The Weather
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Vlxy 14100 UAirpil: utkN?..
VOL XLVI No. 126_____ ______________
'Sincerity' Of
Nippon Leader
Is Challenged
Chinese Stu(ents Cancel
Dinier In 11nor 0O
Kagawa Cast ]Night
C.i s fro~t n d' Of
WalkOiil, AtUnion
'Misnomer, Manchukuo' Is
Cause Of Furore; Ask
Ihat It Be Rescinded
Chinese antagonism to Toyohiko
Kagawa for his use of the word "Man-
chukuo" flared into the open yester-
day as the Chinese Christian Associa-
tion cancelled its dinner for the Jap-
anese philosopher and the Chinese
Student Club challenged him to
"prove his sincerity."
Proud rather than apologetic of
their walk-out on Kagawa in th
Union Wednesday night, the Chinese
students issued, in an open letter,
what amounts to an ultimatum to
the visiting Japanese religious leader.
"The Chinese students," declared
Tzu K. Huang, Grad., president of
the Chinese Students Club, "cannot
fail to feel doubtful of your sincerity
if you decline to abandon the use of
this dishonest, Japan-coined mis-
nomer (Manchukuo). We ask you
again," Huang said, "to cooperate
with us in preventing the confusion
which our American friends must ex-
perience if its use is continued.
Ask For Sincerity
"If you are sincere in your message
of world peace," Huang held, "we feel
you should be willing to abandon this
term which is so offensive to us Chin-
ese and to all who understand the
meaning behind it, and call Man-
churia, Manchuria. Let us hope that
you are not preaching the kind of
world peace which is bought at the
price of simply maintaining the status
quo for the conquerors.
Although Huang pointed out that
"we were sorry to have left the meet-
ing and we did not mean in any sense
to be disrespectful or discourteous to
Dr. Kagawa," he contented that
"nevertheless, no other course oftac-
tion was open to us in light of his
repeated misuse of the term "Man-
Action Of Entire Club
V. P. Ting, president of the Chin-
ese Christian Association and vice-
president of the Chinese Student
Club, likewise was polite but firm. In
announcing the Christian associa-
tion's change of mind on the Kaga-
wa dinner, Miss Ting said "We are
sorry but his attitude is impossible.
The dinner was called off by action
of the club as a whole."
Huang reiterated the explanation
of the Chinese opposition to calling
the disputed province Manchukuo.
Charging that it is a "misnomer de-
signed to mislead the world," he ex-
plained that "kuo" means sovereign
state and held that "since all the
member nations of the League and
the United States have refused to
honor this word or to give recogni-
tion to the so-called state, it seems to
us unfair to use it in connection with
a piece of Chinese territory."
Flood Waters
Now Receding
On Ohio River
(By The Associated Press)
Threats of a new flood along th
devastated Ohio valley abated Thurs-
day night as the swollen river begar
to recede in its upper reaches after
a second rise within the week.
The Ohio overflowed its bank:
again at Wheeling, W. V., and neigh-
boring towns, but damage was sait
to be negligible.
As the new crest moved slowl:
through eastern Ohio towards Mariet
ta, the high water further sout]
and further north was falling. Rive
men at Cincinnati, 350 miles belov
Wheeling, said the recession woul(
enable the river to carry away th
fresh crest without trouble.
The fresh crest reached East Liver
pool andSteubenville, Ohio, durin
the day, but began falling befor
In Pittsburgh, 50 miles abov
Wheeling, where the Monongahel
Aleii Dominate campus, Women Butler Terms
Not Well Adjusted, Says Angell War A Product
1 ... _ . ... _. .. .._._ ._._
I Commits Suicide
John H. Muyskens
Reveals Candidacy
Results Of' Undergraduate I
Survey Form Basis Of
Professor's Remarks ;
Dlscrihing ths ca i"hS as "man_-
dominat d," Prof. Robert C. Angell oft
the sociology department offered as
evidence for his statement yerday
the fact that most intelligent women
on the campus are not socially well-v
adjusted, while mlost intelignt mni
Professor Angell based his remarks
on the results of a survey on problemst
of undergraduate adjustment, whicht
he made several years ago, and pub-j
lished in his book, "A Study of Uri-s
dergraduate Adjustment."
A possible interpretation of thist
situation may lie in the great ad-e
vantage in numbers the men havep
over the women, he explained, andt
because there are three men to every
woman, on the campus today, menr
do not and cannot date as much asc
women proportionately.
"Hence, to the men, social adjust- t
ment does not turn so largely onv
dating. He pointed out that men dor
not judge other men by the number
of dates they have, and a man who
does not go out may be as well ad-r
justed socially as one who does. How-c
ever, he explained that girls are morer
prone to judge other girls by whethers
or not they go out with men, and sinceI
a girl who does not date is more
noticeable, she often gets a feeling of
"Also, since men perhaps prefer a
shallow, superficial type of girl in
their leisure hours," he added, "the
less intelligent girls may be greater
Ssuccesses socially than the more in-
Women are more apt to dress for
men than men are for women," he
continued. He pointed out that al-
though girls will usually not persist
in styles which are offensive to men,
the situation is reversed in regard
to men's clothes. "Men do not care
what women think of their clothes,
Faculty Adds
To Memorial
Tower Funds;
More than 160 members of the Uni-
versity faculty have already contrib-
uted to the fund for the building of
the Burton Memorial Tower, and
more pledges are coming in all the
time, it was announced yesterday by
Prof. Everett S. Brown of the politi-
cal science department, chairman of
the faculty group which is aiding the
Alumni Association in raising the
necessary funds.
"Subscriptions are coming in stead-
ily, and give promise of continuing to
do so for some time," Professor Brown
said. "All contributions are being
made on a strictly voluntary basis.
Faculty members have been invited
to subscribe, but no direct personal
appeal has been made."
He askd that any faculty members
who may have intended to subscribe
but have laid their cards aside and
forgotten them, forward their pledges
to the committee headquarters in
Alumni Memorial Hall as soon as pos-
sible, in order the facilitate the work
of the committee.
Troops 21 and 22 of the Ann Arbor
Boy Scouts will collect today and to-
morrow for a rummage sale to be
+ held Saturday at 208 N. Fourth Ave.
Ann Arbor residents having old news-
papers or rummage to sell are asked
to call 5408 during the day or 2-3502
e after 6 p.m.
ie said, "for if they did, there would
be fewer sloppily dressed men."
In regard to intelligence Professor
Angell found that there was almost
no difference between men and wom-
en, although the men scored higher
on general information tests, and
he women were better informed on
art and literature.
"However, women are far more apt
o reach their capacity in their school,
work than men," he said. "For a
woman, a C grade is very often the
highest grade she is capable of mak-
ing, while a man who gets a C could
do better if he were more conscien-
tious. Men are often interested in
thinking and discussing such sub-
ects as politics and philosophy." he
said, "while women get into an aca-
demic rut, taking no interest in mat-
ters outside their school work. 'Wom-
en are more conscientious than men,"
he continued, "and at least they go1
through the motions of learning."
In his opinion this situation is only
natural, because of the traditional
cultural heritages of men and women.
"Women have never been obliged to
take an active part in these activities,
while men have," he said, "and it is1
not strange that women should not
feel obliged to -do so now."
He also found that women are much
more likely to remain "traditionally
oriented" than men. "The women do
not think things through for them-
selves," he said, "and are not as
prone to question accepted facts."
Kagawa Exalts
Brotherhood In
Lectures Here
Stresses Need For Return
To Christian Ideals In
Talks Here Yesterday
An awakening of consciousness and
a return to the feeling of fraternity
and brotherhood was urged by Toyo-
hiko Kagawa yesterday in his two
Martin Loud lectures in the First
Methodist church.
In his afternoon lecture, on "The
Cooperative Movement and Brother-
hood," the Japanese social worker
stressed the necessity for a return to
the spirit of brotherhood that was
manifested in the early Christian
Guild movement. Loving kindness,
which went hand in hand with the
guild system, was said to have been
lost during the latter part of the
Middle Ages.
Kagawa praised the spirit of broth-
erhood and cooperation which was
manifest in the early order of monks.
The work of the Benedictine orders,
St. Patrick and the Franciscan order
were cited by Kagawa as having ac-
complished a great deal through their
harmonious methods of education.
"More can often be achieved by
a spirit of brotherhood and loving
kindnesson the part of missionaries,"
Kagawa said, "than by the actual
preaching of gospel and doctrines."
He then went on to point out that
the early Christian movement in
China and Japan suffered a severe
relapse centuries ago because of the
lack of emphasis upon the spirit of
Christian brotherhood.
Mysticism was held by Kagawa to
be very dangerous to the Christian
faith. He stated that mysticism has
been a contributing factor in the de-
cline of the Christian movement in
the Far East. However, Christianity
has made great progress in Japan
and China after the momentary re-
Of Financiers
Former Of' ficer Advocates
For'ma1tion Of Anti-Wir'
Slay U.S.Iutered
W alg* O Saye p, C edit
Suggests Thlat 'Exploiters
Be orced Jo Fly The 1
Skull And Crossbones'
A well-informed war-hating elector-
ate which will not allow itself to be
"sold out" to international financiers
by its representatives in Washington
was urged last night by Maj.-Gen.
Smedley D. Butler, who spoke on
"War Is A Racket" in Hill Auditorium
under the sponsorship of the Student
"A constitutional amendment for-
bidding a single soldier with a gun
over his shoulder to go outside of the
United States would keep us out of
war," the retired Marine officer said.
War is the product of bankers and
financiers, General Butler said, who
receive the cooperation of govern-1
ment officials. It is they who are
paying for the gigantic military pro-
grams today, he charged, and "they'
are not doing it for love. I've been
on nine expeditions to seize valuable'
oil and mineral lands for Brown
Brothers and the National City
Bank," he declared.
Says Bankers Caused War
The United States entered the
World War on the side of the Allies
because the Allies were the customers
of the United States, and owed Amer-
ican bankers huge sums, General
Butler said.
"We've got to separate patriotism
from nationalism," he stated. "Pa-
triotism in love. The flag-wavers
talk about 'love of country' and 'war
to end war.' The dying soldier talks
about something else, and he never
says he is dying so Standard Oil pro-
fits will increase."
The American people will not go
to war voluntarily, General Butler as-
serted. During thesfirst 27 days after
the United States' declaration of
war in 1917, he pointed out, only 36,-
000 men volunteered. "And then they
got out the kidnap-men," he said.
War A 'Class Racket'
"Henry Ford's son couldn't be
spared," General Butler declared,
"and Morgan's son sailed away-on
a yacht to Newport. War is the big-
gest class racket, and the only way to
stop it is to organize the 'soldier
class' against it."
General Butler asserted that a na-
tion always believes it is fighting a
defensive war. "When I went down
to Cuba," he pointed out, "I was de-
fending my mother in Chester Coun-
ty, Pa., and the.Spaniards were de-
fending their homes in Spain."
Persons are induced to support war,
he said, by playing on their emotions
with such phrases as "flag insulter"
and "defend the , freedom on the
seas." He charged big business with
using the flag to defend its foreign
enterprises, and expecting 127,000,000
Americans to back up the flag when
it is so used. "Don't give the flag to
(Continued on Page 6)
Border Riots
Cause Japan,
Soviet Break
U. S. Senator
Student Found
Dead In Room;
Hanos Himself
Body Of John G. Williams,
Chemistry Graduate, Is
The body of John Granville Wil-
liams, 24-year old graduate student
from Wallingford, Conn., was found
at 12:45 p.m. yesterday, hanging from
a rafter in his room, at 422 Kingsley
William's suicide is surrounded by
mystery. He left no message, has
been in good health, received good
marks and had no financial worries.
Police and University authorities were
aft a loss last night to explain his
Came Here In October
Son of C. H. Williams, Hartford,
Conn., mail clerk, Williams came to
the University in October to win his
master's degree in chemistry. He
obtained his B.S. degree from Yale in
1934. He was known to friends and
faculty in the chemistry department
as "an excellent student, quiet andl
well-balanced." Although of a nerv-
ous temperament, friends said he ex-
hibited no extreme peculiarities and
showed no signs of unusual worry.
Whileaat Yale, he was a member of
the Yale chess team.
Williams seldom took part in social
activities and had no dates while
on the campus, his landlady, Mrs.
Cornelia Herbert, said, although she
remembered him once mentioning
"the girl friend."
When he first arrived in Ann Arbor
in the fall, he stayed with Mrs. Amelia
Ream at 520 North Main St., moving
at the end of a week into a rooming
house because Mrs. Ream kept only
Seen In Chemistry Building
Williams was seen in the Chemistry
building between 7 and 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday, presumably, chemistry pro-
fessors believe, to complete a weigh-
ing problem in quantitative analysis.
Mrs. Herbert said she believed he
came home shortly after 8 p.m., took a
bath ,and went to bed. She looked in
his room shortly before 8 a.m. yester-
day to see if he had gone out, but
seeing the shade down and his clothes
on a chair, she closed the door again.
At 12:45 p.m., she entered the room,
stopped just inside the door when
she saw signs that he had not yet
dressed and gone to school and called
to him, asking if he were ill. When
she received no reply she went to the
bed and saw his body hanging from
a rafter above.
The coroner said the death was a
clear suicide, setting the time of
death shortly after midnight, Thurs-
MONTREAL, March 27.-()-
The Detroit Red Wings tonight
defeated the Montreal Maroons
3 to 0 to take a two-game lead in
the three out of five series for the
championship of the National
Hockey League.
With the remainder of the 1
games to be played in Detroit, the
Wings were a heavy favorite to
tumble the world champions. De-
troit downed Montreal in the first
game, which broke all records for
over-time play Tuesday night.
The game had been an even
affair for 49 minutes until Dave
Trotgier was given a penalty.I
Fred Howe tallied the first goal
while Trotgier was off the ice andI
then Herb Lewis and Larrie Aurie
added two more as they broke
fast in a desperate two-man at-
tack to make victory assured.
LAKELAND, Fla., March 27. -
(AP) - Hank Greenberg, last of the
important hold-outs, signed a
contract to play first base for
the world champion Detroit Tig-
ers after a long conference with
club officials tonight.
Armed Bandit
Holds Up Ann
Arbor Grocery
An armed bandit last night held
up the West Side Market on Jackson
Avenue at 9 p.m., escaping four min-
utes before police arrived with a loot
of about $70 in cash, which he
scooped from the cash register after
driving Robert and Margaret Eisele,
employes and sole occupants of the
store, into the basement of the build-
Police believed from the descrip-
tion given that he was the same man
who had stagedhone-man holdups in
Wayne and Ypsilanti in the past
week, and broadcast a call over the
state police station immediately.
Eisele reported that the bandit had
entered the store twice previously
during the day when customers had
been present, and then left again. The
proprietor, George Salem, was in Yp-
silanti at the time of the holdup.
His description was given as about
5 feet, 6 inches tall, 25 years old, and
about 150 pounds. He had a small,
light mustache. At the time of the
robbery he was wearing a tan polo
coat, grey hat ,and a dirty grey shirt.
Eisele and his wife ran to the door
as they heard him leave and report-
ed that he was driving a light car,
probably a coupe or roadster.
Beta Theta Pi Will
Not Appeal Closing
Beta Theta Pi fraternity, to be
closed April 1 by order of the execu-
tive committee of the Interfraternity
Council, will not appeal to the Uni-
versity discipline committee, it was
understood last night.
Both George R. Williams, '36, presi-
dent of the council, and Paul W. Phil-
ips, '36, secretary-treasurer, refused
to comment on the action of the ex-
ecutive committee.
ecI " Proflessor To Seek
Democratic Nomination
For Oiffice
Renews Attack On
Horatio J. Abbott
ouples Announcement
Plea For Uninstructed
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the
peech department, stormy petrel of
dichigan Democratic politics, last
ight announced his candidacy for
he United States Senate, with a plea
or uninstructed delegates to the
tate convention in May.
Professor Muysken's surprise an-
iouncement is a change in his stand
ince his last attack upon Horatio
Abbott, chairman of the State'Dem-
>cratic Central Committee and Na-
ional Committeeman from Michigan
everal weeks ago. At that time,
rofessor Muyskens had intimated
hat he might seek the Democratic
omination for the Senate, but if he
ot it, he said, he would resign and
iupport Sen. James A. Couzens, nom-
nal Republican. He had declared
hat Couzens is a better Democrat
han most of them and that he would
ry to get the Detroit millionaire to
-un for the Democratic nomination.
Now, however, lie is seriously out
or the post himself. "So many re-
ports have come to me of people wh
wish to circulate petitions in my be-
half," Professor Muyskens explained,
'I told them seriously I would run if
I can get the nomination and make
the people see what I mean by good
government. A sane, social program
is what I am interested in."
Professor Muyskens explained the
background influencing his change of
mind: "Originally Democratic of-
ficials in Washington said they did
not want a Democrat to run against
Couzens. So I said I would seek the
nomination, and if I got it, resign in
[is favor. But apparently something
went wrong and they no longer want
Couzens to be unopposed., I will stick
with the party. I will run for the
Senate and try to make people see
what I mean by good government,"
Coupled with the announcement of
his candidacy and the plea for unin-
structed delegates, Professor Muy-
5kens unleased a new attack at Ab-
bott, charging him, indirectly, with
'wanton treachery." Referring to
his charge that Abbott betrayed his
party by voting for Governor Fitz-
gerald in 1934, Professor Muyskens
declared that no one should send
hand-picked delegates for the pur-
pose of continuing this condition of
further frustrating the will of the
majority. Such action can only mean
ruin for our party next fall."
10 Passenrers
With Crew Die
In Plane Crash
AMECAMECA, Mexico, March 26.
- UP) - Ten German tourists, five
of them women, and the crew of four
were killed today when a special Pan-
American plane en route to Guate-
mala crashed between the valcanoes
of Popocatepetl and Ixtlachihuatl.
One American, Adrian Barchers, a
pilot and technical adviser of Pan-
American, was among the victims of
the worst accident in the history of
Mexican aviation.
The plane crashed in less than
20 minutes after leaving the central
airport at Mexico City, apparently as
a result of motor trouble.
The municipal president of Ame-
cameca said that the tri-motored
plane passed over Tenam flying low,
then circled Popocatepetl, apparently
intending to return to Mexico City.
It then crashed between Popocatepetl
and the neighboring volcano of Ixt-
LYNDHURST, Hampshire, Eng-
land M rarch 2 _.-i)-Fnur men
'Townsend - ism'
At Least 140 Yea
Social security, old age pension
plans, and the inheritance tax as in-
tegral parts of an economic system
are at least 140 years old, Prof. Ev-
erett S. Brown of the political science
department concluded yesterday from
a little-known pamphlet of Thomas,
Paine written in 1795 on those sub-
Entitled "Agrarian Justice Op-
posed to Agrarian Law and Agrarian
Monopoly," the paper outlines "A
plan for meliorating the condition of
man by creating in every nation a
national fund to pay to every person,
when arrived at the age of 21 years,
lapse, Kagawa said, and that progress
has been largely due to the kindnessC2
of the Christian missionaries. MOSCOW, March 26. - OIP) - A
___theChristianmissionaries. _fresh outbreak of border fighting
dealt a rude shock today to Soviet-
Is how To Be Japanese negotiations for settlement
IShown T Bof the troubled Far Eastern situation.
Both sides suffered loss of life in
irs, Old ByBrown an engagement which lasted for hours
yesterday and which resulted, Soviet
advices said, from a Japanese attack
converted land originally "the com- on a Soviet border post near Khund-
mon property of the human race" to jun, southwest of Vladivostok.
private ownership, thereby robbing The Kremlin, immediately upon
a portion of that human race of their receipt of the news, instructed Am-
natural birthright. bassador Constantine Youreneff at
The "grubstake" payment at 21 Tokyo to present a strong protest to
,&uld be for the purpose of restor- the Japanese government.
ing that birthright, and in order to The Soviet Union agreed to rede-
finance the payment, those holding marcation on the condition that Jap-
the land which should belong to the an accept measures to settle other
race as a whole would be taxed 10 border conflicts between the Japan-
per cent when the land changed ese-advised state of Manchoukuo and
hands. the Soviet-influenced Outer Mon-
"Every proprietor of cultivated golia.
land owes to the community a
'ground-rent' for his property, and PEIPING, March 26. -(/?)-A sud-
it is from this ground-rent that the den unexpected appearance of the
filA ~rr~col s n cc ,," ip1arn, o- ---cir oftbp rnmmuiit army.
i4 _
Anti-War Student Strikes Are
A 'Lot Of Baloney,' Says Butler
To prevent war, in the opinion of solini hit and killed a child while
Smedley Darlington Butler, hard- driving his car at top speed," he ex-
!, +~tnoa "rj c,,_plained, "and I was court-martialed,"
oouecr~~~~~~f matn tuie.~d11 eea Bte sfratidpry
boiled marine turned paciusL, sou
dents should "put fear into the hearts
of their bloody congressmen."
"Anti-war strikes are a lot of ba-
loney," General Butler said in no un-
certain terms, "and 'conscientious ob-
jectors' waste their time. If you stu-
dents want to prevent war, bombard
the politicians - the bozos, who get
you into war -with letters, tele-
grams, petitions.
"Organize? Sure, but you have to
do more than talk," he declared. "Get
out petitions and frighten your rep-
resentatives, your senators and your
nreident to death with them. The
General Butler is for a third party,
no matter what sort, but he thinks
such an organization "hasn't the
faintest chance" of getting anywhere.
They can't get any money." Will he
support Roosevelt? Well, he doesn't
know. Does he think Roosevelt has
helped the country? "Of course not."
What is the solution? He doesn't
General Butler admits that there
are Fascistic tendencies in the United
States, but he flatly disagrees with
those who say there is a danger of
Fascism in this country - or Com-
munism either, for that matter. But