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March 25, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-25

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The Weather
Partly cloudy in south, cloudy
in north, somewhat colder to-
day; generally fair tomorrow.


Sir gan


Corporation Cushions...
'Only A Little Jap' ...



s Raised
By Storms
Fatalities In Flood Area
Increased To 177 After
Ohio Flood Waters
Gradually Receding
Dust Rolls Into Mid-West,
Darkening Chicago And
Grand Rapids Skies
(By The Associated Press)
With storms increasing the death
toll in Midwest, Southern and East-
ern states, the fury of the flood-ram-
paging Ohio lessened last night as the
river swept over more lowlands down-
stream from Cincinnati.
The death list, after a week of wind
and flood, mounted to 177.
The Ohio neared its crest at Cin-
cinnati but, unlike the inundation at
Pittsburgh and Wheeling, failed to
reach the business district. This was
true, also, in river towns nearby. f
Upstream the river was either level-
ing off or receding.
Downstream, it was at flood stage
along the Indiana boundary. Scores
of families, given ample warning, left
lowland homes. Rivermen expected
no widespread loss, as compared to
1913 or other years.
Plan Flood Control
To control future floods in the Ohio
Valley, business men from Pennsyl-
vania, Ohio, Kentucky, and West Vir-
ginia opened a flood-control congress
in Gallipolis.}
Tornado-like winds and storms,
sweeping up the Mississippi Valley
took four lives, four in Missouri and
one in Memphis, Tenn. Hail and wind
wrought considerable damage to crops
and property.
Dust storms, swirling into the
Great Lakes area from the Southwest
darkened Chicago and Grand Rapids.
.Heavy rains in -the Middle West
and East brought new fears of flood.
In the West, tributary streams of the
Mississippi were rising. In New York,
the Oswego River was swelling above
record stages around Syracuse.
Near Portland, Me., the Sacco River
burst a dyke and swept away public
buildings in the village of Hollis.
Illinois Romes Jolted

To Talk On Peace



Mary Andrewl
Elected Head
Of Assembly
Jesperson New Secretary
Of Independent Women;
Heitsch Vice-President
To Be Inaugurated
At Banquet April 6
New Officers Prominent
In Assembly; Chosen By
Representatives' Vote
Mary Andrew, '37, of Houghton,
was elected president of the Assembly,
organization for independent women,
at a meeting of the Assembly yester-
day in the hostess room of the League.
At the same time, Mary Ellen Heitsch,
'37, of Pontiac, was chosen vice-presi-
dent and Helen Jesperson, '37, of Pe-

By Action Of Executive Committee
For Misconduct During Hell Week



Theta Pi House Is Suspended

Student Alliance Denies Charge
Of Radicalism Made By V.F. W.

Famed Nippon
KPeace Leader
To Talk Today
Kagawa, Japanese Liberal,
Is Here To Open Series
Of Social Lectures
A public lecture on "Christian Co-
operatives and World Peace" and a
special student forum will constitute
Toyohiko Kagawa's program on his
first visit to Ann Arbor today. Kaga-
wa is being sponsored by the Martin
Loud lectureship fund.
The public address will be given at
4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium,
and the student meeting will be held
at 7:30 p.m. in, the Union,
Kagawa has been active in manyE
different fields of Japanese social, ec-
onomic and political life. He has
come to be recognized as a leading
man in the cooperative movement,
and to show the work that his coop-
eratives have accomplished he often

toskey, was named secretary-treas-
Miss Andrew will be officially in-
augurated into the presidency at the
Installation Banquet, April 6, at the
League and will assume her duties
along with the other new officers at
the next meeting of the Assembly
which will be called late in April.
All three women have been prom-
inent in campus activities. Miss An-
drew is assistant chairman of the
Junior Girls Play, "Sprize." She has
also participated in the Sophomore
Cabaret and freshmen project. Last
fall she acted as an orientation ad-
visor and served on the music com-
mittee for the Assembly Ball. She
also holds the position of secretary of
the house council' at Mosher Hall.
She is a member of Wyvern, junior
women's honor society.
Miss Heitsch, a transfer from Lake
Forest School, Lake Forest, Ill., was
this year's general chairman of the
Assembly Ball in which capacity she
led the grand march. Last year she
served on the publicity committee for
the affair. She worked on the tick-
et committee for both the Sophomore
Cabaret and Junior Girls Play. Miss
Heitsch has been active at the League,
serving as chairman of the League
Musical under the theatre arts group
as well as an orientation leader. She
is chairman of activities at Mosher
Hall and treasurer of the Mosher
House Council.
Miss Jesperson has been connected
with the Assembly for two years. As
a sophomore, she worked on the ticket
committee for the assembly banquet
while this year she was chairman of
the chaperon committee for the As-
sembly Ball. She is also a member
of the Assembly Board.
Jury Again Fails
lo (A)?lvJ(1 Laiiisoii
SAN JOSE, Calif., March 24.-(, P
-- A determined prosecution failed
again today to ccnvict David A. Lain-
son, former Stanford University press
official, of murdering his wife, Elaine.
A jury of five women and seven
men was discharged this afternoon
after reporting it was hopelessly dead-
locked, 9 to 3 for conviction, after
ten ballots. It had deliberated 36
hours since Friday.
Harold Oberg, rancher member of
the jury, said three women held out
for acquittal.
The black-haired young defendant
appeared shocked when foreman Mil-
ton Raymond reported the jury stood
9 to 3 for conviction.

The heavy rain at Cumberland, wears a suit produced by his own1
Md., similar to the downpour preced- organization at a cost of only a few
ing last week's havoc, caused a rise in dollars.
the Potomac River of more than a
foot in a few hours and nearly two A novel aspect is given to Kagawa's
feet in *ills Creek, through the Cen- present tour of the United States. He
ter of the city. is preaching world peace, whereas the
A land fault over a flooded aban- Japanese nation has been pictured
doned coal mine at Johnston City, during the last few years as being
Ill., moved numerous houses from imperialistic and warlike. Kagawa
their foundations, broke a city gas has shown his fearlessness against
main and cracked pavements. The official opposition to his programs
town was crippled economically with many times, however, and he has beenI
its principal active coal mine flooded. exiled from Japan on several occa-
The Gallipolis conference was called sions only to be caled back to his
by the directors of The Ohio Valley native Nippon by popular demand. He
Water Conservation and Flood Con- will discuss the military and political
trol Congress. situation in that arena of world con-
Already bearing the approval of tention-the Far East.
United States army engineers, the During the winter of 1930-31, the'
flood control program of the congress city of Tokio was in dark straits. De-
would cost some $237,000,000. spite the fact that $5,000,000 was be-
_ -- 'ing spent by-the city annually for re-
lief, the welfare bureau was not
Student W itness reaching everybody and was perform-
ing inefficiently. The mayor of Tokio
I e ii disregarded all political precedent
aanappointed Kagawa to the lead-
ership of the social welfare bureau.
M urder -a h Ct The latter took matters largely in
1 (Continued on Paae 2)

MONTREAL, March 24. - ()
- The Detroit Red Wings and
Montreal Maroons were locked in
a scoreless tie at the end of three
regular periods and five overtimes
in the first game of the play-off
series of the National Hockey
League championship tonight.
They began playing on a "sud-
den death" overtime basis with
the decision hanging upon the
first goal.
Noted Educator'
To Speak Here
At Convocation
Honor Students Will Hear
Address By Swarthmore
President May 1
The date of the 1936 Honors Con-
vocation was set yesterday for May 1,
and Dr. Frank Aydelotte, president of
Swarthmore (Pa.) College, was an-
nounced as speaker.
This year's Honors Convocation, at
which all honor students in the Uni-
versity will be feted, will be the 13th
annual convocation, Dean Joseph A.
BuTsley said.
It will be held in Hill Auditorium.
The selection of the speaker was made
by a faculty committee headed by
Dean Bursley
More than 200 students elected to
honorary scholastic societies will at-
tend, be given seats of honor, and
have their names on the program.
An occaion of note, the Convoca-
tion always hears an outstanding edu-
cational leader. Last year, at the
Convocation held April 26, Dr. Henry
Sturgis Dennison, president of the
Dennison Manufacturing Co., was
Dr. Aydelotte was graduated from
the University of Indiana, where he
was an All-American tackle, and re-'
ceived his master's degree from Har-
vard. He was awarded a Rhodes'
scholarship, and studied at Oxford'
from 1905 to 1907. After several years'
experience as a professor of English
at several colleges, he was made pres-
ident of Swarthmore College in 1921.
He has also been president of the
Association of American Colleges,I
trustee on the Carnegie Foundation
for Advancement of Teaching, a mem-
ber of the Institute of Advance Study,
and of the World Peace Foundation.
Who's A Gay Dog?
Gargoyle Readers
Will Select Gayest
Michigan's gayest dog, sartorially
speaking, will be elected by purchas-
ers of the March Gargoyle, on sale
tomorrow, it was announced today
by Norman Williamson, '36, business
manager of the publication.
Ballots will be included with the
issue, and State Street clothiers will
donate prizes which will comprise a
complete new spring outfit for the
A baseball player, a drunk and sev-
eral other heterogeneous objects will
be laid out in a helter-skelter plan to'
form a figure of a co-ed-justifiable,
the editors think, because what else
does a woman look like but a lot of
things thrown together?-for the
"Things We Don't Like" will be a
new feature. Drawings rather than
photographs have been selected as
better methods of presenting the lat-
est styles. Caricatures will again be
used in "Preposterous People." Ben
Starr, '37, is the author of a short
Details of a $150 prize contest and
a cigarette-rolling contest will also
be announced in this issue.

Harmony In Party
Sought By Landon
TOPEKA, Kans., March 24. - (1P) -I

Local Veterans To Attend
Butler's Lecture After
Commander's Probe
Despite charges of members of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars that the
Students' Alliance is Communistic,
the V.F.W. will be present with their
colors at the Students' Alliance-spon-
sored lecture of Maj .-Gen. Smedley D.
Butler Thursday night.
Floyd Stoeckle, commander of the
local Veterans of Foreign Wars post,
declared last night that he had "in-
vestigated to my satisfaction that the
Students' Alliance is all right." But
Floyd B. Markey, another member of
the post, asserted that he believes the
Students' Alliance is "radical and
Communistic," and that "it is merely
the National Student League under
different colors."
Mr. Markey held that Mr. Stoeckle
is making a mistake. "I'm convinced
Fuehrer Rejects,
Hague Tribunal;
Troops Remain
Settlement Of Rhine Valley
Dispute Blocked; League
Adjourns As Nazi Arrives
LONDON, March 24. - (P)-Eu-
rope's crisis was thrown into a new
and more complicated muddle tonight
when Adolf Hitler refused outright
to take his troopsrout of the Rhine-
land and rejected the Hague Court
as a tribunal.
Der Fuehrer's answer to the Lo-
carno program, made public a few'
hours after the Council of the League
of Nations suddenly adjourned, left'
the Rhineland dispute unsettled and
with a long-drawn-out stalemate in
Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Hitler's
special ambassador, arrived in London
with a personal message to the British
government from the German dic-
tator just as the council broke up-
an act which was interpreted in in-
formed circles as a direct rebuff to
Hitler for his long delay in answering
the Locarno proposals.
Although the Locarno demands
were emphatically rejected, the Reich
said that on March 31, two days after
the German Reichstag election, it
would "place at the disposal of the
Royal British government a compre-
hensive statement of its position, to-
gether with its positive proposals."
The Council will reconvene in Gen-
eva some time after the German and
French elections.
Anthony Eden, British foreign sec-
retary, was left with new difficulties
in conciliating Franco-German differ-
ences, but League circles seemed
agreed that the immediate danger of
European hostilities had been avoided.
A spokesman for the Geman del-
egation said that the British govern-
ment's white paper outlining the Lo-
carno proposals is "absolutely dead."

they're a Communist organization,"
he declared, "and I'm going tosrun
down the facts." The Veterans of
Foreign Wars, Mr. Markey pointed
out, are opposed to Communism, are
against war "but believe the way to
prevent war is to arm to the teeth."
General Butler, fierce Marine war-
rior, now retired, appears to be a
converted pacifist. He is speaking
on "War as a Racket," being spon-
sored by the Students' Alliance, the
program of which is "Peace, Free-
dom, Security and Equality."
Officials of the Students' Alliance
laughed at the charge that they are
Communists or merely another Na-
tional Student League. "We have
around 75 members," Herbert Weis-
inger, Grad., president, "and only 25
per cent of them belonged to either
the National Student League or the
Student League for Industrial De-
mocracy. It is absolutely incorrect to
say we are Communistic. We are
Weisinger's statement that the or-
ganization was not Communistic was
backed by Max Wender, '36E, a mem-
ber of the late N.S.L., chairman of
arrangements for General Butler's
address, and was corroborated by the
office of the Dean of Students. Mr.
Stoeckle also said Dean Bursley told
him that the Students' Alliance is
not Communistic.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars, ac-
cording to Commander Stoeckle, will
be present on the Hill Auditorium
platform the night of the Butler
speech, but, he added, "we are doing
it out of respect to General Butler,
who is a V.F.W. member, more than
anything else."
U. S. Is Prepared
To Indict O'Shea
In Detroit Fraud
Officials Complete Plans
Of Case Against Alleged
Tyler Accomplice
DETROIT, March 24.-(G)-Federal
officials completed preparaition of
their $349,000 fund misapplication
case against James J. O'Shea today
as his wife expressed her belief he
is "innocent of wrongdoing."
Harold H. Reinecke, head of the
Detroit bureau of investigation of
the Department of Justice said "we
have all the facts and figures neces-
sary for an indictment" as well as a
list of witnesses to appear before the
Federal grand jury Thursday.
Mrs. O'Shea, in a formal statment,
announced her intention to "stand
by" her husband and to "get him all
the assistance possible."
O'Shea, vice-president of the Na-
tional Bank of Detroit, is held at the
Milan Detention Farm pending the
jury's action, upon the government
charges that he misapplied $349,000
of city trust funds on deposit at the
bank, aided and abetted by Harry
M. Tyler, assistant city budget direct-
or, whose death March 12 was pro-
nounced a suicide by police,

Interfraternity Council's
Executive Committee Has
House Closed 5 Months
Specific Offense
Is Not Mentioned
May Reopen In October
If Evidence Is Shown
Of ProperConditions
The local chapter of Beta Theta
Pi was suspended from the campus
for a five-month period yesterday by
the Executive Committee of the In-
terfraternity Council for misconduct
in carrying on their Hell Week.
The house must close April 1 and
may reopen Sept. 1 on the following
conditions: "The said organization
shall be reopened and remain open
after Sept. 1, 1936 only upon submis-
sion to the Executive Committee of
the Interfraternity Council on or be-
fore Oct. 15, 1936, of evidence of in-
ternal conditions satisfactory to the
said Executive Committee and to the
national organization of Beta Theta
Pi Fraternity."
The action was taken only after
the Committee conferred in their
session yesterday with G. Herbert
Smith, general secretary of Beta
Theta Pi, who came here for the in-
Refuse To Comment
IMembers of the Executive Commit-
tee andsNorman Williamson, '36,
president of the fraternity, refused
last night to specify what the "con-
clusive evidence" was of "certain Hell
Week practices which are contrary to
the best interests of Michigan fra-
ternities as a group."
Williamson also declined to state
whether the fraternity would take ad-
vantage of their right of appeal to the
University discipline committee.
Although the rumor could not be
substantiated, it is believed that action
was taken against the house because
of Hell Week practices inside the
house and not for activities outside
the house, such as a "long hike."
Climaxes Investigation
Thexaction against Beta Theta P
climaxed a seven-day investigation by
the Executive Committee into the
Hell Week practices of nine houses.
Other fraternities called before the
Committee during the probe were
Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Chi, Sigma
Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta Del-
ta Chi, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Psi
Upsilon and Zeta Psi.
Acting with the same mystery that
has characterized their whole inves-
tigation, the Committee refused to
state whether any of the above men-
tioned houses had been exonerated as
yet and whether further disciplinary
action would be brought against any
of the houses which were found to
have violated the Interfraternity
Council Hell Week regulations.
The Hell Week of the Beta Theta
Pi fraternity was held before the
Interfraternity Council passed their
new regulations on Hell Week, Wed-
nesday, Feb. 26, but the Committee
ruled that it has power to take any
action for the better interest of fra-
ternities and that the Hell Week of
the offending fraternity violated the
general criteria for the probationary
period set up last spring by the Inter-
fraternity Council.
Investigated Before
It was the second time in three
years that Beta Theta Pi has been
called before the fraternity commit-
tee for investigation. In 1934 their
Hell Week was investigated but the
case was dropped because of "insuffi-
cient evidence."
It was also in 1934 that the pledge

class of the same fraternity "struck"
during Hell Week and refused to be
initiated until an agreement on the
practices to be used during the pe-
riod could be made between the ac-
tives and pledges. That agreement
was effected.
Beta Theta Pi was founded here
in 1845 and is second only to Chi Psi
fraternity as the oldest fraternity on
the campus. It was founded nation-
ally in 1837.
The Executive Committee is com-
posed of five student fraternity mem-

James A. Akers, '38, a customer in
Conlin & Wetherbee's clothing store
a year ago when Officer Clifford "Sid"
Stang was murdered there in a hold-
up, yesterday morning made the
third positive identification of Wil-
liam Padgett, alias "Shorty Hayden,"
now held by Ann Arbor police, as
one of the three men who engineered
the daylight robbery and fled after
killing Stang.
Hayden had previously been identi-
fied by William Conlin and Herbert
Wetherbee, proprietors of the store,
who, with Akers, were the only ones
in the store when holdup men en-
tered it March 21, 1935. During the
holdup Stang entered, unaware of the
armed robbers. One of the men
jumped on his back, seized his gun,
and shot the officer through the back;
both men then fled in a car driven by
a third man in the party.
None of the three men who have
identified Hayden as one of the rob-
bers have said that he was the killer,

W. S. Knudsen Voices Optimism
In Speaking Before Engineers

If recovery i, not actually here,I
conditions are definitely on the up-
grade, William S. Knudsen, execu-
tive vice-president of General Motors,
said last night after addressing the
Engineering Council smoker in the
e eoffered the New York Stock
Exchange reports for the first two
months of this year and the previous
three years as evidence that recovery
is "just around the corner," pointing
out that there has been steady im-
provement shown each year, and pro-
phesied that there would be still
greater imp-jrovement in the next two
Asked whether he was in favor of
President Roosevelt's proposed tax on

fined an engineer as one who "has
developed the science of formula into
the science of things."
In pursuance of this advice, he
urged engineers to work in a machine
shop for several years immediately
following their graduation.
The necessity of knowing what
others have done in the past and
starting where they left off was em-
phasized by Mr. Knudsen. He re-
called Thomas Edison's laboratory
where schemes that never material-
ized were carefully catalogued so that
in testing a similar idea effort could
be saved by utilizing the experience
gained in the first tests.
Organization, he said, was the most
important factor in a large business.
"It's good to have competition," Mr.

D amda Phi Data Sorority Rates
BMOC's ByTheir Dating Value
By BETTY STRICKROOT part on personality. Especially pop-
Although dating bureaus have never ular is the one who is tactful and yet
been successful on Michigan's cam- amusing. A good dancer finds a high
pus, you girls can now check up on rating in most everyone's estimation.
the rating of any of your blind dates. While handsome features are almost
We refer you to the newly organized negligible, a well dressed appearance
campus society, Damda Phi Data, counts a great deal. Consideration
The society is composed of a diver- and promptness are favorable char-
sified group of women who claim to acteristics.
represent the campus spirit. They Conceit and rudeness bring forth
conceived the idea of rating the the greatest disapproval. The per-
various B.M.O.C.'s according to their son who loses hig temper easily can
dating value. After much debate, be sure that he will be down farther
the following system of rating was on the list. Discreet drinking is not!
devised: A, smooth; B, O.K.; C, pass condemned.
in a crowd; D, semigoon, and E, spook. Copies of this unusual list can be


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