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March 26, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-26

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Eden Will Discuss Actions
On Crisis Before House
Of CommonsToday
British And French
Are Not In Accord
German Ambassador Will
Not Satisfy Negotiators
From France
LONDON, March 25.-()P) - Seek-
ing a path of conciliation in the Lo-
carno crisis, Great Britain was still
caught tonight between unreconciled
French and German claims. ,
Anthony Eden, Foreign secretary,
following conversations with French,
German and Russian diplomats to-
day, will give a full accounting to the
House of Commons tomorrow of his
actions during the past fortnight, one
of the gravest in post-war years.
Debate on foreign policy in the
Commons is expected to produce es-
pecially bitter attacks on the four-
power Locarno proposal to police the
Rhineland and what some critics
called the entanglement of Great
Britain in what is tantamount to a
military alliance with France.
Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin
has already told the House of Com-
mons he hoped anxieties over the
four-power proposals will "be con-
siderably allayed" by an assurance
Joseph Paul-Boncour, French min-
ister of state, gave Eden that the rift
between the French and the British
on the question of negotiations with
Adolf Hitler was "more apparent
than real."
This was offset, however, by an in-
terview between Eden and Von Rib-
bentrop, Hitler's special ambassador,
which authoritative quarters de-
scribed as "not very helpful."
Authoritative sources neither con-
firmed nor denied a report that Von
Ribbentrop told Eden that Germany'
wants to negotiate a permanent non-
aggression treaty with France and
asked Eden to act as intermediary.
They said however such a proposal
would not alter existing difficulties.
Von Ribbentrop, it is understood,
still refused to give temporary guar-
anties demanded by the French that
Germany will not further jeopardize
western European security pending
the security conference.
Stop-Gap Pact
Is Signed By
three Powers
LONDON, March 25. - )- A
"stop-gap" naval treaty was for-
mally signed by the United States,
Great Britain and France today in a
ceremony unexpectedly enlivened by a
vehement Italian attack upon Brit-
Prior to the signing, the United
States and Britain agreed privately'
to keep their navies at the same level.
After American, British and French
delegates had expressed hopes that'
Italy as well as Japan would join the
pact later, Dino Grandi, Italian am-
bassador to London, dashed cold water
on this idea by proclaiming that Brit-
ain's Mediterranean mutual assist-

ance agreements stood in the way of
Italian adhesion.o
Serving notice that Italy would
raise an issue over these pacts --
designed to prevent a possible Fascist
aggression against sanctionist na-
tions - at "a more suitable moment,"
Grandi added:
"Agreements for the limitation of
airmaments cannot be disembodied
from the framework of political re-
lations between states."
The new treaty replaces for five'
years the expiring Washington and
London pacts.
A new feature which was not in the'
London or Washington pacts provides
for the annual exenange by signator-
ies of information concerning their
building programs. Four months'
notice will be given in advance be-1
fore the laying of new keels.
Pollock Will Study
Ohio Merit System

Chairman Of JGP


Senior Women
To Be Honored
At JGP Tonight
Central Cotrniittee Writes
Scenario For First Time;
StudIents Compose Music
The raising of the opening curtain
of "Sprize!" the 1935 Junior Girls
Play, at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre will mark the
culmination of several months of
work on the part of the women of
the junior class as well as the climax
of the active college life of the senior
women who will make their first ap-
pearance in the caps and gowns at
this performance.
For the first time in the history
of Junior Girls Plays, the production
has been written by the central com-
mittee, based on the play originally
conceived by Doris Wisner, chairman
of the program committee.
Al Cowan and his regular Silver
Grill band will play for the produc-
tion. All of the music for "Sprize!"
has been written by two University
stUdents, Herbert Schultz, '39E, and
Robert Lodge, '39. In addition, some
incidental selections have been com-
posed by Racheal Lease, a member of
the cast.
In addition to tonight's perform-
ance, the show is to be repeated to-
morrow and Saturday nights with a
matinee to be given at 2:30 p.m. Sat-
urday. Tickets for the play are on
sale in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre box office and are priced at
75 cents and $1 for the evening per-
formances and 50 and 75 cents for
the matinee.
Tonight's performance will carry
out the 32-year old tradition of hon-
oring the senior women. Patrons
and patronesses of the play have
been invited to attend, and will fill
the box and balcony seats.
Pittman Considers
New Naval Treaty
WASHINGTON, March 25. - (P) --
A new naval pact floated today on
the capital tide.
Ripples from the signing in Lon-
don of a naval treaty by this country,
England and France touched the
Senate. Chairman Pittman (Dem.,
Nev.), of the foreign relations com-
mittee let it be known that both his
committee and the Senateas a whole
would closely scrutinize the pact be-
fore ratification was voted on.
Pittman would make no prediction
whether the pact would come up for
consideration at this session of the
Senate. The new treaty is intended
to replace in "stop-gap" form for
five years the expiring Washington
and London naval pacts, but provides
for escape clauses as to the amount
of building.
IoI ISSl By Ca iil
At a special meeting of the City
Council held last night, an amend-
ment to the liquor ordinance, which
would move the restricted area around
churches from a 500-foot radius to a
300-foot distance along the regularly
travelled pedestrian route, was passed
through first and second readings.
Protests against the change were
filed with the council by heads of six
Ann Arbor churches and the Salva-
tion Army.
Alderman Leigh Young killed what
looked like an all-night session on
the question of the city's share for

Thirty Chinese
Walk Out On
Kagawa Talk
Create Furore In Protest
For Calling Manchuria
Independent State
First Martin Loud
Lecture Delivered
Great Japanese Answers
Many Questions On Life,
Work And Beliefs
A furore was created last night dur-
ing Toyohiko Kagawa's student for-
um in the Union, when 30 Chinese
students, led by Ren-Bing Chen,
Grad., stalked out of the ballroom
in protest of Kagawa's use of the word
Claiming that "Manchuria" is the
correct word to use, Chen asked the
speaker to change his practice of us-
ing "Manchukuo," and added that the
latter word is one coined by the Jap-
anese in order to deceive the world.
Kagawa replied that he was using
the term because the American press
has used it daily, and because of the
many Americans that were represent-
ed in the audience.
Insist on "Manchuria"
Chen, however, spread out a large
map of China and insisted that the
speaker use "Manchuria" during the
remainder of the evening. Kagawa
replied that he agreed with the League
of Nation's choice of "Manchuria,"
but that since the American newspa-
pers used the other term he would
do so.
"It is an insult to the Chinese to
have this territory referred to as
'Manchukuo.' The word 'kuo' means
an independent state or country," said
Chen, "and since no country in the
world other than Japan has recog-
nized Manchukuo,' there is no au-
thority to call it by that term. Japan
has coined the word in order to fool
the people of the outside world."
No Promise Is Made
Kagawa, however, made no prom-
ise to change his terminology, where-
upon Chen uttered a terse "Let's go"
and left the ballroom, followed by
his countrymen. The forum period
went on from this point with no
further interruptions.
Not all the Chinese students de-
parted, however, about 25 remaining
to hear Kagawa finish answering the
questions. The Chinese Christian As-
sociation has invited the Japanese
lecturer to dinner today.
During the course of the forum,
Kagawa answered many queries re-
garding his life, work, and beliefs.
He was of the opinion that capitalism
must go, stating that it was too one-
sided. He did not favor the Russian
system of agricultural cooperatives
because he alleged that the Russian
type of cooperatives turned the profits
of the organizations to the state,
which in turn used the funds for its
armament building program.
aChristianity, Kagava declared, has
brought five things to Japan. These
are purity, the spirit ofgservice, the
(Continued on Page 4)
Kidnaper' sFate
Lies With Court
Hoffman States


Japanese Leader Declares
Faith In Cooperatives As
Solution To War
Dimunitive Toyohiko Kagawa, pas-
sively but persistently preaching his
gospel of Christian love, gave The
Daily an exclusive interview last
night, one of the few he has given out
in the United States.
Kagawa's philosophy, the motivat-
ing force within him that drives him,
despitehis tuberculosis andterrible
eye disease to speak more than eight
hours a day and write more than 100
books, can be summed up in one word:
love. Earnestly, intently, simply, he
says it. And you believe it.
He cannot shake hands because of
his contagious trachoma. He must
rest, be driven in heated cars and
protected from autograph seekers,
but his voice has power and his per-
sonality sparkles.
In the same manner that he braved
1 arrest, physical violence and disease
in the slums of Tokio, Kagawa sum-
med up his advice to University stu-
dents. "Work for complete brother-
hood," he said briefly. "In that way
and only in that way can we alleviate
evil and obtain the Ultimate Ideal."
In talking with Kagawa, you might
be fooled into believing that this lit-
tle yellow man of God is a but an
impractical idealist. That he is not.
He has a plan all worked out to put
his ideal of love and brotherhood into
action, and that plan, he'll tell you,
is very simple--cooperatives. Kagawa
sees cooperatives as the injection of
Christian love into the economic and
political. "Surely Christianity should
go economic," he grinned, showing a
vitality that his thin, tired face be-
lied. "It should go economic via co-
"Love is the antithesis of violence,"
he continued, and he shook his head
sadly when he was asked about the
situation in his native Nippon. "There
Mai -Gen. Butler
Will Speak. Here
Tonight On War
Will Come From Chicago;
Winner Of Three Essay
Contests To Be Named
Maj.-Gen. Smedley D. Butler, one
of America's best-known living sol-
diers, will speak on "War Is A Rack-
et" at 8:15 p.m. tonight in Hill Audi-
GeneraldButler's talk is part of a
nation-wide tour in which he is tell-
ing what he has learned about war in
his long career as a soldier, and why
he thinks it is a "racket." He will
come to Ann Arbor from Chicago, and
his talk is being sponsored by the
Students' Alliance.
The Ann Arbor chapter of the Vet-
erans of, Foreign Wars, augmented
by members from Ypsilanti, will sit on
the platform with General Butler.
Winners of the three essay con-
tests on "War Is A Racket," spon-
sored by the Students' Alliance, will
be announced at the lecture. Prizes
of $5 will be awarded for the best es-
says written in the freshman-sopho-
more group, in the upperclassman and
graduate group, and in the Ann Ar-
bor High School contest. The es-
says have been judged by a faculty
committee headed by Mentor Wil-
liams, of the English department.
General Butler's talk has been en-
dorsed by both the Peace Council and
a faculty-citizens committee. Tick-
ets will cost 25 cents if bought in ad-
vance, and 35 cents at the door.

At"ero Club Branch
IFOrmed By Students

will be war," he prophesied, "and war
will mean a continuation of the feudal J
system. I see little hope."
But in the world at large, Kagawa
has the optimism of the Christian re-
former of old. "The world is begin-
ning to see the light," he declared
solemnly. "It is very faint, but it is --
coming. Even the church is on the
right path. We must work to base 21 Men Taken Into
all politics, all economics on love, .
which is the supreme thing in the Honorary Society
universe. It can be done and is being !_
done-through cooperatives." Twenty-one men were initiated
Wha, Kgaw wa aseddoe heinto Tau Beta Pi, honorary engi-
think should be thecourse of action neering fraternity, atha banquet last
for the individual student who is op- night in the Union.
posed to war? He was disappoint- Six were seniors, 13 juniors, and
(Continitea on Pau 21

w O hs

Yoakum Gives
Sketch Of New
Building Plans
Final Drafts Of Rackhanm
Graduate School Briefly
Outlined In Article
A sketch of the plans for the Hor-
ace H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies is contained in the Spring is-
sue of the Michigan Alumnus Quart-
erly Review, in an article by Dr.
Clarence H. Yoakum, dean of the
Graduate School.
The main floor of the building will
contain the various administration
offices, and the main floor will have
in addition, a large lecture hall or
auditorium of the semi-circle type
having a capacity of approximately
1,000 persons, with all seats on the
floor of the hall.
The second floor of the building
will have several large comfortable
furnished rooms, which will be pro-
vided, according to Dr. Yoakum,
"with the hope of encouraging that
social, conversational relationship of-
ten referred to today as a lost art."
There will also be a smaller lecture
hall with a seating capacity of 200,
This floor will also have a large study
hall for students who must' read or
write over extended periods of time.
The third floor will have numerous
small rooms for informal conferences
and discussions. These will hold from
25 to 200 students.
In discussing the general signifi-
cance of the building, Dr. Yoakum
stressed the fact that graduate work
does not consist merely of courses and
laboratories. The new building is at-
tempting to depart from this old
conception by offering an opportunity
for informal conversation with those
working in other subjects, allowing
students and scholars to show that
they really aren't recluses, Dr. Yoak-
um said.
Eight To Meet
In Semi-Finals
Of Mock Trials
Best Men To Be Selected
For Finals To Be Held
On Founder's Day
Semi-final arguments in the an-
nual Case Club competition forse-
ond-year law students will be heard
this afternoon at the Law School.
The eight semi-finalists, represent-
ing the best of a group of 100 jun-
iors who entered the Case Club com-
petition last semester, are divided
into four two-man teams. The two
best men at each trial will be chosen
to compete in the final trial to be
held on Founders Day.
Elbert R. Gilliom and T. L. Croft,
counsel for the plaintiff, will oppose
Clifford L. Ashton and William C.
Hartman in one of the two trials, to
be held in Room 120, Hutchins Hall,
at 4 p.m. Prof. Edson R. Sunder-
land will act as chief justice, and
Prof. Lewis M. Simes and Prof. E.
Blythe Stason as associate justices.
In the other trial, Jacob I. Weiss-
man and William McClain, for the
plaintiff, will argue against Peter
Boter and Harold F. Klute. The court
will be composed of Prof. Edger N.
Durfee, chief justice, and Prof. Grover
C. Grismore and Prof. William W.
Blume, associate justices. This trial
will be held in Room 116, Hutchins
Hall, at 4 p.m.

150 Taken From
Two Fraternities

two practicing engineers who became
honorary members. The honor is
one of the most sought after inrthe
engineering college.
The seniors are: Roger W. Kolder-
man, Willis M. Hawkins, Jr., Wilfred
Williams, Max B. Roosa, Robert G.
Alexander, and Ronald F. Scott.
Junior initiates are: David C. Eis-
enrath, Benjamin G. Cox, Frederick
C. Hall, Charles E. Holkins, William
E. Olsen, Raymond H. Beyer, Robert
H. Baldwin, Howard S. Carroll, John
A. Margwarth, W. Lloyd Strickland,
Jerry C. Barker, Gustave T. Collatz,
and Kenneth G. Emery.
Special initiation ceremonies were
held for Carl Breer, vice-president of
Chrysler Motors Corporation, and A.
M. MacCutcheon, chief engineer of
the Reliance Electric Company of
Cleveland and nominee for the pres-'
idency of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers.
New Taxes Are
Flatly Rejected
By Committee
House Group Votes Down
Proposal For Levies On
Agricultural Products
WASHINGTON, March 25- W)
A House Ways and Means subcom-
mittee today flatly rejected President
Roosevelt's sugestion for new proces-
sing taxes on a wide range of agri-
cultural commodities.
Reversing a decision reached 24
hours earlier to bring such levies-
without recommendation-into open
hearings on the Administration's
$792,000,000 revenue program, the
group agreed that the discussions
should be restricted to three major
revenue proposals:
1-Broadly revised corporation tax-
es estimated to bring in an addition-
al $591,000,000 annually.
2,---A 90 per cent "windfall" levy, to
produce at least $100,000,000 on pro-
cessors, from unpaid or refunded AAA
processing taxes.
3--Temporary continuation of ex-
isting capital stock and excess pro-
fits taxes, to yield $83,000,000.
A report embracing these recom-
mendations will be filed tomorrow
with the full Ways and Means Com-
mittee, which will open public hear-
ings Monday.
While the entire committee could
reinsert processing taxes, such ac-
tion was held extremely unlikely be-
cause of opposition in a campaign
The new processing taxes would
have producedrabout $221,000,000.
The only other change in the re-
port, Subcommittee Chairman Sam-
uel B. Hill, (Dem., Wash.) said, would
be a recommendation that a 22%/2 in-
stead of 33%/2 per cent tax, to be col-
lected at the source, be applied to
dividends received by foreigners on
stock in American corporations.
Hill explained that the changed
levy might increase the yield, figured
at around $25,000,000.
The items which he said would be
included in the report would yield an
estimated total of about $799,000,000.
Five Killed, Two
InjuredBy Train
LANSING, March 25. - (0) - Five
persons were instantly killed when
the automobile in which they were
riding was struck by a fast Grand
Trunk train near here today. Two
others were injured.
The accident occurred at a crossing
in the village of Haslett. According
to witnesses, the car drove onto the

track ahead of the train. They said
bodies were strewn along the right-

Areas In West Virginia,
Pennsylvania Are Under
Water From Rains
Senate Shapes New
Flood Control Bill
River-Front Of Pittsburg
Again Inundated And
Reconstruction Halted
(By The Associated Press)
Large areas of Pennsylvania, West
Virginia and Ohio were inundated for
the second time within a week as
heavy rains swelled a half dozen rivers
and sent a new flood crest down the
Ohio River Wednesday. The death
list, from more than a week of high
water and wind, reached 200.
The Monongahela River reached
flood stage along the industrial valley
of Southwestern Pennsylvania, forc-
ing several hundred persons from
their homes and threatening to flood
basements in Pittsburgh's downtown
area anew.
The Ohio River, swollen by smaller
streams, flooded lowland sections of
many towns in northern West Vir-
ginia and Eastern Ohio as the first
flood crest neared Louisville, Ky. Parts
of Wheeling, W. Va., hard hit by last
week's flood, again were threatened
with inundation.
Flood Contral Bill Shaped
In Washington, the Senate Com-
merce Committee shaped a $305,000,-
000 flood control bill which was offi-
cially described as a move to take
flood control projects out of the "pork
barrel" class.
At Cincinnati, tributary waters
rushing into the overburdened Ohio,
carried a new threat to thousands
of homeless in the Upper Valley which
bore a $200,000,000 loss last week.
Portsmouth, 110 miles upstream from
Cincinnati, has added two feet of
sandbags on top of its sixty-foot flood
wall, but the river threatened to
mount above the augmented barrier.
The water at Portsmouth had re-
ceded only .7 of a foot from the high
stage of 59.4 and new waters were
pouring into the Ohio from the Sci-
oto, Big Sandy, Kanawha and Mus-
kingum Rivers.
Reconstruction Is Impeded
At Pittsburgh another flood crest
of the Monongahela surged into river-
front streets to impede reconstruc-
tion forces. Along the industrial
valley of Southwestern Pennsyvania
hundreds again were forced from their
homes, as highways were inundated.
Authorities said they did not expect
the high waters to reach such pro-
portions as the destructive wave that
caused damage estimated at $225,-
000,000 last week.
The Senate gave much attention to
a program to safeguard cities against
future visitations of such floods as
last week laid waste to northeastern
United States areas. The Senate
commerce committee shaped a $305,-
000,000 program to include construc-
tion of reservoirs and levees.
A provision that henceforth all
flood control projects must first be
approved by the army engineers was
described by Chairman Copeland
(Dem., N.Y.) of the committee as
meaning "we will do away with al
pork barrel projects."
'Shorty' Hayden
1Asks Photo To
Establish Alibi
William Padgett, alias "Shorty"

Hayden, who is held here for the
murder of Officer Clifford "Sid"
Stang March 21, 1935, has asked foi'
photographs of himself in order that
he may send them to a trucking firm
in Dayton, 0., in an attempt to prove
he was working there at the time of
the murder here last year, Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp revealed yesterday.
Hayden will appear before Judge
Jay H. Payne in justice court for his
examination at 2 p.m. tomorrow. If
he is bound over to circuit court, Rapp

Kcigawa, Religious Crusader,
Builds Philosophy On Love

Eastern Rivers Rise;
p Ne-"' FA d LLA

Governor Says He


Interfere In Case When]
Reprieve Expires
TRENTON, N. J., March 25. -(W)
-Gov. Harold J. Hoffman, who saved
Bruno Richard Hauptmann from ex-]
ecution two months ago, said to-
night he will not do so again on hisI

own initiative. Hauptmann's only A local student branch of the In-
hope, the governor said,-lies in ju- stitute of Aeronautical Sciences, the
dicial intervention. fourth of its kind in the United States,
The governor spoke a few hours was formed last night by 26 aeronau-
after Hauptmann, in a last-minute tical engineering students.
desperate move, asked the Court of Officers of the new organization are
Pardons for the second time to com- William McCance, '36E, chairman;
mute his death sentence to life im- John C. Duffendack, '36E, vice-chair-
prisonment. The same eight men who man; Rudolph Thoren, Grad., treas-
will decide whether to hear the ap- urer, and Robert Camping, '36E, sec-
peal rejected Hauptmann's first re- retary.
quest for clemency on Jan. 11. Burdell Springer of the aeronautical
"I stand on my January 17 state- engineering department is executive
ment," the governor said, "that I chairman. Also associated with the
would not grant a further reprieve Institute are Prof. A. E. Stalker, Prof.
unless a situation arises which the Felix Pawlowski and Prof. William
attorney-general would agree war- Thompson, all of the aeronautical en-
- . 44- -i _-f__ , Ujf., aineerinadepartme.nt.


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