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March 22, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-22

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The Weather


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VOL. XLVI No. 122



Ian $19500


Fol lows

Elected President

Wake Of Flood As
Death Toll Mounts

Property Damages Reach
$271,500,000 As 169
Are Reported Dead
221,500 Homeless
In Stricken Area
Connecticut, Surrounding
Regions Devastated By
Floods And Rains
(By The Associated Press)
Total dead in 13 states 169.
Total homeless -221,500.
Total damage $271,500,000.
The flood situation by sections:
OHIO VALLEY - Blizzard intensi-
fied confusion among thousands of
homeless in western Pennsylvania
and northern West Virginia; Pitts-
burgh still in darkness, but public
utilities slowly being restored to
normalcy; dangerous high waters be-
lieved past in Pittsburgh area. Low-
lands between Marietta and Cincin-
nati, Ohio, inundated. Flood crest
expected at Cincinnati Monday, at
Portsmouth, Ohio, Sunday.
NEW ENGLAND --Industry in
Connecticut and Merrimac River val-
leys at standstill; rivers receding
slowly, but new rains menace; 1,500
national guardsmen patrol Hartford,
hit by worst disaster in its 300-year
NEW YORK -Finger lakes inun-
date 300 summer homes and cottages
in central New York; snow and slush
hamper relief; department of health
reports no signs of epidemic.
ELSEWHERE - Delaware, Poto-
mac and other streams which caused
damage early last week recede.
Streams in parts of North Carolina
expected to reach flood crests today
or tomorrow.
With storm warnings flying along
the North Atlantic Coast and snow
intensifying the suffering over the
Pittsburgh - Johnstown - Wheeling
areas, the Connecticut River wrought
(Copyright, 1936, by Associated Press)
The death figures in the flood areas,
as revised last night (Saturday) fol-
low: Pennsylvania, 115; West Vir-
ginia, 17; Ohio, 1; Maryland, 4; New
York, 2; Maine, 5; Massachusetts, 8;
Vermont, 5; Connecticut, 3 New
Hampshire, 1; Virginia, 4; Georgia, 2;
North Carolina, 2. Total 169.
the most widespread havoc today as
it surged with devastating and cease-
less fury over the populous business
and industrial cities of Hartford and
But on down the river, lowland
areas were flooded from Marietta to
Cincinnati. Residents. of Proctor-
ville, O., opposite Huntington, awoke
today to find themselves on an island.
A ferry boat hastily carried Athem
across the river to higher ground.
Hartford and Middletown were the
hardest hit as the Connecticut. River
plunged down to Long Island Sound
with a force never experienced be-
After raging for two days, the river
at Hartford apparently had reached
its crest, with a record high level of
37.5 feet at mid-morning. The Weath-
er Bureau said that the river was
leveling off.
The cities were without electric
power after a night of terror. Rain
fell in sheets today as whole families
of trapped residents were rescued.
In Hartford alone, more than 2,000
were homeless. The rains dashed
whatever hopes had been held out
for quick recession of the river.
Fire Fighters
Are Kept Busy

With 10 Calls
The Ann Arbor Fire Department
was kept on the run yesterday an-
swering calls to widely separated parts
of the city, all engines being called
into service.
A blazing barn in the rear of the
house at 327 E. William St. was
the most serious fire of the day, caus-
ing damage estimated at about $1,500.
Sparks from a basket set fire to a
shrub near the barn and caused th

Honor Societies Aid
Flood Relief Drive
The presidents of four Michigan
honor societies made a plea last night
for students to support their drive
tomorrow morning to raise money for
the homeless in flood-stricken Penn-
sylvania and New England.
Members of Michigamua, Sphinx,
Vulcans and Triangle will place them-
selves at strategic points on the cam-
pus from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. tomor-
row. Each member will have a pail
bearing a Red Cross seal.
As a part of the Red Cross' drive
to raise $3,000,000 throughout the
United States, Ann Arbor's quota is
$520, according to Lewis E. Ayres,
chairman of the local chapter. The
University's campaign is headed by
Herbert Watkins, secretary of the
University, and John C. Cawley, '36,
president of Michigamua; Frank Den-
nison, '36E, president of Vulcans;
Sanford Ladd, '37, president of
Sphinx; and Robert Buehler, '37E,
president of Triangle.
The engineering college honor so-
cieties, Vulcans and Triangle, will
cover the east and south portions
of the campus, from Waterman Gym-
nasium, around the engineering arch,
to Alumni Memorial Hall. Members
of Michigamua, and Sphinx will cover
the diagonal, main library, Angell
Hall and the Union. Mr. Watkins,
urging every student to give some-
thing, warned that the drive will last
only until 12:30 p.m.
Speaking for the University, Mr.
Watkins declared that he was sure
"students here will come through.
The disaster is indeed a great one,"
he said, "and every loyal and good-
hearted citizen must do his bit."
I F 11
Several Faculty
Members Take
Over Services
Barker, Remer Will Lead
Discussions And Speak
At ChurchesToday
Several members of the University
faculty will again be featured as
speakers and discussion leaders on
the programs of the local churches
Prof. Ernest F. Barker of the
physics department will speak on
"Newton and Einstein, Builders of
Worlds" at the 10:30 a.m. service of
the Congregational Church. Allison
Ray Heaps will deliver the sermon.
At the student fellowship supper to
be held at 6 p.m., Prof. John F. Shep-
ard of the psychology department will
lecture on "Science and Economics."
Prof. Remer To Talk
The morning prayer and sermon
of the St. Andrew's Episcopal church
will begin at 11 a.m., with a sermon
by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Prof.
Charles F. Remer of the economics
department will speak before the
student meeting at 7 p.m. in Harris
Hall, on the subject, "The Utopian
Dr. Raymond J. Wade, recently re-
turned from Sweden, will speak on
"Christ, the Hope of Europe," at
10:45 a.m. in the First Methodist
Church. Dr. Wade has been in Eur-
ope since 1928, and is familiar with
the situation on that continent.
The service at the First Baptist
Church will be held at 10:45 a.m. Dr.
Henry C. Gleiss, superintendent of
the Detroit Baptist Mission Society,
will deliver the sermon. The noon
meeting of the Roger Williams Guild
will feature a discussion on "Our
Economic Order," led by Dr. Carl
Dahlstrom of the engineering col-
le ge.

For Women'1s
eag-e ("Otlncil To Create
Capital Funds Yielding
$750 Amnually
i L.I
T wo el owships Of
$100 Now Available
Awards To Be Based On
Leadershilp, Character,
Need And Grades
Plans for a $15,000 capital fund to
be used for fellowships for graduate
women and a $4,500 capital fund to
be used for scholarships for under-
graduate women have been completed
by the Undergraduate Council of the
League, Jean Seeley, '36, president,
announced yesterday.
Two current scholarships of $100
each are to be awarded within the
next few weeks, Miss Seeley said.
Applications for these may be filed
Tuesday or any time during the rest
of the week in the Undergraduate
Office, where blanks may be obtained.
Sophomore and junior women may
apply for these scholarships which
are to be used in their junior and
senior years respectively.
Qualifications for these scholar-
.rp ue aeoenceemno


Academy Ends
Session; Eleets
Dice President]
Genetic Study Of Various
Mental Problems Advised
In Lecture

- -- ships which have been determined
Prof. Lee R. Dice of the zoology de- by the Undergraduate Council are to
partment of the University yesterday include:
9 1. Ability and leadership as ex-
was elected president of the Mich- em blity ndleadip as
igan Academy of Science, Arts and emplified in participationindwomen's
Letters, at the annual business ses- activities which are included under
sion which concluded the 41st yearly the merit system.
meeting of the organization after a 3. Character.
three-day convention here. 3. Good scholarship.
Professor Dice, who has been vice- 4. Needd
president of the Academy for the past All applicants are to be interviewed
year, had given a paper before the by the Executive Board of the Un-
section on zoology on the subject, "A dergraduate Council which includes
Proposed Laboratory for the Study of the president, secretary, treasurer,
Human Heredity in Michigan" yester- and the three vice-presidents. The
day afternoon, in wiich he outlined final decisions, based on the recom-
a proposed genetic study to be carried mendations of the board, will rest
on by the University with the inten- with the council itself,
tion of carrying on research in "the Approximately $500 has already
causes of criminality, mental defects been contributed to each of the fel-
and diseases, and if possible to dis- lowship and scholarship funds, and
cover effective means for preventing it is hoped that the capital funds will
and curing such conditions." be completed within ten years, Miss
Traced To Hleredity Seeley stated.
Upon the completion of these funds,
Pointing to the fact that crime and an income of approximately $750 a
feeble-mindedness can in many cases year will be obtained for fellowships.
be traced to hereditary backgrounds, This fellowship is to be a part of
Professor Dice set forth some of the the Alumnae Council Fellowship pro-
studies which might be carried on in gram. The board to judge fellowship
such an institution and the results applicants will be the regular Board
which might be expected. of Awards which decides upon all
"If we knew, for example, that a Alumnae fellowships. In addition, a
tendency toward a peculiar type of member of the Undergaduate Coun-
criminal behavior were inherited, cil, will sit as a member of this board.
steps could be taken to prevent the The qualifications for fellowships
production of children carrying this are to include:
defect," he asserted. "Undoubtedly 1. Outstanding achievement in the
many of the persons who suffer from candidate's chosen field and posses-
mental disturbances have sick hered- sion of potentialities for further de-
ity; they should be sympathized with, velopmnent.
rather than punished, but they should 2. A well-rounded personality.
be firmly prevented from producing This fellowship is to be open to any
children. woman with a bachelor's degree. Ap-
"The granting to convicted crim- plicants from any other accredited
inals of pardons and paroles accord- universities as well as from Michigan
ing to political expediency produces will be accepted. The applicants
from time to time a scandal in Mich- from other schools must carry out
igan as in other states. As a biologist their fellowships at Michigan while
I would like the heredity of every (Continued on Page 4)
candidate for parole or pardon to be - --
investigated and I should like to be CLARIFIES POSITION
assured before the convict's release A radio broadcast Friday by Prof.
that his defects will not be continued Earl Griggs of the English depart-
in the next generation." ment, in which he read a review of
May Be Inherited recent trends in English literature by
P o yt t Dr. Joe Davis of the same department,
Professor Dice suggesed that such was reported in The Daily yesterday
a trait as "unemployability" may also with the implication that it was an
be inherited, and might with other
expression of Professor Griggswsw
allied conditions be one of the topics ows

Tragedy And Grim
2uf"W" Of Flooded
District Recounted
A tale of tragedy and grim humor
stalking in the wake of the flood in
the Pittsburgh area was unfolded last
night in a Daily interview with Rosa-
mond Bagran, 17, a Pittsburgh high
school student who has just come
from the stricken region to visit in
Ann Arbor.
Guest of Madeline Goldenson, '37,
at Mosher-Jordan Hall, Miss Rosa-
mond pictured a city inundated with
water up to the second floor of down-
town buildings, a city suffering from
an acute food shortage with fresh
vegetables rk'actically non-existent
and bread selling at premium prices,
a city without electricity or drinking
water, a city in which the hospitals
are crammed with patients whose
needs must be cared for by flicker-
ing candle-light.
From Tuesday until late Thursday
the city was swirling with the flood
waters. Miss Bagran reported the
queer sight of two grand pianos float-
ing at a level near the lower balcony
in a downtown movie house.
The waters have receded now, she
stated, and a few cars, given special
license by city authorities, are able
to poke their way about the debris
in city streets. Only grocery stores
are open. With no train service avail-
able, she travelled by bus out of the
area, requiring more than 23 hours
on the trip.
Asked how the people are taking
the flood calamity, she reported that
generally their psychology hasabeen
one of courage and resolution, and a
minimum of despair. Plundering of
city stores has been limited to indi-
viduals, and the crowds of people1
wandering around have been on the
whole orderly.
Alleged Killer[
Of Stang Back
In Ann Arbor
'Shorty' Hayden Accused
Of Murder And Robbery;
Defies Local Police
One year ago yesterday, March 21,
1935, Officer Clifford "Sid" Stang of
the Ann Arbor police force died at
3:15 p.m. in St. Joseph's Mercy Hos-
pital, of bullet wounds received when
he walked in on a daylight hold-up
of Conlin & Wetherbee's clothing
store at 118 E. Washington St.
At 3:40 p.m. yesterday, a year later
almost to the minute, William Pad-
gett, alias "Shorty" Hayden, alighted
from a train at the Michigan Central
station, securely manacled to two
officers and accused of having been
the perpetrator of the holdup and
Stang's murderer.
Padgett, extradited from Los An-
geles, was met at the station by
three auto loads of officers and plain-
clothes men, prepared to resist either
an attempted delivery by the gang
known to have worked with the pris-
oner in a Detroit holdup, or any at-
tempt at violence on the part of local
citizens wishing to avenge Stang's
He was whisked away to the police
station, where a formal charge of
murder was made against him, and
then removed by officers to the Wash-
tenaw County Jail.
Cocky and defiant, the diminutive
prisoner willingly answered questions
fired at him by newspapermen.
"I never been in Ann Arbor before
in my life, except once I passed
through on a bus. I left this part of
the country in February or early

March last year, and went to Balti-
more, and then on to Washington,
New York, and Wheeling."_

'Michigan Alumnus
Dies In New York
NEW YORK, March 21.--(P) -
Paul Reighard, attorney, died today
after a long illness. He was 47.
A native of Ann Arbor, Mich., he
was graduated from the University of
Michigan, where his father, Jacob
Reighard, professor emerius of zool-
ogy, was a teacher for more than
40 years up to his retirement in 1927.
After serving as a field artillery
major during the World War, Reig-
hard spent some time abroad as a rep-
resentative of New York bankers.
Surviving are his father, a brother,
Professor John J. Reighard of the
University of Minnesota, and a sister,
Catherine, a New York University in-
John Thomas,
Noted Baritone,
To Give Recital
Metropolitan Opera Star
Will Sing Tomorrow At
Final Choral Concert I
John Charles Thomas, noted
American baritone, will present the;
final Choral Union concert of the
year, when he appears in a song re-
cital at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow night in
Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Thomas, known as the "Ameri-
can singing ambassador to Belgium,"
for his outstanding work as soloist at
the Royal Opera House in Brussels,
was accorded a great ovation when he1
made his debut last fall at the Metro-
politan Opera House in New York.
For his Ann Arbor concert Mr.
Thomas has chosen a program of
varied selections, opening with "Tu
Lo Sai" by Torelli, and "Alma del
core" by Cladara. The other selec-
tions in this group will be Brahms,
"Schwesterlein," Schumann's "Stille
Thranen," and "Der Ton" by Marx.
The second group will be rendered
by Mr. Thomas' accompanist, Carroll
Thomas, a well-known pianist. He
will play "Bouree," by Saint-Saens,
"La Cathedrale Engloutie" by De-
bussy, and "Malageuna" by Lecuona.
Mr. Thomas will be heard again in
the third group, which comprises
"O del mio amato ben" by Donaudy,
"Le Manoir de Rosemonde" by Du-
pare, "Auri, Amuri, (Sicilian)" ar-
ranged by Sadero, "L'Intruse," by
Febier, and "Recitative and Air from
'Heriodade' by Massenet.
The final selections by Mr. Thomas
will be a group of English and
Scottish airs, including "Bonnie
George Campbell" by Keel, "She
Moved Tro' the Fair" arranged by
Herbert Hughes, "The Minstrel Boy,"
arranged by William Arms Fisher,
"Nocturne" by Pearl Curran, "Kit-
ty, My Love" also arranged by Mr.
Mr. Hughes, and "Ulysses" by George
Angell Speaks
On Freedom In
United States

Butler Relays

Mile Relay, Last Event On
Program, Clinches Title
For Local Trackinen
Wolverines Finish
1 1 /3 Ahead Of Ohio
Forner Kansas Star Has
Easy Time In Winning
Special Mile Race
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 21.-
(Special to The Daily) -University
of Michigan, by winning the final
event of the Butler Relays, the one-
mile relay, retained the team title
with a total of 41 points, one and
one-third points ahead of Ohio State
University. Indiana was third in the
University division with 23 1/3.
Glenn Cunningham, former Kansas
University mile star, took an easy
workout at the indoor relays and won
a special mile race as he pleased over
a field of little-known Mid-Western
runners in the slow time of 4:29.4.
Cunningham won by five yards
from Lel Trutt, Indiana University
freshman. Gregory Wright, Notre
Dame freshman was third, and Steve
Schumanchowski, former Schenec-
tady, N. Y. schoolboy star and now a
Notre Dame freshman, was fourth.
Ray Sears, Butler two-mile star, who
was expected to . furnish Cunning-
ham's main opposition, faded in the
last quarter-mile, and finished sixth
after leading through the early stages
of the race.
Cunningham loafed along behind
the field for the first two laps, and
was content to let the other boys set
the pace until the bell lap. When
the gong sounded for the final trip
around the track, Cunningham start-
ed to town and left the field founder-
ing along behind him.
Emporia (Kansas) Teachers College
won the team title in the college di-
vision with 33 points to 2/2 for the
Pittsburgh (Kansas) Teachers Col-
lege who finished second.
Kagawa, 'Great
World Leader,'
To Speak Here
Noted Japanese Statesman,
Sociologist And 'Author
To Lecture Wednesday
Toyohiko Kagawa, Japanese coop-
erator and sociologist, will be in Ann
Arbor Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-
day as guest speaker of the Martin
Loud lectureship, giving a public lec-
ture at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday after-
noon in Hill Auditorium on the sub-
gject, "Christian Cooperatives and
World Peace."
Kagawa is touring the country
preaching world peace and discussing
national problems of war, economics
and sociology. This is not his first
visit to this country, however, for
seven years ago he made speeches in
many colleges and universities
throughout the country. Kagawa also
spent two years studying at Princeton

Won By Michigan;
Cunningham Stars


of the proposed laboratory's research.
"The laws of human heredity are
difficult to determine, particularly
because of the long time between gen-
crations, partly because of the com-
plex heredity of some characters, and
partly because the matings of human
beings cannot be controlled like those
of mice or other laboratory animals,"
he continued. "Therefore, a labora-
tory of human genetics should be
established to conduct its investiga-

Enoineering Faculty Members
Attack Two Roosevelt Projects

Two Roosevelt public works pro-
jects - the Passamaquody (Me.)
Dam and the Florida Canal - were
ridiculed as "wholly unsound" yes-

tions over a long periou uotimue. ome

Church Holds Forum 1 results would of course appear within terday by members of tne Colege of
The Presbyterian Church's forum few years, but the value of the lab- Engineering faculty.
subject today will be "Does it Mat- oratory will increase as its records Target for vitriolic attacks time
ter What We Believe?" The forum and patiently accumulated genera- and again by Senator Vandenberg,
vill be held at 9:45 a.m., and will be tion after generation." these projects, the engineering pro-
followed by the morning worship and He proposed as some of the chief ;fessors declared, not only will be "too
sermon by Dr. William P. Lemon on sources for the necessary informa_ expensive" to construct, but their
"The Great Divide" at 10:45 a.m. Mr. tion the state's institutions for de- cost of operation will be exorbitant.
Norman W. Kunkel will lead the fectives such as the psychopathic hos- In the case of the Florida Canal, it
round table discussion of "How Can pitals of the state, and the laboratory was pointed out that there was doubt
We Think About God?" at 5 p.m. of vertebrate genetics here, as well that ship owners would use it even
The morning worship of the Church the State Parole Commission, and to if it were feasible to cut through the
of Christ Disciples will be held at all such organizations, he maintained, 150 miles of solid lime rock.
10: a am. with a sermon by the Rev. there should be attached competent While the Quoddy Dam, as the

one set of turbines to pump the water
into it, power will be generated from
the dam itself, requiring a second set,
and power will finally be generated
from the reservoir-lake with a third
In addition to this, Prof. H. W.
King called attention to the fact that
the dam's operation will depend on
the tides, salt water being used for
power for the first time. When the
tide is out, he explained, power will
have to be used to bring the water
up to the requisite level.
Professors Wisler and King both
agreed that this peculiar set-up will
shoot the cost of Quoddy electricity as
high as $1500 per kilowatt, the av-
erage cost being down around $300 to

Speaking of the Japanese states-
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so- man. Prof. Heber Curtis of the as-
tronomy department said yesterday,
,ciology department will give the "Author of more than 30 books, a
fourth in the Union series of Sun- I member of various nation-wide move-
day speeches at 4:15 p.m. today in ments to benefit the peasants and
the Union ballroom. The subject of the poor, Toyohiko Kagawa is one
the talk will be "Are We Free In of the great world leaders of today."
America?" Kagawa will hold a special meeting
Aric a?;h ed Wednesday nigfit in the Union where
Professor Angell has devoted most i students can ask him any type of
of his study in sociology tothe camp- question they choose. All foreign stu
uses of universities in the United dents, members of the council of re-
States and especially to the Michigan ligion, and members of the Student
campus. A few years ago he pub- IChristian Association are invited to
attend. Kagawa will also lecture in
lished the book, "The Campus, a the Methodist Church, the time and
Study of Contemporary Intellectual subjects to be announced later.

Life in the American University," and
has recently worked on a study of the
effect of the depression on the Ameri-
can family.
The talk by Professor Angell will
be concerned with various methods of
reforming the faulty capitalistic sys-
tem which has seriously limited the
freedom of United States citizens. At

Symphony To Give
Concert At League
The Little Symphony Orchestra,
under the direction of Thor Johnson,
will present at 8 p.m. today, in the


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