by Japan, and
the Russian-advised Republic of Out-
er Mongolia.
The Mongolian note was sent to
Manchoukuo Friday, after resump-
tion of border fighting, which the
Mongolians declared resulted from an
attempt by Japanese and Manchou-
kuoan troops to occupy a Mongolian
froptier post in the Norin Lake dis-
Outer Mongolia has agreed, it was1
disclosed today, to a mutual assist-
ance pact with Soviet Russia, which
provides that the might of the huge
Red Army would be used to repel any
invasion of Mongolia by foreign
Soviet press reports said five Jap-
anese cavalrymen had crossed the
deadline of the border between Man-
choukuo and Russia near Borzinsky,
and that only two of them had
escaped alive. A Soviet border patrol
caught them.
Role Of Student
In Wmar Subject
Of Next Senate
The second session of the Student
Senate will convene at 7:45 p.m.
Thursday to discuss "What Can the
Student Do to Keep the Country out
of War?"
Three faculty men will address
those present, presenting their opin-
ions for 10 minutes each on neutrali-
ty, the League of Nations and in-
creased armaments. Then the topic
will be thrown open to students to
speak on from the floor.
The Student Senate, planned to
promote open discussion, is a proj-
ect of students and professors in the
social science units of the University.
The initial meeting was held a week
ago Tuesday when students argued as
to whether they should support the
old parties in 1936. At that time, al-
though all sentiments were well rep-
resented, advocates of the New Deal
and of formation of a Farmer-Labor
party carried off the evening.

More Culture For
Engineers Is Topic
Of Grudge Debate
A feud debate will be held at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday at the Union Open
House between the rival honorary
speech societies of the literary and;
en:gineering, 'colleges, Adelphi and
Sigma Rho Tau, it was announced
As a result of the literary society's'
"meddling" in engineering affairs, it
was explained, the debate will center
about the questi3n "Resolved: That
the engineering college extend its cur-
riculum to five years to include more
cultural subjects," with Adelphi tak-
ing the affirmative and Sigma Rho
Tau the negative.
The members of the Adelphi so-
ciety who will participate in the de-
bate include: Bruce A. Johnson, '38,
Thomas C. VanSluyters, '37, and Vic-
tor H. Weipert, '37, Sigma Rho Tau
hn' not asvet nicked its members.

Dickinson Warns cooperatives
Against 'StubbingTheir Toes'

Administrative Difficulties
Of Plan Are Emphasized
By Economics Professor
Not "particularly enthusiastic"
over the American cooperative move-
ment, and inclined to warn its pro-
ponents of the danger of "stubbing
their toes" before they get very far
along, Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson of
the economics department analyzed
practical aspects of the movement
yesterday in an interview.
In contrast to the socio-religious
zeal of Toyohiko Kagawa, whose lec-
tures here last week on the coopera-
tive movement created wide-spread
campus interest, Professor Dickinson
was inclined to emphasize the admin-
istrative difficulties commonly pre-
senting themselves to consumer co-
operatives, and to point out the fac-
tual differences underlying the slug-
gishness of the movement in this
country as compared with those in
European and Asiatic nations.
Under the so-called "Rochdale"
principles, referring to the origin of
the movement among textile workers
in Rochdale, England, Professor
Dickinson explained the essential
nature of cooperatives as enterprises
which distribute profits to their pa-
trons rather than their owners.
Investors receive a fixed amount,
all have but one vote, ordinary retail
prices are charged and profits are
distributed to members on the basis
of the amounts they have purchased.
These cooperatives, he continued,
are faced with three major problems,
none of which is easily resolved. The
first is the necessity of keeping their
New Geography
Camp Is Set Up
In NewEngland
The Summer Session geography de-
partment has announced it will con-
duct a camp this summer in New
England in the porthern part of the
Connecticut valley and at Green Bay,
This will be the first time that the
camp will be held in New England.
The camp formerly held in Kentucky
by the geography department will not
be held this year, it was also an-
nounced. .{
The camp in northern Michigan
under the direction of Prof. Kenneth,
C. McMurray, chairman of the geo-
graphy department, will be the oly
field work sponsored by the geography;
department outside of Ann Arbor.
The students desiring to take the
field work in New England will spend
the first three or four weeks at Green
Bay and then proceed to the base
in New England.
The camp in New England will be
under the direction of Prof. Stanley
D. Dodge, of the geography depart-
ment. He explained that the camp
will be conducted primarily for the
purpose of discovering the effects of
the utilization of the land.
Flood Waters
Reach Indiana
CINCINNATI, March 28. - (P) -
The Ohio River, receding from above
flood stage levels in the Upper Valley,
pushed to higher stages below Cin-
cinnati tonight and inundated addi-
tional thousands of acres of lowland
sections in Kentucky and Indiana.
Serious flood conditions threatened
in Western Kentucky where the Ken-
tucky River and other Lower Valley
tributaries burst their banks.
Louisville feared a major flood

should additional rains add to the
water that kept the river at or above
flood stage throughout its 981-mile
length from Pittsburgh to Cairo.
Meteorologist W. C. Devereaux said
only light and scattered showers with
colder weather, were in prospect and
that the rain would not affect the
The river stood stationary slightly
above 60 feet here after reaching a
crest of 60.6, and was similarly eight
feet above flood stage as far as Evans-
ville, Ind.
May Shift Flogging
Trial From Tampa
TAMPA, Fla., March 28. - (1P) - A
jury still not seated with the venire

membership through their "patron-
age dividends." A high degree of
managerial efficiency is required to
make such savings over and above
the highly-efficient operation of pri-
vate large-scale retailers, and The
length of time required for these
dividends to accrue to the consumer
often discourages active interest.
The other problems are ones of ad-
ministration, he said. In rural com-
munities the cooperatives, by giving
everyone an equal vote, create a sit-
uation in which "everybody's business
is nobody's business"; and when or-
ganized on a wider scale, necessitat-
(Continued on Page 2)
Church Talks
Today Center
Ahout Kagawa
Brashares And Blakeman
Will Discuss Philosophy
Of Japanese Leader
Several of the churches will fea-
ture discussions and sermons on the
religion and philosophy of Kagawa,
who spoke in the Martin Loud lec-
tures last week, on their programs
Dr. Charles W. Brashares of the
First Methodist church will give his
observations of Kagawa's talks at
10:45 a.m., under the subject "Christ's
World." Dr. Brashares will approach
the topic from a listener's viewpoint.
The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will
give a sermon on "Why the Con-
gregational Church?" and Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson will give a lecture on
"Kent, philosopher of Peace and Free-
dom" at 10:30 a.m. service of the
First Congregational church. At 6
p.m., Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-
selor in religious education, will speak
on "The Challenges of Kagawa's Co-
The morning service at the St. An-
drew's Episcopal church will be held
at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Frederick
W. Leech delivering the sermon.
The Wesleyan Guild meeting will be
held at 6 p.m. in Stalker Hall. A
general discussion on "What Kag-
awa's Religion Means to Me" will be
followed by a fellowship hour and
The Westminster student forum will
discuss "What is the Most Aggressive
Thing in the Spiritual Life?" at 9:45
a.m. in the Masonic Temple. Dr.
William P. Lemon will delver a ser-
mon on "A Certain Lost Art" at 10:45
a.m. A round-table discussion on
"Does Prayer Change God?" will be
held at 5 p.m.
The Rev. Fred Cowin will deliver
the sermon at the morning services
of the Church of Christ Disciples at
10:45 a.m. Dr. William D. Baten of
the mathematics department will
speak ,on "Anticipating the Cross" at
6 p.m. in the Guild House of the Roger
Williams Guild.
The subject for the twilight service
(Continued on Page 2)
PROVIDENCE, R.I., March 28.-
(P)-Dr. Roger Perkins, 62, Profes-
sor-Emeritus of Western Reserve
University, died today after a long
illness. He was widely known as a
bacteriologist and pathologist.

"Confession' Is
Behind Latest
Hoffian Move
Statement Of A Forner
T renton Man Cause Of
New Appeal
State Is Skeptical
Of New Evidence*
Police Begin Investigation
Of Story; lauptmann
Reprieve Possible
TRENTON, N. J., March 28. - ()
- A purported "confession" of the
Lindbergh baby kidnaping by a for-
mer Trenton man was disclosed to-
night to have been used by Governor
Harold G. Hoffman as a basis for
calling the Court of Pardons to meet
Monday on Bruno Richard Haupt-
inann's second clemency plea.
The Governor was reported to have
mailed to all members of the Pardons
Court copies of a statement made,
by the man to Ellis H. Parker, chief
of Burlington County detectives, who
has insisted that Hauptmann is in-
nocent of the kidnap-murder of the;
Lindbergh child.
Hauptmann is scheduled to die for
the crime Tuesday night.
At the same time this becameh
known, prosecution officials met in a
hotel here to outline their plans to
meet this new attack upon the case
against Hauptmann.
There was a tendency on the partf
of those opposed to Governor Hoff-f
man's activities in Hauptmann's be-'
half to discount the value of the
"confession," which had been rumored
in Trenton for several days.
Attorney-General David T .Wilentz
chief prosecutor of Hauptmann, has'
been furnished a copy of the state-
ment which was said to have been un-
signed and not in affidavit form but
consisted of questions by Parker and1
answers by the man.
Wilentz, Anthony M. Hauck, Jr.,
Hunterdon County prosecutor, Col.
H. Norman Schwarzkopf, head of
the State Police and Capt. John J.
Lamb of the State Police, met in the
hotel session to consider a course of
A high prosecution source said that
the man was in custody "somewhere
in New Jersey.',
State troopers were ordered to begin
an intensive investigation into all
angles of the man's story.
This development was given added
significance by the fact that prosecu-
tion officials agreed the Court of
Pardons itself could grant a reprieve
to Hauptmann - something which it
has never done in any other case.
Daily Receives Teletype
Service For First Time
Associated Press news in The1
Daily this morning came from the1
new teletype, which operated
here last night for the first time.
Printing 60 words a minute, the
teletype brought in news from
all over the world from 5 p.m. to
2 a.m. The teletype insures more
complete and accurate coverage
of world, national and state news
than did the old "contract wire

Michiuan Swimmers in
National Crown AsKasley



World records

Michigan Police
Gather For 3rd
Annual Parley
Public Safety Is Leading
Topic In 4-Day Session
Opening Tomorrow
The third Institute for Law En-
forcement Officers, opening here to-
morrow for a four-day session, will
bring state police, sheriffs, police
chiefs, and their subordinates
throughout the state for conferences,
lectures, and discussion of scientfic
treatment and technical methods of
detection, crime control, traffic reg-
ulation, and other matters of public
The Institute is sponsored by the
Extension Division of the University,
and will be directed by Prof. Orlando
W. Stephenson, director of social stu-
ies for the Schbol of Education in
University High School, who as gen-
eral chairman will conduct the meet-
ings to be held every morning and
afternoon through Thursday.
The purpose of the Institute is to
facilitate the exchange of informa-
tion between law enforcement officers
and other persons interested or expert
in effective enforcement.
In the three-year history of the
Institute here, emphasis in the first
year was devoted to medical science
as applied to crime detection and last
year the group pair particular atten-
tion to new physical and chemical lab-
oratory techniques and inventions to
be used by officers in the pursuit of
their duties.
This year for the first time the
question of public safety will be con-
sidered at length, occupying the last
two days of the sessions with dicus-
sions of traffic control and regula-
Taxation Ford's
Topic In Union
Lecture Today
"Federal Taxation" will be the top-
ic of the fifth lecture in the Sunday
series sponsored by the Union to be
given by Prof. Robert S. Ford of the
economics department at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Union Ballroom.
Professor Ford will give a valua-
tion of the new tax proposals which
are being considered by Congress at
the present time with especial em-
phasis upon the much talked about
corporation surplus tax provision.
As Union officials pointed out, Pro-
fessor Ford is "very well qualified to
speak on the subject of taxation."
His experience in this field, both
practical and theoretical, has been
very wide. A few years ago Professor
Ford was a research investigator for
the New York State Tax Commis-
sion and since 1922, when he was
first instructor at Columbia Universi-
ty, Professor Ford has been teaching.
In 1933 the Department of Agricul-
ture appointed Professor Ford to
serve as an agricultural economist,
and he served in this position until
The Sunday lecture series is spon-
sored by the Union, Ruth Bowman,
'37, Union council man stated, "to
give both students and the general
public an opportunity to hear about
the research and investigation as well
as about the practical experience of
faculty men in their special fields of
interest. The speech by Professor
Ford will be the fifth in the series,
which will be continued through the
remainder of the semester.
Hughes May Begin

Long Flight Today
NEWARK, N. J., March 28. - ()-
Newark Airport attaches said tonight
Howard Hughes, powerful (Northrup
Mailwing) airplane is being prepared
for a long distance flight to begin
early tomorrow morning.
The flight is scheduled to start at
4 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time).

Leads The Parade

Jack Kasley, Michigan star, was
named the nation's outstanding
collegiate swimmer yesterday after"
he had broken two world records
and one American record in the
breast-stroke to lead the Wolverines
to a 'national championship.
Union To Hold
Its Open House
Tuesday Ni0ght1
Free Dancing In Ballroom
To Be Special Feature Of'
The Union's annual spring open1
house, "University Night," featuring
exhibits, demonstrations and other
special events will be held from 7:301
to 10:30 p.m. Tuesday night, Herbert
Wolfe, chairman of the Union house
cdmmittee, announced yesterday.
Tours of inspection through the,
building will be accorded to visitors;
and others who wish to see the va-
rious facilities of the Union, includingI
the bakeries, the committee rooms

Medica Wins Third Title;
Iowa And Yale Finish
Second And Third
Fehsenfell Takes
figh-Board Diving
Wolverine Divers Score
15 Points For Varsity's
Margin OfVictory
NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 28.-
() -Paced by a quartet of divers who
gathered 15 points in two events, and
by Jack Kasley, brilliant breast-stroke
performer, the University of Michigan
won its seventh title in ten years in
the National Collegiate swimming
meet, concluded here tonight.
The Wolverines sdored 30 points,
followed by Iowa with 21 and Yale
with 17.
Michigan won four titles, by Kasley
in the 200-yard breast-stroke, by the
medley relay team, by Der Johnston
in the low board diving and by Cap-
tain Frank Fehsenfeld in the high
board diving.
Jack Medica, a human nautical au-
tomaton from the University of Wash-
ington, splashed his way to victory
in the 440-yard free style race to suc-
cessfully defend the third of his na-
tional titles.
The dark-haired Seattle speedster
captured the 1500 meter and 220 yard
free-style events yesterday. By win-
ning tonight, he became a triple N.C.-
A.A. champion for the third time in
as many years.
A short time before this event, Jack
Kasley, Michigan's great star, turned
in a 2:25 for the 200-yard breast-'
stroke which bettered the existing'
world's record of 2:25.2 made by J.
Cartonnnet of France last May.
The performance went by unno-
ticed, however, by all except a few
being dimmed by the 2:22.5 for the
same distance which the husky Wol-
verine speedster turned in during his
afternoon heat. Kasley used the but-
terfly stroke virtually all of the dis-
tance to defend his title.
Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld of Michi

and the student offices. The usual gan held on to his three meter board
restrictions preventing women from diving title by compiling 146.22 points.
entering by the front entrance and cmPatterona had battefoate gave the
from eating in the Tap Room will scoring 145.28 points. Ned Diefen-
be relaxed. dorf of Michigan was third with
Floor Show To Be Given 139.54 points.

Students Of Journalism Give
Low-Down. On The lea Press

Free dancing from 8:15 to 10 p.m.
will be sponsored in the Union Ball-
room with Bob Steinle and the regu-
lar Union band playing. A regular ,
floor show will also be presented dur-
ing the course of the dance program.
At various times in the swimming
pool and billiard room there will be
several exhibitions scheduled. It is
planned to have demonstrations in
bililards, pool, bowling, swimming and
table tennis. One of the features of
the evening will be a tumbling ex-
hibition in the South Lounge of the
The State Highway Department
will sponsor a special exhibition in the'
North Lounge of the building. The
R.O.T.C. and the physics department
have also been asked to set up ex-
hibitions in the North Lounge, and
these are expected to be of "espe-
cial interest" to the student body.
Set Special Prices
A model of the new Burton Mem-
orial Tower, which will house the
Charles Baird Carillon, together with
a model of the surrounding buildings
so that some idea of how the new
tower will look in its setting will be
set up in the lobby.
Special prices will prevail for the
evening in the Tap Room and at the
soda bar.
According to Wolfe two "open
houses" are being held this year so
that students and faculty can get
better acquainted with the activities
and facilities of the Union and to
promote a feeling of cooperation be-
tween the Union and the University
as a whole.
Detroit Bank Pays
City Tyler Shortage
DETROIT, March 28.-(P) -The

A powerful Iowa 400-yard relay
team composed of Jacobsmeyer,
Christians, Walters and Sieg stood
off a desperate challenge by Yale to
win the event and succeed Michigan
as N.C.A.A. champions in the relay
event. Iowa's time was 3:.35:5.
Kasley earlier today had set the
(Continued on Page 3)
Ilitler WinstCertain.
In 'Election' Today
BERLIN, March 28. -(tCP) -The
German nation will approve Reichs-
fuehrer Hitler's policies tomorrow.
Germans will participate in one of
the greatest civic mobilizations the
world ever has seen, and they will
vote an unconditional "Ja" of approv-
al concerning their leader's actions
of the last three years.
Not a German "Aryan"-man or
woman - above the age of 20 years,
except soldiers, will dodge the polling
places if Hitler's Nazi storm troops
can help it.
Unless the German voter wishes
to be branded a traitor, he will be
unable to do anything but put a
cross in the ballot's single circle.
BYRON, Ga., March 28.-(R)
A fast pilot train of the Central
of Georgia Railroad crashed into
a bus at a crossing in the heart of
the business section tonight kill-
ing, according to first reports,
eight persons and injuring five
Dr. James B. Kay, who treated
the injured before they were tak-
en to a hospital at Macon, a score
of miles northeast of here, said
apparently seven bodies were

Malcolm Bingay might have
blushed and staff members of "one"
of the Detroit morning papers might
have felt slightly embarassed if they
had seen the journalism department's
concept of "The Flea Press" at the
Scoop Dance last night in Palmer
Field House.
The editor of the Flea Press was
named Yapp, and in a manner strong-
ly suggesting a column entitled
"Good Morning," he started out by
denouncing "some fool college pro-t
fessors who seem to think freedom of
press means freedom of speech. When
I say free press," continued Mr. Yapp,
(played by Jerome Patterson, '36)
who imagined himself similar to Na-
poleon, "I mean free press for my
own paper, The Flea Press."
The play, apparently perfectly se-
rious, was enacted by students of
Kappa Tau Alpha, honorary journal-

But then in came a female col--I
lege journalist, who, Mr. Yapp wasl
informed, had been sent to get scan-
dal news from four stalwart citizens
-a minister, a banker, a politician
and a Daughter of the American
Revolution. Mr. Yapp said he knew
the poor girl (played by Gertrude
Veneklasen, '36) would fail, but was
he surprised when she came in with
the goods? Mr. Yapp nearly had a
The college sob-sister found the
low-down of the minister and a cer-
tain blonde soprano in his choir, how
the banker had appropriated the trust
fund for himself, how the politician
had sold himself to the utilities in-
terests and how the Daughter of the
Revolution admitted that George
Washington was a Red.
"Oh," said Mr. Yapp, holding his
head in his hands. Of course, he
told her, the Flea Press can't print

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