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March 26, 1936 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-26

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Kagawa States
Love Is Force
In Life Belief
Japanese Leader Declares
Faith In Cooperatives As
Solution To War
(Continued from Page 1)
ing here, because he refused to give
his opinions on anti-war strikes, and
pacifism. "To oppose war sincerely
in the first place," he remonstrated
with a simple motion of his hand,
"one must first know love. To know
love, he must know the soul. And
they, the soul and love, are dynamic.
They have a force of their own, an
irresistible force which will eventually
move the whole society."
Kagawa has no set political belief,
but he admitted that he is a Socialist,
if: "Socialism adopts cooperatives and
Socialism is the real embodiment of
love in social action."
For the young man in the uni-
versity today, Kagawa advised the
adoption of ideals, but at the same
time, he emphasizes, the ideals have
a goal. "My ideal is love," he ex-
plained, "and my goal a world-wide
cooperative. Always I shall go on
working for it, obtaining love by
Kagawa, the Christian, believes in
God. But his conception of God is
that God is love. Love is everywhere,
he says, and so God is everywhere. It
has but to be found.
And it is thus that this 20th cen-
tury Son of Man goes about, preach-
ing his gospel and practicing what he
preaches. His clothes may be un-
pressed, his body prematurely infirm
and bent and his voice crackling, but
when he speaks you listen, convinced
that he has something to say.
Arms Embaroo
Invalid, Federal
Judge Declares
Curtiss-Wright Munitions
Firm Exonerated On One
Count I Indictment
NEW YORK, March 25. - (P) -
Federal Judge Mortimer W. Byers de-
clared in an opinion today that the
congressional resolution empowering
the President to place an embargo
on arms and munitions to the Gran
Chaco did not accomplish "a valid
delegation of power to the Executive."
'He sustained the demurred to the
first count on an indictment against
the Curtiss-Wright Corp., and others
which charged them with conspiring
to sell and export 15 machine guns
to Bolivia.
'The opinion had the effect of dis-
missing the first count in the indict-
ment charging violation of the Pres-
idential proclamation and the joint
act of Congress.
Second Count Unaffected
'It does not affect the second count,
the defendants conspired to defraud
the United States of its governmental
rights and functions to administer
export regulations by filing a false
declaration setting forth that four
airplanes were to be exported but
omitting mention of the machine
Judge Byers upheld the argument
of George Z. Medalie, counsel for the
defendants, that Congress had no
constitutional power to delegate to the
President authority to act upon the
basis of an opinion rather than con-
gressional inquiry and determination
of facts.
He noted that in the Supreme Court

decision killing the NRA there was a
clear line of demarcation "between a
true finding of fact and a formula-
tion of an opinion concerning future
First Ground 'Fatal'
"Such demarcation," he said, "is
such a recognition of the issue here
presented that the court is precluded
from reaching any' conclusion but
that the first ground of the demurrer
is fatal to the indictment."
The court noted that the joint res-
olution passed by Congress purporteda
to empower the President "to make up3
the legislative mind about the law;
and this was apparently done without
a hearing being accorded to anyone."
Congress, if it had conducted a
hearing, might have found, he said,
that an embargo on the shipment
of arms and munitions from thisf
country might not have the desired
effect because arms and munitions
might be procured from other coun-
"It is conceived that it is the opin-t
ion of Congress alone to conclude
whether a given law will work," said
Judge Byers.
Samuel Laubach, '37D, last night
announced the bii th of a seven poundt
baby girl to his wife, Ruth, in Uni-1
versity Hospital.!

For Health Post

-Associated Press Photo.
Dr. Thomas Parran, Jr., (above),
Nw York state commissioner of
health, was nominated by President
Roosevelt for the post of surgeon
general of the United States, to suc-
ceed Hugh S. Cummings, resigned.
Bates Explains
Processes F o r
Several Facts, Theories Of
Chemical Action From
Light Are Revealed
A series of chemical processes
through which one of the fundament-
al life-reactions, the conversion of
carbon dioxide from the air and wa-
ter to starches by green plants under
the influence of light, may be car-
ried on was explained yesterday by
Prof. J. R. Bates, of the chemistry
At present, Professor Bates re-
marked, the exact mechanism or
series of reactions by which plants
perform this function is not defnitely
known, although much study of relat-
ed chemical actions motivated by
light has been made here and else-
where, and a number of facts and
theories developed.
Known Facts
Foremost among the knowledge
on the subject are the facts that;
chlorophyll, the green coloring sub-,
stance in plant leaves, is necessary;
for the conversion to take place, that;
a definite and measurable quantity
of light energy is used in the action,
that in the absence of light the plants
apparently reverse the procedure and
give off small amounts of carbon di-
oxide instead of evolving oxygen as
when illuminated, and that oxygen
must be present for the conversion
action to begin.
Correlating these and other facts,
Prof. J. Franck of Johns Hopkins
University recently presented an ex-
planation which Professor Bates
termed "very plausible." The expla-
nation involves a series of reactions
between chlorophyll molecules hav-
ing a varied amount of combined ox-
ygen and hydrogen, water and car-
bonic acid (produced by dissolving
carbon dioxide in water). It provides
for the formation of formic acid as
the first stage in the more complete
reduction of carbon dioxide to starch.
Three Main Reactions
Three main and two subsidiary re-
actions are included by Professor
Franck in his explanation. First sub-
sidiary action is postulated in order
to obtain the chlorophyll in the for-
mulation it is presumed to have dur-
ing the photosynthesisation process.
In this "induction period" the effect
of light is to remove one hydrogen
atom from the full hydrogenated
chlorophyll; and the necessity for
the presence of oxygen is then ac-
counted for by using th oxygen to
remove the hydrogen atom from the
field of action.
The chlorophyll, in conjunction
with carbonic acid and actuated by
light energy, is represented as ap-
propriating an oxygen atom from the
acid. This oxidized chlorophyll then,
due to the action of water and light,
gives up the oxygen atom just gained
and can again combine with a second
atom of oxygen from the partially
reduced carbonic acid.
Product Is Acid
The product this time is formic
acid, from which formaldehyde and
sugars are readily synthesised. By
once again losing the excss oxygen
atom, the chlorophyll meanwhile re-
turns to its original active state, and
the formation of one molecule of oxy-

gen gas occurs.
In this series of reactions, Profes-
sor Bates pointed out, all the known
phenomena relative to photosynthesis
seem to have been taken into account.
Whether this is an accurate explana-
tion of probably the most important
life process, only detailed experimen-
tation can tell, he said.

Plan Proposed
To Stop State
Liquor Dealing
Constitutional Amendment
Is Opposed By Advocates
Of Present System.
LANSING, March 25. -- (A) - A
proposed constitutional amendment
to create a one-man liquor commis-
ion and take the state out of the
liquor business aroused advocates of
the present control system today.
Harry Rickel, Mt. Clemens at-
tL ney, and former Republican mem-
L'2r of the commission, said he be-
lieved the proposal would find wide-
sp ead support but deplored it as
"dangerous to the control of liquor
Verold F. Gormely, Democratic
member of the commission, forecast
defeat for the proposed amendment
and pointed out it "would destroy one
of the most popular phases of the
present system-the state's retail liq-
uor stores."
The proposed amendment would
revise the section of the constitution
known as the "red, white and blue
amendment" which provides for the
control of liquor traffic. It would
permit the sale of liquor by private
business only, requiring that excise
taxes be collected and licenses issued
by one commissioner.
Rickel declared the danger of the
proposed amendment lies in that por-
tion which i'eads "(the commissioner)
shall exercise complete control of ex-
cise taxes and license fees." He con-
ferred with Gormely on the proposed
revision of the system yesterday, as-
serted it would give one man the right
to raise or lower liquor and beer taxes
and determine who should receive
licenses to sell.
The A, B, and C liquor Dispensers
Association has retained Rickel as
legal representative.
Revelli Takes Part
In Music Festival
Prof. William D. Revelli, director of
the Varsity band, returned this week
from Oberlin, O., where he attended
the fourth Ohio Intercollegiate Band
Festival held last Saturday.
Professor Ravelli was dedicator and
guest conductor at the festival attend-
ed by hundreds of bandsmen from
all parts of Ohio, and on Saturday
afternoon directed the multiple brass
section, and in the evening directed
the principal concert made up of the
entire delegation.


-qoaa s uT PuoIMep imtUs
ably in Library or League
tween. Call 194 Jordan.

or be-

1441m IsUM pazola s sua1A :,LsO,
.a1saZ- -0LL II -dp z s uAtoq
Weiss. 400
LOST: Green and gold cigarette case.
Left at Wikel's after concert Mon-
day night. Reward. Phone 3808.
LOST: Women's oxford glasses.
Finder please call D-42 Lawyers
Club. 401
STATIONERY: Printed with your
name and address. 100 sheets, 100
envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work.
E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street.
Phone 9625. 14x
TWO fast gas-electric round trips
mornings daily except Sunday be-
tween Detroit and Ann Arbor via
Michigan Central. 16x
NOTICE: Troubled with baldness,
dandruff? Try TWINZ from your
barber or beauty shop or call 6541.
EYES examined, best glasses made at
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
graduate, 44 years practice. 549
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlman. 15x

buy old and new sui tand over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
Phone for appointmnts, 2-3640.
FOR RENT: One double, ene :;in ,c
room. Comfort able, eean, well
fuinished. 1117 Fort Call 29t9)
45 M

MODERN apartment with sleeping
Porch for rent through the sum-
micr. Phone 2-2806. 402


LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox
V-are ful work at low price.

twhe' Lutdese an competitionl
xx ill ben leedin te1 March Gargoyle
which geson sale toda. 'Things
We Don't Like" is anotler new fea-
tui e whieh will be in the Gargoyle
along with old ravotCEs, according
0 NomI'i'an W1 iaml on, '36, business
Social Dancing
t Class Tonight
'tB'gimh tlnt at 8 pm
1''Itr Bl dg J31ci ;. h.9695.


W ANTEI: F tisled rooms or apari-
ment near' (ampus. 2 or 3 per-
uta. Write Box 117 immediately.




III 1\1




Continuous 1:30 - 11 p.m.
15c to 6 -25c after 6
Dorothy Grainger
- and
"LAWLESS 90's"s


Romance! Drama!
Mystery ! A truly"
great picture!
Dudley Digges Spring Byingto
Charley Grapewin - Henry Wadsworth
Directed by Richard Thorpe
A Mcrjo/wn.Mer-
__Also -

"Petticoat Fever"

---- Extra


F .




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stag ' t 'vv ie
te~s 411
'At 1 et:Coht
a 'i1' .w1tde" t oui'
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The top leaves of all tobacco plants tend to give
a definitely harsh, alkaline taste. The bottom
leaves tend to acidity in the smoke. It is only
the center leaves which approach in nature
the most palatable, acid-alkaline balance. In
Lucky Strike Cigarettes, the center leaves are used.

Luckies are less acid




Feature at 2 - 3:56 - 7:12 - 9:23

Reen heial tat sR
K3ha ohe fppuCir sbrns

Excess ofAcidityof Other Popular Brarnds Over LuckyStrike Cigarettes
-R~A N D C.
'BR ND D - ._

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